Charlotte Ohsonicle tit" rwiftttTTTW rmnomrn.m twra. oo jM ; , Irvery sfralat liwH Moaaay ; mo cw rmrat re twu momi iia i im wt ro tmm cmnewrowt. Charlotte. H. o. July 10, 1 89 1. ILICTKICITY II TEWrRTATIO!l A Ha. TcmMim. of Kw York, ha aoaeatodtlM eeheme or building en ' alaotilt railway forty mils In length flout Asheville to Rutherford ton. Whoa oomplrted ft win be the long at atatrta rat) war la tba world, and If suoeea It will deuotutrate tha txamloabflity ofnslugsleetrlolty In tha pUoo of steam for all traeportatloa on yjaflroade. This particular project U then a moat iaaaraatlac on. MM war between Asheville and Rutherford ten H Broad liver, and where tha road crosse tba river and witfcia half a mile above and below ara found water powera, which ooroMned, or equal to seventy-five thonaand horse power. Hera dyoamos are to be planted to foroe the long fright and r ears over tha mountain n- Ashevlll and Buthorfordton. Han toeufBc'ent power to pall all tha train on tba R. & D. railroad over . thoaa soaataine, Tha nooaaa of thia enterprise la not a dream, for electricity h Mag used uader similar ondltlona for transportation in both Germany and Bwttserlaod. Comparatively it will coat bat little to conatrnot thle electric railway, though It will traverse one of thaasoat rugged sections of territory any where out of tha Rooklea. There It tut little grading required for tha road bad, for we ara told that a loaded electric oar oaa aaoend or deaoaad a mountain with a irauoh self control aa xota oa a dead level. Tha success of the project meant that all over tha ountry where there ii suf ficient water power, electric railroada wilt be constructed . We look to aee all PledeMnt and Weetarn North Carolina, where there to to be found aome of tha finest water power In the world , become bound In the Iron banda of eleotrlc rail-wave- Soma day tha Yadkin, the Ca tawba, tha French Broad, the Broad.the Plgeoa, tha Dan, the Pee Dae, the Keuee aad tba Cape Fear river will wear elec tric barnaaa, and not only furnish rail road traaaportattoa.bnt will forniab tha cities with light, heat, and water, ran mill aad ihopet aad la faot furnish driving foroe for many of the lnitltu tloneaf oommerce. Thia ia not idle talk. Electricity It going to revolution Ua tha oommaroe of the country. The day la coming when the aia and the ox, tba baaata of burden will bs f roed from their great lovla, Jjve'd thunderbolt bearing it. It takes no prophet to tell thia much. KKC0CRuK THIS MOVGKKU. Tha farmers ara a tremendous power whan they combine, but they have been moat unfortunate because of a lack of eoheelve power. The very nature of their labors and their rural habitation tend to keep them ignorant of one an other and the rest of the world, hence their Interests have been treated with too often. For every rascal there to among tha politician, and there ara thousand of them, there is more ' tbaa oaa fool among the farmer. But th farmers are earnestly trying to get the bull by tha horns. Many of them may blindly follow such men a Polk and Peffer, whose crude notions ara enough to chock statesmen and po litfcal economists, bat the wisest and beat man oa tha soil mean to do iome tbing batter. Tha telegrephio daspatoh as la jr alter day a papers announced two Imam Hat asov amenta among the farm arai At a meeting of tbe farmers in Marlboro county, South Carolina, a rcr olutioa waa passed sailing for a mua mestlag of tba ootton planter of the BoaUb to urge a redaction of tha acre age of ootton for the year 1(93. Aooth ar despatch 00 nut from tha west stat ing tbat tba farmers have determined ia have a batter prioa for wheat if they arc forced to corner on it. Tbe supply of ootton has run away with tba demand and tba low price of now to partially due to the tbat tha South era Statee lo eight million bales yaw, when only 7,000 000 bales neeaea. tuoBoatnia grown a X" too maeh ootton aad tha effort to re staoe tba aoreeg ihould he encouraged. ' Htnrina ootton in warehou wa ill 1,0 : teiee the price 00a point but catting Sowa tha supply will. Tbat will however not o!ve the aer- Mumm qa-aiiuu nvrore tne rarmers and , Mtasf atooyarlty to tha South. The farmers should never loose sight of the , raaietuse of their moat serluua Ills. :t Thotbiagtobadooa above ail ethers, . bo bring the farmers relief and . fftro tbam a fair chance In tbia . woadarfallr rich oouatrv ' hr radaatkm of tba tariff, aad tha uaartoa for forgetting thi fore moment. v Cottoa ia ratoed ia thirty aix different . . . LM- . . . . . (raiasiiH wnue ue reauoaKMi cf febv crop m the South would affot the r tsvariBttt aeanat rsash h root of the oval tbam i A -arisbiag at tbe asoeaaaof rteAirv Out down the Impcn T itlet tf reo-rb- fi4urra awl rtf tha C ForafairabJiatbuy aad aalilu UisSAkM tUttrorU aad vt wtu aamb- ' treasuries, eto. : 4 It U reported that Comrreaamaa Jerry Simpson win be accompanied on hie peaking toar thronghHhe South by one or two female oratort from tha State of rsnsaa, ITiaao ieaotod foe iter share of inch orator, and one of tbam wa an bitter in bat oppoaMoa to ex-8eeor IngaUa that aha publicly declared that he "woaUd follow him from Wall Bt. to h U." Aaetha doetrine they eon tend for np theia In Kansas, la the re peal of all laws b tba Southern State forbidding intermarriage between the white and colored race. Soma of them have gone aa far aa to declare that it we the exolaai ve right of the woman to determine th pateraitT of her child. Oar friend m Georgia will hardly care to receive leaeone la political eeonomy from each teachers, end Unncle Jerre may expect to bare hi hand fall if he take with him any of these Kanaae fe male orators. Their nreeeaee ahonld excite the oppoeltloa of a flrat elaw Oeonrta watermelon. Wonder who pay tho expensse of these female ora tor? Raleigh New and JObserver. We understand that Jarre Simpson ia good aatured and will, no doubt, be re garded aa a curiosity In the South. Cut theie worn on, if the Newt and Obaerver I corrrct, will be worm on the South than Sherman's army. It la raid I hi gang la going Sooth to toe if it ia really In favor of a third party, and If not it will go back to Kansas and preach Republicanism. Tiir Philadelphia Prow ha diicovered that tha Booth ia in the un ion. It quote with mnoh joy appa rently what Southern newapapera aay of tha Fourth of July celebration. The Pre ay : "Tha Southern newspaper give slg nifloant evidence of the change in the method of recognizing the day. Tha Naahville American y: 'Our coun try' natal day wa mora generally ob served bare as a holiday than any for mer Fourth of July anniversary for the last third of a century." The Charles ton News and Courier is inclinned to be a little facetious, but it nevertheless bout with a good deal of vim: "Glo ry! Old Glory I L"t the American eagle flap his wings, screech a loud icreroh. and take a firm hold of the flagstaff with bis talon.' Tbe New Orleans Times Democrat declared on Friday that the people intended to celebrate tbe day 'with a spirit and enthusiasm they have not pnt into it for nearly half a century,' and the Mobile Register as erts without fear of c intradiction tbat 'despite the croaking of calamity ora tors and nnprincipled demagogues, tb'i is the freest, noblest and most prosper ous land under the sun. ' " Mow aa a matter of fiot the Southern people have been perfectly satisfied in the union for twenty years. They hare but one complaint to make of their Northern frienda and that ia this: They have been and ara being profusely bltd for the benefit of a totally unworthy claas at the North. The Chboniols believes in private execution of a oondemned criminal .bxt t believee in humannes. What are the public to believe concerning the execution by electricity of the four men at Slag Sing Armed guard stood around the prison and warned newspaper men tint tbey would be shot If they attempt ej to approach tho prison to get the news of tbe execution, heuce the Dew papers bare printed all sens of contra dictions about tbe execution and the public are in mental darkness aa to the success of tha new method of legal kill ing. It ia asserted tbat somo of the men were horribly burnt by the electrode but death waa of course instantaneous, and painless. It it an Important matter and the public have a right to know tha real character of tha new method. The newspaper of Now Yotk printed long accounts of what they supposed happen ed, which publication is a violation of the law. The law so far as regards the ocrecy of the execution is very defc tive and Is an insult to thel'bcrty of the press. Tbe Albany Argus informs theAtlan ta Constitution by authority that the Augusta Chronicle was correct when it deolared that Hon David B. Hill never delivered in his Brooklyn speech or anywhere else one word m favor of the rreeooinage of silver. Augusta Chron iole. It I getting time to know what Hill is or is not In favor of. Ho onoe said "I am a Democrat," but there ia more than one kind of a Democrat and tho question now is what kind is Uilir Tba Maaimeit ani Ike Beaelitieii. To Ui Ed I tor of Thb CitKONin.a You seem to draw ao eroneooJ con clusion from the Inquiring- of your Ohio correspondent published in yes terday's Chrokiclk If you will turn again to hia letter you will aee tbat his ioquitv ia aa to the kind of monument erected" to commemorate the Mecklen bnrg Resolutions." The genuineness of tha Resolutions of May 81, 1773, has never been question ed, but the declaration of the 30th is the bone of contention. The cootro, veny has been between these two events, and dates. Why did not yonr owrespoaaent inquire as to the kind f monument erected to commemorate the Mecklenburg Declaration. The Deslaration which he refers to aa inb arquent to the reaolntibna waa of ooorte the National Dec la ration, for he would haidly expect a monument tobeereot ed to tha resolutions instead of the Declaration made by the same people joat 11 day a afterwards. The refrreuo your correspondent makes to Bancroft's Uiatnry to foil proof that he referred to the RoJattor of tha list, for Baacrof t make no ncatioa of tha Declaration cf thelOth. Indeed it haa been aaeartad. and an far at the pubim knows, without ao ormfal onatradiotioa up to thi time, that ao btooriaa or writer who haa aver wveatlgated tbe subject, with the ex oepttoti of a few North Carolinian, haa ailed to condemn the "Declaration of the Hh " aa a rat t h or a fable, bile all ad:t the genuine authenticity and oommaad th potriotio ruggedae of pint of tbaraaUodoaaof tbe SI Tauf r pendent , ha heard of taaee high If crvdiseota B-axrtuttoos, but doe! at to t.ra p-Brt Of "Our D-ar-' p. &D-W.S i of nek A Startling Discovery . to often made by a man as to hia physi cal condition, b euddfly-ecma disease to at Is linking la hie eyeteca show itself and prostrates bias irpea a bed of h to knew Thi U ptrticulariy the cue with malarial poison, - which cften Iks dormant until a audda change of climate foroee it to tba ear face. If, therefore, you eon lean plate a vieit to the Blue Ridge Mountains or any change to a high latitude, yo aboald tint go to Cleveland Springe, toe waters of hick effectually eradi cate all malaria from the jatt and by ita wonderful tonio effect build up tha phyiical coed it ion ao rapidly that a few days' stay revives tha energies to such a degree, that a person feel re newed and prepared for tha full enjoy ment of a trip to the "Land of tha Sky." Those also who suffer from aay disease that canses them to feel that their Nervous By atom to Gradually Sinking or giving away will And that thee waters possess properties that will re- invigorate and build tnem up. Ia faot for aoy of the many disease tbat afflict suffering humanity they have proven by thorough test to be a Panacea, and aa such are recommended by the lead ing physicians of North Carolina. For Analysis, Testimoniala, etc., Addxeaa J. B. WILKINSON, Proprietor Cleveland Sprints, Apr lO-emoa Shelby, M. C. WHEBB THE WArtRS DIVIDE. Bear in mind that the elegaan) new a BEEN PAKK HOTEL, AT Blowing Rock, N. C,, Will be ready for gueeta on July let., and don't make any arrangemente for pending the summer until you write for Illustrated Ouida Book and terms. Magiificent Scenery, Bracing Atmoa- pb, re, Beaatuul Drlvee. Many ptaoea of interest, including tbe Celebrated Blowing Rock Orandfather Mountain, Watauga Fails, Valle Cruris, Olen Bernie, o. Hotel brand new, thoroughly equiped. modern con venienors and comfort, electric belle. not ana coia natns, eco. Address (J KEEN PARK HOTEL CO., Blowing Rook, N. a 14m BATTERY PARK HOTEL, ABBEVILLE, N. C. Open throughout the year. Elevation 3.600 feet ; a vorage stun mar tew perature. 74 dg.; magmaent mountain aencery. iidrauii otevator; electric light And bAlla; muoio hel, tennis court, ladies' j biliiard parloraud bowling alley, lirau tlful drives and first clan livery. No mo.-quitoe. For descriptive piloted matter apply to. 3. B. STEELE, Jld-im. Manager. WHERE THE SNOWBIBDS EEST. The Eseeoia inn, at Ldnviiie, la open for the Reason. Excursion rate to Lenoir. Daily stage from that point over tne xooablossee road, to Lanville. A fine trip, grand scenery and an excel lent hotel. Address JAMES T. SRILES, Julyfi2-w8t. Manager. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, Mecklenburg Cocnty, N. C 8EPT. 10TII, 1891, TO JUNE 9TH.18W. t J. B. Bhk&bkb, D. D , LL. D., Presi dent, and proffssor of Biblical In struction and Moral Philosophy. W. J Martin, LL. D , Vic President, and Professor of Chemistry. W D Vinson, A.M., Professor of Math ematics. W. S. Graves, A. M , Professor of Litin and French. W. 8 t urrkll, Ph. D., Professor of English. H. L Smith, Ph. D., Professor of Natural Philosophy. C B IiARDiNO, Ph. D.. Profeaaor of Greek and German Languages W L Limole, Tutor of Mathematica. For Catalogues and other information addrrea Tb Prksidxkt Suly 8 tf PO AWOKE COLLEGE, Salem, Va Uholce of Coun'es; Oornmercial Depart ment; Library 17 000 Volumes; Work- I ing Laboratory: good morals; Expenses for t months flM to $804; (board, fees, to.) Voting men from many States, Ind. Ter, Hexe and Jaran. North Carolina well represented. Illustrated Catalogue and illustrated book about Baiem free. Address JULIUS O. DREHER, Preaideot. J80 e.o.d. lm PEACE Institute, for young laoies, Raleigh, (f. O. Advanced; thorough; e'I rqnlp pod; sc-iert St ufbieva a d txactter 80 new plaim Heud (m ealogu) J AS. DINWIDDIC, M A. of Jnlv Univ of Va.. IVIm"! URBA E WILLS. Late of Will Bro., Ashevnio. ARCHITECT, " E Trade Pt, Charlotte, B. O , P. O. Boa 107. tr Plane aad apeoiSeationa prepared fur all kind of public mad private build inga. Correspondence solicited. If you want toi keep posted, about the happenings of the day subscribe for the daily' Cajomcui. Full telegraph wwjTfif rtporu eftcti day, Entt te Ce. Men's Oxfords. Men's Oxfords. Man's Patent Leather Oxfords, light aad dressy, laiga 1 Prioa II 00, SJ.M and S3 60 a Men 'tflaaeoftdoa Oxfords. XoahiM elaa will wear an wall. J oat tha Uiag for light work. Prioa SLM, tt, 90 aad St 60. Wa have ahoe for 1 everything ia low uau I see or aestd for Gilreafh & Co. Gilreath & Co. STRANGE THINGS STRANGE THINGS Strange things are taming up every day, and among those of the present are soma little apota which tbe aatronemere have noticed gathering about tha edge of tba ana, and tbat they, actually bine brighter tbaa tba sua itself. Wall thea to soeaethiog bard to understand about all these kind of freaks of nature, but there ia one thing sure, and that to that tba aan shines every day, and shine hot too. Aaother thing ia that we have exerted every energy in our power to place before tha trade gooda tbat ara altogether seasonable in qual ity, (tyka, flntob aad affect. Conaa quently notwithstanding, all tha strage tbingi, our people always feat aare of finding eomethlag new in OCR WHITE GOODS CENTER. Wa ara too abort of rpaoa to attempt, naming our line all through, ao wa imply any eaU in, aad let aa abow you ona cf tha moat attractive lines we hare ever bad, and all prices have been GREATLY REDUCED. Seme of these Embro robes left yet are sura to go thia week, aa they ara offered at such surprisingly low prices. A beautiful line of cot ton, and wool cbaUto, black lawns, figured lawns, and silk grenadlnea and all kinds of ar unable dress goods, going at prices tbat will clear out our oountere. Dout fail to it ur 9 REMNANT COUNTER aa there ara many real attraction about it. A magninoeat Una of cane matting la which ara many neat patterns, offer ed at these strangely low prioaa. T L. ALEXANDER, SON at CO. Advertising in a live neatly printed well set paper always IF YOU THOUGHT there was a town in Western North Carolina that was to increase its population in 3 years from 200 to 500 percent, IF YOU BELIEVED that this town was to be developed by capitalists as a health resort and as an industrial city, and that it had two Railroads two more projected a Splendid Back Country surrounded by fertile farms vast hardwood forests abundant mineral J AND IF YOU KNEW that this place was to have its undoubted advantages of climate and its undeveloped resources of timber and mineral wealth thoroughly and widely advanced WOULDNT YOU INVEST a little money there in Real Estate? And wouldn't you think your investment would be a pay ing one. RUTHBRFORDTON, N. O. IS SUCH A PLACE AND Tll6 QleffhOni .311(1 311(1 M'f g" CO. have I 000 ACRES in and adjoining the corpcate limits of Kutheribrdtoii, includiog business property and improved resi dence property iolOoo acres farminpr and timber lands, and a valuable Mineral Spring Property in the ic ford too. Gleghorn Stock is a safe, and investment Address B. X .JUSTICE, Treaa, Rutherfordton, N. C. $gLoans securely placed oo Real Estate at 8 percent fewsira ttV giairiwftomsv ass. -' 1 JOHN FARRIOR, JEWELER. -Having had- ""Years' Expcmencb -m JaWELRV BUSINESS). and having thoroughly studied the wants of the ffiAr'ira peopl? I feel confident that I can please all who desire anything in my line. I now have on hand large, well selected stock of the Lai est r ads In jewelry ad sil verware. Lilve me a cau. JOHN FARRIOR, Inspector of the Watches for A.L&CCR. R. Cos. FOK SALE TO CLOSE OUT. Nine Show Cases One Nice Prescription Case. Two Elegant Label Cases. One Pair Prescription Scales. Two Pair Counter Scales. One Pair Platform Scales. One Drug Mill One Barrs' Oil Filler. A nice line Shelf Bottles, and a number of articles used by Druggists, THE WILSON DRUG CO. nter of the town ol Ruther will prove, a most profitable Orate XnUfai gobs, Cjc WHITE H1TE SHIRTC SHIRTU. Have you been wearing rheap blurts and bothered to death with your collar not fitting prop erly? Then come to us; we will be pleased to let you have one of our $i line, which will fit you properly. It will wear well and when it has fulfilled its mission and you cast it aside, your ver dict will be the same as that of others good fit, good value, solid comfort in wearing it We aim to gain your trade by ghr- h J fc r i good cash. ttrASK TO C THEM. uy- PHARR & LONG. ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, 42 SOUTH TRTON ST. J UST RECKIVED. US! RECEIVED. IJuisi New Crop buit New Crop Turnip Setd Turnip Seed Send Cnr quotations. JORDAN & SCOTT, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Vo- 10 North Tryon St. 8UMUEB BPECIALTIIA. Msau Beersucker Coats and Yalta, correct value SI 00; all aiaaa at 78c Mohair and Aloaea Ooata and Ooaht and Vests, at SI M, S3 00 and $8.60. Drapeto Ooata ana voste, wo W.M- .... ... White Puff Bosom Bume, au aiaea. 1.00. . Bilk Fun" Bosom Bbirta, a? so. Plaited Bosom Shirt, $1.00 and $1 JUL Negligeo Bhirta, Laundried Oollara and Cuffs and full Negligee, a dozen different kinda of meter iale, and aa many different prions. Wo. to $460 each. . . The Celebrated " Stanley " BUK baaa. $8.00. Rlack S Ik Rasbes, 11. W, i w, ana $1.78. Silk and Leather Helta, 00 cents 10 $100. Mew Lot Summer Meek wear. " Flowing Ends Tecks, Regatta Bows, 4 In Hands, end ItiogSeerfa, all worth 60 cant. Take your pick f o Sto. ROGERS & CO Colts akd Wtttaastm . Riv pea ting Rifles. OH and see the finest Repeat ing Rifles is Ae world and give ns your name for one at dub rates. Call ear'y or jou wfl! "et left ' Brown, Weddington 5 Ca 1 9 East Trade Street ROVER FLFTY.YEARS Mis, Wnisunr'i s . .. 500THING SYRUP tV aa asesl tar ekltarau wkllo teaaiilsw. V It tho eatM. eortmatae nm,a) lays all lm,arwuaoUa,reTialM the " etoasaeh aaa bowels aaata tbeaeatisiaily . tor aiarfcasa. Tits tr-av eaate sosua, .- i araaaa taa wart

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