VOL. XL NO. 6? V 0 : CHARLOTTE. N. C" FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 12, 1891 PRICE FIVE CENT in w. israinsnim. Braaarnuaa. i, , . IUmI Mama. - -.-"''.-.. , . 6fBw Boom, areenabore lav'tt Qa, ACtMlklin.1. BLAadrewa. yU-?ft,BnrwllI)aail,i i TberiaM,,loreaaOe. - r: BMpU UeiMUOBa,aelgIe CV fl 't-.: ',' nonn coHjis. ' T OW-A took eoatalnlat avarM. T Ji Ibet nwei wil a fiB ftjrIU fe, fnm to UiH etnas. v,?.V!'.i;. iv J.ilM TyAWTEO A legist tad ninaet.: A , JTaaea, it. . Ci;aAUTvaca:BtBiciJi DOM SAULOn BrttetaM U korM pewer -i T Atlas boiler en saglne. Oka lUwr he '.worne separately ot eoanfetad. A kaa . tnin. For prtaa to apply to Wort oap t,t salebaelatj.T Aatbeaya. . w IFKCIll. ROTICM. POTATOES. -.-.., , ' . Nw Crop Irtoh Potato atH.O.Irwla'e Progiteilv Grocery. , s (Too much wine brings 7 ; t,7 Headaches. Bradycrotine stops it itr 1 5 minutes, r ! Summer Weakness, Loss or Ar , petite, sick headache quickly cured by Johnston's Nolan dine, .-.J: -'...p- . glAUtm, 9BUBAMIIA, DinilBM, ( .nwuu, Bpaaau, SleeplasaaeM - - 0n4 by Dr. Mile' Bar - Tina. Sample fra AT BPBWKH. A DPNWB. I have used Mrs, . Person's Remedy.. It releived my suffer ing gready and I can say it is the best tonic and blood puri fier I have ever tried. , Bbttib Alexander, Concord, N, C. Drags, toilet UUtictea. HERE IS THE PLACE If you want your prescrip-'-' lions accurately and promptly - compounded you do not need to be Wd that our store is the ' place to come to. Pure, fresh . stock of drugs always on hand. JORDAN & CO., : ' , Druggies, TO THE TRADE If you f live in Charlotte's t-rritoiy get your wholesale prices and discounts on drugs, medicines, etc. We Leiieveyou will find It to j--'Mauve. " W nrv Burwell & Dunn, Wlttteaal and Betall Dragcteta, Chariot 1 kte,N.O. tDattges, Cle-ck, Jewtlrj, do. , ENGLISH MANTEL CLOCK ' uiuiAiii mmuuuvxyvn . -' V w a - WANTED. We will pay in cash a fair price for an old tima Cogttah Mantel Clock, if oh ' H DO IOBB9 IB) t DUBIW VT THUinfl . Wa bars an order for ae from, a gen- ' llmaahMtliiulM vO-ll AM AT -afrit ' Loading Jeweler, :a- " ' "' --v.' T. . Cbaflotta, N. 0. IDrj o6t, (Etc r WEEPING REDIJr.TIONS V Order by Mali. - . . Tnatamlai tUa UUXMMWlOr ' aaf. Tha Sia offar waa amoc( thaChi r Ba8aka,aadhawar they hava beaa : rnthinc oat to a voader to aa. Oar ora ' aaapeop)o eoald esaroaly belle that ther were to ire at adTcrtiaad , prioaa. ". Taey . tbonght that the ' printan had .- aiade B floiataka, bat aeHtt oton to' bar at tbeae prteea. They eaa laM bat " a little while at enQh prioea. . Figar ' ed Ohiaat rHI at fottowa ' Mo. -eaet v ItaawaBBBK 5 .. iwat BOW S4a 7Sc one jmw 7o,. 1 18 75a : $125 , eaA ana- SSn . -. " r.iat laiutad &fito diaiinftiae fof -armaj dreM daeed from SotKi , SSne. - , ' r - s Half w-ol' rhalli. that arery one aelU at ISofa.- aw Urota. Tar4 wide printed aaowlahMa at ISote. PHntrd eottoa mall ISoM New tight groaad AmerieaaehaUiei 71 eta. MaacbMter - CbambrTi oil eolore lfie. Maoe eottona - loraly brkjcht fabriea SO 'ta.'- Preach Lawae ia aoiid eolora Hi.' toW ribbed wiwr mU lOeta, Yachttog rape N to 7Seta. Sootoh e-pbrrtaatre . daoad iwief. Ko o eoite alike. Rx : . (tlartTO etrloa. rw eapa at ooet. Lr - diet' aad aad MUwe blaaera to alt - icradee and oolora . fUaaer tUunela ia a aroaderf al aeaortntrat ef pattaraa. Hew Uneoffiae yard wide percale ISo. Maoa, bora', aad ehildreaeV- etraw haU at - price that hardly pay for the atraw. Aaotbereat in fancy paraeolav 5 hey goat leas thaa the factory eon by ' wholeaala, Drew trimaaiafce go at a blfffacrifloe. All (nrU of dreaa gooda iroin g eoaie way. It a bargaia tiaaei at ; ;Betgiea. ; -v , - T. L. SEIGLE & CO, f U'f CIolbiM aKS l!UeliJt TAKING A TUMBLE, t -AKINO A TTJMBLS. ' t ' The moat aetoniahhig Law Prioea far ;; ' Gtothea eree aaeaad. A larpriairig ' - a,anhitotaTo Valaeav f WW P wedoat make gooda fly off over aaoaaara aad table toi week, fe . woatbe beoaoae there aeladaoe- ' meat ia oar prioea. Wo ba , 0 aaarhad before, aad we taUr yea ..Agate (fee the prieea yoa pay nafor elotbee ia the laaet coMidaranoB. WaVe pal priafa oa : ''gooda' ia oar ; 'entire auare and tUawarebeaa4 to more at alrrely pace all atoagajia Spring and Rammer Ooat end Vcebt .. for $1.60. Beparate Ooat fat More . of Beat aad eaaonabl pattera for ft. Wa moat diepoee of then, thaprloeof SSiaa mere aothiag. -Waaareallaiaeala MeaVAlapaoa Bach Frock eoatt aad all ieagth to Si U. The eoaie were mad to eil at tS.80 aad fSM eaea. We aaU a elegant Uae of flaaaet Ooat aad Veat for $115 AU wool OaMlraer OeeMaadVeata.liichto61oratM.tO. . The eoat and Teste were mad to , eell at prioea ranging from , $8 to 4T.D0, bow yoa oaa take year choice for S8 (0, an offer absolutely an par- , alleled. .v. ry"--- BOTS AND OBILDBGaT SUITS .1 -Fiae aad elegant anHa, u from 13 to 17 (long, peat). W har them In Bine, Browa and Black Worsted, yoa can't match 'em la any clothing boos in Ohtrlott f ot lee than $10 to $U.M,we-eeU themat$7.a0. Geatlemea here' aa item that will interest yoa. WeVe a Mrpera and large aaaortment of Fine Fancy Vesta, Doable and Single Breast, latest styles, whioh w eell at $i . aad $1.60. , r 'NOW FOB PANTS. Fine liMht Oolor Dree PaBhiatth abardly low price of $8 60: take a look at Wi aad you candidly pro- aouooa 'em worth Iwtoe that pftoe. Every man who needs new piotbea wilj be dollars to pocket if he investigate thtaga'at. . r W. KAUFMAN & CCX ; Laadlag Ctoahiera, Gents faraJbibon and Batter, eoraer Ceattat BotaL ' .'. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. -IT'" Wa call taentioa to tbtdia play of Negligee Shirts ia oo eastabow window. Anything from the cheapest outing to the . finest sUk. All prioea, 6e. to $4 00. Some with laandried eotlar and cuffs are rery popn lar. we recommend tha ohe viont and Madras goods, H , peoialiy for durability. Roeers & Company, U West Trade 8. wniltut, SrooB sao lians. CHALLENGE ? , TO THE STATE A With my facQities for buyjng Furniture - I Furniture Furniture t . , Furniture Pianos and Organs Pianos and Organs Pianos and Organs Pianos and Organs I, claim that I, cannot be tir derscJd. I challenge any house in th State to a comparison of prices and goods. f . f You can prove ; what, I say by getting prices from : oqer dealers and Abcirffl to ANOTHER ADVANTAOE. Besides sellincr cheaoest 1 have the largest stock' trf select irom wmca is an auuiuunat mu vantage.jT?,fsxo?' -.' tiH -f'L ''To be 'convinced of'th&U will only be necessary to Coene and ee for vourselL 7 t , SVHERE Dd-JI " ",! $ - .YOU TRADE? VI hre wu car buy cheapest and have the largest ; stuck 1 to select fmnvr..- Ji., 7ThatbmyStctre, Then I wQl get your trade, and I guarntee to treat you fair and 'lC.Vv -Write to tne For Pdcfgi:f g; r Come ana examine mv stock whether you want to uy, bf not, l will te giaa tosMWfyou xnrougn. v i"v Dealer, Charlotte, N.C The Wttlktr Brpsrt. Washoc rrox, D d Josa lkFore caat for North OaroUaa: LUcht ahower', statkaiary Ismperatar! eeeterly wind. ' ' ; Ueal Wattkar rt. O.auaaAiiOrriea, ; OaAaueta a. o7a tea. 1 3 rr I I Sam 0 06 70 MB S 00 t p mi; hops; WW N EJ Si 00 Ody Jaaell 18U Teaaarday. Sam 74 70 Ipoa 77 " ",t Max 00 8tt Mia 8 07 Pro .00 100 ' A Clariatto iej t tag Frwt A gait. Saepard MaUory, aoa of W. B. Matte ry of thl eity, won the Brat prise, a gold BMdal, at the Blacksburg, Va Oolleg. Ha graduated with the higbeat bon ora, aad i the only boy ia tha history of tha college who ha takes a Are year ooorae in two aad a half years bis last year' ooarse comprising fifteen studies. The only preparation he erer had for oolleg waa hi studying at eight, un der Prof. Carter, after bard day' work uf Llddelli machin shope, and hi record ia oa to be en Tied by many a boy who ha had mach better oppot- WheaSbepard first entered Bleak. burg CoUea-e he wa the only North OaroUaian there, and the Virginia boy made a great deal of faa of North Caro lina aad eailad him "Tar Heel," etc Be took it all good aatnredly aad quietly bided hi time. At all the athietia port of the boy he would ait quietly by aod let tootr dosi maa go ia ana do his beet end then go ia aad beat him. Ia the military drilla he learned so qatakly and wa so attentive to hi du ties be wa boob made order 1 eergeent. Ia als monthe more ha wa Brat certain and when tha United State officer in ebarge of the oorpt of cadet are order ed to join hia regimeat at the time of the Indian troubles Mallury stepped into his shoea aad took command. He told the boy once when tbey were charring him ro about North Carolina that be intended to beat Virginia or die." How wall he kept his word hi record ihowe. . Bee. Dr. Fair, of RiohmoM, preaehed tha Baooslaareatermoa at tha eom at Bleckaburg. Tk Rew Slgtal Officer Here. J. N. Bfker. arrived here yesterday from Lynchburg, Va , to luooeed Brr geaat Bronaoa, a ignal offloar here; Of Mr. Bykar, ae Lynchburg new say: t J.N. Bykar, ot tha United etatea Signal Serrioa Boreaa, left yesterday for Charlotte, N. a, to which point be wsa recently ordered for daty. Dar ing Mr. Bykar eighteen) month (tay lathi eity, ha made many friend, who will regret hi departure- Ha is a atoat oaDeblo aad aooommodatiM offl- ee aad we coaimend him with pleasure to the newspaper fraternity of Char lotte. ' i e Alwtji Wlea. Shelby waa well represented In the mora, i. W. Lieeberger, B D. Kendall, Z. Jackson, aad Editor W. H. Millar, were all here to witaeee ia tha eaea of Tom Hodaoa t. the S O which tha been ia the ooorts for aom yeara, and whioh was transferred from the State to the Federal court. Tha eaa waa agaia ocntiaued. FreaUIig Tang RerthCaraUaUa. sell Bellamy, of Wilaaiagtoa, woa the priae. Bo etoodnrrt tothdae, aad John Olbboa. of thtoorty.foarth. There were w in me waav Sack rrea DaritNi. Haw. Dr. Bamale. Be: Dr. Parae, Rev.- Alexaader Spmnt. Prof. Alea Bank. John Stewart, Dr. a Nye Hatch boat, aad other membere of the board of eTBMtao at PbtKUob uouege, returnea from there yeatiiday erenlng. '""-'"' A Seleai Ooeatlta. John Hairr and W. E. ToaBta. of PiaeriUe. wiU retura today from at tending the Stat yadjrtakrr Aaaocia- ttoa which Bret la ursenennro. - ,: v'v" : Dr. ftal laaa. ' ' Bar. Dr. Pool arrtrad home yeeteeday aaoratar after aa ebeenoe of a Baenta er aaore. LW. root epeat nw vtaat ta Eltaabeth Otty, Korfoth aad BmlthlVld. " fat 8toM Ckeral Am Ktatles. ' fl- A ' taeettag? of the direotera "Df tthe North CaroUna LBorat Aaeoctatmai wui be held in Qriemtora oathtlSth. Prof. Maoliea, Dv F. Bamasey and E. I Mar tin wiil lepieaaatOharhata. , He Ma la Ceiala. ; ; , JTbha Oalder, a iormer reaideat of Charlotte, who ha beea Hflng ia Can ada for eoaao year, arrtred here y day oa a yaw. . Bcroao uortL arbivalu. NofcTM Oabouia H H Wright, TJt Iitate, J 8 Bandy, W 8 Primroae, Wm. Hayelharat aad wife, Jaa E Batohtooa, J a Latlmoro, Wiley T Johneoa, John ' N aw ToBn t A H Wtley, T V Carol, Aw Harrteg, j tee mcisTia. VaouiiAr - W W Gerdeer.P A Krieo, D B Strsnae, T J Storen, J N Ortgg, fx 8 Laek. Edward J Polka. 3 W LorelL . qaoBOitt ' Pan a. O saw, g .J Boe- lewogh,B'I)eeBav;-''v..V-i -v-. Baltimobb: Edwin T Lin a, Jaatea raarka. V M Dawaan, J Lvon. ? Booth OaaotnA: " S U Davie, J B n.kl. T .M If Rnlllnm. - - .. PhjlabUhu:; VieorIIeaJ ABoaJ . 1CHODI ia3HD. narry raraor. ; lrw Usroai: ; T W Demiaey. , v Cajtada; J ATtalor. . imiMIWa ttlAL 1M EOSIPULD. Other liacr latter FrtB tta Pala - LeafSUta. Bpaetal teTBa OBaoaiou.) CoUmbia, 8. 0.. Jane HQulte aa amoust of ietereet attaches to the U tlage of tha aoart ihi week at Edge field. Jjnea, who killed the three Preaslsys, eom year ago aad who bat already -had a trial U Edgefield la again before tha bar, tha oaa hating beea tramferred to lsxlngton. Ther have beea over 100 wttoesses sunuDoned for proseoutioa and defence aad tha. rial may leet a week. The eaea of Thoa. Stack of thl city for th murder of Hammett ha beea aet for next Monday. Tha oloeing ooaoert of the Boa lb Car olina College to women was very largely attended last aight, aad both the masle and the exhibition of art work by the young ladh were highly coco pi talented. Tha eommenooment exercia of th colored graded aeaool ware held last night and ten eesay and oration were delivered by the etadent. Baperiatea dent of city schools, Prof. Johnson de livered the diplomas. Dr. E. 8. Jornes read the roll of honor end W. H Ly Ire, Esq., presented the pea body medal. A nomberof well known gentlemen of the eity were preeent. A woeful lack of interest in the? pro poecd carnital aasociation la ehowa by tha baainee men of the city. The meet ing called for tost nlgbt failed to mate rialise for want of a quorum. Tha Board of Canal Trustee hare des ignated Mayor Mo Hast or. Alderman Deoport and Engineer Bally a special committee to prepare a pamphlet npoa the btotory and possibilities of theOo lambia canal. The oommittee promise that tha bene hall be a Urge one, and that the mat. ter shall be creditable. The State Phosphate Oommkeioa held a aeeeion yesterday, but declined to en lighten the publio aa to what business waa transacted. fHI CBUWPS 1SCKKA3IRS. Mr Fife "Malice" "ATerare Chartb Meabsra." Every day wit names .souls being born Into the Kingdom of God through the earnest preaching of Mr. Fife. Yeater dey the oongregation were large than erer, and if poreible the ervice more prectou than ever. At the morning erTioe the subject wa "Malice," and tbe evangelist geve a most searching talk oa the forgiven of enemies. He just got next to people, so that before tbe wrrioe we over, many old fend were aettled, and old sown cancelled. People got up aad sought oat their enemlee, and were reooaoihd. Every on free ent wa deeply Impressed and all oame away teeUuic that it wa "good to have been there." Laet algbt the text wa found la Daa. $: S7, "Thoa art weighed in the bal ances and art found wanting." The peaker said he wanted to weigh only f oar character, and sae who would be found wanting aad who would not, let. The moral maa oat of Christ. Sod, The Skeptic Srd, The average church member. 4th, The poor etnaer. TheoTaagelistpiotured the whiskey drinking, dancing, hypoorited efaarch member ia langnege atroag. Ha aald ha would rather have died four yeara ago, terrible ianer though he wa aad oat of tha church, than to Uva to be like the average church member who wiUwtip lathe bar rooms and take a drink, uoaptty such a church member, tha evangelist aid. It ia better o be aa honest sinner then a faith lee church member. Tha tongs by Mr. Buhora ware beau tiful ud touching, and made a deep impreraioa oa tbe audience. Mr. Fife al the earnest solicitation of many will ooasinue services through Sunday night. Oleen far DavUtti CeUege. Tha folio wins- officer war elected by the Board of Truetees of Davidson Col lege for the ensuing year: CoL John L. Brown, Preeldent ; W. J. McKay, D. D , Vice President; J. Rum ple, D. D., Seoretarv; B. H. Wiley, Treasurer: W. J. Martfa, LL. Dn Bux ar; Geo. E. Wilaoa, Attorney. Waftllly BetUwed. Th decree of Doctor of Divinity ha beea conferred upon Bev. A. O. MoMaa. away, pastor of tha Tryoa Street Bap tist church of this city by Keeohie Col lege, of Loafelana. DeaU f Mr, raiekett Mra.WnUam Ponckett. who lived fire rnOes from here. Bear WiUieme' Chapel, died Tuesday morning and we buried ywterday. xa (UBorai aaawiea waa ooodocted by Ber. Dr. Park. De ceased wa aa aunt of Mr. J. F. Grady of tni eity, wne wtta Bar tended tha funeral. , arried Wed aetday. W. A. WaUaoaaadMra. Sarah Laa- ar, of tha city, war married by Bar. Dr. McMaaaway at hi restdeaoo Wed- aeaday avaatag. Seiiaat Beealt f Jake. BntMlaoHAat. Ala.. Jane 11. At fiet ma la night MaeOoeoeil Shelly, aoa of t-imgTeseama u. u. neiiy, went Into a saloon with a friend. 8a eater Lea, Jr.. and told the ealooa remn B. T, Bareh, to tend a diepetoh for him. ; Ha had been informed the tha telegraph ofBoewaataere, bat Sarea snppeeea Bbelly wa jokiag, aad referred bin to Landmen Bitting near aa operator. BheUy fooad oat that be had beea joked aad being ia nquor, be aad ate ton ierked off their ooat and to whto tha bar keeper..' Bareh oat aad returned with a rifle. dared them oat of hi aonee They ad- vaaeed oa hbn. Bbauyarmeo: wna hammer. Bureh nred, tha ball atrUdag Bbelly joat below the aippia. Bnouy WUI probably die. lf!. l' V A CariwUy. .' . ; Tub Obbobkub wa ahowa a oorio. Ity ywterday.. Jnr . Cant, W. It Btitt, ia tha way of a double egg. Tbe egga were a Jaxre ae gooao eggs, aad wase joined togather by a eerd. Tbey were perfectly formed, bat the ebeU wore af fc hey were laid by a ahaakaa toftging to oapt. owt. FATE OF GREEN GOODS MEN. THE WAKE FORES r COMMENCE MENT WAS THE EVENT OF THE DAT YESTERDAY. BOKORAET DEGREES, COHFEBBEB- . Halt Waa Afraid la Ltara tie 8Ute WItlail a Gavaritr 0i W4 eslay, Be Seatiaed at Itaf . Bpaelal to th Oaaoarcur. Bauhoh, N. C June 11. Early thl morning W. H. Bobineoa, Frank tteid aad Joseph I. Ellington were taken Into the U. 8. circuit oourt room and the judge charged the jury. It required bat llttly time for tha latter to return a verdiot of guilty against these rascally "green good" men. Judge Seymour sentenced eech one of them to eighteen month ia th government penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio. Charles M. Bosbee, Orand 8ir of tbe Odd Fellows, wa ill yesterday, bto at tack being a sudden one. Hi physician aid today that hie condition waa im proved. Ia the oirouit court today a curious oaee wa taken up- la the prtng of 188 a man named Cheek, wno uvea la MitaiasiDDi. oame here a a labor- agent nod wa arretted apoa Information lodged by A. T. Mlal, a farmer in thl oouuty. to the effect that Cheek had en- tioed awey negroes wno were snow contract. Now Cbeek ue atiai I or $10,000 for false arrest. Tbe exact number of students now at the Agrtoulturalend Mechanical College is 97. All save five board there. Tne event of today In this Motion was the commencement at Wake Forest College. Many Beleigh people were oreeeot, Tbe twenty graduate were conspicuous on th rostrum. Only eight or vuem aeuveree oration,, sne others presenting theere. J, L. Keeler, of BtateeTille, delivered the salutatory, his subject being. "Commencement of WhsU"' B. WUllams, of Cemdea oouuty, waa lb valedictorian. Among the ora'nra wa B. K. Mason, of Moore. vllle, hi subject being "A Blinded Na tion." Among those lubmltting theses were: J. I- KenoncK, ox unaruwio, on "The Hero of Lutsen." A. O. Kendrick, also of Charlotte, oa A Grin is In An rk Amerioen HUtory ," TJ. W. Bike, of Monro, oa "Myth; th Lemon They Teach." The nreeldent of the board of tru tees aaaoaooed that the degree ot LL L1 had bean eoaf erred on Bev. Dr. U Wi BanderUn, Btate Auditor; W. TX Pru den. of Edenton, aad Prof. ElUott, of John Bopklna' Unlrerslty. No other degree were eonrerca. it wa aiso an nounoed that J. B. Oarlyle wm elected professor of Latin, with Prof. MMke. (lata of John Hopkins) u aaeietaat, aad that the aalariea of all profeasor wa raised S800 annually. The trustee de cided to build an infirmary, to ooet $6, 000. The $25,000 bequeathed by tha late A. O. Melke, goes not tbe endow meat fund, bat to the fund for the edu cation ot minUters at the college. The statement that Mr. Huso leil $50,000 to endow the Baptist orphanage at ThomasTille wm aneiror. lie aid not leaee it any money. The delegation which left here day before yeeter day for Washington te in vite the President to the exposition re turned tndey. It members were de lighted with their kip, and expresses the belief that the President will come. They were very kindly received every where. A man wm here today who will build at tbe exposition grounds one of the largest wttohkck or roller coaet rr in i he country. There will be more amusement at th expoeition than were ever before heard of In this part or tha country. It la a pleasure to know that some hotel improvements are to be made. The Yarboro House la to be considerably enlarged. There wm a rood deal of talk today about Got. Holt' abandoning hi pro noaed vlait to WMhteatoa. It la aaU that a solicitor una a juagv rsien ih point that if be left tha mate aa oeaaea to be Governor, there being no Lieuten ant Governor. Then It wm add that if ha left some lawyer, when a death war rant wm tosued, for instance, would jump up and deny the Governor's power, xne uovornor wno is aiways vry prudent, telegraphed to a pro mi an lawyer M Greensboro to meet htm there and give hi opinioa. Th Attor ney GenenlwM not here. eohU opinio could not be orocared. Instead of go- r to weaningtoa tea uovaraor wen to hi borne at uaw Hirer. Paoola who hav business la the of- fie of the Oommiesioner of Agriculture wish the board would order It reoarpted, refarnlahed aad painted. It is the most nntldv of all the publio ofSoe. Tha wool nouaing neeas overnauung. u to not attractive and does not look like a publio building. The Keeper of tha Capitol doe aot hav jurisdiction over n. Judre Thomas O Fuller reoaived many conicratalatkip today upon hi appointment. It to ao ecret that this waa secured by Senator Banaom, and it wm prom toed aom month go. Re Trie. Pabis. Jane 11. A dtopatch from Santiago, Chill, My that the United States Minister ibera dm uasuoneaaruiiy tried to arrang aa armaatic between BelmaeedJamandtiiaumgrea party. ChUIaa JaaU'iiaaeat. LomdoK, June 11 A lengthy circu lar addressed so European poware by Chili, wm published in England aod oa tne uoniiaewj tooay. so-saw awie toe (Milan Junu appeals to power to reo ogau laaurganse a neuigervBie. . law aehlaerv far Bearlrtt XUL Boperintecdent Mother, of HenrietU Mill, to in the city. He and & B. Tin Ber will leave thia evening for the north to parcbaee marhiBery for the new ad- dluon to uennena aiiu. A DKSTEDCTITI MAIL STORM. , It Faisea Tkntgh ladkis ggi Pa?i seriaJ to T paaonioia J';-..SJ'S - WrH8Toi-8AUit, N. o Jana , . Particular of a desUuctiv hail totm ,. which wna thnmo-h nortinna of Yad kin and Darie ceantie reached Wlnrtoo yesterday evening. Tour oorretpon dent read a letter from a gentle man who I bow near HuntsbrrUIe. in the first named County whioh vWma a ntl nutlina ' of the .' dam. . age done. Tha wheat Held and grow , . lag crop generally wrr wmymmj ruined along th line of" the. storm. Trees ware uprooted and In oaa place, nar Hantarilla. las Ot three mB Who were at work In tha field ware blown . c .... i ,k. mlm ....1 fMl t tha winit and carried leveni band red yard and ' dropped la a gaily. Dwellings ana so - - dbcco name were smruoiaa av i - 1 am n.j.Mii.1. Wa maw HantiA oburch waa struck by lightning aad; nurnea to tne groano., ta arm, h mmm . tk. M..mI nm. tfca mm travaliul '' through either county. Reliable men ray tnat in Mverai piacea aions; uw nwi bail wm aeveral Inches thick th next . - -I .Va MMM.Mil 1).. ' M- . Haldwin, or wiostoa, woo oaa mm - tiva wno ruuerau wnrumuw uw vj tto great storm. ; ' TBI fRIRCI Of WALES 80KI ; Beeau af Ctaaeau f tk EglUh " 1'reu a hi tifreiia win . . Batcarat 8ai4al. . "" London, Jan 11. The outspoken '! newipaper pren commenU upon the)' ; nart the Prince of Wale played ia Bao carat scandal continue to be th aeaav tion of th day in England and alee- where, A newspaper reporter who wm - , i4 naar thn Prinea nf WalM l today when the race for a gold eup waa won oy iiora uaranBiun nwnini cm graph that tha Prince of Wale, who ' th.t .ml. araa In a Varv . alky frame of mind, muted, it would ; , appear, oy tne norm or wit-two dw , paper criticisms which have swept and are tiU wwping over tha heir ppa rent. . . . ' tkm. II-n. nvaaa. aa miaht be ex pected, la the most evre in Its, com- meni apCB me mnoa w naies wim- duot. TheChrittdan World, an mflu- .' entiai independent weakly paper rep- . , reeentiag all Protestant denomtnattons. , ly for instance: ; : . (The throne rest upon a foundation , of publio pinion only, A few mora aoandal like that of Trashy Croft 1 would destroy this rooaoauoo ana &a ward tha VIII. would never be crown' - ad " ' . - J t eu . . . i : The British weeaiy remarxt: - s Th mvaJationa are (BOUKb to ober ' ' un tha atronrest upporter of moo- . arohy." ' t . fk. lTUnna .A- HMtl A Ml t ftf 'V the Timet says that tha Baccarat mandat aa caasea a mnaanon m army on tne codhiuui, cwyj.' w www .m. ? hm. H itiiwni at waiiia nfloonrff ' r m . . . a 1. 1 m .nt. . ...-:4. Rarlaas Klatlar at BraMfl. . " ' ? .T.n. 11 flartana riotlnsr : occurred here today Bion tha part of , a I.. n raman nr ina a innnan a hii u Bacmuaa x.' nu I it uuuiMiuj wm - w r'z Rioters were eTentuallrattaokd by -, -police with drawn ewordt and a de. ', strlters and the police. Finally tha flm brinde was summoned to th ami U tanoe of the police and thus reinforced trite iiiiiuma .n itawa. store order, though the striken, (tub- , ' hnrni r-aiated. combined onslaught of l-a and flra brlirade. uuriug tne naitm biwb tnvnwu- ihin firemen aod authorities, none of the former were severely injured by the sword of tbe police. Several ,ar-' -' rel8 were made. ' ... Tke PsrUgrse RTltli. v ' London. Joue 11. Dtptohe:.ra wived here from Motamblqoe, an n AH nn- that fealintr of ereat excltemen - prevail there, owing to the fact tha chief governor, witn a,wu louwen, had revolted agalnat the Portage an- thority, in favor of tha British . prota-7 , torate. Chief OouveyamlM Over tha " territory between zamDau, ana ' rung- -we rlvere. Portugal authoritie are hastUr despatching troop to Quell re- - volt. ' . , The Sqiadraa f lTlntli' Prtjrtut.- Wabhdoton, u. v., June ii. i ne first part of tbe summer programme for Squadron of Evolutioa now at Norfolk has been determined oa. . Th fleet will go early in July to Boston, where It wui spena ten uaye u n-vs Hmax-i and about tha middle of July will gd to New York, where a similar programmo - a flaaat MMillH Will b Mniad OIX. These exercise wiU be preliminary to ,' niore exsenssva wnmu.cw tm ,v and SaptemhMV f - 1 At both place ft to xpectd that naval militia wiU oo operate aad op-. portunute wui na grven so is m part in the opermtiotu of the fleet. Tho naval militia of Maaeachusett hM al ready organised, and it to expected that ' . .a, .r k. . 111 I,.. the orgaoiaation m maw w - completed to time to tase pan. - - 4 Ternfle HrfA4e's Wrk.:. -Bvda Pcsth. June 11. A lerriflo hurricane, causing much damage. hM ': . a. ..... Miinn n&lioia. - Durinr the storm entire forcet were partly np-'- rooted and tne town oi roaaaoua ut Prnlkwa uffred considerably. Sever ; al churches were unroofed and a wm- . her of bouaee rased to the ground. ' Peveral people were killed outright and -numbers Icjuud by falling dbrto. , -1. l Lrtse ia be rete4. - pAHa. Juue 11. Le National today, auuuiinc. a bsl DrLefps will b pros- ' tcutod f, r lou-leading investor who . aaorrribrd money for carrying o the t woak of the Panama Canal Company-- CariTf paclK Wale.'1 'CABDirr, June lt-At the oonferrnoe , of tbe tllamorganebhre Uoagremkmal churches the condootef the Prince of Walrs in the baccarat oandal waa de nounced, y :'-it- Bckos Avaea, JanelL'GoIdeloeei yeVfdar at 801 per cent, premium. r-t . .. .... aa..a,.1 & hilt -wdalfV BI.S- il -A- J " ' - - ptrauiJag goXd peyruent tor nix uioalh, t-