f. ; v v BACKET STOBE. It was a email concern 14 months ago just after we had unfurled the banner of spot cash for all we offered. Only a few salesmen and a business all to establish and build up, over tbe predictions of the future aud the scotf and jeer of effected competitors from every quarter we are to day the leading house, not only of Charlotte but of the State. In presenting this sketch of our house, and long lists of items we are aware that it falls far short of the reality. We have added many new lines, and by condensing goods' and economizing space we have crowded the best and most devc reified stock of goods ever seen in Charlotte. .Our wholesale department is iq charge of W. E. Williams and 0. Lyles, and we guarantee to every merchant who will favor us with an inspection of our stock, the prices in many lines will open their eyes, , No doubt about it. We actually retail a great many goods for less than the regular wholesale cost. It's the dol laf side of merchandise. It's the net spotteash of it, not bills dated ahead, nor discounts, nor ledger account, nor anything of the kind, but valurs clean cut ngainst dollars. We mas ter our values in the buying, and we keep the mastery by selline as we buy. The recent purchase of a larger line fine Cassimers induced us to add a Merchant Tailoring Department for - ... . . i the manufacture of pants and vests. We guarantee satisfaction with any measures left with us. We are also manufacturing Alamance shirts to sninnlv our trade. . W K M .t : Mr. Fred Moles is our general stock manager and will take pleasure in showing All hia friAnrfa thmiich thfl Backet. It's all growth at the Rackety uns .precedeoted growth, and it astonishes every body at the great stacks of goods rolling in and out daily. - Candidly we expected when we came to Charlotte to do a tremen dous trade, butwe are so far beyond anything: we had expected that we are surprised at it ourselves. It's all the outgrowth of ' the .. law r of the Backet, to never mark a thing 8 cents : if we can take 7. for if we can' take .' 7 cents we are not entitled to 8. jWe are living by that law, and It's, the .right of . it, ;Oae reasonable profit and stop makes the Backet master at E. II. DAVIS & CO. DRY GOODS. SALF8XEN: 'r ' Chas. Williams D. .A.. Lyles, Jeans 24o per yd. Best value in the market. All gredes cheap Jeans from 10-"P Fries' Ketseys 45o Ticking, 7, 9. 10, 12 and 16o Canton Flannels, 7, 9 and 11c 86 in. Canton life. Big value Prints, fuUUne,3f to 6cv , Sheetings, Muslins, brown & bleach'd from 6c np , 8, 9 and 10 4 Sheeting from 18c up 5f Pillow Casing from lOo up ' l ease Fruit of the Loom, this week 8icent8 Extra heavy Wool Diagonilain bl'ck. blue and brown, $1 68 These goods are splendid, value $2 25 Water Proof, 68. 63, 73, 85. 95 Flannels, blue, red and white in all grades Big Stock of Blankets next weak. LINEN DEPARTMENT AD WHITE GOODS. Charlie Williams Table Lines - - Bleached Satin Damasks, French made, If wide, 73c per yd. Satin Damasks 43, 55, 63c ts Bd bordered Linen Damasks, 28 eta Un pleached Table Damasks, 18 to 63 : Turkey Bed Table Linen, 27 to 73c. Doilies, red and white, all Linen, 38c to $150 per dozen Towels, all Linen from 9 to 24c Our 24 s Towel is the best value in the market. Knotted friDged Towela from 28 to 75 These Towels are spl ndid goods for the money. . Our 15j Flax Towel, knotted fringe will Btaud inspection Please con aud examine it Turkish Towels at all prices Table Cloths, completeiassortment at all prices Lace Curtains from 1 20 to 4 50 pr pair r . K ... Nottingham from 11c per yd up Honey C-.mb Bed Spreads, 85c, 98?, $1 23 .'T,': Marseilles Quilts 11. $1 56, 1 98 2 5o 2 88 and 3 18 Linen Crash, - Bussia Cotton At any price. (MOTIONS. B. Lee. Miss Nettie Bbiard. Coats rhread, 5c or 53c per dos Needles, zc per paper Pins, 2 to 4o per paper balJ Tbread. 3 lor 5c Dress Buttons, 4c per dozen Pearl Buttons from 2c per dozen up. Wire Hair Brushes from 18 to 28 Florence Hair Brush from 38 to 48c Purses from 5 to 18o Pocket Books a full line. ' from 3 to 4c prr dozen Violin String 4o Thimbles from 1 to 4c . Combs from 4 to 48o Pencils from lc up Tooth Brushes from 5c up Elastic Webb 4 c per yard : Ladies Elastic 5c per pair Cologne from 5c per bottle up Bay Bum 20o per bottle , - -Tooth Powders 9o per bottle Snow Down Powder 10c per box,, Writing Pens So per. dozen -Knitting Needles 4o per set -100 Boxes aast hair pins; 4c. per box. Castile Soap, 4o per cake . Imperial Toilet 8oap 25c per box 25ft r,JLir..fcT-T".. y... ...... .. . , .. - .. ... .k lt : Hosiery fIJspmmentv ; ..Miss Bat Bloom. Ladies' Balbrigan H68e, 10, 16," sC 24 LI V col. Ingin. 14, 18, 23. 28v35c. fieaWThread ttoer?i&, 22: 30 i and $5ota.v A. ;r 4 ,r.j. ; ,.t . Ladies1 Fine Black Hose from 10 to 33 j Mieses Bibbed Hose, ?, 15, 18, 23o i :l-9woot H-lsi'SOc : 1 Fancy Striped Hose, 19, 24, 30; and 25cts " - - A splendid line in Cotton Hosd at 8c. bee teem. Chi,irrn,'??-ver Tlz 10. 15, 7t Ladies black 8.1k Oloves 24 abd 35c. Ladies' assorted Fluce Lined Gloves 18c per pur. " rtCf Foster Ka Gloves, 5 Books 98c " V " 7 " .$133 brsided back. Dr. Gilbert's VLtV h Corset 68 ?t" NewmanV Health Corset and Skirt - Supporter. 75o - X Mioses Co sets from 24 to 38c Special Line in Lots, assorted for 60s Ladies' Handkerchiefs at all prices from 2c;upr . . . ... Ooe Bpecial Line of Ladies Handker cbiefsfor 123 , Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs 5c each. Gents'. Handkerchief; plain and fan cy borders, from 4o to 35c . . : La ce Department. Miss Mollii1 McDmnrn. Torcboii Lacea , Everlasting Laces u . Valencienne Laces T Crochet Laces Oriental Lacca 8panisb Lces . V Gipure Laces Yt Laces i Point Laces Curtain Laces ' Cretone luces r Bosching. 5, 8. 10. 13. 16. 18, 23 35, .48 and 65c. : Ladies' Linen Collars from 56 to 19c Special Job in Ladies' Collars at 8cts. Cheap at 15cta. Ladies linen Cuffs from 10c to 23c Children Sailor Collars 5, 19 and 17c Chemisettes 21 and 24 Rick Back Braid. No from 15. 17, 21, 25, 29,i87 to sell at 5, 6. 7 & 9C White Linen Tape. Black Linen Tape White Cotton Tape. Bla k Cotton Tape. Coat Bidding. Silk, Worsted, Alpaca Baby Bibs, rubber, oc . l npnomontal K CnUdren's Lace Ooliorettes 10, 14, 18 Lace Ties from l' C up. Hand Satchels 18. 21. 28. 33. 37. 45. 65c Ladies Belts, Leather and Canvas. Curtain Bands. Linen and Silk Floss in all colors. Novelty Braid 1 c per bunch. EgrWe have secured a large variety ot BIBBONS, m all tbe latest novel ties, and our stock is complete wi;b over 10,000 Bolls to select from. MILLINERY, . TBDUCEBS: Miss Cbamer, Mrs. Johxsok, Mes.Ltlzs ... 8alzslady: mlss bloom All colors Sdk Velvet. 98 J B'ack (Cr. pa from 50c up to $8 53 Fr-athef from lOe up to $2 50 Plucne from 150 to 5 5 All colors of Satins 48 ns. Ribbons o' every nhftde und width. from the very narrowest' to (be flaer t class of" Stsh. ' We make - a specialty of Bibbons and give you the; finp8t line to be found any where. There la no such thing as describing our stock ot Muuoery, it must be seen to be fully appreciated. We have the exclusive sale of a new Patent HAT AND BONNET PIN, which effectually obviates -' the punching of boles in the hat to bold it on. 8ee them. Dress Goods Department. - SAUESXEV: Miss Frakxxsthal, F. 1L Gala. Brocades all colores, 4c. These goods 24 inches wide.- Melanges, all colors 12i& All wool dress plaids, complete col ors. 10. 18. 49. See our window 8ilks 22c, all colors. Black Broacde, Berble. S3. 38. 44c Checked Homespun, 86 inches wide, 2240 . All wool jSL-rgt s. u Lrtcjtf, grades audi colors too uumerous to quote Ualf and see tbem.- - Cs jlimeres, all colors, 86 in wide, 24c AH wool, Cash meres, 26 in wide. 28o " . , 40 - 31 44 - V 48 Higher grades still. :. 65 to 88c Full assortment Black Cashmeres all wool from. S3 to 88c , v r ? . , , Come and see our Blk Silk warped Henriettas 87o. well worth $1 40 Our price 48 to 75, splendid .values Velveteenp, vh vets ananasne& JER3SY4, Over 200 dozen; not space to enumerate ; all prices and colors ijW atones,: rj o wif :.a Spectacles :r V. - s P. OALL4GHFB t C Ntckle.open face stem' winder J'j$3 00 Composition caso .v.-. . 3,75 Coin silver- case.' Elgin., stem ---winder r- -....' -...-.10 75 Solid gold casHStf stem winders, " Elgin movement ..-" t 23 75 Lad ies solid gold Elgin - ' - : 18 75 Pearl Collar Buttons r 1 4 and 07 Bone " vet doz. 08 Gents Rtifte Stone Pins S8 ; 48c :& 78 Ladis U3T Pins S to 1 Z'J Drcci:et3 from 10c to 3 0 I-:: -l T:r3 14 C-.-rev-'xcf l!.!-.'! cf ;?'rr i mmm& ''I: 4 THE ALMIGHTY D01XAE! THE MANY- HAVE TOO FEW, nrr FEW In August, 1886, we find in one of merchandise is a business and the We. have left nothing undone to lne. It's the power and the force right hand and the left, knowing no the least money, which enables as this Banner with one price to all we Look through oar immense establishment to-day and see if our propfa eay hasQbeen fulfilled 7 We are. proud of the record of We have been instrumental in turning thousands away from the credit system. - We have ever said and ay you a Dollars worth of goods or not, afford to pay its exactions. j Al orders by mail will receive oar SHOW WINDOW DRY OO0D8n LIN SN8. NOTIION& 00 Q o O O v. HAK P8. GLO ES. m CD m CD HOS IERY. LAO ma anjd BIB BONS. 5JILLINERY RACKET "Under buy, Under seUl" .VGoods great secret of our wonderful success cheapJ r We are entitled to one reasonable profit but "not three or four on the same thing. We would rather have one hundred small profits than five or tear large ones. - The man who buys and sells on time never; knows how much he ought to charge to insure a reasonable profit, for the reason he does' not of the know credit must - what his losses - system - help - and t which i pay touch the system, you must help pay for all the bosses of the system-Jt is those who'do not pay; " It costs tha laboring man half his earnings to enjoy the best'blessings the entire' credit system confers. Figure it all up and see how much credit - costs you. - A Qod credit is a good"tbingi bu dollars 'The enjiahle citizen and prosperous man is. the one with ready dollars -We present youfa system of dollars to name these matchless prices, hoping to induce you to come and -see for yourself if we can save you money. E, XI. DAVI8 'Cs CO, its. mm TOO MANY. our "talks" the following : "Buying most important part of merchandising master values at the other end of tbe of the Almighty Dollar, cutting to the law but that of the best values for to sell goods so cheap. And under shall march steadily to the front." tha Racket from "another standpoint. to you again, whether we ever sell get out of that system, you cannot - prompt attention. SHOW rWINDOW 3 w 3 B M V e SPECIIAL BS. CD OLOTHI O HA TS 03 1 ft CO EDWA RE. TINWA! REJ rACUAGK COHSTEJL riiMiaiaci ROOM LOGIC. well bought will sell themselves. The is due to the fact that we sell goods will be. If you ' buy , out pay cash', it is 'your--' cash - its- ' lOBses. it : you its exactions, consumers foot the bills those who pay; who have jta pay for planters half they produce and' the are far better,- with no credit" about it, and wtf dare Spectacles &oa8e. -to $100. Y u can flud glasses' here to suit yo'i, ji d at i rix-s you never beard 7 ieocrdim A floe line from $1 23 to $4 85 Yiollss, Baao3 and Guitars, Bicbter Harps, 10 hole a Profeesioaal Tony Pastor 05 14 Professional, large and very fine 48 Pocket Etcx r 'OverlW styles at bottom pice!,' Bichard's side action, breach load' ing shot guns, a bargain, US 00. BOOTS AND SHOES. SAL W. P Williams, G. T. Batttekix, J. XSOTD. . Zeigler's Bboes Pebgt. Lace, $185 Button. . D. 10. 3.55. CO Kid Button, ' (3 35, 2.85, 8.00 Clemen t, Weil & B 11 Goods $1 75. 1 85, 3 00, 2.45. 1 75, 3 95 J.Faaat4t8oaa- $L75, 3 00, 3 10, 3.45, 3.75. 2 95 Ckmtman & Bingham tl 88. X 18. .5a 2 75 An the above are sold hy us at the marera price lotne trade. Women's Q G Polka 90 98 $133 163 Or " " Calf Button Kid M Grain Lace 123 183 100 90 93 65 88 125 165 185 80 98 100 118 183 148 176 820 320 820 148 148 158 163 163 148 144 148 175 4 25 876 325 100 100 100 188 800 Misses Gr Polka " " Button ti 4 Polkas V of Calf Peb Goat Button t I Child's Spring HeeL Men's A Button " Uongress V f Bu ton Congress P f Brogsns Sf SS Imperial Broan . " - H Tie BF Balmorals CTie Hand Sewed . .. , . .. '-- Cloutman & Bingham Planter's Brogan Firmer' Friend Brogan Our Best Brogan Kin Boots u .. 195 v 845 880 . ,8 60 450 . 125 145 175 90 118 - 135 - 163 1 63 ' 185 --28 s 33 48 to 75 350 H It Scotch Bottom Boots Hand Bswed Boy's Boots M Vf Brogan " Balmorals "Lace . " PP .. , " Bals Cloutman &r BinehaoT If isses' Bobber . . Womans Bubber . lien's Bnber " - Boots MOTS FUEHISHIIIGS. SALxsimr:4 ' 0U L. Ltlxs A. B. Yaitpus. Unlanndried Shirts, 48 and 73c a Liundried 60, 68. 75. 68. 95. 1100 - ; Undershirt, cotton,' 25 epd 30 ' Merino Undershirt, ' 43, 48, 55, 88, 98 All wool fcarlet and white Undershirt 95 and 315 ' Camels' Hair all wooL , 3.60, 3 65, S.W, s super suit., , - - Splendid Line'. - Fttrcy Balbrigan Shirts. 65c This is - Trousers, 65c tjpedol Canton Flannel Drawers,1 .23. S3. S8c Cotton Prill . 18.22:50, Boys' and : Youths: Merina JVjfSts, 16, . Z. Z. iHJ, AX.09.. 49C -r..i. ..r All wool Overehirt. 95o and 8lJ)a We have a full -line Collars all styles 1 . 3 ' . . J . . . - ia swoauig'aaa Mirnaown, - piy Linen 10c . Full line Cuffs complete, 13 to 19c Gents half , hose; 7o to 43e. Our 7c 'Gent s half hose are good values at 16a. vrw!.- ixrtCsr-t Complete assortment Scarfs, Ties; and rjusnenaers - 'Our Gloves re cAm'plete in Assort- i We are manufacturing Alamance Shirts and br giving Oifr" trade the best Work SSirt, for the mhey, ever seen, at Z5C eacn. . . Big job in 4 ply Linen Collars, 10 cts peraozen-.- .., mwtfY.,.-' - Clctliingr.Dspartnat, T. A. 8NIPZ3, - S. D0ESIA9 Idea's til T7ccl ccri c-rtrr r;:tr, r.'.'j r:-3f ztr:-- . rJwcnM, . qaare cut, nicely finished, 8.00 and Brown mixed satiaett, 84x42, 8.75 and and 4 50 Men's brown and red mixed check worsted wash goods, 4 60 and 6 50 wvu a wviaju wursiea suits 9 im ana MXftf'S BLACK, BLUZ AKD BROW CORK- BCStW. Men's fine black corkscrew sack suits 0 7 ana u 60. Men's fine brown corkscrew sack raits 7.00 and 10.00. -Men's fine blue corkscrew sack 'suits 7.w ana 10.00. r -All the above suits come in assorted Men's heavy all wool blue mix cheviots. 7 00 to 10 so. Men's fine all wool black bullock suit 8 60. . . Jobs of fine mixed eassimere suits, - hjy. well made, 6.00,-7.00,' &00, 10 00 and 12.00. all art- Men's 4 button cutaway black corks screw, in so. iLOO, 18 00 and 13X0 Boy' piece suits, a 10, 3.00, 3 25, 8.75 Men's diagonals and suinoed all wool pants, assorted sizes, 2 75, 8 00, 3 75 and 4 00, "a baiTgain.!, . ; uome manniactured eassimere pants a nicely flniahed, 1.60. 3 00 and 3 50 Men's cottonade pants fancy stripped. 60c, 65c, 75c and 1 00. . Men's edd vests, assorted colors, 40c. 60c, 75c, 80e andlOQ. ; -Boy's vesta, plain and colored, 350, , n, wg ana ws. OTEU COAT DEP1BT3IE3T. Men's cheviot overcoats, aseorted ooiors, 9 Z9, S.B0. 3.75 ana 4.00. ! r Men's all wool diagonal, with silk linings, 6.50, 7.00, a 00 and 10.00. Boy's coats, 4 to 9 years, 8.75, 3 00 anas so. - HATS " CAPS. 8ALX8XAH: - Waltxs Folsoxx. A Big Job in Men's Stiff Hats. $L0 cheaoattaoo With a full line of ell the leading styles in HATS and CAPS. Misses Silk Hats. 83 10 Silk Cape,, 88 Luster Caps, 15 Cassimers Caps, 24 Will open one case Men's Crush Hats b uig woo Bb sac. pn weanesaay next. 8AUBBXKBT: Habttj. aim Brobocg. lOqt.BinaingPans. 14 qt. " 20 25 15 . 13 11 9 18 .14 8 . 6 8 and 4 4 6 5 8 and 10 4to7 9 to 12 18 to 18 12 24 24 each. 5 ' 5 4qt. CofxeeFots 3qt 3qt lqt " " 6 qt Cood Buckets 4 qt 3qt lqt ri " PiePlates Jelly Plates nntuubs. lfor Quart Cups Half Gallon Cups inppera. 8aoc Pans Stew Pans Half Gallon 03 Can One - - . Dinner Bucket ; -Largo 8poon and Forks Egg Beaters . - Oocoannt Graters " 5 to 7 Cake Paha Strainers r - 7 to 10 8 to 10 ,5 ' 5 Bread Toasters Cake Turners Bread Pans Soittoons 5 to 6 A 9 to 24 . 7 to 45 13 to 22 10 10&15 ' 13 to 16 18 to 83 .20 30otO$l:5 5 Waiters from Drip Pans from . Half gal Milk Cans Muffin Rings Frying Pans r liilk Bucket v Paper Bucket - Tea Pots Dishes Scoops - 6 to 30 StOlO Wash Pans Pistols. British Bull Dog. ' " $2 50 8 60 120 American BlueJacket. Bed Cloud,: ... - 163 125 188 ueienaer. . Norwich Arms, 4ABTBm43EsT 23 Shorts 150, 3 for - :25 . 30 50 Smith & Weston. - , " Playing Cards 9o and upward. ? Screw Drivers - - - - So to 11 Balances r r-r 4 - 24 isreaa Knives -75 r- i - j8 uastenearaioantncn. Bteeisneara . , ' ' Jrom 15 to 43 roczet ljOOftUngiiiasses .1 " 05 tpes fromlctol8 Hand Vice ' ... 25 Boles"" ' ' s " t 5c, 9o and 30 Knife and Fork Boxes " . ,14 Tacjc maws , 1 04 uucuase m a DQttie. . , - - Wippers , . A.:,V., .09 Tea UeiiSL . . . . .v.-j04 Dominoes 43o a set . . f"- . Mft.4. (iuniets . t..- . rv . . . --.04 Match Cases --. ;- ,. -.. oog Pepper Boxes -f -s --C2 AwlS w.- 10(004 list lutcks, 80 and upward' Unair Iiottoms ? ' io Etove i20ve!3 - C5 C::cchcr TcariJ C3 C -3 C7 1 -If - v.' J. f Moving on with wonderful rapidity speeding the Backet machinery to its utmost, straining every nerve to meet the wants of consumers with the best valueajtor theu lsj;!lTonGy. Bince we came tq Charlotte we have lost no opportunity to do. what we could to add to its mterests in every wpoBsuw ana, we are,repeatedly -. -1-. L4 J sT . ie - .1 '- ' . ' told now that no one baSnecs hous8 La the trade brings' more, business to - y y ' .. ..wi mm we extend to all friS- " V- n,Jt Mb -,5.-1".. .j--.'.-' , muucemeni possible to come to Charlotte, , and candidly,- if -we eouldvseQ' gooda to thATMTnl ftTtiiSa mmi(iw haa oy going toiAmcordjor Matthews or Monroe or Bock. HJB, or any railroad station about I here, " we '? should business facilities of Charlotte as far better, and with all ite- nnmmin1 shipping kciUtiev it ought tor lead as a market for all this country. Ev idence comes to us deafly, that cotton is bringing more money ait points around us than it is here One gen tleman assured us yesterday that over 100 bales was going from his lo? cality to Concord this week, cotton which belonged to the trade of Char- lotte. I Another that a large part of K n A ftm Tn a ma . Monroe. WeB we admire the pluck of these Monroe and Concord buyers, and we doubly admire the pluck of the : man who takes his cotton to where it win bring the most money. Its his due and his right and his duty. We are not versed in even the value of cotton nor in what it 'Ought to ajiftUiic uuk wn MrH inutmnjvi Tra ina extent of what we have in the suc cess of all the interests of Charlotte, and regret exceedingly to know that for want of buyers to pay the price paid at other points, 'cotton :, turns away, from ' us. Every ; bale ; of cotton that : is brought here adds that . much to the business interests of Charlotte and every bald we miss takes that much away from ' its business men. Take the cotton from us and we had about as well cjose our doors. : We take this method of calling the ' - -. . t . - . - - . . ., attention of cotton dealers to the fact that the , interests of Charlotte de-' pends upon their ability to pay the prices paid for cotton all around us. Our interests and business are here and its success depends! in a great measure, upon the markets of Char lotte, and we take this method of saying that in our opinion, every business man and every property owner in the city is interested in what the cotton buyers do for us. If you drive trade away you kill us. If you ' . - - - . . . . . . , . bring trade here you make and large ly increase ail bur interestsJ- . " Additions to our tremendous stock. LATER. Since-writing the above, four days ago, yre are more than pleased to note -that through the pluck'cf our cotton buyers cotton .has advanced wvw. ... .J WWf WftftV - ftW4B jk;M at all competing points, and we glad ly return our thanks to the cotton buyers for it, - V ETDrDnuroGc:. ' rl' ta r.T0.1-iMi3 1