Oan AlwavsFind - f IJ S B AEG AIM A. TERROR! TO THE PETROEEUt "WELIj BORERS. f And you can always find Vies ii to class Coos. A. close inspection will generally show up on everything ! We invite you to come and see the values we offer you. A nice all wool Tricot in 36 and 50 inches at 48 and 6S cents per yd, A line of Dress Goods in Home spuns, Sanglier Cloths, worth 75c at 50c per yard Handsome Black Silks, BLACK VENITIAN SILKir, COLORED SILK SURAHS. BLACK AND COLORED CASHMERES, HANDSOME DRESS TRIMMINGS. ; ' JACKETS, V1SITES, PALETATS Its Adoption as Fael and (he Im portant Results ' Which Hate Foil owi'd The Gas Supply Nolj Ine.ihaustiblek New Markets, Natural gaa as a commercial product! an offshoot f the petroleum business. For many years it was one of the wort enemies the oil men had to fear, and many hundreds of lives have been lost oi account of it4 outbreaks during the pro cess of boring for oil. Perhaps the wors event of thisl kind was the first, wher twenty live vere lost. This happenec at Rouseville on the lower part of 01 Creek, three miles from Oil City, in thi early days of the oil development. Thi dangerous character of the escaping gai was not then . understood. It is not st volatile that it will always ascend ano frequently settles in hollows in thi vicinity of a (well from which it escape in the form o : a white vapor. It some times rushes with such force from th five-and-a half-inch pipe inserted in tht oil well before the gas was struck that the noise itf makes can be heard six or eight miles away. Whether tjie gas is oa fire or not, acci dents are not apt to happen under thess circumstances. If it is on fire there if an immense volume of flame, starting some twentjj feet above the pipes from which the fuel escapes. If su 'h a well is not on fire the g;is seems to blow away and bej lost in the atmosphere, al- tnougn tne white vapor may show for a longdistance from the well if it is located in a valley, j An explosion is to be feared when the gas mingles with the' local at mosphere in the proportion of one part j gas and three parts atmosphere. i Most accidents from ga at oil wells ! have occurred when the drill has sud ; ienly broken into a subtenanean vein ol gas, which cynn-s rushing to the surface before the tneu at work at the well can extinguish the (ire used for heating the drilling toojs and running the engine. When danger seems imminent in the course of th drilliug the fires are usually AND ALSO A BIG STOCK OF CHILDREN'S CLOAKS AND JACKETS, A BEAUTIFUL ALL WOOL BLA.CK JACKET AT $3 50. OUR NEW STOCK OF LADIES' MUSLIN UN DERWEAR IS MOVING OFF NICELY. PRICES TELL. FULL STOCK OF WARNER'S CORSETS: ALSO, P. D., C. P., D., AND OTHER MAKES. BLANKETS, UNDERWEAR, HOUSE FUR. NIbHING GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES &c. Gall and bee. HAhurtAVES -& ALEXANDER. 33 EAST TRADE STREET fipia Tftoert iiffd nettotis fa their mot anto. C3u6ncey Jtbepew rashes into Ms r6flSce'1ikW hnrricW early in sthe orriing and islonstantly ! on the move until fie ,fhM'in the evening.1' Gic into any of the resorts' where pitmieni New ; Yorkers take their luncheons, and you will at once be impressed with the tact of their nervous temperment The brothers of Robert Bonner take their midday meal daily at the Aster House. The moment they' drop into' their seats a wtil trained waiter rushes out to the carving table and orders their luncneon with the supplementary remark : "It is for the Messrs. Bonner; hurry op." Rob ert Bonner himself is a man of slow move ment compared with the other New Tork editors. Stick a pin in him and he would probably turn about with the calmness peculiar to thi old school of New Yorkers and ask what you meant. Try the same experiment with James Gordon Bennett and he would wheel about and offer to give you battle on the spot Port to the same artifice with Joseph xtilrizer and he would -spring op with rag, tnra upon you and probably knock you out in a jiffy. He is the most nervous of all New York journalists, and walks rapidly, with his broad shoulders thrown well back Chicaao Herald. Us taly CMftrt. . Loidoi Ynity Fmir says that resi dence at Balmoral makes the Queen happy, .Princess Beatrice ill-humored, and Ponce Henry, of Battenberg, me -ancholj. The Priace is said to be bored by the whole tkiag, woods and hills in cluded, and though he shorts a goo deal he is fa from deadly among the gronse. He is, therefore, practicing en glass balls, and his one consolation for the weasksaoa of the day is a pip of strong-tobacco when his royal Biothf-in-Iaw hart stlred for the nfchi. Persons who lead a lire of exposure are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia at.d lumbago, and will Bud a valuable remedy In Dr. i. H. McLean's Vol canic Oil Liniment ; it will bantah pain and sub due lnfiamatlcn- DRESS GOODS, Cloaks, Underwear OOX Our sales in theso.linps show conclusively that our Goods are of the latest stylas, and it is conceded by all that they are the cheapest on the market. If you want a Dress, any kind of Wnp or Wool Underwear Ladies or Children, WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Our Goods are being sold at less profit than iscustomai y in any House 0 7 011 WAIT TO SAVE MONEY. Now is the Time to Buy FURNITURE I HAVE THE LARGEST bTOCK IN THE STATE EOR YOU TO f SE LECT FROM, AT PRICES THAT WILL NOT BE BETTERED IN THIS SECTION. I BUY LARGELY AND WILL SELL AT SMALL PROFITS r PICTURE FRAMES. WINDOW SHADES, CORNICE POLES, BABY CARRIAGES, COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES. I AM ALSO SOLE AGENT FOR LUDDEN & BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE for Pianos and Organs, Sold on EASY TERM. The Furniture Dealer. placed at a considerable distance from the well and the steam pipes connecting ; the boiler with the engine proportion ; ately iengtlnened. i For Many years gas ei plosions wort ; Tory common la the oil region, ana1 wfce j they did not kill outright they would I often leave such scars as would last for t t life time. iThe useful possibilities of the gas were so little understood thatfot years this njost valuable of fuels was al lowed to go utterly to waste, while at the s&dm time oa! wouM s fought KHJ miles to -'jp the tis of the drilling nnd timpiny we. is nuU. at the pipe-line sta tion going.! The tfns was a nuisance to ; be gotten rid of. This whs accomplished j by burning it from pipes in the ojen air near the wells, and at this time an oil district in the mulst perhip of a prime I val forest was at night one of the moot picturesque sight'? ima'nable. i Aside from embarras-inir tne producer ; on the surface of the earth, the presence of the gas ; n his well wouid often pre vent the successful action of the pump valves, and se seriously interfere with the flow of oil. In ttill another way nat cral gas proved a detriment to the oil pioneer, by occupying the crevices of rock that would otherwise be occupied by oil. !"Gss territory" was .i!ways dreaded, j The first use made of gas wa in dis placing etiil in ru ining the engine at the welis; jt was afterward conducted to houses lor .domestic uses. Single wells have produced such a quantity of gas I that one was able to supply fuel for miles nrodnd. where there were hun dreds of houses and many thousands of inhabitant!, th" gas 1 een conducted by (arge and small pipc-s over ground. A gas well of this kind was in the vicinity of Fairvi;jw Butler County, Pennsylvania The gas jwint to waste for a year or more and afterward supplied, with no particul i diminution of fow, the eountrj ronnd for a couple of vears more. At drilljing well where the boiler had out, the three-'uarter inch gas connected with a larger pipe a mile away snd that brought the gas fpr making steam, was attached directly to the engine cylinder and the gas had Sufficient propelling force to run the engine in place of the stenm. The objection to it was the dirt and sediment in it whibh finally choked the cylinders. Natural gas has attained great promi- nence now m the manuiacrnnng wona by its use in Pittsburg and other tow ns. Its use, jon account of the perfect com bustion attending it, has abolished the cloud of smoke that once overhung Pittsburg and entitled it.-to tke dis tinctive jnsme of the M Smoky dtf.n In the manufacture of iron, glass, and wherevei- steam is requisite, gas, when it can be had. is an extremely important A 11 factor, ana on tms s-xoum apeciauy Pittsbtirg is, was snd has been for years 'boomiig" with extraordinary pros perity. I How long Pittsburg will enjoy this special advantage it is impossible now to judge. Individual wells will often gijve gas in great quantities for two or three years. In the case of Pittsburg the exhaustion of one section will not deprive lit of its supply. There are too many gas-producing sections in this Ticinity, Gas can be obtained in great quantities over large sections of Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and no! doubt also in other States; and so it is ikely to be an important factor in our industries for many years to come. But exhaustion at last is certain, nature having Sno laboratory that science knows of in hich to perpetuate . its proque tion. sew York Commercial Adtertutr, R. B. ALEXANDER & CO S PRICES For Fancy Paten Flour $5.50 perbar rel. for one Sack $2.75. We warrant this Flour to give entire satisfaction. By buying this Fiour you save 50c per barrel. We are selling Cape Cod Cranber ries at 10c per quart. $1.00 1.00 l.(0 l.oo 1.00 1.50 5 pq.unds of Oat Meal 14 pounds Rice 14 pounds White "C" Sngar 13 pounds Oranalated Fite 35 bars Soap 3o pounds Fear Hominy A. r.dgp of 1 EuJtfjr lUa.. ,.i i . :vThe well Eatrtfif traveler, lLS&llaH iqut an iiteresting stndy .of tfiajis4r inhabitants of Luton, the largest ; and most important of the Philip ine Islands. They are diridld into two races, the ne gritosiand the liavages, altogether, com prising some fifteen tribes more or less distinct in type and costume. The ne grito3, suppose' to be the aborigines, aro dwarfs, averaging about four and a half feet in height, but are ; well formed. Huts or villages are unknown among them, but they sleep where night find them. Their strongest characteristic is their love of freedom. When one of their number dies they attribute it to some evil influence, and avenge the dead by killing some person of another race, and are constantly at war among them selves and with the savages. These dif fer in most respects from the ncgritos. Their toes are very far apart, and are used like fingers, they being able to pick up the smallest thing with them. Some have even been seen to descend a tree head foremost, using their feet like a a monkey. They Have all some idea of a supreme I ing, one tribe worshiping a god who had two sons and two daugh ters, from whom descended the hun-ar race. They deify such things as the rain, powder, the roetais and ceitain t:ee-, ai well as truth and noble deeds. Th.y have bad spirit.- also, as darknes-, lying ftd some d:s?"ses: but neither good or bad have any s.icred places. "What need of tvm'ples," say they, "for beings who fear neither wind, suu nor rain ?"' They chafe under the (Spanish yoke, and praise the apes for the.r cunning, saying, "They do not pcak for fear of being obliged to pay iaxe. Xew York PoU. ill i! -il.,LI IW'rS rLak I'll) 1.1' I SL'1 ' ' tuc Jyoijynter nnd ' .Inflaijr.ai k i of t'.ie Lnus, induced By fccglecltd 061df &G998fo'vl!!$$ i f Vm A; ;!jh ' t irtsarc fieeiriwrea bT-thehBorj-so, ot i3&ihi&yd&:Vw.i ' ! 'Ji'tni H ' . . vcfo Cough, -ydtiA i deprived me of my regular s!- -I'.-.-.iWi1": ii'iTTaTtTftimntwlthiiul'ttiisili' I procured a bottle of Ayer c ;i rrv i cctorni. . ;: ! tii it ii.'i'insp4HrSatioBB.-ii am happy to sav that lliis liM-!ii'uie cured mo - I'.i.Ik-i-I Ilollivvav, IJunVMo. I have used Ayer's Ch -rry Pei 'oi-ji!. I Vyer's Cherry Pectoral is the best rem for several years, in t.lw -vwi'oUt ty I knw of for liae of 4bo Throat j and Th root affeetkms n:i'l haQ u.wn-iiA l.uiis. It etired mo of Incipient found it a speedy sml eneeiual n-medy for ! ( nuiir)tion. forty vearn ago. S. B," these aihnents. Saiiiiu-I lh-nicnt, i'i it- i Lwreucc, Schuylcrvllle, N. x. cipu isarueit bcuoiti, uoweu, iias-. I About three years ago, ns the result of a i f I.-.. Cu'd. I had a I'oufrb, for which I I cannot, sty too iiuk'.i l.i l Ayer's Cherry Pe-'nr:il. t ii-,i ; i i : t-miM ohiiiiii no help until I commenced my famflv nnmv ii-a.-. n t v.n wi.!: ii-in r Aver !ierrv Pe?taral. Onehottio perfect satifni-tn;:i. i n-i : !;!'.' . i; ;.. , i iliin uiedieinc efteeted a complete cure li. F. McKeeu, "ev Givtu.:. 1',. .'. .Ki!m 'l'ooley , Iroutou, Mich. I have used Aver. " T :! i. my practice oimw 1 . : I lav a found it reliable for i:. ui:o ;f 'nd Coughs, and nil Tlii -: t : ud hun t dNeui.- 8. Hayues, U. !., Saiv.ii.- . V. I am never without A; t-Ch -rr p. - i One Ix.tile of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral torsi. It cures wvcii- r ( i!(N Mill , Ka; 1 nfr life. It cured me of acnto Coughs more xpecdih t!;.u any :!t.-r r ! UroneliitU when other remedies faDed. dy known. E. Allen, Kiugion. O. G oi -' 1). lluoter, Altoona, Pa. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Vepared by Tr. J. C. Ayer ti Co., Iwpl!, Miu. Sold by LrruggisU. Prie $1; alz trttll . ft I havis umiI Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, !!n! : -reived great benefit from It. I eon ; s' iei; it an excellent medicine for tho di-ine ft. is designed to cure. Bui us A 'l i . i;i;iin, Guyslxrough,2f. IL STAR Mills Meal Trustees' Sale. tIRTUK otCa Deedof Trmat wesmua oa Aogm iiKo. m dt toe nortn varonaa hiu m comoaajto m asdeisLMfrf aa ffrBBtaaC o wuiseaaPab4cAucwonforcash, on tat Huff day or November, at M V toclTa. m on tho Sremlsa at Parkewoud, Hoot ooant, H. v., aU property of sate omwanTJtwftfinK of a tract of laad containing 750 acres upoiowtaiea Is situated the Mlu-8ton Qaarry, Macs 1m Coops, lwel Ing Houses. Haw Mill. Patent uoUcw KKr ln MIU, Foundry, the Ktorv Hoaae and all tho MUla and Machlnerr. atork In tnxtr. Matnrial, Wagona, Tools anl all JU otaafr peraonSi propww ty, togatber with thePraaehlse of the Company: also the Telephone line of 17 miles ax landing (rata Cameroa on the Kalelgrh a August Air Jioe KaLU' road, via. Canaago to Parfcewood. ' . ' September w, V tds,-- .v v ; .Traooa. HAVING ABOUT COMPLETED MT stock for the fait -trade. I will bo plensod to have my friends and cm omera call at my store, 211, West Trade dtro t and ox aminemy stock and pticea. ' Ihavo alas added to my Btusk of grt can a . -Meat Market- where yon can always find tho choicest m-ate that tho markets, afford, sooh as Beef, Pork, Mutton, Saosagn &: Goods delivered free to any part Of tba city. Respectfully, - . H. C. IE WIN. Have You Seen Tie! CHINA DINNER SETS 127 Ileces- wift's 9 i 6 IS THE BEST. If your grocer refuses to furnish you with it, send your orders direct to the Mill and they shall have prompt attention. AT SJTP-AJE 3MITT nT nS At Following: 9 Prices TOR SALE. BLOOD POISONS JUST RECEIVED Bicbaroaon A Robins' Plum rud.lin. Heinz's best Preserves and Jellies. Dove Cured llama and Breakfast btrips. We handl Ilay. Brn, hhipd 8 nff. Mil xl Feed, Corn. OaU, Com Meal by the ctr. and can make lowest prices, which e give to the rttail trads. Very Resjvctfvllf, B. B. Alexander & Co NO. 3 9 N. TKTON STREET TO MERCHANTS, AND THOSE A BOLT TO ENTEK INTO Mercantile Pnrsnits. -AND ALL BJNDS Of- M SZm BISEASES ineral t.l"i U U M Scrofula, Eczema, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Ulcers, Sores, Humors. And pnriflde the fystexa as megioally & smuhins dispels xniasma I Pom uu ar aim. Dawiuii. Baa4 for Book oa Blood Mm adfeaaa A Splendid Pair of Bay Horses, Perfect Matches. BROWN WEDDINGTON & GO. CHABLOTTE.-N. C. PLAIN WHITE. $1I.0 DECORATED, 20.00 DECORATED, 25. M DECORATED, 31,09 DECORATED, 0,06 TEA SETS 3: JPIeC4atff ; PLAIN WHITE, - - $3,40 DECORATED, - - 4, DECORATED, - 7.1 DECORATED, I0,0t DECORATED, lf.Of These prices are for this week only THE CENTRAL HOTEL AND: B ELMONT ANN EX ECCLES &!BRYAN, Proprietors THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO one given pipe, tha over half I DEALER IN rtT.T, KINDS OF Furniture, Bedding, &c. ESflBefore baying elsewhere be sore to get my LOW PfilOES for t i Cheap and Fine Goods of Latest Patterns J IISTIOJEIOI-S. cHAELcrrrjt, k c OFFICIAL LISri.M A Funny Case of Absent-Mindedness, At the last session of the German Reichstag there was a curious instance of absent-inindedness. Hcrr Wichman was calling -the roll of members. : when, pai readinaj out his own. name, henaturaUjJ received do response. He called the name the second time in a louder tone, and finally roared it oat like a healthy lunged! bull." ' At this juncture his col-( leagues bro&e out into such hearty laugh ter that the truth dawned upon him and he joined in the generaljbihirit.Q XX.1 . The Bazsoofer is the name of a news- a 1 " l?a. TT paper I puoiisnea in cam wny, mit l. . - - .. . .. - sas.' It aeciares it u a 'Tazzooper ; irora way-back, and thatit will continue Jo tnxz6opn eTer weekr as long as there M The unprecedented large pales by my Ilouse as is evidenced by R til road receipts for shipments between August 1st and 20th, of over nine hundred (900) cases and bales of goods, sbow how successful my 'Whole sale" business is. Yet far lar'-r shipments would have been made were it not that my salesmen were prevented by the heavy rains from making all the points mapped out by me ; and to all such of my old cus tomers I say come to Charlotte, see mv colossal lines of Goods, from which you can make your selections far more satisfactory than from sample. And moreover, I will re imburse you iD part and perhaps in full of your outlays. Is this not fair and liberal on my part ? A Word to New Beginners. After 33 years of close observation in business, I am fully convinced that by far the greatest number of unsuccessful Country Merchants is tra cable to their "first purchase." How ! I will tell you. By being lured by men representing "North ern Houses" to go there for their first purchase, and many a one in doing so is thus virtually "bus ed" before getting home. Whv f Be cause, 1. Buying ..in Northern, Houses where the Goods kept are not selected (like mine) to suit this section only. the chances are that the new be ginner will buy the most unsuitable stock for his section ; hence has his shelves full, yet none to suit his cus tomers. Fatal mistake No. 1. 2. In tbe excitement and rush of Northern Market he buys twice, per haps thrice, as much as he can and ought to i Fatal mistake No. 2. 3.TW injudicious and dispropor tionate quantities bought too much of some things and not enough of others, (generally the most need ful) tbe new beginner finds out, too late, that while he has more Goods than he ought to have, yet must or der more Goods to help .sell off the badly bought ones, thus being load ed too heavily at the start you can imagine the rest. This much and moi could be said, but a word to the wise is sufficient. , How to avoid all this : I have now been in business near you for S3 years, commenced from the stump up at a cross road and grown up with the country, know exactly what and v how you ought to buy, aud I point (with just pride; ' to my record ' as a man and merchant, and say come to sme&na l pieage my rscora to iaxe good care and protect you, and you will gay, as hundreds of others have done, I owe my success to you. r ii ru I W Only one chance in a lifetime. not fail to make your purchase. Do Hartsnela & GresM Oi -S1Z6 22136- In Fine Gilt Frames. At prices within the reach of. all 1000 Bottom Prices.- Holme's Flrsr Redr, m f . 5 llote "s .-o ri I Hej i r, n-w, 'is Ho nif '8 Tl.lrJ Heart1!, tew 40 Holm1" K""nh Header, new, ria pres-..... Hulmes Kirtb KeaKr, ... w llojuie iiis ory I iil'ej tat. new 1.00 M:urN Klemen?:iT (;-oibn" hy, fi" Maury.-. M.tnual. N. t.. e.'l I n, ...- i.'jO Maury.3 K..ViS-il 1'hyaloal ie K'puy, '-0 For Terms, Prl ? and Books, cail at the store of Eqss & Adams1 No. 22 South Tryon Street. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Also Blank Exercise Books for the Young Mens' Cnristian Associ- tion Book keeping Class, instructed by Capt. A Q. Brenizer. UHAKLOITE, IS". C. Rooms large., airy, well lighted and Ele gantly Furnished. Particular attention paid to the table. Th Central is equipped with all the modern Hotel Improvements, and its guests always re ceive good treatment, prompt attention, and thorough satisfacion. ECCLES & BRYAN. Bazar Catalogues i Queens, FOR EREE DISTRIBUTION AT Eddin's Book Store. t2 S.tWittkowsky, , . . ; p o CH AEL0TTE..N . M.usic House Central Hotel Building, Charlotte TSJ.C. Jilirmei le Sailed but Never Re turned." "Let Not your Heart Grow Weary" Twilight by the. Mill. Also the latest songs by the Popular Compos er of Till the Snowflakes Come-Again. Brilliant and Beantif ai Piano Piece; Golden Chords Waltz Golden Sunrise Waltz. Boulangers March. St George's Polka, && if: Ivaret rTaal f.fc.iMi i 4 filTi i rm S25 A WEEK aod i-ec red by ic npwan s poaiUaaTy wianf. SEClIMLlSTrUES; taavaaiaasaatW a'oeelnteir wwj fgrrjaxij perftot waA tailHaaOT 8B?ri arfVaBcraaa.gecl. To tosa from tao atany e-n2w Wt cr tnn trua In-- mc. we atk tanc Ton 9m w mr aam itl ataacnawat oi to vrnMasu rrnru XJUALi t" Aoaji a r nr-n, to xmobi a at . 7Vf.it: ..' t-a.cai U vast. PCn .)CZb(JrKt mtta meOcal crlscipilca. By dire- r' .:Kia.- tii Kit of a rxte its cpec.' e "treat'-a-sof the linn oroaitrnTBatortrt. 1 i l H fiKPtS KCSOY CO., Wrt &fCKttT3, RVPTURSQ fEBSOiaSoan bav fBTtict cf ow AtpManoe. Ask for Torma! MeMt'a Grnaitaai nartrat Ball. 0npaHary nnd -t er fpplfjaM.i Mwpaa ire. i nese are tne o-.tr-onginu arxl feaaina. : No hambng. Dk. neon, 844 BraMlwar, Jg, T. AD I EH ARE OFFERED plftla Mftffie- wora at their iwa ooiue. (town or couav try) by a whojeia e House. Profltable, gea- uine. Qooa pay can De made. Everyuunr fnrntsbed. Particulars frc. address tArUatle Needlework Co.. 135 8th St., Nar Vu City- . v, , reraaawnti ntv. ta A trfc en tttamr- sretlc metf ana women eterrwber Ma I a-weefc aad all expeooea pal '. .-Sample n arortli 85 and rult particulars t-. -Jdel VIC'K ut. AUffvata. Me. I) n t mim una rham-e. Wilte to-day. ' L fan) Neei I'lORK EOR flit. ! creTIc men ana wourei ELLIOTT & MARSH, FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS. np.Ha' ywa nt la PritM. CatAlacwe mn4 aiMi tmrutmbnt ma aipltr.tlii MARVELOUS 11 Y Cotton. C otton - 10 CENTS. New Goods, Watches, Clocks & Jewelry LOWER THAN EYES. WORK DOWN TO SHORT PRICES, ALSO WORK DONE AT UNE iuiku LESS THAN OLD PRICES. W&tches Clc aned and waranted 100 MAIN SPRINGS, 100 GLASSES 10c. EACH AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPOR- . TION, AT , J. T, Butler's' : JEWELERY STORE, ' Charlotte, N.O. ' l -,.!;. . - i.. ... 'a- i Watch work waranted for 12 montha mm nEASE Its wearios iraallttaa are nnsnrpaaed, actnaHy outlasttnir tro boxes of any othar brand.- rnti troaaAalSudOUa. tTGBT THK GEMCIMU - JOB UXB BT PHAIjaa mULaXLT. ffe Have EeceiveJ TO-DAY A LARGE LOT OF DISCOVERY. Wbl ly nnli ke rUatelAl l Wkarr haajfcJ mm im mm C"kecowmeDd"d by Mark Twain, Ktctund Prao. t.M the scleaM.' Hon-. wJ W iUior, Judalt P. Ur. Minor, Jcc. c a-sea or iw c of ? T it a rjirw Kiirten f to 4aaaes af W$ m at tl Yah i'iO al Unlvoraitv ot Pentu, 'blHut ri'lU tluvA lanra.cla.-aea. at CTtnuLauuiuL- UalmnltT. lrrotiiTaiwiMVfiwtiai-' 1 j -w PROK.,LOttE'n E, 1ST, Firth AVe.,New Tort. man National Business Coliegei I Kawarb, K. J.. Open an Xkm (year BSaUml .iaraa;aw tteetronneoTSUfsnaav imni r. Last ttflim IB UBM liuadMoaiT- PieBan eat locav Uoti. ladojd,t kouuaada of graduates and noadreda of taad Ing easiness men of tU" State and aaHnn, TWrlt fnr catalogue and be convtaced. K.JUaBSaVB Haaaicr. t f . -I . A, GREENINGS, NORTHERN SPY, FRENCH SPITZ, SEEK NO FURTHER, TaLMON fcWEET, CRANBERRY PIPPIN and SWOR AjBles fFGin Niagara Falls. Call and see them. 1 McMillan & Go, II MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. J.'S.-PHILLIPS: LIERCHAHTTAILDR, PIANOS. nTbTTMulDaoniiia Introduced In Ita ent rorm or ataaoa at oiKrrt tuuoweo in vue manaiiu:(.aro ui lnstruntents, battue Mason Hamlin Orranav nve aiwavs maintdinea weir Bupreuwcr, aa m best in ine woria. , 11. j Mason. Hamilnoirer, aa oemunnrai tue unequaiea exopiwfcre m wmw wiiMUkW" faottbat at all of tbe great World's Exhibition since that the be.t TBrtmv tartn tne tugnest catalogthM iiee. v ' at an 01 tne great aiuniHuua it of Parts, i7. in eompetitton wlib, taakara oi alLoountriaa, tay haw la tavn tbe ttlgbest bonara. -Ulnstrated ; mveem a ttanuin-a rv- , ano Stringer was iatro aocea oy maaa ia iara, bbki aad has beea piaaoajaced. Tryon; street, , Over the Haberda&hei.Uy experts tbe gitest lmproyaBuaiaplaao Ouoo. Buford Hooee.' , I bait a entury.?' - . - - .1 Has on hnd Select Line of Buit- infTQ unrt Vanf. rvrafa ' nr will ' mn- ,u6" r : inucanL. - ' .; tinue to 1 receive dunnR tne season 1 pianos and Organs sold tat ean w esay nay the latest Novelties in Goodauior I rfatv -v"-lallaW meqs yvr. xa vtwswi, ot ".TT" -rr vlZ , . chfa; A clrcUiar. evntalntng testtmooiais ftom mrea hundred nnrchsaers. mostda s and tanerSvSant. together with deacnpUTe catalogue to aX pucanu you Eiiuy offfie t u ani COtlSUMPTlUE. XVSm na m tha-faaaitaaaaay or att Charlotte . for their Patrona and guarantee to give them in return aa trood fitting Clothes and at as reason ftblo prices can be had anywhere; r nwn mhaniM.iiM im thi aiTiioa. rf t""" L'TZJtZZ busiuess of your city, tnus enabling r SJSfiSStSaS-rS yvr.r hrfme'rnerchanrs w give- em- FHM plovDieut to ra Ore men, every ouaiaJ awcathtow- er tJK ot whichwoKain spent in jour cora-T .aw , r . LEMrw mimitv - ... . l'lMII I Kl I IJiPr"'v:a any money In xazzooping." , v i J a f f TVS. II