ramblings i jtulate Mrs. A. Lincoln her 18th wedding anm ,,rved Sunday. The prettiest basket of the church Sunday was at the close of the ie Jerry Biddix, Steven • Fleetwood, who ob „ir‘ birthday anniversary Recognition was given )f these boys at the close iv school. -tter Box," the summer •r»nd Mr.. ». L Cu.h friends from trolds ' pleasure in visiting. The ... them from their home John Spicer, who ’ for a week. Bennett, Hendersonville, ,e young people’s class nning. Thank you, Joe. mmr kU tattle Snake Knob. ow of Taking over the primary depart ment of our Sunday school for a vhile are Miss Bettie Upchurch, ireensboro, and Miss Vivian Mav lard, Nacogdoches, Tex. They are nembers of the Ridgecrest staff in.l are supplying for Mrs. R. Earl ■ V.rst’, wll° is recovering from a all wnicn .sent her to Memorial Vlission hospital. „ G“est organist at our church Sunday was Mrs. A. Lincoln Smith ' ho plays in her own church, Con rress Heights Baptist church, Washington, D. C„ where her hus band is the honored pastor. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. May had a< week-end guests their sons and then- wives, Mr. and Mrs. Rob May if Fayetteville, and Mr. and Mrs. John May of Collowhee. Mrs. Grace Thompson and her daughter, Mrs. Lyndon Carr. Knox ville. Tenn.. were guests at oui church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LeRov Sexton re turned home Saturday after a va cation of three weeks in Florida. IN SWANNANOA B & J DRUG-SUNDRIES a OPEN 8 A.M. TO 11:30 P.M. • • Delicious Sand niches • Sodas • Sundaes • Watches • Clocks ( osmetics • Patent Medicines CUT FLOWERS - CORSAGES We Specialize in Flower Arrangements SEAWRIGHT FLORIST Cotton Ave.—Va Block East of Montreat Road |B!;tc!< Mountain, N. C. Dial 7325| JtsujuuuuLSLSLSLi ajflflOQflOQB,QOQOBoooaaoaaaafla hjlslslslslJ "±\ 'r Mr, a™ ^ tleTon,- waSrthtaheBtnVerS White' Lit' Dr- and Mrs.^Bartlett °f Mr. and Mrs H R Vv ' Bov?er8’ t,me summer' 'residents of r h”"* crest a-.,, n, . laents o' Ridge ures'of being nX °f th! Pleas' the summer uV- mou,nta>ns in dren ' f, ■ ,havJnB thoi'- chil Fla vj , fVunds fron' ' Lakeland, have been Mr™' ^ gUesta r een Alr- and Mrs W \T I'errvKt'T’ and Mr‘ and Mrs. W. M land W,° came UP ^om Lake Tom Fht- l>a>:ents. M.^and^S \V i '',5,|lters and Mr. and Mrs. man-lire ' is' f>ean 's business ,. e n° the, First Raptist cnui ch, Dallas. I),-, and Mrs W Lnswell, Dallas, Tex., were TomeV§Uw n °f the Rev- an‘l Mrs. n E- Writer. Monday. rhihlren 'n-' Thomas Burnett and G,.'* TrrDLa1?e’ Michael and ■ Elizabeth, Washington. D. ent •lr‘\tVISltlnK Mrs' Burnett’s par fo, Mr' ?nd ,Mrs- W- ’• Willis Vu ooupie of weeks. fr, ,,, vReV-,and Mrs- Bred Shell Pou ,i|NT Jerse-V have taken the from R. °LUSe,V They came over 'om Black Mountain where they . ved for a short time. Mr. Shell is a retired minister. Camp Ridgecrest for Roys closed tne U.vl season today with a bang. wuas a Brand picnic supper ' r l.ne hoys and their parents, and a nrilhant pageant was given by hoys and their counselors, i he basketball game between Ridgecrest Assembly staff boys ami the Camp Ridgecrest counsel ors .Saturday night was won by the Vnar?oR,dS,ecrest boys a score of ii'l-48. (he Assembly boys are good players, too. From the score •vou can guess how expert our camp counselors are. ( amp Ridgecrest won the trophy gi\en by the Valley Athletic Asso ciation. Our camp boys really made good this summer in the association. Among them we had some wonderful tennis players and track boys. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Johnson Saturday were the Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Reece of Winston Salem. Mr. Reece is pastor of the Last 25th Street Raptist church in that city. Miss Fdeanor Harllee, Tampa, I'la., left for her home last Friday after spending two months here as the guest of Mrs. R. F,. Truesdell. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mason drove to Lenoir Sunday to the funeral service of Mr. Whitey Merle. It is pretty hard to keep from editorializing when writing these notes but we are sure our readers don't care too much for our opin ions hence we just try to report community happenings. We are only calling attention again to the highway crossings and junctions at Ridgecrest. Saturday night what might well have been a catastrophe occurred when two cars sideswiped at the junction between the hotel and Harris’ store. Some hurts but no deaths. Driving behind a car with a North Carolina license tag between Ridgecrest and Rlack Mountain we saw a sign on the car ahead of us which read “Slow Down and Live.” Pretty good advice. Will you take it? The Vacation Rible school for our young people opens today and will continue through Friday, August 27. All young people in the com • IN SWANNANOA • Jarrett - Warlick Dry Cleaners 24 Hour Service — Free Mothproofing SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US Phone 3747 — Black Mtn. WITH HOUSEHOLD SHOWER Mrs. Earl Johnson was given a household shower last Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Monroe Fortune with Mrs. Bill Fortune Jr„ Mrs. Alvis Osteen and Mrs. For tune serving as hostesses. The Johnsons recently moved into their new home at Ridgecrest. h ollowing an evening of games refreshments were served to Mrs. Ladd Joyner, Mrs. James Buck ner, Miss Mary Lee Gardner, Mrs. Joe Russell, Jr., Mrs. Arnold Scor za, Mrs. Burton Osteen, Mis. Clyde Johnson, Miss Emily Hollifield, Mrs. Paul Gragg, Mrs. Lindy For tune, Mrs. Bill Fortune, Mrs. J. W. Russell, Mrs. Addie Joyner, Mrs. Margaret Fortune, Mrs. Bernice Gilliam, Mrs. Gene Hughey and munity are invited to attend, Members of the staff of the Ridge crest Assembly will lead. Church centered recreation and instruc tion will be provided for these young people and it is a good way toi close a busy summer for them I hey should have a good time dur ln£ .^ese n'ne days just before public school opens. Our pastoi wiH be in charge of the work. Hr. and Mrs. Charles E. Maddry Hillsboro, have been the guests ol Hr. and Mrs. Hight C Moore for several days. Guest Tuesday to Thursday of Miss Mary Ward and her sister Mrs. Edith Beam at Galax Lodge was Miss Alma Hunt, executive secretary of the W. M. U. of the Southern Baptist convention. Mis; Hunt flew up from Birmingham. How lovely was the offertoiw played by Dr. F. Virginia Rohde of the University of Florida Gainesville. Dr. Rohde is a vio linist of great note. Mr. W. E. Mason and his sor Lawrence Mason of Swannanos motored over to Lake James one da.v last week and came back with bream, crappies, catfish and a bas. weighing six pounds. Don’t try L imitate them, boys, unless you are real anglers. Contractor Paul Turner began laying the foundation for the new store of Paul Harris alongside the new' postoffice building Monday morning. Foundation ditches were dug last week by Clifton V. Gray who is assisting Mr. Turner in the erection of the building. The build ing will be modern in every respect with glass, lighting, windows, equipment and furnishings. The community can well be proud of it. Ridgecrest is really getting a face lifting with the new highway project running through here. Curves eliminated, travel lanes widened, houses moved to new sites, road crossings with new markers, bridges broken up, bigger culverts installed, ti’ees removed, banks cut down, fills raised, the new road bed leveled off, barriers and blocks put up to guide traffic. V'hen all this work is completed the route from Old Fort to Black Mountain will really look like Fair yland to the traveler. The registration for the Home Mission conference at noon Monday was 1003. The conference closed Wednesday. Today the Ridgecrest Bible conference opens and will continue through noon August 25. There will be six other conference programs interwoven with the Bi ble conference program. Our friend Dr. Charles E. Mad dry. Hillsboro, where he is pastor of the Baptist church called on us at our office Monday morning. Dr. Maddry was State Mission secre tary while I was State Training Union secretary back in the roar ing twenties. We traveled togeth er, spoke from the same platform, attended conventions, conferences and Mission Rallies together. Leav ing the work in North Carolina Dr. Maddry became our Southwide Promotion secretary, then for sev eral years he was our Foreign Mis sion secretary. As such he became a world traveler in the interest of Missions. At retirement age he returned to North Carolina and “re-tired” for the task of becom ing pastor of the Hillsboro church where he entered the ministry and held his first pastorate about six ty years ago. SW8IT AS A Do you know — you eon got ■ l0N0 DlSTANCS CBIOIT CARO Ond cftargo to your own numbor eolli you placo from any tolo phon. onywhoro. Call your Tolo °hon» Butin*,, Offlco for doloils. (11 (fid just as welcome, too, I, your voice by Long Distance. Keep those precious contacts with friends and family while away from home, and turn the miles into smiles with a call. *OUTHIRN BILL TIL1PHONI AND tiliobaph COMPANY Long Distance Rates are Lowl These sample rates are for three minutes, station-to-sta tion, after 6 P.M. and all day Sunday. Reduced Federal Excise taxes are extra. BLACK MOUNTAIN TO RALEIGH—$ .70 BLACK MOUNTAIN TO GREENSBORO—$ .65 BLACK MOUNTAIN TO NEW YORK—$ 1.05 ASHEVILLE TO ATLANTA—$ .55 ASHEVILLE TO BOSTON—$ 1.20 ASHEVILLE TO WASHINGTON—$ .85 m. IJII.UW I urner. 'I Lse unaWe to attend but who sent gifts were Mrs. Ruby Hardwick, Miss Sandy Fortune, Mrs. Paul Lawson, Mrs. Hilda Ballard, Mrs. Paul Turner, Miss Mary Lou Fortune, Mrs. Prince, Mrs. Joe Hollifield, Mrs. Eugene Byrd, Mrs. May Burnette, Mrs. Everette Stephenson, and Mrs. Garfield Fortune. —Until 1954 the United States rubber tire industry used 8 to 10 per cent of all cotton used in the nation. mw, uuui, uy, my AFTER LONG ILLNESS Mrs. Dora Rlla Stout, 82, wife of J .M. Stout, died Tuesday night, Aug. 10, in an Asheville Nursing home after a long illness. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon in the Presby terian church with the Rev. T. H. Spence and the Rev. William B. Klein, pastor, officiating. Burial was in Mountain View Memorial park. Pallbearers were William Hinkle, W. J. Griffin, Leon Wil liams, Clyde Watkins, Robert S. Kckles nr and G. L. Kirkpatrick. Officers of the church were hon orary pallbearers. Mrs. Stout was a member of the Presbyterian church. Surviving in addition to the husband are one son, James D. Stout of Philadel phia; two sisters, Mrs. Fred L. Weede of Asheville, and Mrs. Carl S. Stromquest of Hammond, Ind., and two grandchildren. • TRY THE CLASSIFIEDS • CLASSIFIEDS SELL - Dial 4101 HOW TO RELIEVE SKIN ITCH. IN 15 MINUTES, If not pleased, your 40c back at any drug store. ITCH-ME-NOT has mild anesthetic to ease itch in minutes; has keratolytic, antiseptic action that sloughs off outer skin to KILL GERMS AND FUNGUS ON CONTACT. Fine for eczema, ring worm, foot itch, other surface rashes. Today at BLACK MOUN TAIN DRUG CO. COME SEE HOW A&P’s THRIFTY,TIME-SAVING TREATS HELP YOU...X, LIBBY’S CANNED MEATS CORNED BEEF HASH i 4 lS-Oz. OQh Can AaC VIENNA SAUSAGE I9c 4-Oz. Can CORNED BEEF i2 °z. AT. Can POTTED MEAT 5M>-Oz. 19* Can I *6 ROAST BEEF 12-Oz. Can P L Red Sour Pitted A&P Katural Hi-C CHERRIES PILLSBUItV PIE CRUST MIX ASPARAGUS GRAPE DRINK SWIFT'S PREI BUCKEYE MAYORNAIS ASP ASPAR.'SIS No. 2 19-Oz. Can = 2 Sultana Ann Page Natural 23c 25c 25c 27c 43c * 0 15%-Oz. 49a dh Cans 4aVU 33c 29c Pkgs. No. 1 Picnic Can 4T)-Oz. Can 12 Oz. Can Pt. Jar No. 300 Can Choose Dependable AfirP "Super-Right" lotsl “Super-Right” Heavy Western Grain Fed Beef Blade Pot - - - Chuck Roast “Super-Right” Freshly Ground Beef. “Super-Right” Heavy Western Grain Fed Beef Lean Boneless Stew - Wilson’s Corn King Sliced Bacon ----- Dry Salt Meat Streak O’ Lean - - “Super-Right” Milk Fed Veal Sirloin Steaks Lb Lb Lb. Lb Lb. Packer's Labe! 46-Oz Can Blended Juice 23c 35c 19c 25c Margarine Lang’s Sweet Mixed Pickles - • Ann Page Elbow Macaroni - White House Apple Buttei Golden Maid Qt. Jar 1-Lb. Pkg. 28-Oz. Jar 1-Lb. Pkg. Swift’s Shortening Milk dexo Sail White House Evaporated .z A&P’s Own All Purpose Shortening Equal to the Best—Yet Costs You Less A&P’s Own Detergent Tall 141/2-Oz. Cans 3-Lb. Can Giant Pkg. 3-Lb Ctn JEWEL Ik %?• 83c 35c 79c g O’CLOCK COFFEE 49c at *119 Bed Circle - Bokar or Jane Parker CHERRY a. > jL Large 8" Size Only 39c Regularly 49c Jane Parker Square Layer Cake 49c Each Jane Parker White Bread 1-Lb. Loaf 14c Woodbury Facial Soap Bar 9c Camay Soap - - - r 12c Camay Soap - - 3 sz 25c Vhite Seedless Oxvdol - - rLre 30c is 72c Giant Pkg Joy Liquid Detergent 7-Oz Bot 10c Bpic and Span - 2 m. 47c ilver Dust z 31c %s 62c Giant Pkg Breeze - - s 31c sr 62c Giant Pkg. Clorox Bleach s 17c *£? 19c Vi-Gal. Bot Grapes ----- 2 California Bartlett Pears - 2 Crisp Heads Lettuce - - - - 2 Fine Flavored Yellow Onions.2 Red Bliss Potatoes - - - - 2 Red Malaga Grapes.2 Lbs. Lbs. Heads Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. 29c 29c 11c 13c 25c Juicy Red Heart s - 2 a 29c Lemons - - - - - - 15c 1-Lb Cans Spry 1-Lb Can 34c s 93c Sun Country Frozen Town House Strietman Crackers 1-Lb. Pkg. 35c Franco American 15Vi-Oz. Can 17c Sheez-lts Sunshine 6-Oz. Pkg 19c Strawberries Minute Maid Frozen Concentrate Orange Juice - - 2 Minute Maid Frozen Concentrate Limeade - - - - 2 10-Oz. Pkg. 6-Oz Cans 6-Oz. Cans 23c 35c 25c Pineapple Del Monte Juice 46-Oz Can 33c Prices In This Ad Effective Thru Sat., Aug. 21st uper Markets f n •>. %

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