PAGE THREE ST SHOW OE u o D Vote Coupon GOOp FOR 10 VOTES 10 FOR i. ADDRESS In THE NEW BERNIAN Grand Prize Contest, subject to con ditions governing same. Coupons to be counted must be carefully trimmed around bor- -der and deposited unfolded and in an envelope or fastened together. This coupon should be voted before FEBRUARY 1. THEY ARE HERE New Car Load of HORSES Just Received Grantham Horse & Mule Co. T. A. GRANTHAM, Mgr. 'PHONE 245 An Easy Plan to Help You Save The solution of the Christmas fund prob lem is offered to you in our Christmas Sav ings Club. The weekly deposits required are so graded that everyone can easily make them, and throughout the year they accum ulate and grow into a substantial sum for the purchase of gifts. Then, too, saving becomes a fixed habit and provides for the comforts and luxuries of life. May we explain the Christmas Savings plan to you? The National Bank of New Berne SUGGESTIONS: LOOK IT OVER FOR BREAKFAST Grape Fruit.-..., ,. Oranges Post Toasties, with Cream or Milk . f Grape Nuts with Cream or Milk Malted Milk with Eggs Malted Milk with Cream , Soft Boiled Eggs with Toast Hot Chocolate Hot Coffee ' 1 FOR MIDDAY LUNCH Ham Sandwiches ' Chicken Salad ; Tongue Sandwiches . Ice Cream Chicken Salad Sandwiches , . : Hot Coffee T Oysters Raw, Stewed, Cream- ' Hot Chocolate . , ed or Cocktail SERIES OB SEiOiS Large Crowds Heard Eloquent Messages by Pastor Everett Sunday. .'- A great amount of interest is be ing shown in the series of sermons that Pastor Everett, of the Free Will Baptist church, has been delivering this month. Quite a large crowd was in attendance at both services Sun day, especially the evening. Sunday morning Mr. Everett spoke on the "Individuality of Duty," and what, was perhaps, one of the most notable features of the service was the great earnestness of the speaker, as he so impressively pointed out the various duties of the individual church mem ber. It was a very important mes sage, and one that received the hear ty approbation of many of those present. At the evening service, Mr. Ever ett used for his subject, "Hindrances to Prayer," or "Why our prayers are unanswered." This was universally pronounced as being one of the best sermons ever listened to. The speak er was very emphatic in his asser tions of the different reasons of un answered prayer, using as positive proofs, some vital point of God's word. Mr. Everett was seemingly at his best, and from all indications, the message was effective throughout, and one that will not soon fade from the memory of those present, espec ially those who have been allowing some of the things mentioned in the sermon to stand between them and their God. Next Sunday morning Mr. Ever ett will speak on "A Forward Look." At the evening hour the subject will be "Answers to Prayer." These ser vices will close the series of sermons, and are expected to be of great in tesest and importance. Special effort has been made to make this day the very best yet in consecrated service for the Master, and the presence and co-operation of each member of the church is expected, while strangers and visitors are always made to feel at home. MAY ADVICE DAY TO CHANGE TRAINS Brapmam; j 0X30E OE ;'i;i V .,'' a. WEDDING GIFTS t r.i:., n7j,i: -; .... ' 4.11 eici;iuug n vvcuuxug uu b uui.iuob thought is naturally, quality. V "-. No matter how trivial the article ay be, if quality is apparent, the spirit of the giver is more vividly impressed, and the remembrance is sure to prove last ing and will be more appreciated. A wedding gift bought here bears the assurance of character. Our name gives it prestige. i ; 'sakTeaton 1 1 $ i Daily Morning Train From Wil mington May be Restored Be fore February 4. A few weeks ago the 'officials of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Com pany announced that on the fourth of February, the passenger train which has been running on a tri weekly schedule between New Bern and Wilmington for about two years, would be changed to a daily schedule. During the past few days it has been rumored here that the daily schedule "will be put into effect before this date, however, no official information to this effect has been given out, and the information is merely a rumor. Some are of the opinion, however, that the report has some foundation. . A short time after the beginning of the European war, thev daily service on this branch of the Coast Line was changed to a tri-weekly., Persistent efforts have been made by commercial organizations here and in Wilmington, to have the daily service resumed but not until a few weeks ago did they agree to do it. . j. ' r i net! (HI lassi: Advertisements, Ten Cents per Line, six words tos the line. Twenty Cents minimum charge. Lees by the week or month. FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR rent. Apply to 25 Broad street. Phone 316-W. 24-3t. LOST MY PET PUPPY, ABOUT 3 months old. Cross on setter and Scotch Collie. White neck and feet and breast and collie jacket. Re ward for return to Don Basnight, Jr., l-24-6ti WANTED AT ONCE BY COUPLE without children, three, or four un furnished rooms in desirable loca tion. Willing to pay good price for suitable rooms. Answer 'Rooms' care the New Bemian NOTICE, SHINGLES, HAND MADE sawed hearts and saps. See Bigl Hill, the Shingle Man. WANTED COOK WHO CAN GIVE good reference. Apply at No. 149 Broad St tf LOSTLEFT HAND TAN KID glove. Words: "Charles to Mary" written on inside. Return to Mrs. J. E. Simpson, 82 Johnson street. It. Denatured Alcohol, floor oil, pure spirits of turpentine, John T. Lewis' Pure Linseed Oil. Any quantity. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co. Phone 99. Free speech isn't enough for the dyspeptic. He can say what he likes, but he can't eat. what he likes. ; ' RUPTURE EXPERT HER E Well Known Throughout . The State. C. L. Haubert, of Philadelphia, the noted truss expert, having been re called to New Bern following the suc cess of his late visit as made known to the afflicted friends, can be . seen at the Gaston Hotel, Friday and Sat urday, January 26 and 27. Interest ed parties can consult him free of charge,, . The combination . truss, as used and approved by United States government, will not only retain any rupture in its proper place but will close the opening through which the bowels escape on the average case in a short time. No leg-straps to gall and chaff. 'Clean and durable. Ex amination and adviw free. adv. NOTICE I have sold my tailoring business at 73 South Front street with lease and good will of the said business to Mr. Harry Kahn. All bills contracted af ter this date by the business will be paid by the present owner. I wish to thank my friends and cus tomers for their business in the past, and solicit a continuance of same for my suctessor in this business. J "i. 10, 1?17. SOL LirrtAN. : ' i v . FOR SALE THE VICTORIA THE atre,' Beaufort, N. C. Present rea son for selling. Owner leaving! town on account of other business. Address, Victoria Theatre, Box 4, Beaufort, N. C. 21-lw BIG LOT OF SAMPLE GUITARS JUST RE ceived beat values ever offered $4.50 values (or (2.25; 17.(0 values for (3.98 and real $10.00 guitars of finest construction for $4-60. See them for first choice. Man dolins: $6.00 values for $3.26; 17.50 banjos for $8.98; $2.00 bows for $1.49.. Drums the $8.00 quality for $4.50. Suitcases real $7.50 solid leather for $8.98. $5.00 values for $2.49 and the usual $3.00 ones for $1.98 at LEON (JOHN'S' NEW BERN SAMPLE SHOP, 128 Middle street. Bav- NEW PRICES ON BEEF AND pork all beef and pork is now l5c per pound. The quality is the same, but the high cost of living is great ly reduced now. We also have sau sage, poultry, fancy groceries, eggs, etc. Prompt delivery. Try us with your next order. N. S. MEAT MARKET, Phone 716. 116 Han cock street WA NT ED A STENOGRAPHER Apply to S. Coplon and Sons. tf. LOST A CERTIFICATE FOR three shares of stock in the Atlan tic and North Carolina Railroad numbered and issued to John Joy ner. Anyone finding same or know ing of its whereabouts will please notify J. Y. Joyner, administrator. Otherwise a substitute will be ap plied fcr. W. T. Joyner, attorney, Raleigh, N. C. 1-13-lm PICKLES! PICKLES! DILL PICK les, 15c doz.; Sour pickles 15c doz.; Sweet mixed pickles 40c quart.. Also bottled pickles. Let us have your- orders, please. H. C. ARM STRONG, The Sanitary Grocer. FINE LOT OF CUT FLOW ers, consisting of carnations, lilies, roses, ferns, etc. Designs made on short notice. New Bern Floral Co., 137 Middle street 'Phone 464. HOUSE FOR RENT, 188 1-2 M ID die street For information apply to Mrs. Charles Duffy, 120 Pollock street or call Phone 81B. 10-27-tf MORTGAGE BALE ' Pursuant to the power of sale contained in three certain mortgage deeds by A. T. George and Annie George. The first executed to A. O. Newberry of date June 8th, 1906 and recorded in book 160, page 98 of. records of Craven county and transferred to J. A. Jones. The second executed by A. T. George and Annie George to J. A. Jones of date April 29, 1908 and recorded in book 172, page 286. The third, executed by A. T. George and Annie George to J. A. Jones of data Jan 14 1910 and reeorded in book 177, page 457. The undersigned will offer 'for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court Housf door in Craven county on Saturday the 17th day of February, 1917 at 12 o'clock M. all the following described parcel of land in No. three township near North Harkme lying on the south side of Great Majsh Gut and following the lines of the W. G. Temple heirs back to said gut containing 144 acres, being the land described to said A. T. George from his father by heirship. His interest be ing one third of original tract . Also one other tract of five acres in No. $ township, ad joining the lands of John George on the west T. A. Richardson on the north Snake Branch on the south and the Burden Road on the east, being, the -homestead of said A. T. George conveyed to him by deed from L. C. Carroll and recorded in office of register of deeds of Craven Bounty. - This 16th day of January, 1917. J. A. JONES, Mortgagee. not a Matter of looks alone its real quality : Just as it Is true that "a chain is no stronger than it's .weakest link" so it is true with your suit its linings, trimmings and workmanship. That is the Winner idea in clothes building every garment made bud stantiarand good. And when we say "good" that means good all over in side as well as outside good to even the slightest detail. Your suit relined absolutely free, if not satisfactory after a reasonable amount of wear. Prices are right $12.00 to 18.00. THE WINNER . J.B.Henderson, 10 Pasteur Street Phone 443 op, op.o TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY (IN NEW BERN) ONLY The Equitable Life Assurance Society, under its home purchase plan, is prepared to make loans from $1 ,000 to $5,000 on homes on a ten-year repayment plan. ILLUSTRATION : Let us assume that the owner of a home and property worth four or five thousand dollars or more has a mortgage of $2,000 to replace. Let us assume that he can secure money at 6 per cent and that the loan-will be paid off in ten years time. This is a big assumption, in view of the fact that few men who do not enter in to some systematic repayment plan ever pay off the mortgage on their homes. If the mortgage is not paid off, it is necessary to obtain a new loan, through the ordinary channels, for either a three or five- . year period, (and this is sometimes hard to do.) We will now as sume that $1 ,000 of this loan will be repaid at trie end of five years, and that the rate of interest was 6 per cent. The transaction will have been as follows: ORDINARY MORTGAGE: Interest on $2,000 6 per cent for five years ($120 per year) will amount to . $ 600.00 At the end of the first five years pay off one-half the principal, renewing the balance for five years $1,000.00 ' Interest for the Second five year period 6 per cent ($60.00 per year) will be $ 300.00 And then pay off the remainder of the principal $1,000.00 $ 240.00 Total of principal and interest paid $2,900.00 Remember the above is a 6 per cent transaction on the five-year loan term, and that it can be renewed for another five-year period. Whenever a loan is renewed more frequently or a higher rate of in- terest is paid than 6 per cent the cost will be higher. Under the Home Purchase Plan which not only loans the money, but insures the life of the borrower during the period, the transaction is as follows : - v'i j HOME PURCHASE PLAN: " (Applicant's age 30) Monthly payments (on a loan of $2,000) of $26.40 or twelve monthly installments each year, amounting to $ 316.80 Making a total in ten years of $3,168.00 Ueduct the cash surrender value or the lite insurance policy Leaving the actual amount paid, principal, interest and insurance $2,928.00 Annual dividends are paid upon that portion of the monthly in-, stallments representing the life insurance premiums. This will fur-: ther reduce the net cost of the plan as shown above. There is a still greater advantage in the Home Purchase Plan, in . that in the event of the death of the mortgagee before the expiration , of the ten-year loan period, the mortgage is cancelled and the home is left entirely free of debt. In addition, whatever amount has been re-1 paid on account of the principal is paid to the family in cash. - I would be glad to talk the matter over with you. ,,. . Yours Very Truly, i M. W. FODRIE, Agent Office 25 Middle St. Phones: Offi ce No. 781 ; Residence, No. 533-J. j I" '.VIA1. V M M 'if s on ox me 31" : "N. fm"m """""i - ., LADIES ATTENTION 1 ! ! ! See our Wednesday 10 a. m. spft-ial aluminum window. Your choice then i for a dime. .J. S. Basnight Hardware! Co. Phone 99 . Just when you get home in the evening, , t : after a long, hot, sticky day and you're 1 tired and thirsty THAT'S the time to say -'PEPSI-Cola "' to "friend wife." , V r . That long, thin, tinkly, "ice-bergy" glass just seems to sh'arpcn up appetites for v dinner and gee ! how it does drive thirsts away! ' - Just try it any fountain serves it and any grocer can leave a case at home. 1 There isn't much similarity between the farriier and the sailor, in spite' of the f'ct thnt one tills the soil and j the o":it j.lows the s'?i. '