WEATHER high low p« , 36_11 54_19 “ (55_31 '53.-41 51_46 57_36 _41_24 1. 4 1.93 .7 ,0< , 7. NO. 23. 1 X THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1952, BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. 18 PAGES TODAY 5* PER COPY hairman, Civic nprovemenl of C Appoints , f. Tyson Jr., president, anlappofntm°e^rCrof’ Robert 8. .u, qr as chairman of its improvement committee. "Mr. u widely known in the nmunity for his deep interest community affairs," Mr. Tyson ted. the interests of Black Moun n and vicinity broaden from ,r to year, it becomes increas ,|V desirable to analyse public itiment, crystalize it and pro le leadership. In providing lead hip the Chamber of Commerce i? to do its part along with other organizations, who ai de are engaged in worthy pro Mr. Fckles is to be congratu ed for being willing to give no and effort from his own sines? to advance such Cham r policies as we hope to form ite related to the public wel re,” Mr. Tyson said. lasons To Honor Bst Masters Friday Black Mountain Lodge No. 663 f. and A.M., will observe past Esters' night Friday, Feb. 8, at So p. m. The present officers 11 honor them by requesting k: they confer the third degree, there are IT past masters of k lodge living: G. E. Kerlee, [ K. Barnhill, G. A. Rurgin, H. I Crawford, A. G. Callison, W. I Kyles, G. I,. Kirkpatrick, H. I Kerlee, R. E. Williams, R. R. »cret:e, R. T. Greene, R. E. Ich, C. I.. Ham, J. C. Watkins, I F Hudson, C. C. Nanntfy, IH. Mashburn. Some are con led to their homes by illness II "ill be unable to attend. ■Ail Master Masons are cordially lited to attend. Refreshments ll be served. ■TA Study Group Ms Next Thursday k P-TA Study Discussion group 1 meet Thursday, Feb. 14, at 10 p. m. in the elementary lord library, The discussion at s meeting will be of particular ere?t to parents and teachers the first, second and third Sde?, but any other interested tents may attend. Bt.idy groups have been meet 1 regularly this year to discuss pcs under the general theme of uilding Healthy Personalities” P a lively interest among both rents and teachers is reported. attending indicate that Rh that is helpful has come f of these discussions. larch Of Dimes ields $734.81; ’complete THE J. N. BINFORDS WERE HAPPILY SURPRISED BY FRIEHDS ON HIS 77th »»urn ur. and mrs. j. rx. niniora entered the Billy Burnette mem orial room of the First Baptist church last Friday evening, they thought they were about to sit down to one of the periodic cov ered dish suppers put on by the church’s adult department. They did not know that about two weeks previously the adult department, under the direction of its super intendent, Clarence Wilson, switched plans for a regular sup per to plans for a surprise party on their pastor, honoring his 77th birthday. They did not know that just about everyone else in the church knew about the changed Hiss Martha Davis Becomes Bride Of Kenneth Merrill Miss Martha Virginia Davis, daughter of Mrs. Harry M. Davis of Black Mountain and the late Mr. Davis, was married to Ken neth Arnold Merrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin M. Merrill of Sky land, Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the State Street Meth odist church with the Rev. Thad McDonald, pastor, officiating. The ceremony was performed before a background of sunburst ferns, tall floor baskets of white gladioli an