montreat Miss Julia Stokes Dip monthly meeting of the t, in en of the Montreat un’h will be held on Tues v> November 17, in the Junta in Orphanage at 12 on. Each one will take ixhviehes and drinks, dessert |1 be furnished by the or Biiage at 12:45. A tour of the home will be pie first, and a member of i .staff will tell of the work fthe orphanage. A business Lion will be held at 1:30 : the president, Miss Eliza th Hoyt. Mrs. John Haw, firman of Church Exten in. will be in charge of the leting- Mrs. S. C. Farrior |1 lead the worship period. ie meeting should be con ided by 2 p.m. The morning worship ser e,lCeaTanh^iniaiiherChap; with*'tli" 0<,'0('k on Sundaj wit,h the pastor, Dr. A. R r ogartie, in the pulnit lye Declaration. J a m P « Klebaugh of Montreat Coh oge sang a solo, Dr Bilk nd W. ?£ten,dcd th“ service and ed the last prayer anc benediction. Vespers vvere held at 7:If ln Gaither Chapel Sun Prayer meetings are helc each Wednesday at -1 p.m. ir the Green Room of Assemblj Chape]d at 7:15 P'm'in Gaithei The reception given on Sat aiaay afternoon in the home • PRESCRIPTION SERVICE • Black Mountain Drug Co. — UZZELL'S REXALL — When you need a prescription filled, just call on us. Our long EXPERIENCE and large stock of Pharma ceuticals means a more reasonable and quicker ser [ vice for you. So, ask you Doctor to CALL NO 9-4121 when you need a prescription filled, or stop in, we will be glad to serve you. When our drug is closed, CALL NO 9-7673 for emergency service. • WE DELIVER • Of Mr. and Mrs.C. A. Stubbs was well attended. The home was beautifully decorated in tall flowers. Those in the receiving line were Miss Eli zabeth Hoyt, president of the Women of the Church, the honored guests, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Fogartie, Mrs. L Nelson Bell, Dr. L. Nelson hell, and Mr. and Mrs. Kay . Stutts. Mrs. Karl Snyder, chairman of the entertain ment committee, with Dr. Sny der presided over the guest book. Others assisting were: Mrs. John Haw, Mrs. W. J. Oammon, Mrs. Joseph Hop per, Mrs. Frank McElroy, Mrs. Harold Coburn, Mrs. Col lins Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Stockton, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stubbs, Ann Stubbs, and others. Special guests were Dr. and Mrs. Billy Graham and Dr. and Mrs. C. Grier Davis. Mrs. Kenneth ,T. Foreman', formerly Miss Susan Allison Lewis of Richmond, Va., died November (! after a long ill ness in Louisville, Ky. She is survived by the husband, Dr. Foreman, who is profess or of Systamatic Theology, Presbyterian Theological Sem inary, Louisville, Ky.; one son, Kenneth J. Foreman, Jr. missionary in Korea now on furlough; three grandchild ren; and a brother, the Rev. Hunter Lewis of Dallas, Tex as. A memoriol service was held on Tuesday at 10:30 in the chapel of Louisville Sem inary. Mr. and Mrs. John payne Williams attended the service in Louisville on Tues day. Mrs. Williams is the sister of Dr. Kenneth Fore man. Dr. Foreman has often visited the Williamses in Mon treat. He was for 20 years professor of English Bible in Davidson College and they have many friends here. Mrs. George Hudson, form erly of Montreat now living in the Presbyterian Home, Highpoint, celebrated her 90 th birthday on Friday, Nov ember 6. Best wishes and congratulations to her. Though confined to a wheel chair she goes about helping others to write letters and hold Bible classes. Miss Lucy Grier has been 1 shut in for a week because 1 of a fall she had preparing 1 for her Circle meeting in her ] home on Virginia Road. She , has been greatly missed from , her many activities and we ] hope for a speedy recovery. ' Mrs. L. Nelson Bell with Mrs. Joseph Hopper and Mrs. I W. J. Gammon went on Friday ] to spend the day with Mrs. j Geo. C. Sells in Johnson City, j They got into a snow so had j to spend the night. They returned home on Saturday J morning. They report a 1 beautiful trip with snow on 1 the mountains. ! Mrs. John H. Merritt had as < guests over the weekend her ( daughter, Mrs. Bill Stevens, j and small son Mike of Win ston-Salem. Ramy Ruth Solomon, a ' student in Ben Lippen school, 1 spent the week end at home. : Mrs. Horace Johnston of Charlotte is in her home on Virginia Rd. for a week. ( Mrs. Shaw McEachern of Lenoir-Rhyne College, Hic kory, was in her home on : Virginia Road for a short 1 stay last week.' —The License and Theft Enforcement Division, a unit of the North Carolina Depart ment of Moter Vehicles, is headed by A. M. Gilbert, a former state trooper. The unit is commonly called the Theft Bureau. Classifieds Sell-Ph. NO-9-4101 Hog Killing rime Is Just Around Corner With the approach of coli veather farm families through >ut North Carolina will b< hinking about killing hogs deats specialists at N. C. Stati :ollege offer a few tips fo iroducing high quality porl it home. First get a meat-type hoj one between 200 and 22( lounds that is six months ol( ind has plenty of length am neatiness to it). The mea rom these animals will curi easier than joints from large: inimals. If these animals ari 'oing to be killed at home the; ihould be killed late in th< evening and allowed to ham iver night and chill out be ore cutting and processing. Do not get hogs over-excite< >efore killing; this may givi he meat poor keeping qua] ties. Be sure that hogs are blei iroperly for better keepin; luality. In turing meat a lome, if the weather is no iatisfactory the meat may sou >r become off-flavor. If yoi rave a meat processing plan >r locker plant in your ares ;ake advantage of their facil ties for processing and curing Follow a recommended cui ng schedule for curing mea :o prevent over salty meats. When you take hams out o ;ure .or get them home, b sure to hang the hams in fairly dry, cool place. Also, be sure to bag those hams by the first of March to prevent in sect damage. Do not over load your home freezer. Do not put in more than 10 per cent of the total capacity of your freezer in any one 24-hour period. If you 1 have a large amount of meat - to go into your home freezer, ' have it quick frozen at your . locker plant or processing : plant. If you wish to have your : meat processed at a freezer locker plant or processing > plant, be sure to let them ( know before hand if you are I going to kill hogs or cattle I so that they can take them in : and do a quality job for you. ' Deliver your animals to the place of slaughter early in the ! day so that they can be slaught ' ered on the same day. Leave ! cutting and curing instructions ' at the locker plant before you ' leave. \ TRY THE CLASSIFIEDS ! I ! R. C. BOWNESS, BUILDER P.O. Box 1068—Black Mtn a the traffic regulations is the most ambitiously supported measure for safety. S« !g !g !€tS«>€'S'€,€,€'C lg’C*€lg!g *€>€’■€’«!€!€ !Slgte!€,-€!gJS THE TRAVELER'S CHOICE... im*9* »»/% cv a i i r\ a /w* « a A ™ FOR CHRISTMASJLw Now is the Time! to pick those Jewelry Pieces for Christmas . . . while Stock is Complete! You'll feel like a Millionaire with Million Miler Luggage of "U. S. ROYALITE" WATCHES COSTUME - DIAMONDS JEWELRY ! - Come in and browse around - • USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN • FRANK HOGGINS JEWELER Phone NO 9-8124 Swannanoa, N. C. :3ia3!a2i3i2!3i25S*3l»ai3l»a»»»* I ATTENTION, Employees of Beacon j ” What a plant employing 100 industrial workers means to our community: 296 MORE PEOPLE ===== 112 MORE HOUSEHOLDS — 51 MORE SCHOOL CHILDREN ===== $590,000 MORE PERSONAL INCOME ======= $270,000 MORE BANK DEPOSITS ==== 170 MORE REGISTERED CARS ===== 174 MORE WORKERS EMPLOYED =__= 4 MORE RETAIL STORES ===== $360,000 MORE RETAIL SALES ~ What LOSING a plant employing 2000 workers would mean to the Swannanoa Valley! - 5,920 FEWER PEOPLE 1 2,240 FEWER HOUSEHOLDS 1,020 FEWER PUPILS $11,800,0 0 0 LESS PERSONAL INCOME $5,400,0 0 0 LESS BANK DEPOSITS 2,140 FEWER CARS 3,480 FEWER JOBS 80 FEWER RETAIL STORES l $7,200,000 LESS RETAIL SALES ruzszyxL COULD SOME OF THESE THINGS AFFECT YOU? WOULD ONE OF THESE FEWER HOUSEHOLDS BE YOURS! COULD SOME OF THIS MISSING INCOME BE YOURS! IS ONE OF THESE CARS YOURS! IS ONE OF THESE JOBS YOURS! DON'T LET "STRANGERS IN OUR VALLEY" MAKE YOU ONE OF THE MISSING PERSONS LISTED HERE! THINK! VOTE CAREFULLY - YOU’RE ONE OF OUR FAVORITE CITIZENS! VIE D HATE TO LOSE YOU. Vote "NO” on Nov. 18 Issued b« The Swannanoa Valle* Cltizeas Committee •A Paid Advertisement