NEW 'PHONE DIRECTORIES TO BE DELIVERED HERE THIS WEEK Weather March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 March 31 April 1 April 2 Low Prec. 35 .05 29 33 54 52 1.10 40 .10 29 .02 High 63 68 69 63 59 59 46 DEVOTED 100% TO OUR COMMUNITY — THE GROWING SWANNANOA VALLEY THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1962, BLAC KMOUNTAIN, NORT HCAROLINA 8 PAGES TODAY NO. 32 — Single Copy 10c *S,R I°dL good athletes ,)'ntmake good students? a Black Mountain native A , Appalachian State ^h/,, college has proved SfS is not always the lSnavid Hamby, a former football player at Black fountain High, Owen High, Gardner-Webb college, akes the Dean's list reg .|ar|y at the Boone mstitu ion of higher learning. David is on the winter arter list which has just ,en released. It isn’t easy win this honor. To be joible it is necessary for a udent to carry at least 15 )Urs and achieve a quality jint rating of not less than 00 on all work attempted ith no grade below “C”. 4 GOOD IDEA pfW governmental agencies Ijave such close contact with :he public and hear as many expressions for and against issues as the post office de partment. In reply to one request that j special postage stamp be issued with the writer’s pic ture on it. the following re plv was sent: "We cannot put the face of a person on a stamp un less said person is deceased. "Our suggestion, there fore, is that you drop dead." NEWS FROM HOME Mrs. Roy Taylor, in Raleigh with her husband for the Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner last Saturday, asked about the ‘‘folks back home”. In fact she seemed to know as much about the happenings here as I did. I was curious and thought at first she must have some terrific correspond ents here to keep her inform ed but then she explained: "We look forward to re ceiving the Black Mountain News each week. And when it comes I read it from front to back before I do anything else". | Mr. and Mrs. Taylor sent jest wishes to the home folks. HUGE CROWD There was a tremendous jrowd present in Raleigh for he festivities last week end. Down from Washington were nost of the members of Congress along with their itaffs. From early Saturday un til late that night the lobby of the Sir Walter was crowded with Democrats from every county of the state. If talking could set tle the state's problems, then we should be in good condition now. There was plenty of talk. At a meeting of members 11 the House of Representa l,:ves that I attended, a great leal was heard regarding the ■ompulsory insurance law. Members from every part 11 the state told the same ,!°ry: No one seems to be ■aii.-fied with the operation 11 the law in its present form ®'] most predict that some tastic changes may be made the 1963 session of the rtneral Assembly. -‘t least one member has ‘ J‘H drafted which would atc the insurance on the •dual instead of the car. In "'her words each dri , -11 *f. carry his own insura ’Je rate he paid wo r:' on his own record Jherc were many ot 1^L‘stlons during the l (I," hieh continued u o past midnight. Rom black mountaii Si, «:n,ln the lobby of the ’ln'yl!;'r and at the re< lr"'hakln§ hands with iand other dignita 4 «*"*■ iann K' Bro"'n. and 1 th Cy 2111 titv. " way around * R te'ed" Rdns are PeoPle w nt their1? brains t0 ma han thev t3X FetUr ticome Cld t0 make 1 °°k Who’s Here! ar