VOL. XL-NO. 91. li CHARLOTTE, ,N. G, FRIDAY HORNING, JULY 10, 1891 PRICE FIVE CENT IIW ADTERTISMENTI. OraaadttlM-T. L Ball A Oo. fWfli of MllW-aoy b BagI. See Bna Oo. Tnolhbmahca JorttaM a 00. Turnip Bed Dm well Dob. Bee I Thle-E. St. Andrawa. flu Hickory flafaty BJcycle.T. T. Gilmer . Fofn-Matve Orooery. uutut. jtoaayerouas. MllM'itlBrTlma. If n. Joe mwa'i Remedy. PEOPLE'S COLUMN. MELONS assises. Will reeelve today aar jl ioaa or one souin Carolina ineiona Ballad yaataraar. Every melon foaran tad. Bead In your orden. W. O. Link. AH w r"v. vul v.-i n.M ...... aoma all!. Tnoae Pianos mnat ba aold today. Toay are bargains you snoald not T.T.WALEBK, Aoot. 1 dethea fllaanad and nraaaad aonal XJ to naw. tor 11.00 par oil, at the Char- mw Mvia LQnarr. J y l ItPtl'IAL NOtU'sW. THE brat of people ask me every day if I think they could learn to ride ne of "them thing," meaning the Hickory hi. i often doubt their since lty, because a man with two eyes can readily Bee that any one could ride, and with bat little practice; however, it take all kind of people to make a world, or the "tuckon" to go. T T. GILMER. Where la the beet place to buy gro- eorieiT Try the Progressive Grocery. Drag, Coilct SUtUUf . TURNIP SEED TURNIP SEED AT WHOLESALE Turnip Seed Turnip Seed At Retail. All Varieties All Varieties. Beit Quality, BURWELL & DUNN, Whole sale and Retail Druggists. "radyorottoe cored Headaohei for W. H. Murrell, Fort Wayne, Florida. We Imnorted km Al rectly from England. Each brush bears our Q3NUINE name stamped on th wwm lorr hl nd U guaranteed BNflI,18H to be the beet. If they don't prove to be m TOOTHBRUSHES Si youhay. to do U to come and ret another broth. We ell thssa at Mews, piece. JORDAN A 00., Draggrlsta. co" ""PI,"""B mntvoos raosTBA Lrjam! ""T,c BTirarMA, ntniwaas, It is with flowers as with moral qualities, the brirht are sometimes poisonous, but the roots and herbs gathered from the forests to make Johnston's Nolanriine oontain only healing-properties for impnre blood I have used Mr, Person's yiemedy. It releived my suffer ing jrreatly and I can say it is the best tonic and blood puri fier I have ever tried. Bettie Alexander, Concord, N. C. ' OTlotdinq into arnUljinfi OUTING SHIRTS. OU I ING SHIRTS. " The biggest single lot ever shown in Charlotte. And the creates bargains erer ad- vsrtised. A big parchaae made by m of Ooting Shirts at our own figure, of ooorse enables us to make for thU week the offer of the season in this line of wear. At the present moment there ere thousands of "Outing Shirt" Bayer and wear right here with bar gains ripe with value. Without 'training facta -a habit we always deplore we Jnytte you to the greatest display of Outing Shirts eye! shown to the city. FOB m cents' 'All oor boy's flannel shirts aold at Mo ad 7So and gent dome flannel ahirts sold at 5to ' '. roEmcwm -;itt ' TOR 77 CENTS. , All our gentl ntphyr shirts, aold at Si, . genMaatteen shirta aold at $1. gent's ehevoit shirts sul 1 at $1 83, boy's chev eU shirts aold at t . FOR TT CENTS. FOR 91.17. Oat etrtire line of rent's silk sepeaf . madras shirta sold froai 1 79 to Its - ; fob tit7 . . ., .. C - FOBI1J7 ABour rt-ntailketrtpad Flaaaet, atlk mixed Flanael. wH at fro tji to I.M . AU oor 8sUk ahirts for t.&f. C W. KAUFMAN & CO. .,- Lssding rUnlkayq. Ocala fooJaaaeri : ' ISntsnraVaawaw OentonJ Botol.. Orj 9oo5t,'Vtc Black Silk Grenadines are being slaughtered. Never did silken staff go so low as now. Out entiie stock of Gren adines must go. Figared Chin Silks eat to the price of ootton goods for in- stanoe 89)., &ic., 7c , 7Sa, 03a. Only in dress patterns. No two a'ike Very handsome styles. These are truly "slaughter prieea," but Grenadines and Ohlnaa must go. "The rioe is to the swift." T. L. SEIOLE & CO. T. L. SEIOLE 00. tDdtchet, (Clodf, Jetotlrn, VENU8 OF MILO. la our South Window is shown an imported French l'.rooio of the enervated Venus of llilo, now in the Loutre, the noblest extaot repreaeutaiiiu of Aphro dite. Nothing like it over be fore seen in aatoroin Uhariotte. This work of art PEIOE t&O.OO. BOYNE ft BADGER, Art Jewelers. a.nitnet. rgans anb pianos. -HOW IS THIS?- Andrews sells a bill of furni ture to a party in Baltimore. Yesterday I " gave you my views on advertising. I didn't say that In order to profit by your advertising you must be able to meet competition, but recognizing this to be a fact I have made such arrangements with the manufacturers' 'that I can compete with the World. You Charlotte people don t fully realize that you can buy urmture as cheap here as any where, but it is a fact. 1 his may seem to be a pret ty strong statement, but in con firmation read this letter : Baltimore, June 11, 1891. E M. Andrews Esq , Charlotte, N. C. Dear Sir Please send me duplicate of furniture as show in your show window, priced at or ward in order to reach me here not later than 23rd ulto. Yours very truly. W. R. Turner. 543 Columbia Ave., Baltimore, Md, How is this ? After pricing my furniture Mr. Turner said if he could not do better in Baltimore he would take it He couldn't do better, so he took it I have some more of these suits on hand besides a full stock Of Bedroom Suits Bedroom Suits Bedroom Suits Bedroom Suits Bedroom Suits Bedroom Suits Bedroom Suits Betiroom Suits in all styles and atall" prices.-" Come around and let me show you through. , -. ' E. M. ANDREVyS, Leadidg Furniture Dealer. Doyou get Tax Cbkovjc l It Is the cheapest; neatest sad hum paper tow taa Weather Fsraeut. ' WabHW, D. CI."" JW.T f Fore cast for North Oarottnt: Fnv Friday and Saturday : sligsJy warmer. North wind. Leear Weatief KeMrt. 5 Wsutebb btoiao ptrict,i du&umt, n. a, Jttii.lWi, I I I 8 a ml 80 01 Ml S 10 0. 78 cloudy 8 p ml 80 1988'54 cloudy July 8, 1880. Sam 75 8pm 83 Max 88 Min 70 Preo 0 July 8. 1881. 61 88 75 HI 71 J.K. Bros, A CAMJI1BAL AT lAEdl, He Talks sf HlrTsraer Llf-SlUkry nippcaiagi. Bpeolal toTuaOHvoHioLa.l Salisbury. N. U. Jnlr 4. A fnll fledged cannibal from the interior of Atrioa invaded oar happy old town yes terday and will rive a concert in the Lutheran church Friday night in behalf 01 loreign missions, ue is coal biaoK and about 40 years old. He claims, having been born wfld from cannibal parents and eaten roasted human flash tor nis Dreaarist ana dinner. He is quite a ouriosity in this part of the world. His entertainment, It la said, will be devoted entirely toafreheeml of acta, songs and gestures immttatlng his native tribe. He oomes from Lin coln University, Pa., wbera he has been studying the gospel, preparatory to re turning to the Congo Valley, in Aittba, filled with Bible truths to iastrnot his people in the true and righteous way. nis native name is Bander Kinder, but the American interpretation la. Goorre Johns. A select crowd of Salburians ware highly entertained last night at the home of Joseph Borah. Sherbets, ice cream and other delicate viands ware oiegautly served. The entertainment was given In honor of Miss Lillie Bell, of Uorehead City. waiter Jones, or Washington, D. u.. spent this week with friends in and around the oity. lir Alice Cooran is narinr a ten days' visit to her sster in the capital city. Alias Carrie Thomas is spending a few days in Greensboro. Editor Whiohard left this morning tot Morehead City to j-rin his wife on a message informing him of the illness of his little son. " Yesterday Ernest Thompson, atwelri year-old boy, was driving hsi father's team when the horsee became filghteo i at some plank he was .haUa and ran. The coupling pole broke and left lU' bind wheels i tending in the street. The boy became entangled in the driv ing reins ana was dragged some dis tance over rougn ground, tie was bad ly stunned, being braised both on his tegs ana head. It ia thought his is not serious nut It was a narrow nape. The wagon was ton all to pieces. Charlie Bingham, acoompanled by his niece, Miss Jennie Bingham, left yesterday evening for StateavUlo, to be at the bedside of his dying sister, Mrs. Judge D. M. Furohes. They reached there just before her death, which oo curred at 5:80 p. m. au unknown negro who . has been knocking around here for several days, stepped on the north-bound train last night just as it started and either jumped or fell off below the freight depot. He was picked up later in a semi oonscions condition by agent Webly, and carried to the house of Geo. by Dr. Whitehead, who pronounced him dangerously hurt. It is thought be got on the train for sport with the above result. A KOSANTIC MARAIAfiB. TheSsaef aWliitoa fokaeeoaiit Mir- rin Lsvely Jewess. WresTOJf. July 8. A teleeram was received here this afternoon stating that Mr. Whit Wood, son of W- W. Wool, Era., a prominent manufacturer and president of the Winston Tobsoco Board of Trade, was marrird in New York to Miss Mamie Leopoed, a beauti ful and accomplished Jewess, and daughter of Mrs. R. Leopold, who re cently resided in this city. The affair was quite romantic The newly mar ried couple will arrive here today or to morrow to ma as win lob their future home. , New York 8ttk larket. NtwYoBK, July 8 Notwithstand ing the abundance of money available for speculative purposes together with bright prospect for the coming seaton there seems for the present aw disposi tion to eater into any ventures in the stock market and dullnrss, narrowness and general stagnation still mark trad ing. Today there was a reversal of yesterday movement and fractional losses was the role though only among a few slocks was there any perceptible tendency tin prieea. Louisville and Nashville was attacked and sold down by traders who thought they detected foreign sollioa. Oraogera, especially St. Paul and Burlington were alro hamoiered The remainder of the niarket from the opening to the close was as a rale devoid of feature. The opening was dull and heavy and the net result ia that three or four Uadars are down in the neighborhood of one point. Sales 118 COO shares. , ; Kerens Offlser Skat, lotTBTiLU, KT., Jaly . Near Ed moo ton, Ky., Monday, special U. S. Beliff CutuH was shot from ambus aa he was passing al mg the road about dusk and seriously wounded. It ia sup posed his aacailaata were violates of the revenue laws whom ho had been pursuing. KeUiatlea la raatiirt BegfUlleM. P&1H, Jaly . The Oarmaa Govern ment aae iaiormed the minister of for eign affairs that the relaxation of the Alance-Lorraiae passport regmiatioas which was capered at the time of the recent Swiss railroad disaster in order to enable friends and retail vea of the dead, wounded or m lawns, to seek for or aMead vtotims, kna heesi made per- THE SYLLABLE CUT SHORT THK DOCTOaS DECLAES THAT . DEATH WAS INSTANTASEOUi 10 MORE if KW1RD HANGINGS CrialBiU Will Safer Death, Bit DeaU - Will Ceaii WiUtat rali.-A 8Uf Ftrwarl la Clr Ulsatlaa. Bcruijo. N. Y.. July 8. Dr. South' wick and Dr. Daniels, both of whom witnessed the Kamauer axeoatioa re turned today from Sing Sing, where they witnessed tbe eleotroeution of tha tour murderers. xne executions ware a Suoosss In every way" said Dr. 8outh- wtok, "and there was not the slightest hitch. The electric execution ha oome to stay. These executions have detnon- atrated that tbe method ia humane. ""Do you say all four died instantly?" "Yes sir. They died instantly. Taat our rent reached thorn, it was absolutely pala m death." "Why was tbe second shock givonr" "To prevent themusoa lar exhibition that was noticed at Kem mlers execution." "Was there any burning of the flesh?" There was not. There waa a slight scald, raising a white blister and that ia all." He denotrneed the Evening world's statement that Smilers body, when it reached New York showed bums, aa downright lies. "How ean you do sore, uootor that the men died instantly b" "I'll tell you one very satisfactory test. Blooum was praying when he died. So waa Wood. The others said nothing. But I particularly observed Blocum. lie waa aaying "Lord have mercy on my soul," when he received the shook. He bad just said tbe word "my" and start ed to say "soul." The libelant sonnd uf the M8,r was made, bat the word "eoul" was never uttered. The sylable was cat la two. "Another indication," continued Dr. Sonthwiok, "was the apoearaooe of the men's features at death. I suggested that they should close their eyes so that the aalt water from the eleotraode on their foreheads should not run into thejr eyes and causa them needless pain. They did so. That action made a certain contraction of the fast urea. That contraction was there after the men were taken from the ohalr. There was not a single person who saw the ex ecutions but said the deaths were in stantaneous and the method a painless and humane method of produoing death. 1 .800 volts were given. " "The executions were an unqualified success in every way," said Dr. Dan- tola. "Tne men had uo sensibility of pain and they dit J instnntly. The exe cutions demons fatted that the eiectrio method Is quiok, painless and humane." "There were no sounds, no burning, no odor of burning flesh, nothing whatever that would reyolt any spectator." ut. Daniel also spoae or one or tne btea praying and reaching the biasing sound of "8" when the shook name. It out the syllable in two," he said. Not another sound came from him. I look upon that as a supreme test." THE EMPEB0R IN ENGLAND. Be Eeeelree Depatatian Wltk Hra- eioai laarteiy. LOltDOK, July 8. Although it was S o'clock this morning before the Emper or of Oermany, after enjoying last night's magnificent perform anoe at the Royal Station Opera went to bed at Buckingham palace he arose at 7 o'clock and soon after left his apartments for a long, bracing canter in Rotten Row, the famous "Swell" ride in Hyde ran. The Emperor s ride lasted until nine o'clock, when be returned to Bucking ham palace and in company wilh the Empress, end received deputations from various German social and benevolent societies of London. The Emperor re ceived tbree deputations in tbe most courteous manner, patiently listened to their addresses of welcome and brief ly replied to them. After this oeremo nious portion of the visit had been gone through satisfactorily, the Emperor chatted freely and pleasantly with del egates who were . charmed with the young Ruler's frank, open behavior. Later in the morning the Emperor re ceived a deputation consisting of a num ber of German army reserve o fleers who are engaged in business in this and other citiea of England and who conse quently make their homes in this coun try, while remaining loyal to Germany and willing to obey a call to rejoin their standarda should the war trumpet sum mon Germany to ai ms. These Gorman officers were all at tired in full uniforms of their respec tive corps and presented a somewhat strange and unusual appearance in tbe halls if Buckingham palace. The Em peror received his soldiers aa cheerfnUy and pleasantly aa he had previously re ceived his citiaen subjects and exchang es a few words with each officer in the deputation having something to say to all in regard to their regimentbroth er officers in Germany, changes in ser vice and the like. The deputation from the anti -slavery society waa next ushered in. Again did the Emperor listen and agreeably while the address of the usual dry or der was read to him. The Emperor, in replying eho wed that he had a good knowledge of the subject and referred to tha inhumanity of the Arab stealers and the suffering of the slaves. Hardly had the ami slavery deaoiplea left tbe palace when a delegation from taa old and important Fishmongers Company waa introduced blushing and bowing, and again did the German Em peror corteouely stand the fire of a long winded address as u nothing tn t world gratified him so much as to listen to eat and dried say lag of the Fish Baoagar Oompany as recently drawn up lor nu eeoeeuu beneai in the nan mongers half The dipiomotic oorpt la full uniform waa next received. Daring the after noon the Emperor made his second ap pearance on Hottea how. This time he was dressed ia the uni form of atPnsBS i aa General. ThefEmper or was moaurted apon one of his own stones oroamt irom uersnany with a nam her of others and waa attended by aa aide De Camp. Crowds of fashion able qeopte were present on the Bow and troaa them the. tenerer reeaived BerusBuutawaw. TALCE8 S181. A Land Sale !a Wlaetai Tfcraa New aafaeterfei.-A taetrJ.f, Taw apaatai toTna cantonou.) Wiwaro-8i.if, If . a, Jaly (.Over 880 000 werth of Winston dirt wee aoid at publio aooUOB today. The piopeity lies beyond the etty to the east and while It is far oat. will ia the near fu ture be among the moat valuable prop erty ia the raburban eity. Some of it brought $17,000 per acre and over. Owing to the telegraph facilities being limited oo the 4 th of July vary little hat been said of tha fire that oeonrred in this eltv in the afternoon of the 4 th. At one tima It looked nrobable that an entire block would be eooaumed by the flames. Tha Wlneton Balera Hreoompe nies worked diligently however and the fire was under control ia an hoar's time. The flames were first aawovered in the amnnd floor of Levi's store, cor ner Main and 4th streets. Goods were moved from two or. three adjoining stores and the damage waa great, ba- tira loaa about 815.000. Arrangement ara being 'perfected everv dav for the Press Convention in Anmiat. It will in many respects aar pass any convention ever held by the North Carolina Association, i ne oaiem animv will tender the editors a grand reception during the time and much regret is expressed that the time of the oonvanaoB oniy two nays, instead of three aa was first published. George Hege, the oldest oltlaen of For tythe County at the time of his death, died at his home in Salem yesterday afternoon, aged 81. His wife turviTes him aged 81. Mr. Hege ia aa old Bour ben democrat, loyal to true and aade- shrninar Drinoiolea and was highly re spected fev all who knew htm. He haa never and any oauaren. It Is stated that three new manufact uring industries will be located in Winston In the near future. Negotla ilona are pending and definite announce menu will be made in these eolnmns later. Last Saturday Lakeside property waa sold at publio auction tn lots, nils Dronertv contains a beautiful viua site all purchasers for each lot purchased were given a chance for this villa. Al the drawing Henry Shalt was the for tunate man. Tbe passenger train from ureensDoro was nearlv nnree noura : utie so- day occasioned by a break down oa the main line between Richmond and Danville this morning. There was sold at the Orinoca ware house yesterday the first new leaf for m in North GarolinaAhls year. II was a large tierce of tobacco shipped by W. F. Clawson, of South uaronna. it brought a high price. The Board of Aldermen in regular session laat night declined to buy the Winston water worst' nve per oent bonds. Wilkeeboro ia a coming little town. Everything it progressing in its lim its looking to a solid and stable founda tion. The new hotel ordered 87 sets of bed room furniture from this oity today. Very little has been said about the six a and capacity of the new Zinsen- dorf Motel, it will De interesting to note that it will oontain 108 bed rooms alone for guests, besides several for the proprietor, clerks etc. The Street Oar line is extending every day. It is now beyond the Wasborla Brook in the land of the Winston-Salem Land Improvement Oompany J A keen interest is f sit here In the re ported financial crash in Charlotte. Charlotte is a oity and must and will go ahead and no danger and undue ap prehensions are felt. It will come out alright without a doubt. The Board of Aldermen would do well to issue oonos, however, with the present improve ments in a oouree of progress. ITATA RE8EIZED Cyea New Legal Fraeeties A Niee Lit tle 8 theme af Eaeipe Defeated. Sanoieqo, Cel.. July 8 A penalty of 8500, wbich the Treasury department bss demanded of tbe steamer Itata far leaving port without olearanoe papers has not been paid yet but will probably hi paid soon. Marshal Gard reset sed the ltata yesterday and placed aa offioer in charge. This act waa necessary in connection with tbe libel proceedings commenced by the United States Dis trict Attorney. It is now understood here that their attorneys had advised Captaina Mauzen and Tejeda to pay tbe fine at once, get tne vessel released from custody of the custom officers, and before Marshal Gard coo Id reseJze the Itata to get out of Sandiego harbor as quick aa steam would carry her. Upon receiving tni aovioe it ia reported tnat Mausen returned from Loa Angelea and telegraphed to Tejeda who returned at noon yesterday. Meantime Mauzen and other officers of the Itata had returned to the vessel. None of tbe crew have been allowed ash ere. At 10:80 In the morning, bow ever. Marshal Gard and the deputy stepped aboard the Itata and seized the vessel for violating neutrality laws and carrying off a U. S. offioer. Mauzen is said to have been crestfallen upon the appearance or the marshal, and awaited Tejeda, who hastened to the ship imme diately noon the arrival of the train and held a consultation with Maasen. No further steps were taken ia regard to leaving tbe harbor. Had the Itata got away before the reeelzare much delay would probably have resulted before the Charleston could get uoder way to chase her again and by that time the Itata possibly could Dave escaped. THE IKHRO IN THE R8ETH lilMasalaid Oatnged by lewa 11a- ere Tkey Make Brave RealsUaee. Oucaloosa., Iowa, July 8. Consider able exoitemoat exists at Evans, five tnilee West of here, over the advent of colored misers to take places of white strikers. Yesterday a constable, also a striker, attempted to arrest a colored miner, Chas. Johnson, for disorderly eeoduot, when Johnson picked np a ear Uak and proceeded to reewt the ooloer. Inflicting serious wounds, ile was ar rested by others, tried and bound over to th grand jury. Thereupon Johnson friesada took possession of the court and held the effioers until Johnson escaped. Twenty five or thirty shots were fired. no one was hart. Johnson is atul at bug. A YOUNG MAN'S DELUSION. KEEPING UP THE SOCIAL C0UBSX AT THE EXPENSE OF H03ESTT. . . 8TJDCEKLY FIHD3 EHEEELF ffl JAli Taa 041 felUwi' Aiylan.-Al UU J .a. tlti to tka Tarkare Httte. Ralelgk Nstee. SpeelBl to Tn Cwbobious.) Ralkioh. CJulv 8. This aton-fog ' your oorrepondsnthad Interview wiva Clarence Busbee, the young man now -in oneteday here, charged with embez zlement. He says that he waa aoSajt in the oanacitv of treasurer and confi dential clerk for the Buena Vista Sad dle and Harness company. His salary was small, and in order to keep up what he deemed a proper social ooaose. he occasionaUy took small soma vary ing from 81 to 85, which, in some cases, be charged to himself, and in others he failed to do to. Upon examination of the books It was found he had exceeded the amouat do bun, between $180 and ; 8300. He notified the president of the -oompany of the fact, stating that he -eonold'not state the correct mm. He horridly left tor New York, with av ' small sum of money, hoping to obtain, employment.and thereby make restore tion. He failed In his object and started) homeward, getting ae f or aa Norfolk, Ve. Here he met with John H. Win der, Superintendent of the Seaboard Air Line, and his wife, who treated hint with the ntmoet kindness, aiding aim In getting home. Young Buabew seams deeply penitent, and rather appears ax louato return to BuenaVlsta, without tha formality of a requisition. It is ex pected that an offioer from tha place will be here today, Tbe members of the oommlttee to se lect a site for the pro posed Odd Fellows Orphan Asylum, left here today on tour of inspection of the sites offered la different parte of the State. They will make a moat careful investigation aa to the locality, health, surroundings. etc. It is thought that the o'aime ox Raleigh will meet with much favor. - The great sale or iota wnwn oons menoed yesterday afternoon wiU be continued today commencing at 4 Pjn They have thus far aggregated $10,000. considerable number or nortnera men are in attendanoe who manifest mnoh Interest. f There is no abatement In the ruse on the clerk of the Sunerior Court for cer tificates to pat tie claiming direct taxes." At the Governor's office aH ia beetle,' and the private secretary and exeouilvo clerk aro overwhelmed with business Treasurer Bain thinks that nearly aH -the claims will be called for within the time aUowed by law. Nothiag baa,-rp -to this writing, been heard iron kttVC" Busbee, relative to tee enecg lor tn remaining balanoe of $96 000. It is ex pected in any event, that the Governor will decide to commence payment oa Monday next. Juda-e Tnos. V. nutter, or tne united States Court of Claims, arrived home. this morning from Denver, Col., where he has been to attend the organization of the court. He says the first session will be held next fall at Santa Fe, New Mexico. The new addition to the Yaraor House will be ready for ccou nation some time before the opening of the Exposition, various bouses in ' differ ent parte of the city, are under going repairs and changes, so tnat taere may be do apprehension that Raleigh will , fall to accommodate an wno visit tn 'big show." A oommlttee or ooiorea persona ar going the rounds here today soliciting contributions for tbe Colored Agricul tural and Mechanical College, with view of it establishment in Raleigh. Several of our citizens have robsoribed, and the outlook for success ia good . Ud to this writ Ins, Grand Hire tsusbee is holding his own, having rested qui etly during the morning. ThefJeCartky Tietary. Dublib. July 8. The Pa rne lilts press if exoeedlngly down oast over the re sult of the Oarlow election. Freeman'a Journal says that there is now bo more chance of getting Home Bui for Ire land than there is of getting tbe moos). The Elector's Journal adds, the Irish have abandoned their Independence for the British party yoke. The Ouaaeiia tive Dubiln Express says that the Eng lish will learn from the Oarlow result that "The Irish tenant farmer, when not actuated by insane land nonger, M a puppet in the handa of the Roman- Oatbolio priests, ana at aa nnnt so ne aa elector as if he were an Infant or Ion-, tic " The MoCarthyltee are jubilant. Eat ef a 8rat Strike. Bbusskls. July 8. A great Strike of Belgian miners which has been ia prog ress tor tne last seventy aays was, brought to an end today. A Council of' Knights of Labor has decided la favor of general resumptioa of business and 4,500 men went to work tnia morning. The remainder of men who have been on the strike will resume their employ ment tomorrow. Fraaee aid CkUUa Skips- Paxis, July 9. The court of appeals " has annulled the decree of aequtstia tion issued by President Aubepia, of taa Civil tribunal of the Seme ia regard to' Chilian war vans Is which have heeav McMtraoted ia Fraaee by Societe Dea Forces Etchan tiers for the Chilian Gov ernment. The court, in annulling do- ereetboirt that the vessels ware ordered by the G ivemmentof President Balsa-' eeda. which ia tha only legally eoaatl.' tnted authority in Chili recognized he-France. Oistarkaiees la Ue ArgeBtJie. Braxos Ayes, July 8. Thar have' have been fresh revolutionary tUataik 1 eneea ia several parte of the eoaatry , The govrrnment ia taking yigoroatv, measures to quell tha threat sari revolt, ia the province of atre Bios, Cordee end Catew eroa, - r -4

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