New Advertisements. Local Departments . i ; - For Rent. The storehouse ind basement nowj occupied by Jaessrs. Moyer & riir shinger, onTryon street, with a large hall above 116x40 feet ; . also nine rooms over the stores occupied by Geo. S. Hall and C. J. Fox. Posses-: sion will be given on January 1, 1887, j or earlier for a portion. j WM. JOHNSTON, j declleod5t. EVERYBODY SAYS 1 I. A.BOBIKSOS, . j City Editor. Weather Indications. North Carolina,1 and South Carolina: Fair weather ; varia-. ble winds; slighly warmer ew AdTcrtiitontenta. . J. K.Eddin! Cbris?ius8 goods 1. M . Kigler Graml dii la.r of toy. . Wra Johuston F r rrnt. IICBBl'GRAPHS OB AS(ZED TO MTBAI.A S KtBDEB. 0iBbUcaiJl!Breaffnt to Light la York County by. Four Prisoners. , the Confession 'of They have never seen anything to equal the j uispiay oi XMAS GOODS -AT- J. R. nil CtirnnlelM ot PxmIuk Event ta the CltT and Ai-ound AImw( Us. jThere was more activity m the cotton market yesterday than for several days past. The receipts were seventy-five bales. I Messrs. B. F. Hanesand Lockett, ; Vaughn Sc Co., Winston manufactu ' reis, have taken out patents on their trade marks for plug tobacco. The result of rabbit hunting was fully displayed in this city yesterday. The market was stocked. Some of i the countrymen brought in as many is fifty in a lot. ; The engines on the fi. ct D. and Male Yoir Selections Early Yon will find goods that will plense both in price and onallty. J. R. EDDIHS. CHAKLOTTE, X. c Toys! Toys! Toys! IXPBOVEMEXT OP THE BMBWATs. The Public Koad of Charlotte Town ship to be Maeadnmised-Work j ready Besin. Al ii will be worth your time to drop in and 1 ' see his Large Stock ot Xnias Novelties. i To enumerate the micles would be use- j Aj Une roads are still wearing their less, bat come and see for yourselves, and i . .P.-. . ' jsnow plows. The trams are now I TriiirA ririiinr and nro ripsyinninc to ...w. - - o r'- o come in on schedule time. Ihe large variety of handsome Christmas goods now displayed in Charlotte affords every one an oppor tunity to select a suitable gift. Of j course a Christmas .present is more ; desirable than a Christinas past. : Christmas is coming and one of ; the best places to find the finest dis i plav of holiday goods is at Messrs. D. Over 1,000 styles of the pettiest Xmas t M K ler & gro Tuey are niaking Cards on the market ! P., ,. . : , , : oue oi uie mcsc aiiracpve uispiayHoi ! Christmas toys to be seen in the city. '. The December terra of the Crimi- nal Court adjourned yesterday. The j session was short and very little busi iuess transacted. The most impor. i tant was reducing the fine of the San- difer boys frm 1200 to 50 each. GRAND DISPLAY OF TflS! The largest niH most compis-tc r.fock of TOYS to be fcnnl in the city, which we are -.uflVi-iiitsui very LOW PE1CES. Give us a ; call before tou bn; . Now Is The Time TO LEAVE YOUR OKDEES FOR YOUR XMAS CAKE. Large quantities of partridges are being shipped almost daily, from i points in South Carolina to New I York. For the past few days hun Idredsoflive birds, m crates, have i passed through this city, expressed ! north. --The style of our street uninc now is as variable as the weather we have had the past week. The bag pipe, with flageolet accomjanimont, truck the city yesterday. The com bination drew the small boys in great profusion. Forty-eight frisky Texas ponies niake a nrettv good showimr. That It has been but a short .time since the twelve-year-old son of Mr.s Wm, Goode, in the neighborhood of ' Bul lock Creek, York county, S. C, was most brutally murdered by ? a party of colored men. The circumstance that lead to the muider, as near as we now re:nember, was the fact the vouth they murdered caught one o; the party btealing and iuformed on mm. j? rom a reliable source we learned last night that seventeen ol the party had leen arrested arid were now in the Yorkviilo jail. Others also implicated in the affair were caught and were to have been im prisoned last night. The startling fact has been revealed, by the confes sion of four of the prisoners, that there was an organized band of these darkies, for the eole purpose of steal ing whatever they desired, and when caught to kill the one who discovered them pilfering The murder of young Goode was tie carrying out ot their plans and .intentions. Our in formant states the confession of the four prisoners has brought to light not only the facts above given but a most diabolical plot they had laid to murder one of the best farmers of that county, and a man well-to-do. Mr. KUati Inman wasU ian:they naa se juctea witU: rauraerous intent. He had gone to TTrloovinc to sell his cotton, and being an extensive farm er he sells in no ordinary way but from twenty-five to thirty bales at the time. This they knew and their plot was to kill him arid secure his money. Fortunately, Mr. Inman,-in returning home took another route ! and thus frustrated their plans. The disclosures they ha.Tinade have greatly astounded the people in the neighborhood of Bullock's Creek, where most of the jdarki?tH Jived and where their-dwVJurar" Wft was to have beeu aecouiplisltotL AKctiiis C oty Tobaeeo Clnb. The &dvocated of tihacoo raising in Robeson county are discussing the question of forming a eltib". to devote The road question is one 'of great perplexity to the people of this State. It Is u well known fact that most of our county roads during ;'tle winter are in aJ very deplorable !cpndition. There has been a great deal of legisla tion upon the subject, Wut tJie roads improve very little: Mecklenburg takes the lead in the way of jimprove ment; and Charlotte towbslip makes the first step ia the way fpff substan tial roads. .Twenty one; cony icts are now at work jin the quarries, on East Trade strwt, just across i what is known as Suar creek, preparing the rock lor macadamizing There are four spk-ndid quai-riea in that neigh borhood to draw from, Ami the sup ply of Ktone will be arrtple for the work. ro-day the cbaiDigftiig will be reinforVl by the eonviets Sentenced at the lat term of the Criminal Court al3iit eight, we believe." This will make a good working Jorce, and imder ihe efficient niajiagement of "Siuiro H. H. Hilton." , vfho has the supervision of,we may ex pert to see it pushed 'pkrpard with rigof and despatch lh? & ft-w days rnacadamizhig wilf bot cbtnmenced on ' b d.'.T the" Providence road ami completed J bJT. to the township line. In this manner every publie road in ttS ' township will bg worked, and, judging from the plans laid out, we will have roadtt worth riding over at no distant day. -' f ! e40t tarn Sri r tf arm at a M , WiUuuigtun- tsiea udy at . "HikuhIl -teile 118 irrcguUr i ugal Mitt qaiev l H Meaipui Saiei 3S5ii nrm t 9. hi. L-otiiM xmiea farm at 9. Ciuciuaatl title fO firm UK, Baltimore Hatea 100 ftrui at 9 )4. ' Iroiladeipuia . $ala ,llnA at 9, Bomuii. '.ib , qojtt at B 9-U LiuauTUia omlei , aaiet at Kew York Btoek Harkes. market c-inj fiactoaled iuitb Jj sad cloaad at 'he luHowicx ga- tmtloni: rale-6JS.13auaraa. ' w r.... tsy Adama..'. IS NYC, H4i S3:- 17- was ire 9 N Pac MS H I'm; pret'-nx! . 3J Ou lm: l4 U Pac ' 6W Mo Pac 1V Tx fac 23 Kau Pac 2 C A 142 CAO VkH ... M', D L k W 141 EH , 30 En rrsfrrl "5 Kit 1 S5!i IS KK Ilka w. 20 It a M E. ; 2fW ....... N W prierj!. O M O It rrVr.4 Pac 31 Edc I. St Paul... St Paul prefered Wabaett Wabah anrferad B Q. O T M k O 11 W P 'fr"-'f,' THE BUFORD HOUSE. With all the Appointments of MmtfBMMlMJL Lis. r-:,T"'.'a.. -3' 1H 126V; lif", U IMS 54 43S . 1U preferred ttoi CllAIiLOTTE COTTON MARKET. Beparta4 daily b? K. If . Kill Brukrra ar a ona, OuUod DEC. 10, ISM. A FIBST-CLASS HOUSE. ' ! - ' j Second to NoMe in the South, 1 flftving betw iwly atd elegantlr ftroibbea in Tfrj particular. The conlaina STEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS. 1 . 1 The Cuisine in under the immediate inspection of one of the Proprietors and having a first class Cook will cater to the! travelling public and feci confident, if one trial ia given us, satisfaction will be accorded by all. ! Good middling : Middling Strict Low Mtddliap.. linea.. - Kardpta to-day l5 ? 8 41 kalce. CITY PRODUCE MARKET itself to the lx-st methods of conduct ing the new crop successfully. Mr. S. M. Thonios writes the Iiurinburg Erchm ij'1 that the farmers of that county ' arc ashore, high arid ,dry, with their creditors to moles-t and make them afraid." This carae. he says, from raising cotton. Mr. Thorn-1 Esatffrotiajc to Arkanaow. ' There was not a very inviting party 1 of emigrants, at the t Air " Lane depot yesterday evening, going to Arkan mw Tlifv i'.imp in rn thft f!. & C , .. .. . I K portal by Vila k 'Bom. Whaleaala Srcran, roao Him totK ine Air une train. The party numbered a.bout fourteen ; &c. men. womerl and chfldfetv! and they j bnfcieJ were from tle neighborhood of Wax- j p" ba"k"'; ' I win at pia hmlifi . Ktw, . in South Carolina, The men ! paButa-pTbahei presented a deplorable condition, for j nBry-- -------- most of thern were well supplied with 1 r biieV.".'.'.".'.'.".'.'.'.'. whiskey and drank prejtj' freely. 1 0aw They go to their new home under ' onadrruit AppV.'pVr very unim-iting circumstances. Thej t' utiH'.'. women and thildren are certainly to , , , Kaekbernea : be pitied: being carried so tar from' in" Uieir old and familiar , homes with omant per ' baahai!..'.'.' 1 e i 1 Iirm ax to lb sucn sviri"ounaings. - mimm AO to M eu to 63 .. 73 to 1 00 ..1 20 to J 21 ..2 IS tot 20 ..J 00 to 2 1 AS to TU WloU UtoH 4 to S tot to to 8 1 NOVELTY SHA VING SETS-Silk plush boat, Shavin? Brush, Razor and cup, mirror, can be used as a hand glass. f HANDSOME TOILET SETS In fine silk plush, satin-lined case, contain ing Comb, Brush, French Plate Mirror, Tooth Brush, Cloth Brush, and Man icure Set-VABIOUS PRICES. SIL PLUSH AND EMBOSSED IVORY LEATHER MANICURE CASES containing Scissors, Polisher, Powder Boxes, Button Hook, Brush, Knife File and C1eaner-$1.25 to $18.00. ; ; j I ' I i i UNIQUE HAMMERED BRASS and Silk Plush Whisk-Broom Holders, jaetaifianaiea Waist Croom and Ther- Ptnaul Parimphi. i j 11 lur ear and C Alt Donald, of i Concord, are at the Belniotit. i ' ! T. J. Boynton, of Washington. post- office .... , . tcrday stopping at the Buford House. , , . . . , . j He mane an inspection oe. the Char and benefit, not onlv for the cultiva-1 . . . m - , , ... . lotto r'tonice. Hn ax pfr lb . . i'ilow pr ft Batter pr lb tain rrdoxJ rhl. kcoa !H-T-nE Chicken lurltya per ih Qfr- Srfff ter pord not Sllt'oU t-r p-Ut!l. Bft. d intirM-ctor. was in the citv ves-t P"rer pound r- 7 i i ar,,iV.,,rt r'patSari tion, curing and liandling, but to lui per lb o ornamente! with Bronze Fienirp- monieter. FOLDING TRIPLE MIRROR; sizes. UtoH to ii . 10 to 11 j 10 to 11 54 to Hi ! n toi, ; t u ; ! 1 U to So 1 Heavy French PLite, Bevelled Mirror JEWEL CASES, COLLAR AND CUFF BTES, Glove anu x-ndkerchief uoies, nnu reraune jases ana t5 tanas. CLULKh, Plush frames, ornamented ith. Thenrcmeter erd Bronze figure. ! e aaiii Vy l.-irt number came into Wadsworths sta- pUdgeonc to the other a certain num-1 Mr; J" C rowiv a poptjlar Greens-1 V Fay D. M. RIQL.ER. Opera House. Monflay, Deceier 1311. THE ORIGINALS! Barry & In the New Version of Irish Aristocracy; HUGH FAY, AS MULDOOX. BILLY BARRY, AS MULCAHEY. Supported by a Company of Metro politan Artists of extraordinary ex cellence. Seats oil sale at Central Hotel cigar stand. . USUAL PRICES. .CO IMC 3E3. Just Thixk of it $20,000 DOLLARS WORTH OF Christmas Goods IS SOW DISPLAYED AT THE CHINA PALACE. SANTA OLAUS Ha provided for all old and young, rich and poor. ' PRESENTS From 2 cents to twenty dollars each. CHINA COUNTER, j Dinner Setsv 106 pieces. Dinner Sets, 127 pieces, . Tea Sets, 44 pieces, - Tea Sets, 56 pieces. Chamber 5ets, 10 pieces, Chamber TSets, 12 pieces. Fish Sets, 15 pieces, Game sets, 13 pieces. Salad sets, Plaques, Mugs, Etc. $10 $15 to 75 4 to 12 to 2.50 to 6 to 17 to 15 to 10 25 20 25 25 20 ! bles vesterdav m irninc. They make ; things lively in that quarter, and furnish some very interesting exer ' cise to those who undertake to ride ' them. j . The brick work of the new Epis i copal church, in Long Creek town I ship, has been completed, we are in- formed. When the entire work is fin ' ished it will be a handsome church edifice, be it said to the praise of those who are so earnestly engaged in its building. A new two-cent postage stamp is to be issued in January. It is re ported that it will be one of the hand somest specimens yet issued by the department. The design represents an embossed head of George Wash ington in profile tipon a blue tinted background. Some of the darkies in this vi- -cinity appear to have a ''hankering'' for the chain gang. Wyatt Going, for instance. In August last he cptu- pleted a three years sentence. At' the last term of the Criminal Court he was convicted of larceny and now 1 he is going on the gang for ' an i other twelve months. ; , - Mr. J. W. Reed, a prominent to bacconist of Winston, and Mrs. An nie G. Tiddy, of the same place, were married at the residence of the brides' brother-in-law, in Carthage, on Wed nesday last. Rev. Dr. F. H. John ston, of Winston, officiated. The Chroxicle extends its very best wishes. . Many of the young men of the city are still discussing the subject of observing the custom of New Year's calling. . The preparation of their cards, we understand, will be gin in a few days. We have no in formation as to the number pf our citizens who intend to "keep open house"' on that day, but we suppose'lt is quite likely many of them will ob serve the custom which has become obselete in this city. Every season shows new and decided beauty in the style of Christ mas cards. Last year we thought they could not be made much pret tier,' but the display this year' goes beyond any thing of the kind before seeni Mr. Johii R. Ed dins has a magnificent stock, the sight of which excites your warmest adniration. His Christmas goods are things of beauty, and it worth your time to visit his store. ; I ata oorrt to disappoint yon na a law foot. ot Sal ration Oil. WORK BOXES, all Kinds and Prices. BRONZE Vas4 and Figures. i LAMPS Parlor Drop Light, with Cham her of acrps, mot less thin four) to be devoted entirely to Tobacco. As soon as four hundred acres are taken we .can organize, and tint amount v.-ill justify us in erecting a suitable ware- - i J ' . Tlie Itrmf Free l'rta Fittid baa been pnnaiag & liOWmr.r.J dealers m Silk gds. i tr BullV coueS syrup. Hj ia only gratitude, . 1 , .. !f ferall know ii merit E. New oi k, is in the city. , , a - -There are million its ik." aM a druggist wten aa'.ed about Dr. Ball's ccagb ayrnp. Price '-'i eta. : riirmmi time oaat Fre been a ra-n'uatie . Ire house of ouronn an I cieatinga home tri d siTi.ti .n on ihlU geroeai(ii.i , , . , , , iiif.aut rolirt. i 1 tiLixiely teooB Uicod n as i' baa iyv . v vj i lyjuiiy v .iu vv v v j entirely curea me. BDio uoiuou. j that will not bring ten cents a pound ! . ; and upward at our breaks will be val ued by an exitert employed by the club and manufactured into plug and smoking tobacco. This will enable us to get good prices for our loyf grades of tobacco, and head off pinhookers and wiley speculators. Four acres will entitle a man to membership and one vote: eight acres, two v6tes. and so on. Mr. Henry Fairley j informs me that he will join the club and open rthe ball by planting one hundred acres." a 1 nld Trial Declared OK The Irish Setter Field Trial, by tha club of that name, which was to have taketfplaee at Salisbury 1aAVetraes- day, has "beeriaeclaFM off fWthSr year on account of the inclement weather at- that time. There were- LUST. A f-mall mil ol runoscript. The : finckr wiil jile-.i.v rtnn to i THIS OFFICE . : . 1 i F. )K SALE. Two Rood riiUle, one browu j b.ijd rtue for Bale theap. at V iVIDSON & GRIFFINS' StaWes. li- uaianw. for raiRinc and lowering, Frame! and Chains of solid fire-eilt brass, with double nnllpv i hand-painted opal dome shade with crystal prisms, j PARLOR TABLE LAMPS, most artistic designs. EXTENSION JTALL LAMPS, with finely etched globes. R. H. JORDAN & C0r Druggists. I'OItSER. Tiie bill which passed the House! t-v ,V n 7, . j f , . i, , , 7-l-M On Collet?? street, jeseraaT on Ihursday exUtfiding Ihe free do- JP nin, a bnmb of ktys. The owcr livt-nr .tervioe. olacea i Charlotte on Una oet tie same by spelling at this office. m Tit the list: The biD has not; passed the Senatie yet. ; :- I V H Ret tte same by applying at this office. proving property, aud paying for this adver- ti-em.nt. KOITH CABOLI5A NEWS. At all Prices Cake Qlates, C. & S. FANCY GOODS. . Vases from 10 cents to $20 Toilet Sets from 50 cents to 23 Silverware new n dnika. oomprUlnfr Jardf nierea, Glore Boxea, Hand Boxa, Jewelry Cketa aaea, C ard Caa, Baaketa. W altera, Caatora, Buwi Inge. Pitchera, Water Beta Ax. Specialtiee ha am pa. Clock. e , i Try train brlnga saw gooda, . Call before all the goods are picked over. Respefully. B B. HAHTSFIELD, Agat Death mt an Ared UUhb. Mr. Thomas O. Hood, one of the oldest citizens of this county, died at his home in Providence township, near Pineville, last Thursday night. He had been failing for several years, and his death was daily expec ted. He Vas nearly 74 years of age, and was a member of Pleasant Valley Baptist church,;-: 8. C. His funeral took place at Harrison" church, 'in this county. He leaves a widow, five eons, and three - daughters.- A good old man ha been called home. Northern guests afej beginning to arrive in large numbers at Aiken. A bank is soon to be established at Greenwood, A white i buzzard has been seen bv the colored people i of Anderson I county. ' 1 u The cotton receipts, at Anderson for this saSon have betin ver 10,000 ; bales. : ', ' ' i jlOK RENT. A large six room dwelling Ml home on Ttjun St rue t, between 2d and 3d htrteb. Pofwewsion given Janwry 1st Tbe proixrty ha nil neceasnry out-buildingB upon it for term apply to GEO .. WILSOU. Carolina Hotsl. ' Ever thing in the market will be prepared in goo J st le find tha table w 11 sapphed. Gool iooiuu and attentire serrun'a KATES REAMXABLE. MAjrKfTWfc-gi:- TELEOEAPH. i3t p wrnvtBaatio. we. ChivaMT Prdaev Bfarkat. J. B. HAERrNGTON'. Proprietor. wheat twenty-two entries, and twenty were I December ! January... txrn Sorember. faaaember hand to ieport the trial, lnthe Rich-1 January. . . . . . . OaU mona utspaicn we nna tne names or November... follows pI1ip vs l.nmn- . furtt t ' rot- - v - . ' - - a-nn-m there to run ia the general rialSfDrJ N. Rowe, odiior theH'an3 Duane vs. Catfoot Daisy vs. Glen- claiie, Bruce vs.,Tim, Luray Third vs. Jersey Beauty, Creole vs. Ready, Banker vs. Molly Bawn. Elco. Jr.. vs, Jersey. Blawn vs. BetaevDe. and KlV dare vs. Gerald. The officers of tne club are "William Dumfrey? of Peek skill, N. Y., president, and Max y?en- zeL of Hoboken, N. J., secretaryj, ' ' Tbe KMd Fonda fr MrnUur Btar Twnablp Exbatutcd. ' ' ' . The road tax is credited to the' re spective townships in whicl it is col lected, and by this means each town ship uses its own funds, as the trus tees of the townaships, may deem proper; for the Dnproyeaieit qQhe roads. Mr. J. W J Vvilliams, of Morning Star, was in the city yester day, havine cornel thirteen? BfflesEf with an order for tfO wi&i ) wtifehf tl procure lumber for the improvement of the roads in thatfoWiishipV He was informed by the Treasurer that the road fund for Morning Star town ship was exhausted. This being the case there will be no moaey for that township until May,' or the tim when the sheriff settles the taxes ot this year. i HI IXovembe!.. liecemnar .. "laVd7 H overobar. . December.. Januarr.. 4llaartaca i 0e ' 2K ae . r . ,10 aloaa j 7 87. ! II 0Q 10 1 Marriage at Kaek Hill. - : On WedneaVnigntiastfSpcS HilL Mrs. Anna SgpeMl EUOattk of Drl R H. Hope; was , married to Mr. Fred Mobley, both of thatj nlace! The bride is well, known in thai seo tion for her personal beauty andTlove- hness of character. The bridegroom has a vhqst of wam fronds Sotth and North' Carolina,- mire him for his intelligence, cour tesy honesty and sterling business qualities. V XO .iCX" January t - I MldliiiBTJplarjia..' Vidliag Orlaana.. Ian and ?..,, Feb and Har,- . MaraadAar..i.. Apr and Maj.. ,, May and Jaoa... Jun and July.".. July and Aug.... Oct and Not Nov and Dee .... De and Jan.... era . : 674 CtHm KariMC , . 'j Uverpool, " 1 opaa v -ir i ; us, 17- 18 , " ISA 5 14 ia Tone Open BUelr, ateady Claee quiet j : ? - f 10, ' eloee 14 B 1 s ia 5 li 6 21 S 3i as S 14 12 Raw Twrk CttB Harket. Sew Turk, Dec, 10. ....... Jannarj....,..... rTebraart.. ft. May , . June.. July.... ... august.... .. September.. . October , November Deceuiber.. pen 57 m ' It. ... 10 01 r ,.i'in ".'vlOflS close r 9 69i 9 80 9 91 lo oi-.: 10 11-.., 10 18 M 24' K I -ne Opeb irregular Uj ateady , Bales ltfB.Wlw im ea. -! ' Receipt at our porta today 32,978. Same t2ma laat year 33.W7. j 9 64 9 61 . . r . Saval SMrtt. Wilmlrgton Spirita Turpantine flrm at S3 ' crude firm hard 1 00 yellow dip and virgin I 90 roein firm atraiaed 75 : good , atraiaed go 40 Flaaaclal. New Tork Money loaned at 1. Excliangeatea- dy. Poatalratea4 81 85 Actual rate 4 80 to A 80 tor 0 daya 4 83 3-4 to 4 84 for daauuid. OovprnmenU firm curre.'C 6 128 bid 4a coup 129'. trfd-AX coup 110 bid. V : . ,, , i , ...::( f , it,. ':! ' : North Carolina -4a. old - 35 bias Apr and Oct J HMdrM OA" S-O it AS83 i4aa4 i bid: H O ' Vaw Orieana-Sataa, SO0 Ararat X. fC JMMUB-Saia, luUM-nnn at I ' OlMriiitWi OHM WO ctlTe at tH-''-;;:. Strayed or Stolen. ' A largw White Setter Pup, with larf?c black spots and black ears, Anftwets totbf name ot 'Prince " A reward ot one dozen bottles of Honu-U Ntgt Liniment will b givon lot ihe laturri ot th mdk. - W. S MULLEN. JOST BECEim A NEW LOT OF MARK llade Oi?Iyfory mne BetaU Tfrade &C1 ONE PRICE EVERY WHERE FOR SALE BY FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE, WHICH I AM SELLING AT VERY LOW PRICES! An4 will be pleased to show them to you, CALL AND BE COMIXfED. ;V : : ' . i I also have as fine a lot .- j. . . BEEF AHD PORK As can found in the city, which I am selling at the following prices : 6 to 10c. tlOtolJc. i IOC BEEF, from : : . fork; .. SAU8AGE, at . U,,C. IRWIN. "THE HABERDASHER, OPPOSITE BUFORD HOUSE, OUST- RECEIVED ! Atmore's Mince Meat, and Plum Pudding. Gross;. & BlackwelTs Im ported Pickles and Chow Chow, also Domestic Pickles, and Chow Chow by the quart. Olives, Olive OfL and Lea otPerrie's Sauce. A good assortment of Canned Vege tables, Meats and Fish. Hecker's Self -Raising Buckwheat, Dried Beans, Dried - Sweet Corn, Split Peas, Big Hominy, "and Grits. HAMS, BREAKFAST STRIPS. SMOKED BEEF, andTONGUES. I claim to keep as good and well assorted Retail Stock of HeaYj ani Fancy Groceries, As any other House in town, and will sell them as cheap. Try me. A good assortment 'of Heavy and Fancy Groceries always on bond. Fresh Boasted Coffees every week Bio, Lagayra, Mocha and Java ground to order, and any desired mixtore pnt np. . Bespectfully. ; J. M.SIMS, Elctric HOTEL le. Call Balls, Gas & Water, la now opaa to tha pablie. - ASn aix Modern Hotel Conveniences. I1BST-GLA88 IK ALL BESPKCTB. $2.50 Per Day. K W. OVEBBAUGH, Manairar. Rate - - FANCY GROCERIES. AH kinds of Family Supplies, com prising Best Sugar and Coffee, select stock of all kinds of Canned Goods, Choice Hams and Breakfast Strip. , A 8HPPI.T OF FAXCY CAKDICS. ' '', - I , ' i The best! Brands of " Tobacco and Clgis al waysen band- Goo i Goods at low prices. KespectfnUy. J. G FKEELAND, j v -.-: Tryon Street 1 j f For Rent or Lease. - The Store Room now occupied by . D. MiGinuis. Pussc--ion given January 1st, 1887. Apply t ! J L. BROWN. & MARSH, FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS. t Lw Pr cm. taloc.ftBMl price Usf ; ?. 4 ppllcawm '--'

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