OLD FORT NEWS BERTHA GREENE Phon. 668-7752 Old Fort, N. C. Local Wedding Miss Dorothy Katherine Brown and Thomas Daniel Grindstaff were united in marriage Friday, Dec. 18, at 8 p.m. in Newfound Baptist church. The Rev. E. J. Hall and Rev. Gordon Scruggs, pastor of the church, conduct ed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wiley Brown of Bear Creek road, Leicester. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Grindstaff of Old Fort. Given in marriage by-, her father, the bride wore floor length gown of silk peau de soie with lace appliques. Her elbow length veil of seed pearls and lace was attached to a petal crown and she car ried white roses and stephan otis on a white Bible. Mrs. Frank Cook was her sister’s matron of honor. She was at FOR RENT: 2-bedroom furnished apartment, living room, all elec, kitchen. Dr. Jim Love, 103 Third St., Black Mountain, Phone NO. 9-7276. tired in emerald green velvet and carried a bouquet of holly. Bridesmaids were Miss JearT Marcus of Bryson City, Miss Christine Crisp of Rob binsville, and Mrs. Melba Case. They were dressed in red. Billy M. Grindstaff. brother of the groom, served as best man. Ushers were Reid Drum, Malgram Grind staff. Frank Cook, and George Brown, brother of the bride. Following the ceremony a reception was held at Leicest er Youth Center with Mrs. Paul Parham, Mrs. Eldridge Clark, Mrs. J. P. Ramsey, Mrs. Reid Drum, Miss Nancy Jo Buckner, Miss Barbara Carver, Miss Donna Ball, and Mrs. Billy Grindstaff assisting. The bride and groom attended Asheville-Biltmore college and are seniors at Western Caro lina college where they will continue their education. Obituaries MRS. CLAUDE METCALF, 41, of Old Fort Rt. 2, died un expectedly Thursday after noon in her home. She had returned home from an Ashe ville hospital where she had undergone surgery. She was a daughter of the late John f£raSo N RANCHO JANUARY 30, 1965 from 2 to 5 P M. • FREE GIFTS & AUTOGRAPH PICTURES • ☆ STAR of WFBC's Mcnfy $ .iascai'j WARD'S W.N.C. DRUG STORE BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. and Hattie MeNeal Young. Surviving are the husband; five brothers, Jay of St. Petersburg. Fla., Rev. Gilbert Young of Hickory, Audie, Claude, and Robert V. Young, all of Marion; four sisters. Mrs. Ransom C. Thomas and Mrs. Pearl Morgan of Marion. Mrs. B. B. Burleson of Spruce Pine, and Mrs. Buford Reece of Asheville. Services were held Saturday at 3 p.m. m Old Fort First Baptist Church with Rev. Frank Hawkins of ficiating. ERNEST J. KUHN, 64. of Old Fort, died Tuesday of in juries received while working for the State Highway Depart ment. He was a native of Buffalo, N. Y., and had been working for the state as a part-time employee for about two weeks. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Mamie Sue Kuhn, and a number of sons, daugh ters, brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews in Michigan. Services were held Saturday at 11 a.m. in the chapel of Westmoreland - Hawkins Fun eral home in Marion. The Rev. William S. Vaughn offi ciated and burial was in Mof fett Hill cemetery. rersonais Mr. and Mrs. Garland Free man and son Ricky of Grundy. Va., spent Christmas with Mrs. Freeman’s mother and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith of Newport News, Va., spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Smith’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. McEntire and other relatives. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Griffin at Mar ion General hospital Dec. 24 i Mr. and Mrs. George Grind staff and two children of Bel ton, Miss., spent the holidays with relatives in Old Fort. Robert Hensley was admit ted to Marion General hospital last Saturday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bartlett Dec. 29 at Marion General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Allison and daughter Tanya Rhu. spent last Sunday night in Ne bo with her relatives. Mrs. Howard Kerlee and her son, Lige Kerlee and daughter Mrs. Ethel Gardner, and a relative, Mrs. Long of Black Mountain, spent a few hours Wednesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Steppe. Mrs. Richard wans ana children. Pat, Eddie and Caro lyn, spent Christmas nieht with Mrs. Watts’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Allison. Jimmy Ray Noblitt entered Marion General hospital last Tuesday for treatment. Mrs. Anne Robinson, Betty Steppe and Mrs. Raymond Al lison were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steppe on Christmas Day. Raymond Allison spent a few hours Christmas Day with his mother and his brother Claude and family at Dysartsville. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Evans of Black Mountain and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Horne spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Evans’ mother, Mrs. Geneva Tisdale. Mr. and Mrs. Pink Williams and Mr. and Mrs. John Steppe of Marion visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steppe on Christmas afternoon. Miss Anita Allison of Mon treat College is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meloy Allison. Miss Loretta Allison of Greensboro College is here for the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allison. The young people from Ebenezer Church sang Christ mas carols to the neighbors in the community on Christ mas Eve. Their singing was much enjoyed. James Whiteside entered Marion General Hospital last Tuesday. James Kanupp was rushed to Marion General Hospital last Thursday and had sur gery. Terry Early was rushed to Memorial Mission Hospital last Saturday and had surgery. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Early. Mrs. Lola Lonon, Mrs. Gen eva Tisdale, Mrs. Nora Setzer, Mrs. Charles Steppe and Mrs. Douglas Glovier and two sons, Billy and Joey, spent last Wednesday in Asheville. Miss IDthel isurieson ana niece, Wanda McKinney of Asheville spent last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Steppe. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Al lison and Bruce E. Bradley spent last weekend in Mel bourne, Fla., with Allison’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Calloway. Mr.' and Mrs. Kermit Allison of Mocksville spent last Sun day with the former’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Al lison. Hicks Morris of Tuscaloosa, Ala., visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steppe on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McKeith an and daughter, Nell Bcrdine and a friend, Robert Single ton, of Whiteville visited rel atives in the Ebenezer sec tion last Saturday and Sun day. They spent the night with Mrs. Geneva Tisdale. Mr. and Mrs. Fonnie Alli son spent last week with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Kermit Allison at Mocksville. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Allison and Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Al lison went to Fairview Sun day afternoon to see Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allison and fam ily. Mrs. Arthur Allison has been ill for quite a while, however, she is home from the hospital and is improving. Mrs. Lina Robinson of Asheville spent last week with her sister, Mrs. John Jordan. Obituary Lester A. Jordan Lester Allen Jordan, 50. of Ashland, Ky., a native of Mc Dowell County, died at 3 p.m. last Sunday in an Ashland hospital following an extended illness. Mr. Jordan was a nephew of Mrs. Lina Robin son and Mrs. Margaret Cra ven of Asheville. He had been employed as a mechanic and welder tor the past two years in Ashland and vicinity. Sur viving are the widow, Mrs. Ruth Jordan; two daughters. Misses Barbara Allen and Jo anne Jordan of the home; the mother, Mrs. John Jordan of Old Fort; a sister. Mrs. A. .T. Williamson of Athens, Tenn. Services were held Monday in Centenary Methodist Church at Ashland of which he was a member. The body was brought to Old Fort Wednes day morning where a shore service was held at 3 p.m. Burial was in Bethlehem Cem etery near Old Fort. TO BOWL GAME Attending the Orange Bowl game in Miami on New Years Day were Kay Stutts, Jack Masters, Charles Caldwell, John Childress and Jim Mad dox. Classifieds Sell! Ph. NO-9-4101 Discover the difference in the 65/ |W) lofo (As different from other cars VJMlxjUi \JL\jLO as ifiey are jrom eac/f other) CHEVROLET-As roomy a car as Chevrolet’s ever built.cl"mk‘,mrala Sror‘Coupe When you take in everything, there’s more room inside this car than in any Chevrolet as far back as they go. It’s wider this year and the attractively curved windows help to give you more shoulder room. The engine’s been i -Tr”^——' » "in' 'iiTiTTmiraB—- 11 w moved forward to give you more foot room. So, besides the way a '65 Chevrolet looks and rides, we now have one more reason to ask you: What do you get by paying more for a car—except bigger monthly payments? VORVAIR—The only rear engine American car made. '™ C°UPe think there s nothing else this side of the Atlantic that you just don’t know what you’re missing. V Drive something really new - discover the difference at your Chevrolet dealer's Chevrolet • Chevelle • Chevy U • Corvair• Corvette 32-0783 McMurray Chevrolet Co., Inc. State Street—NO 9-3141 Dealer No. 2291—Mfg. No. 110 •# Black Mountain, N. C. Peekin’ Through The KEYHOLE .... With LIB by Elizabeth Dinwiddle Keith JOHNNY ALLISON AND RICKY GREENWOOD re turned home Sunday afternoon from Washington, D. C., where they had been guests of John ny’s mother during the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ford, Kenny and David returned home Jan. 4, after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Steele and family of Miami, Fla. Mr. Ford and Mr. Steele attended the Or ange Bowl Game on New Yea-s day. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Al len visited ther son and daughter-in-law and children, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen, of Hendersonville during Christmas. Lawrence and his family returned to Black Mountain and have been spending some time with his parents. MR. AND MRS. HARRY CARLAND visited relatives in Spartanburg during the Christmas holidays. Guests of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Tetrev during the Christmas holidays wers Mrs. Tetrev’s brother and his fam ily of Atmore, Alabama, Rev. and Mrs. Webb Brooks. MR. AND MRS. BILL PIN YAN spent Christmas holidays in Hawkinsville, Ga., with her mother, Mrs. Kicklighter and in Savannah, Ga., with her sister and her family, Mrs. Henry Graves. Mrs. W. M. Pat“ visited friends and relatives in Ral eigh during the holidays. She also attended the wedding of her niece, Miss Patricia Mor gan to Mr. Bing Spence. JAMES SEAWRIGHT re turned to the Western Caro lina Center at Morganton Sunday after spending the holidays with his mother and aunt, Mrs. R. W. Seawright and Mrs. Emma Poplin. .vir. ana ivrrs. wane now land and Toni returned home Dec. 31 after spending the Christmas holidays in San Antonio, Texas, with their son and family, Dr. and Mrs. Russell Rowland and Karin. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boone and Barbara the past weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hamrick and family of Landrum, S. C. Barbara Page and Toni Rowland, students at Carson Newman College, returned Monday, Jan. 4, to resume their studies. MR. AND MRS. RALPH SINGLEON AND FAMILY spent New Years in Jackson ville, Florida, with Mr. Singleton’s mother, Mrs. An nie Singleton; his sister, Mrs. Ruth Allen and brother, Roy Lee Singleton. They also attended the ’Gator Bowl game. During his visit, Mr. Sin gleton went on a hunting trip to the Dixie Lilly Hunting Preserve at Williston, Fla., bringing in 18 ducks, 19 pheasants, 34 quail and 8 tur keys. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sud deth and family of Cleveland, N. C., visited her parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul High and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turner and family, during Christmas Cla’enee Owenby and Myrtle Moore were married December 5 in Spartanburg. 3. C., and are making thcdr home on Vance Avenue. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Culberson and Miss Nova Gibson were Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Burts and family of Jefferson City, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brinkley and their family of Valdese. MR. AND MRS. JAMES FRAZIER, PHIL AND JIM visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore of Arlington, Virginia, during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Higgin botham had as holiday visi tors, Miss Muriel Higginboth am of Savannah, Ga., Miss Janice Higginbotham of State College, Raleigh, T/Sgt. and Mrs. Wade Rice and children, Laurie and Todd of Warner Robbins AFB, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rhodes of Evanston, 111., spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wright and brother, Coleman. Mrs. H. H. Todd has re turned from a visit with her son and family, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ross Parks of Pensacola, Flor ida. While in Pensacola Mrs. Todd spent several days with Lt. Cmdr. James Denny and family. "IK. AND MRS. CHARLES ATKINS AND SONS, CHAR LES AND BRUCE of Frank lin, Tenn., spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Atkins. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dillingham and family of West Asheville were Christ mas Day guests of her par ents. Rev. and Mrs. Winfield D. Smith and daughters, Alice, Pamela, Deborah and Martha of Columbia, S. C., and Mr. Smith’s mother, Mrs. Bertha Smith of Charleston, spent several days last week visit ing friends in Black Moun tain and Asheville. Mrs. Ber tha Smith was the guest of Mi's. H. E. Stinchcomb on Tuesday. Rev. Smith is for mer pastor of St. James’ Epis copal Church, Black Mountain. MR. AND MRS. H. D. CRAWFORD spent the holi days in Walterboro, S. C., with Mrs. Crawford’s mother, Mrs. T. E. Mims and brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lucas. Mrs. Mims is making: her home with the Lucas family. Gary Odom, AE-3, San Francisco, California, spent the holidays here with mem bers of his family. He re turned to base Tuesday, Jan. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Berg grun and children, Doreen and Terrell of Chapel Hill, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cook and Mr. Berggrun of Asheville, during the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Cook spent several days vacation on the west coast of l'iorida after Christmas. PVT. JERRY HARRIS of Fort Benning, Ga., spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gay Harris. Douglas Jones re-entered VA Hospital at Oteen, Mon day, Jan. 4. Doug, as he is called by his friends, under went surgery at Oteen sev eral weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Lusk spent the holidays at Del Ray Beach, Fla., with Mrs. Lusk’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Surles and three sons. The G. E. Cody family has returned to Black Mountain to make their home after liv ing near Oteen for quite some time. They are residing on the Blue Ridge Road. MK. AINU MKS. J. 15. BUL LOCK spent last weekend in Lakeview, S. C., with his moth er, Mrs. J. B. Bullock, Sr. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Miller were Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dalton of Dandridge, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller of Marion, Clyde Miller of Fort Sill, Okla., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Carolyn and Sara of Seveir, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders Hud son spent the holidays in Dur ham with Mrs. Hudson’s moth er, Mrs. H. M. O’Neal and Mr. Hudson’s mother, Mrs. Sanders Hudson, Sr. They also visited friends in Eliza beth City and at Wade, N. C., they spent some time with Mr. a nd Mrs. Thomas L. Strickland and family. Mrs. Strickland is Mrs. Hudson’s niece. The visit also includ ed Wright Memorial and Mu seum at Kitty Hawk and Man teo. MISS SUSIE TATHAM has returned to Appalachian State Teacher’s College at Boone after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conway Tatham. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dick ens spent Christmas with their mothers, Mrs. E. Dana Dick ens and Mrs. M. C. Dickens, in Halifax, N. C. Mrs. Jean Ray and daugh ter, Charlotte, spent the holi days in Tarboro with relatives. Holiday guests of Mrs. Queenie Walker were her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walker and children, Nancy and Jimmy of Char lotte. DR. AND MRS. HERBERT D. DOUGHERTY returned home Monday after spending Christmas holidays with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dougherty, Herbie and Chuck, of Hendersonville, Tenn., and Mrs. Dougherty's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Minatre, of Neshville, Tennessee. Holiday guests of Mrs. Frank Buckner were her sons, Jim of Atlanta and John of South Hill, Va., and Roy Hen dron of Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hemp hill, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Joe Hemphill, Jr., and Miss Lynn Hemphill spent Christmas day in Elizabethton, Tenn., with Mrs. Hemphill’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Lance. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jum per spent last weekend visit ing her brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Wertz, in Newberry, S. C. MRS. RUDISILL HOSTESS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY Mrs. A. R. Rudisill was hostess to W aycaster-McFee American Legion Auxiliary for a lovely Christmas party Mon day night, Dec. 21, at her home. Attractive decorations throughout the house gave the party a most festive atmos phere. After an exchange of gifts colorful and tasty re freshments were served. Those enjoying the occasion were: Mrs. M. E. Head, Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mrs. E. W. Jackson, Mrs. Joe Bullock, Mrs. D. G. Guess, Mrs. H. E. Stinch comb, Mrs. Clara Snyder, and Mrs. Floyd Stikeleather.. Mrs. Rudisill is president of the local unit. Bridge Club Officers Chosen For New Year At a recent meeting: of the board members of the Black Mountain Duplicate Bridge Club the following officers were elected to serve foi 1905: President , Don Living ston; vice president, Mrs. Lynn Hill; secretary, Mrs. W. C. Field; treasurer, Mrs. Doug las Jones; director, Charles Ross. Board of Director members elected were: W. \\. White, Cliff Field, Lynn Hill, and Clarence Keith. Scorers chosen were: Char les Ross, Don Livingston, W. W. White, Douglas Jones and Edward Gladwin. The new year began with a buffet supper at the Monte Vista Hotel, Thursday, Jan. 7, at 0:30. The duplicate game will be enjoyed at the Asheville Federal Bank im mediately following the sup per. All bridge players in the community are cordially invited to play at 7:30 at the Bank Club Room. PENNELLS NEW MEMBERS OF SAN. FAMILY Dr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Pennell and their family have moved to the W. N. C. Sana Urium -her. h. » * ^ cal Resident. Dr. Pennell is a nati\e o Asheville and » the son o \Ir and Mrs. George lenntu H, i. to the former Jact,“* £gve Winston-Salem. • j two children, Melanie and Cliff. They attend the Bat tist Church. He is a graduate of Make Forest College »nd studied General Surgery and Thoracic Surgery at Bowman Gray Schooi of Medicine, Dr, pen ‘ nell also spent 8 years at sum. mer Camp in Ridgecrest «er. ring as counselor. Look Who’s Here! Mr. and Mrs. Charles \\ Mixon of Black Mountain an nounce the birth of a son, Dec 21 in Memorial Mission Hos pital. 1 FALL and WINTER DRESSES MARKED DOWN TO SELL Je!. 686-3576 'BUCHANAN'S DEPT STORE 102 Railroad Avenue Telephone 686-3576 Swannanoa TIME TO TRANSFER OR RE-ARRANGE YOUR INVESTMENTS! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS? We Are In Our 3rd Year At K23 DIVIDEND Compounded Semi-Annually! ACCOUNTS OPENED OR ADDITIONS MADE BE FORE JAN. 11, BEGIN EARNINGS JAN. 1 «avi£!£? MOUNTAIN 104 Broa1L<>AN Association ^SERVNO THE SWANNANOA VAUEyTn« m3» WE ARE INSURED MEMBERS OF