PAGE TWO THE MORNING NEW BERNIAN, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1917. Can We Be of Service to You We are anxious to be of every possible service to men and women of New Bern and Craven county who leave the city for duty with the United States Army, the Unit ed States Navy, or the American Red Cross. Our complete facilities are cordially placed at your dis posal for the protection of your funds while you are away and for the handling of any banking business that may need attention. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, compound QUAR TERLY is paid on small as well as large accounts in our Savings Department. Come and talk things over with us. It will afford us great pleasure to serve you. THE PEOPLES BANK Strong New Bern, N. C. Courteous Progressive ojoboi locaoi Tftgfo ! WARNING! ! II ALL PERSONS CORPORATIONS DOING BUSINESS IN THE CrTY, WHO HAVE NOT PAID THEIR LICENSE ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT WARRANTS WILL BE ISSUED AND PROSECUTED J UNLESS TAX IS PAID AT ONCEWITHOUT EX CEPTION. J. J. Tolson City Tax Collector. Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 12 Noon 1 P. M. to 7 P. M. Ha ! Ha! Ha! Well, Well, Well! Here is Old Man Economy. He will never die for we can not pass him by, for his make of CLOTHES has never lied, to me. Smoke on old man, Tll L. 1 1U uts UUWU ' .1 iriuill bye and bye, I know where you are stopping -At Is, RSAWYER, Merchant Tailor ' NO. 101 SOUTH FRONT STREET -. I . Toric Lenses Give you a much larger field of vision than the flat leas and en able you to read or write with the head in a natural position. Let me make your glasses TORIC ioday. SAM K. EATON Optometrist. BWSkm SSBSanBISSSSBB Notice To Travelling Public! THE BRICK CONSTRUCTION ON TRENT ROAD IS NOT OPEN TO TRAVEL , An article appeared in print recently wherein it was stated that the brick road was open to traffic. This arti cle was erroneous, but in consequence of it many vehicles " went through barricades and entered upon the road and greatly damaged it. The constructors were compelled to rebuild it for quite a distance. The County Commission era 1iave caused to be served several notices warning those who may enter upon the brick work that indict ments will be made for the protection of the work, and ALL WHO GO UPON THE BRICK PAVING WILL BE INDICTED AND PUNISHED TO THE PULL EXTENT OF THE LAW. It is hoped that the people of the county will refrain from doing injury to this work, which is for their benefit when completed. YORK BRDDELL, Engineer. TWO u. & sjuums DEFEAT 4fl WAITERS Failure to Serve Drinks Ordered in New York Restaurant Started Trouble. (Br InteriMttaul News Service.) NEW YORK, May 25. One of the earliest victories of the war is re ported from Rector's Restaurant, where two able-bodied seamen of the United States navy and a civilian aid won a decided success against the famous "flying wedge" of forty wait ers, led by various head waiters and managers. The enemy's casualties are heavy. Our loss was nill. Failure to serve drinks ordered for the two sailors started the action. Several hundred non-combatant diners fled from the main dining" room and a hundred and fifty dancing couples ran from the gilded ballroom, while the orchestra faded away without taking part in the hostilities. Albert Brinkhouse and Charles J. Neal, innocent appearing .but husky lads of nineteen and twenty years, were on shore leave from the Des Moines and struck up an acquaint ance with Arthur H. Gormley,.a sales man "from their old home town," Boston. Mr. Gormley appointed himself n committee of one to see that "any boys who are good enough to fight for the U. S. A. are good enough to have a gbod time along Broadway." The merry little party of two sea men and one landsman reached sec tor's when the dancing was liveliest and the place most crowded. As'they entered Mr. Gormley asked that a table be provided for his two friends. George Rector saw them and is said to have directed Albert Dasberg, man ager of the dining room, not to serve them. Mr. Gormley resented that treat ment and was protesting when the seamen saw the "flying wedge" form ing. Mr. Dasberg went down with a bruised and gushing nose. Scores of women diners who had seen the encounter jumped from their seats and screamed. While the ex odus from the room was in progress the forty waiters formed a wedge and started for the unwelcome callers. But these seamen were feeling fit, and one after another the waiters went down. While Neal was whipping the wait ers Brinkhouse mounted the golden stairs to the ballroom and was met by Poseph Nolan, the manager there. Another fight started and later Mr. j Nolan exhibited a crumpled nose and I a discolored eye. Alfred George, captain of the bell j boys, was knocked down several j times, and half a dozen waiters told I of similar experiences. The seamen had control of the establishment when j the police reserves arrived and ar- j rested the two seamen and their es- j cort. ' Later the three were fined $o each. They paid, and said it was worth it. Classified Advertisements Tea Cents per Line, six words to the' line. Twenty Cents minimum charge. Less by the week or month ) " 11 WANTED TO BUY AT ONCE 16 foot canoe. Address P. O. Box 187. 6-26-3t. FOR SALE-NICE HEAD LETTUCE 5c a head; mustard and kale salad, 10c a peck; also cabbage, beets and collard plants. Call at 70 Metcalf St., or phone 637-J. 5-25-3ti. WANTED COLORED BOY ABOUT 14 years of age, to work around yard and office. Must be neat and honest. Apply to Room 302, Elks Temple. 5-24-3ti. 10,000,000 PEOPLE KNOW ALL A bout it! Know what? How many winter suits are completely ruined by moths every summer. Don't run this risk. Let us clean them before you pack them. Our new sanitary method is the best. Phone 29,' and keep the moths out Brad-dys'. RUMANIANS FORCED 10 WORK FOR ENEMY All Men Between Ages 18 and 42 in Conquered Territory Work Long Hours. LIBERTL LOAN BONOS WE'VE PURCH asefl one! Have you? Join the good movement now. Great Bargains in suit cases, baps, trunks, guns, rifles, pistols, car ridges, shells, watches, bracelets, guitars, violins, banjos, mandolins, ukuleles, base ball and tennis goods at LEON COHN'S NE WBEKN SAMPLE SHOP, 128 Middle St. Banker. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT SOME thing to eat. Try, our nice, hard head cabbage. Sweet potatoes, May peas and strawberries. All fresh and good. We are headquarters for country produce, apples, bananas, black-eye and clay' peas, fishing poles, hooks and lines. We are conducting an up-to-date variety store, with prices to suit you. Give us a trial. M. W. CHAPMAN, 167 Broad Street, phone 598-W. (By International News Service.) PETROGRAD, May 25. The whole of the civil population in the con quered part of Roumania between the ages of eighteen and forty-two has been put to work for Germany, says a dispatch from Jassy, the temporary seat of the Roumanian Government The dispatch follows: "A Roumanian officer left behind in Wallachia succeeded in passing through the German lines, and has brought with him interesting infor mation. The whole of the civil popu lation between eighteen and forty two is,' he says, compelled to work for the enemy. The Germans requisi tion everything, leaving the popula tion hardly enough to eat. The Jew ish poulation are very pro-German . I and are used by the enemy as agents in their relations with the civil popu-ll lation. Nothing but military trains are running between the Central Em pires and the occupied country. "While passing through Wallachia this officer was discovered by a Ger man officer, whom he shot, and on whom he found letters, dated Ludwig shafen, complaining bitterly of the shortage of food in spite of the, oc cupation of a portion of Roumania, and of the fact that all unmarried women from eighteen upwards were soon to be called into the railway service." EARLY VARIETY SELECTED Sound Cotton Seed for replanting for sale by Bristol Plantation Co., Pollocksville, N. C, phone 2405. 5-18-d-lwk. S.W-21 ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH your cleaning and pressing? If you are not, give me a trial, and I will convince you that I l W I. ' BIGfMCAIuNIVAlI Metropolitan Shows AUSPICES ATLANTIC FIRE COMPANY Ghent Carnival Grounds ALL WEEK MAY 28th Best and Cleanest Show On The Road Fifteen Attractions Two Bands. All Free, Band Concert at The Park Sunday Afternoon, May 27th, Five O'Clock DONT FORGET THE DATE AND PLACE U. S. MINISTER SPURS RUSSIANS ON TO WAR Ambassador Francis Cooperat ing Closely With the New Government. K AHN AN LEAN LOTHES LEANER NOCKING THE SPOTS where others fail. HARRY KAN, 78 S. Front St. Phone 733. FOR RENT BETWEEN JUNE 10th and 15th, residence No. 69 Han cock street, now occupied by Prof. H. B. Smith. Apply to C. T. Tur ner, 93 Middle street, phone 172. 5-16. SEA WOLVES WHO KILL BUT DO NOT FIGHT ARE DR. VAN DYKE'S THEME Dr. Henry Van Dyke, former Am erican Minister to the Netherlands, who arrived at New York Tuesday, whole the poem printed below on his voyage across the Atlantic. HOMEWARD BOUND By Henry Van Dyke Home, for my heart still calls me; Home through the danger zone; Home, whatever befalls me, I will sail again to my own. Wolves of the sea are hiding Closely along the way, Under the water hiding Their moment to rend and slay. Black is the eagle that brands them, Black are their, hearts as the night, Black is the hate that sends them To murder, but not to fight. Flower of the German Kulture, Boast of the Kaiser's marine, Choose for your emblem the vulture, Cowardly, cruel, obscene. Forth from her sheltered haven, One peaceful ship glides slow, Noiseless in flight as a raven, Gray as a hoodie crow. She doubles and turns -in her bearing Like a twisting plover she goes; The way of her westward firing, ; Only the captain knows In a lonely bay concealing She lingers for days.i and ships , At dusk from her covert, stealing Through, channels ' feared by the ships. Brave are the men and steady, Who guide her over the deep. British mariners ready .To face the sea wolf's leap. 1 Lord of the wind and waters , Bring our ship to her mark. Safe from the game of hide-and-seek With murderers in the dark. u YOU DONT HAVE TO HOB SICK WHEN YOU USB GARDEN PLOW. CALL nHTB US.' THONE 89. j: s. bahnwot nnmn CO. i ISlOOT THE DYE IS CAST KAHN'S Cleaning and Dye Works, 78 South Front St, phone 733, is now equip ped to do first class dyeing and cleaning. Our work is our best recommendation. All oun, pressing is done by hand and by a first class tailor. There's a difference; .you will readily notice it. PETROGRAD, May 25. America's potent influence i. being utilized by the Russian government in a cam paign to spur the army into fighting. j American Ambassador Francis is i addressing the Russian troops and scores of assemblage composed of the common people. He is cooperating closely with Minister of War Keren sky. Francis is the most popular of all diplomats here. He is daily being deluged with appeals for speeches. Most of these come from the Russian troops. He is accepting everyone of them . In these, Francis drives home the brotherhood of Democracy in Rus sia and America. He usually con cludes with the statement, "The new Russia and the United States entered the war practically simultaneously. The United States stands ready to help an aggressive Russia on the batt:lefronts." v fm list Your State and County Taxes Now at ilie Court House Don't forget to List during May, and save all penal ties and indictments. After May 3ht to the second Monday in July, Listing will be 25 cents for each abstract, and 5 per cent penalty added to your taxes; after said time you will be subject to a penalty of 25 per cent added to your taxes, and guilty of a misdemeanor. w The Board of Commissioners decided at its regular meeting May 7th, to enforce this Law to the letter. This notice is given by order of the Board; that you may have no excuse. Eight FOR RENT HOUSES 188 1-2 AND 190 Middle street Bothhave large gardens. . For information apply1 to Mrs. Charles Duffy, 120. Pollock St., or 'Phone 81-W. STOP ! LOOK 1 LISTEN v! OUR Market is loaded with a full sup ply of Chickens, eggs, pork, beef, etc. If yoh want the best, come to headquarters. Think of it! Eggs for this week, 30c a dozen; choice steaks, 20c a pound. Plenty of Western pork chops, loin roasts and backbones. Phone 716 your order will have prompt and careful attention. ' N.-S. MEAT MARKET, lilTHancock street. - FOR SALE THREE OR FOUR hundred cotton and jute sacks rang ing in price from 5c to 15c each. H. C Armstrong, The Sanitary Gro- AUTOS FOR HIRE-DAY OR NIGHT Can serve you on short notice. Phone 388-W. E. H. Henderson, 142 Broad St. 6-6-tf HEART CYPRESS SHINGLES ARE the best to cover your house. See fhe Old Reliable, Big Hill, The Shingle Man. 4-24. MayLou's Hairdressing Parlor 183 Middle St Up-sUirs. MRS. R. C. MINICH, Proprietress 'Phone 484. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Manicuring, Massaging and Sham- of Cra- IW attend- Reunion at Washing- I their who coa tagtfctfCV. ton, D. C, wiM please send in names at once to S. R. Street tain Cajap, or to W. N. Pugh. old Veterans will Wve New Sunday evening at 6 'deck, 3rd of June. Ba sure to be en Bern It's all right to make hay while the sun shines, but have you noticed the Weather Bureau's report of deficiency I of sunshine? PLANS COMPLETED 1 REGISTRATION Every Man Between 21 and 31 Years Must Enroll for Selec tive Draft. Sheriff R. B. Lane states that he has made all arrangements for the registration of persons within the ser vice age, as required by the selective draft bill, on June fifth, and he is ex pecting that practically every person in the county between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-one will regis ter on that day. In order that there will be as little inconvenience- in registering as pos sible, the sheriff has appointed sev eral additional registrars, two of whom will be near the colored graded school for the accommodation of those resjding in that section of the town. Others will be in James City. The real value of plumbing is not so much what you pay for it as the workmanship. Let us demonstrate fl. W. Hunt Plumbing Co., 19 Craven street. Phone 489. Spring Cleaning Time Is Here . See me for First Class Painting and Paper Hang ing., J. N. WADE Painter and Paper Hanger. 41 POLLOCK ST. 'Phone 6S7-J. thousand ?EiOht million? Eifjht hundred?Eihty?Ei$rrt? tight What? Thats the point exactly !uou don t have to know eight what the .gAddinandCoaculatinMacliinc has but one eight on its keuboard The Dalton is tie simplest, most natural, most durable, quickest and altogether, best device for the mechanical adding, subtract ing, multiplying and dividing of figures. Learn about "touch system" in listing and adding. Send for brochure of mechanical calculating. It's free. DALTON KEYBOARD NON-DALTON mill ihn ii hi ym 111 111 'Jrrw yj Plumbing Most Important When you build, your plumbing should be given careful atten tion as the health of your family depends on this item. Let us do your plumbing and you will get the best, and with heat ma terlal and Guaranteed Fixtures, you will eliminate repair bills. Award us your contract and let us prove this assertion. STALLJNGS BROTHERS ' 177 PLUMBING AND BEATING CONTRACTORS 7 Cmtm StrMC WE SANITARY of the we iehamber. drainacre device and food compartments of our new style rtfilgeihteis will appeal to those w&ff ;a anatidiijus about clean liness and health guarding. We in vite yon to see them,' knowing -wen they will appeal to your good judg ment. We Ahull foe triad to show their gbod points' any tune. J0E LIPMAN PHOK8 a2. .

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