A PAGE TWO ' THE MORNING NEW BERNIAN. WEDNESDAYDECEMBER 13, 1916. w r ' ; BuyLr & M. Semi-Paste Paint ; ' and ' ' - J, ,,V Save 80 Cents a Gallon 'i- ; Ready Mixed Paint is made by mixing Linseed Oil, White Lead and Zinc together to a consistency about like Syrup. The Linseed Oil is sold at one-third the price of ready-mixed paints. It will always cost much less money to buy the L. 4 M. Semi-Mixed Eeal Pamt and malte it into a ready-mixed paint IT'S SIMPLETHIS IS HOW X3- Oil Just Mix 1 CaL Linseed Oil at $1-10 1 Gal. L, M into Semi-Mixed at .$2.50 You then make 2 Gals Pure Paint for $S.60 IT'S ONLY $1.80 PER GAL years It's made with right proportions f Lead. Zinc and Linseed Ojl, to laaure longest wear. USE A GAL. OUT OP ANY L. & M. PAINT YOU BUY AND IF NOT THE BEST PAINT MADE, RETURN THE PAINT AND GET ALL YOUR MONEY BACK. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co., New Bern 1,000 Votes Coupon . This Coupon is good for 1,000 Extra Votes in the Automobile Contest, when ac companied by $1.00 .to pay for three months subscription to THE MORNING NEW BERNIAN. No good any other way. GOOD UNTIL SATURDAY, DEC. 16TH ELECTION Correspondents' Club . Satirizes Winners, Losers and Trio of Colonels. FRAMES MADE TO ORDER Wootten-Moulton Studio Onyx''fc Hosiery Get COOD Value at ANTl,iic9Uk , Lhle or Cwon 35c $5.00 p , jbmery -Beers Company, i. WHOLESALE 153.161 EAST 24th ST. NEW YOHK A Letter From Santa Claus -TO- McSORLEY'S STORES TO ALL THE LITTLE CHILDREN AND BIG CHILDREN " SATMTA'Q IPTTVB. N DBA lift. ifcSORLEY I write you to let tm knaw- Uiat I will be at rtmr atara on Xiaaa Bn rare I hava jiut flnuae aukiac lh ton and pretty thinaa fat Sa year, and frU yoa at one by a .poeial reindeer axprcaa. . Plaaaa taU the Wra aad iato ftat I will be with yoa to that they can tell their aapaa and mamaa where t find a. I wiA rB woald aba tell the children they muat every on be In bed and oound ' by I a'eleek Xnae Eva, for it makea me feel vary email ta baTa a bad bay ar W m au saw down a chimney, or area wane, a erooked etove pipe. I aend my lov ta all tba cead bora and url and bad eaa too. far I lera tbem all alike. Tour aid Mend 1 s Visit Our i'CC'i MEDDLE STREET STORE ", , ' Number 94 ' v FOR "GOODIES" SANTA CLAUS. -j .-. Visit Our V MIDDLE STREET STORE v:. Number 70 ' : ? FOR TOYS ' a WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 12.-T-Travesties on the recent national elec tion and public issues enlivened the annual . dinner of the Gridiron Club Saturday night. President Wilson, members of the Cabinet, diplomats, political leaders, members and members-elect of Congress, publishers and prominent - industrial and financial figures of the country, were guests. Musical and vaudeville skits satir izing public men and events with members of the Washington newspa per correspondents corps in operatic and thespian roles kept the guests in merry humor. The climax of the en tertainment was presented in "The Gridiron Follies of 1916," a musical review revealing facts, foibles and fancies of the hour. The scene for the follies was laid in La Fayette Park opposite the White House, and reveal ed as principal characters Vance Mc Cormick, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and William R. Willcox, chairman of the Republican National Committee. Curse Put Upon Murphy. At the close of an opening chorus sung by a "Galaxy of States," with the theme, "Come let us have a jolly time, no matter who's elected." Mc Cormick and Willcox were disclosed and engaged in good-natured dia logue: McCormick Cheer up, Mr. Willcox, the battle is over. Somebody had to lose. Willcox Somebody did. McCormick Remember, you've much to be thankful for. Willcox Yes, we lost Utah, but we saved Vermont. McCormick Never mind that. Here in the presence of this galaxy of States we can talk things over dispassionately. Willcox-Say, I thought you said the battle was over. McCormick So it is. Tonight we are just indulging-in a little caustic comment on current events. Willcox Well, if you're holding a post-mortem, what was the matter with New York? McCormicfc-Murphy, curse him. Willcox What will become 6f the Tammany Tiger? ' McCormick It will be an open sea son on tigers for the next four years. Here comes the wandering minstrel now. Willcox By the way, did William J. Bryan participate in this cam paign? McCormick Certainly. He sup- ! ported the President loyally. Willcox Perhaps. But he must have had laryngitis. His voice didn't carry as far as usual. McCormick Speaking of weak voices, the State of Maine had some impediment in its speech on Novem ber 7. From 17,000 in September to 4,000 is some drop. Willcox But Colonel Roosevelt did not suffer from vocal trouble. His voice was heari throughout the land. McCormick So I noticed from the returns. He helped us in the win- jning of the West. ' Here the voice of Roosevelt inter rupted the colloquy, saying: "I am now devoting my attention to my du ties" as a grandfather. - But my health is bully. In 1920 the country will know where tofind me. My ad dress is still at Oyster Bay." Willcox What about New Jersey? McCormick Hush, hush, we will talk of other things. Willcox Well, how about Indiana? .McCormick We" saved Tom Mar shall out of that wreck. ' ' ' Willcox That's- so. He was run ning, wasn't he; J I wonder what went wrong in Kansas? . McCormick Kansas, I can tell you. Two-dpIIar- wheats $10 hogs. " Ford machines -and, player-pianos. ' -; WiIlcox-4-Do you think he kept you out of war? "7-'';A'.. v ''r,-v McCormick I dunno. But . some body got us out of debt. , The national chairmen continued to comment,' referring to the suffra gists, Henry' Ford and the lonesome "Demon Bum," who had just been thrown- out of several more- States. The "Demon, Rum''sang a pathetic song, depicting the hopeless future for i "Demon Runt and his rummy crew," when the follies closed with the following: - ' il 'i' McCormick It's funny,-isn't it? ; Willcox rWhat's funny? .'If any thing' funny tell it to me. I need a laugh. ' ; -;- - , ... . - ' ' " . -, McCormick Its' funny .how, the world keeps going around, no matter what happens. : ;Ti;?'j -f -:i'r- :," Willcox Yes, but it will move very slowly for the next four years. ,- Next came a vaudeville sketch, the scene ft theatrical booking office, with Roosevelt and Bryan, as "the Criss- SATURDA Personal Property of The Fort Barnwell Agricultural and Development Co. . Mr. R. A. Nunn, Receiver of the Fort Barnwell Agricultural and De velopment Company, will conduct a mammoth sale of personal, property at 11 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, De cember 16th, 1916 at Fort Barnwell N. C. . This is a rare opportunity to se cure some fine stock and farming utensils; a saw mill, one cotton gin, and one grist mill, etc. In addition to the sale Mr. Nunn will, at the same time offer for rent to the highest bidder about five hun dred and twenty acres of the finest and most valuable agricultural land in the Fort Barnwell section. Easy terms will be given to purchasers. Cross twins," Senator Lewis, Colonel George Harvey and the other nat ional figures applying for engage ments. Roosevelt and Bryan were first tried out. T. R. The Victoria Cross I'd greatly prize; The Iron Cross I do despise; But if I can't the hero be, Some medals of my own you'll see They'll get the double cross from Me IS RACHAEL P, IE S PASSES Body To Be Carried to Lenoir Institute This Morning For Burial. Mrs. Rachael Pauline Hines died at 'the home of her sister Mrs. W. R. Barrington, No. 82 Hancock street, yesterday morning at 1:30 o'clock after an illness extending over a pe riod of several months. The de ceased was sixty-five years of age and was loved by a large number of friends here and elsewhere. Among the survivor's are one sister, Mrs. W. R. Barrington, one half-sister, Mrs. E. O. Allen, of Hookerton; two daughters, Mrs. A. S. Culpeper, of Cove City and Mrs. A. Z. Stan bury, of Charlotte and eight grand children. The body will be carried to Lenoir Institute by way of Kinston this morning where the services will be conducted by Rev. Euclid McWhorter, pastor of Centenary Methodist church, who will accompany the fu neral party. The interment will be made in the family burying ground at Lenoir Institute. Position Wanted ; By young man at present employ i ed. Would desire to locate with an Bryan individual, firm or corporation that They got the cross of gold from me; ia willin P"? for my services as The Nobel rize I've hoped to see, : they Prove their worth. Good busi Now, humbly, bearing my cross I ness teIker 8nd n Bel1 anything come from a plow-point to a building lot. To say, "You shall not crucify he Either locate. or trave1' with salary bum . Yea will And all oar NEW TOYS at our New Middle Street 8 tore, opposite Cotler Blaaea Hardware Company. - And without doabt it ia generally admitted that the flneet and aaaai eaned aaeartment of Candiea, fralte. Mate, Raleine, Fhra. and in feet eTerythins ehe ta the aweet line eaa be foand at ear atere ia BEVAN BLOCK, MIDDLE STB-h'bT. TO THE BOYS J WE HAVE GOT THE FINEST LINE OF ; - ' 1 FIRS WORKS IN THE CITY. Upon the cursed cross of Rum." T. R. Say, Willie, what is the difference between what you intend to do to the Democratic party, and what I have done to the Republican party? , Bryan Well, Teddy, what is the difference? .T R.t You - intend to make the Democratic party dry and I have made the Republican party sweat. Jim Ham Does His Turn. When T. R. and Bryan had been or dered out of the booking office, Sen ator Lewis, of Illinois, whip of the Senate, appeared and recited a long series of verses, of which the follow ing, are typical: Who guides unruly Senate bucks, And keeps the party on its trucks Who is, in short, the whip de luxe? T: TTAM Who followed Hughes upon the trail, j And tied'a tin can. to his tail; j And put the "din" in dinner pail? Jim Ham. and commission basis. Best of ref erence. Address "AMBITION," care The Morning New Bernian. Yon Cannot Do Better Than Send Her a Box or Basket Of ' - Norris or Huylers FINE CANDIES FOR CHRISTMAS We have a beautiful line Stationery in Holiday pack ages. Big assortment French Ivory Imported and Do mestic Perfumes, Writing Pads, Etc. FOR HIM: A Box of Clear Havana Cigars, Fine Pipe, Smoking To bacco in Humidor, Traveling Set, Military Brushes, Col lar Bags, Bill Fold, Etc. Bradham Drug Company II aaw.g II TIT IT . 0 m e Have M l n We have the VICTOit RECORD you want. Over 3,500 brand new records to select from, including all the latest popular selections and Red Seals from 75c. to $7.00 each. Come In and hear them. All styles of Vic trolas in stock from $15 to $150. HILL'S SPORTING GOODS STORE 91 Middle street ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the stock holders of the National Bank of New Berne for the election of its direc tors and the transaction of such oth er business as may come before them, will be held at its banking house on the second Tuesday of January, be ing the 9th day of January, 1917. The polls will be opened at 12 o' clock and closed at 1 p. m. W. W. GRIFFIN, Cashier. -T H r 70 ra FitymoreHctel swANsaono, n. a. The most attractive resort on the Atlantic Coast. Fishing good until November 1. Hunting all winter. r-'--: J2.E0 r"T f'-y v. Tk on '. 1 - ; :i ' - Who is the White House blushing pet, The truly, only, one best bet, Of the Democratic smartest set? Jim Ham. Colonel Harvey Sensitive. (Jolonel George Harvey, who pre dicted the election of Hughes by large majority, next appeared and was chided by the vaudeville agent Harvey " said he was a lightning cal culator, anTthat he had predicted the first nomination and election of i "certain professor in New Jersey." Harvey Moreover, four years ago, I calculated exactly What electoral votes each of the three candidates would have. Agent Wonderful. Have you done any of the same kind of calculating lately? Harvey (truculently) If you are going to be pergonal Til not stay here and stand fox it. I don't think I want a job from you anyway. The North American1 Review is good enough vaudeville for me, good day! Women Not Forgotten. Counsellor Polk, of the State De partment, appeared in quest of Sec retary Lansing's job. Chief Judge Why, even Bryan couldn't hold that. , 'Polk--I know; but. they gave him the Hiram Johnson. - , Chief r Judee What's - the : Hiram Johnson? , Polk Ask Hughes. ' Chief Judge We can't find him, 'Polk WelL it's a lemon, grown in California. -j- , ' Another sketch was a travesty on the special trainlo'ad of Eastern wo men who campaigned in the' West for tt t u. : i j tr: 3 derville, Kan., where the "millionaire speaial" . arrived amid . town; officials, townsmen. an4' -native women. .. The suffragists aroused ; the jealousy of the native women .;, when; the home inen-folk followed the gaylydressed Easterners to the train, and one of the native -, women, r 1 addressing, her deserted sisters," exclaimed i- j i;: . , , First woman "Sovereign, women of Kidderville: Our men folks . Jias deserted, us to trail after, them stuck up, goggle-eyed, just-fawncey, shilly shally fumps' from the effete East Now, my idea is to teach them -a .les son. Let us rise as one man I mean one woman and show them weak- kneed men who the real politicians are. as.. William Allen White said: "The hand that churns the butter is the hand that rules the world." Come on, women; not a man in Kidderville gets a hot meal or a clean shirt un til he- promises to vote apainst the monkey dinner bunch. When the re 1 -s- are in you'll find' t!n-re ain't NOT A MATTER OF LOOKS ALONE ITS REAL QUALITY Just as it is true that "a chain is no stronger than it's weakest link" so it is true with your suit its linings, trimmings and workmanship. That is the Winner idea in clothes building every garment made sub stantial and good. And when we say "good" that means good all over in side as well as outside good to even the slightest detail. Your suit relined absolutely free, if not satisfactory after a reasonable amount of wear. Prices are right $12.00 to $48.00. THE WINNER J. B. Henderson, 10 Pasteur Street S Phone 443 OP APPLICATION FOR COMMUTATION SENTENCE OF VLAUDE HARRIS Application will ba made tti the Governor of North Carolina for the commutation of the sentence of Claude Harria who plead guilty at the June term, 1916, of Craven eaunty Superior Court, of the crime of Larceny, re ceiving, eta., and sentenced to the ' public roada for two years, so that said Claude Harris may be confined in the iail during the cold winter months instead of being worked on the roads. AH persons who oppose the granting of said commutation are invited to forward their protests to the Governor without delay. The said commutation is prayed because of the bov's physical condition. . This 7th day ot November, ,1918. V " ' ' ISRAEL HARRIS. Ry R, A. NUNN. Attorney. TUtT HACT a -y-tT-T--r' a T-v v- -.v irinn I MAS GIFT FOR ANYONE OF THE FAMILY It will be to your advantage to inspect our splendid line of Men's and Boys' Clothing (Q) and Shoes, Ladies Shoes and Furnishings. Give us a trial, which will convince you of () our saving in prices. (f Phillip Howard 1 The Up-To-Date Store 59 Middle Street. New Berm, N. C. Whatever yoa do, don't get BALD ! Prevent dandruff and falling hair by using the great French preparation ED. PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC This original Eau de Quinine is the one effective tonic for itching scalp, sick hair and dandruff. Used by men and women of refinement the world over for 100 years. Don't risk the use of unknown or inferior tonics. C ED. PINAUD'S is pure, delightfully perfumed and the one for you. Ask your druggist. Send 10c. to our American Offices for a testing bottle. Parfomerie ED. PINAUD, Dept M ED. PINAUD BLDfi., New York 1 'J ' 1 1 r1 NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE OF PER SONAL PROPERTY" AND THE RENT ING OF VALUABLE FARM , 1 . LANDS .-.' Pursuant to the authority vested in the un dersigned receiver appointed in the action pending in the Superior Court' f Craven County, N. C. entitled J. W. Stewart and E. H. ft J. A, Meadowi Co., on behalf of them ftelves and all other creditors, against The Fo,rt Barnwell Agricultural, and Development Co., and others, the aald Receiver; witt on Sat urday, " Mth day of December, 1910, at the hour 6f tl o'clock a. m., at the store of the f ort Barnwell Aaneultirral and Development Co.. in the town ox f ort Barnwell. M. C. offer for sale and sell at public auction to the hit? heat bidder for' easly the following de scribed personal property,, to wit:- ' v ,' Two double wagons, ne single wagon, one disc cultivator, a lot -of .clows and harncee, guano -sower, italk cutter, pitchforks, hoes, fakes and other farming implements. '. Also miw nemo or jtorses ana mniee. -Abo ooe saw mill, one eottoa gia and oae grist -mill outfit, . including engine, boilers, flxtures, machinery and appliances used there with, as well as log wagons and logging equipment, l ' i Also a lot of oorn and -fodder and soy beans, and such other form products and per sonal property as mar be oa hand at hc time of such sale. . - f- And ht the eame lime and olaee said Re- eeiver will offer" for' rent to the highest bid der, for cash, for a term eniing 1st of Decem ber, 1917, about five ' fedfidred and . twenty acres of the finest and ituost valuable agri cultural lands in Eastern North Carolina and situate nearby 'Fort Barnwell in - a rich farming section : embracing among the lands to be rented the productive lands known as the J. B, Woo ten plantation, containing about 460 acres of cleared land: the well known Turkey Trap farms containing about 126 acres,, the Riverside Farm, containing about, 109 acres; Blue Pond Farm, containing about 20 acres and the fine farm formerly owned by the late Dr. M. H. Carr, situate at Fort Bnrnwell town, and the residence and barns on the same, containing about 26 acreg,- ex elusive of 'the woodland connected with each of said plantations and farms. . ' v The said horses and mules may be sold to ' responsible persons able to give satis factory -eecuritr on time to be paid for next Fall. Pro6tectfve purchasers may rent said lands with the assurance that name will be sold during the yenr 1917, subject to the lease expiring 1st of rieeemlwr, Ii'17, thereby af fording an opporturmy to the t'-nsnt to pur chne siid Janii. Inids tt t md to be vpt i i rH of efi'-unit.ranoee pxut tiie first pi ,'nnufry, 1" j - : a t! ty of i - ' ' . mfM If f'i, " If Clothes For The Whole Family We have the most complete line of Winter Goods ever carried before. Everybody . Knows me, ana can rest assured oi getting the best values for the Least." Money. SAM LIPMAN THE OLD RELIABLE Corner Middle and South Front Sts. C FOR BEST RESULTS with youe rlumbmg and Heating Have your work done by experienced plumbers. We make -a specialty of furnishing Standard Guaranteed Plumbing , ' T Fixture8,-Tand install our jobs in the most modern and up- ? J' to-date manner.'; Wheri you need a jplumber 'Phone 177. ' ' STAUJN BROTHERS t 70 CRAVEN STREET. ; ' , ? tTHONE .;'.'.;.. . Just Received VVThite Cap and Ontario Mills" Buckwheat.!, Fresh Fruit ' and Other, Fixings For Your Fruit Cake. . 1 T TT TT "H n - . 4" 4 V