ilit (Lhntlotw.(lnrcmcu, LAciiii .8iued.&vco. h.. oc the frXlSXBD XTXBT JlOMTHS ft KtCKfT AlOX CAl -3. . , w. a. liraittxyj'. : Editor and Proprietor. ' fiUBSCKIPTHHVHPBICKt-toAlUt'- Onir ' - J.i--if t ;' $7.01 Kit -Months--- Three) Months,--: , - ,-.. 8.0" UBSCKIPT1HKICB WStELTl ::; . On? Yeniy '.- ..aijfef ? hix Month T""';'?:' " ' " " both. Daily and coat B FEiDAtcpc,K7,jl887. LErS IE ATE A DKHOl'BAI IUPLAX. The New York Sar gives a very sensible reason why the Democrats ixJ the -House have been so divided on taxation. reform during the past ten yeare;it is because tberebaye been no Democratic E recutive. -.!-' 1885 and no plati presented,; in. detail-by a Democratic , .Treasury The 4 plans have ' been". Mr. V Fernando j' Wood's plan, or Mr. Morriso-i's plan, or Mr. Randall's . There isgrealliieAliolin this reason. Uke the Star we say l?Va have, in December ! next, a i BYist, Rogirnent ,of North Carolina Cavalry fora re: union of the mera-tjen,-at Raleigh f on the 30th instM fhursday of 1 Fair week. General Robert Hanson); who issues the call, tt - first Colonel-, thinks the' mect osr will lie a grand 8uccess.and hope ft -hat mucfcrgood neetiog together of the heroes of ibis famous command.' The rail? largely reduced, and there fecalso to oe a grand re-union'"of " North Caro Uniaiis who nave left the State The first: number of .the enlarged Wadesbor Afeffr, -under the management" of Messrs :'; Xiowe .& Boylin, is upon our table. It is neat ly printed, Jwell edited and shows signs of vigor with the promise of a healthy growth. It believes "the Dem ocratic partjjia the ark ofc political safety." and wul advocate its prin ciple, support ; its snomineen, i and Ijiud by itt fortunes," and will fight Messenger has our best wishes for its ABOUT:. DBESS Q00D3 I have introduced my new Fall Stock . H.w tha (t(.r at its CblcsssTlltiBoft.' v jrna OriMM, a Sattv rvir r . The origin ot the word cigar is ot j-,suppMNit umBMir. BnHeMd i nne interest ana isnot-to oe louna nr AanviiiA s.c: . - - . I in the ; ordinary . dictionaries. The KnnxTffl Jeornat. , r .''.-', I word, of coursfl. in HnaniBh. and Lit- About'three weeks the remains I in hisFrench dictionary says that oj John Drionen, fomeri, of CusiA'. "e (or ho' WhK. rwBUB,- arriyeu iu wjc uj sp-iniards first introduced tobacco AsbevUte, jn.x,i an jweretafcen to I into Spain from the Island otuuoa, I i i J "W 4L ji,,riiv d-hi iiroods through these columns, accompanied the remains statmg r- B5gWcr6flfpTi61dtf everHis learn ot nis aeatn,5 ena ne was ounea I indies. with all the honors! of a good citi- I to a friend : z-n. Xhe comn ud was removed tnat I ciearral" it is from mv earden -tne gnei BOTccen reiaxiv nugns gei l soon" the expression came to -oe: TfT,, , , At "j -' 11 nay jufie uuuub tti't? ail fanv C nn.rwra . ftrt huftvincr thfini Democratic administration Treasury ivs , , fixing up ; slates. iTbere ' ?, is plan, WlUl ; vuo - aruvini . iuicii4. wl mvjf,wi-uut7. y uio nnuwiaj uu" domestic, , to be taxed, and tna rates ppwrwwwwyeu,po,uei i 4 clearly eUuiperated, and f m thtninn ,,riV A nOBBIBLE jrlTOBT UE,VL.::EStATKV Valuable Towa Ard Conntrv - ' Probertv fci Salp 1 CRES f Firm tbf bjIWi Imm eonm. XUV rot Umlto of tbe city of Cbr ott. rtZ tmpfovemeou upon which mi( am wfnis itd i ii Mill, finm ! A ' in ii i . b - i Slvw iiS departiilent -isgro wing dailyi for these a last long look at . the ; familiar fea- J E9te cigarro es de mi cigarral"r- tures, but there was nothing to indi-1 this cigar is from ray garhen. j And ca e foul Diav. and the Particular I from this th word mear raread over oeiauea in wie, tener . were accepcea i tne world.' Tde name ctgarral tor m i-U trnitk J - ' I r : Now the -tory comes from North I hooner. that insect beme verr com Carolina that Drinnen was murdered tnon in Spain, and cigar ral meaning for his money. il0 was selling goods the place where the cigarra sings. In and growing tobacco in Buncombe this wav the word ciear comes from county near Ashrille, and a ' letter I cigarra, the name of the insect, not u L. .. 1 t I ti.. .1 nwi'wi ujr "mj uniwwr ctbancQ w-m i oecause n Feiioiea ne uouy o tue two men named Beed went to, hi j srrasHhopper. but because it was store at midnight, murdered bim and I grown in the place it frequents. y tnen unea tne . casn urawer. ine i t trV - - : i , writer advises the; employment of de I wben the aytem ts a ui ttd by diM. tt tectaves to ferret out the crime and S,???r.rf.K -r . ,; I Saraaparitla. This mKUul-n lavwlably prove and bring the Reeds to justice u iueif orutr ot i th n aM ib ttsiamr ffuiltv. t . ) , $ . . . lold;tMr droffElot aod -ler la nMUelne. iwL t. K.iCi;, ri.u I rni si botti --MS U1UWU 3- V VVUVI ;, " WWW -V W MUV7 I aaai vflle-the day after the ; funeral to look after (the 'property of the dead man. He found the stock, of goods alright and a fine crop ot tobacco al most ready ta cut . s ;1- -" V; r No one ; in . thei neisrhborbood had heard of Drinnen's sickness and death and they supposed thit he hay I lock ed up his store and gone off on a hunt or a visit' v-'l - ' f Drinnen was in , business at Cru icks X Roads and failed directly af ter having v bought ilarg stock of goods from yKnoXville jobbers . He went :to North .Carolina about three jears ago and in less,, than, eighteen tins lor U of taxation . then see what comes or it. a game those .wh? .are not now , of hide and: seek, of evading or ntentioned veltMne pnough to dej avAiiinoi roonnnaihiiitv in1 this sen! veloointo strotur candidates, Tili'h ous work of reduiing3taxatiorwili w1 fnough Ojw.loutr; feelers 7 - . cT," tid moke enquiries and endeavor to not be Democratic, or straignUor- acerlain the driftof public senti wardH ; : , 1- ; t meut, but it fiTo soon to set the Tt hua. h.n snccMtiHl that the est 6nfi?K? 'SOHdlfV thWast." or oiit utrintuiifif ticketft the con? I , Z-;WnMittfihdHoieJI'tl.aUii due uoSeverr the legislauve branclvof the fcoyern- vett-irrt'rpoaicTtoHf ll1 ue Z T ? V meat, the project of a law to reduce lt M'Sifi'lk The rexi8in8 wiU be eirnumed to the existing surplus texaUoiuILThat oient, wpfititwaiufidmwlred day band an examination inade be a Treasury plan should be the bee'. uiaiDeUwaiwfaeefcoriaajAgOuto fore & jury of inquest. If the inquest t- : .u-tj - w ?t-r - (AAT-rrimiAnlflLX.77Tn MnitA. at tscnaxi daftlM-M tJvt facti tht hA vuimur- inr HTTrvS mentalists, thecal wiUf be obvious on a momenof trodoetion lnto5otherStat thought. The -Treasury -alone hafr Vhere the dtead Of it might nelp to fore the bar of juaUce. . . r the facts relatinsr to internal and ex-1 neutralise ttMttemDtatlon to soend a I ,!-' :-'.;''! ., . i L I nintM in '"(i it'll mull kimooH "toA 'and 1 ternaitraaeottwmcn any pian cai "vtt ...... m ri- ..Tic ad Heosfw' TTeeWv. I nca nninn i nu i nwiHiiri iiv liih n -k i ; 4. w . royal fuwj xl 1 'vh6pWdmMat&ial''ds no Space! My. Dress Goods go at low Prices ! I They --are Stylish and most Desirable ! NO MORE TALK 'ABOUT bant Al atiefl, good water mAUr orcHtrd, Maettln Simp a4 Fonndrr. Lot Jx'90. 4 (ram butbtlsaa, situated H OajtUl and Caroitna e tni Kaliroads. Fianln xa- eh la, (4 1 set blind mUB nr.scroll and lp Mm, , Toiikw aoa Hiovl-f Macbia,TarniDg LaUi c One 25 bfrs power KnlDOr horse power ninp inn uvnerjaiemoen t nice ny-w. t potTSKaodLM onlUkaod Colli LotWx " H?e h T room aad aerranta'naaM Bniuent. PrtoeM i0. s- rS Or TBS MUHT UE8IHA bT.K PTKftt i vptop-rtjf near the city. ontioli); 8H acres of Uad, part woodUuuL adjoining coi. Wm Jolin. Kigier, n aoutnern anborb of Thirty foot mtpm tewrved oa tbia property.. Frtoe, tss per acre. - - f yn Taaoi land, adjoining g R HIV ALSO, two tracts of and aa tbe fair eronnii DeMitptlOBglreaBpoB ap llcautoov " ELEGANT DWKLLINU on Tryon street: eonv ta-na 19 rooms all modern improvemeni-- nro DtodDi rrom square. , Pnce ISXKL .. 051 Bowe and Lot on North Tryon stieet. (for. mertr owned 07 &am'L & Ingram.) PriLo till W & KID 1 ' .j. ..... ' I GLOVES. ONE Hme aad tot In King Mountain two. story frame building; seven rooms. Lot quo. tains about one acre 01 ground. , pnce flJSO. On Bonse and Lot (lot 99x19" feer) ax cornet PODlar and Tenth street. uw rooms. Price $s0u. ,v...-:. . . ., -. , O NX Tract of Land (two hundred acres) one mile trom town of CheHMr 'K i m ; IB. ;B. (known as Braoeo place) m $1,000 Tf as DRUMS Brtcit Dwelling House on East -tLTrade aueet; contains it rooms, bath room, eloseu, e good nel-bomood. Lot Wxaaateeu I rroperty ost asuu, wui sell lur Sft09 - - i TJIARM 186 acres adiolntogj. w. vamii On Wednesday our stock man,Mr. 1 zJg; - c. iwwo-ao acres ttmoer. men $" : , j per acre. ... : , ,MoIea, will show you a window of I TZ X!?,? errs of choice bnaom Una, sultabJo for track Fine Millinery I -I HOUSE and fun lot on 5 ti st. near R. r. House ontalna rooms and idtcbeh. JPnceSljna. TTALCABLl PKOPEHTT on South Tttob: xt aajotnint; K of W. Ingram. 4 lots, uxmieet for these two Departments need lloi-Ad.800 001 give one day to j tQAAi,iBi or Ls maes tri further introduction. ;l'gave the Hosiery p018668"6 li Department' a send oft, ; by offering aw-r - h ij , ' " 1 1 uur complete oucie Jersey pur-1 rooms size of Vxiottaoo feat, uood watnr ami NftriPN nr nanrainN ami ; kpkii im iivpiv - -. - aiorfchRL pmsiuu. . I. . : . 'if' ir" . a" a chase of TS down of theeA fine goods,' t LOT eorCer college ani Fittn streets, 4S fet trade by ; giving inducements which stand ioe,Ioni, waib,na,-eek.t ZZSZSSELMiii 1 -1 "7 mem stare. ? ja iw .net aeep, l nnt ' Thia fa t.twa ma toa Km m in I erer seen in these goods. MrwTrwiMUi-isrsfcen-l. J News was received at Lexineton, ii'l .-.:- . . i:. m j iiiMnar ninit . tnax-mnr r iU customs office 0 ",inhea , federal law officers, can best put a iiKorCarolinatlWe ecened the recent TolUver out- Measure in correct and. safe words to a man who left this State in his boy- ?e report saysi II11S mom ' pre,, biguitr liiigatK. M , committee, and no member, of that' JiatoNp? W wjirf tfhW ask- MoreheacU It is a said there are, or conttee, competoj JFSJi Treasury in completeness oi such : ic seems toTne tna piortn varouna r ri u T ii. I A rwi-i-i1fiiro1 Ttyt1 Amonf a is nearer to heaverf than any- other town sThese men, it seems, belon Agricultural lmpiemeniiB unequalled- Btit It i: will talk QOU8 AKD LOT next to cnartotte Hotel two Absolutely Pure a :lt , tr-ourth Mil wao-i'ioaiiniiii, atnra eooio-;ol than th otxUaarr aiada, aad eaaa-a tw soid t I eo-apaattw with ts ataJutwd ot low test, abort weifBt aina orjA-apnat powo-ts. sota xauy ia 1 eaaa, btOTAL jlAXlltO rOWlMEll W., las 8. ew Tork. - " S " . i 1 ' ABOUT MY ii ,ftr- I j.. ...... f...J- . ,,r ? . ... f ..... I HAVE OPENED UP ! A LABGE LINE OF ENGLISH WALKING JACKETS, EVERT LADY KNOWS THEY ARE ALL -THE GO THIS SEASON, ALSO A LINE OF VISITS IN PLUSH, VELVET AND DIOGNALS, WHICH WILL BE VERY POPULAR. . . 8K1U. At IS .DtftUtUUia M fryJ KUOVK f-.-rot- la.(.U. Cki. AhiUron n I OrUIK VCVBUCW WW! in xnakine a reduction ot i .100,000,- vtmerate the tatS L- arid reeard her l P1 ? 000 consideration must be had of in soU W;1i&T.Fu KKwd"!?, ,IS4UW0' 'W Wfc'Wf i.tWV.t,.' i7 1. m i, u T i I .' , 'incidental pro tec-1 ' - tWwBiIIau-, has beenbroucht TojUiver's friends m- EUiott county and Boone. Logan Is in: aloreheadV . and it was he who ordered the assembling of the men. It is s certain that the messengers sent to brine in more men roton the train jpd; Morehead Jto-day and thit I am selling at and below eost: Olo sal dix-a-M prwer en gine.-. ."' ; ' ' ''i'yf- :? ; -. : One Hngbas 8alkt plow. One 8-tseab Salky Plow. - One CVwn and Cob Crouher, -. One Bi4inff Calunor. One 45 Pratt Gin, Feedar and Condeaser, seeon4-hand, -1 Two Backers Pomp. Pollers: one Jack, nearly nev; fiping; j day pardoned A. W. .Young boarded the train at id).J of. Union Mount Springs and went to Moi S?? SSet " ul under sen- head. Eveijbody ( feels that there . a r" j as. F. JOHNSTON- of what is called tion," both of which have come to be poiiucaijana pany w" "! true tnat oota are 4ju uiuus u- , ir-Mv- vrfrH cal economy; butlif. .they are party : Albert 'iStanMa (colored)' liiAstfnna a hntween Democrats and tfmmtv.: who waa in iail IbHcaiis;i Ut-ieydiTide;Pemc tecB i.nSrS ZukS ZZ. un h T-.ifT nt sentaooed. to he hanged three tunes ahead. .Judge DHazen wilhold a crats, even then the Treasury is not t lo. -Jr-,.- ..--. ippm nf 3 Amirt, t VnrehMut releaefrom"tli(a comniand - t)f -thel pgji jue halter ever7,Une. He! sometime this month for the trial of j TTTn Jlj RGH A NT 5 statue xo present a piao. -i : . ? 4 waa nrst-tnea ior ..cnminai aaanut. t tmn n9 cwmmm -ui 11 1 j in X885 aDa eentenced tO deatlu, ..He 1 racy to muraer inag jo-e ana xay- aooealed 4ot the fcupremeT Court and I lor some timeeiapeea1 oetore tne case 100 ENGLISH WALKING JACKETS AT $2.65 EACH, NO OTHER STORE and vests to order. CAN SHOW SUCH GARMENTS AT $4.00 60 CHECKED CAS3IMERB NEWMARKETS AT H83, YOU CAN NEVER BUY THEM AGAIN AT $6.50 S 20 BROCADED VELVET VISTTE3 AT 68.C0 ! 100 Ladies black jerseys at 43 crs. each. Sept 30th. 1887. This is glorious 'Cleyeland weath coong. t j ui jtlT'.V- : (,wwiswrsiwMswiH er ciearcooi anu ureuuig-o-wi wj couia De ueara. , wnea w came, up aBstuy Benid.- .1... , s ; JtTf68?6" WJr?5?.r f,Tw jrTT;r as Sunday's CteAKurrre Chtojc- enjoyingatasteofpopularitdulatiorw icu. was a tte eight-pege, eight- coramnMitioPttuft tionawarn. official welcomes. SH?fSl -SSilfXS matteft and show ng tm tte inateral J tinn a theteodearaa-llieua tobthe execution of the sentence . ' af li.sltfil 1 - ? 3D THOSX ABOUT TO KSTKB CTTO . My Mlliinery Department 13 IJUiiMU TUB UKAVlKSTUUSINErS IT HAS EVER DONE. DO NT MISS GETTING AN ESTIMATE ON YOUR HAT FROM L 7 : liegulatorofLowWoes. TTAwnnTfHlA. Tlnvirxn ! A I Kl l H I K rl I S S UlViUUUlUU A UiUUilWi I I ....'.. : M . " - ..: : . : mm We determined some weeks ago to manufacture Alamance Shirts, and our experiments have developed the fact that we can give to our trade the best Cne-p Shirt ever sold for the price-25 cents and in adddition to this we can save tbe making to the home people. Mr. John DeLane is in charge of this department, and is lso prepared - to manufacture pants . In our Sunday- "ad" we overlooked calling attention to our wrapping counter, ia charge of BUly Russell, who remeasures and recounts every thing sold.; If you will call on him, and he is not too busy, he will tell you that we leave nothing undone to protect both the buyer and seller from mistakes which often occur, especial- ly in a house as densely , crowded as the Backet that every point is close ly guarded to secure the most perfect system. Our four bundle boys form a very important link in the ever re volving chain ; of the Racket, and ' rrame building. - race tiuxio. Boose and lot oi its street, next to N. a S. B BesnUfnl groands. Larire loL - Price SJm Jbat on hast Trade Street, contains stantthiwa Our Com tl layl hut r afterwards . decided CHILDREN OF THE .XrTTB eof . j- - . -Ma 'r-n. i w - - - t MrCieveiana is arousmg tne ens the new lawwas an w jwsfdcto ? ttoislasm of, the nedplefand I his ccr- wlM'applied 'Btarnes cand .-niai rnrcmimtsr are a boutos p. a Kreak i f x--y r? "-y n. , rrv.T"! -rrr-1 J ann?7ff "1 bWd to be returned tr ftte tiourt- be- & uumber" of the Republican press. irw under the old regime y and Isitatei-.hatMiTwaiikfe6 Is to give fa'tHwn otriTr-TmwirmTir't.rf-- him a 4graod banquet, costing twelve was done. A new trial was then ap- - li-J-. Tk WnfiM th. pealed for and Some new evidence dollars a plate. This horrnles the gh m wnich( nenlj ascetic sou of the editor of the fhu- cunmiative in its character, did not, adelohia Press, and be exclaims that in the opinion of Judge Graves, en-; - a 44cheese sandwich: and a mug.of tiUe the prisoner to a new trial, but r 1 i T . f f " f Qic or ins j)U7 aaa asj ueen , given tactigh Cdr any man in 8-me before thecd. I C mcea. but we can't quite see what (that has got to do j with the ' matter. : The editor of the Philadel r phift Press may be In the habit of I r LRlMerhlhOflts wnat kind of:a dipneri but it is not the fashion in Milwau ss .-. . w -i ,,. w . jv lltinrihri : Vnhnnl blK Mm, 7 .. .-who, hive"'' ; .,.,.. "i (8EE SAMPLE IN SHOW WINDOW.) hard? c TVrrvioi AUWSUIM W ar goodj circumsu Tw) ntsastwrs Aoewaspaalcsl With r tiro. - ' j A St. Joseph (Mich.) special says; The jschooner, Havana, owned by Capt; -A.IF Read, cot Kenosha,' was sighted off this port yesterday morn ing flying the signal of distress, the vessel was in a sinking condition and her crew unable to keep her hold olear of ' water- CUpt qhrfrran oonciuaea w oeaco ner u poaswie, It is a hard thing to do some unesJand beaded for shore. At 9 o'clock, i bejttec tb unianful- jhen th. I a. wv6. off .-. kee. . . if -. - ii i HI i ; - : TAKIlf e DCra-tT tasVACEmULT. rrom.mchinmentS of jthe. Eofr ' li&h press? as W have seea-iipek the . result of the yacht race, they take the defeat of the Thistle by the Vol unteer very gracefully. They have . acted the : part of wisdom. When fairly beaten brave men acknowledge' their defeat and accept tbe inevitable. a much t - ly attempting to explain away what could not be prevented. John Bull is ' hard fighter: Has) alt' ;thei world knows; but Brother JooathaihC : while j " ne may not oe aoie v nwtnu 'quive as much punishment, can hit a harder -. lickiandj isurniore, active. It ia $Q ' possesion bfthesefferent qualities that make one respect the other and removes all anxiety on the part of 'citherteeftle- sortblows. ' In a friendlyf c6htest,4four tnerAIung l?&rostreea for however, the two countries cSSSl VSJF VU . V?VSS -wfcW rww vwj Jiuartersof an hour to get the men rom their perilous position. The mate nis-arnvorosen ouxorewieessei c but cluniitplthe mast with the it of a hero. The Captain land drew of thr tug deserve much prai$e tffc the rescue,1- there was a terrible sea. running, and the, little tug 4 was tossed 'about ior1 that '"those jwho watched 3beT from' shdre thduhi she Would Sureljr f ouuder.uJ4'hellAvana naa a cargo ot ouurtons or ore.; tne dulge with pleasure and profit. - - , The .CSe&mcxb has beei, disposed to give the Inter-State Commerce ( Cciiinfofjfaif ing! : But we must say that'the Cooimisslon moves low and the results of the law are . :r!cnlt rnm'LTe Commie-- 'k.:z& hasimpre8sed W-Very forcibly, wever, in -onS .particular. It is a i hy jppen3:j?sg5pcern. '? jit is a de " c " 1 "i raccess intjbiat way. The Com ' -nlrca ezly fctan: Vppr6briationof C;:3,CG3;i Thai expetoisea tis year, it - ;j CUidt3UViTi3 .oaiixiooq. :fThe r-crabers tave rapidly learned, all tcut th3 inciicotah of junketing tzi? rh'ch fcutribute so largely rr-r ' 3 tcjur.ins jthe f-eetin hours of frrr.!, cnl f o far as they feo;',towftrds .';.- r- l' 3 comforts cf the "pocr "" - - r . t!:3 ''- :'l rr before theni fObl these! I grounds Judge (iraves,iJ odfee v lavia, the At- tornev General and Mr. EL C. Smith who prosecuted the prisoner for the State, recommended his pardon which waa granted on yesterday. ; , Secc:JEail,SlEctric,l5nEJlary ivi La. in fcrood eotditioA aan . bt them bsi.lllJB3I . - EX- CHUfQlD for other :I3rialsLS from shore, the .vessel went down. and the crew were seen to climb Jnto the) HggingrarCapt. " Curran, the Steward.'Jphn Mprris, and a sailor named Joseph Clint climbed into the main rigging and" others into Ithe forerigging. As the vessel gave a heavy lurch.themainmast dashed overHrdffcarry three'nierl into the breakerev-TheyJ struck' out fori the shore,7 and when last i seen were breasting tne ?. waves. .Tney t were t es about six miles north of. this 'port tt v . yiMmi.wij.nn' -i a -..:. ..;i- TMVnsisbt7.K.uiKbtjr Ma,1 - Jltaon rror.Vr f e. Ui jThov were slowly' and lLr?rms!y trolhng' from church the'otiier night and as a rapturous spell of hoLed ecstacy drowned their tongurS in deepest silence they; must havw Hwn tryfnpj to dLcover a new Mar in the glittering .vault above.1 He wore a black coat. 8nd she a white dreEi.rirl we really believed in fact we c: :'l r'T.' 1 iv? r"CTn t! t f '.3 h:, 1 n a 53Fr i JOHNNY G KT YTJR .KITS OTJT V EDDIMS BOOKSTORE fo) Jllo BAGGING -s FOB VjTHE 'BOS: . 4. i and' iioogramir xaagnouaii LILLY. , V - . " IQftOOO yds Bagging: 3,000 LiUiiCilco; Ties. 5 o' u .' Cr' - The unprecedented large sales by my House as is evidenced by Rail road receipts for shipments between August ' 1st and 20th. of over nine hundred (900) cases and bales of goods. Show how successful mj Whole sale" business is. Yet 'far larger shipments i would have been made wereit not that my salesmen were prevented by; the heavy, rains from making all the oints mapped but by me ; and td all such of "my old. customers-1 eay come to Charlotte, isee thf " coldesal i lines4 of-Goods, from which you can make your selections far more ; satisfactory v than from sainplei ; And moreover. .. I will re imburwe you in rrt and perhaps in full of your outlays. Is this not fair and liberal on"my part f j.- . .e' ." A Word to New Beginners. J After S3 years of close observation in business, I am fully, 'convinced that by far the greatestajpumber of unsuccessful Country. Merchants . is tracUe to their '"Vn't-upuifehase.'' How t; I,wiir tell iou' By -ting lured liy men reptesenting ."North ern Houses" to go there y for,' tbeir first purchase, and many a one in doing soTs thus virtually 'bus ed'' before "getting f home.-Whv t Be cause, r" - ' '" ' .1.' Buying in Northern; Houses where the Goods kept are hot-selected (like mine) to suit this section, only, .1 I .1 .1- m l gi.nner will buy the most unsuitable ; Vntil further notice, one pj thejest Kites: made goes BH- b- tfr Yilu BAtiAn It Anna Vioa dia I -Itij'L ..' 1 . '..m Bmi.' 71 4t2m m. T m , i - "-rt.-"- Iice Wfut way iuits tt uut jjvys iscjjuf tuwtt. sneives iuu, jre none ui sui. nis cus tomers. Fatal mistake No. t,- L 2. In tbe i excitement and rush of Northern Market hebuys twice, per Wps thrice as,inuc& as he can and ought ta r - Fatal mistake No. 2. ' -. - 3. The injudicious and .dispropor tionate quantities Lough t too much of!,Mme"thfo others ; (genera lly J. tLe ;"moat need ful) the new gmner: ffodihu$to6 later that wh le he has- moire Goods than he ought to have, yet must or der more Goods to help sell, off the badly bought ones, thus" beingload ed too. heavily at the start-you can imagine the rest. 1 . This much 'and nioi e could be said, but a word to the wise is sufficient.' ;is ;, How to avoid all this ; . . v Jrnave nOw been in business near you for 33 years, commenced from the stump up at a cross. . road ' and grown up with the country, t know exactly what . and vhow.t you ought to buy, aud I point (with just pride) to my, record 'as c a man and merchant, and say come to me and I pledge my record to take good care and . protect you, and ;.you will gay, as hundreds of ethers have done, I owe my success to ycu. K,, i i j. f At 25c. ,AU..:ff:auGifil:7airi' THE WOOING 6"T 3 " TWICE TOLD TALES," : ."WITH'CTJPID'S EYES," ; TO CALL HER MINE, . 'THE WICKED GIRL. "WOMAN'S ERROR."-. "MARRYING AND GIVING TO , MARRIAGE," TOUR OF THE WORLD IN ; f mGHTY DAYSL1 IIETCHES OF YOUNG UOPLES ; : , ' "MARRIED LOrE," "REPENTED AT LEISURE, TWENTY YEARS AFTER, TWIXT SMILE AND TE AR." "DARK DAYS," -AT- Rpss , & ; Adams No.""- 22 South Tryon Street. XCHARI-OTTE. N. C - f v DIVORCE." there isn't four boys to be found who jPrice 20 Cents : Each. I - - more readily , and willingly rush; to their duties than Houston and Fol- som, and if cOinnis -and Gallagher, These boys of to-day will be the men to take our .places when' we are done,! and we are tiring to ' enthuse' them j with the onegreat and living thought of human fiction that , we, alaccom plish in life, largely in "proportion to the effort we tnake.' Altogether we are proud of our force. X; There are no sluggards in the racks of the Racket. 1 They are all home force; home wort- era, and gathered from , among you ; and . the wonderful : success of the 'House M.xisic Central Hotel Building, Gtiarlotte, -, ,n; o New SoDT8.'aII the rare: Cricket on tbe Hearth, b j Stewart. am . . . v . w-v m . . ; "isocx-anye -jaoy,". "Neona,". by Banks Winter. "Wake Me Darling With a Kiss," j - Elegant' Fall and .Winter ;Styies In Clothing., i Qents) 'fiprpishings and Eats we tire displaying. :, , Special FaL -j v. ;.'i'..-w - . ..- y a uesin Boys, School Suits, Eats, Caps. ' AND Children's.: Jersey " s ' Suits7r LINENS 1 ALWAYS GIVE SATISFACTIOrJ TFtrrsTrij?rr. : Gentlemen's fine Business a n d Dress Suits,. Top Co a is : and yTrousersr :at- it Fiitraprdiiiciry L6wPrices. - Orders rm dbrcaz Leading 1 Clothiers ... i - Vse Racket is due to their efforts. From j otc Johnny - Wilson. At - the cash desk handling the hundreds aud thousands of dollars of our business; on through each and every - department, we le- .toM0Sn3r a,ld ?nT Walnut Cases. Also . the Celebrated. .FISHER THE NTCW ENGLAND , . . Spdie ai ; Ujriilit- Piara, lieve all our regular force are North Carolina people? ',: r ' - i - Aiso-jine ueieoratea- .itisiiKK PIANOS ' and Cvlinder Ton BEBR UPRIGHT, with Muffler and Tone Regulator. 71 r I E. GiDAUlrs GO. etr VrW QSlc 48 T-trosvdway, .1 r The JESSE FRENCH CARPEN TER and STANDARD GUITARS.' VIOLINS. STRING AND ; MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. I .... " ', ' ' .7! Piano Tuning and Repairing taken by the year at special rate.4 w . f pianos . forwent " i.U V OUB I Ti -E f FOOTWEARS XrtC ! . I r o l .I'WELLMAOt J col "j ' nuRABLK j a1 o s.. 1 Our Stock of -Boot ajd Shoes 'a taw. araKh. StylldH. aenso. ab p. (u- lltr unsur- n4 prices toe Tery bweu sai'a-t.ion niiJrel. ...... 40houiTr..aSU Eoyo' School. , s. 1 up att'i)Uoa Of rH"!!r,- bvir ; t-..r'..i 1 o st'Uuol 1 -"V Hsi.e j. 1 . , : . . w. v. o . i v

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