SOCIETY fluhs . Parties - Meetings rl I'B WILL HOLD KT L-,>Vn DISH SUPPER iru( Albany and Marvm Kichai a uests when the r Art, dub hold tho 13 V covered dish supper at the in h ua louse on Lake Tomahawk üb , n lov July 5, at o p. m. All if members and their families y’tuinv and' Mr. Levitt will Ml ’ Ltructors for the summer c ’ J which "ill be sponsored "The Arts club and offered at | u i Ridge Assembly th» sum ler. vn . a\X BEDDINGFIELD liFIIRATE BIRTHDAYS \-a, (’arole and Ann Sterling their ,1 fourth birthdays respec- JjJwith a birthday party on T'eT '"Tre Tommy and Woody If Jimmy Cunningham, Da •7 Mashburn, Allen Hamilton d Teresa Dougherty. ~-,e r refreshments the guests ,„ e entertained at the Montreat hyirri'Und. lOMEMAKING (Continued from Page 1) a well ventilated box while ■ks and soft cookies stay moist ~,,-er if kept in a lightly covered Dntainer. ; ave i„ Preparation And Cooking Waste from careless prepara- j on and improper cooking can lake a big dent in your food dol lr. For instance, did you realize hat you may throw away thirty ercent of a potato if you peel it airlessly? And did you know hat from ten to ninety percent I the vitamins in vegetables nav be lost through improper ITS THE ONE AND ONLY NEW CAR / ♦C**''"''***. 1 inhere- g&lm Jtib /L/l I f / ,N COMFORT ON FKONT T/iff/ Q f THE LOOK OF THE YEAR AND REAR SEATSI BETTER LOOKING UPHOLSTERY AND FITTINGS 1- ’ " j , FRONT AND A THERE'S 19 CUBIC FEET TWO BRAND-NEW ENGINES: ARE ACTUALLY \ j . : | r —J FRONT SPRINGS! SEE IT AT OUR SHOWROOMS NOW! Woodcock Motor Co. PHONE 3771 BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. Hlack Mountain (NC) NEWS I Thursday, June 24, 1948 SECTION I cooking methods? Your five-dol i,i roas . t ca " shr 'nk to a throe- ; dollar size if you use old-sash-! toned high temperatures for roasting, and the loss is just as ! rcai as if you threw two dollars out of the window! Don’t forget that you’ve paid for the hone and fat of meat, too, so simmer the bones for soup stock, and save drippings and meat fats for use in cooking. If your cakes fall flat on their faces and your' biscuits could double for golf-balls, or your bak ing just isn t as good as it might be, you’d probably better brush up. A lot of good ingredients are wasted by poor cooks. Modern tested recipes and level accurate measurements help insure good re sults. Recipes can be adjusted to the size of your family so don’t bake more than you can use. Save Time And Fuel Go6d planning is the key to time and fuel saving. One-dish meals, oven dinners, or complete broiled meals are fuel savers as they use only one part of the range. Baking jobs can be com bined to save on heating the oven. Use It All Now r , after carefully planning meals, shopping to save, prepar ing, cooking and serving food to obtain the most out of every dol lar spent, we come to leftovers. If you have enough of one food left for another meal, serve it as is or dress it up with a new sauce or garnish. If there isn’t enough, combine it with other foods in a new dish. Many meats and vegetables take kindly to salads, along with fresh, raw vegeta bles. Different sauces, spices and seasonings may be used to blend or accent flavors. Watch maga zines and newspaper food columns for hints on “what goes with which.” It’s fun to experiment, and you’ll be repaid many times over by saving more. 5 Hold on a little longer .. . She ll A»* werl jPp^, A telephone ring is exciting! You never know what’s waiting at the other end. Units why M it’s important to ansuer calls promptly. | tV-v-!■ 'T.7 It’s also important when you’re doing the m ’ v | calling, to allow a minute for your party to >" Jfc 4 | I • reach the telephone. It’s two-way f telephone consideration that means better service all around. Give party paltod timp to ansirer, •• SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANf INCORPORATED