v It GhRrtotU'Ghrcafalr. Fcsuiuu irEBT'iloamuo Kxcift UosDai , W. 8. UEMCY Editor find Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK UJUlTXt , . One Year - - " - - L- I S7.00 folk llonthi'" ' - - -3.76 Threw Months - . - 'AOO : 6CBCWPT10SI PRICE, WKIKLTj One Year . -WVT . .- iJ-S2 Bit Months . i - - 1.00 ..Three Month - t t 6 ' ; Terms invariably Gash in advance for both Daily and Weoklj. i f - t ' AdvrUsln Bates Very BcMwaaHei Thursday M)HKmo,TSKPT. 29.: 1887. . OHIO IS A BAD WAT. The 'Ohio idea" just at present is mixed schools - for whites - and blacka. It is effecting the State from centre to circumference, and it is very natural that it .should, . . ; I ! Ohio produces many strange WK CAM OT FORGET TUB FRAUD. A dispatch has been sent out from Galvestottjirhich we public in anotb er column, to the effect that the,fraud IIayes.during the term of his stolen office-hold ing power, contemplated freeing the Southern States entirely from military interference by the re moval of the federal troops, and would have accomplished that pur pose if tho Southern Congressman had met him half way. . It is very late in the day to come forward with such an idea now. We cannot believe it true. - Hayes' de stroyed his influence, and Swthern men had no confidence in him Vhen he owed his own sham election to the presidency to a fraud - perpetrated under the intimidation' of the mili tary power of -the ' federal ' govern ment. : " .. " A LOVELT HOCTIIEKX CIBX. WILL THCT ACT WISELY? ' ' As foreshadowed in our. press diss patches we look for a stroing time at the St. Louis Grand Army of the Re thinks for which she is entitled to all I public Encampment. - ,-The opposing the honor and elorv. This mixed I elements of certain matters are at BEPLTISOTOBEAOAK. Jefl Da via Writes Letter to the Fn tor Pronibluoiv v HousTOir, Texas, i Sept.; 24. An open letter from Jefferson y Davis to Senator Began on the prohibition is sue is made public here to-day. Mr. Davis begins by scoring the Senator sharply for -the construction which he put on the -: Davis-Lubbock corre spondence, r He says: " ;l ' " "I certainly bave no claim on the people of Texas, but freely acknowl edge my indebtedness ' to them, and, having for many years felt a deep interest in their affairs, I might reas onablr have supposed that I had an equal right to express an .opinion up- a magnificent figure, a statuesque on mem aa ina aeuorueu u a vxcwr head, noble features, splendid nair, gia negro who was imported by your Ana is, altogether, the finest example party to .influence 1 the voters of jus 0 southern beauty ever seen in Phil color, and who,' it was reported, had adelphiai Miss Gordon at one time been at one or two public meetings had several Governors, half a dozen introduced by you to the ladies and Congressmen ' and some fifteen or gentlemen of Texas, ims ; is to do twenty gentlemen of social distinc viewed in connecuon wwu anar tl0a around rier. tion that the white uemocraia naa been defeated bv the 'Mexicans anal -1-! ' 1 rai ne&rroes who voted against prohibi- NeWoerne Joorn&L a w . j . - Ax -: . Ma " m " at a in your zeat to supporv uw xneivetcs ana uoserver states mat Klas Gordoa at tbe Philadelphia Con atitatlonal Oatannlal. . ' Philadelphia Times. ... - - Decidedly it e most striking- and not ceable incident of the reception was tbe presence 01 Miss uordon, of 1 Ueorgia. tne aaugnter or uov. uor donv and the attention she received. Next to Mrs. Cleveland she received more attention and notice than any one presenter Collector (JaaawaJaier and Mrs Cad&walader, and, in fact, almost all the fashionable, people ! oreeent. crowded around her and formed a splendid galaxy in front of one of the Drivate boxes. Misa Gordon divided the honors with Mrs Cleveland, and divided them fairly. She is very tall, with I 4 DAnGAKJO: DREGS GOODS 11 4 OFFERinGQ FinEHAPKIUS ; jE2)2B3S .Goods MM SS1 REM ESTATE' Valuable Tom And Country Property for Sale I ACKE9 1 Farm th Bitim from corpo 1WU rate limit of tbe city of Gturloite Tbe Improrements upon wbicb are a fiame dweUlna -of rooms, with front and back porct. on -laborers nous of two rooms, t tenant boaees. s Mrne ana stcjea, gooa water na urgt tchrd, ' " Michlae Shop and Foundry. frame bulletins s. sttoated 00 UK 135X190. 4 a DanviTU asa Caroline teotrai luuuoaas. naninn ehinr. loll set Dllnd merniary.acrou and no sews. ' ixingue aaa moving Macmne,xnnun? Leuie c une-a none power engine, uoo- norse power tnuie ena ouicr marninerjr, rnee 4m. HOCSI end Lot on 1Kb and Collesre - Lot tta 9S. : Home hu 1 mome ejul teimntA'mmm Basement. Price fijoo. , school business is one of them. Tie gall-moutnea jroraKer is anoiner. -It now appears that the mixed schools Jaw. in that State is an at temnfr to: caDture . the negro vote. The matter is summed up in the Atlanta Constitution and it ia to this effect: The white people - of Ohio are so evenly divided i in their , politics that, the negro voters, nujiv "bermglrbnfifteentotw thous: and, hold the balance of power. : .. In view of this fact, the republi can majority in the state legislature recently passed a law ; ' to turn " the work and it will take but a small spark to cause.an eruption. We shall see what we shall but in the meantime we trust, that the - mem bers of the organization will not make a spectacle of - themselves, and that moderation in speeches, and their respect for the rulers of the people will characterize their ' deliberations: -There is no ' necessity, whatever, for the G. A. B.tl men, in 8L- Ixmis making - foola . of themselves, though there is no way to prevent such a thing if they are so determined 1 It is announced that the Pension public schohls into mixed schools for 1 Committee of the G, A. EL, Encamp-1 both white and colored i children. 1 ment at ot. uuis has prepared a se i Exery thing was working smootMy 1 resohitioiis endorsing tho Destroyttie tree, so as to make it im-J no reason why the 8tate of North tion i : doctrme of prohibition v you cite the the State pension list in North Caro- QRnnaVitrhvir 4VvWr 1 1 ttt ml QQ law against carrying concealed weap- lina will 1 considerably increased OOC V cLYQ. IOx 9;JL1 W O Ola UO 1H. na tuit Vdm siraln .riA anftWAr tfl t0-1 t.Via hoai" nnA that, fhft omntint rtn I !. a ... . .f ... ... tent. . The law: does : not invade the I each pensioner from the t30,u0 richt to keep and bear arms for pn- appropriation will not exceed $3.00. ! vate and public license, but the abuse The last General Assembly - ought to of the right by such practice as Dene- nave increased the amount, and it fits the aeavwm and the burglar, the ought to be continually increased as invader of the rights of others. To the 8tate grows in wealth until a re carry out your theory to its logical spectacle pension is paid those men conclusion, as deadly weapons may who were loyal to their State in the lead to crime, the sale importation hour of her greatest trouble and re and manufacture of firearms and cut- ceived iniuries in her service that lery should be prohibited, and thus have 'rendered them unable to help wholly extirpate! me vue use wuuju i tnoniseiyes. - - . , . would follow abuse by their possessor. ;. Th? North Carolinian who respond Among the instances you cite of ed to the call of his State in 1861, TJXl.Tl, QJ ' TS fl.eii 'I the abridgment of personal l berty is was prompted by as pure and patri XJl tloll OO 111 JJlctcTOIlcll O llll tha krnK,Ritinn ttf the first narents to otin mntivea ah the Pennsvlvanian or - i . . C7 eat the truit of the tree . or uie. i any northern man who responded to liYVOPQ -"-. But the facts of the case eeem the call of . hie State. It is true we j A JJLK O ". as the Creator - did not de northern soldier friends but that is f JLl L JLT JLm JXT.&SJ aton and D. M. Klulor nn annnuwn anhnrVia nf Moving On with wonderful rapidity 1 Cnarlo. Thirty foot atreet reserved on-UUa r I propertx. Prloe, $3 per acre. .... speeding the Racket i machinery - to O'iaKacreljf H w' its utmost, straining every nerve AvlTJ5..'! l.t.bFTOUD1 to meet the wants of consumers with I ErSZa: two blocks from square. Price asjioa. ONE Home and Lot oa KorUi Try on street, (for mflliT owned hT Ham'L H. VMrnm v briA lj ft fl, ft i : 'TViOTl fiT 1 lB Hoase ad Lot In King Mountain-two. T.; T'.wwa7 1 vygtory frame bolkllntr; seven rooms. Lot can. urns aooui one acre oi grouna. Price iijea Dress Flannels 15c per yard for half Wool, 24 in. Tricots in ten shades. 39c per : yard for all Wool, 36 in. Serges in 8 shades. 25c ner vard for OWE House and Lot (lot 99x198 feet) at corner Poot&randTentbatreeta. . House contains n vn nice SOiOUm. Since we came to Charlotte we have lost no opportunity to do wnat we could to add to its. interests in every way possible and we are repeatedly told now that no One business house . ' " - TJiARlC 156 acree adjoining: J. w. Wadsworth and u the trade brings . more business to cape i. c. Dowd ao acres umber. Price tao OKI Tract of Land (two hundred acres) one mile from town of Chester, s. C on c. a ft A B. B. (known as Bratten place.) Price $3X10 pTAHMOMK Brick Dwelling:' House en Xast J-XTrade atreet; contains is rooms, bath rooms, closets, c good neighborhood. Lot 99x3S teet. nopen.7 cum. wwjvo, wiu seu lor waoo per acre. Charlntte than ntini. . The reaflnn ia rnBACT of land contalnlne 58 v acres taut he. i touq ajnnnui uimufli cur. ramraina ntumi acres w cnoice oouom una, suitaoie for track urm. race S79 per acre. HOUM Exerytbing was working U iVonlrJnc nr QQA S under the .old system of--, separate penaeni tension cuiwmcn tne Jres-1 poBsipie w 'rzrXJT iTri v"wu w ""fv u w.vuvuvu , v-w PVi Ul"" Monroe or Rock HilL oranv railroad -t nryl;M v- 1 aa U n. t i . . , X , iJttonroeorisocK tun, orany rauroau ou uoz Dieacuea rvapjuns at i.Zt per aoz. station about henv we should A( Hn7 Tilfann1iA1 IVnnlrine ' 1 Jfi now rlnrr eo there and do it." . We regard the m. m. mm .: slat m a.jsm.juijaa a. am m m m . . en - v . m m m m t i we extend to all - - i ; ' f . ! 1 HOTS and fan lot on 6th 8C sear R.B. fl Kve -Inducement p1000 a , ,.: , I TTALUABIJI PSOPEBTT on South Timn Rt. - ... . . - . i JL adKHnlng: lot of W. Pegram, 4 tota, Mint feet possible to come to Charlotte, and Frtceaemooeach. ' 1 1 rACKE5 or LAKD I miles from Charlotte. Candidly, if we COuld Sell goods to Woa Natton Ford road; dweuins and ouu , , u 'VI " .v T'Vfc; I hmmi known eatheD. H.ftmlth nUnt uiMntn. TTOU8X and LOT, on Morehead street, near Gra -oea by going to Concord or Matthews or scnoois. : Tne wmtes. nad x wmtei -.ir , wjnwr.3 ,ui i ' " ' nts to their moral schools and, white teachers and the laaopwonc pt?.uns3? resolution ! tliere Jggpotith a penalty at- ' npcrrr rtfl.ri Wptrrn i Rfhnrtin Antl nporo I Seems to be hO dOUbt.tiBut there is i tar-haA tn the violation of His Com- teachers; But . tiie i republicans, f in this about it:f .The county indors mand. They had their own personal th.i.::;i 4i,ttj4ytoa !flg2&fi& . turned this wise system upside down. A, men .might as jwell jrecognixe violation of the law given for their The nublic schools are in a'state' of the fact that it will do it again. Mm) Thev chose to offend and wf- ' ; ; fared the nenaiy. jlk laws xor wie !" Z MAirM A fWMJ- . punishmercrime abridge person-'-The continuance of ' Democratic liberty, or iratber are they not Rule,'1 is a very strong paper from guardians' of (the natural rights, the pen of ex-Speaker Carlisle, pub- which, in a state otsociew, migw oe etrikea me as a misuse of term to de- 8120 Of lot 104X300 One orchard. Price S00, o-etory frame bulldlnsr. 4 4x300 teet Good water and . confusion,; and it is not a settled i fad : that the negroes are any better satis fled now than they were, before the present law was passed. f ; - The white republicans who are af fected by the law are ' by no means - satisnea tnat mixea ; scnoois are a boon, and it may be said .that the mixed school system in . Ohio is a - political weapon that seems to cut ' both ; ways. . , ; For the intelligent negroes are by no means satisfied. The first result of the law has been to throw a; large number of worthy colored teachers out of employment. The neero children no longer attend . the negro schools, but flock to the white schools. Whereujion the white pupils retire, and the result is that the Ohio public school system is a farce. W'--. ' : - -I The rich people withdraw their children and make other provision for their education, while 5 the poor white people and the negroes find themselves in a dilemma. ; Measured by Foraker's mouth,' the 1 republican party of Ohio is a tremendous affair ; measured by the effect . of its law nrovidine for mixed scnoois it is " " sucwrsfui xn its efforts to drive cap able negro teachers out of the schools, r. and s also successful in its efforts to " cripple 11 the' public school system. ' : Take " it altogether, ., the Forsaker oartv is entitled to its laurels; but ' if the negroes of Ohio hare any in . tellieence. thev will feel , that, under v 1 the ctrise of mixed Bchcols." a blow , . has been struck at their race. , Ushed in the .Forum.. I The reasons assigned why the par-1 rihA the commission of crime as the ty now in power should be continu- (exercise of personal liberty. ' The ed are, very cogent. The policy of natural rights of man are Uiose the RepubUcan party leaders is to nrt perpetuate war taxes and upend the ftnCft th termed -inalienable," surplus, while the Democrats are dis-1 the exercise oC which society has no posed to prevent the collection of the I nght toob8truct. surplus by reducing the . taxes. This I alluded to: tms matter yesterrj 'iu ?BWU tisiMw w i H It Is well ftkeen the subie in 7 W oppions.-ow t trhaM ia nn iAl inff iTAi hOW v-r - ppearan TOO HITOI TCST.W ' -: A new problem is arising which al ready calls for a solution. It is the , prevention of evils ; growing out of theTrust" companies which are be ing rapidly formed. These combina lions are nothing more nor less than - conspiracies against the public goods and individual rights. tM; 'Ji we day mind. many of ; these Trusts" are , in pro cess of f ormation. . As; time rolls On ' who knows but what they may ex . tend to every commodity of the field,- the fajry and; the workshop. A '' readjrits arms are reaching! out and grasping various mdustries; for in stance the cotton seed, then came the salt monopoly) and ! now the linetd oil "TrusV! is added to .this list, v If the problem is not solved we may look J for sugar , "Trusts," coffee "Trusts" and meat "Trust, " and all other products ad infinitum. , Of the linseed-oil "Trust,'" says the N. Y. World one of the directors innocently says: "We want to pre- ' vent such sharp competition as there has been ' m the past." ; rrecisely. And the method the Trust" adopts to prevent such competition is to ruin any enterprising man who will not submit to their dictation. The TTorW argues that one : way of doing this is to place the price temporarily so low that the new manufacturer is soon frozen out unless he is able and will ing to risk a large amount of money in the struggle. ; Another not alto-' gether unheard-of method iscto blovf1 up bis factory. The principle of the evil is the same in both, cases, and there ought to be a legal punishment in one ' Instance as well ai in the other. ' i " ' . j The advance of material civiliza tion depends largely upon competition It furnishes an incentive for excell ence and' gives the community the beneflt of the proper cost of. produc tion. ' ' ' . n n . . Thm Btebeal'Coraaet.: , Wllbea Mirror, -'t ' , 'i The coronet of ' honesty wbioh a rzzn wears upon the brow of hi daily trar-tctios3 with his fellow "man has a richer, " brighter more beautiful brilliancy tban ever ; glf amed from r?m-6tudded constellation of a Kng rcm diadem; end it is a brilliancy ' ' -, "will eparkld uid the gloom of rtMy decay, r.nd -mingle its Q"d ' 1 ".light amid the glories -of rzity.-' leader;-; you - can wear ' i coronet a coronet that has i ' illei with, the hue3 of i-ncr- is the whole matter in a nutshell. The true Democratic ! solution" of the problem, according to Mr. Carlisle, is "to abolish as far as practical, the taxes on , the .actual necessaries of life and on the raw materials used in their production, and to revise, sim plify, and, in proper cases, reduce the duties on the other articles embrac ed in the tariff schedule." He main- tA.ina t.ViAt t.Vtia nan ha iIaimi nil e4.ni leave anl average duty that would tha sumptuary legitoon wouia oe , .c - . . usuroauon ana in vioiauon w iw "much more than compensate '-for 2aubymight not your niohi the difference between the cost of la- bition doctrine come back to plague bor here and in other manufacturing you! If overpowered by numbers, ,iT,too" in nt-hA what would be the conditiun 1 LOT comer College and Firth (krone, 123 feet deep. Price $700. )L0T8 on College street (one -rj ooo. streets, a feet brick store.) Lotus feet deep. twoeto- 1 55 doz bleached Napkins at 2.25 oer doz. 9c a pair for Misses School Hose. 16c a pair for Misses Ribbed Black Hose. 21c a pair for Ladies Regular made Black Hose with split feet, value, 40c per pair, 23c a pair for Ladies stout Balbriggans, ' . e CENTS PER TARD, For a Good Bleached Domestics. The result of the recent election in your State may be a sufficient guar antee against the . surrender of their inalienable rights and privileges by liberty loving people of Texas. Is there no possibility that an ism whiVb hM shown such expansive courtesy will tk to embody itseU - D...A in federal legislation! You who have ADSOIUteiy VUXQ borne an nonoraoie part m ewu mo . mi 1 J Tavfta man loriDBmuewaiuajiw. r I i Thla TowAt Barer Tkrlea havft on another occasion to defend I etrencta ad vkoieeonen frights as a S- "youshould wt2 insist that all powers are reservea i ,jnm pjT,hte powdrm. soidaniyta which had not been delegated, ana ra 4 DRIVES IN lore Kwnowioi BOTal. BAXXSO POWDKK CO.. 10S. WaU TO MERCHAHT3, A CALL. HOSIERY. IV GIVE. UY BOMSTIC DEPT. would afford all needful protection to American labor. . This is fair enough. What does the country need I of the " r minorty ;. section! AND TH0SS ABOUT TO ETTXE ESTO Bv ". laws and recent TTnion 1 soldiers are - to more OPIHIOHS OF THE STATB PK preferred for; Federal appomanenta. The prohibition law and policy would involve domiciliary visits. It re rmirofl tia nroohtt to foresee what would be ithe condition o our Under the present system the verr I people, what would be tne people who need .protection are the moral decadence resulting irom ine ones who' are oppressed.- Their very denomination of spies reformers and life's blood is being drawn from them foreign .officials. May J3od in his to satisfy the insatiable appetites of mercy shield us from ail the conse the vampires of the countrr -whose ouent evils of such a policy, deeper LTercanule PiSltS :o: The unprecedented, large sales by my House as is evidenced by Rail-1 road receipts for shipments between August 1st and.zutn, or over nine I hundred (900) cases and bales of goods. show how successful my "Whole- CLOTHING OUR 1FIT11T. . m - - . ... a i lientlemen you couidn t select a reported tome, was that shipments would have been made better ODDOrtUnitV than ! the DreSe nt Week from us and Dues WBicu iwu io vi w wm : v I i . j . - I , did as a rule, vote againsttne prevented by the heavy rains from inSpeiC OUr OlOre aUU UlSUeCl nent: It was gratifjrmg for makmg aU the pomts mapped out by I , country lo-aay are worse slaves than J election, as i were the negroes in ante bellum I tbe counties times. Thev are nawine thrvfo?irt.h I ODtion. of the taxes, abd a laree oer cent on 1 amendment me ; and to all such of my told cus- manufactures prices for the neces-1 two reasons. ) It evidenced ajustois- rni-t t mMi trMnnr t lb i? RtAt nrohibition. and showed that it tomers I say come to Charlotte, see tinue to bend their necks to the rokef I was not the drunkarda and traders in my colossal lines of Goods, from Or will they arise in Uieir majesty whisky who constitute Uie opposmctfi l whirjtjy0ucaaimake your selections and demand ati the hands of their 1 to tne amenomens. xue www far moPB Batisfactorw than from of my political creed is tnai au tne ooTY, ,a . , . T . just powers of government are deriv- sample. And tooreover, I will re- Z.A .t. . Zt,,4- Af rnvmirnoH hilt I HKHirM wrtll ill rtart Ann nArhnna in I f r 1 tU UVUI tuc wuowif w e" " - , . i 1 Z r tr ice ol Asiatic cholera I mwommpnt Mnnntl . . : -. ... brkis causefor grave 'an- "O- . , i a lit 3 . ... r- - M n Tforuio new Deginnerst ? After S3 years of close observation in business, . I am fully convinced that by far the greatest number of unsuccessful Country Merchants' is tracable to their 4flrBt purchase." liiWier r,lii. The a at New i . r. . v i i i riKuuuuv.i ucuuto uuu. preneniuona. may uq. loa owing 1 far bv a! maioi itv of the people. co tne tune ot year, tneawrui scourgel bTr miiitarv coercion or under the may not spread, out oio cnoiera ever Am ot a divine rieht is depotism. business facilities of Charlotte as far better, and with all its railroads and shipping facilities, it ought to lead as a market for all this country. Ev idence comes to as daily, that cotton is. bringing more money at points around us than it is here. One gen tleman assured ' us yesterday that over 100 bales was going from his lo cality to Concord this week, cotton which belonged to the trade of Char lotte. Another that a large part of the cotton east of us was turning to Monroe. . Well we admire the pluck of these Monroe and Concord buyers, and we doubly admire the pluck of the man who takes - his cotton to where it will bring the most money. Its his due and his right and his duty. We are not versed in even the value of .cotton nor in what it ought to ' . -'. -;.iv: - bring, but we are interested to the extent ot wnat we nave m tbe suc cess of all the interests of Charlotte, and regret exceedingly to know that for want of buyers to pay the price paid at other points, cotton turns away from us. . Every bale of cotton that is brought here adds - that much , to the business interests of Charlotte, and every bale we miss takes that much away from its business men. Take the cotton we had ' about as well close our doors. f We take this method of calling the attention of cotton dealers to the fact that the interests of Charlotte de pends upon their ability to pay the prices paid for-cotton all around us. .-r Our interests and business are here and its success depends, in a great measure, upon the markets of Char- fCTO'CSI AKD LOT next to Charlotte Hotel two AAstoiTlrainelmUdlnff. Price t&fioa. Honae and lot on 9th street, next to N. C. B. K Beautiful grounds. Large lou nice $3,000. us on ast iraoe Htreet, contains about torse ll.C. ECGLES G CO. GRADED llllll j OPENS MONDAY, SEP. 12. Hojss & Adams' HEADQUARTERS FOR BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. i No. 23 South Tryon Street. CTH AIlLOTTE. N. C. MxLsic ; House ii j ; Central Hotel Building, Charlotte - . - N. C- . t : t , i !iLa mz rwcu our iwui wiwiuu wenaing i t this treneral nrODOSition it is as- iromcity to city rne authorities gmned that you , wUl concur, and W1 ?t coHree' ao. 8,1 ine Ci"? 10 F6 though we have recently been separ Tcuw u mwow r wui pcauwg, :uu ated jy a gfrjgio question i trusuuuy it is not comfortable to know ; that iwn' .T J,minnonthfl broad- persons direct from the scenes of its devasation in Italy, are on the Amer ican side and are down with the fell destroyer. Wtlmxngt on Star.- worm) bp is ixEcrmic wibes. Terrike Tmf mt m Wwrkaaan Wbe pfek Z- -ed mpmUUrmr MmAmm tbe SfrMt. A Lincoln (Neb.) special says: A workingman named Smith was hor ribly mutilated here in a remarkable manner. On 6 street, at- the comer of Ninth, hamrinz from a teleerraDh pole and lying along the ground tor a distance, was a- broken telephone wire wnicn - naa in some ; manner be come crossed, or in connection' with one of the electric light wires, i As Smith was passing along the street he saw the wire burning, and attract ed by "thelstrangft appearance,' and not realizing what is was, evidently took hold of it to ascertain what it meant. The shock he received was terrific and bis shrieks brought hun dreds to the street. He could not loosen his hold on the wire, and it burned his hand to the bone. -;. In his writhings and contortions the charg ed wire came into oontact with his head, burning out one of his eyes nd laying : . the side of his face open. Wherever it struck his body it tut like a knife. ; A bystander,' realizing the peril of ' the man, ran to him, grabbing him to pull him from the wire, out ot ; tne snock no received when he came in contact with1 the body of the man he was knocked ten feet into the street and utterlv nros trated; so that it was beared that he was also killed. BT ' this time the electricity had, reitheri burned the man Smith loose from the wire or he had succaeded in his trursles in breaking away. He was picked up and carried to'an ad joining restaurant and a half , dozen pnypicians summoned.' Tlie man presented a horrible appear ance, and despite the physicians' r-f-forts to put him under the influeiice of morphine he shrieked and writhed in the agony.he suffered until taken to thi hccpital. The doctors express ed tbe cpnicn tint 1.3 may survive t:i j-.urj'3 .I'."cv-!i it r-cira ita look forward to reunion on the broad er field which lies beyond. ; ; In cun elusion peruiit me to exprees the hope that it wiU give you less pain to read this letter than the necessuy tor writ lured by - meu t-epreseunag era Houses" to go, there for their fipot. niirrhndfl nni1m)nv 'a nni in t . ... . . t . ..-A .oonn r 1 - . J . wv Ul ""2 "fthTuUvHdoingsois thus virtually 'Wed" Our entire VStbck has arrived and will be ; displayed: The assortment - is 1111U1CUSC ilUlt lllt'lUUCS I lUUCflL UllU lotte, and we take this method of most I substantial i sty les that care, taste that, m our opinion, every and exnelrience could aid us in selectinff J every property ! - v it -,.r "- . "V.. -i' V....-5 .O 1 AVTlAr ill tTMritv ia lnfAtwofavl in rTif nnwt i win ten you. By being e:exientt i0pen invitation to every thecottonW do for s: k you Gentleman in Charlotte to examine and drive trade awayypuidiius. if you you- your friend, - Jeffxbson Davis. mm, ba!qging i "'Irahd - " Monogram! Llonogramll Magnolia! Magnolia!! LILLY, LILLY. 100,000 yds Bagging. 3,000 Bundles Tieo. Maycr &II033, "Cholecaltji peers, before getting home.; ' Why t Be cause, - -- -- - . 1. Buying in Northern Houses where the Goods kept are not selected (like mine) to suit this section only, the chances are that the new be ginner will buy the most unsuitable stock for his section Whence has his shelves full, yet none to Buifc his cus tomers. Fatal mistake No. 1. ' 2. In tbe excitement and rush of Northern Market he buys twice, per haps thrice, as much as he can and ougdt to. Fatal mistake No. 2. . 3. The injudicious1 and dispropor tionate quantities bought too much of some things and not enough of others' (generally the most need ful) the new beginner finds out, too ate that while he has more Goods tuan he ought to have, yet must " or der more Goods to help sell off the badly bought ones," thus being load; ed too heavily at tbe start -you can imagipe the rest. This much and moie could be said, but a word to the wise is sufficient, - .v How to avoid all this iiMfij .-I have now been in, business near you for S3 years, commenced from the stump up at a cross road . and grown : up with the country,'4cnow exactly . what and bow .you ought to buy, and I point '. (witb just pride) to my record as a man andxnerchant, and say come to me and I . pledge my ; record to take good care and protect you, and you will say, as hundreds of others have done, I owe my -success to your G, T7itt!:oT7z!iy,-- " inspect our Display of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, And compare the variety and quality of the Cloth ing we display with any offered in the city It has always been: our ambition to excel any , of our Competitors in fire t-class Clothing, and with the facilities at our command, we offer superior results, at a saving of fully 25 per cent Lovely Fall Styles. ; ! OUR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT APPEARS IN ANEW DRESS THIS WEEK, THINGS HAVE BEEN BRIGHTENED UP AND MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN EVER. DURDNG THE PAST WEEK THOUS ANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF STYLISH : AND ' ATTRACTIVE GOODS HAVE BEEN ARRANGED UPON OUR COUNTERS, AND WE START.THE SEASON WITH A STOCK SO SUPERB AND ELEGANT THAT WE'RE PROUD TO INVITE EVERY PARENT IN CHARLOTTE to .visit ; - - ! - . I This week; There's something here for you to see. We've worked hard and earnestly to provide the best of everything, and we know our work has been well done. ' The result is grandly represented in the gorgeous as sortment of : . , . ' - - - " - - " That we ask you to examine this week before you give even a thought to the subject of purchasing. We give the same Liberal Guarantee of Lowest Prices and Best Qualities. , , ; . , We have the pleasure of announcing, the engagement of Mr, Ed- W. Melon who shall be pleased to see. his friends to call on him at the LcadiirT Clothinrt House of . bring trade here you make and large ly increase all our interests.' : Additions to our tremendous stock. Fosters Kid Gloves. ; Every pair warranted 93 and 133. No better Glove try them. . 100 dozen Fine Underwear. , We have just opened a magnificent line of all kinds of Underwear, Our stock of Men's Fine Suits is not surpassed. We are offering in finest grade of these goods ever opened here, a line at $3 50 per suit,, worth $5.00, : A splendid all wool white at $2.63 per v 4 suit, with all the lower grades.- Also ladies goods in splendid lines. The display of our stock is under the management Of Mr. Fred Moles. See our show windows.? See our stocky and buy as you want. E. , New Songs, all the rage: -Cricket on tbe Hearth, by Stewart. "Rock-a-Bye Baby." "'Neona," by Banks Winter. "Wake Me Darling With a Kiss," &C, &c . - - i.y- THE NEW ENGLAND - Spe ail-tpnilitfiaioj, In Mahogany and Burl Walnut Cases. ..- Something New. , " Also the" Celebrated FISHER PIANOS and Cylinder Top BEHR UPRIGHT, with Muffler and Tone Regulator. ... The JESSE FRENCH,. CARPEN TER and STANDARD GUITARS. VIOLINS, STRING AND , MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Piano Tuning and Repairing taken: by the year at special rate. Pianos for Re nt. JJ f our - : -n I FOTWEAR i: 81 VJT l WELL MADE I COf ' V .DURABLE JW 3 orv .. new, fresBj Our Stock of HtctM and 'siioes Btrllaia. aeaaoaab1. Quality unsnrjaessJ, prices the verr lowest. pt'a'a"tion vwr nUid. i . ,.: tOscuUiTiyonSt, ' EoyoV School. Fatl t rn C"-"' F-t, S'li, 13T FOT3 OT all pi ict t r.. i. 'i . s ..cf'rn a of pp-ii r i '2 Yrr'j Croe i'.Z Trc vl ll.l V ..lM I ll ......

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