THE MORNING NEW BERNIAN, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1917. PAGE THREE fe I lt's Worth More Than $3.00 to be relieved of worry over the safety of your valuables for an entire year. But that's all it costs to rent a Safe De posit Box in our fire and burglar proof vault. Rent one TODAY. Tomorrow may be too late. THE PEOPLES BANK Strong New Bern, N. C. Courteous Progressive FOR YOUR CHIDS SAKE Suppose you want to name some one for guardian for your children and your will? Doesn't it seem reasonable that a responsible Trust Company is better suited for the management of a minor's estate than a busy individual? The law fixes our fee and your will and directions are followed exactly to the letter as the Trust Company has no favoritism in such matters as this. Let's talk it over before it is TOO late. CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY We Welcome Small Accounts Great accomplishments, like great riv ers, often spring from tiny beginnings. Many of the largest accounts carried by this Institution have developed from very humble starts. The amountpf the initial deposit is sec ondary to the determination of the individ ual to add to it with system and regularity. - CalT today. One dollar will open your account with this Institution. NewBern Banking&Trust Co. NEW BERN, N. C. The 1917 TAX BOOKS ARE NOW N MY HANDS AND ARE READY FOR COLLECTION. TAX PAY ERS WILL CALL AT MY OFFICE AND SETTLE PROMPTLY. , R. B. LANE, Sheriff SEPT. FOREIGN TRADE T Total for Month is $456,201,567 Decrease of $34,006,000 For Month August . , WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 6. COMB SAGE TEA INTO OUT HAIR Darkens Beautifully and Restore Its Natural Color and Lustre at Once. Common crarden satre brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol American exports in September to- added, will turn gray, streaked and taled 1456,201, 667, according to a fa K """y a urari " . T , .' ... . . I ant Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur statement issued to-day by the bureau recipe at h9me thogh ig troublesome. of foreign and domestic commerce, of I An easier way is to get the ready-to-use the department of commerce. This is preparation improved by the addition of a decrease of amiroximatelv S34 000 - other NFedtents, costingjibout 50 centu a decrease 01 approximately ?J4,uuu,- a ttrge ftt . jsrr knQwn ag 000 compared with August, but again "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," of $80,000,000 as compared with July, thus avoiding a lot of muss. For the nine months ended with Sep- w.hil.e faded hair is not sinful, we u , . , . all desire to retain our youthful anpetir- tember the total exports were $4,- ance and attractiveness By darkening 607,817,178, a Rain of $657,000,000 j your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur over the similar period in 1916. Compound, no one can tell, because it Imports also fell off, the total be-1 d,oe.8 " naturally, so evenly You , .1. 1 Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with ing $236,898, as compared with $270,- J, and ,(rav thu through your hair, 509,379 in August. The total im-! taking one small strand at a time; by ports for the nine months ended with I morning all gray hairs have disappeared. September were $2,282,794,503, a gain j LVZ sott ana luxuriant and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of dieiase. NOTICE OF RECEIVERS SALE OF VALU ABLE FARM AND TIMBER LANDS Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned receiver appointed in the action pending in the Superior court of Craven county, N. C, entitled J. W. Stewart and E. H. and J. A. Meadows Company, on behalf of themselves and all other creditors, strainst' exports totaled $62,233,662. RAILROAD WAR BOARD DIRECTING EFFORTS' GOOD COAL SUPPLY WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 6. The railroad's war board is now di rperinc efforts to the work of insur- y ) others, described as follows to wit : Beg ing an adequate coal supply for do- j ning at a point north .7 degrees West greater supply of coal has been mined and shipped than ever before, the dif ficulty today is that the consumption all over the country is greater than ever before. The railroad's war board has re ceived reports indicating that the ef forts of the railroads and coal ship pers to prevent the threatened coal shortage in the northwest during the coming winter have been more suc cessful than seemed possible during the summer. With five weeks or more left before the close of navigation on the Great lakes, 23,348,100 of the 29, 000,000 tons, which it was estimated will be required, have already been sent to the northwest. of $450,000,000 over the correspond ing nine months in 1916. The imports of gold in September totaled $4,171,535; the exports $31, 332,396. For the nine months ended with September the imports of gold were $528,332,442 and the exports $348,968,514. Imports of silver in September are announced as $5,796,320 and the ex ports as $10,465,079. For the. nine months period, silver to the amount of j the Fort Barnwell Agricultural and Develop- $33,050,102 was imported, while the ffSSbHJaJSASmt. at the hour of 11 o clock a. m., on said kinds, near Fort Barnwell, in Craven county, oiler for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, or for 2n per cent, of the purchase-money in cash and the balance to be pa.d in two equal instalments, viz, 37 1-2 per cent, on or before the first day of Decem ber, 1918, and the remaining 37 1-2 on or be fore the first day of December, 1919, as may be agreed upon by and between the purcabs er and said receiver, said defered payments to be secured by mortgage on the proper Ly purchased, the following described lands, viz: FIRST TRACT Adjoining the lands of J. J. Sauls, I. J. Broaddus, R. G. Cobb and others, described as follows to wit: Begin- r7 mes and industrial uses of coal in all j ch'md VmZ cLXkTS sections of the country. While a , Turkey Trap corner, thence North 67 de- Hint's T 1.-31, Av yvics WJ a i in n, wuu o wl ner, thence south 32 degrees west 303 poles to a stake in the Fort Barnwell and Dover road; thence South 10 degrees West 260 poles to a pine near the Horse Pen corner, White and Broaddus' corner, thence south 110 voles to a stake the southwest corner of the Win. Jones grant (now owned by M. D. Lane), thence east 150 poles to a stake, the southwest corner of said grant ; thence north 110 poles to a stake in the south boundary of the M. D. Lane's Turkey Trap tract ; thence ast 130 poles to a stake in Panther Island Branch, tJience north 73 1-2 degrees east 622 poles to a stake, the south ernmost corner of the 123 acre M. D. Lane or Gallstrap grant thence north M7 de grees east 56 poles to a stake, another cor ner of the Gallstrap grant ; thence north 80 degrees west 7 poles to another corner of said grant, thence north 1 degree east 102 poles to a stake, another corner of aald grant, thence south 72 degrees west 63 poles to a stake, another corner of said grant; thence south 47 degrees west 81 poles to a stake another corner of said grant; thence north 10 degrees east passing the Bouthejet corner of M. D. Lane's 20 acre tract 210 poles to a stake, the northeast corner of said 200 acre tract, thence north 80 degrees west 180 poles to a stake; Saul's corner; thence south 10 degrees west 247 poles to a stake, said Saul's southeast corner; thence north 47 degrees west 82 poles to a stake another corner of said Sauls; thence north 41 degrees west 72 poles to a stake said Saul's southwest corner; thence north 5 degrees east 286 poles to an ash on Half Moon branch; thence west ward with said branch to the beginning, con taining 2,629 acres, more or Jess, savin and excepting from this conveyance out of the lands above described, the lands known as the Lewis Smith land, bounded and described as follows, to-wit beginning at a lightwood stake the corner of F. R. Smith and M. D. Lane's land, and runs south 78 3-4 degrees west 154 poles to a maple tree in the south prong of Panther Island branch, to the Chinquapin Is land, where the given line of Heritage's old patent crosses said prong, then up said branch north 23 west 60 poles to a bend in sa.d Uranch, then north 80 east 16 poles to another bend, in said branch, then north 57 east 68 mlM to another bend in Baid branch, then north 14 1-8 east 42 polea to Dover road, then Don't let Jack Frost get those delicate pot pants on the porch. We can furnish you with the Ar tistic Jardenier which will be a credit to your dining room. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. Phone 99. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OCTOBER TERM 1917. NORTH CAROLINA CRAVEN COUNTY. B. B. Davenport, Administrator of the estate of R. E. Davenport, Dec'd., vs. F. J. French. NOTICE OP SALE By virture of a judgment of the Superior court of Craven county In an action entitled R R rtnvpnnnrt ndminiHtrator of R. K. Haven port vs. F. J. French, made at the October north 12 west, the Smith canal 12 poles to the term 1917. 1 will sell to the highest bidder bend, then north 35 l-z west w poies 10 oenu for cash at the court house door in New Bern, North Carolina, on Monday. November 19th, 1917 at 12 o'clock m.f in order to satisfy the said judgment, the following described real estate, to-wit : That certain tract .or parcel or land lying and being in Craven county, North Carolina, No. 9 township on the outh side of Turkey Quarter thoroughfare, beginning at Neuse road at Mitchell's or Cohen's line and running thence with sa;d line to T. French's or Jack Ferand's corner, thence with said French's lor Jack Ferand's Fne to the Plank Landing road; thence with the said road to the Neuse road ; thence down and with said road to the beginning, containing 40 acres, more or less. This the 16th day of October, 1917. D. E. HENDERSON. Commissioner. NOTICE OP SALE By virture of the power of sale given the undersigned in a certain chattel mortgage executed by O. C. Loftln to T. A. Grantham in the 6th day of April 1916, the same being recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Craven county in book 80, page 64. to which reference is hereby made, default hav ing been made in the payment of the note secured by said chattel mortgage, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction In- front of the postoffice door at Fort Barn well on Tuesday, November 20th, 1917. ' One Ford ear bought by O. C. Loftln from T. A. Grantham and being the same car described In said chattel mortgage. This the 81 day of October, 1917. T. A. Grantham, mortagee. D. E. Henderson, attorney. ll-8-4t. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE USE THE MORNING NEW BERNIAN'S WANT COLUMNS. IT WILL PAY. Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned commissioners appointed In the action pending in the Superior court of Graven county, N. C, entitled R. A. Nunn, receiver of the Mutual Aid Banking company, against John H. Fisher, the said commissioners will on Monday, 19th day of November, 1917 at the hour of Iff o'clock, eoon, at the court house door of said county in the city of New Bern, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed 'property, to-wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land lying in that part of the city of New Bern, known and designated as Dry bo rough, and on Bragg'a alley, being known In the plan of said city as lot No. 78, beginning on what is known as Normand's corner on Bragg's alley, and running northwardly with said alley 55 feet; thence south 05 west 56 feet; thence south 22 a distance of 18 feet to what is known as Brymon's land ; thence south 86 east with aald line to the negmning, being the lot or parcel of land conveyed to John H. Fisher by deed dated 4 August; 1908, and recorded In book 147, page71, in too office of the register of deeds of Craven county. Also the following lots or parcels of land lying and being In that part of the city of New Bern, N. G., known as Pavietown and n Jotted and recorded in book 106. page 385 in said office as follows, vim, Lota Nos. 815 and 317 described in, that certain deed dated 14 Aug-, 1905, registered in said office in book 156 page 201 ; also Lots Nos. 185 and 186 1-2 des cribed in that certain deed dated 80 Dec,, 1904, and registered In said office in book 156. page 148 ; also lots Nos. 149 and 158 described in j by deed drted 25 April. 1913, and registered canal, then north 13 west poles to a pine, Smith and Furney White's corner, then north 40 e-st 89 poles to a larae whiteoak tree in Smith and Lane's line, being a corner of una Lanes turkey trap land, then with Lane and Smith line (it being the line former ly mentioned in previous deed as the Little Alum Spring branch now a ditch) south 30 east 60 poles to a ditch on Lanes, Woolen farm, then south 9 east 31 and one quarter poles, then south 31 east 16 poles, then south 27 1-2 east 11 poles, then south 35 1-2 east 51 poles to Lane and corner, then south 13 west 8 poles to a sweet gum tree. Lane and Smith's corner, thence south 1 degree west 151 poles to the beginning, containing 201 8-4 acres, more or less ; saving and excepting also out of the lands first described the lands known as the Furner White land, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: beginning at a pine on Smith canal, beng the corner of Sm th and White's land runs north E6 1-2 wast 14 poles to the Spring canal, then up Spring canal south 63 west, 16 poles, south 86 west 14 poles, south 40 west 24 poles, south 58 1-2 west 80 poles, south 78 west 11 poles, and 15 lengths to the Hill ditch, then up the H.11 ditch, south 23 1-2 poles and 17 lengths, then north 86 west 12 poles, south 87 1-2 west 80 poles, south 85 2-3 west 8 poles, thence south 18 west, 18 poles south 12 east 4 1-2 poles south 18 1-2 west 10 poles, south 68 east 4 poles, south 14 west 13 poles and 10 lengths, south 37. east 10 poles and 6 lengths, south 12 1-3 west 28 1-4 poles, south m 1-2 east 22 polea, thence south 190 poles, to the back line of the turkey trap land, then north 73 east 61 poles to Smith's line and Panther Island branch, then norm 23 west 80 poles, north 20 east 86 poles, then nbrth57 east 68 poles, then north 14 1-2 east 42 poles north 12 west 12 poles, north 85 1-2 west 60 poies, then north 18 west 86 poles to tile beginning, containing 140 acres, more or less, leaving 2,28? acres more or less. Being a part ot Jand conveyed by M. D. Lane and Olivia Lane, his wife, to the Fort Barnwell Agricultural and Development company bv deed dated 25 April, 1913, and registered in the office of the register of deeds of Craven county in book 196, page 49. The foregoing tract as described am braces the turkey trap lands, J. B. Wooten lands, Blue Pond place, J. W. Lane land, Gilstrap land, and other lands, ana it is estimated that there are about 125 acres cleared in the turkey trap land; 259 in the J. B. Wooten lands and 20 in the Blue Pond place. Second tract: Adjoining the land of Swell Cobb, Smith and others, described as follows: beginning at W. M. Berwick's, J. W. Taylor, Samuel Smith and Wooten's corner, runs north 29 degrees west 81 poles to a stake, then north 14 degrees east 81 poles to a stake, then north 87 degrees east 40 poles, then north 48 degrees east 48 poles to a stake, then north to public road, then with road down the various courses of Bear Spring branch to Half Moon run, then with the various courses of Half Moon run down to the old ford, then with the edge of the Neuse river swamp to Sweet Gum tree, M. E. Biddle's corner, then south 47 1-2 west 192 poles to an old pine tree now a stump, with lightwood stake marked B. J. L. and S. In the old stage road in Russell's branch, then down said branch to the south high bank of Half Moon swamp, then with the high land to 'Cart Wheel branch, then up said branch with the Ewell line to J. W. Taylor's line, thence with Taylor's line south 75 degrees east to the beginning, containing .235 J.-4 acres, more or less being the lands conveyed to M. D. Lane by B. B. Wooten and wife. Being a Dart of the land conveyed by M. D. Lane and Olivia Lane, his wife, to the Fort Barn well Agricultural and Development company In the office of the register of deeds of Craven county in book 196, page 49. Thia tract is that certain deed dated 6 August, 1902, reg a i i j Mi . no ino i . . ,t!Ll , iv;' JTT i 1 1 county in book 19, page 49. This tract it also lot No. 271 decribed In that certain deed , unABn. u n;vmti0 c. nA i i. t. dated 29 July, 1911, registered In said office mated thjlt there are about 100 acres of cleared in mm ioo, pmgm ..i. ww train, m irc ot the property described and conveyed in that certain deed of mortage executed 28th day o December, 1011 by John H. Fisher to the Mutual Aid Banking company, and ragfatarad in aald office in book 187, pace S. Thia nth day of October, 1UT. D. E. HENDERSON and K. A. NUNN. Commies loners. IMMNqi. ' Third tract: Lying and being in Craven county, on the eaat side of Moseleys creek be ginning at a forked black gum on the ran of Moseleya creek and runs north 78 east, to K. T. West's line, then with hk line to the Russell branch, then with the said' branch to 1 Blackledge's line, then with Blaekledge'a line Mi i ci v aiu iwi nci , uicii wr nil aaiiutvuvr ntie Ul said Blackledge to Levi West's line, then with said West to the run of Mosleys creek, then down the creek to the beginnings containing 400 acres of land, more or less, conveyed by T. J. Ferrell and Bettie Ferrell, his wife, to M. D. Lane, by deed dated 8 day of Sept.. 1911, and regstered in said office on the 28th day of September, 1911, In book 187, at page 354, and conveyed by Alex T.lghman and Nancy Tilgham, his wife, to L. ft. Maxwell and others, by deed filed for registration 25 Sep tember, 1906, and registered in said office, and conveyed by L. It. Maxwell and others to M. D. Lane, by deed dated 23 March, 1910, and registered on the 30 March, 1910, in snM office in book 180, page 320, and conveyed by M A. Ferrell and wife, and W. T. Cox and wife to L. B. Maxwell and others, by deed dated 29 December, 1905 and registered on the 30 March 1!06, in said office in book 159, page 162. and conveyed by L. R. Maxwell and others to M. D. Lane, by deed dated 23 March, 1910, and registered on the 80th day of March, 1910, in said office in book 180, page 820. Being a part of the land conveyed by M. D. Lane and Olivia Lana, In wife, to the Fort Barnwell Agricultural and Development company by deed dated 26 April, 1913, and registered in said office in book 196, at page 49. It is known as the Ferrell land Fourth tract: Adjoining the lands of M. D. Lane and Handy Mitchel, W. R. Sauls and others, bounded as follows, viz: beginning at a rock corner of Stephenson 200 acre patent and runs south 10 west 200 poles to a pine then south 80 east 120 poles to a pine (or staked then north 10 east with Handee Mitchell ink 200 poles to a stake near a marked stump then north 60 east with Handy Mitchell line (of tract of land sold to rMward Mitchell) to Fort Barnwell road, W, R. Sauls line then with his line south 15 west to a stake on south side of Fort Barnwell ruad near Sadler gate, then w th the line of the lot of land sold to C. R. Sadler by J. W. Lane, to the old patent line, then with the said old patent line north SO east to the rock beginning, containing 157 1-2 acres, more or less. Being the same land conveyed Ay J. W. Lane to M. D. Lane by, deed dated 10. November, 1908, and regis tered in said office in book 174, page 75, and being a part of the land conveyed by M. D. Lane and his wife to the Fort Barnwell Agri cultural and Development company by deed dated 25 April, 1913, and reg.stered in said office in book 196, page 49. Known as the J. W. Lane land, out of Whitford garnt This land is embraced in the description of tract No. 1. Fifth tract: Adjoining the lands of Adol phus Powell, the Churur lands, A. ft. Hwkins, and others, bounded as follows, viz: It being the same tract of land sold by E. J. White to J. M. Marshburn, known as the C. A. White and Wm. - P. Biddle land, lying and being on the south side of Neuse river and east side of Mosley creek and in the fork of Snake Hole swamp, bounded as follows: Beginning at a water oak in the Patrick line in the side of one prong of the Snake Hole swamp and runs with Patrick line north 60 west 150 poles to Patrick corner near the Snake Hole swamp, then south 27 east about 10 poles to the run of the swamp, then up the other prong of of the swamp, then down the swamp to fork the swamp to where the first ditch comes into the canal, M. Hawkins corner and runs north 8 east 120 poles to a stake then south 70 east 130 poles to a maple near the Wolf pond, then north 30 east 116 poles to Canal d.tch, then down the canal d.tch to the mouth of the same where it empties in the Snake Hole swamp and fork of the Wild Cat, then to the beginning. Fifty acres of the above land in the fork of Snake Hole branch is reserved (it belonging to Nancy Jones) the balance con taining four hundred acres, more or less. Further excepting and ' reserving one-fourth acre, the family burying ground, also a one sixth interest belonging to R. F. Marshburn. It being 400 acres of land, more or less, con veyed by D. T. Marshburn and wife, and others, to Maxwell Brothers Lumber' company, by deed dated 4th February, 1905, and register ed in said office on the 1 April, 1905, in book 154, page 145, and conveyed by L. R. Max well and others to M. D. Lane by deed dated 23 March, 1910, and registered in sa.d office on the 20 March 1910, in book 180, page 820 ; saving and reserving one hundred acres out of this tract of land which has been here tofore conveyed by said of the first part, to A. S. Powell, by deed dated 6 May, 1912, and registered in said oitice in dook iy, . page 225, on the 1st day of July, 1912. And I being a part of the land conveyed by M. D. j Lane ond Olivia Lane, his wife, to tne rort Barnwell Agricultural and Development com pany by deed dated 25 April, 1913, and regis tered in said office in book 196, page 49. Sixth tract: Adjoining the lands of J. B. Rouse, Ada Russell, heir or J. M. Marrison, heirs of J. M. Marshburn and others, bounded as folfows, via: Beginning at a stake in Snake Hole branch about 200 yards above the road and runs down said branch to the fork then up the fork of said branch to the heirs of J. J. Marshburn line, then with said line to the beginning, the stake ; containing 50 acres, more or less, being a part of the lands sold to E. J. White by Charles A. White and wife In February, 1878, and by said E. J. White deeded to M. Hahn by deed dated Dec ember 21st, 1898 and recorded in Craven coun ty records in book 128, pages 277 and 278, and by said Mayer Hahn conveyed to M. D. Lane by deed dated February 28, 1906, and recorded in said records in book 157, at page 587, to which reference is made.. Being a part of the land conveyed by M. D. Lane and Olivia Lane, his wife, to the Fort Barnwell Agricultural and Development company, by deed dated 25 April, 1918, and registered in said office in book 196, at page 49. Seventh tract: Adjoining the lands of the Jim Lewi West heirs, the Farrow lands and the Rouse lands ; one tract known as the Arnold tract, one knwn as the Trutt land, and one known as the Carolina Watson tract; all conta.ning 600 acres, more or less, being all the lands owned by said Ada S. Russell in Craven county, and which descended to her children as her heirs at law, subject to lite estate of Charles W. Russell, her husband. It being the intention of and this deed doth hereby convey all the lands of the said Ada S. Russell, dec'd in Craven county wherever situated and wherever found. Being the same 600 acres conveyed by Henry A. Russell and others to M. D. Lane, ay deed dated 5th May, 1906, and registered in said office in book 159, page 440, on the 9 May, 1906. Being a part of the land conveyed by M. D. Lane and Ol.vla Lane, h.s wife, to the Fort Barnwell Agricultural and Development company, by deed dated 25 April, 1913, and registered in said office in book 196 page 49. Eighth tract: Adjoining the lands of J. W. Lane, Fred Jones and others bounded as fol lows, viz : Beginning at rock corner and runs south 10 west 102 poles to stump, then south b0 east to a lightwood stump near the road leading from Eugene Jones to Fred Jones, then south 47 west 58 1-2 poles to a then north 63 west 260 poles to a then north 32 east to the Silas Stephenson line, then south 80 east 155 poles to 8 oaks corner (B . T. Crooms corner of the 50 acre tract of the West nlace land, then north 47 east 21 Doles. the north 72 east 68 poles tothe beginning. conta.ning one hundred acres more or less, and being the same given, to Barbara McCabe Groom by her father, R. A. Russell, and knwn as the Gillstrap land. And being the same conveyed by H. T. Croom and Barbara Mc Cabe Croom, h.s wife to M. D. Lane, by deed dated 18th March, 1907, and registered in said office in book 163, page 249, on the 1st day of April, 1907. Being a part of the land con veyed by M. D. Lane and Olivia Lane, hie wife, to the Fort Barnwell Agricultural and Development company by deed dated 25 April, 1913, and registered in said office in book 196, at page 49. It Is known as the Gilstrap land and is embraced in the description of tract No. 1. All of the several tracts of land above described will be sold subject to the timber contract executed by M. D. Lane and his wife to Munger and Bennett, dated 14 July, 1911, and reg.stered in book 18S, page oos. Thirteenth tract: Adjoining the lands of Lizzie Boddle, George Taylor, Curtis Atkin son and others, and more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake on Neuse road and runs south 45 west 89 poles to a lie-htwood stake on Atkinson's line, then north 30 west 96 poles with Atkinson's line to the Fort Barnwell road, then with the Fort Barnwell road to Neuse road, then with the Neuse road, to the beginning, containing 40 acres, more or less. It being the same tract of land conveyed by J. W. Lane and wife to A. M. Carr by deed of record in Craven coun ty, book 88, page 41, to which reference is here made, and the description therein is made a nart thereof. Being the same land con veyed by M. H. Carr and others to M. D. Lane by deed dated 18 December, 1912, and registered in book 192, page 166. And con veyed by M. D. Lane and others to the Fort Barnwell Agricultural arid Development com pany by deed-dated 28 May, 1918, and regis tered in book 196, page 168. This land Is in an adjacent to the village of Fort Barnwell and is known as M. H. Carr place, where B. B. Wooten now res ides. The description g.ven above embraces several lots of land which had been sold prior to the conveyance to M. D. Lane. The tract now contains about 29 acres, of which 25 1-4 acres are cleared. This tract will be divided into lots and sold by reference to the plot which will be shown on the premises afi thirtima of sale. Before the said day or sale the said lands will be divided into smaller tracts and maps of all of said lands will he made lor the information and convenience cf purchasers. The Baid land is princ. pally sandy loam soil v ith god clay sub-soil, naturally drained, and suitable for tobacco, soy beans corn, alfalfa, garden pro duce and general crops. N ine miles from Norfolk Southern railroad; on good public roadfi, with auto truck freight line connecting with New Bern and Kinston, also river trans portation to New Bern and Kinston; post office and R .F. D. mail routes ; telephone ; low tax rate; fine citizenship in historical section with splendid public schools and churches ; un usually healthful locatlity; prosperous com munity with competitive stores, cotton gins And raw milta Said lands oeiluT QSSiraou situated for residential and advantageously located for agricultural purposes. Prospec tive purchases are invited to visit and in spect the lands and crops now growing. This also presents an extraordinary opportunity to persons who desire to acquire a home, a farm or plantation. Th sale will be continued from time to time until all of said lands nave been sold. Prior to the oar of sale off erf will be received from persons desiring to boy We are representing the two best Tailor ing Establishments in the United States. SUITS AND OVERCOATS Out of Guaranteed Materials, Range From $20.00 UP Old Suits and Overcoats Remodelled. By the way, we have remodelled many suits and overcoats for men, by changing the style, and even the shade, and absolutely make them like new for Less than ONE THIRD the cost of a new garment. We can name you dozens of satisfied customers. A call will convince you that we can save you money. Our establishment is owned and operated by a merchant tailor. Kahn's Cleaning & Dye Works 78 South Front Street. Phone 733 44 El-Premo" America's Best Temperance Beverage NUF SED Buy It By The Case. T. P. Ashf ord Wholesale Distributor. New Bern N. B Put up by EL PREMO BEVERAGE CO., of Chicago, who have a renowned reputation for Temperance Drinks. iiitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! The Care of Your Car. Don't risk having your car, batteries and generators worked on by inexperienced service. K. R. Ipock, formerly of the Cadillac Garage, and Oc tavious Jones, one of the best electricians in the State, will be in charge of the DELCO GARAGE, which opens its doors at 41 Middle street, Monday, October 15th. For expert Service to your car you may rely on Ipock and Jones. Delco Garage IPOCK And JONES, Proprietors. 41 Middle St. 'Phone 816 New Bern, N. C. any or all of said lands at private sale. This 12th day of October, 1817. R. A. Nunn, Receiver of Fort Barnwell Agricultural and Development Company. . 10-17-4wks. He (proposing in a tw) "She yea, darling." She "Give me time to think." He "Yes, but, good heavena, not in here." Dallas News. He "A New York Judge has cut down a woman's alimony beiause she was extravagant" She "Why, any one can see that if she was extrava gant she would need more. Do you wonder that women want to vote for Judges." Judge. Bsal