m aQB PCELltiEHD XVBBX MoBNIHO ExCEFTMoSliA? wsat a7a AAiJA -av a SCBSCBIPTIOX PBICK: One Year Six Months Three Months $"7.00 3.75 2.00 Advertising- Bates Very Reasonable. . CHARLOTTE, N. C. Satcr ay Morning, Dec. 11. 1886. ESATOB TAXCE IN BOSTOX. On Wednesday evening Senator Vance lectured in Boston on "Politi cal Feeling and Sentiment During the Civil War." for the benefit of the J. A. Andrew Post of the Grand Army of the Republic. A synopsis of his lecture will be found -in this morn ing's paper. It was devoted largely to the discussion of the errors and de lusions under the influence of which the masses of the Northern people were brought to enter upon and con tinue the war upon the South. He gave special attention to the attempt on the part of Northern writers in dealing with the civil war to forestall history, and to impress upon all who took part in it on the Southern side the stigma of treason. The term "re bellion," still used by some persons to designate the war bet wen the States, shows what confusion of ideas has thus been produced. "All crime," says Senator Vance, "is to be found in criminal intent, and no Southern bellion or treason.' On the contrary, says the Baltimore Sun.the Southern people, in common with leaders of opinion North and South, believed that secession was constitutional and right. 1 "It was the universal under standing,'' says Senator Yancey "when the constitution was adopted, that irlian a ftfot-ta jlonimjil VnYrcjlf ininrfvl she had the right to withdraw."' The Madison resolutions of 1798 asserted this right, continues the 'Sun, and it was reasserted" by Massachusetts in . 1803, when, upon the annexation of Louisiana, that State threatened to several years later, "assert ed the right of secession at the Hartford convention. But the doctrine became well-nigh universal when the" resolutions of 179S were incorporated in the political platform Of the Democratic party, and were again and again enumerated among its principles by national conventions and by the candidates who were elevated to the Presidency by the ! votes of a majority of the American' people. The Southern people con-' V ai1otnW iTiCk flruiti'ini: Acr.nMiftViAfl anil i no court has ever decided that seces - sion was treason. "There could have been no criminal intention," said the lecturer, "because there was no crim inal knowledge." It is therefore un fair and untruthful, S-mrttor Vance contended, to continue to spcik of secession as treason; -'the question was never decided until it was de cided by war." A like error is in volved, it was held, in the common assertion that slavery was the cause of the war, of which it was only the occasion, the real cause being the attempt of the Federal government to control the internal affairs of the States. Failure to re sist interference with slavery would nave precluded, resistance to any thing else whatever, thus making an end of State sovereignty. As for the sin of slavery itself, it is divided equally, Senator Vance maintained, between the North and South. Rhode Island and Massachusetts sent ships to Africa to exchange New England rum f or slaves, and disposed of their purchases at home and in the South. ' When the Northern States," said the lecturer, "found their climate unsuited to slaves, they sold them to the Southern States, quit the business and turned philanthropists." The Southern States were not less forward than the North in bringing about the suspension of the slave trade, "so that on both subjects, secession and slavery, New England is not in a condition to throw stones at anybody else." . The querulous 'Chicago Times, which, once a friend of the South, has been of late years prating of the "Southern provinces," is forced by the march of events to speak a good word for us, after this wise: "The i South is on the right road to pros- perity. It is not only right as to the road-on which it is traveling, but it is in dead earnest in its intent to ac quire wealth. It is so .arranging itw industries that in time it will be self supporting to a very large extent. A generation or two later may see the South m the ascendency as to wealth and influence." If the stampede of the great manufacturers southward continues, that ascendency may oc cur within the present generation. : -- , . the rnuaaeipnia nccora is autnor- . ZL ef w itiA BfnfmAnr frtnl msxw- a Hons between the Norfolk and West ern and Virginia and Tennessee rall- . roads have about been completed, and that the lease will make the Nor- . folk and Western the trunk hne, and ' will secure to it the through business which might otherwise be -diverted TOirifarrtnnri An1 Dan-villa arA llUO va ... mi v IU1U ' ; Western North Carolina systems. - fTViA (Anaa will o la. iriTiri Aaf. t.hA Nnn. Pacific and also' with the city; of Chicago.- - . H;" v; taxes. i :. Whenever the subject of taxation is discussed it goes right ' home to every man. ; We are all interested in this matter. This morning we review a few more points set forth by the Tax Commissioi-. In the reported bills by this commission corporations are treated as the owners of their.cor porate property as if individuals.' The idea of the commission is that to tax the corporate property and then the share in the hands of the stock holders, is almost universally regard ed as double taxation. Therefore, in stead ; of pin-suing the numerous stockholders, who return their shares at varying values, it is much easier to require th corporation to become paymaster for all, as its tangible pro perty can be readily assessed, j In re gard to exemptions, no change is made from those prescribed, j except to insert wearing apparel andi to in clude I in the personal property ex empted articles actually provided for the present subsistence of any; person kind his family. The provisions for the valuation of railroad property are substantially those of the State of Illinois, except the liberty is not so extensive. Upon the subject of the sale of real and personal property, it is believed that the difficulties of the present system have been anticipated in the proposed provisions which al low the commissioners to dispose of the certificate of sale at r"educed rates, and the foreclosure of tax liens by county commissioners. The provision which requires the1 sheriff I to sell land for all taxes due any city or town, at the same time that the land is sold for State and county taxe?, will, it is thought, be bene ficial in making the property bring its value. . The commission says that, in their enter into any theoretical discussion of the various questions connected i with the subject of taxation, but j give some explanation of the changes i made posed. and the new method pr- j The Goldsboro Messenger says some men would regulate the moon if they could climb half way up to her serene majesty's throne. A member of the Georgia Legislature has introduced a bill to limit the profits on store goods. It is provided that merchants shall not charge a profit of over 15 per cent on the necessaries of life, such as corn, flour, bacon and coffeel Penal ties are provided for speculating out side of these figures. The friends of the bill aver that it will bring about a revival of prosperity among the poor; that the State has as much right to regulate mercantile profits as "it has railrv ad rates, and tint laws ftVinnlil 1m mnilo fisr t Vir Vniifif rS il,i 1 poor entirely. The serious part of the inatter is that, notwithstanding the absurdity of the bill, it stands a chance of passing the House. The Chkonicle is of the opinion that such a law is entirely impracticable. This Georgia member should also intro duce al bill to pay the merchant's in debtedness when he fails tinder this unwise law. It would be just as sensible. FeaalDla Faaclca. An idle woman is oftentimes man's idol. ; Women have learned to weep 'even when they mean it not. n isnt auncuit tor the average ginai tne ojiera to attract hatten tion. i "How does my new bonnet look?" is a leading female ; question jusinow. A new Book is out called f'A Girl's Room." It is not so good as her com nanv. The proper place for woman's rights meetings, is on the banks of Lake she- talker.: A fashionable woman with a nat ural complexion is something of curiosity. The ages of spring chickens and women are the most doubtful subjects oninis nine eartn An English writer a lady asserts that Digamists are nearly all men, We believe it, the wretches.: A bald-headed woman in Paris who has to wear a wig, advertises that she has a specific cure for bald ness. - Woman is a most powerful weak creature she can mash the bis:- . a a w.v gest Kina oi a man witnout touching nun, . A girl who habitually bangs her nan won t oe very lifceiy to get a hus band's hair to crinkle and frizz and festoon. t The Empress of Japan has ordered tne ladies oi ner court to array them selves in European garb, and the Yum xums weep. a. woman in Austna tound a 12,000 diamond pin in a can of Chi cago pork recently. It is not stated where Jhe rest of the hotel clerk was touna. ; ine vol is edited Dy a young iaay. tne remarks : ' Man pro poses, but it sometimes takes a great teal of encouragement to get him to do so. " i rew laaies contmue tneir piano playing long. after marriage. This announcement is made in. order to encourage young men to enter ma trimony. ; j A woman always carries her purse in her) hand, so that other women will see it; a man carries his in his inside pocket, so that his wife won't See It. - ; : ; S An Illinois girl who had received a declaration of love in a type-writer letter, replied that she was "not to be wooea Dy macninery." unris preier the old style. -' : : t ... r:. An End to Bne Scraping. Edward Bttpherd. of Earriaborg, n. i aaya: 'Hav ing reoeiTed ao mnch benefit from Elactrro Bitters, t feel It bit duty to let Buffering humanity know It. Hav had a ranning sore on aiy lag for eight yeai a; my doctors told ma I would Uara to have the aonaaeraped or lag ampa'ated. I need iaatead, three totUes t Electrio Bitters -sad aetrea boxea Backlen'a Arnica SsIts sad my leg is now soaad and well. . Ueetrlo Bitten are soM at M eents tbottieand Backlen'a amies 6 aire at f eeats per bos by X.O. l&Jta0. : .... . ", ( . . : . - . OPI9IOXB OF THE FBEM. , l . A, ..el, jfr,; Doubtless the unwisa Dledee of the State Democracy to secure the repeal of the Internal tax had no little, effect in certain sections of this State given up to illicit distilling.; But there were other causes operating to defeat cer tain members oi Coxigress. It is un derstood, for instance, that Mr. Reids very pronounced views as to Prohibi tion injured him no little in -his own District. wtlmington btar. We do not shrink from contrasts in the journalism which marks extaemes so opposite, the one enterprising, greedy "after news, reckless of the character, the very emoocument or "live" journalism; the other eautious, conservative, considerate of private relations, and as a rule sternly repel lant to all that caters to prurient and depraved tastes. W e shall hope lor the maintenance ot this distinction ; if to be chanced, to see the .Northern press drawn closer to our standard. Our journalists would make a great mistake to show the spirit of lmita tion of Northern journalistic debase ment Certainlv in this State, out side of towns and cities at any rate. public sentiment recedes more and more from toleration of liberties so offensive. . The moral tone, even of the towns and cities, is not so lowered as to make open patronage of such foul records an act to be avowed with confidence. Asheville Citizen. Don't Experiment. Ton cannot afford to waata tima la eroerimaat Lng when your Innga are in danger. CocaaaaptioB alwaya aeama at flrat, only a co'j. Do not permit any dealer to impose opoa yo with aome cbeap Uuitatioa of Dr. alnn'a Kw Diacorrry for co- aurcptioD, Tsupbs and coldt, but be nra yon cat the genuine. Beraaae he eaa make tuore profit be may tell yon be baa a aomethiag lutt as good, or inat the Same. Don't be deceived, bat inaiat npoc setting Dr. King's New DiacoTery. which la guar anteed to give rule! In all throat, tang and ebeet aSeotiona. Trial bottles free at T. C. Smith k Ce'a drag at ore. A To our old customers, who, in the past, favored us with their orders, and to as many new ones as iray be disposed to extend their patronage, we respectfully announce that we are now open at Shaw's Old Stand, one door ix-iow our tormer place oi a 1 a business, with a new and complete stock of heavy and FANCY GROCERIES, and can fill orders for all Kood usu ally found in a first class grocery. Respectfully, BARNETT & BETHUNK Telephone 81. Free delivery. Aider Large Lot -OF- LADIES HATS Vnat reeelred. will be opeae M onaay :i still Lower Prices Tlaa Last Weel :o: Handreds of ladles who bonght oats slaoe r sals eomstenocd will testify that they are the cheap- eat new faanvonama &st arar olerta la the ty. Kew tealrBole Shape, worth Ms is. Blaek Hata,a7sa ' ' " "... !v Sow Dealrable Shape, Colored Ve worth 1. U. The largest stock and greatest Tariety of ew Faahionabls HaU and Bonaets to b fonad ia the State, at leaa thu manaiactanri coat. Repetiolly. aU QU1BIJ N. HAUShR, v PRABflCAL JEWELEB. WATCHES, CLOCKS '.'.H- And all kinds Of Jewelry repaired and satisfaction guaranteed. Respect- fully solicits a liberal share of the public patronage. "Motto:" Lowest nrices consistent with best workmanship.- All Work Warranted Twelve Months. A call eolicited. - N. HAUSER, at J. M. Mendel's Cigar Stand. ELEGANT HOLIDAY, AND WED , DING GIFTS, T :'T'.'-':: W .TRUSLOW'S. ; Watches. Jewelry and SUverware, reliable goods at the lowest prices. , , nine watcn worr always a special ty. Diamond spectacles to suit all eyes, - L , j -r.. ..v. turn i ia ,TUa. New Bom & Silver Goods Drew liarge Crowds Last Week. OTJQ ADVERTISED RED U C T ' - it Attractedvmuch attention, and the Extremely LOW PEIOES At which our Stock, consisting of visjtes, I . r i - JBCKETS, t r CIRCULAliS, ' ' and NEW MARKETS 13 MARKED, took purchasers -by. surprise, and sold the Garment rapidly. ! TV' Jiff THIS SALE CONTINUES ! YOU ARE BOUND; TO HAVE A l AND - OF - CARPETS. ; CARPETS. We are show intr new and ban Isonie designs of MOQUETTES, j : BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, 3-PLY INORaANS, ' 2- PLY ALL-WOOL INGRAIN, COTTON CHAINS and HEJ1P Carp-eting. VV ITTKOWSKY & BARUCH, f CHARLOTTE, N. O. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. t '!: 50 Female Accustomed to the Hotisehold and Davis Sewing Machines. We are enlarging our business and can give permanent em ployment to competent hands. THE GHARLOTTE CLOTHING LTF G :C0.. g u, Fresh, f K - M Heat, 1 '-I- a T : cheap, m-m M 8 - StyUsli, r " " & Attractive, BO - a Button hRavm fi AuriL gaW V B tOFUKS AND PRESET jProapt' attentipn, to orders by ,.Jv; JOHNSTONpLOCKi SV -: !. a, i i . v a .. i: t-e . al( aawkaaaawaaaaMfiaa ak. a a . ' KM a. a ---. ION SALE THIS WEEK, WR P, YOU MAY AS WDLL BUY NOW. CARPETS. Operatives O ST o s & w CO s m E a si u Comfortable, Durable, Honest, V Easy, BEST LEiTRra maiLQ ; -TRYON STREET Piffi t n No buyer of merchandise can afford to pass by the Racket if they want anything f rom a-Paper! of pus to a suit of clothes. The lines of goods now in, surpass any stock in varietv and cheapness we hav yet offered. The harder times are the. cheaper goods get with the man of ready dol Lats. Forced to realize is the condi tion of thousands of credit concerns and we are always on hand with the ready dollar. We offer a tremendous job in La dies' and Misses' Gossamers and Boy's Rubber Coats at 1 40 eta each, worth double. We only have about 200, and those wantinar should come at once. I We offer 200 dozen Underwear in all grades much cheaper than we have told them. I In Mens' and Boys' Hats and Caps, we have some grand bargains. One lot of Texas Hats at $1.48. Is decided by all who have seen the Hats to be worth double. We have just received another large lot of Rugs withl a line of Art S mares and Felt Druggets, all of which are very attractive and de cidedly cheap. j Our great leader in Hemp Carpets is going rapidly at 19! cts. and the splendid line of Brusseus at 55 cts. is almost gone, but few j patterns left. It is wonderful what power there is in a house full of genuine bargains. ' Bargains wrought out land gathered up by expert buyers, men of intelli gence, pluck and dare to do. At this end of the hne we simply follow up the victories we gain in the buying. No trouble to sell goods if they are cheap enough. "Underbuy and Un dersed" brings success to the Racket. In our Hardware and Tinware de partment you will find the largest collection yet offered, from Blacking at one cent a box to a good, Hand Saw at 45 cts; Chamber Sets, $1.33; Gallon Coffee Pots for 15 cts. with many special bargains in goods we have not had before. Toys and Christmas Goods are coming in by the dray loads,' and we promise the little fellows many tempting attractions j from Santa Qlaus. We make these goods a spe cialty and shall offer1 a very large collection at prices within the reach of all. We have just opened a large line of Accord eons, Watches and Jewelry of-all kinds, which we will sell you at as small profits as other lines. Toucan buy most of these goods of us at less than one-half tne usual price. We have just opened a splendid hne of Cassimeres, and we will give uiem w you an very low prices, indeed. " ' " 25 dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves, in cluding a lot of ten dozen "Alexan ders" at 48 cents. j 25 doxen Ladies' Fleeced lined Jer sey Gloves at 20 cents with misses to match at 15 cents. All of them very cheap. In all lines of Hosiery we have many special bargains. Corsets in all grades, including Dr. Beardsley's at 5 cents, ana our "uacsiet Corset at 48 cents. j tTT- 1 .f A. w . aa we nave jus received rrom a forced sale by the failing of a Gents' Furnishing Goods House some very great bargains. I 50 dozen' Mens I3nen Collars which we will run at 3, 6 and 7 cents each, in both standing and turn down. These are first-class goods, and worth more than double. ; One lot of very fine scarfs at 28cts. which bring 50 cents in all regular nouses. ; One lot Camel's Hair Shirts and Drawers at $2.50 per pair, cheap at . uu, ! . i . Our stock in this Department is very large and just in from the clos ing up New Yorat sales, and is very cheap and attractive, j It is well worth a visit to the Racket to see the great variety of Merchandise we can show you gath ered under one root. Come and see. w.j. Davis & co. New York Office 466 Broadway CALL AND EXAMINE OUR III 5 OR PAINTING DEGOEATIKG. Special low pi days ; ces for the next ten. AT- &i ADAMS'. 11 Has been solicited from many persons as to where the various preparations of the Southern1 Chemical Company could be obtained, wholesale or retail The answer is given, at W. II. & DRUGGISTS Cuarloite N . C. ". Thsy have on sale PEPCTASH, the great diarrhoea rem-' edy. The old reliable. - Price 25c TERSAN, sure death to Worms. En dorsed by physicians. Price 50c IOCUTA, the skin beautifier. A mar velous remedy. Price 50c AVERY'S DYSPEPSIA POWDER, Sure in all cases. Price 50o JUDSON'S COUGH MIXTURE, will cure consumpt ion. Price 25c DIXIE LINIMENT, the boss rheu matic cure. j Price 25c Every remedy) ahove named iswitb- out a superior ui its special line, and is hiahly endorsed by hundreds of proi:'nent I"Opije CENTRAL HOTEL? i CHARLOTTE, K. C. The largest and most ciutrally located Hotel in the city, j Newly Painted afid Eefurnished. New "Eetanx Cir Syatem ol electrio bells and electric l'ghtp. aaTfrea baa to anl from all the fcpota.fa. gOOYILLZ 4 UBOCXKSBKOCGH Proprtatera. To the Public. Dr J.C.!DENSTEN, PHTSICIA3I ASD SOtGEttX. Office at Central Hotel, Cbarkft. C treats all diseases, bat makes tbe Heart, Uterine and Kidney diseases a Specialty. Makes Microscopical exasunntisns of tha Urine, and thereby treats intelligently all disease of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urin. ary Passages. Dyspeptic and Bheumarie Patients will find.; it to their adrantage ta give Dr. Densten ia trial. A lady attendant will receive Female Patients and remain in attendance during treatment and operations. All Female Diseases a Specialty. Being a graduate of the leading college of PhiladelpLia, Penna., and associated with Professors Groa, DaCosta, Dartnalow. Par vin, Brinton, and-others, and having bad a long and varied Hospital experience in the treatment of all kinds of diseases, the Doc tor now offers his services to this ooBumunjty. Charge moderate. Office Central Hotel . Office hours lrom 9 a. m.. to 1030 p. m. Seeds! Serial Seeds! Growijj from bur own Sunny Hills; and better adapted to the Southern States than any Seeds on earth. In view of an f increased trade, I have enlarged my, operations and re duced my prices: and if mynurner. ous friends will help me a little, I will have "BUNCOMBE" CABBAGE growing in all lands South of Mason's & Dixon's by the time the Whippor will's bowl, ' j My catalogue (of 40 pages) will b ready for gratuitous distribution by the 15th of December. Send and get a copy. Address, J.iW. VANDIVER, j Weaverville, N. C, JULIAN HOUSE. r. third and Hain Bta. WINSTON, jv r - N. C. Thin house ia a new Iron-Front Building, i'ust completed, and is now open to the pub ic Being loca'ed in the cen re of the busi ness portion of the city, makes it one of the most convenient Hotels in Winston, - ACCOMMODATIONS ABE FIEST-CLAS& Terms moderate. Specinl indacements offered to commercial tonrists. - Mas. M. Ij. JULIAN, i Proprietress. NOTICE. The firm of Thomas Rapha At Hn.. was dissolved pn June 12th, 1886, by the withdrawal of A; B. Reese. The hllRinPRa wrill Ka mnfinnail Kir Thnmaa Reese and W. M. Wilson, under the scuua uauie, uicy agsumui); cui iui uni ties and collect all debts due the late firm. . W. M. WrxsoK. i 1 N F LI R 1,1 A T 1 II COS, .. " ' J Thos. Bxesx, ' - r A. B. KCESX. Cbarlotte, Nor, X2i86... .1 - ; if":-