VOL. 1. CHARLOTTE, N.'0, WEDNESDAY MORNINP. DECEMBER 1, 1886. NO. 218 Charlotte Daily Chrpnio'e. Arrival and Departure of Trains at CharlotK '- RICHMOND DANVILLE AND ATLANTA k CUARUJTTE AIK-LINE. No. SO Arrives at Cuarlotte from Richmond at 12.35 a. m . Leaves for Atlant at 1.45 a. in. , So. 51 Arrive at Cuarlotte from AUaut at 12.65 .a. ni Xmaves for ttichatonU at 1 OS a. tan. - (Jo.i 82 -Arrives- at Charlotte from Kichmon.1 at 12 to p. m. Leave for Atlanta at 1 00 p. m. Ko. 63 Am res at Charlotte from Atlanta at 6 35 p. m. Leaves fur iUc&mond at 6 15 p. m. 1 CHARLOTTE;- COLUMBIA AOGC3TA. Arrives from Colombia af 6 15 p. m, : , Leaves for Colombia at 1 00 p. in. ki ; : , A., T.dt 0 DimsUm. ' Arrives fromStatesvnit at 11 40 a. m. Lerea for btateeville at 6 BO p. m.f CAROLINA CENTRAL. Leaves for Wi -lington at 8 45 p. w and for Lanr - lobar? at 7 40 a. ni., on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ..; -j -. .. - ." Arrives trom Wilmington at 6 55 a. m.. and from LaariBbarg at 45 p. n; trn Tuesdays, Thnrs days and Saturdays. j ; . SW6y Dwivifln of (hrolina Central. Leaves for Sht-lby at 135 a. m. : f , Arrives from Shelby at 60- p. m.' - 1 :.... r. I. OSBORXE. W.O MAXWELL- OSBORNE & MAXWELL, -A.ttcm.e3rs at Xa.-rr, " CHARLOTTE. - - - 1 N. G. Will practice in die State And federal Courts - . S-Office I and .1 Law Rnilding. W Nl ,: V MWAUVJkV , ATTORXEY-AT-EAW, Charlotte, n. a Will practice in State and Federal Courts. -. Office, First Door West of Cotirt Hotise. E. K. P. OSBORNE, . Attorney and Counsellor at Law," -tCHARLOTTi; N..C. No.' 4 Law-Building," ' ' J. R.RATTEREE, nilUFII.QCMM F'FRP.JflHT W VIII I W ja 5J Bar IB I1IBII W sSal .. ' AND DEALER IJ3-r- Fruits .TeltiM e- aiii Prete. Consignments solicited. Quick 8aJe and prompt returns. - , CHAELOTTE, N C . t, n s-vt? - THE BELMONT HOTEL -v - . Is now open to the public. ' Elsms Gill Bills, Gis & Water. : " v.:::. A5TD ALL J , .....I . I ; FIRST-CLASS IN ALL RESPECTS. Rate , - $2.50 Per Day. E. W. OYERBATJGH. Manager. FANCY GROCERIES. , , AU kinds of Family Supplies, com prisu g lit st ougar ana "-ouee, seieci - stock o all kinds of Canned Goods, Choice Hams and Breakfast Strip. - A SCPPtY OF FAKCY CASDIES. - Th best BrHtida of" robrtcco" and Cig rsnli, ways oa hand' Goo i Gx U at low pripwk. : Rrictfnllv ;, ' 3. tlr' FRFEJ.AND. ' " Tryon Street. - B KKirs HOUSK - Undo tbe Satire 3taneirment of ID Xi. -UV." W2j -CV -i- 3 ,1 A . .r PIANOS & ORGANS ar-Dircct from tle Factoryv THE CELEBRATED Cylinder Top; Upright Befj PllX'O hio!.tWi s war -Jed D pi ma at theCh.ir- un.iM t'ulr and Medals at ew Orleaits kxco-. Bition For sma'l in truraonts, and all iiiiln at ninsieal mer- UKliwwerauaolbe caaaUed iQ the city ni snrjHUUnti iti uae State.: 3IANO,nd )Ra iSH for vnikt . Tuning and Khfiirintr tiv nri4t.r.L'm. wriff- worsmea. vromntlv.eseoqtea Mrtifl, eto. by mail, answer 1 ty rstHifB;' lAl tbe New England Plana, whicb an- nnraitallna ; tor stilt, and finish at tbe orire. Otvana bv all tfaf best makers, oa tbe instalment piau. OUand up- waraa RECEIVED ! (Vs Atmoiv's Mince Meat, - and Plum -Puddine; Cross & ' Blackwell's Im ported Ficklesiand ChoWi Chow, also Domestic Pickles, and Chow Chow by the quart. Olives,' Olive Ofl, and Lea & Penie's Sauce. , - . J. A good assortment of Canned Vege tables. Meats, and. Fish. 1 Ilecker'e Self -RaisuiK Buck wheat, Iried Beans, Dried, Sweet - Com,. Split Peas, Big - Jiommy, and-Grits. ; : r'; t ; HAM9, BE"EAKFAIT . STRIPS. SMOKED BitiEFt and TONGUES. ; - : - . r .. - - - - - . -s . - ' ' " I claim to keen as eood and wel . assorted Retail Stock of . , ; . : Heavy and FaEcj Granes, : As any ntner House in town, and " will sell them as cheap, .Try me, A good assortment -'Of Heavy ; nod -Fancy Groceries always on band. - ' - . FrHh Il'-astpd 0'ff.i8 every. upk Kio, J j f-r ra, jlorh v anil Java cronnd to orrter. mm- JUST FIRE IOALEIGfl. TWELVn UrXDBEO BALIS ' - BCRStD. . COTTOX A Blast Breaks O t In he Cotton Yard . ; $4H,000 Dams;, 1 f t RaleIqh, N. ., Nov; 30. Special J This afternoon there was a destruct ive fife at the cotton yard here which narrowly missed destroying the com press and burned over 1.200 bales of cotton belonging to the Raleigh and Gaston railroad, and eight firms here. The value of cotton destroyed or dam aged is about $48,000 ana the net loss is stated to be $25,000. The water supply is meagre, and ImUch of the cotton is now smouldering and will be yet destroyed. All losses were fully covered by insurance, save in the. cases of Wvatt and Crowder.who lose &500. and Latta & Myatt, who lose $?,f00. (The. insurance Avas not secured through Raleigh" agencies, but through those ac Norfolk. , Some was held in Liverpool. The wind blew a gale and it is .remarkable that 2.000 bales more on the platform as well as "the compress and buildings were not consumed. There was much alarm. Tbe Outeomingr Bpert of Secretary ' aaaar. Washikotox, D. C.j Nov. 30. Sec retary i Limar is . busily engaged in writing bis annual report and now has it nearly .completed. llej writes and dictates the ntirt report himself, andhfs discussion tit the important 3uestions coming before the interior epartment as shown in his last: an nual report, indicates that the secre tary - makes himself thoroughly familiar with the public affairs which he'administers. . His views on tha In dian pi obleni ; are forcibly expressed and will be the feature of the report this year. He advocates a generous policy on the part of the trovernment towards its wards, while at the same time recommending such measures as will result intheiirbeconuneriBdepen- ttLiivr jo i5urin :ireorine arovefnment. tills well known policy in regard to the public lands and the railroads will be presented in perhaps a stronger light tnan last year. J A "WRECK EI OPERA rOMPAST T tastiw fin Down la Greeml Bad Keports About Some of Its Hens benu Greensboro, N. C., Nov. 30. fSpe- ci;iLrrThe Ctisino Opera Company played here last night. The whole lung was said to bo drunk and con sequently have burs ted. The mana ger is sjtd to have choked Yum Yum so- severely yesterday that she was not able , to ' sine last - 'nijrhl. IThe whole thine eneaeed in a free fight and is now under the eve of Chief c olice R 5L Rees. The manager was arrested in the ball A last night upon a warrant from Durham for stealing a trunk, but slipped through the scenery a"d out the window and made his escape. ' . - Cold Blooded Harder la Alabama. '" Irosdale.Nov. 30. W. A. Bald win h railroad supervisor, recently aiarried Miss EUa Mooxe The lady's brothers opposed the match, and on Sunday Bernard Moore visited Mrs. oaiawm ana inea w mouce ner 10 eave Baidwin. She refused,: where upon her brother began to abuse; her. Baldwin appeared at this juneture and ordej-ed Moore out of, the house. .uoore arew a revolver ana xaia win drewf bis and the men began a duel. airs. J tsaia win rusnea Detween tneni nd received three bullets in her breast. She died soon 'the Buoject of appropriation for these Moore was finally shot dead by Bald win, and lialdwirv is now dyme, hav ihg bpenshot twiw by iMoore, 4n the Ileary ll'attersoa Talks to tbe Colored .. ' Baee. - 1 - TTTisvTiJ.uk.iE IT v. -Nov.. SO -I Mr Henry Watterson last eveniner ad dressed the 1 reedman s Home Society winch, is a colored men s co-operative society for the. nuxchase , and coloni- iation of western- lands. " Mr. Wat terson , urged the ..colored people tt tok' to education and country life for the betterment of their condition He thought thev should not-seek cit life." They' had made much progrefe ana wouiaadrance turtner still, in ;somA States Jbeyfw(uldiform( a ma jority of the citizens in a "few" years. lhe leeling between trie races was becoming more fraternal and . there was no .danger at: a, race war ever occurring.' -r ' ' ' . . Tbe Hissonrl EvaiuteUata, , St. Louis, Nov. 30. The Evaneeli- onlv Alliance. ' rebreeeutinz eearlv'all jaiy.Pasfcclhr(rfiyie city ildipted TOfemillorw ay Mft day ; coun- semnyaHchistiaiisH6mMm: from p'ltronizine . 'Such amusements fast presentspectaculax representations ot sensuality, or are manifestly irhl moral in tneirr infldehce. " The reso lutions proceed to express regrtTThiii such features belong to some ouhf American bpera compames' perforirr anees. Theambifjuous'langUKeeh.sea is, supposed to itte td theallet t - Balds ol Texan Cattle Thieves.'- Eaglk Pass., NoyI 30. Newsjaras received here yesterday that aEane of cattle thieves, raided the. rancn.!ot y ataxias rinnera, flicuatea aooui iwen- tv-three, mjjes from Piedgras Neeras, KavfiAv Ah. l&f C ,-rl . . rr on(i -x3Tr)s thirty , head of" cattle -which, they drove to thiaslde of the Rio Grande,' erossing thirteen miles below here. United States mounted inspectors ac-. companiedWh thdfnerjf 'ot the sto leif cattle are now inpursiiit of the thieves. 1 . . : , Beath of Br. Dnne in Cameron. f. t Tula gentlemnn, , the "eldest soli hi Mrl Paul C.' Cameron, died at-hi tarm in Durham county; Saturday, of enlargement of the spleen. It was also thought that be had cancer." at thatr organ. . ;,Fqt .several, years he nadDetm an mvaihi. iiis age was thirty si years. He.mirried. a few years since,' Miss Mriry Short,-dagh- ter ot trie late Colonel Henry B Short, of Lake Wnceamaw. HISISTEB HASSIXG. Televramaj Sent Out Regarding Mr. - Haunlag 4Joutuet. y - St. Louts, Nov. 30. -The' following telegram was yesterday sent by Geu. A. G. Greenwood, of the City of Mexico,-who is now in this city, to Minis ter Manning at Mexico. . . . . . : - St. Louis, Nov. 28, 1886.', To Minister Manning, City of Mexico, j i . Newspaper reports to" your" detri ment are widely circulated, r I have contradicted them? if you wish to make any explanatory statements telegraph to the Globe-Democrat St, Louis, at the expense of - that paper. (Signed) A.TG. Greenwood. la reponse . , to. the . invitation con tained- m the 'above the . following dispatch-was received yesterday.' City of Mexico, Nov. 29, 1886. Gen. A. G. Greenxcood, , Care G lobe-Democrat, S 'tZ. Louis. - If you mean the reports are dis graceful to my character or position, they are untrue. I caught a severe cold, went to my apartment, took -a stimulant and have been confined to my bed with pneumonia , ever since. My physician is still attending me. VJIfUTl il J.. y. JJULnUV. i - i . v. , A Daiina; Texas Bobbery '-..:.. . Bio Springs, ' Tex.. Nov. 1 30. A most daring robbery was committed at Morita, the first siding on the ' lino of the Texas & Pacific railroad. . 10 miles of Here, at midnicrht last nicht.' The only inhabitants of the place are a gang of 50 Chinese section hands and a white foreman.! About mid night the Chinamen were waited up on by SO masked men who demanded their money. Upon refusing to give up their hard-earned cash they were,; one at a , time, hum? up by their queues until they trave up their r money. The robbers, thinking they had not go au, toe cash jjb be . camp. retiuned and tortured one of the Chi-! nese by holdme him on a hot stone until bis comrades gave up the bal ance of their money ome ... $500 in' alL No arrests have been made. , An Actor Who Befnaed Aet. I StI Lotjis, Nov. 30. Mme. Fursch Mali is" being disciplined and will i not appear during the eneacement of the Ama ; Opera i Company in this city. At a rehearsal yesterday the property manager had placed a table in the centre of the stage and not in the usual position. Mme. Fursch Madi stumbled over it and refused to pfoeeed with the rehearsal until it should be removed. The stage man ager informed the Madame that the table would not pe removed.) ' Jnme.i Furscli-Madi refuged, to sing, and the rehearsal broke up. 'i Manager Locke now says she has been r'laid off" for a time, and will not appear until the decision of the board of : directors on her case is received. - i - Tb Comaseree BllL i Washisgtox, Nov. 30. The -com-! mittee on the inter-State commerce bill met at the capital to-day but de cided to again postpone consideration of the bill until to-morrow, when it is expected Representative Crisp, the only member of the conference absent today, "--will be present,! The House sub-committee . tf appropriation on sundry civil service bill to-day heard Treasurer Jordan; Chief Clerk -Youl mans. Commissioner Miller of the in ternal revenue, Chief Graveis of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Gen. Hazen of the signal service and General Franklin, preside nt6f the managers ot the soldiers home, oa several barcouta and interests. A Bis AaaaATaaaeeit tat Ctaeianatt. ' Cincinnati. Fov. 30. Shipley, Dor sey & Co., the big dry goods firm lat the southeast corner of Fourth and Elm streets, assigned for. the benefit of creditors shortly before' noon to day.-' Murray 1 Shipley, thd senior member of the firm, also assigned. It is estimated that the assets of the firm will reach $400,000, and those of the individual $23,000. Liabilities will be largely in excess of the assets, The firm has been embarrassed for some weeks, u , , , n ; - U 1.1 . ,.?t. 5 A Kentttelqr Peayeaiidai Sboosa Jlfa . . Brother-latrEaw. . WiluamsburqI Ky .Nov. 30.-Louis Smith, a local desperado, shot and killed his brother in Jaw, James i . Brafford, at Woodle- Saturday night, because Brafford interfered to protect Smith's wife from her hus band's' abuse. Smith narrowly, es caped lynching. Brafford was a post master .and school commissioner; . at VVqpdbina. 4! -'S : r l Chair ThfetV J DAXvnxjE. rVa., Nov. 'i 29.-A' tsk markable" theft in ; this section has been . the stealmg of chairs by the wholesale. Some time ago. the thief stole the miloit chair trom." the- Main Street church and three chairs and a silver pitcher . from ' the , colored church. , His haunt was discovered near, the city by the . police, and a large number of chairs of all descrip tions found.-'-The thief jTias- not - yet been apprehended,! " - . . " - r , - ' i To Betorn to tbe War Office, v'-. -. London. Nov.- 30. It is semi-offici- ally announced to-day that Gen. Sir rteuvers Duuer wui remrn vo lire War 'Office earlv in March, and that his services were required in Ireland only aurmg tbe reorganization ot tbe Irisp department.'' The Under Secre tary for Ireland will in future have a seat in Parliaments . -j, . -J, - ' ' I ..i -rfo" "i ' " i -- - LAppotntment of Postmasters Yesterday. - Washington, Nov. 30. The follow ing named fourth-class postmasters were appointed in North Carolina to day: :.W; S. Halloway, Blu .Wing; t J. W. Cockerham; Good Springs; J. Jennie T Thorpr Oak HU1 ; J. V. Gra- K" TIfltl Heme E rioTeme-.tav f- . lfTas, November 30. Tlie British ITme V.vil AB?oeiotiou fr 1 1 Uri- t y - -i r : l ASilEVILLfi. FBoa orn asorxTAix city. An Intereat'ntreaselnMadlMftaSsrperlor .' CoartAeeldeut on te 1V.lt. C.B. B Asbevllle's Water Work ' Spt -aiQ 't. Chwluti-cnroiiie e i AsheyillkI Nov. -28. Madison Su perior court is in session, 'Judge Avery presiding.' One of the most interesting cases on the " docket at this terra is -tht of the -- representa tives of the unfortunalo engineer who last winter was killM nfc Deep water, where .his train Ringed otf tbe track into the French Broad- At this point thp river was" sixty feet deep and the sadness of the accident was increased by the difficulty of the recovery of the kuled. - - A signal station has been establish ed here, and the 'anrtMiirnneat of the approaching cold wave is received by the average mountaineer with that look of credulity which "shows tiat he cannot be imposed on by any such sells as that He has been likely ter rified by Wiggins and Vennjor and by this time has acquired the habit of not believing the predictions. ACCIDENT OX THE W. 5.' O. RAILROAD. An accident to a freight train on the W. N. C. R. R., near Old Fort, resulted . in the death ol , eighteen very fine-Tenneesee hogs en-route to the trausmontaine . section. They were the property of Mr. VVill Jack, of Big Creek, Tennessee." . 'New enterprises are spri'iging up here m the way of mamif actoriea. A large furniture factory is 'just getting in good working order. A. smoking tobacco factory is amongthb new in stitutions and a man of means is here looking around with a view; of estab lishing an ice factury. ; i , asheyille s water works. , " The water mains for the ' new city water works are being laid. Last spring one hundred thousand dollars was voted to 'be issued in ; bonds by tbe city authorities for lhe purpose of establishing these works and improv ing the streets and side-walks. The new supply of water is to come from tbe Swannanoa, 4'the nytnph. of of .Beauty." and. wilLbe the nurest and best water w4th which, turn city tin trio arnith lalilMfc arittt ,: ',- Some of the material f pr side-walks has been purchased in New York. It i sandstone and is for the purpose of paving the side-walks on the public square- L. J, ',.-,; -.t "V . Telegrrapfcae flashes. . 5Tlie President yesterday: appointed Philip W. Downes General .Appraiser of Merchandise for the port, of Balti more , --" ..-, . -' -. . Mr; Oliver , Ti . Hack JCpfpminent lawyer of Baltimore, was assaulted and badly beaten at his office in that city yesterday,' . The Women's ' Christian Temper- ae Union has i;ued.fn elaborate address to the Ki.i ;htt- of Labor seek ing their co-operati n in- he causes of Prohibition and woman bunrage. A. G.- Kist, a farmer living near Warsaw, Ind., acted as Indian agent at the Pawpawogway. Indian Terri- rnory.r.At was airicovereu ytssteruajr that a shortage of $40X)0 in the ngency accounts existed. - i ' f F. L. Curtis, manager of a Colorado land company, is missing with $303, 000 in debts left behind. ..... , 'The Superior of the Oblate Fathers at Montreal, La., has announced that no Knight of Labor will be allowed to partake of the sacrament"-; Zf7a. Hill& Co., of Ofllcago, who for some time have cut cjiu'te a figure in the Board of Trade failed yester day. ; - . I ' ' - . " : II ig Eminence, Cardinal Manning, yesterday ordained, in London,. as a priest, Lord Charles Wyisne, aged' 75 years, and formerly a Canon of the Protestant Church.1 ' - An laterestina; Case of ConnterfeltUiK Washington, Nov. 30. An inter esting case reLiting to thelaw against counterfeitirg is to be settled by the Treasury Department. The chief of the secret Service recently seized1 a umall -naintinf? about a faot Lans bv eight inches wide. It wj ad exact nrjJiTemno x jl j uc i viumii uaua note painted on a piece of wood.' The deception was very clever and it looked as if the bill had just been paf-ted on the board.' The chief of the secret service was of the opinion that it should be stamped as a coun terfeit , but the owuer strongly pro tested. The matter has been referred to . the A solicitor for an opinion. Trammer Jordan is ..of .the. opinion that it is a work of. art and should not be considere4 counterfeit., . ,.. i' HM f if I ' - "v. ' - - inreat AOten Yesterday. , . - , Charlestox, Nov. 30.-rThere was a serious fire atAiken thfajmorning. Eight buildings werdestrqyed. Hahn &, Co., dry goocls. and groceries, loss, $1,400: Schroder & Thorpe; loss, $3, . 000; E. J.S. Avfbd, two stores, loss, 4 $2,500; W J: Pratt & Co , loss,f 8,700; M. LinebeschaltjE, : loss:. $1,500; other losses, $2,0K," The total losses are jes. timated at $24,000, and l insurance $22,000. - . . - I ' . , W:'.. r France's Belatlons With Eoarland. ; -i Paris, Nov: 30.TheJ6?lrfiai de Debat this morning say sr 'France does not desire to replace England in Egypt, when that country shall have been evacuated The British pleas for time are . equivalent' An indefinite occupation and France does not want to make that a "CasuSf Billi, but de clares that her . interests and rights have been prejudieetj.'V - fb ILulbas atul '311nr- ' PrrrsBtrRa. . Novj 30..- The" differ encea between the Knights of Labor and the Miners Amalgamated- Associ ation in the coke region have been axnicablv settled, andythe minora are now proposing to stan4 together , in event qf atrika h&iag ordered. - -: - ., -. r ," 5, ' Advance la tb"ft rri-ef CoaL New Yors. Nov.- 30. TLa Herald "T! r :h to be t 'Tl TV' r v c " -. CABEtSLE CONTEST CASE.: . i Covers Forty-Five Peg's of Legal Cap Eleetlaat Laws. -' Cincmxati, Nov. 30. The grounds for the contest - of Speaker Carlisle's seat in the Fiftieth Congress .of the Unitexi States have been prepared and were signed last night by George H. H. Tnobe, the contestant The allega tions are - numerous and it requires forty-five pages of legal cap paper to recite them all The petition starts out by alleging that there were cast for Mr. Tliobe 1,000 legal votes in the sixth Congressional district of Ken tucky, whit h try. omissions, mistakes or fraud and collusion of election of ficers of various precincts and voting places and county can? agoing board?, were not counted and returned for Mf. Tbobe. . It is charged that the poll books and the returns of ' Trimble county were all in violation of the law and were opened within less than three days after said election. ' That the vote as returned was 376 for Car' lisle and 3 for Thobe, and he objected to the county being counted. That the ballot boxes or. Trimble county were in the custody of the County Clerk of said county, and were ex posed and liable to be tampered with by said Clerk or by any evil disposed person. Objection was made to Grant and Gallatine counties, in which all sorts of frauds are alleeed. In the county of Corrall, which was returned &.-J Jtm.1. t9W ; - ... .X 1i as Doisguii w n in iavur w mr. Carlisle, irregularities are alleged. It is claimed that in inanv of tbe pre cincts throughout the district all of the election officers were Democrats, which- is in direct violation of the law. In the county of Kenton, Mr. Carlisle's old home, a number of ir regularities are set forth. A copy of the petition was given to Mr. Carlisle last night: also a copy of the notice of contest. i - from Wl Speeisl OarrenpoaSeiwj CmajOati. UaaancutXS . WrjssTOjr, Nov. 29. Instead ot holding on until Wednesday the Mil itary Fair closed Saturday evening with tbe baby show. About 2t ba bies were exhibited and the judges (Messrs. Floyd, Nat Allen and Capt. Tatem) decided that: Mr... A. A. Smith's baby - was the finest and turned over the carriage to the win ner. Its weight was 24 lbs, age 16 montlts. Mr. M. M, Stein of the Bal timore clothing house, was the r cipientof the diamond pin, - which was offered for the most popular young-man of the Twin City, and net the ugliest one as sttted in this cor respondence Saturday. You r corres pondent felt very editor-like,! this morning when Mr. Stein walked in with a copy of Sunday's Cu noxious ul his hand and a stern - look on ; his countenance (as well as a pair of gold eye-glasses) atd demanded that the above correction bould be made. ' Tobacco breaks have started heav ier this week than any previous week during the tobacco year and prices for good grades are average.! . The new jail is ready ; to receive Mr. Burk, the jailer, and also the prisoners. It is considered one of the most secure jails now in the State. -: Mr; Ernest Young, of Charlotte, . is here and looks as pleasant as ever. -The change in the schedule on the Salem branch road causes the engi neer, fireman, &c, to Shivef these cold mornings when they are obliged to crawl out of their nests to mount the train at 2 o'clock. ' " Mast. . Paraarrapbs rrewn Stateawille. Speoial Our. Chablotts tMamncut .-'- ; t Stabesvills, Nov. -: 29. Owing to the bad weather on last Thursday the Thanksgiving exercises were held last night in the Presbyterian - church.. Rev. J. H. Cordan-preached a very fine sermon after which a collection. amounting to $24: was taken for the benefit of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. ' Mr; A. I. Witherspooo, one of Statesville's oldett citizens, died on last Saturday after a fhon illnesa,and was buried on yesieraay atternoon. ' Two colored-men got into a quarrel this morning, and one of them," re sorting to the use oa knife, a pair t f tongs, and rpossioiy otner t weapons, managed to inflict numerous ugly wounds .' upon ' his . antagonist The wounds, however, are. not very dan gerous. It isrenorted here that two young students at Tayiorsvuie had a ngnt on Saturday, and one of them.named Pierce, inflicted many severe wounds upon the other, whose name js uamp bell. The latter is said to be in a very bad condition. '' y t.-. W. A New Cable Bebeaae. ..' Ottowa. Oat. Nov. 29. It is mid in well informed circles that Sanford Fleming's scheme ot a Pacific-Australian cable. ; will at once .assume tangible form; and that the new! com pany, which will carry out the work, will be mcorporatea aunag me com ing session of -Parliainetit Ainong those'? mentioned as - directors and share-holders, are .Sir - George Ste phens Bart; Sir John tMacwonaid A. Smith. Erastu8 ' Wunan Sanford Fleming and leading English finan ciers. The capital stock is to be fixed at $1,000,000.. : - t ... ,i,,. I.,, .i i I... I.. . . ; ' Tbres Times Bnrnod Oat. t- Stractjse. N. Y.. NovSO. The newly completed buildings compris . mg tbe Kmcaia caiianan-uemp&ey block, in Geddes, were completely de stroyed 'by fire this morning; loss,; $20,000, with an insurance of $10,DC0. This is the third time in three years that the block has been burned. , T ---..-'' :: - 0 a 9 TI in 'ill i in in . ' : A Prominent Tlrglnla Editor Dylnx " " Danvillk, Nov. 30. CoL Richard JLewelen, editor Daily Hegister, and one of the oldest iiewspapermen in the Stite, lies at the point of death. He has been gradually wasting away for two month? past, and there is no hones of his recovery. Ilis death is hourly expected.. . ' rov, im. ji: '"9 van V. i i"--vrr 3 C "rt, 1 --3 r 1 -11 WASMNGT0N NEWS '; OBSERVATIONS Of, A intt...MCtE ' COBBESPOXBEKT.' Persoal Xotes of. Krtb Carolina at m Wasbinarton. rWASHrsGTOJT. D. ;C-i Nov. 2S. I saw yesterday " t Manual of Devotion which was translated from the French a year or two ago -with the appro bation of Rt Rev. Wm. H. Gross, D. D Roman Catholic Bishop of -i Sa , vannah, by Miss Virginia Caldwell, of" 8tatesville, North sCartlina, the accomplished sister of the editor of the Landmark. The ' original was first 6ent ' to Miss . Fanuie Fisher (Christian Reid) who, finding her lit erary engagements made it impossi ble for her to do the work, sent it to Miss Cald well. The volume is neatly bound and is highly prized by Catho-1 lies. Mrs. - Senator , Vance, who i good authority in such 1 matters, tells ' me it is a remarkably l fine transla-' tion. The style is strong and chaste. and f fter reading it carefully, Mrs Vance and I - both concluded that Miss Caldwell had- been peculiarly happy in her rendition of the French idiomc. ; The work is highly credita ble to the North Carolina lady , who did it, and I hope she ,will find as much similar employment as she wants, as wea lor her own sake as for the State on .- which she reflects credit. I understand from ajudici ous though very partial friend of Miss C tld well, that she is a versatile lin-guist,-and reads several languages, besides being mistress of French,- r The rumors about Judge Manning, I am glad to say are contradicted on the authority of men of undoubted standing. . Senator Vance was one of Judge Manning's strongest endorsers to the President for s the Mexican PMUssion. The Governor is still will ing to stand by every j, word of the complimentary letter - he wrote Mr. Cleveland in J udge Mannme s behalf. Jhdpo Manning's h -et of relatives And friends in eastern1 North Caro lina will be pleased to read the au thentic denial of the unkind and un- cnaniame rumors sent irom the cav and rather untrustworthy Capital of tne Atontezumac, detrimental to that distinguished gentleman, who sat on the Supreme Court Bench of Txniisi aoa without developing' into such a drunkard as -the Mexican telegrams try to make him out to be, - There are worse sins in the decalogue than taking too many mixed wines at a State dinner, anyway.H Rev. Chas. M. Payne and bride, t are in the city. Mr. Payne was to preach at Dr. Pit zer's.church yesterday.!. This is the only Southern Presbyterian church in Washington, and is the one Sena tor. Vance attends. U-John L. West the negro Republican Chief of Broom in the Land Office, who attempted to chloroform and rob Mrs. Page last week, has returned. Mrs. Page, who is a sister of the late Col: McLeod Turner, is in a critically nervous con dition from . her f right, and could not appear . as witness . against w est, wnereupon j onn f smythe, Kx President Arthur's" Minister to , Li beria, and an ex-W&mngton negro. went his bail for $2,00a The-case will come up next Wednesday, if Mrs. rage . is weu enougn i to appear m Court West received $1600 and was m cnarge ot a room lull if ladies. among whom was Mrs. jPag, former ly 4l Raleigh, N. C. 'It. seems to me that in spite of the benign power of tne Lavii , aervice jaw, an excuse might have been found to have dis missed this negro Republican official Surely, Lsomewhere m;! the. ranks of the Democratic nartvl a frentleman miglit have been fouM! competent to nave; ta&ten .wests ! place. . it Mr. Cleveland or Mr. Lamar know of sim ilar instances in the Interior Depart ment .or any other Government De partment, they owe it to their man hood ; to eliminate them- without de-" lay. A negro Repubhcah official ought not to be permitted to preside over a -ruoiu uutu wiui women, x am m lav or of giving "Democraiie ' neeroes fair share, of Democratic patronage. oeuu tneiu as xninibiera ,io xdoeria. and let O liara represent the 2nd N C. Congressional district, which has 14,000 black majonty,' "This is justice. but the West case is infamous. It is enough to stir , the sluggish blood ; of the veriesti theorist: pr Mugwump in . axistenca. ,Men have norurht to frame a statute and cau it lain, whit, h shields a case hke this, If such as this is 're form," may God. spare the iyorld, and especially i this country; irom such reform ition. If Mugwumps Will not sustain the temocracy unless it Coun tenances sucn a state jot jmmgs as this, .then let the; Democracy submit to honorable defeat f If .the rank and file ot the, Democratic party is com posed of such stark f oolg that nomem ber of it can be found to take the place of , a-- $L, 600 negro Republican chief, without committing a breach of the Civil Service law, then it deservt 8 such everlasting defeat as shall insure it eternal annihilation! -'- - - ' . CXCYEBICS'. PETITIONS. , . " ' His Ouisel PreMated a Konieronsly SlsnedV Petition to'; Osv. Xee Last .Kibt. Richmond, Va., Nov. 30. Counsel for. Cluverius, condemned to be hung Dec. 10th for the murder of his cousin, ' iannie Lman --.Madison, waited on Governor Lee to-night and presented a numerously signed peti tion os&iag ior a commutation, oi tne death sentence. The Governor took the petition and promised his counsel to give it his consideration. Judge iJrury A. tiinton, tne only one ot tne five judges of the Court of y Ap-f ?eals,that dissented from the udement of the ; Lower Court is ill and has not; filed his dissenting opinion . It is current belief that on this account the Governor will re spite Cluverius, but there are hardly anv who are familiar with the cpse and its bearinps, who expect that the Governor ' will either commute - or pardon. the prisoner. . ." : - , i j i -I ' Aver's Pills sr a' wavs rsidv firuw. Thv re sntr- at- d caay to 1 Ke. aij'l nsr? t V.-ia t reliff amirare. 'lueva-'et i X a i ill a i c. rju-e 1 timirtvr ot tbe Kton-a-h na& A frfuvs wwa. 17. tt WILSON; HO, D&UGGISTS. Liquid Dentriflce, . jarXr- A Fragrant and Delicous Mouth and . . . J Tooth Wash Glycerine LrOtion, An Elegant Preparation for Chappvl . Hands, &c. '. We hajre just received "a Barrel o. Genuine' - . ' Imported Bay Rum, ! which is veryjtlne. O. WILSON I GO., SOLE AGENTS. LARGE STOCK OF MARBLE, i "'J IRON AND WOOD ? ''"' MANTEk OLOCKS, Office Clocks, Nickel Alarm Clocks, EteiT; ClCGt SgIiT is Gn2raiitc:l HALES & BOYNE, jilw r.iir.ia. Wert trect, Ctj: rlctt?. N. C reccr - - 1 - - - ; : J ..Si":' t i m :: h ! A A ill t f L C. ' 1 ' :