■ ?|ISS i,.varies here 6 The Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. ..„k« missionaries of Shol- WZ incii’a. are guests of Miss V. jvelv and Mr. and Mrs. Fred ■ iVr.vwn of Lakewood. 1 1 **s♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ■ ♦ it with J U FLOWERS : It 2041 ♦ ■ 4 HUNTER - FLORIST ♦ ■ 4 ]Uack Mountain, N. C. J ■*«.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I Yard Service I mi H Phone us and make arrange- | ■ men ts to have an experienced § I man take care of your yard | ■] this summer. ■ 3131 Phones 56711 I $ Lawns cut and trim-1 med to please you. I I: $ Regular Service I 0. W. TINNEY | ■I please Place Your Order | Ahead of Time ! SARGE’S 1 I: Cab Co. i I I I • Black Mountain, N. C.; I; OWNED AND RUN l.‘ BY VETERANS • ■ • I 1 ■ 24 Hour Service • I l Ijt Fully Insured • I > • Experienced Drivers I * • I • PHONE • ! 3221 : I I • ■ diiiiiiiiinu i mini I^llllllllllll,llllllllllllllllll mu, 1,111^11111,1,, | TRY OUR I | DELICIOUS | | DONUTS | I and | BLUEBIRD | § 3 ICE | CREAM = 3 I BLUE RIDGE 1 |DONUT SHOP I Cherry Street | Hl aek Mountain, N. C. | '"'“"•miniimmiiunuiHHttmnuMMiMiiHHimnuiHMMT SOCIETY C lubs . Parties - Meetings WOMAN'S CLUB HEARS OF WAR-TIME FRANCE The Black Mountain Woman’s dub was hostess to visiting guests at the July meeting held Wednes day July 8. at "Hilltop”, the home D f u Dr '_, and Mrs - Fran k Howard Richardson. This is the first July meeting since the war and was' open to all visiting Woman’s club members. Mrs. H. W. Baucom presided and gave a very interesting re port of the state convention held m Hendersonville last month. The officers who will take over their duties in September were in stalled by Mrs. Baucom. They are: president, Mrs. George Stone; Ist vice-president, Mrs. Roy Taylor; 2nd vice-president, Miss Helen Miles; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. J. L. Potter; recording secretary, Mrs. Dempsey Whitaker; cor resonding secretary, Mrs. Charles Spencer; Treasurer, Mrs. James Marshburn; reporter. Mrs. Gordon Greenwood. Mrs. Stone accepted in a few well chosen words and thanked Mrs. Baucom for her fine service as president for the past two years. Miss Mary Dixon, sister of Mrs. Richardson, related her experi ences in a foreign country during I the war. Miss Dixon and Mile. Marie Brueton, who are in charge of a foyer for college girls in Paris, are guests of the Richardsons. Miss Dixon first went to France as a Y. W. C. A. worker during World 44 ; ar I and saw such a need for that type of work that she has remained there. She was in terned for 10 months in a German concentration camp and was high in her praise for the American Red Cross packages without which they could not have survived. Mile. Bruneton was introduced and added her words of thanks to the American Red Cross. Mile. Bruneton and Miss Dixon will sail for France on August 24 and will again take up their work. They will be accompanied by Ruth Richardson who will spend the winter in Paris. At the social hour that followed Mrs. Charles Spencer served punch from a bowl that had belonged to Dr. Richardson’s grandmother. Hostesses were: Mrs. H. W. Bau com, Mrs. W. I. Willis, Miss Helen Miles, Mrs. George Stone, Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mrs. William Hickey, Mrs. Paul Harris, Mrs. E. J. Anth ony, Miss Etlel Simmons, Mi's. W. E. Vernon, and Mrs. Spencer. ELIZABETH HARRISON ENGAGED TO STEVE UZZELL Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harrison have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Harrison, to Steve Uzzell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carter Udzell. The wedding will take place in the fall. Miss Harrison was grad uated from the Woman’s college, University of North Carolina, with an A. B. degree. Mr. Uzzell is attending the Uni versity of North Carolina where he is a member of Chi Phi fra ternity. He is a veteran of World War II and now is associated with Black Mountain Drug company. MISS DAVIDSON HOSTESS TO CHURCH GROUP The Business Woman’s Circle of the Swannanoa Presbyterian church, met with Mrs. Frank Davidson Tuesday night. Mary McMurray, chairman, presided. The Bible lesson was taught by Mrs. J W. H. McMurray, Sr. Members present were Mrs. 44 ■ L. Patton, Mrs. A. R. Cannon, Mrs. Lester Connelly, Mrs. T. W. Fol sum, Mrs. W. H. McMurray. Miss Mary 4Vhitson, Mrs. Earl McCall, Hipp, Mrs. Bill McMurray. Mrs. Mrs. H. R. Patton, Miss Holly John Wilkes, Mrs. Frank Davidson and Mrs. Gerry Porter. C. C. GODFREYS ENTERTAIN GEORGIA VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Godfrey re cently entertained in honor of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ■ and Mrs. 4Valter Platt, of Atlanta, Ua. Bridge was the diversion with awards going to H. A. Kerlee, high; A. C. Leonard, floating prize, and Mrs. Platt received a special award. Others present were: Mrs. A. C. Leonad, Mrs. Elsie Kerlee, and Mrs. H. A. Kerlee. MRS. A. C. LEONARD HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. A. C. Leonard recently en tertained her bridge club. Those attending were Mrs. W. For a smooth PARTY LINE Partnership... it ' j SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY lacoroo rated ** f °° *•* WON’T GET FAR AS2_ His trouble is obvious overloading. It is like the over loading of the wiring in some homes. Y'ou see, many houses were wired a number of years ago when the use of electricity was not nearly so great as it is today. As more and more appliances have been added the wiring has become inadequate to carry the load. Appliances do not operate at their best efficiency fuses blow out frequently and there are not enough outlets. But there is a simple remedy for this condition. A good electrician can inspect your house wiring and if necessary install additional circuits and outlets. He can prepare your home for your complete enjoyment of modern electrical living now and in the years to come. (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY) A. Allison, Mrs. A. G. Callison, Mrs. Charlie Godfrey, Mrs. Dins more Crawford, Mrs. Elizabeth Dinwiddie, Mrs. J. L. Potter, Mrs. H. A. Kerlee, Mrs. D. O. McDougle, Mrs. Fred 44’iIson, Mrs. William Hickey, Mrs. James Marshburn, Mrs. Hoyal Hemphill of Nebo, Mrs. 44’. C. Honeycutt and Mrs. Harry Barkley. Mrs. Callison won high score for the club. Mrs. Harry Barkley high score for the guests, and the Bingo award went to Mrs. James Marshburn. Black Mountain (NC) NEWS—J Thursday, July 22, 1918 SECTION I AT BAT CAVE Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Rondel, Mrs. Margreth Barrick, Mrs. Harrie Danenhower, Jon Danen hower, and Bobby Rondel were Sunday evening guests of Mrs. Georgia Gale of Bat Cave, and her guest, Mrs. Eva Phillips of Birmingham. News Deadline 4p. m. Tuesday 3