vol:i. CHARLOTTE, N.O, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1886. NO. 210 Charlotte Daily ChronioV Arriv a I anu ueuariure ui i rains u i "j r ... i.r -..t : - i Charlotte , BICUMOSD KANYILLE ASD ATLANTA JMRi.OTTB AIB-LIXE. 3io. SO Arrive t Charlotte fwiiij Bichttvjnd at 11.35 a. nr. Leaves (ur Atlt- at 1.45 id. So. 61 Arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 31.63 Nn. sa-Arriv at Charlotte from RichrosHd ' at - 12 40 p. m. Lfcves tor Atlanta at 1 00 p. in. No. 53 Arrive at Charlotte from Atlanta at 38 . p. m Leaves for luchtuonrfcat 6 4i p.m. CHARLOTTE. COLUMBIA ft AUGUSTA. Arrives from Columbia at 6 15 p. m. -Leaves for Columbia ttKMp.ii, A, T.& 0 Division. Arrives from Statesvtllt at 11 to a. m. ; . f . Le-ve for Statesville at A SO p. m , t - - CAROLINA CENTBAL.,. -Leaves fr w -nfua-ton at 8 45 p. ni and for Lnr lobar st 1 40 a. m.., on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. i ' Arrive Iron: Wilmington at 6 55 a. tn.. ana from LnrlnburgsU45p. m., on Tuesdays, Tnnra. days sad Saturdays. Shelby Disivvm of Carolina Central. -Leavrt for 8h-lby at 7 35 . m. ! . Arrive 11 uiu uuc v , , m. f; i. osboiise W. O. MAXWELL. OSBORNE & L!AXWcLL, CHABIiOTTB. - - - N. c. Will practice in the S'ateand Felwral Court - SOffice 1 and 3 Iaw Rnililme. : HUGH W. HARRI a. ATTOBXET'AT'IiAW, Charlotte," N.C. Will practice In 8tate and Federal Courts. : Offii, First Poor West of Conrt House. - E. K. P. OSBORNE, Attorney and Counsell r at Law, CHARLOTTE, N. C. No. 4 Law Building. '. - J. R." R ATTEREE, j COMMISSION MERCHANT. is deals w . Frails Jta.lc--ul Prote. CoDiameuts solicited. Quick sales and prompt rtrtoraa. .1 V CII VRLOTTE. N C , ; - - Tnr n hirf Ti mm hotbl - : is now open to the public. Bttrifi Cffl Bills. G11 & Wata. ; ; - AND ALL I . 7 Modern Hotel Conveniences FnwT-CL.a n ll aBHPrn ISitco - . - . $2.50 Por Dnv : E. W. OVERBArOH. FAWCV j GROCERIES. All kinds of Family Supplies, com ' prising Best Sugar and j tJoffe, select 6tock of all kinds of Canned Goods, Choice Hams and Breakfast Strip. : ; "' A WPFLTOr FAXC1T C'AXDICS. . . . . '- ,- - . . - - - - ; Thebes Bnt-d o robstcoa at.d Oin ,rnil wavh r.n-hvnA - Ooo t Ooo1 lotr f'Hc k KeiHM5Uallj.' J. (1. FKF.K1 ANTn - , ., , iTijonStieet B . - 11 oust; . - . rude tbe Entire HsntsMMcnt ef ' 13 AKE R B l O B PIANOS & ORGANS -Wlrect from tlie Factory.". THE CELEBRATED Cylinder Top, Upright Behr PIANO i ' : . hicb ' Was swarded D pi qua t the Char Ue Ftlr std Medfte at e OrleaiM V xro- tiuan F.irsH S'l io triiiuDt. and all todn of mnsiral mer- 34iHm vtasoutb. arpaitH; u toe x -j:- HI ASJi1 sot OROiNS for rent. Tanitw vxi Ke pairing toy flrt clR vnr. ' vofkmen, promptly exernte-1 Ordfrs fr B'loet UaaiD. etc., bv mail, an.werei by retim. Alwi - the Near FngtiD'l Pianos, which an onranallnd for tvlit sad finish at the price - Organs by all tb beat makers, on the Instalment; plan, $30 and np- JOST RECEIYED ! Atmores aimce jxeac ana rium Tjorieu iriCKitrs "t viiun vuuw. ; axnv ' nornestic Pickles and Chow Chow by the quart.: Olives, Olive Oft and Lea & Perne s sauce . - - 'A good assortmentof Canned Vege :' tables. Meats and Fish. Heckera i Self-Raisins Buckwheat, Dried Beans, f Dried Sweet Oorn ; Split Peas, Big 440Winy,' ana wnta. . : - v - ; SMOKED B.EEI and TONGUJ23, - , i , . . , . i A Claim lO Keen US auuu tuiU "!" assortod ivetau tjvook ot - s '. -. . As any ouier House in- imwu, uuu - ' will sell them aa eJienn; Trvme, - - ' A good assortment 'of UeaVy and Fnry . Groceries always oa bund. i : Fresh Ecasted Coffees verylweek-Eio, - Lfifrarra, Mocha end Java (jronnd to order, 13 ;M. E. CONFERENCE. THE ASXFAL SESSIOS VPESED BElttSVI i.a.E AT The Flrsl Pay's Wo to -A t arg Attn - daace-Promtneait Miattr Present Ajs attitiisia-tic Bemtoia.," Spe.l.i Ti' eraui tuthe ituiiotn ("hkokicl . -liEiDsviLLE, Dec.' 1. The Nirth Carolum . Confert'iice of . the M. K " Church,'; South, is in 1 pesion hei-e.' Tbe annual session of this vat bO'Jy of Christian workers was con vened : at this place in ', the M. E. church at 9:30 a. m.' Bishop J. C. Granberry presided. About 275 min isters and lay delegates have already arrived. The train to-night will bring some 7a or. iw more to swell tne nuut ber or this, the largest Ecciesuistical body in North Carolina. About 50 preachers parsed elimination during the morning session and many others will pass during the sittings, day by day. Only a small number of visitors have arrived so far, but prospects are bright for a great increase before the Sabbath comes. : The afternoon ses sion was spent mostly in col lecting - the various amounts of moLey fnmi ; the pastors .which aru carried up regularly by these men. The, various Boards were in session this P. M. Rev, J. -"Walter Dickson, of Charleston, preached at the Methodist church to a packed house of listeners. It was pronounc ed extraordinary-' good, and tbe spiritual feeling among the ministers rpn. high. To-morrow this same person will give a ; talk .at 11 A. SL about eaithqujk preparatory to raising a collection t'r the church at Charleston. Rev. Mr. Rounds preached in the Presby terian church at 7 : p. m. to a large and appreciative audience. To-morrow : night Rev, V? S Creasy, of the 1 Durham Station, will pre;wh in the si E church. Among the prominent visitors will , be Rev W v W RavaUV ; Missionary from i China. R-3V J ' K Eil wards D D one of -. the oldest J V ministers in the ' Virginia Conference, and one among .the fisrt preachers in i Metho dism m North Carolina.- ReV. W. G." Starr, X. D.f of Virginia, also a man of ivi small reputation in the minis' try, together with several others who we cannot now recall. 1 The Confer ence will last, probably until Tuesday night next, as there is a great deal of business before them. There is only twenty -two applications for- admis sion Reidsviue has opened wide her doors arid extended ; a cordial wel come to all who may visit ua, during the settings here. ?There- seems to Le a plenty of tempting viands on all the tables to feed tbe quests. Oxftanl. Fayetteville. Goldsboro and New borne, all want the next Conference. We expect some spirited opposition from those towns wtio have, .already nut. in 'a ' ' bid for the ; next Conference. There. , has been a glorious increase in the South born to Christ during ta last Conference t ar reported by all of the mmiAters. The total number will probably reach 10, (XX) as the result of this last year s work. -Three hundred and torty per sons will be present who are omcially connected with the Uonterence. All af our, people seem to ; ve wiih one v another in try- ng to make . f ail -have a bisr time. That affable and pleasant gentleman who i known to all prctmi- mmt Kortn Uiirolimans. lonL l. W. Bain, was reelected Secretary of tbe Gw'er nce. Your eorreipondent is not sufncient- mlormed as to snve you any news as regards to Hon. Jas. W. Reid's as signment. All kind of reports rare heard by us.- ; ' Boeav-Keeper Lefcnsa Shet by tbe - ana ti Pnm aedtoMavrry. New Orleass, Dec 1 Yesterday a young woman entered the crockery store of A. Levi, on Gravier strev t, walked up to the desk of John Leh man, the book-keeper, land said she wanted to speak with him'. As Leh man walked toward i her, the woman took- a pistol from' her satchel and' opened fire, the first sh t taking eff ect in his cheek. Lehman turned and fled into the street, the young woman., pursuing him and firing three more shots, one ball taking el ect m his shoulder. 4 Sherthen re- laced the smoking pistol ' in her satchel and walked oS as quietly as she had come. - It is stated that the young woman,- Anna ' Ruprecht, had been seduced by . : Lehman under promise of marriage. : ' i ." ; ,. - Went Attbere la tbe aterm. Manisteb .Jlicli, , Dec i-In a lir.dinc snow-storm, the steamer,; Magsrie Marshall and 'her tow, the schooner AmndelL - went ashore t:u ee mils south of here. The Mar f shall was light and pounded heavily." w .prevent ner going 10 pieces, me crew senutued , ner. ane scnooner Arundell had on six thousand hueh els of oats." She is high and; dry. Both crews were saved. ' The tug. Alfred P.f: Wright which went ashore three miles north of here Mon day mornine. has-been abandoned. and will likely go to pieces. t Bae was valued at $6,00ai - -: -t . Mr, Carlisle sad tbe Ceo. teat, CrxcixSATL Dec. L-Speaker Car lisle when asked last night what ef feet Mr. Thobes' notice ot contest - ox his elect! n .would ; have : said; It ovuld not have any injurious effect. He knew f no motive in the. notice except to gain- further notoriety. . If persisteu in trie contest, wouu cumw up jn , the next congress, it coma not affect -. the Speakership or any thing else in the . present . Congress. The grounds upon - wmcn. it . was based were utterly frivolous. . : - : f Tbe Pr'alcteat OeaOnea te hi Bed. , Washington, Dec. 1 The Presi dent has been confined, to .' his room for two or three days by a slight at tack of rheumatism; and for that rea son has been compelled to deny ; him self to callers other than members - of his Cabinet. -The attack 13 eimib.r to tint from which Lai frrucr.tly su irered Ijefore com in to V.' p -'..rr r- t p.'" I C:,'i i:.;t i-.-'rfrri? n-itv- ! SOVTH CABOUSA, Csruar Betbfnaoa Lya cited a Fl tow as Altenptef Oasraare. ' Columbia: S. C, Dec.- 1. CaBsa'r Robinson. - a negro, was lynched at Florence last meht f or attempting to commit an outrageous assault upon a respectable young white girl of that town.' i i i Robinson J met the girl Monday morning : walking alone '.on the rail road track two miles from Florence, and was in the act of accomplishing his purpose, ; when he was frightened away by the timely approach of a part of white boys. He was arrested yesterday and rwas taken before his intended victim, who positively iden tified him, after which he was lodged ii the guard house at Florence. Last night about 7 o'clock a large party of armed white men surrounded the Erison. At the same time several undred negroes gathered in the same vicinity for the purpose ot protecting the prisoner. The lynching party. however,; divided their forces; ona party kept tbe negro mob in front at bay, while the other attacked the rear end of the guard house, effected an entrance.! drageed Robinson out. handed him to a tree in the yard and ndadled his body with bullets. The negroes fired several shots v at the lynchers- but a volley from thd latter dispersed the black mob 1 in short order. Am la elaUve Eairtam, Laramie, Wy., Dec. 1. One of the most important decisions ever ren dered in this territory was delivered here by the lion. Jacob ii. clair, sit ting as United . States Judge, in the case 6f the United States vs. Jabez B. Simpson, i indicted for perjury, on two co ants. Simpsrai had taken np a homestead entry - in - Wisconsin and afterwards committed it to a cash entry. He afterwards moved to this territory' and entered a homestead here, and in i proving up swore .that he bad never made a homestead en trv Trior to the one made in this ter ritory; and the poinjrtnvolred in the case was whether or not the home stead entry in Wisconsin, which he j afterwards committed, exhausted his rights under the homestead law. Judge Biair decided that Simpson's entry in Wisconsin did not exhaust iiir riui9 uiiun uio uuiurowsiu aiaw, and by re-entering in this territory he did not commit perjury. This is the first time this question has be -n rais ed in the courts of this territory .nd so far as known this is the first quea- . J 1 . L . ?1 : uoti tan was ever raiseu. i Fraias Faa-Away Alaeba WAsmxaxcw, Dec 1. Governor Swineford, of Alaska, in his annual report to the Secretary of the Interior, estimates the white population of the" territory at 3,250, the native popula tion at 3,200.; Of tbe nativa Alaskans be says that they are a very superior race inteUectually as compared with the people generally known as North American Indians and are, as a rule, industrious and provident and wholly self-sustaining.,; They live in neat comfortable homes of their own : con stuctioniThey are prosperous and natural born traders. , Some are pas sably good carpenters, and others are skilful workers in woods and metals. Not a few among them speak English and some of the younger . men and women have learned to .read : and write, and nearly all are anxious for the education of their children.. E3TOLAXD. Oeaeral Balbee Tblaba . T ere : te aa Overaboauiaaee mt Ame.leaa Saleable la the KaAtfab Market . ;j ' . . - "'.-" .. . : . .;- , Lomxr, Dec- 1- Postmaster. Gen eral Mr.' Cicil Raikes in a speech at Alnwick yesterday said he thought there was an - overabundance of American saleables in the English market. ' The standstill in the Eng lish trade was largely due to Ameri can i tacilityr for sending ? trequent mails ; to England. The present government,! he continued, "wishes to have the same freedom in sending mails to America. It was their duty to - consider i the country's interest before those particular, bodies desir ing a monopoly of the mails, v The prbsent arrangement, he concended would effect a Ravine ot iZa,UW yearly with an efficient regular ser vice. - - ;- " ' ' . Arebbtabep Walsb Talk. - Losnoar, Dec L The Rev. Dr. Walsh, archbishop of Dublin; in an interview with a reporter of , the Pall Mall ' Gazette, says that at first he was startled as well as-grieved at the Parnellite plan of campaign against landlosdism j He has since, however. been convinced ot the equity and nec essity of the course, which was being pursued. . He felt no fear .that the church would lose her moral influence. The present movement was in his opinion." imperative, in order that a rent fixing tribunal; might be estab- tablished, whose functions would be indenendent of both landlord and tenant. ;The preservation of social order jnllreland depends oh the possi bility of appeal to such a court, v . , Te Goard Coverameat Preperty. WASHUfaTOii. Dec- LSecretary Whitney has directed commandants at all navy yards to utilize, marine guards under their --commands -in watching a,a proteenng government property at their stations and to re port to the department tne numner oi watchmen and : shopkeepers hereto fore employed for this purpose, whose services can oe sparea wituout aetn ment to the public service: -' ; ::'-,m 'i " e ' '. v. XaUeaal Bank Xetes' Oatataadlag.-- ZWASHrjiaTOjr, Dec. L The. Comp troller of the CJurrency reports the amount of national bank, notes out standing $299,016,871, being a de creaoe during ; the last month of $2,216,943, and during the last year cf ClS.irD.?i3. The ijr.rc2S3 in -the ft : 1 1 :.!cr ccici dr.rir-r .h 1 .3 I n J,1L - i - --t - - - : ,- , THE PUBLIC DEBT. a REDtcrieH or aavo5Aa si7bibo XwTVEJiBEat. Tbe get Caah Balaare I ft be Trcamry Yewtear MMttSak ' t Washl gtojCD. a, Dec li' The reduction in tbe public debt during November amounted to $3,005,249. The total debt, less cash in the treas ury is now 11,351,342,638, The net cash balance in the treasury to-day is 140.003,556, Hgainst 153,783,199 a month ago. - Redemption of 3 per cent, bfinds accounts .for .his reduc tion. In net cash on Nov. ? 1st, there were $86,848,700 in 3 per cents out standing, while to day's statement reports but $71,154,250 ; outstanding. The gold Coin and bulliof fund in the treasury to-day, is $25450,853, with liabilitier of gold certificates, out stand ing amounting to $90,520,633, thus leaving a gold fund balance of $163,930,200. On Nov. 1st this gold balance was $158, 537,179. There are now $105,519,817 in silver certificates outstanding. : or about five r' and a ! quarter million . more than a month j ago. The treasury now holds - $$84,-' 911,938 standard silver dollars, au in crease of nearly two! luilhon dur ing the j j past montL, r Goven ment receipts during; ; ; Novemb-. t from 'all sources amountt d to $29,576,102, or two inillion mo e than during November' a year ago. Costoms I receipts were ' $15,140,645 Against $13,056 641 duruig November, 18S3. Internal iexipts were $9,689, 251, nearly half a mulioft more than in November, i 1885. ' Expend itue during November wer $25,657,709, or two i million more than during November, 1885 " The total revenue for the first five monthof the cur rent year is $152,060,132, or $U,W.-. 000 more than for the corresponding five months of 18S5i:zpendUure for these five - months Of 1886 were $125,917,634, or about eleven million more than for the corresponding five months in 1885. More than six mil lions of this increased expenditures over the expenditures of tbe ,five months in 1885 is due to the payment of Alabama claim awards. ' Commis sioner Miller, of the Internal Revenue Bureau, while not yetM having any official data on the subject, estimates the newt oleomargarine tax receipts at about 1400.000. half of which prob ably comes troni licenses tax. lie thinks the tax on oleomargarine wid net a revenue of two million dollars or perhaps more during the current fiscal year. , 1 ". ' ' I i DAKOTA. A traael btCeal Uarber acb Exciltemeai. BisatASCK, -Dak.. DeC 1. A phe nomenon is reported from Coal Harf bor. fifty miles north, during the coldest. hour before jddyyes erday. The heavens seemed a glow witn tiie most brilliant' fire, abd at about 4 o'clock in the afternopilt . an immense blaze of fire shot down through the frosty atmosphere. Its passage being accompanied by a loild, hissing ,noise. As the flame decended a breath of warm air passed - ofer the vicinity and the strange visitor ' fell on the op posite side of the river. Its contact with the earth was accompanied - by at' explosion which sounded like the firing of a cannon. - An examination of the spot where the fire seemed to ! fall as made soon after and tbe only eviuences oi . an ; explosion were me shattered ice and a bare depression in the earth. No one can "account ; for the phenomenon, but it is believed to nave been a metonc .fragment. 1 ;:.! AEtHiAa.i v::: . ;ry:. A P terdly Oati-ac Peraet atetl Sear UwJBte.arllle-ae Arrest Yet Made. mation was received here to-day from Huntersvule, Ark., of a dastardly outrage;' perpetrated near that place last week. Three masked men went to ' the house 'of Stephen Pierce, an old and feeble man, and hanged him until he was nearly dead, hoping to discover the hiding 1 place of a little money he was believed possessed of. Mrs. Pierce," the aged , wife of the victim, recognized., one .'robber and told him so, when ha. made? at her and received a blow ih the face from the old lady with acorn knife. Mrs: Pierce escaped - from 'the house and aroused some neighbors, who arrived in tune to save the old man s Me and cause the robbers to beat a hasty ' re treat with only eighty cents of the old man's money. They have' not yet been arrested.; ". j Tbe TartaTttaeattea be Speaker Carlisle arrived in the city this mornings and took his 'former quarters at the RiggV Reptesenta- live mornBonamveq in tne city sev eral hours ahead of Mr. Carlitile and put up at ; Willard's.- About ' 11 o'clock the Speaker left his hotel and soon alterwards: Mr.jMorrison disap peared.; t For two Or . three hours neither of these Democratic leaders could be found.' and it was presumed .that they were enjoying a conference in some quiet place. Speaker Car lisle, as he. left the ; hotel, said that the tariff question will certainly be called at this session of Congress and further, that it wulbe pushed to a vote.. He also expressed the o. inion that the vote m favor of tariff reform will be larger than at the : last sion. -I " - ; t - - . . - r Teleffrapble riaabea. Assistant. United " Slates Attorney Dodge, of Cleveland. Ohia hos ren dered an opinion that prison officials violate the law when tthey open let ters addressed to convicts. -; ; - " ' 1 There is trouble brewing between the Southern , Pacific railroad em ployees and the company. Both men and oniciais Tetuse to ; give any par ticulars concerning'the disagreement. ; The controversy between the Phila delphia green -glass manufacturers and the blowers over the abolition of the a V A ST"- J e eystenj continue. - , The r -cr.cr cicr. 4 AW: i, 'l J'V V I'ew Yf : dur:.- a WASHINGTON KEWS. OBSKBTATiexa or a 'cDaoncxi Peraoal Sete ef . Sertb CarlLma at WaeUatsteau , Washdjotox, D. f C Nov. 30. Mrs. J. E. B. Stuait has made an application to the Secretary of War for a haversack captured from her husband in : August, 1862. and which she believes is now in the pissesion of the War Department. 4 A diligent search has been made for the haver sack or some t ecord Of its capture, but so far it has proved fruitless. She said it was' captured by a major of the 5th N. Y cavalry, Tbe House calendar contains a number of im portant bills which are entitled to nrovmcr of consideration bv the Con-1 gress, which meets on Monday next, .unong tne most important wnicn ; are before the House as a Committee of the Whole are: v - . A bill to provide for the distribution of the statutes of the United States and the Congressional Record to des- f i j - i i i: s:Aii-. lgnaiea lncorporaieu uouics, uiuaiiu tions. and associations within the sev eral States and Territories. A bill for the erection and comple tion of a monument to the memory of the late General Ulysses S. , Grant in the city of New York.- A bill to authorize the President to restore officers to tbe Army in certain cases. A bill to provide the issue of circu lating notes to national banking asso elation. - . - - ; - A bill to amend section 2 of an act making appropriations for the pay ment of the arrears of pensions grant ed by act of Congress approved Jan uary 25. 1879, and for other purposes, approvedMarch 3, 1879. ' : A biiloo establish agricultural ex periment stations in connection with the colleges established in the several States under the provisions of an act approved July 2, 1862, and of the acts supplementary thereto, j A bill to provide for the exercise of the jurisdiction conferred upon . the United States in places out of their territory and dominion, and to repeal tbe Revised Statutes from section 4083 to section 4130; inclusive : - A bill providing for an Assistant Secretary of War. t . " , A bill for the adjustment of accounts of laborers, workmen, and mechanics arisixur under the eight hour law.. A bill fronting a pension to the sol diers nd sailors of the Mexican war A bill for replacing unservioeal la ordinance issued to- the militia of the States and Territories. ' A bill for the relief of purchasers and other grantees of j the United States of certain swamp and over flowed lands, and to reimburse and indemnify certain States. Resolution directing the Committee oil Labor to investigate the causes of the differences .existing : between em ployers and '- employees of railway companies and other . common car riers. ' . " j-'W .f-c A bill to amend the laws relating to the entry of distilled spirits in dis tillery and special bonded warehouses, and the withdrawal of the same therefrom, and for payment of tax thereon. , .; - " A bill providing an additional cir cuit judge in tbe second judicial cir cuit, and for other purposes. A bill to provide fr the erection of a public bnildingat StatesvUle, North Carolina.-; j ::: " --"--"- t-:t - ; A bill to reduce the number of in ternal revenue officers, provide a bet ter and more economical administra tion of the internal revenue laws,and for other purposes. v ; A bill tn aid in the establishment andj temporary support of common scnoois.'v-.- - -;. :-.. A bill relating to the compensation and duties of United States attorneys, marshals, and commissioners, and for other purposes. March 29 and 30, An act! to provide for the erection of a public biiildingat Wilmington. North Carolina. . ' . " t: " A bill to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States. 7-u- :---:'-'v-. -:yv;-'ri ""-'V-.- Yesterday! dwelt at some lensrth on the assault on Mrs. rage by the ne gro Republican Chief West. - To-day I have learned' some facts ? with re-. gard to Mr.- Lamar s office which show how it : is possible for such a state ot things to exist under a Demo cratic administration. These: facts are: Mr. Lamar's chief clerk is one Lock wood, a partisan' Republican. The next clerk to Lockwood, and one who is almost constantly -with Mr. Lamar is one Hanna, a blonde dude. who is, as tar as he is anything an other partisan Republican. It is probable that any : Democrat who would . have occasion to approach Mr. Lamar would have to run the gauntlet of these : two Republican of ficials. It is singular that Secretary Lamar should continue to surround himself by such persons. It is not justified by any possible construction of thecivilservicelaw; Nor dol see. how it can be justified in the sight of any i sincere honesthearted Demo- crat- Perhaps the, same fstate of things accounts forthe continuous in office ot . my. - Kepubiican tnend George B. Everett, an :ex-Kepubucan member ot the . ti Legislature, s ex- Renubhcan candidate, for -Congress. and Garfield elector for the State of North Carolina.-. He .canvasfed the State for Garfield and his reward was a $10,000 Land . Agency in the West Idahorl believe.- It is one of the best paying positions in the gift of the Secretary of the Interior; Per sonally. I like Everett. As a Mug wump I would 'keep ' him in. . As . a Democrat, I'd turn-him out." - As an Administration man, I would turn him out, for $10,000 is a long ways ahead of the Civil Service limit, and unless Geo. Everett is like Pat Win ston. L e.; playing nt being Demo crat, he will be heard from if there is a strong chance for- Republican as cendency in 1SSS. The John Smythe who went bail for John L. West, will be remembered in Wil mington r.3 a bad r.ero who acted as Pre. :i .t cf tb3 rrccl-ar.3 Bank in t:.:i (..T. I 1 mi to-t'ty frcn a . looking too starchy ever to : be bust pected of breaking in a lady's room at night with a bottle of chloroform. Mrs. Ifage is still in a Critically ner vous condition. Saturday afternoon West was -1 dismissed.' A braf s memorial tablet will be erected" in St. John's Episcopal Church, in this city to thd memory of President Ar thur. The members of the Senate Appropriations Committee are here at work on the estimates ; of bills to come- up next . session.- Senator Gorman s overseer: named his little son Grover Cleveland. Mrs.: Cleve land acknowledged the compliment by sending the young man her pho tograph. There is increased ai tivity in Congressional circles.; Con gressmen and important committees are getting their bills ready. There is an unusuallv larere amount unusually i large amount of work to be done during this short etaaion. - a ianea to una - tne v;nar lotte building bill on the Calendar p day. Do you know what baa become Of it! ' '- ' j 1 'r ;;?-;' ;: - A Trlbate mt t Since it has pleased Almighty God to send the reaper into our midst and gather to his loving arms, Mrs. W. XL Robey, the beloved 1 wife of our pastor; we the terih is and members of Tryon Street j Methodist Sunday School, take this method of express ing to the : bereaved husband and family our most heart-felt sympathy and love. For the death of so pure and fervent a Christian as she, why should one mourn? - For ber, death came but as a pitying j angel, to re lease her from her pains : and suffer ings on earth, and bring the sleep which to her poor, tired body, must have been acceptable. When the; dayj shall come when from the clouds surrounded by ser aphs eyes, the Savior shall put forth. His radiant head, land "When with a glance, th eternal Judge shall sever earth's evil spirits from tbe pure and bright, and say to the lost, "Depart from me forever F - And, : to . the saved, 4Come, dwell, with m in endless fight! Will not this sainted soul come forth, in her snowy robes of purity, co! join the angel hand, and sing praises to the everlasting glory Of God Almighty. I . .Ma C. Down, ' l ' - MrsAV. M. Wheeler Com. 3Isa C.R Stebxi. ) : ' " ' ! i" i' TCSSESEE. . Caat. Hedge) Tlads HI Paagater Tabes tier Back Beeae WILb Biaa. i i Memphis. Doc 1. About ' three weeks Ago the young daughter of Capt. ' William Hod ire disappeared from ber home in this city and up to a tew days ago no trace of her could be found. Finally ber father traced her to "V icksburgr, whither be went. He found his daughter i t a bagmo. The girl was-willine to go withliim. but the siren who! had lured herawav tnea to prevent her. whereupon the indignant - father gave her a terrible oeatrng. ti tnn t ok tne tnorougmy repentant daughter home. Iadicd far IaXrtacaapaU . Losdos. Dec L-Colonel Sardovel I and Geo. Baird were to day brought up on4he charge of infringing on the foreign enlistment act by fitting out a: privateeri intended to make war against tbe government of Venezuhv The former evidence was taken And the prisoners were remanded . and locked up in default of $10,000 bail. The prisoners are connected with the Venezula and Panama Gold Cot. and hired and fitted with munitions the steamer! Justice, in behalf of the rebels of Venezula during the year 1885. . l-r-' 1 Celealata far Xexlea. : Nagalesaeiz. Dec 1. Three loads of colonists, mostly , fnm Colorado. passed through here last : night en route to Palo Campo Bay, in Mexico, about three hundred miles south of Guayamas. i The j colony w&s origi nated by Col. Owen, of New : York. who has been making up the scheme ior tne past nrteen years. :The colony win oe organizea alter tnpian or tne Mormons, with the religion left out. .Iii mm m .' - i !.';.' Trxlax te Effect a CapMaatae. Nrw Yoek, Dec l.-E. P. Lvons. of the firm of Cardoza & Co:, whole sale dry goods dealers of Richmond, va.; is here endeavoring .-'.to. enect a compromise with the firms creditors at 5 cents on the dollar. - payable " in four,eight and twelve months.' The liaDumes are $a7,ooo. .The taiiure is attributed to a Richmond hank refus ing to carry a ; loan ox f 10,000 any longer, . ; ; ; ;.' - - ..r ..H .1 .. . . . - S - .- Qoaraatlae Ariat Weatera Cattle. Montreal. Dec 1. Government Inspector - McEachran has . recom mended that Canada quarantine against Western cattle in order to ex clude pleuro-pneumonui. He is about to go to England and will there an nounce that the; disease has beea eradicated in Canada. r . ; . . , : . rerblaa KUla Biasaafcg'.-V MJLWAraXE. : Wis.; Dec. 1. Dr. Jags C. Perkins, a prominent young man of Old Family, fatally shot him self this morning. It is believed' he was temporarily insane. '...,' '.'ir -. beek Felt la Haaleb. . McincH, Dec 1. Severe shocks of earthquake were felt here on Mon dayv and reports -from -various parts r-f. Olga state that' similar : manifes tations wero experienced there. , BUaaard la XMitgma. Ltjpisotox, Mich., C Dec 1. The most fearful blizzard ; of l the season prevailed here : to-day,-with s wind from; the east. .1 Lake Michigan . is boiling. Snow is piling into mon strous drifts. All travel .is checked. -iiS-K;:. Berleaaly Injored. : -' ... r Lokpon. Dec. 1. Mr. I. O vean. Nationalist 31. Pi for Elilkenny, was . a . , -i , . tnrown irom ms carnage wnue criv ing through the city to-day and seri ously injured, , : , '- IrnTersTt-'i. rrnilrm 1.- V i 1 r -1 DRUGGISTS. s - Liquid Dentriflce, A Fragrant and Delicous Mouth and Tooth Wash. - . Glycerine Lotion, An Elegant Preparation for Charped - Hands, &c . -. We have just received a Barrel of. Genuine ' -' - ' Imported Bay Rum," which is veryfine T7,n. -SOLE AGENTS. LARGE STOCK OF MARBLE, . - j ' ' IRON AND WOOD - , ; . - . - - MANTEL CLOCKS, Office Clocks, Nickel Alarm Clocks, r- -"f. - --' ' -...,:'.. ." . j. . ' r- . , r . - . t - -. , v . .. " t-- -1 .t. - - - -t... t.A r ' ;''- t -' r&JI? 01.25. Eteij ClcclSoIiirGiara!-:! HAl.ES z BOYtaZ, JEWIXERS. YTcctTradla Street, Charlcit?, II C. 7 1 ..1 . X. . WILSON Cliffi at Cost. - J t T i.

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