Black Mountain News Pit'dished each Thursday al Black Mountain. VC 28711 Second Has* postage paid at Black Mountain. VC. established IMS EDITOR Daniel A. Ward ADVERTISING MANAGER Regenia Byrd Published weekly by Mountain Media. Inc.. (•rant Dickinson, t.eneral .Manager. SI BSCKIPTION BATHS: !n Buncombe County. Year $5,111: Outside Buncombe County. Six Months. 15.20. One 'ear $10.40. Outside State. $12.00. This includes 4 percent VC. Sales Tax. ( I.ASSIMP |) \I)S: Straight Set. No Borders, cuts or large type. 20 Hords or less$l.50; Over 20 words. .07 cents per word. CASH WITH COPY. ! I WOULD LIKE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE BLACK MOUNTAIN NEWS Name Address _ Zip_ Cash Check Money Order Bill me at.this address Black Mountain News Mail To : P.O. Box 8 Black Mountain. N.C. 28711 Guest editorial TIIK SLOW VICTORY HY Kill Kiser Following the end of World War II, President Harry S. Truman took an action that began a battle we are still waging in this country. That action was the establishment of the Presidents Committee on Employment of the Han dicapped, and that battle is for full equality in employment of disabled people We are beginning, after all these years, to see signs of victory. Improved medical care, both on the battlefield and at home, had led to an ever increasing number of disabled persons--veterans and civilians The country had to do something. Truman recognized that opportunity for employment offered the only realistic hope for the handicapped to have a better life. One of the first necessities was a change in attitudes. It was generally thought that people with any type of physical or mental im pairments had to be taken care of for the rest of their lives. If they had families, the physical and economic bur dens fell there. If not, in stitutionalization-with the expenses borne either by private charitable Town manager’s report HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DOG? by Jon Creighton The following list will help you get your dog bade without delay. 1. Call the Buncombe County Animal Shelter at 285 6690. Give them a description of your dog. If it is there, follow these instructions. 2. Come by the Black Mountain Town Hall, between I a.m. and S p.m. and pay a $16 charge. 3. At the same time you will also have to buy a city dog license. Male $1, Spaded Female |1 and Unpaded Female $2. 4. After both of the above items are paid, you will sign a release form for your dog. 5. Take the release form to the Buncombe County Animal Shelter and claim your dog,. You must show proof at this time that your dog has a valid rabies shot. 6. You can pick up your dog Detween 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. The shelter is open seven days a week. 7. You must pay a boarding charge of $1 per day to the animal shelter. 8. If your dog has not had its rabies shot, you can pay 83 to the animal shelter, they will give you a receipt and your veterinarian will administer the shot. 9. A dog must be kept at the animal shelter for seven days before it can be claimed by another party or disposed of. organizartions or public agencies- was the only other option considered For progress to be made, it was essential for employers and co-workers alike to be educated to the fact that handicapped people could be productive lln o enough to remember the first publicity efforts regarding employment of the handiciapped. Quite naturally, I hoped these ef forts would lead to a job for me. But the picture was not as rosy as it seemed. As my personal attempts to find a job ended in failure year after year, I became cynical. In variably I was told, “Oh yes. We are employing the han dicapped, but no one as severely handicapped as you.’ There will be those who say it is impossible to find em ployment for the more severely disabled. Thirty years ago these same cynics were scoffing at the idea that people without arms or legs could work on production lines, much less hold professional or managerial positions. President Carter^ appointment of a triple am putee as administrator of the third-largest federal agency should lay that belief to rest, for once and for all. By further utilizing the techniques of rehabilitation engineering and job modification, we can look forward to the employment of an ever-increasing number of severely disabled people. However, their success in the world of work still depends in large part on an un derstanding public. Scientists and engineers can devise all types of ingenious ways for disabled people to function, but these will be useless unless employers are convinced that disabled individuals can perform the jobs they need done. But, things are getting better. The public is more aware, as disabled people are becoming more confident and IF YOU THINK IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW MUCH ENERGY YOUR HOUSE USES, TRY MULTIPLYING BY57MILLI0N. For some six years nov^ we at CP&L have been talking about ways that you can cut down on your energy bill. Now, to prove that they work, we've put together some figures, based on the following assumptions. I he houses are exactly the same: 1500 square feet, and a family of four. Both are fully equipped with appli ances and central air conditioning. The house on the left side has storm windows and doors, and proper insulation. During the summer, the thermostat is set at 78° In the winter, its set at 62°at night and 65-68° during the day The family is also very careful about using hot water and appliances. The house on the right has no storm windows or doors, only standard insulation. The thermostat is set at 72-75° during the summer months; 72° during the winter months The family practices no energy conservation. (In a year, the house on the left uses about 28% less BTU's (units of energy) than the house on the right. So you can see how you can save money. And, just as important, you can affect the whole country's energy supply when you consider that there are 57 million homes in America today. If every home conserved energy like the one on the left, this country could save over 337 million barrels of oil in a single year. And that's a sure way to help control this country's energy situation in the future. For mom information >n Br.utotiry; your homo arvj other w-iy-.-i cutting 'Jown on your energy Mis. slop in or call any OPStL office l>jt-i tst caloulatiori.'. 'Jevelofx.-'J t/y f3*bL knerr/y !y.rvioo--,f