2 •—Black Mountain (NC) NEWS Thursday, July 1, 1948 Complete Business Directory CONSULT an EXPERT • Those listed below are all experts in their field. Call them when in need of help and save time, money and in convenience. BEAUTY SHOPS— BEGLEY’S Beauty Shoppe Cherry Street, Black Mountain FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 3401 or 3402 BUILDING MATERIALS— Ready Mixed Concrete * ACCURATE if ECONOMICAL if SPEEDY REED & ABEE Biltmore, N. C. Phone 1248 FLORISTS— Hunter Florist Phone 2041 Black Mountain. N. C. Flowers For All Occasions Flowers By W ire LAWYERS— Wm. C. Honeycutt Black Mountain, N C. Phone 3191 INSURANCE— E. E. White’s Insurance Agency 212 State St.—Phone 3191 Black Mountain, N. C. PL U M BING— • COMBUSTIONEER STOKERS • OIL BURNERS R, C. Cole SWANNANOA, N. 6. Phone 3743 Plumbing & Heating Electrical Appliances PLUMBING & HEATING • BATHTUBS • LAVATORIES • ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS H. L. BOONE Plumbing Co. “The Best Costs Less” Swannanoa, N. C. Next To Post Office Phone 5815 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR— George W. Stone • House Wiring Installations • Range & Water Heater Connections • Appliances • Lighting Fixtures Fluorescent or Incandescent • Appliance repair Phone 2033 Free Estimates REAL ESTATE— Mrs. M. E. Henderson REAL ESTATE Near City Hall BLACK MOUNTAIN. N. C Phone 4661 Eckles-Realtor Box 794—Black Mountain Phone Office 3621 Residence 4072 List Your Real Estate With Me RADIO REPAIR— GOFF’S RADIO REPAIR Radio and Small Appliance Sales and Service ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Opposite Post Office —Phone 4301 ELECTRICIANS— * UNIVERSAL APPLIANCES R. W. COOK Electrical Contractor i> h °ne 3082 BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. CLEANERS BLUE RIDGE CLEANERS BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. Expert Work Moderate Price 6 PHONE PICK UP & DELIVERY JARRETT & WARLICK Cash and Carry 24 HOUR SERVICE SWANNANOA, N. C. GENERAL REPAIRING REFRIGERATION SERVICE Household and Commercial T. J. MARETT Black Mountain, N. C. Phone 3091 WHERE TO EAT— Ann’s Case CHERRY STREET Black Mountain, N. C. We specialize in home cooking and all good things to eat Phone 5871 WRECKER SERVICE— Wrecker Service McMurray’s Chevrolet Company Rlack Mountain. N. C. Dav Phone Night Phone 3141 5192 HANDICRAFT SHOPS— McCURRY’S Trading Post HANDICRAFTS SOUVENIRS REFRESHMENTS GAS OIL Just East of Ridgecrest, N. C- On Highway 70 SHOE REPAIR | EXPERT Shoe Repairing ONE-DAY SERVICE C. & C. Shoe Shop SWANNANOA, N. C CLASSIFIEDS SELL! CLASSIFIEDS SELL! SPORTS Chatter By Gene Byrd mm ww n W mwiiini'"—i— Let's gather 'round, sports fans, for a little pow wow along the line of sports. Softball, of course, is rating a big play in Black Mountain right now. Six teams in the Men’s League and six teams in the Womens’ Leagues are carrying on j spirited competition. Also midget boys and girls softball teams are | in the process of being organized ; at the Youth Center to compete with other groups of like ages. Orchids to Dick Morrow for the efficient instruction he is giving to our teen-age and midget groups at the pool. One 12-year-old boy said after Dick's first lesson. Gosh, I believe that guy is going to learn me to swim.” Congratulations to Carl Myers and Luque Medford for instilling hustle and pep in what was an un usually listless American Legion Junior team. Back to softball —Our men’s league was organized three years ago to fill a needed spot in the town's recreational program. The six teams that originally com prised the league still retain their franchise. From its humble begin nings on the north end of the field, the league has progressed to the point that lights have been in stalled and a move is now under way to install seats on the field. The junior chamber of commerce has been the fairy godfather of the league and most of the mater ial advancements must be credited to them. In addition, the whole town has been more than co operative in all ways. Much of the success of the league has been due to the continuously favorable publicity given it by the Black Mountain NEWS. Problem: Some of the players in the league have become con fused and think the league is now a debating society. We have had this problem in somewhat lesser degree in the past, but it has be come more acute of late. Always before patience and tolerance have succeeded, and I am banking on the innate good sportsmanship of the fellows who make up the league to carry us through again. Things look pretty bad now, but as I look back over the preceding years, I think of firebrands who are now as meek as lambs and I feel somewhat encouraged. Then too our arguing element is de cidely in the minority. For every guy who “pops off” there are so many fellows who never beef or gripe even on bad decisions that it gives one hope. If the arguing element were the larger of the two groups, I would feel forced, as president of the league, to dis solve the league and ‘‘close up house.” The other unpleasant choice that may become mine is this. If small groups on a team or individuals on a team make our games distasteful to the other players and the spectators, I shall be forced to suspend them for the rest of the season and remove their names from the eligibility lists of the league. That would be a drastic step and one I hope I am never forced to take. Umpires: Our umpires in the league are volunteers and I have never seen one call a game that I did not believe he was doing his honest best. Decisions have been made incorrectly at times, errors in judgment, but the fellows who protest those decisions so ve hemently are guilty of dropping fly balls and booting grounders. If their managers raised as much “Cain” with them for missing the ball or striking out as they do over a missed decision, Black Mountain would be a very un happy spot. The Crowd: Unfortunately the crowds who come to the softball games help to increase the tension. Many times the play in question is not understood by the crowd, or the rule is not known. “Riding” the ump is an old Ameri- I can custom, and is an innocent pastime but when carried to the extreme is vicious and uncalled for. (Elsewhere I shall give some of the rules commonly misunder stood by both players and spect ators alike, thus, causing trouble.) The Remedy: The players, the crowd, the officials, all realizing that some good clean fun can easily be stopped if friction, selfishness and poor sportsman ship continue, must pull together to see that the last half of league play is unmarred by unecessary trouble. The Promise: That next week’s column will not be devoted to washing out the softDalx league’s dirty linen in public but will be written from a different angle Sports Story of The Week: WITH OUR DISTRICT GOV District Governor Herb Sanders was in Hendersonville last Friday night to attend the Lions Club ladies night and to install the new officers. On Monday night he installed the officers at the New ton club which was also ladies night. Mrs. Sanders accompanied him to both meetings. The big, tough, big-league manager died and went to a cer tain point far south of heaven. Just as he was settling down for a nap beside the fire, a burly gent stepped up and slapped him on the hack. “Remember me?” inquired the character. “Can't say that I do,” replied the manager. “Well, back on earth I asked you 50 times for a tryout and you said you’d see me here first.” Now you tell one, and we’ll be seeing you. TIPTONS HERE Dr. S. P. Tipton amd wife of Ontario, California, were recent guests of his sisters. Misses Ida and Jessie Tipton on the Montreat Road. « FROM CORAL GABLES Mr. and Mr. R. G. Witters of Coral Gables, Fla., are in Black Mountain visiting Mr. Witters son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Ellington. BLACK MOUNTAIN INSURANCE AGENCY GENERAL INSURANCE and BONDS Representing: Leading Stock Companies Greene Building BLACK MOUNTAIN. N. C. | When It’s... E COAL —WOOD KINDLING —CINDERS M BUILDING STONE GRAVEL SAND I Or Moving... f* Anywhere in the U. S. or Canada I fall 48*11 Agents For | 11 ALLIED VAN LINES i Black Mountain Transfer & Coal *, COMPANY ft ORDER YOUR WINTER’S COAL EARLY I Electrical Fixtures for your home . . . Whether your home is old or new it’ll be lots more comfortable if you install the best electrical appliances and ask anyone General Electric appliances are best. We have: GENERAL ELECTRIC Stoves and Refrigerators (at reduced prices) • Hot Water j • Vacuum Heaters Cleaners • Coffee Makers I • Fans • Toasters j • Radios • Table Lamps j ZENITH CONSOLE MODEL RADIO AND RECORD PLAYER Viverette Radio & Sumdv Co Black Mountain. N. C. Phone 4952 PHONE YOUR NEWS TO 410 McCALL BROS* -GROCERY. .Sutton Ave.—Opposite l, en „, BLACK MOUNTAIN. N c Phone 2141 We Close At 6:30 P. >[ On Saturday YouTl Like !U. FLAVOR - FRESHNESS for a At You, FAVORITE GROCF.R 2 Loaves 27c • Quality Merchandise • Courteous Service • Free Delivery ——