Second ctass postage paid at Btach Mountain. NC 28711 hursday, October 19. 1978. Vo!. 24, No. 51. Serving * Black Mountain *Swannanoa * Montreat * Ridgecrest 15 cents per copy Fc/toofs appeal parent cow^acfed by Dan Ward The joint school committees the Owen District approved plan October 16 to show a de presentation and urge mediate renovation or )miding of Black Mountain unary Schoo) to the Bun mbe County Board of location. Fred Myers, a cnainnan of subcommittee appointed to ,'esdgate safety hazards at tschooi. showed a series of [or slides showing rotting tors, exposed wiring, rped beams and windows. Iling bricks, and piaces iere paint had peeled off of mp walls shortly after it is applied. rhose who viewed the slides proved of Myers' presen ts, and the only suggestion is that Myers stress that the hoot was scheduled to be built in the mid 60's. I don't think we should be oiogetic (about asking for iding) when we have a tiding that is dangerous,'' yers told the committees. Attending the meeting were tools Superintendent Andy liter and School Board presentative from the Owen istrict Grady Rotzell Committee members put e two on the defensive with nations about "frills" in the eynolds and Erwin school stricts. Miller said that many of the extras in schools there were authorized by earlier boards, and that the money could not be rechanneUed once frozen for those schools. Rozzell pointed out that only a hand ful! of persons were present at the reading of the schools budget for this year and that the board is not always aware of immediate problems at Buncombe Schools Miller told the committees that the best route to obtaining a new high school or elementary school for the Owen District is to campaign for passage of a local bond issue next year or the year after Miller said that a county bond issue, with proceeds earmarked before the referendum, may be voted on next fall. The county may chose to hold a bond referendum on the same ballot as a state referendum, more likely to pass, in the spring of 1980, Miller said. The only other route to' obtaining enough money for major improvements or new building is to convince the County Commissioners to re establish a contingency fund for schools, and then obtain some of that money through the school board. He pointed out that the current total school budget is ap proximatety $12 miUion per year, while the cost of a new high schooi is$8to9 million, and the cost of a new elementary school is $3.5 million. Rozzell suggested the committees study the possibility of applying for federal grant money through the Appalachian Regional Commission or ashing the school board for money from interest on capital im provement accounts. He suggested the committees ensure that the Owen District is represented in the audience at all school board meetings to remind board members of problems in the Valley' s schools. The committees approved a plan to send a letter home with every Owen District school child asking that all taxpayers attend the Buncombe County School Board meeting October 19 at 7 pjn. on the seventh floor of the County Building in when the Owe* given needs ctgfesentationwiHbe giist of immediate J Swannanoa Valley Schools wHl be given to the school board at that time, following the slidt presen tation. The school committee will meet again November 20 at 7 p m at the Owen High School library. Collins closing — a change in goals by Dan Ward A change in goals for the Mtins Department Store chain was the reason given for the closing of the Black Mountain Coilins store, ac cording to store manager Jeff Jennings. Jennings said that although t* store was showing a good profit, Coiiins executives chose to ciose the store as part << a pian to maintain only Mrge stores at urban shopping Enters. Raymond Coiiins, company President in Chariotte, said he *as busy and could not Provide an officiai explanation for closing the store, which hrgan a going-out-of-business aie October H. The only thing I've found from the main office is bat this store is too small,'' Jennings said Friday. "They had to go out of their way to. h"y for this store." Jennings said that since the CoiiiM store in Williamston hared down this year. Black Mountain's store has been the