PAGE TWO THE MORNING NEW BERNIAN, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1917. OOPOL J o Applause i -stimulates j ambitioa Nothing stimulates a man's desire to do the right 0 thing like appreciation. If you find a man or firm who is giving the public a fair deal, get acquainted with him. 0 It will pay you. Hardware at right prices. o D o m 5 D 0 B RHODES & KEHOE THOXK ue 75 SOUTH FRONT STREET 0 o ocaoo E RIVALS JESSIE JAMES ????????? ?????????? i a i l ev es Did you hear the sermon Sunday night atCentenaryChurch? Do you pay your debts? My Goods cost me money. E. B. HACKBURN. n ??????? ?????? ?? ?i All Important Prescriptions Any prescriptions brought here, whether design ed to overcome some minor ailment or some dangerous illness, will receive our best attention. There's never any discrimination here ALL PRESCRIPTIONS ARE IMPORTANT. We make a specialty of scientific compounding and use drugs of a quality that can be depended upon for best results. LET US BE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONISTS BradhamDmgCo. NOT TOO LATE To Plant Wheat, Rye, Clover, Rape, Seed Oats and Vetch For Winter Grazing and Cover Crops. WE BUY EGGS AND CHICKENS, SWEET AND IRISH POTATbES WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS I J. H. PARKER & CO.'S SEED STORE Phone 184 ! New Bern, N. C. Walter Belvins Alleged to Have Committed Marty Crimes KNOXVILLE, TENN., Nov. 6. Rivaling the exploits of Jesse James were the thrilling experiences and adventures of Walter Blevins, alies Walter Curtis, alias Walter Dean, who has just been taken from tljia city to Anaconda, Montana,, by Montana offi cers armed with requisition papers from Governor T. C. Rye, of Tenn essee, issued at the request of the Governor of Montana. Blevins will be placed on trjal alAnaconda charg ed with murder ind highway robbery, and Montana officers here assert that his sensational career as an outlaw will end in the gallows at Anaconda. Blevins belong to the famous Har vey Logan clan, according to a letter now in possession of Attorney W. T, Kennerly, of Knoxville, said to have been written by Blevins. He was as clever as the burglar Raffles, as shown by the fact that once, while officers had an eye on him, he took a small wire used to clean his pipe and opened the lock on his handcuffs. Under plasters on his back were small saws and files, and he also had tools to cut prison bars in his belt. Numer ous times he has proven that prison bars are no barrier to his liberty. Investigation by secret service men j post oflice inspectors and other Fed eral officers at Knoxville has dis closed deeds and crimes attributed to Blevins which are unparalleled in the most popular "Diamond Dick" and "Nick Carter" stories. And yet. they say, they have not learned half his career as a desperado. He cov ered up many of his crimes with ex traordinary cunning. Gold nuggests were stolen in Alaska by Blevins, and on this charge and jail-breaking at Juneau, Alaska, he was sentenced to the Federal peni tentiary at Fort Leavenworth by the Territorial Court in Alaska. He was released from Leavenworth prison on October 15, 1916. He then went to Chattanooga and worked for two or three weeks as a structural steel worker on the Volunteer State Life Building. He quit that job about the middle of November, 1916, and visited his parents, who, it is said, lived about ten miles above Johnson City. For two months he remained in upper East Tennessee. During that time the post office at Johnson City was entered, the vault therein, as well as the large safe inside the vault were blown open with nitroglycerim. and nearly $10,000 worth of postage stamps and several hundred dollars in money stolen. A short time there after the post office at Piney Flats was broken into. Suspicion attached to Blevins, although the post office au thorities had no direct proof of his connection With this robbery. In the latter part of February, 1917, Blevins left East Tennessee and re turned to Montana, where he had liv ed for several years before going to the penitentiary. While in Montana he was arrested by the State author ities upon a minor charge and was given six months in jail. While in jail at Malta, Montana, he made his escape, in connection with two men, who it is claimed were western high waymen. Shortly after his escape from jail in company with these two men and another party, he went to Anaconda, and while at Anaconda, this quartette held up ten or fifteen automobiles on a highway about three miles from Anaconda. These machines were loaded with people returning from a dance ai a country club. Because one of the parties, a prom inent business man, failed to hold up his hands as quickly as Blevins or dered, it is claimed Blevins shot him and also shot a woman who did not respond immediately to his command The man lived a few weeks and died The woman recovered. Officers pursued the robbers, who had commandeered an automobile, toward Butte and fired upon them a number of times and wounded one of them, who was afterwards captured in Butte; he was identified as one of the band, pleaded guilty and was sen tenced to the penitentiary for life. Blevins made his escape and was af terwards recaptured at Miniot, North Dakota, and returned to Malta, Mon tana, on the old charge for which he ; was serving', a sentence when he es- S caped. It was claimed part of the 3 stolen goods .and jewelry was found S upon him. EE Blevins confessed to the robbery jss of the Johnsdn City post office at! 55 Malta, Montr.:!."., and before the Mon-is jtana State authorities suspected that, is he was connected with the Anaconda 2 ! robbery he was brought to Tennessee :S 1 for trial for the Johnson City rob- j S 1 bery of the 310,000 in postare stamps ' 3 and several hundred dollars in raon- ey. 1 He was tried on the charge at the session of the United States District Coah in September, at Greeneville, Tenn., when he repudiated his alleged confession, claiming it was forced up on him by the sheriff in Montana, and, the Federal Government being unable to rebut his claim, at that time, he was acquitted by the jury, there be ing no other evidence of his robbing the Johnson City post office except his reputed confession. While in jail at Greeneville a small boy in the cell showed Blevins a saw. Blevins told the boy that the saw was no good for cutting bars and showed him some better ones which he had in his belt. He tolclthe boy that if when he got out, he would get some nitroglycerine and smuggle it into him he would pay the boy $5 and would use the explosive to kill the guard and also blow up part of the prison, so that other prisoners could escape. The boy was scared and "squealed" to Federal officers. Sheriff J. R. Crabb and Deputy Sheriff Percy Ingalls, of Montana, are taking Blevins back to Montana with a twenty-pound boot on his foot, which has a combination lock which takes about thirty minutes to open, and strong handcuffs. mr. MONEY IN LAND 14 years ago a man bought 18 acres of land for H $700. He now refuses to sell it for $18,000. The would- jj 5 be purchaser wants the land for fanping purposes. The. S 9 buildings are plain and it is not a town lot affair. Last week 69 acres of land sold at public auction EE for more than $30,000 and one man bought it for a farm. Both of said tracts are situated within 30 miles EE Es of Fort Barnwell where on J Thursday, Nov. 15, 1917 EE by order of court I will sell lands just as good as either of EE EE the tracts mentioned; just as good soil, just as good loca- ss tion, and the same kind of farmer can make it just as EE valuable, acre for acre, as either of the two high-priced EE s tracts. In fact a few years ago the lands I now offer, B acre for acre, were held at much higher price than either EE EE of the two tracts now valued so highly. SMALL FARMS, BIG FARMS, GREAT PLAN- f j TATIONS may be purchased on easy terms at bargain EE! EE prices at this extraordinary sale which will be attended s s by hundreds. You are invited to come. 1 New Bern Ice Co. PURE ICE From Distilled Water 'PHONE 23 Chickens & Eggs JUST RECEIVED Money Saved on Both by seeing me. Hardy Whitford Cor. Broad and Hancock Sts. R. A. NUNN, Receiver of Fort Barnwell Agricultural and ment Co. Develop- NOFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD SPECIAL EXCURSION MEM PHIS, TENN. Account Southern Medical Association Novem ber 12-15, 1917. Round trip tickets on sale Novem ber 10-11-12 and 13. Final limit for return November 16th, 1917. For information call at your near est Norfolk Southern Railroad Agent or write to , W. J. Williams, C. A., Raleigh, N. C.j O. D. Underwood, C. A., Char lotte, N. C; J. F. Dalton, C. P. A., Norfolk, Va. 17-YEAR-OLD GIRL IS PRESIDENT 01? BANK CLEVELAND, 0 Nov. 7.--Pfen-ic Kochman, seventeen, is president o 'a bank. The bank has 850 depositors and a capital f $155.58. The depositors are members of the council education alliance, who save their money to "buy Liberty Loan bonds, vacations and Christmas pre sents. The deposits come in pennies. Some persons literally have "only a cent to their names." MORTGAGE SALE By virture of the power or Bale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Amos Y. Banks and Mary K. Banks, his wife, to A; E. Dannenberg, bearing date of July 1st, 1913, and recorded in trie public record in office of register of deeds for said Craven county in book No. 93 Fol'o 825, which sa d mortgage and the debt thereby secured, have been duly transferred and assigned by aaid A. E. Dannenberg to J. L. Hahn, by deed .-f aa s gntent recorded in book Ho. 218 Folio 498 of said public record, default having been made in the payment of the bonds secured by said mortgage, the uncerslgned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door of said Craven county on Monday, December 3rd, 1917, at the hour of 12 o'clock m.. tne following land, to-w.t : AH that certain lot or parcel of land ly'ng and being situated in the city of New Bern, sa'd state and county, on the northern s de of Gardner's alley, beg numg at a point one hundred (199) feet distant from the northwestern corner of the intersection of sa A Gardner's alley and Georje street, running thence northwarldy parellel with said George street one hundred (109) feet ; thence weswardly and paralled with said Gardner's alley seventy (70) feet, thence southwardly parellel with said George street one hundred (190( feet to said Gardner's alley ; thence eastwarldy along the north ern I ne of sa.d alley seventy (70) feet to the place of beginning, it beiwr the same land conveyed by Patsy Banks (unmarried) to the said A. Y. Banks, by deed date of November 28rd, 1912, and recorded in said public records m oook No. 194 Filio 42, to which reference is hereby made. This 1st day Of November, 1917. J. L. HAHN, assignee of A. E. Dannenberg. SPECIAL NOTICE. AH persons are hereby cau tioned from purchasing our coupon books as they may have been stolen from us, as were Books No. 1660 11.00; No. 521 and 522, $1.50; No. 78, 79 and 80, $3.00. J. L. ROPER LUMBER CO.. A. T. GERRANS, General Supt. New Fruit Stand In addition to my stand on the corner of South Front and Craven streets, I have opened up a First Class Fruit and Vegetable store at 97 Middle street, next to .Singer Sewing Machine Co., where I will be pleased to serve the trade with a Choice Line of Fruits and Vegetables. We have on hand: Peaches, Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Lemons, Pears, Celery, Danish Cabbages, Onions and a choice line of Cigars, Cigarettes, Cold Drinks etc. Z A YTOUN Braddy's Old Stand ELLIS 97 Middle Street The better the feed the better the results likewise the less the quanti ty used. We sell feed all kinds for aB purposes. The next time you are in need of Cracked Corn, Oats or Molasses Feed order from us. Our prices are right. Our deliv eries are prompt. 'PHONE US YOUR ORDERS. C. L Spencer Phone 150 Are Your Eyes Well Dressed? There is a "style" in glasses as well as in clothing. Becoming eyeglasses must be made to order to suit the individuality of the wearer. Our op tical department cakes in every branch of eyeglass science. We fit your eyes correctly and scientifically. SAM K. EATON, Optometrist ITS HARD TO CARRY A complete stock of Hardwai'e, but we manage to do it all the time. When you need anything in our line, whether it be a few NAILS, a couple of HINGES, a LOCK or a TOOL, or KITCHEN SUPPLIES of some sort, come. here feeling sure you will find what you want right in quality and right in price. We have endeavored to enumerate a few of the lines which we carry without going into too much detail. An inquiry about any of the articles mentioned will be cheerfully answered. CUTLER'S The Depot For Hardware TELEPHONE NO. 1 As Age Advances the liver Requires nrnilnnsl slight stimulation. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS comet CONSTIPATION. HE GOT MS UQUOR OH A BOAT OosH, cones old boy uo rm SfACdeRlNC WOM6 AOlM' that i kid i cit w tueRv time i see him, But i havjcn't the heart no urn up : FOB. THE tOOe OF PETE, MAe you BEEN MANClN' aroonp that SALOOM ACAIN ! "'M X MXENELlMi nope, i a nt Been HEAR A OH HILL- HK- IN P-FO-FOUR MONTHS !! Cowan, t f 6o WM'T tHA SAtOON - Vil HAT JU V'CET CUHKk: ON, HUH 1 Wtiha C ' ES J " , -T1.n1 - I wr HUM I ' I V j iv i i - -i i i .-v niiN i m w i . - - io -ta j n I I -J Mr KS.W ' I U I . - -JN I I I C-(v 1 I i r m r sm m mtzsu u usu iWMr m iw a ,;. 8t, LIW -VBmmmmTT llll.llllll mmY JHil . !Kvmxr IMtJl f& ,HE . DHH luvwn mm im 11 n 11 i mm mmmm iv&wxi imfhi mh . ' m mui i wi r " " "kw judmh vcH-iifr ; m mm mw v -vi or vvhiii H-HW IlKISIlllK I I SHh fltltfl MM tmSL . joupUn. J0nM, Onslow. Lenoir. Or- veic souse, who COCR HEARD OF ANV body cerrtN' dron- ON WATER v)wy.NoT 1 can't a cuv Get pbunw on y)AT6R. just As uea as oh LAND !! Green Tomatoes For Pickling Small, Medium, Large $2.00 Per Bushel. Stock Grown at Morehead City. Cash With Order. WILL P. DAVIS, P. O. Box 95 New Bern, N. C. NEW IDEAS I wish to announce that I have just returned from the North, where 1 have '.aken a special course, and gained many new ideas in Manicuring and Hairdressing MAY LOU'S HAIRDRESS ING PARLOR MRS. R. C. MINICH. Proprietress 133 Middle St. . Upstairs Phone 484 J. M. WARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Rooms 315-316, Elks Temple 1 32 Middle Street 'Professional Cards W. B. ROUSE o.TORNEt AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW Over Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Company NEW BERN. N. C. GEORGE T. WILLIS Attorney and Counsellor at Law Office 74 1-2 South Front St.. New Bern, N. C. Vanceboro. N. C: Office days Tues- davs and Saturdays. Practice in State and Federal Courts Charles L. Abernethy LAWYER Room 801-202-808 Elks Tempi NEW BERN. N. C. S. A. Toison, attorney, associated n civil practice. Practices is SUtt od Federal courts. d. a SMAW FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND BMBALMER NEW BERN. N. C 'hones: Office 167: Residence .mu ,ja h

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