7 tYTTi , The JYjeatheri Fair and Cooler To day. -"Probably .Fair Wednesday Trade at Home ' 't - ' Y The Mail Order House : TT IT . I1 NEW BERNIAN ADS BUILD BtJINESS-ASK THE MERCHANTS nas in ever isrougnt New Bern a Cent. Volume jjf Number 102. 4 NEW BERN, NOTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1917. Single Copy: Five Cents Sfete Off. War.Ttanufst Uraoini line Natioini ' -: y' I I if! J, , URGES- C WIMII Calls For Congress Prepares To Grant Demands Gravely and Solemnly The President Presents the Full Situation to Joint Session of Congress, and Advises Representatives of American People to Take Steps to Exert All Powers and Employ All Resources To Bring The Government of Ger many To Terms and End The War. OUTBURST DF ENTHUSIASM WHEN PRESIDENT DECLARES 1 WILL NOT CHOOSE PATH OF SUBMISSION' Nation's Chief Makes It Clear That The War The United States Is About To Embark in Is Not a War of Conquest But One for "The Rights Of Mankind; A ar Against The Prussian Auto cracy and Not Against The German People. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 2. Gravely and solemnly President Wilson tonight demanded that the United States recognize the s'tate of war Ger many has thrust upon the nation, and exert all of its powers to bring the government of Germany to terms and end the war. Before the Congress, in joint session, the President bitterly and dispassion ately arraigned the German government for its warfare "against mankind," and urged the repre sentatives of the people to act at once to put an end to the destruction of "men, women and children" in the submarine zone. In calm silence but with determined faces, the Senators and Representatives listened as the Presi dent told them: "I advise that the. Congress declare ' the , recent course of the Imperial German government to be in fact nothing less than war against the govern ment and people of the United States: That it for mally accept the status of a belligerent which has thus been thrust upon it and that it take immediate steps not only to put the country in a state of de fense, but to exert all its powers and employ all its resources to bring the government of Germany to terms and end the war." - 7 - Brought face to face with the fatal plunge into the maelstrom of, the struggle which for three 1 years has convulsed the world, the Congress irame ' diately took, calmly but enthusiastically, the first steps toward declaring the existence of war and making ready for its prdsecution'. A joint resolu tion worded . almost ; exactly in : the President's phraseology, was introduced in both the House and Senate immediately after his speech was conclud es. Congressional leaders called the proper com mittees together tomorrow jnprning to take up the resolution for immediate action. The leaders de clared tonight that both houses would be prompt in making the declaration recommended by the Pres ident and in providing legislation to mobilize the man power, money power and all the resources of the nation for the coming struggle. ; The spirit in Congress was calm but determined and it evidenc ed itself in a wild outburst of enthusiasm when the President in the course of his address declared: "We wiUhnot choose ths path of submission." For minutes the Congress and the spectators (: ! f" ' 3.) An Immediate L IS ATTACKED BV IIITEJACIFIST After Receiving First Lick, The Senator Comes Back With a Swinging Right. I FREE-FOR-ALL WASHINGTON, ' D. C, April 2. Pacifists and patriotism clashed in the capital today on the occasion of the gathering of the new Congress. It was a verbal clash in the earlier hours of the morning when the throngs of "peace at any price" ad vocates assembled around "the great white pile on the hill," and began their series of buttonholing attacks on legislators, but it culminated to ward the middle of the afternoon in actual fistcuffs when the dignified Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, re senting the charge of cowardice from the lips of one of the buttonholers, called his opponent a liar and when the peacemaker swung a staggering blow into his face. The attack upon Senator Lodge was followed by a free-for-all mix-up between the senator's secretaries, a telegraph messenger boy and the fol lowers of the bellicose pacifists oc curred. In a narrow haUway in the main building of the capitol, just off the rotunda, Alexander Bannwart, of Boston, accompanying Mrs. Anna May Hilliard, of Cambridge, had stopped at the senator's private of fice in the course of a presentation of the arguments to legislators. Sena tor Lodge politely told Bannwart he thought he needed no information as to the attitude of Massachusetts in the present international emer gency. , "Anyone who wants to go to war at a time like this is a coward," Bann wart hissed at the, senator. "You're a liar," crisply enunciated Senator Lodge, hia eyes flashing and his form stiffening, In a second Bannwart had planted a blow at the senator's chin. . The sen ator staggered at the force of the im pact and nearly lost hia balance, but he came back with a swinging right, and out of the senator's, office piled the clerks and secretaries to end the fight; ' -?,: ' v 4 ,-. llSiTfli Suggested That Armed Craft Be Provided to Protect the , i. '"It would not be impossible for' o hostile' submarine to come as far as Hatteras llnlet, unload a small boat; with a couple , of . guns aboard, : send the boat, up the Pamlico and play havoc "in Washington,'! said Captain Dave Hill this morning : in speaking of the means which Washington has for its defense.' Nr .; , "It appears to me that the thing we ': ought to " do,"-: he continued, "would be to try to get some guns down this way.; They have them for protection of other .cities " and, in case of war, I think ; it would i. be highly essential that we have a few small-armed craft in these' waters. It' would be an easy matter for a submarine to carry one or two small boat3 in its hold for use in those waters along the coast where the depth is too shallow for t-e su'miar- FEARS GERMAN SUBS if Army "We will not choose the path of submission." Woodrow Wilson. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 2. The United States will accept Ger many's "State of war" and will meet force with force, if the amended reso lution introduced tonight by Chairman Flood, of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, prevails. This resolution will be considered by the House For eign Affairs Committee when Con gress meets tomorrow. It is: "Whereas, the recent acts of the Imperial German Government are acts of war against the government and the people of the United States. "Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress as sembled,. That the state of war be tween the United States and the Im perial Genaan Government which has thus been thrust . upon the United States is . hereby formally declared and, . ' - That the President be and is here by authorized and directed to take immediate steps; pot only to put the country in a thorough state of defense but also, to exert all of its power and employ all of ' its resources to carry on war against the Imeprial German Government and to bring the conflict to a successful termination." . , . An. identical resolution was intro'-. duced in the Senate by Senator Mar tin,' the Democratic floor leader of that body. .;.r."fvVv,;;p::A;.;';.'..!';;. Every Available Man "Able to Bear Arms Must Go To The Front, s , t ', ' y. . v'---v-r-' ; COPENHAGEN, via London, 'April 2. Germany, according to informa tion reaching here from Berlin, now is gathering to the colors every avail able man for the supreme military ef fort to bring the War to a victorious conclusion in this year's campaign, a goal which Field Marshal Ton Hin denburg and his advisors consider by no means impossible of attainment. No, Moude, dear; in discussing cur rent topics it isn't absolutely neces sary to limit ymm-i if to the subject IH MEASURE IS INTRODUCED IN BOTH HOUSE AND SENATE CALLS ALL MEN TO COLORS iTEME of Half Million Men DEMOCRATS IN FULL CONTHOLL OF Tf HOUSE Organization Effected 3y Close Margin, With Aid of Four Independents. P CLARK IS RE-ELECTED SPEAKER WASHINGTON, D. C, April 2. The War Congress was organized to day by the Democratic party and the v. iy was cleared tonight for immed iate legislative action to support President Wilson in hostilities with Germany. The Democratic organiza tion of the House was accomplished by a narrow margin, with the aid of four representatives elected as inde pendents. The Senate, with a safe Democratic majority had already been organized in special session of the upper house, held March 5. The election of Champ Clark as speaker, and other House officers, the adoption of Democratic House rules and the election of the House commit tees, kept the House busy from noon well into the evening, when arrange ments were completed for a joint ses sion of both houses to hear Presi dent Wilson's war address. The session was marked by sombre business-like earnestness as the rep resentatives of the people confront ed a legislative decision that may throw the United States into the maelstrom of war. Democrats and Re publicans in patriotic declarations even as they fought for partisan or ganization of the House. The defeat of Republican Leader James R. Mann for speaker was ac complished by the defection of three representatives from his standard and the decision of independents to give the House control of the admin istration. .The vote was: Clark 217; Mann 205; Lenroot, of Wisconsin, 2; Gillette, of Massachusetts, 2. Clark received the votes of 213 Democrats, Schall, of Minnesota, Pro gressive; London, of New York, Soc ialist; Randall, of California, Prohi bitionist; and Martin, of Louisiana, Progressive-Protectionist. CAPITOL DURINC Extreme Precautions Taken Be cause of Feeling Between War ' Advocates and Pacifists, .v ' WASHINGTON, D, C, April 2. Two troops of eavalry were ordered to the capitol tonight tg guaru against any disorder shile the President de livered .his war message. The sold iers rode through the city to the cap itol about half an hour before the President was scheduled to start up Pennsylvania Avenue with an escort of secret service men. The high feel ing between pacifists and war advo-.- ics, v.l - c . ' ! !'p cily, led to T PRESIDENT WILSON s closely Guarded American Armed Ship Is Destroyed "Aztec" Was Torpedoed Without Warning Off The French Coast, According to Dispatch Re ceived at French Embassy at Washington Eleven Members of Crew Missing. SECRETARY DANIELS AWAITS THE OFFICIAL REPORTS REFORE CMC DOT NIES OF GUN CRE1 ABOARD WASHINGTON, D. c, April 2. Eleven of the crew of the armed Am erican steamer "Aztec," torpedoed without warning off the French coast, are missing, according to a dispatch received at the French embassy to night. No complete list of survivors of the ship was contained in the dis patch, which was garbled in transmis sion and which mentioned two missing boats after referring to the eleven men missing. The dispatch, as giv en out by the French embassy, read: "The French misister of the navy has given the foreign office the fol lowing information: "The American steamer 'Aztec,' armed, bound from New York to Havre, has been sunk without warn ing April 1 off Ouessant. The torpedo CALL TO TO ENLIST IN New Bern Company Needs 75 Abie-Bodied Men to Bring It To War Strength. Are our people patriotic ? When our nation is in peril it is the duty of Our people to respond. Surely this section is not less patriotic than oth er sections of the country. Lieutenant F. T. Brandt of the local Naval Militia is in need of seventy-j five able bodied men to put his divis ion on d war footing.' 'The govern ment gives good pay, the pay rang ing,from $24.20 por month to $77.00 and rations, outfit of clothing and medical attention.1 : The locat division ; now. has but thirty-eight qualified' men. Let our men respond to the call of patriotic duty.1 'Obey the impulse and com municate with t Lieutenant ' P . T. Brandt," New Bern, at once and get information as to how to enlist. Do not delay: , You have the opportunity to serve your, country.- The usuaf monthly1 meeting of tne Craven County Board of Education was held in the office of Mr.' S.' M. Brinson, superintendent of public in struction; ' ' yesterday- morning, ' . and the usual routine Of business was at tended to. ; V: ' v extreme precautions throughout the city. by the police IT AN OPPORTUNITY TO POWERS struck amidship, destroying the wire less apparatus and generating great quantities of asphyxiating gas. The first boat broke in two while being lowered. The second 'boat took off the captain, Lieut. Fuller Gresham, the naval officer in charge of the ship's guard and 15 men of the crew. A. "The third boat tooK off the second-' officer and 18 men. Eleven men are missing. The boat with the captain was sighted by the French cattle ship 'Sirius' and this ship took the surviv ors aboard. Searching for the oth er." Secretary of the Navy Daniels said he had no official information as to the sinking of the Aztec but that he would make public the names of the gun crew aboard just as soon as he could get a complete list of them. P Learned That Officials of War Department Will Designate it as Mobilizing Point. While nothing definite has been an ' nounced by the war department, rel ative to the National Guard and vol unteers mobilizing at Camp Glenn, it has been learned from a confidential source, that this is the decision ar- : rived at by those n charge. It was also reported in New Bern last night uiaL ncvcini viut.eiB aiiu men aiv OA- pected to go to Camp Glenn today to prepare for the " arrival of s the ' troops. ', ; " ' - In addition to the members of the' National. Guard,' it . is expected that several thousand volunteers will bft sent there for training.. - The volun teers will riot- only come from North Carolina, but from other States along, the Atlantic Coast, Arrangements ' are being made to provide quarters for several thousand Volunteers, Frances Boyd, Louis.Boyd and Pearle Foy, colored, were darraigned in Police Court- yesterday 'charged with engaging in" a ' fight ' Saturday night. Louis . Boyd " was ? dismissed and the two-women found guilty and fined five dollars and taxed with the, cost. Walter Edwards, colored, was taxed with the cost for discharging a pistol within the city ttmits. CAMP GLENN AS SEEMS T