ft rhurwUy. I>^ H) vhursday. Dec- 8) ’.KK FOREST.—If* n \ , :„(j when one of our Carolina, Suite, Forest is not in kind of sports \\ i T Forest's time. I was able to do \V ike Forest friends this past week-end alumni many of on ■ pporters and t ,-in leaders in the were verv much stir ed to read in Sun newspapers about of Vthletu- Di • ,n and Head Foot R ojrers. I[0.' . wife ItOMK. The state ,n Mia' be is step ,)H. best interests of ■ i me” caused some , because a lot of t Preston would be o Winston-Salem Forest. . much closi r home Ib-jre moves to the year. He crew up o:il> a whoop-and Winstoti-Salem, and \v a Ion Hall’s daugh a native of Yadkin ,. ap there in Yadkin lr!V' many years was this ana IP - Republican superior He was beaten out . by Aliie Hayes, a v Republican and a teman ! left in North Caro * • illy, Roth Aliie and ; • . .-e b ad mg Wake F«r j alumni. Johnson J. Hayes, ; idle district feder Ihe only Republican CHAT NKXT? There is a Wi behind the scenes -ome time—in the athletic situation, board of trustees ston-Salem on Dec. .lions will bo form to the group. 1 The emblem recognized in more than A MILLION HOMES H ill in ms Bros. Distributors B!ac'< Mountain — Dial 7110 to wht* Meanti? o Dcrsua Pro: hunt their mind £ *W » aoinj next decade. ? ."‘‘J he attempt Athletic Directo . °h» h Ropers t< a foo >all team, x Jtut to coac ... • -• JU have to h»v. athloti- s'^you Cmush:: hTve ^thlet° in the school. 6 Uthlete: .-IMNKS>. Here is about th •y.y business ,n North Carol n shapes up this fall compare! witii last year this t me Income tax collections are . about 20 per Cev ,1.. , , > ■* • tax cc 1,0 UP nearly 30 per cen nunvav cxpre-s shipments are " a little over 2., per cent; ba, ‘\HC star', "ver 15 Pl‘r «n \H< store sales are up nearly per cent; receipts from farm Jw ketings, up a shade over ten n, eem; life insurance sales, up abo Per cent; passenger car salt a out id per cent. N'.’u f ’r# th® >'<>ar- <>r for mon;hs „f the year. Januai i trough October, everything is r over the in months of 1954 ,, ccpt Receipts from farm marketing I .iey are down about three p, cent under the lo months' fig„, f o last year. That’s somethir t te Republicans will have to wo t> about throughout the count! next year. The healthiest sign in the N'ort arohna economy or among t) hea.tmest signs and indication < confidence in the future—is tin budding permits for this year ai running better than 2t> per eei omr the 10 months’ figure fi T'.'l. Another good point is thi w" have had 20 per cent more ne corporations chartered this vet than last. NF.W CARS. Three or four .rues earn year we devote a por tion of thi column to the sales of new ears in North Carolina. This i> not only a good business baro meter -but the figures show how various makes of cars are selling compared with a year previous. Now. according to registrations compiled with the N. C. Dept, of Motor \ ehicles. here is the way things were going on the automo bile front in October, latest month for which figures are available: Buick has sold 10,096 cars dur ing the year 1,038 for this past October as against 658 for October of 1964. Cadillacs total 1,564 for the year and 84 this October, 127 bt'-i; ( hevrolet, 26,871 for the year drloo for this October and only 2,010 for last October. Th- Chrysler and Imperial are listed together, as follows: 2,325 for the year, through October, and 222 for this October, 102 for last October. DeSoto, 1,723 for the year and 121 for this ya ;t Oc’ober as compared with 93 for la t Oc tober. __ Dodge shows a tremendous gain. For the year t; ey have sold 2. ,2'. The October sales tota’e 1 4 !6. In October of 1:54, they were only 190. Ford for the year is 27.566 - compared with Chewy’s 26,87' — but in October Ford for thi first time in months fell behind Chev rolet, 3,400 to 2.149. In Oetob r. 1954, Ford sold 2,640. Hudson -ales reached 502 for the year 48 for this October and 30 for last. Lincoln’s sales we’o 411—for this October, 47. last October, 30. Mercury—the B;g M being pushed so hard by Ed Sulli van -has sold 4,936 for the year and 519 in October a big increase over the 262 for last October, Am"r: an Mo.or-, which puts out Nash, Hudson, and the Rambler, say they have it in the new Ramb ler, which is hitting th<“ show rooms throughout the country this week. Like the other independ ents, they are having their wor ries, but are more optimistic tha i in months. This year, Nash sales in North Carolina are running about like last year: 964 for the ten months- 107 for October and 70 for October, 1954. Packard sales: 576 fur year 65 for October and 36 for October last year. Since Studebaker and Packard are now in the same firm, we will list Studebaker here, too. Both care have sharp new models, bet they cm e o"t too late for sa'rs to be included in Gcur-er Studebaker has sold 1,606 this year 152 against Urn B G GAINS. The big gain •' i i V’iir is being c’u iked p bv Plymouth. Although -mill in foertlj Be Cerlain 01A Me"y Christmas firemen eounteH )laze out then’ children “ dead—^ ol The time? 1 hristniag, 1954 fL record when ^ the worst , sudden death '’t‘lSuret) ln terms other nrncelll " ’ '0Wmn8O, ai ln an rn! aneous mishaps. mas week-end^d'e^118 tbat Chris accidents 4 ?<1 as a r«ult W*v1ctim*nd fi° °f ^ we 1955 T;0k:nd ,ater- New Year this tir^e nre ^ d“l how'harHr f"" "as th<-> caus ... had ’t occurred? Why1' m asr '\theKayly-liKhted Chris tj‘ht lP: defective wiring? th!LC°,Uld haVP b,’en any one thrse^auses or one of many othe Rut when all are reduced to common denominator, the cause carelessness. And this can 1 avoided. Potential Hazard. lake the Christmas tree, foi stance. It’s a potential fire Place in North Carolina sale* behind Ford, Chevrolet, and Bui t is moving fast. Sales throu October came to 9,138. In Octob tuis year sales totaled 928—a on >: 253 for October of 1954. . !. mobile, always good in sa 1,1 v C., has sold 8,317 for 1 year and October sales of 880 w< well above 457 for last year. .4 other surprise in increases is 1 ing registered by Pontiac. Sa fur the year: 8,726—928 this ( tober and 373 last. Willys, 1 for year—eight this October, last. ’ v“ 1 ^01^ ii-—Two Continent; Murk II s have been sold—both c them cash deals—in North Care Th,ey are selling at aboc 5-8,000. I haven’t found out wh bought them—but hope to dig 01 these facts and report them t f"d..and ,caution should be taken u s selection, placement in the h me' and maintenance. J0U play it safe by choos ni. a small one. There will be 30 milhon on the market. , veep 'l outdoors until a few lajs before sett,ns up. During time occasionally throw wat fresh’1'1' it- Th'S Wi" k6ep U moist> .Wtr ,y0U hrinK the tree inside, cut the butt slantwise to open the Pores, then stand it in a tub of water. Be wary of chemicals or other substances sold for “fire proofing trees. It, some cases this process is ineffective. In placing the tree, it’s best to av°nl “hot spots” such as those near the fireplace, stove, televis ion set, radiator, or electric bulbs. Never use untreated paper or naments or untreated cotton bat ting or gauze for decoration. Cot ton and gauze can be made flame resistive by dipping in a gallon of water mixed with nine ounces of borax and four ounces of boric acid. book for UL babel. Also, use only electric lights, never candles. Be sure, too, that wires are in good condition and hear the Ub mark denoting Un derwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., which shows they have been test ed for safety. Frayed electric cords are a fire hazard. The switch for turning on the tree lights should be placed some distance from the tree. Never use an outlet or plug under the tree or run electric trains around the base. Here are some other sugges tions: If decorations are used about the house, do not permit them to be around or near to chairs and other places where people may smoke. It is preferable to have them up near the ceiling, well above the head of anyone standing up. Keep plenty of ash trays about the house during the holiday sea son, as always. If lights are desired in windows, never use candles. Keep curtains and other flammable material pulled back at least six inches from any electric light. Use non-flammable decorations of glass or metal, and “fire-proof” .#7>7 / ; now in decorating your tree for Christmas. After you have opened your ’hristmas presents, remove all the lift wrappings and packing ma erials from your living room and lispose of them. aution With Custumes. A child wearing a gauzy cos ume and holding a lighted candle an be transformed into a flaming orch in a few seconds Santa’s whiskers are also fuel or flames. A movie star who ilayed Santa Claus for a children’s >arty forgot he was wearing a big vhite beard and lit a cigar. His leard flared up. A New York girl wore a black let evening gown at a Christmas larty. She brushed against a ighted candelabra which immedi itely ignited her dress. These incidents emphasize the leed for caution at Christmas. Yearing of flammable flimsy cos tumes and dresses of net or guaze ike fabrics should be discouraged, f they are worn, they can be made lame resistant with the following dilution: 9 ounces borax 4 ounces boric acid 1 gallon of water The fabric should be well satu rated with the solution, then wrung )ut by hand, and hung to dry. Fab 'ics so treated will retain their lexibility and softness. However, he flame-retardent qualities are ost when the fabric is washed igain, and the process must be re peated after each washing, When Dresses Catch Fire. When clothes catch fire—don’t ■un. Throw the victim to the floor ind roll her in a rug, a blanket or i coat. NCEA Loan Fund Set Up For State “The North Carolina Education Association Board of Directors has set up a fund to be known as the NCEA Loan Fund to be used to help provide a sufficient supply of adequately prepared teachers for the children of the State,” Mrs. Ethel Perkins Edwards, NCEA executive secretary, an nounced today. The loan fund will enable the NCEA to assist promising stu dents desiring to enter the teach ing profession in financing their college education, Mrs. Edwards said in explaining the purpose of the fund. Information about details of the student loan fund is being distrib uted to high schools and colleges throughout the state. Additional information and details about how to apply for loans may be secured from Mrs. Ethel Perkins Edwards, at NCEA Headquarters in Raleigh. Wrap the rug or blanket around the neck first, to keep the poison ous gases of combustion away from the face. If no rug, blanket or coat is available, roll the victim over and over on the floor to smother the flames. Running only fans the flames. Since all fire gases rise, a victim In an upright position tends to inhale the toxic gases. It is in knowing what to do in these situations that will save your life. Some of the 60 who died last Christmas didn’t know. sw*^<«!g-«'5<€!ct«iete!e!gi*ieieiei«!fi«!«t«!f!t<*««iete<«(es)i»»aiM)9t»« II ■ III • RENT IT! —CLASSIFIEDS! •• RENT IT! —CLASSIFIEDS! • BLACK MOUNTAIN INSURANCE COMPANY GENERAL INSURANCE and BONDS Representing Leading Stock Companies GREENE BUILDING BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. Prescription Service You may depend on us for prompt, efficient Pre scription Service. When you need a prescription filled, just call on us. Our long experience and large stock of Pharma ceuticals mean quickest service for you. So, when your doctor gives you a prescription, stop in here or PHONE US 4121. WE DELIVER. For emergency prescription service PHONE 6111. BLACK MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. UZZELL'S REXALL (Comer State and Broadway) ☆ COMPLETE PHOTO — FILM SERVICE ☆ e HALL MARK CARDS e WHITMAN CANDY e REVLON e PLAYTEX BABY DEPT. Watch your Step! Look for new CONCEALED J r SAFETY STEPS-a mark of today’s most modern trucks that new Chevrolet Task Force trucks bring you. They stay clear of snow, mud and ice to give you firmer, safer footing. You get today’s most modern features in New Chevrolet Task-Force Trucks Ball-Gear steering for easier handling. 12-voll electrical system lor quicker starting. And that’s only the beginning I Here’s where you find today’s most modem t,lUkf factional Work Styling-styling that fltSInside°lhe cab, you’ll find greater visibility with the sweeping new panoramic windshield. Greater comfort, too, with new H gh-L vel ventilation. And under the hood, you’ll see the latest thing in truck power! The shortest stroke V8* in any leading truck—or the new est edition of Chevrolet’s famous truck 6. It all adds up to simply this: Anything less is an old-fashioned truck. Come in and let us prove it to you. i new mgn-i-.cvci ^ j— , * V8 is standard in L.C.F. models, optional in most other models at extra cost. Year after Year America's Best Selling Truck y CHEVROLET ( Watch the Deal! WHY PAY MORE FOR AN OLD-FASHIONED TRUCK? You’ll still find the same low price tags on new Chevrolet Task-Force trucks. No increases! Get our deal—and be money ahead. McMurray Chevrolet Co. STATE STREET PHONE 3141 BLACK MOUNTAIN