m, vs HOLCOMBE VISITS if 1 ; ,n Holcombe is visiting in I with his grandparents, fc,nd Mrs- Swain Holcombe. Iblue ridge I CLUB OPPOSITE MOORE VA HOSPITAL I Dancing 1 Friday and Saturday Nights 0 Good Steaks 9 Chicken in the Basket —Owners — I paUL & SADIE VANOVER t- I TRY OUR | DELICIOUS | DONUTS | and £ BLUEBIRD | ICE CREAM 5 BLUE RIDGE I DONUT SHOP| Cherry Street Black Mountain, N. C. | mmmiim'iiiimHimiiiiiMiHuimiiimnimHHiiMminuMiMiiiiMmx ” wise! Whennervous tension ■ causes a rift in your family... , when tense nerves make you * aaky, Quarrelsome... when • you are Restless, Wakeful, » ce Nervous Headache or • Nervous Indigestion try • M ‘les NERVINE • 3 0w ,tbi > mild, effective . fp tive helps relieve nervous « SS^ elp ? yOU “s etholdof • and permits refresh- # jsStasf&s : gas&fesivS : SPORTS Chatter By Gene Byrd NtimiKlNnmiiiitiiHWtMHl MlllllltlliiiiiiiHiDinniiiii,,! Everyone is showing a g re ,v in terest in the fan’s All-Star select ion for the Men’s Softball league. If you have been attending the games, you have probably made up your mind in regard to the best players. Why not fill in a bal lot and send it in to the Black Mountain NEWS? I would like to explain to mv readers that the team I published S? *' ee \ ,s not my idea of the All-Star team of the league but just a gag to show what a good team could be picked from the players whose names begin with the letter “M.” Bouquets to Reid Tull and Char ley Logan for beginning to break the batting slump that held them under its control during the first half. We have every admiration for the fellow ho keeps support ing his team and trying whether he is building up an impressive batting everage or not. Congratuiatons to “Doc” Burn ett for taking over the lead in Big Ten. Bill Gilbert still has the most impressive batting average in the league but has not been at bat a sufficient number of time 3 to be the official league batting champion at this time. Also congratulations to Packett of the Mountain Orphanage who is leading the Women’s League with a very healthy batting average. Fans, why not stare making up your mind about the Women’s All- Star team. We shall probably want to select such a team later to play an exhibition game or two. Some of the fielding in the league this year has been little less than sensational. Two triple plays have been pulled, one by Friend ship Chapel and one by the Metho dists. Each was started by an un assisted double play. Rudisill and Kerlee were the “starters” of the unusual play. They say champions must have the ability to win the close ones. Friendship Chapel has been in eight contests this year that have been decided by one run. Three cf them they have lost, once to the Methodists, once to Ridgecrest and once to the All-Stars. Carroll Stevens is probably one of the most vicious line drive hit ters in the league. He is hard on rival first basemen. When a line drive spins “Red” Gardner arourd it has power. Young Reese of the Orphanage looks as if he is going to make a nice softball pitcher. Scott Burgess, the Ridgecrest chatterbox, had the last word on the “behind the screen” crowd when he lashed out his first Church League home run. Overheard at one of the Church League games as T. Greene trott ed in from first base, ‘Boys, there comes a top rack fellow, a real sport and gentleman.” If I were a player, I believe I would put that compliment above a high bat ting average. Sympathy is extended to my friend Gil Hoschar. Maybe bi focals would help, Gil. Wouldn’t you like to see Nord hielm, H. Gray and Turner play in the same outfield? They all cover a large slice of territory out there, “in the dark.” Welcome home, “Poongy” Mash burn. Football fans remember those nice runs you used to get off for Black Mountain high school some ten years ago. And now for the sport’s story of the week. “The oafish fighter thrust his jaw into the face of the reporter and snarled: ‘You called me a fool and for that I’m gonna beat the daylights out of you.’ The reporter looked at him calm ly, ‘Yeah, I called you a fool and I reiterate it.’ ‘Well,’ muttered the boxer, with an air of satisfaction, ‘that's dif ferent, I accept your apology.” GUESTS OF KEITHS Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adams and children Bernadette and Alice of Sarasota. Fla., are spending three weeks at Briarbrook, with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Keith. Miss Sarah Currell and Miss N. Purdue of Knoxville spent the week end with Miss Susan Currell. AT MONTE VISTA Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cross of Tampa, Fla., with their daughter and granddaughter, Mrs. Edward Ventless and Nona Ann of Clay ton, Alabama, are spending the month of- July at the Monta Vista. AT CHIPMUNK LODGE Miss Evelyn Somerville of Alice ville, Ala., is visiting Mr. and Mis. J. W. Bergthold at Chipmunk Lodge at High Top colony. Miss Somerville is librarian at Fayette, Ala. AT HOUSE PARTY Misses Pat and Sara McDougle and Celvis Osteen were guests of Miss Ann McDougle at a house party at Eagle Lake, from Saturday until Tuesday. HEADING FOR MEXICO Miss Lou Lindsey has resumed her vacation trip to Texas and along the gulf. She was in New Mexico after spending some time in New Orleans Saturday. HERE FROM WASHINGTON Mrs. D. E. Shytle and daughter Barbara of Washington, D. C., are visiting her mother, Mrs. C. B. Mashburn. BEGLEY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Begley and children of Cinicinatti, Ohio, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Begley. Marcus and Elmer are brothers. VISIT PARENTS Mrs. Norma Bowling and daugh ter Patsy, of Toledo, Ohio, ar rived Friday for a month’s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. June Glenn, Sr. CLASSIFIEDS SELi sk Your Grocer For.„\ j I * HIGH QUALITY : CINDER BLOCKS STEAM Cl RED—AGED ON OUR YARD LABORATORY TESTED PLANT CAPACITY 15,000 BLOCKS PER DAY PRICES AS FOLLOWS DELIVERED BLACK MT. ON OUR YARD AND VICINITY 4xßxl6—per Hundred—s 9.00 Per Hundred—sll.so 6xßxl6—per Hundred—sl2.oo . Per Hundred—sls.7s Bxßxl6—per Hundred—sl6.oo Per Hundred—s2l.oo 12x8x16—per Hundred—s24.oo Per Hundred—s3l.so Delivery prices based on full loads. Elizabethton Cinder Block (INCORPORATED) PLANT and OFFICE S. SYCAMORE STREET PHONE 864 ELIZABETHTON, TENN. With The Sick Sirley Jean Kuykendall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kuykendall, nas recovered from a recent at tack of tonsilitis. HERE FROM KANNAPOLIS Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Horne of Kannapolis visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Willet over the week end. Mr. Willet is Mrs. Hornd’s father. SEE TOURISTS WIN Milton Dickens, Bobby Dickens, and Clifton Crawley went to Knoxville, Tenn, July 4, to see the Tourists play the Smokies. Stock Up On Your Your FUEL Now ■ ■ block COAL ” mrnmm stoker No. 1 or No. 2 Fuel Oil 55 Gal. Drums—29o-550 Gal. Tanks DAVIDSON COAL CO. Swannanoa, N. C. Phone 5814 Black Mountain (NC) NEWS—' Thursday, July 15, 1948 SECTION I • TRY A CLASSIFIED-They sell ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONE HOUR, If not pleased, your 36c back. Ask any druggist for this strong fungicide, TE-OL. Made with 90 per cent alcohol, it Penetrates. Reaches and kills more germs faster. Today at BLACK MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. 7