TV „«lay September 26, 1916. ’■'sport's"' * * -. <- '^OOOOOOOOOc in The Spotlight jjy Quentin Enlow . ,„~^'tf^o&OOOQO®OQQ r ,„ h Brock Burgess did a little nting at the Canton High ; .1 Football Stadium the night Pert ember 14, and the Black 0 f Canton walked off the the long end of a 37-0 nal score. of “Speedy” ; e> , coupled with an almost t'nctrable line, proned too much local lads, as Canton chalk ! ! jp if, first downs to 6 for icannanoa. Stamey, with excel ‘j blocking paving the way, in "rcepted a Richard Sides pass at ' e mjdfield stripe and raced 50 £ ,,: s to score the first touchdown , the opening quarter. Swannanoa blundered a scoring l, anC e in the second period. Jay Burgess recovered a Canton ble on the black Bear thirty, nd after two end runs had r , ; ght pleasant dividends. Jack right heaved along one toward who was racing into the nd zone. A speedy lad by the arae of Ivester stepped in the ay, tucked the ball deep in his he, and raced thirty yards back p the field to end the threat, jve plays brought Canton past h midfield marker, where, with nceiient blocking ahead, Stamey igged the pigskin toward the oalpnsts forty yeards away. Gene arper tried a flying tackle that died, Stamey eluded Richard ides and Gilyard McClure and utraced Jack Bright for the six ointer. Swannanoa missed again in the pening moments of the second alf. Making great gains against anton’s second and third string rs, the Warriors marched deep ito Black Bear territory. After line plunge failed, Sides tossed bullet pass to Harper in the end one, who responded by letting the all slip through his arms. Burgess, making his debut as oach of the Swannanoa eleven, instituted freely during the fra as, but his experimenting proved I GROCERIES I Pint Packages Os Ice Cream I Soft Drinks I ALLISON GROCERY I SWANNANOA, N. C. I I ■ !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■B■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■ | You Are Always Assured I COMPLETE SATISFACTION WITH I STYLE AND FABRICS ft When You Shop At I BUCHANAN’S DEPT. STORE I Phone 3673 SWANNANOA, N. C. ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■ I HOME OWNERS I (Attention home owners) Let me take care of I your heating system for the whole five winter I Months. 5 I will hereby contract and agree upon giving I you 1 service caU once a month on your heating [systems. I will check your furnace, clean out I Jour furnace flues, see that your radiation is [ Properly heating. Oil and check your stokeis, Ij*ud oil burners. I will also replace any part that 1 has to be replaced plus the cost of the part. K If you are leaving for the winter I will drain [ and prepare your heating system for the winter, [ and come and start it up again when called up on. I ("ill service them for five months for $25.00 per I Person. Person’s wanting me to service their I heating systems for the winter please come by [ office and 1 will sign the contract with you. I ft. C. Cole Plumbing & Heating I s WANNANOA, N. C. Phone 3743 V a hazardous as the Canton strong men romped almost at will. Bill Bartlett turned ip a fine defensive performance "lit right guard, while Richard Sides dis played plenty of class in the Swan nanoa backfield. The Warriors journey to Hen dersonville next Friday, where they will meet the Bearcats in an afternoon contest at the Hender sonville Stadium. Several stiff drills are on tap this week for the Swannanoa boys, as Coach Burgess will stress offen sive tactics in preparation for the Friday afternoon battle. Hender sonville, sporting a winning com bination for the past three sea sons, will not break the monotony come Friday, if they live up to pre-season announcements. Dick Bouknight, the Asheville Tourist backstop who recently won the Tri-State League batting championship, receives our Hats Off award for this week. Bouk night, a veteran of the National Passtime, finished the season with a lusty .359 batting average, six points ahead of Charlotte’s Jose Zardon. A natural hitter in every re spect, Bouknight arrived at the Asheville ballyard midway of the season. Sidelined for ten days when he was spiked at home plate, Bouknight recovered and within four weeks was found at the top of the Tri-State hitting ladder. Be a Good Sport wherever you go, and I’ll meet you in the Spot light next week. DIRECT ACTION . . . William G. Williams, 70, Washington, D. C., the consulting engineer whe as a “plain citizen,” protested plan to ship material to Yugo slavia and found his action start ed movement for new organi zation, “Direct Action.” SWANNANOA NEWS Swannanoa PTA Holds Initial Meet Os Year Mrs. T. Allen Luther, of Ashe ville, director of District No. 1, North Carolina Congress of Par ents and Teachers, was the prin cipal speaker Thursday at the first fall meeting of the PTA of Swannanoa school. New teachers and committee chairmen were introduced during the meeting and members of the association voted to carry out sev eral projects during the year. Mrs. E. N. Howell, state presi dent of the North Carolina Con gress of Parent and Teachers, was a guest at the meeting. Mrs. Arnold Powell, president, presid ed. “Fly” Says Bill o POWER LANDINGS o In a normal landing, the plane is partially stalled just before it touches the ground. As you know when the plane is stalled, the con trols lose most of their effective ness and the plane is difficult to handle. Thus, in a high and gusty wind you may not be able to con trol the plane during a normal landing. Under these conditions, the power wheel landing is extremely useful, since the plane is literally “flown onto the ground” with sufficient air speed to enable the pilot to have complete control of the plane throughout the man euver.. The approach is made with power on, the plane lands on its front wheels only and rolls along on the ground in a tail high posi tion, until the pilot closes the throttle and puts the tail on the ground. The approach to a power landing is made with power on, and con sequently the angle somewhat flatter than during the normal glide. When you begin the approach throttle the engine back slightly and place your plane in a gliding angle somewhat flatter than a normal glide. During the approach, especially in rough air, keep your airspeed about ten miles per hour faster than the normal gliding speed of the plane. If you are gliding too fast, raise the nose, or decrease the engine R. P. M. depending on whether or not you want to lose altitude more rapidly, or more slowly. If you are gliding too slowly, increase your gliding angle, or give the engine more R. P. M. As you approach the ground, level off and fly straight and level about two feet off the ground. Use just enough engine R. P. M. to maintain sufficient speed to keep the plane from settling. Then gradually ease the stick forward until the wheels touch the ground with a slight forward ground. Hold the wheels on the pressure on the stick, and taxi along on the ground in this tail high position. You will be taxiing with the tail in the air, fast enough to be flying, except for the fact that in this tail-high position the wings are at a zero angle of attact, and therefore have little lift. Thus ESSO | OUZ Stßl/lCt | GASOLINE yg; | MUST BE OF \ OILS BEST! mj LUBRICATION f| Teachers; we will pick up, Lubricate a nd deliver your car. COUNCIL AND HIPP NEW EQUIPMENT FOR AIR PRESSURE CHASSIS LUBRICATION AMOCO GASOLINE AND OILS FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES M. B. BUCHANNAN Highway 70, Swannanoa Bridge 1 a THE BLACK MOUNTAIN NEWS HORACE S. GREGG 67 DIED FRIDAY MORN o Horace B. Gregg age 67 years, died at the home of his brother Troy Gregg, on Shope Creek, near Swannanoa early Friday morning. He had been ill for about one year. Services were held Sunday after noon at two o’clock at the Berea Baptist church near Swannanoa, with the Rev. D. D. Smith offici ating. Survivors are: wife Mrs. Nettie May Gregg, two sons; Herbert of Swannanoa and Frank of Char lottesville, Va. Two daughters; Mrs. Fred Till man, Miss Frances Mae Gregg also of Charlottesville. Four brothers; Troy, Burgin, and W. G. Gregg of Swannanoa, and Bass of Skyland. Two sisters; Mrs. Alice Cordell, Mrs George Creasman of Swanna noa. One grandchild, Nancy Tillman of Charlottesville, Va. Pallbearers: Earl Gregg, Lionel Gregg, Luther Cordell, Harold Cor dell, Jay Cordell. Harrison Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Swannanoa High School Has A New Chib The Swannanoa School’s newly organized club, Future Home makers of America, held their first meeting Friday, September 6, at 1:00 o’clock. They have ap proximately forty-six members from the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelvth grades. The Future Homemakers is a national organ ization, somewhat similar to the boys F. F. A. club. The members of the Future Homemakers must have at least one year in Home Economics. Officers were chosen by popular vote as follows: President, Frances Whitaker; vice-president, Barbara Creasman; secretary, Nancy Le Masters; Treaurer, Norma Allen; and reporter, Bette Gibbs. a sudden gust of air will not lift the plane off the ground, and the propeller blast on the tail gives excelleht rudder and elevator con trol. When you want to put the tail on the ground decrease the engine R. P. M. slowly, thereby slowing up the taxi speed, and gradually let the tail down. The plane will then roll to a stop. Wheel landings reqMire more space than normal landings. There fore if there is any question in your mind regarding whether or not you will overshoot the field on your approach, open the throttle and go around again. In actual practice, the landing is used only when the wind is strong. Under these conditions you need to worry less about space needed since in a 25- to 30 mile wind your actual ground speed will be only 15 or 20 miles per hour as you touch the ground. Don’t push the stick forward too suddenly or you will hit the wheels too hard and bounce (as you probably did several times in learning to land). Too much for ward pressure on the stick will cause a nose-over, so be sure to practice this maneuver first with your instructor. ITS YOUR SAY We may not agree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it: Voltaire. o As we all know the communist started in Russia. And is now spreading and trying to destroy the government in the U. S. A. And the Bilble and the churches We no the Bible is the word of God written by Gods we moved by the Holy spirit. And the Bible says to be no striker. And then they take and do what the bible says not to do. If this labor movement is so great why don’t they own some plants. Then they could work when they get ready no they al ways cause trouble in the other fellows plants. This communist is trying to take this country by force. The plants to do so and so God says in the Bible to obey magenetse and them that are in authority over you and we know they do not do that the law says any man has a right to work and not be molested and we know how these pickets won’t let people work. And they even defile the government, God says in the Bible he is not the God of confusion but the God of peace. And we see God is not even in this thing. My God can America be led about by something that God is not even in. These big labor leaders is causing trouble all over the country. They are making a big living of the poor working people. I would have more man about me I would be a shamed to go to some mans plant and tell him what he had to do or we would strike we know some of those big leaders are foreigners some borned here but foreign blood. When we go get a job and the plant manager says he will give us so much per day. And we expect it and then strike for more we have lied we promised to work for so much. God says in the Bible no liar has eternal life abid ing in him these leaders need to go to Russia and Stalin will take care of them anything that is against capitalist is communist God says in the Bible to be con tented with your wages and then they do what God says not to do. They promise many things just to get the people confused up, get them to do what God said not to do. Some people say I am a church member a deacon or preacher and I belong to the great union God says in his Bible to come out from among the world and be a separ ated people, and be not equaled yoked together with unbelievers so we see that no man or woman van be a Christian and be long to something that don’t believe God’s Biblje and anything that don’t stand for God is not fit for no one to belong to God said in his Bible having food and raiment to be contented so we know this thing is not content. Godsaid false teachers would come and deacons many which is these organizers God said let all men liars and God the truth it is a shame that peo ple will let these men lead them instad of God the one that gives them breath health food raiment. Wonder who pays the help the labor leaders or the man or Co., we work for it is always the Co. That pays the help but this com munist wants to dictate to the Co., and run ever thing. But the pay day and the Co., has got to do all the paying the help. We all no John LL. Lewis makes almost as much as the president of the U. S. A., makes and the poor working people pays that for him to teach and lead them against God and Bible and the laws of the land, course this thing is leading to dictatorship as Russia is in Rus sia a working man is only all owed eight dollars per week and the rest of his wages goes to the Sov iet Union course Stalin is the big boss in Russia a working man does not own a car. This thing is coming by force some jobs. You have to join other wise buy your job and then say a free country the Bible speaks of a beast or man which will cause rich poor land free to receive a mark on their right hand or in their forehead or you can’t buy or sell and when we write our name on a card that we will strike or break God s we sell our birth right church God and all freedom as we know all these locals has a number and when these thing is first right then the big beast or man as the Bible snyc will put a’l under the Number 666, or his name and will force all to join and come under the number or name, and that is this communist tha its organizing ever plant and doing packing houses and all God says here is wisdom and he says if we do these things or believe these lies that these leaders tell he will turn us over to a repobate mind that we might believe a lie and be darned. I would love to know how many labor leaders has ever asked men and women to get right with God and go to church and do right we need preachers today that will warn people of this great enemy if we teach any thing that God does not we are guilty of breaking the whole Bible God says do unto us. Wonder how these leaders as Lewis, Green and Browder would feel if some men would go to there home and tell them what to do that is just like they do these plant owners. God says in the Bible false teachers will come and deceive many, and God says if any man even an angel bring to any other Gospel which is any way besides Gods way not to even keep his company or eat with him or bid him Gods speed if we de we are guilty of his evil deeds so we had better be careful what we join these days. God says not to be readers and hearers only of the word but to be doers of the word, and God said to shun the applience of evil and this thing equaled linked together with it is against God and we can’t be what we say God said some would r .. '* ounstmct MUST BE OF I MUST BE, because that’s a tradition with this company. MUST BE, because that’s what you expect when you drive in here. MUST BE, be cause that’s a condition on which we have hired every member of our service-with-a-smile staff. PORTER’S ESSO STATION SWANNANOA, N. C. STOP! The Best Os Food For Everyone Also Meats And Vegetables PORTER & FRANKLIN SWANNANOA, N. C. Phone 3865 liiußiiiWiiaiiiißiiiiawißiiiißiiiißiiiißinißii'viiiiaiiiiaiiiißiaiiiiaiiiaicißiiiißiiiißiiiißiiiißiiiißiiiiw Page Five ■ «:• • 11. . ....v.vw^ahhS! BELL TO HONOR HERO ... A pig-tailed little girl is reading the inscription on the bell whose toe ing will be a ringing memorial la the late Gen. George S. Patton, former commander of the U. S. 3rd army. It was presented to Sk. John’s Episcopal church, Beverly' Farms, Mass. and belong to God, don’t mater say Lord, Lord we done this and that he would say depart from me I never knew you so we seee if throw the government and we will this thing goes on it will over I pray God will lead you and yon be under a dictator as Russia. Sin will follow him and not this com munist. Rev. J. P. Hicks, Asheville, N. (L

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