I********* I * Velflecitani I I JACK GREENWOOD * ■ _ * fcjjdrow Beddingfield, former ■ vec at the Blade Mountain Rrfware store, stood on the cor- W telling the stranger of the W, h .., and squirrels he had kill- f „n without a license and this , Kure the season °P ene(L ■ e . fk , r listening for a while the ■ , or pulled back his coat and ■ rall ' L . ;i : reat big black badge )lIU know who 1 am?” ::-at Beddingfield didn’t ■ S^. n ,';he guy continued: ‘Tin B lo '' . . warden for this end of He ga n ‘ e count.''- . , V , know who I am,? . we.dy asked, and then i'.ir an answer explain- K; me biggest liar in Bun- M , . • That satisfied the warden. ■ , , are all mixed H ( awn of Mount ( , Motor road brought B' 1 w.wa office this week t‘ ll • second growtli ripe 81a,.. looked his worst at huwriiis party at the B ay login. Almost B . -w.e to display tneir hj see wuai Uie in.- „ not. EHf ea.niiOLiee did BmK| _ k OUwU 0 UwU jVU vJ > tctlliK, §■, bmihler in front of v cave and touche red. and brown all a i ..Tying Jones" was •• keii in an asbestos \- Mr. Byrd fold his his- Hiru's the story of "Stup -" the school t rans out. Il is hard to more surprised rlws or Mr. Byrd. HHI for the ! >llel New ■B: n with magazm. /’/el 1 of the BB ■ mailing Mr. inn fre ' far selling IB> ft : jj^B' ; ‘"n;!iii)a Citizens Ask fm- ‘ amianoa who wish B^^B 1 ' - asking foe IB' "f 9^B Swannanoa Bank, ' Franklin’s 'avidson’s Coal Co. B n rß(,ss NEWS— |B' letter has been |B" office of the Black B Chapter: Mrs. Carr: |B- :X .'our kindness in B : . ' -'.'ther. I’d like to •’ ' kei a1 f of mv father 18/. mysdf - 1 see what a ' c' Red Cross is, as B time to get help Bi 1 hanking you again again., Sir'-grely—” B ,! n e named : ||H lather and B each other. This ■ : *'- v long distance ■H daughter with two B ' ! ”'' < * ( ' lc - until ar- B after he was located "• H wife. Many rendered daily at the ! office in City Hal! IB " C ATCH fl <; eorge I’ritchard H night from La- 1 olina, where they l nl chard’s mother. ; ; w "t»ten. While they i ( l ritchard went fish- i - ! 'ore he caught 12 lal ing eighty-three . I i B !( ’ I,av h>son~ B ■ Ull 'on, Miss I.ydu i B: 1 annie Fitzgerald, 1 1 iowelis drove to i ! ist week to vis- B ' ' dsen, the Misses i Hk -in-law. Bc ll uu glass ■I, ~", :d W,H ltach the B 111 lhe Metho- ( L “ Sunday. THE BLACK MOUNTAIN news Vol. 3, No. 12. Acquittal Brings Smile of Relief ANNA, CALIF.— (Soundphoto)—Buelah Louise Overell and Bud Gollum are free. A verdict of “not guilty” was brought forth by the jury after almost 18 hours of actual deliberation. Plans now according to Buelah, do not include marriage to Bud. They left the courtroom without a glance at one another. Warriors Regain County Football Title By Dumping Darkhorses, 6-0 Championship Contest Flayed In Drizzle The Warriors brought the foot ball championship of Buncombe county home to Swannanoa Friday when they punched out a 6 to 0 win over hard fighting Black Moun tain to close their season in league competition untied and undefeated. It was Coach’s day and in addition to the county championship handed him during his first year as head man, Coach J. J. Walden received all the gate receipts and several other gifts. After an even first quarter which saw Swannanoa drive to the 15 yard line only to lose the ball on downs, a slow drizzle be gan falling and hampered and slowed up both teams on offense. The winning tally came in the third period when Sides took a lateral and went around his own right end for 50 yards to the Dark horses 20. Three plays later Bailey drove through center for 1-0 yards and the score which proved the margin of victory. The kick was wide. Fighting hard to hold the title won last year, Coach Eugene Byrd’s club threatened slightly in the fourth quarter when three com pleted passes carried the ball to the winner’s 40. Several Warriors were injured in the Canton game and did not see action. These include McClure, Sehion, Burgess, and Lee. The Warriors have two games remain ing. They play at Henderson ville Friday and at Brevard Thanksgiving. Lnie-ups: SWannanoa Blk. Mountain Tipton RE R. Osteen Robinson RT M. Morris Dunlap RG C. Padgett Huntsinger C II Melton Waldrup LG C Stevens Creasman LT G. Bryson Creasman LT Mayfield LE L. Fortune Straehla QB J. Gregg Hall RII A. Osteen Sides LH E. Barnwell Bailey FB C. Reese Subs: Black Mountain, Capps, Jones, and Troy Reed. Blue Ridge Officials Attend Annual Meeting Judge Hubert C. Jarvis, E. S. Jackson, and H. W. Sanders of Blue Ridge, and J. G. Northcoott of Black Mountain attended the an nual meeting of the Executive ■ and Operating Committees of the j Blue Ridge Assembly in Chatta j nooga on last Friday. Judge Jai vis is treasurer, J. G. Northeott ; is assistant treasurer, E. S. Jack- j son is executive secretary, and H. W. Sanders is secretary of the corporation. SPENDS NIGHT HERE Mrs. Sam Cole of Greenville, S. C. spent Wednesday night with Mrs. Williams S. Holcombe. Porter’s Food Store Will Open Monday Porter’s Food Store will open for . business Monday on Alexander’s j Place in Swannanoa. Owner and manager is C. S. Porter who was formerly co-owner of Porter and Franklin Grocery store. Begun five months ago, the Porter’s Food Store building is 80 feet long and 35 feet wide with three shopping aisles. The store, which was designed and planned by the owner, is so arranged that the customer enters on the right, ! passes along the fruit and vege- I table counter, the butcher shop, and grocery shelves, and in leav ing the building, passes the check ing counter. This was designed to save time and trouble for the customer. It is entirely self-ser vice. The store is modern throughout with all the latest and most up-to date equipment being used. Mr. Porter invites the public to visit and inspect his new store. PTA To Sponsor Chicken Supper o The Black Mountain Parent- Teachers’ Association will sponsor a chicken supper Tuesday even ing November 25, from 6:00 to 7:30 p. m. at the Elementary school lunchroom. Tickets which are one dollar each for adults and l fifty cents for children may be obtained from A. W. McDougle, Mrs. A. F. Tyson, Jr., and from students. The home economics girls from the high school will assist in serving. Mrs. Dempsey Whitaker is chair man of the supper committee. Serving with her are Miss Ruth Gilbert and Mrs. L. J. Ring. Special Services At Tabernacle Next Sunday evening at 7:30 a week of special revival services will begin at Tabernacle Meth odist church. The preaching will be done by the pastor, Dr. N. G. Beth ea, who has recently come to this church. On Thanksgiving evening a Thanksgiving service will be held at which time it is hoped that vis itors from other churches of the charge wil participate. All who possibly can are invit ed to attend these services begin ning next Sunday evening. builds cabins Mrs. Hattie Epps has beg'un work | on six new units at Grandview • Tourist Court. A business huild ing will be built in the front. “YOUR VALLEY NEWSPAPER” Thursday, November 20, 1947, Black Mountain, N. C. r* ' wmmm ——— ■■■ i Jaycees Will Sponsor Movie O The Black Mountain Junior Chamber of Commerce will spon sor a movie at the New Theatre on December 3-4 for the purpose of completing payment for the soft ball lights. Announcement was made by Chairman Ted Holman and theatre manager Laddie Ter rell at a special meeting Monday night. The picture will be “Tha Chase.” Tickets for the benefit show may be purchased in any quantity at the Black Mountain NEWS. Come early and avoid the rush Twenty-four hour service if desir ed. Greene Services Set For Today o Funeral services for William V. “Buck” Greene, first Black Mountain man to be returned from overseas for burial will be held at the Black Mountain Presby terian church this afternoon (Thursday) at 2:30 o'clock. Dr. T. H. Spence will officiate. The body arrived by train Wednesday aft ernoon at 4:20. Business houses in Black Mountain will close for 30 minutes during the service. A graduate of the Black Moun tain High school with the class of 1927, Sergeant Greene entered the armed services on March 9, 1944, took basic training at Camp Polk, La., and went overseas in March, 1944. As first sergeant of Co. B. i 33rd Armored Engineers Battalion, 7th Armored division, Buck was with Patton’s Thit i army in the dash across France. Later his out fit was transferred to British com mand on the Northern front where he was killed in the battle of the Bulge, December 23, 1944, near St. Vith. The body of the Black Mountain man, along with 6000 others, ar rived in New York Sunday, Oct ober 26, aboard tht U. S. Army transport, Joseph V. Connally. First to be returned from the E.T.0., most were removed from the mili tary cemetery Henri Chapelle near Liege, Belgium. Final shipment for those from this area will be from the Charlotte distribution cen ter. The remains of North Carol ina, South Carolina, and Virginia dead reached Charlotte last Sun day. While in high school Buck was a star athelete and later played for Asheville, Macon, and Jersey City before being purchased by the Brooklyn Dodgers. Although he made several trips for spring training he never pitched in the major league. Prior to entering service he was associated with his father in the contracting business. The Rockweil-Ballew American Legion post of Asheville will cori duct military rites with the mem bers of the Black Mountain Way caSier-McAfee post acting as act ive pallbearers. The Tea and Topic club and friends will have charge of flowers, and Mrs. S. S. Cooley the music. Honorary pallbearers include J. L. Potter, J. G. Northcott, Dr. F. | H. Richardson, J. M. Lance, L. E. Brown, W. P. YVells, R. A. Hard wire, Roy Browm, Bascombe Burn ette, L. O. Poteat, R. D. Rogers, Lawton Alien, F. A. Perley, A. P. Perley, John Brittain, K. G. Miller, Ralph Brown, Jack Gilbert, Gordon Crawford, C. R. Longcoy, H. L. Brownlee, Frank Redfern, G. L. Kirkpatrick, J. A. Dougherty, A. F. Tyson, Jr., Cline Atkins, Hur ry Garland, Pi. A. Keriee, T. K. Brown, C. C. Ridd.e, V. A vena, ar.u l aul Piarris. Lurvivurs include IMis, Greece, Wile, the pin eats, Mr. and j Mrs. Vv. C. Greene, one sister, Lyi.eue ureene, and a brother, R. i'. Greene. Lm-iai will be in Mt. View Mem- ; orial Park Cemetery. Harrison 1 Funeral home of Black Mountain will have charge of arrangements. • RESULTS —CLASSIFIEDS! : h COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE WEDNESDAY NIGHT A Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at the Black Mountain. Pres byterian church, Wednesday, November 26, 1947 at 7:30 p. m. The Thanksgiving mes sage will be delivered by the Rev. Thad L. McDonald Jr., minister of the Methodist church. We are looking forward with great anticipation for a large attendance at this service. EVERYONE WELCOME! Lions To Attend Reception For Melvin Jones o H. W. Sanders, district gover nor, and W. W. iWhite, cabinet secretary, are among those from the Black Mountain Lions club who will go to Statesville tonight (Thursdaj) to attend an educat ional and civic conference on the United Nations. Sponsored by he Statesville Lions club, the confer ence is being held to increase in terest and support for the United Nations. Highlights of the conference will be the luncheon at 1 p. m. for Melvin Jones, founder of Lionism, the reception at 4 p. m., and the conference banquet at 7 o’clock. Oscar Ivanissevich, ainbassabor from Argentina, will deliver the banquet address. Sava Kosanovic, ambassador from Yugoslavia, will deliver the closing address Fri day night. Invited to the confer ence are faculty and student rep resentatives of all universities and colleges in the state. Others from Black Mountain who will attend are R. E. Finch, A. W. McDougle, J. O. Williams, R. E. Williams, and Mr and Mrs. Char lie Spencer. Jaycees Will Decorate Town For Christinas o Plans for decorating the streets for Christmas were completed at a special meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce held at Sarge’s Restaurant Monday night. | The task will be completed before December 1, and Christmas carols , will be played over public address . system after December 17. ( Reporting for the decorating . committee, Laddie Terrell stated ( that the merchants favored the , plan and were willing to cooperate. , After much discussion it was a greed to decorate Main Street first and side streets as much as possible. Terrell and Bill Phillips were appointed to contact the mer- ( chants and to issue window cards ( Bill Holcombe was appointed as ( a committee of one to see that tne Sights on Broadway were moved into place, and Penn Hunter to ■ arrange for decorations. ' i VISITS AT SAN < Mrs. E. M. Dagenhart of Taylors- 1 ville, N. C., visited Mr. Dagenhart nf \.NC Sanatorium Saturday. Only One County Team Scores On Warriors Sand Hill was the only team to cross the Swannanoa goal line as the Warriors roared to the County championship. The record follows: Swannanoa 13 Sand Hill 7 Swannanoa 31 Weaverville 0 Swannanoa 18 Oakley 0 Swannanoa 6 Blk. Mountain 0 Swannanoa beat Ben Lippen 20 to 0 and lost to the Canton Bears, 19 to 0, in Blue Ridge conference games. Junior Red Cross Drive Under Way ——o “One hundred percent enroll ment for service in the American Junior Red Cross is the goal sec for the schools of Black Mountain- Swannanoa Red Cross Chapter,’' Mrs. E. S. Jackson, Junior Red Cross Chairman announced today. From November 17 to November 28 schools in this area will be cam paigning for membership, she said, adding: “This wil! give boys and girls an opportunity to pledge them selves to aid in meeting the needs of their community, their country, and the children of other nations.” The American Junior Red Cross continues to seiwe in military civ ilian hospitals, providing entertain ment programs, holiday favors, articles of clothing and furniture, and art made in their school classes. Educational rehabilitation last year included shipment of more than 250,000 textbooks to the Philippine Junior Red Cross. These were donated to the Philippine schools by the California State Department of Education and state school districts from supplies or books no longer in use. The JRC program includes pro viding special printing equipment for rapid and inexpensive repro duction of educational literature for the schools of Czechoslovakia, Greece, and Italy. Already, a com plete unit has been sent to Nor way. Locally, members of the Junior Red Cross have made favors sot local service hospitals, begun col lections for overseas gift boxes, entered into the food conservation drive, and will cooperate with other local drives. ATTEND CONVENTION John Rice, the Rev. H. W. Ban com, and the Rev. W. A. Huney cutt attended the Southern Bap tists’ State Convention held at Winston-Salem hirst Baptis ..men .asi »eek. | 5c Per Copy Santa Will Be Here For Visit On December 20 Watch your step from now on, kids, because on December 20 Jolly Old Santa Claus wilt pay his annual visit to Black Mountain. He will he here in the morning at 10:30, then after a short trip to an unannounced destination wilt i return for a visit in the afternoon. Details for the visit were worked ! out Monday night by A. F. Tyson, Jr., Junior Chamber of Commerce I vice-president, who talked to St j Nick at the North Pole via special wire. After much discussion Santa agreed to come not for one appear ance but for two, Saturday, Dec ember 20. Letters written to him may be addressed in care of the 1 Black Mountain NEWS and will be j delivered promptly. j Bennett Rites [Will Be Held iAt Swannanoa I i Final rites for Sgt. Clyde M, Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bennett of Swannanoa, will be held ~ tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 1 o’clock at the Swannanoa Mis sionary Baptist church. The Rev. Charles Jolly will officiate. Burial > will be in Mountain Creel church. ? cemetery in McDowell county. i A member of Company C, 23rd : infantry, second division, Sgt. Ben nett was killed in the Battle of the Bulge January 22,1945. The body arrived in Black Mountain ) by train Wednesday afternoon at ) 4:20. , Pallbearers will be T. J. Hunt ! singer, June Ray, Harold Eller, Vernon Allen, Alger Rainwater, and Gilliard McClure. Surviving are the parents; four brothers, Clarence, J, Lewis, and Wade of Swannanoa and Ralph of San Diego, California. Harrison Funeral home will be in charge of arrangements. Legion Five Soars Over Enfea fa First Start o The Black Mountain American Legion eager jumped off to a flying start in the Buncombe Coun ty League by dumping Sam Pat ton’s highly touted Enka five, 4f to 40. High scorer was “Grumpy' Stephenson, who tallied 20 points Brake followed closely with 1.9, an? Brittain pumped two. After leaping- out to an eigh* point first -quarter load, Coac ; Myei-’s trite slumped and fell be hind at the half. The first tear reentered the game in the fina* round and quickly ran up the vie toiy margin. The Legion teams, both boy and girls will swing back inti, action at the Moore gym Fri day right when they take on th Rodcwcil-Bariew American Legion post < i Asheville in a double head er starting at 7:30. Club Asks; Permission To Erect Plaque On motion cf Oscar Tinney, club secretary, the Jaycees Monday night voted to ask permission of the Lions to place a plaque on the Lions Mam Street Board he rring the names of all Black Mountair men who gave their lives in Work War 11. BACK FROM TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Charley Spence have returned from a trip to 111 inois and Indiana where they vis ited friends and relatives. VISITS AUNT Harry J. Robinson of Mt. Ver non, N. Y., has been visiting hi: aunt, Miss Emma C, Robinson f