^Peekin' Through The | KEYHOLE . . . With LIB B; Bloat*"' Imrr.htoe xmsm a ■*:. * T’.v >•; *' -■ • ; , 1i~ - >!/ *'* v - Our fcxfK'rt fiarh pr* trill do fatter tcork it \ou ore at posp & com fortahl v cool. ACME Barber Shop 7 3 D % >411 BLACK ^WO^^TA ». A’ K i. K.** Sitrr.a- i K-- B-'rg-'>J*-T Al^t* -,f X: are rU ' * e ■ Mr 1"! Mr- L< G Gie:V> I/' Be.*." »• -tf‘ M.C« day after a - • t we tfie G > M-- £;■■-•-• »1 ' > • t'-e as* Mr Owr-a Brvwc sf Z c * ' ’iS' •"•*.'** v? Beat*: Mt .’u: s’- ■ - ties H L Eer.sMy - * M- anrt Mr h" ,* VOorrvr Dess - aad r irttser at-c fa • ;. Mr I' /err? O'C-)* * ' i- r. Mi-- state 5 - v. C -eroi -- a - t Tr. -r*4a>. Sara L.r.'a, vf ACerrj.ie fyal «* ir * TT. * ' ' 2T ’ - J- i ’ •'■ r. *,.*. a-t Mr- H tv R*e dge Mr i- t Mr- X B ?• .art Bet ty Bi. as.t .‘»ai.--. rart -et-rueri frvsa a two »wr- tr ; Xr> P»i at,-; • .tr-' v ' /f»r C . * Spniur* X.tter Park art ' - - v - H.. Fa - • - X • P .art aUer.-lec tar j a' Ca.tr;> Stew art. Ga T'r} - ■- -r t*e we-*. - «s4 a*. Cart t rite-war*. tr rwite tons*. Mr- B Y. Vir ,f Fayette - -. .- ;fert r.z ->!a* t:s»* with ■-r re - Be-t' Pa"--'"'.' ar.-t M- Per. r>ert.vr 5 Var.-'- arectje M • • Carr . - - P'.' ar ra- jror-e V.- - njf ■ - . .era v-r- of "a* far. iy Sse v-'-- be er.rolied . r - fvr the * inter. V Mr. 2 Mrs Sat ar. Savty. M.-- '.'a a tad Mi-* Mary A" '.e-rvCer the wecc.ti Crew arc WSl.a-r -. - a t :,. - r ' r. *• te r - H cxi re r. . re Fowler, V/; t'er- at - M. ■ • Sheila - tetter.e ;r. A -ir GOT A HAULING JOG? CALL US FOR FAST AND CAREFUL SERVICE Gudger’s Transfer MOUNTAIN VIEW TEXACO STAT'ON Black Mountain Phone 9254 ARTHRITIS i- ' time om> doubie .size fuu> guarantee ■ AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC BLANKET Light weisih’ Dos* • work .. b. anker-. Reg S32.95 — — Wh <e Supply Lasts — — S17.95 filack Mountain Drug Co. Admiral GIANT 21" TV 20% BIGGER THAN OTHER 21" TV "ALUMINIZED" TUBE -Twice-ov-Nri^rt Pkt«ftf OPTIC EILTER SCREEN -W*«derf»l Re*tf*l Viewipfl • Full 270 tq in picture • Super Caccode Chaui* • New ''Space-Saver” deiign— 3" thorter in cabinet depth • Gleaming mahogany *ni»h cabinet Brand new teti in "factory-fre»h cartonj. THE CATALINA BRAND NEW 21 ADMIRAL TV Was FROM SAVE *40 Smart mahogany finish cabinet Hjrry I Mod*IT2212 BLACK MOUNTAIN TV AND APPLIANCE SHOP Pagettown Rd. Dial 5403 Mr Sbepltea* .4 wraar •*-« pitot f«>: Brat-tff A.*. f;- *r f*:~ «i . •. I_-i '"=~ " • * • - -; r,- >•: H • i ■ - Mr: 3c71 Ciru :v*: r: rwsrt* prafit-* v.r »k Mr? A*t K *• *-.f r * — * Mr* T J Brstc- tr. Mr* A. M v\v ;- 1-; —-*• Marita yf Lai * * v • F.i X ■ ■ Mr- - Evi**.. »••: ?- . E>r»- ‘ F. -ii Ato. is: Mr i-: Mr* W D R •.’ *•'. ;•/ a-' tr £ t* ' £ •<* *•* •:•*•• r-r t*-. **“- a A -tv * - -tiara M- -rr-i‘ Mr M- I O M I* - k-.-t Mr* A.- ■ '**•*-*■' ' - V.-,..* * : * &z t - i :r: v. Hr M - -tit 5.’ a; Mr 1 r. Is -1 Sr •- • : - Ttsn»i*7 v, »::>■•: -•*- - i.V *>*'*-* ; A' - r.r las: a.-: 1 * • Ha; Baetbr^r rsr :.ii .? ii • ••■* Crar.f- • M* - - ' a' •: ■■ H- us M • - L« Mar■‘■it as: M ( - • - a . a- - ■ :r ta;. *sr a **** * ' f.i.' * at V rgsr..i 3».v • Mr • - : M Mara”, w Electric ■ ■ rr*» r rr.-r --- • * Say tArtr* Mr art Mr* A Ba* >: • - at CkatT-irr. S’ }.. ara i'.- '■ vf : '•V K B't »ts* at --i.. I*- P. E Eat* a *At.r" .•—£ V'.'i ' •; *5:** a >:* trt"'r »•: faet ; I>r as: Mr- F E ?.a- ■ Ft — ' ' s « Mi rr .-t'*a" ’K'ar- tf f * O's-T* ?t. ■„r. *ic-" ' .a ' *i- * 3F i- r: K *■ Ky ' ;-r• t’-f v - a . ~ ~ _ r •- - - : i t r'v.; *■ H * * *; "7 "<T’’ - * - ■ i* b. Si P. t?r A prvras ' trr -a! <•■ -- :*• - - * Ft Ecv - B«ffcir; m- : r ; t:.A; - - ; > _ - - i- a" Carap S*sc -oya- tr -.-•*• -a- : • . - • zt-. Mr H-tff-a* • a a rc-s-.v*'. tr at th* - . r- *• • ta- : fw user* far is jr«r- ar.: forrr^r v*a - -r at Btr-s T. M Tarpiey. Sr. Mr a.-.: M- Ho..; Let- ■ * petit *'« week-end :• Br.sv-. Vi Mr - J C r .• rUrt r g rer daugrter a- ', family Mr a-. M Me:. V - V>r« -i l.'i »r, Jokmoy. Mr. Mr-: A 0 F cr.i.dren Far .yr Way-e ar. o ar,c M Mar- Ar - V.' - -. - of Dur-ans rare beer, go- • • Mr- Fi-ter He: Stftdjr. Xortr Fork road f • era. day ■ Mrs. A.ma r, . y,. er, a.. a r Margaret of Dallas, Tex of B.ack M ,r •a a r •- * - s M - a r. d M - • F H R- Ar Mr. ar.-d Mrs. Lar Fre i- -.{ A. .y F-s we-- - --- ~'-r . y „ e - * of t r.e F. - ■ V Marma Ann Sa lver of Me • p.ta: boo; of J*-l3v. Mr-. S* - B.o:ef-.;d Maine • avi-.g a *- on-ierf .. -..me •- e -at.■ won - -fu Lob-ters and -tuff. Mr a: : Mr- Ingram Philips of Mia.m..'former resl BLa - Mountain, are * • ]> ih*:r vaca*. or. here. M- and Mr- W. A All.sor. and Mr- Ja- e? B. Chandler Jr -pen*, -everai day- last week in Trout - a- ;e to the serious .iir.es* of Mr Allison's mother. Mr and Mr*. Frank Lamb of HPoint spent the week-end • Mr and Mrs. O. C. Johnson. Mr and Mrs. Virg Mitchell and cr.iidren have moved here Farm:, 111., and are residing at tr.e a. E. Knoefe! Sr., house on • • Montreal road. M Car! Smith had a- a guest • a ' -ek her sister-in-law. Mrs. H . ;a I.ipp- of Charlotte. Tr.e Rev. and Mrs. W. .Scott F- ' a- : family ha-: as a guest • a ’ •*<••• k the B.-hop of Praetoria - So.t: Africa. He was en route • tr.e World Council of Churche r. Evanston, I1L Mr. ar,t Mr-. Lloyt I-angdor and daughter:- Madeiiene arid Shelia, f Raleigh, spent the week-end Mr and Mr-. Gordon Green wood and Buddy. Dr a d Mrs. James A. Mar r - - of Burner left Tuesday after f.r.g Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bait, ' ' - ' street. They will continue me: vacation at White Lake. N. before returning to Butner. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sobol -rent .a-.t week vacationing at Day*' a Beach, Fla Mr. an : Mr, W. B. Pollard. Sr., : Mr an : M: -.. Joe Barnette arid s -:me i-E ~OCD j1? **OV£S Mrs. ; C B*saser- J- J ~ i ‘ r'4 £:: - * —, " . i: --- *.'i E*r-a Erii*.* iff-.■• Wf 7^ * hs.* T" “W* 7* *€TTr *. M- B-'" Mr- "*'£Hi*»as. Mr Me !.»-.■-* 4 Mr- M G'v- rter' - Mr v- ’ £ E Mr- W L ■?.--- - V- Ti - V* Mi -r. Mr Mi". &«•'.*? Mrs. S* 7^ Mr* Wa..:>7 B^vsrn, M’- W W v- ? E : Pa tv, : >4 - t-: Mr* Ke*r-*r * MRS VERLON MORRIS HOSTESS TO CIRCLE . r- • J Lak-y Oar tr ;rr ■ rimer. *> -ere «rr-: s; tfc f t* e ' -Z Mrs Mst : £-•• ' Mr- Gary Gregory v H - - -. V. - M -a - . - - - - v.- H '"r*; Ha* - Mr- As«v and Mrs Waker - .s P Hard r. M H r-:. -f Marsha; 7 ter taugr.te ’4-- i J ■ston. A a.. .&-• Mo* lay. i rt is will r.o« t Philadelphia ir. rear future. Artr ar J H. an 0- - W. PtttMm of the A -.he vllle C -. pa.ny, Sort.*. aro.ina Guard . - Infantry Regiment. left -■ for summer training at For*. V . Cleiian, Anniston. Ala Woody Sobol celebrated r . - birthday anr.versary '.as*, f ra; Several friends came ir. to *.-.; him enjoy birthday take a*. - cream. M s Anne Burr.ette left rat.* day for West Palm Beach. F a., where she will teach ir. tire . tv schools this winter. Mis- Bo.-r.-tte served as a eounse.or at a i.' - camp near Brevard this s-.rr.rr> Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Casey A Petersburg, Va.T have been va.a tioning in Black Mountain for the past few days. Mr Casey rne chanica! -oper;nter.->nt for tr.e Petersburg daily paper. He > a former resident of Bia - M .*. tain. Mrs. Ft. E. M -mpo s. er art ;-r nephew. King Hastings J among the guests a: a ar ty given by Col. and Mr- Tom McCord of Montgomery A.a .>-*. .Saturday night at the Battery Park hotel. Asheville. The MaCor are cousin- of Mrs Murr.r. v>- I. r.g . from A shea: iie and -per*, t Ins week-end with h.- aur.t H- i! enter the University, Chapel Hill, this fall. Mr. and Mr Van S n f > • Larry of Wir. -tor.-Sal- - -oer.t Sat urday night with the E. S' r . •• p ler family. Prescription Service Depend on us for prompt, efficient Prescription Service. When you need a prescription filled, just call on us. Our long experience and large stock of Phar maceuticals mean quickest service for you. So, when your doctor gives you a prescription, stop in here or PHONE US 4121. WE DELIVER V'E HAVE A COMPLETE VETERINARY DEPARTMENT BLACK MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. UZZELL'S REXALL Phone 4121 Popular Records .... 35c JFG Coffee ' * R ” E Wax Paper 2? VELVETT MEM.25 lbs. $U) SCRATCH FEED.25 lb. ban SCOCO SHORTENING.Jk | LAWTON'S TOMATO JUICE.46-oz.ceo HEW TREND SOAP POWDER.2 large boxes SPEAS VINEGAR . qf. 14c - . . • 1 pkg. PEN JELL-FREE PET DRY MILK.2 large jars 51 SUGAR.5 lbs. {) BORDEN'S BISCUIT.2 cans is PREMIUM CRACKERS.lb. box 15 ii MOUNTAINEER PURE LARD . . ... 8 lb. Pail McCQRMiCK BLACK PEPPER 2oz, - 19c Bananas Tomaloes lb. 10c Jibs. 25i ft ?, McCORMICK \ FRESH CORN.dozen LOCAL GRAPES.qt. basket CELERY ail stalk Ik - Super Rite HOMEMADE Pork Sausage Rib Stew . Lb. CHUCK ROAST . . PORK CHOPS . . FRESH GROUND BEEF FRYERS . * i . ii . ft. *1 t Hu. M . It. I Old Fort Super Market OLD FORT, N. C. PHONE 263 hAROLD BUCHANAN, MANAGER

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