.alas seejM'Ti' to tft&tfyertis WANTED. Bids for hauling ptpwtrom B&llstmrr to Blla YiUa ia 90 ton lota. App'T at the oCEoa. SatuhdaIt Mowrnra. Oct., 29, 1887. WANTED. Bids tor building Tl times on the BlTndd: also UborwswKl carpentem ' W. N. NOTICE. ladles do not forget that J r. McGUrs Famous Orange Blossom tofcr MtW In tn eU.r. and that It toail It professes to b an Just wbayo neea. T-u via do well to call at mo. NO West Six h tree?.,0r ftirther A. WALTON Sat-Tneai . " Agent. Wanted. A TVMition to a'sist iu plain sewing and th care of children. Name and reieretceH siren on application. Address L. I. 411 N. Try on St, Charlotte, N. C. Oct. 29-6t reefTnilM Artiral KicnoxD DaJTVUXl MUn line Trains No. 50 arrlTea at Charlotte from Washington and Richmond at 1:15 a. m. Leaves for Atlanta at 835 a. m. No. si arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at w a m. Leaves for Richmond at fi:is a m. No. 53 arrives at Charlotte from Richmond at 19:35 d m. Leaves for Atlanta at l d m. No. 5S arrives at Charlotte from Atlanta at 635 pm. Leaves for Richmond and Washington at f:4U p m. CKAKLOm, COLCTIWA AUGUST DIVISION. Arrives from Columbia at 6:15 om. Leaves for Columbia at 1 d m. A., T O. Division. Arrives from Statesvllle at 11M a m Leaves for statesvllle at :59 p m CAHOLWA CXCTEAL. Arrives at Charlotte from Wilmington at iM m ana 6:56 a m. Leaves for Wilmington at U:0 am, and 8:30 pm Leaves Charlotte lor Kuthertordton at 4:41 p m Arrives at Charlotte tram Rutherfordton at 11:30 a. m Arrives from Raleigh at 6M a m; leaves tor nai eignatsumpm. HAS JUST RECEIVED A NICE LOT OF Sweet Florida Oranges fil'Mi! 3r&i40 Cents per Doz'n. The first of the season. No. 7 N. Tryon Street. AT General Delivery opens at 8:01 a x closes at TtfO p m. Money uraer uapanmeni opens a m a m; eioses at two pm. Dally Weather Keeara. U. 8. flioKAL Omoi, Chauttk.H. 0.. Oct 8. 1887. b as tt s o B Burglar Caught. OFFICER TAYLOR was thar and captured Bito; weight lOlbs. Any other informutioii when yoa call to ste the APPLES, PEARS. OllAPBS, BANANAS, GRIPES, SPANISH CHESTNUTS nd lots of other things for HITCBDAT AHUMtSDlV - -AT Taylor's Saloon & Confectionery. 7 A. M 'S 38 tt. M. 180. 17 10 P.M.) 16 50. 56. 54. & ; " "I I vu Ink i 99 INK .19 021 W ? - hi Tb Bales mm finally fcettle JJpfm OeTernlas; the H and flag; af Cottan- What the Hew Tark cattoa Exebans Beaalrea. I '' The Charlotte icotton buyers hare received a circular relative to the new system of cotton handling ;io New'Yor k, and it might be beneficial to call the attention of the trade to the radical changes made in the pys- tem. The bill was passed by the Cot ton Exchange early in the year, but amendments have been made from time to time, and the changes in the stem affected (September contracts and all months bevond. All con tracts are now tnade for 50,000 lbs in about one hundred bales or cotton instead of 45,($i) lb3. as heretofore As this season's cotton is light, it vrxA&0ji ms AMsjar-T, WlyaJ Waa.nf tmHrng Lt l ain irtondy cloudy PROFESSOR LOWANDA'S MATINEE AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC SATURDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 29TH. AT TWO O'CLOCK, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN ADMISSION 15 CENTS. 100 BEAUTIFUL BBIBKNT8, , mVgfrAWAY' ' FREE OF CHARGE TO CHILDREN. ALSO PERFORMANCE TO-NIGHT AS USUAL. Ami for lilts, 25 -Cob, at 2 r. . -TO- Mean daily Barometer J0.19. Mian dailj.Tetn peratare ft Mean lw folut 52; Mean Relative Humidity H T"Ul PrecipltaUoa .14; Maximum Temperature 56. Minimum Temperature 48 . v erage aute of Weather cloudy. OCT 28 1b87. Mean ept ten peratare for 7 years, and mean rainfall for 8 years tt Charlotte N . C, the depart ure from the mean, from day to day, during 31 pt 18ST. Mean temperature for 7 yearn (0.0 - 1887 MO DeoartnrefroT the mean - 7.0 Temperature couaUnt elnce Jin. 1 '87. -i4 '.0 " OCt ' " 1 Mean precipitation 8 y'ra -1" Total for 1587 H reparture from the nean t0.51 M Rainfall conatant aince Jan 1 tl -6 91 (jot " " 4).65 The Object ftnlsaiatement la to aaeure tfce ountinuoua tad tagnlar current temper ature and rainiall report In each haph as to be ol practical benefit m the agricultural and other interests which may be subserved a br knowledge of the forwardness or Uteueas of the season. The pins (tl or minus (-) sign will give an idea of whether the mean tem perature to date is greater or less than for th same date and month during the past 7 years. J AH a. BARKY. Sernt, aieual Corp frequently takes 116 bales of cotton to make a contract. The form is chanced. (1), as to weight, as already stated; (2), Deliv ery can only be made from ware houses, and only from one warehouse for each contract; (3), Grade is based j upon New Yprk Cotton Exchange Inspection and Classification, as there is no American Standard Classification now. Cotton cannot now be delivered on dock as under the old deliverers of cotton now must have their cotton inspect ed and classed by the Inspection Bureau, and grade marks put upon the cotton by Ithe Exchange. Each grade mark makes a lot, whether it be! one bale or one bun- dred, a warehouse receipts is ssued for each lot and a certificate of grade for each warehouse receipt. A de liverer can nlake any combination of these lo s that he please?, provided the lotaof cotton to fulfill contract are all in one warehouse ; this pro vis- contract from 8 stem. AH HU TatAantajr AJtartaAOP JSC will Beat Cnttl Malay Altai SJaliSBtttY; N. C., Oct. 28. Spe cial. -At the afternoon service to day Mr. Pearson talked about "The conditions of effectual prayer." He enforced the duty of sincere prayer from a faithful heart, and said. "Such prayer is heard and always answered in (rod s way for our greatest good." To-night his subject was "Coming to Jesus." He held out the glorious in vitation of God, the Father. Son and Holy Ghost, to all to come, and quo ted the words of the Lord himself where he savs. "Him thatTcoTae b. to me I will in no wise cwst out." He enforced the reasons why we should come and come now. He showed how we should come: "Christ being the door whereby if any man enter he shall be saved." It was a hopeful sermon to believers, and a fearful warning to sinners. The after meeting was attended by many and a great deal of interest was manifested and many professed to come to come to Christ Fully one thousand people were at the warehouse to-night. Mr. Pear son will rest until three o'clock Sun day, when he will preach on the subject of the "Holy Spirit," and aga'n at night on the "Divinity ot Christ Our conrecat ons are large. But we will be glad to pro vide for any of Mr. Pearson's Char lotte friends who may wish to hear him. A. pjarirrfaw cainia frota 0&ftx county yesterday and reporta that he can hear, from his residence the hum of spindles 'from eight cotton factories. In Spartanburg county. 8. C, within a radius of ten miles, there are three cotton factories, which con sume 25.000 bales of. cotton per an num. ; The farmers are getting nine cents per pound for their cotton at these factories. vita prlflriB 14b4 jottl Whet Th market ' nopfrlnuft strong np tomjklday when prises wees 1-iei p cent than Uiose ol last sight. After 3 o'clock prices sagged steadily 4urlng, t&a after-! on. Tne closing tuot.tiona were pceraliy l- aa per cent lower than those of last night. Mis ssorl, and Sanaa A Texas was specially pressed tor sale during the afternoon and clo ed two per cent lowra. Total sates a -,898 shares. The following were the closing bid quotations: Weather Indications. For Virginia, North RAIN and South Carolina: Light rains, followed by fair weather ; si trntlv warmer i lijrbt to fresh southerly winds, becoming westerly. For Alabama : Slightly warmer, followed by cooler; light to fresh northerly winds ; fair weather. AsVw I m llay saw. Doors Open 01 We hae in Stock the celebrated "Hygeia To baccc .which can be used without producing any unpleasant effects, such as nervousness, heartburn, indig estiun, KEW ADVEBTIEMEXT. Wanted Wm. Nance. Wanted - Address L L. Just Usceivfccl O. Vita Matinee Frol. Lawanda. Wait for the Only lg,timate. Burglar Caught W. U. Tarlor. Order a New Suit Through D. R. Harry. To Consumers of Tooaeco -K. H. Jordan Sl Co. Oil AK LO'LTE AND VICINITY ff AJE H. HARRIS, Ivacml Editar. LOCAL BRIEFS. A Latter frana Prof. J. W. MALLET, A.M, ' .!., Pis. D., F. R. a , af tba I'alTemtty afVirvlala. . . TrwrpsiT- of Virginia. ADll 4th. 1687. MissRS. Tbos.1:. WiLiiAMFfi Co., Itichniood, va. rivxi FKv:Knowtutr tn- nat re of the sub . at.imueB emnloyed la the preparation of our fJHYQEIA" CHBWINO TOBAt-CO, for USS In parts of the country subject to Malaria, and huTinor heen carried out In the iactory all the details of the processes of preparation, I eao cer Ufy that the a tdiuons made to a fine grad of Natural Leaf Tobcr are of purely Tegetab e origin, of undoubted merit as antlperlodics. ar - nmatic and attrlnirent tonics and stmachiCi calculated to be ot real value for the pur ose lu ended. and that neither chemically nor physi ologically ats they la an? way incompatible with the tobacco itself, with which ta.y are osvatuUy Incorporated. I am, gentiemeu, (p- - Your obedient servant, O l J : j. w. maLlkt. Icademyof Music. Announcement Extraordinary! O- . Wait! Wait!! Wait!! For the old, big and only legitimate, Gift Show on Earth. ,3.Nights. 3 Nights. COMMENCING Thursday, Nov. 8, 1887. - LaAes'e Chllsrea'saantliieet&t. Afternoon. i BELL'S ORIGINAL ROYAL- MARIONETTES, - ii From. Cristal Palace London, y rr4 England, , giving UliiitmS ANfi. HUMPTY DUMPTY, , 'T0fthr with EUi ft Burke's Grand Gift Carniral 4 ft ftKIegant Presents Given! lift U U A way at Each Show. U U Our Past Record a Guar antee for the Future ; ",; i ADMIMIOH 35 ASD M CEHTS. FACTS. The finest Roller Patent Flour, S Duajftuteed ia every particnj tr, and at rea- SOD' t i TOHEFlSfEST 8UGAK CUBED HAMS, 7" J . BREAKFAST BACON; CHIP BEEP r . , AND SMOKED TONGUES. A nice Virginia Cuiel Ham, a Hum than wybica. Here is none U t-er and of which ev ' ' eiT one h has tested them Bay,' -They axe ' jmU delicious." ; - C: Pickles, Chow-Ckows, Preserves j vu. i and Jellies, . , . us . The greatest variety of Canned Fmits, tfeata and Vegetables from which to select "yoor wants. The best line of plain and fancy Cakes, . vand Crackers from a New York Bakery oel " i ebmted for fine Goods. ; - Jnfact tor an j thing in the family stipply Tine, such as SCO ASS, Green and Fresh BoasW COFFEES, Fine TEAS, all kinds. UATAllCAlj. UAlFXjAJKJSa, WIIRAT: PLAIN and SELF. . . j, i ' .f Tf sriTT n a ton w.aa, T TLOUE, FULL CBEAM, SCHWEITZER. i PINEAPPLE. ED All 4 PABMASON V CHEESE,' BACON. LABD. No. 1. MACK- EBELrand other nice Grooeries and table . loxnrk too aumeroos to mention. . . HOMINY. 1 Go to the City Grocery. Barne tl fj52 e; thune NO. 21 EAST TRADe7 Fifty-five bales of cotton was the sum total of the receipts by wagons yesterday. Mr. J. M. Hoover, a prominent citizen of Gaston county, is dead. Hii death occurred at his house near Stanly Cieak, last Thursday . The meeting of the Young Mens' Christian Association Sunday even ing will be for 1 adits and gentlemen. The subject will be the "Power of Prayer,'- John 13 :7. Mr. S. H. Barrett, in charge c f "Advance Car No. 1," Barrett's c r cue.arrived in the city yesterday.and with his corps of workmen registered at the Central. The car ii in the Air Line train yard. Mr. Luther Abernathy, of Gas ton county, and Miss Asbury, of Lin coln county, weie married at the residence of H. P. Kihian, in Lincoln, last Thursday. Rev. J. R. Hoyle was the officiating clergyman. The total registration for the election on the city bond question, is only 1,050, scarcely one half of the qualified voters of the city. Those who profess to know say that of the number registered, two thirds will vote in favor of the bonds. Ttree medeals won by Miss Ruth Allen, a pupil of the Charlotte Fe male Institute, are on exhibition at Buttler's jewelry store, where they were, handsomely engraved. All three were won by Miss Allen at the late commencement of the Instit ute The nineteenth annual ball of the South Carolina Club is to be given at Columbia on the evening of November 10th, in the hall of the House of -Representatives. This is the annual fair week ball. A num ber of invitations have been received here, and Charlotte will be well rep resents ted. In the report of Mr. Peareon's sermon yefeterday morning, the sen tence: "He made a peaceful and conclusive argument all of which be quoted from the Scriptures to sustain him," should have read : " He made a powerful and conclusive argument, all of which he quoted Scripture to sustain." The Southern Telegraph office at Concord is to be abandoned Novem ber 1st. The Southern Telegraph Company has had an office there for five or six years past and seemed to be doing a good business there, as it shut up the "Western Union office for about two years. Now it seems that it in turn is to be shut up by the Western Union. H?t--r ... " Wbea the HbmUm Csbm Acais. The persistency with which the big arrow over the signal office in this city has pointed to the northeast for two weeks past is provoking, and, until it begins to point in another di rection, there is no hope for a relief from the murky, muddy and me in weather which we have endured for two weeks past. Last night the arrow made a slight swerve to the South, and the atmosphere became foggy; which the weather wise tell us indi cate a clearing up. We hope they are right about it this time, for a lit tle sunshine would be indeed welcome. ion is intended to enable a spinner or exporter who buys these contracts to take out such lots as may suit his trade and yet not impair the rest, which may te combined, with other lots from other contracts and thus mke a newjont. In sampling thecotton, the sampler shall, draw one sample large enough to he broken into two parts across the layer, akd put in sep irate papers. The samples are drawn after the cotton has been weighed, and any ad ditional samples that may be needea by the ownpr must be drawn before the weighing of the cotton. The bales ard examined carefully to see that they are sound and merchant able, also that they are marked in class marks prop.rly. and are not below the grades callej for by the contract, j These duplicate sets of samples are tuken to the sample room of the Inspection Bureau, prop erly put ur, and exposed to the air for 24 hours, when th-y are ready for the Cliissification Committee to class. All! samples ure drawn upon the low side of the bale as h ret jf ore. and provisions are made for testing the correctness of rejections that maybe m ade. As the grade once determined hold good for one year from date of In spection Certificate the system of classing cotton has been cbangtd. Under th4 old system, the classifica tion Deing valia out tor tnat oue delivery, tiie cotton was clashed so much "on" or so much "off" mid dling on the current d.fferences be tween grades and as an enliie lot. Now there must be names for the grades, and the exchange has ruled as follows: Full grades are Good Ordinary, Low Middling, Middling, Good .iid dling, Mp ilmg Fair, and Fa;r. Taose design ted by the word "etricV aie half grade such as Strict Good Or dinary ui:d S.ri t Low Middling. Quarter grades ar "Barely and Full,"' Barely beirg half way between the full !grade and the h ilf grade next above. J Thus Fully Good Ordinary would be worth in money value to day -2c. above Good Ordinary be cause Good Ordinary is quoted at 7-1 6c. telow Strict Good Ordinary; While Barely Low Middling would be worth 3-16c. less than Low Mid dling because Strict Good Ordinary is quoted at Sc. Ies3 than Low Mid dling.jThe differences between grades will vjary according to the character of the; crop, and a Revision Commit tee meets once a week (on Thursday at l.4p Jr. M.) to consider this ques The Injured la the Air Uae Wreck. We are glad to learn that the peo ple who were injured in the recent wreck on the Air Line road, are slowly, but steadily improving, and that the chances are that all will re cover. They are yet at thexchange Hotel in Greenville, and this in re gard to their condition is taken from the Greenville Netrs: Mr. J. B. Erwin, the express mes senger, who was badly injured in the recent wreck, is in a fair way to re cover. Since the amputation of the crushed foot, he has suffered at times, but with quiet, it is probable tbat his condition will improve every day. W. A. Erwin, the younger brother of the former, who suffered from in ternal injuries, is improving rapidly. The condition of Mr. Killian, the mail agent, is very, favorable, and his recovery is only a matter of time. Marcellus Allen, the negro who was supposed to be a tramp, is getting along well. Allen denies being a tramp, and says that he paid 4.S0 for his fair from Gains ville, Ga , to Gaffney's. Calaael Bawlaad. Wadsb-ro Intelligencer. Col. Rowland continues quite ill He has .been ailing ever since May, and it is feared he cannot recover. Dr. E. F. .Ashe received a telegram from Lumberton Monday requesting mm to go by tne nrst train to see Bar. Rowland, but the critical condition of a patient of his ow.i at the depot, prevented nis going in response to the summons. j HI i ELEOTBIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who hare used Electric Bitters sing the same song ot praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all fiat is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases ot the liver and Kid neys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by im pure blood.-Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as wtll as cure all Malarial fevers. For be enre of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion, try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded . Price 50 ots. and $1 CO per bottle at Bcswzli, & Dunn's Drug Store. taeoap eons...... Gar gold... . a. C. cons... H. a 4m Tennsettrs.. " 6.. virgin! 6's... DoconlBe.. Tens sett rs.. 184S aToPac... 13 M0... 105 NAG... . i t antral.. CS 103 100 . 48 On Pao SI ChesaOnio S CtL A.... 530 c Apreierea.... leo oB Ao, w. Del Leek Denver bie Erie prefered. . House Tex. 10 rax ' S8. 140 1'5X . 6V llf 130j-;etPaal 71 iuu int rstu prererea ill ti' ti n m k Nflk W prefered. X Pao N Par prefered ... . M t W IN w preferred. . eBXiK TOentral.... .."0 OstM ttrt Rich aJIng'fy men a oan Bh Island MmM 'KTS rex Psc. M jO Pae .. 2T .Wabash-" .. 62 ' Wabash prefmed. Tl Western rnlnn.... I'll Central 114 !Tnn cnal Iron KT I7?i Am cot Oil Trust.. LK4W-! .. 15 n Kleunnev Uke 8hore n 1st preferrel Ivule Mash.. . U nd bUch Central 85 28 4X IB 26 10 .57 CHARLOTTE COTTON MaRKET. Charlotte, N. C. The most handsomely furnished and complete Hotel in the State Heated by Steam throughout. Electric Light and Bells, OCT 18 188T. guests. Strict lood Middling food miOdllnc Utddllns Stains and Tinses Keoelpts of cotton to-daj U bales. 9 8 T- e 9-t 8 5-1 BT TBLK8KAP H. oct lstn Cftuarl4Prsdie Market. OCT 28 Oats 39 to 38 Rents per usiiel. Sweet potatoes 68 rents. Eggs: Fresh, 1ft to lfte. Cbicksns : Grown 15 to 880. Lard: Country, c, active. . Corn (5 to 70c per bushel Cora Slesl; 6te78c per bushel for eonUr; or etty mils. Beeoa: clesr-rib sides tr; shoulders Batter, fresh coautryioaiS cents. BAR AND BILLIARD ROOMS. Barber Shop and every convenience for comfort of SAMPLE ROOMS ON FIR3T FLOOR. Wm. JOHNSTON, R. M. MILLER. T . , Proprietors. Conrad Lipscomb, Office Manager, 7 Li Ml -SUCCESSORS- 'I CIUmsc PreslsiM MsrtieS. Chicaooct88. The early cables on wheat were favorable and. represented London and Liv erpool firm with an up ard tendency and special inquiry for Am Mean wheal. Tae opening prices ere 1-4 c higher then the slost yest-rday tor the deferred futures. At the afternoon session 1 there was a continuation of the acUvtty ia wheat PrcesckMeJ iractionatelr loer. Corn was steady. Jan pork h'gber 8 30 p m cluing. Vbul closing' ( Pork 8ept ... Year Oct 18 ' Jan . 18 M No.. ... .i i Sept... Clear St das Drug Store for Sale The late firm of LtDday Scbenck. Drninrtsts. ot Greensboro, . C , hating bem dimolved by be death of Or. Unl ay, as surviving partn-r, I offer tor sal-s on easy terms and at a reasonable pnoe, the an Ire stor-Jc -f drugi with Its good a 111 and busm-aa. It to the o d laronte s ad, in the center of the cltj. known as the "Glenn Drug store. - jtany application win seenre a D.rg.in. Oct. 18, 1887. Burrlnng partner. E. D. LATTA & BRO Corn Sept Nov . OaU eiH. Oct .... Nov.. AU p-rsoni Inebud to the arm of LindBsy Scbeocit are noUflml and requested to pay th same promptly, as tne ousiuess mu-t d cioaeoL W.E.SC 11ENCK, Octa-isr Sarvivlng Fanner. . 41S .1V Jan ... j Lr4 I Sept.. 25 S, "Oct ... f N0.. 8 M 40 8 85 .8 U For Rent or Sale. BstltlBBcrc Predwe) MmrU. latelleteel for ViolstUats; (fa Law. 'lh firnt instance of a prosecution for a violation of th? seed cotton law that has come under our observation. occurred at Rockinghtrn last wek. Mr. W. P. Ingram, s,n of Mr. E. N. ngram, of the Grass IslanJs, was arranged I cfore Enquire Ptt-r McRae, tt RockinhanL, ist Wednesday, to answer to numerous i hares seven. we believe, in all pref-rnd against him of failure or refusal to comnlv with the law governing the .! of seed cotton. The Spirit, from which we get this information, aiys that while the defendunt did not keep a book showing bis purchases of seed cotton as the law requires, he did have bills of all such purchases which ne exuiuHeu, out vet. while no crimi nal intent w,n shown, he was fined 25 and costs each in two cases fur tecl-uical violati' n of the law, from wltii;h judgment he craved and ws g anted an appeal to' thw Superior Curt. In tlie r tli t: t- rase the Smte was cast. tion. j N ) revision can be made that will affect cotton for which notices are already issued. FLOCa-qulet and steady Howard tl. ai.d W sID-.ura8.8)17i: do Kttre 8 W).8 do remit 8 7&e4 SO; C t MUls S .per 71 a 1.80;0u Kztra.1COa3S.;doKl brauiia 4 36a40. WUEl-iMuthra acUre and streng-Red a3f88 4mr 8884; e.tD act! re and higher; Jw t inter red P l 9' o8181S iXjt S Dtltira q tile i and Ann; Whil4544; 4ow 4ta4S1WrfWB firm and I quiet: MilMl pt 50 V- NOT4a0.1-8 OAL6 Ann and MdJ. Sonthern S048; Wee Urn iu .-l54 el-rn mixed 8S-J4 Bye hUi'isr nd Arm Si 60. prortaton. quiet and -ta'y; MrSa pork 1580418 3 Bali narL-, .Itooid-rs and cl ar .idea packe S8-le8 8-4. B'Con.ahoaklenl l-4;cler libal-es U' ...m 11 .nf lrd niae m Petroleaa I Orm, re:ued 41-8- v ..flw doll and lower Rio cargoes j ordinary to fair 18 1-SU8 J- 1 sugmr - easy A soft 1-8 copper reSDed. Sail . aiu 1-4 hiaaj steady Ml 14 to 1 15. j A magnificent modern dwelling with stables, carrUKe-bouae and Harden; 8 eieg nt bit h rouro, i Demorest water-cloaKs. 6 marol wahtands. , 2 SO gal on copper tKrti vcblii s-e's sinks. i i cook ranges, city waier, Worthington metea- 4 hyaranu 4 unoer dr.ln. (M) leet extra wt, ase. too feet autl pipe. e.ee.ni cliandfller. rttv gas. eW-t'ic light fa p ot uarlonj and front ball- ntagnaQoenUy iHtpered, all the othr rootus aw inea wm mua 6 men gut Do ner ana OiOuiamg, traasom over every aoon venaiaiioa pene. 1 I granlt-t 1 avemenis on Jte front, with closes n ; nery othr imu orement, with front and'beck ' stairway, making it the m t convenient house ! in charlotte., will reut for te m of years, or 111 seb, giving the burer credit of 8 year., or u.ot. Apply to WM. TKELOAK, 7to and ii street T II El- OfJE-PRICE I CLOTHIERS; NOW BEADY. To extend our thanks to oar miny friends and patroas for the cheering words and very liberal patronage they have given as during the first season of onr business Career. Our succees has exceeded our most stngaine expectations. And to merit a continuance of the liberal patronage so generously given ns we hve taken extra precaution to pro vide large iv ana uoerauy lor the need and waits of EVERYIlttDY. To show the iARGEtiT ASSORTMENT, TING the BEVT HADE and the BEST FjT- 38w Trk COe avasl Bagsr. 8ucar steady. Fal' rennlng 5; refined s dy. cut loaf andcruaiied T; cubasS3-4: powdered 8 granlai-d 8 -S cmr-cUoiMra A 8 5-8, Coffee stan dard A 6 S: white extra tiW, -'ffe lul'. Fair cargues 1 1-": good lt 14. pttine 18 8-4 Java tliLH. Assignee's Sale. Havln been appoi .ted Assignee of the firm of 6. T Rarnjond it C ., 1 -111 p oceed at nee 10 disp -e of the Block of G od of the late nnn, and will eil at bo!h nolal and recall. The stock constsls of erf rrtbl. g kept lo a first clas gro ery sto e and will be clowd oat at est p i 8peciallndacmenuofreredcountrr erhsnts. as well as retail Uu ers. Tbe stoc-k must b aold a d 1 bone who call .ariy wni seo jre b gai s. I will al fell, as Assignee f tee anov nnn, a plr of fine muies and a two nerve wa.oa il pari le holdluK claims against a. I. Hay mond Co. must present thrin at use -. fitt H. O.LIN K. .snignei. Stock of Ready-Made Clothing Ever red in market NOW READY, To show the txst Block of Soft and Stiff Hats on the market NOW READY, TO SHOW A COMPLETE LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Sew Orleans Cffee Harket- Coffee steady but orm. Rio cargoes common to prime 18 S-Sagi 1-8. Sugars T'JWer. La op-n keu'e t-ictly prl'ie 4 S-i. good com mon t imt 4 3 ', La c ntrifug'-ls ff Ll e s -8 gray wtiif smi cnoico yellow clamed 8 u-i prluiO yf How doi Mas I3-1. j B8rrlat;e In Cfeacwrd. Concord limes, vsth Inst. Last even n2 in the Episcopal churph, the wedding bells jingled merrily, and two happy devotees bowed at Hymen's shrine. At o'clock Mr. Thomas Wilson, a prum- ment young business man ot W mston, led to tne sacrea altar Mies tfettie b Harrlis, daughter of Mr. R S. Harris, of UOncord, one or our u.ost p- pulu youiigladie. Rev. R. P. Eu banks, reclOr of AU Saints tjhurch, perform ed the be lutitul ceremony in a very impressive manner. Mt, Pttjr Wilson acted a-? the groom's best man, and Misses Emily St ?i -1. 3 M . TT a u-iotjon ana tjiara j. uarris as orides maids. Misses Ada Dodson, Lizzie Sullivan and Mary OorrelL Messrs, M. A. Rytttnbere, Thomas Creue. Emdry Gray, John Bynum, Wade Bynum and Nat Wilson, of Winston, wer in attendance. Messrs. Gowan Dusenberry and A. E. Lentz were tbe ushers for the occasion. The brid wasjgiven away by her father. Prof. R. L. Kestler played the wedding march. The church was beautifully decor ated for the glad occasion. In the rearf of the church was a large green wreath, in wbicb, in monogram, were the letters, H. and W. The bride wore a dress of heavy white satin. The veil was of tulle, and was fas tened to the head with orange blos soms. The church was filled with friends, although the weather was very in clement. After the ceremony a few invited guests repaired to the resi dence of the bride's father, where a reception was given, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left on the Northbound train this imorning 1 of a tour to New York. - j :, .- in :. t. , rsisos.nl MsMttsjkilrt! jtM 'u - - Miss Laura ? NazaretruS, t who has beeri visiting relatives and friends in Charlotte,' left yesterday on ' the re turn! to her home in Atlanta. Pnews Toansj In AIIsmsUs. Evt-rjlxKly in Charlotte knows Phons You , and th fl'owing will be of interest to his friends here. Thf special co-tesjwindent of the Au HiisVt Gazette a !in tl,is notice: Th-flist fare I '. k-d -t. rh I worked my way lo ihe 'Markharn Hous" register v n the strikingly handsome one of 'Phons' Young, the head cl?rk, and the fniile t hat accom panied .h'is warm grasp plainly indi ted that I would be well cared for. .tud I was. This house was equal to the immense pressure, and 'Phons' Young has emerged from the ordeal with an increased reputation as the best hotel man in the business, and with fiieuds enough who will die by him to run a dozen of the biggest houses South." e ltobkwd or Ills Caan and Weatpwa. On Wednesday F. M. Jordan, a white farmer from Transylvania county, N. C, went to Laurens to sell a load of cabbages. Whenabout nine miles from Laurens, on his re turn, he was met by a paity of ue groes, who demanded his money. He refused to give it up and they told him they would murder him if he did not. Some of tlw party walked around in front of his oxen and he fired at them two or three lanes with his pistol. He was then knocked senseless. Wh n he recovered he found that he had been robbed of $18.65 in money and his pistol. Coin! ax Attractions. A rddl tieat is in store for our peo pie next week. Mr. Nat Gray has secured for the last three nights of next week, Bell's original Royal Marionettes and Ellis and Burke's cyclone and novelties. Of this enter tainment nothing need be said as it is too well known here to need com ment. Mr. Bell, who has always kept his faith with our people prom ises to give more and finer presents than on any of his former visits. The 6how has added many new and novel features, and is now playing in this State to packed houses and is creat ed a furore whereverit plays. We know our citizens will welcome this well known attraction, and no doubt attend en masse. Harris! 1st Hlsararl. Rev. Brevard D. Sinclair, a grand son of Mr. A. B. Davidson, : of this city, was married at Kansas City, Mo., on October 26, to Miss Telulah K. Bair; 'The newly wedded are now at Fowlersville, New York, the home of the groom. -. Mr. Sinclair , was at one time a resident of Charlottend has a number of friends here whose best wishes will be extended to him. City. Sales. Tone. Markt: Bcpta. Si. ' Sew Orleans; T0 sidy i.iisi : jjut Mobile I 10 0 iqulet i 8 1W 1 i.hairton I Mull i 1-8 wso m:o avann h iaii dull 9 11 1 7 f. i (iahe.-.ua j 0t imui - ; A'Al Bt Mempbls j Itfyi tirm -l issi ! w.Uu ngum i iarm a- 6 ;iJ7 i Norfolk 263 iqUJCl 8 i-.". 3 1 aaguta it Lmet: v I i4s 8tUil i .rtraa . l , tlncinnati 3 'irm ' i-l ioi ! . Phil d 1 Ida t ifl iu S34 tt7 - B(t-a j quiet -i 1 3eaa Baltimore ' 101 koiel 9 1 i ' lest . Louisville 1 'nnn 8 1-8 Three of the Best, 2. 3. Fit Seigle's Dollar Shirt. Dr. W arner's Corsets. 'I'aylor's folding Bustles, and Workmanship GUARANTEED. At 20c, 35c, and 50c. Ltvwrpawl 'Uia Hsrhet. uverpool Oct M-ipot cotton quiet. Middling uplands 8 6-16 d; do Orlean7-:s d. Sates 18. 880 bales. Arrivals cloned steady alter a decline of 8-84. Mincbes:er!snnn but l here Is not much dolDg in yamh, rloias are firm, silver re mains at 44 1-18, F.jnal to C (xvls sold at mu h higher prices. Ba s and Congres of the suue, also at (1.35. Bests, Suae and ftlipper, at aatonishlngiy low price Call and get a pair of FELT SLIPPEHS, the nicest aii.l m eouif rtl; t hint,' o t. PromiH aiteull ju to orde 8 by .MU. E-KaSKIX BRO. 40 south 1 ron St. Hw Terh CsMss 8farw.t. Kew Tort Oct is Receipts at our porta tbla week point to vwOO bales, acainst 3M,000 bales and at tne Interior towns to 131,000 bales against i40,i5 bales Ust year but tne road are said to be in a bad condition Future deliveries except ing Oct after losing to 7-100 recovered S-'.oo. Nothing was dons at tbe trd call, but tns bids made show a decliee of 4-100 from yesterdays clos ing quotailona. Spot cotton is easier but the quotatlocs of 11-16 for middling uplands is re tained. Futures closed steady. Total sales cf tie day 89,300 bles. October.... November . oeeantbsr.. an Feb march April May Jane July 8 8S-S0 8 M 60 8 8T-88 8 80-8. 8 68-88 8 7 TS 8 SB 84 8 81 Hi 8 18 16 16 06-08 Haval Stare Wilmington -Spirits Tnrpentioe firm at 88; B-tn Srm s'fs ned 80; Good do 85: Tar, Dm t 1 '0, erud turps" t ne, 6im. ; Ud. 1 80; yel ls w dip and virgin, 1 Tt Mew Tark Stsek BKarko. Kew Tort. Oct. A Money closed 6 . highest T-towet s 1-2. Exchange firm and Aetna! business at 481 l-iatsix for 60 days, and i83:-2a3-4 tor demand. Posted, rates 4831-88 486 1-2. Government bonds closed stdy. Curren cy 68121 1 Id, 4'a eoup 136 3 4 bid, 48 coup li 3-4 bid, Pac bonds closed Union firsts llHaiia Lind grants lOlaioS. Sinking funds llOallS, cea tralsiHalie. New York Oct 91 The market opened strong THE . PUCE TO BUY. My btck co-npriM - every a-ticle of Men s rnriuhuiKa in latent yl s and gteht vanty. Shirts. Fine Dress Shirts of Linen and Pique. Laundriedand Unlaundried Linen frhirts. Bicycle and Teunis Shirts, best in the market. Hosiery. My Stock of Hosiery is complete, consist ing of Bl wggan, Lisle, Meriuo and ail wool, all qualities, colors and patterns. Underwear Best qulitj, in Prices to suit &1L all weights and sizes, I can thow to-day the bast stc ck of Hats ever shown in Charlotte, ailk Cassimere, Stiff. Soft and Crushers. Every one should see my Stock before buying. 3?. PZGRAM TR, 36 S. TRYON STREET. timt m ut SALO We will offer for the next few days our BLACK AND COLORED ASHMERS AT SARIFICINQ PRICES. A FEW PIECES OF BLACK A D COLORED SILKS; ALSO OUR LtiCES, TRIMMINGS AND EMBROIDERIES EXCEEDINGLY LOW. TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. Extra Inducements o-- REMEMBER THE STORE MUST BE VACATED BY JANUARY 1ST. Debtors Must Pay up Prpmotly. Remember our 'ineof Hosiery and Underwear. NO. 11, WEST TRADE STREET. SPECIAL ANR I flTl H UU MENT. We are selling the best Hand Sewed Gent's Fine Calf Button, Lace or Gaiter at 5.00, wan-anted in every respect. We are selling a fine calf M. S. Button, Lace or Gaiter, whole Vamp at 12.75 that beats any similar goods sold in Charlotte at $3.00. Our $2.50 goods in Button, Lace or Gaiter are beauties, and are ual to any goods sold at $3.00. Our prices have been reduced in every department to the very lowest consistent with honest-m .ide goods and we g -arantee to give vou better goods for less money than any house in the city none excepted. MOYEK & HIRSHINUER. New Davidson Building. HI Sals ill Hals! FOR WEEK ! best Stiff Hats worth $3.50 sell now for 2.50. Our $3. Stiff Hat sells now for $2. . $2.75,$2 50, and $2.25 Stiff Hats sell now for $1.75 SOFT HATS! SOFT HATS! Our best $5.00 sells now for $3.50; Our best $3,50, $3.00, and $2.50 Hats sell now at $2.00. We are selling a line of fine Neck wear at half the prices you can buy them for in any House in the city, and our styles are exclusive and superior ma of any Goods to be found m this market. We have bargains in every line. Come and see and be convinced of facts. Yours Respectfully, BERWANfJEll BROS., Terms of sale Cash only.

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