THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH BUT THIS TIME IT FALLS ON AN INNOCENT MAN. DESPEBATE FHCOUHTER IN LINCOLN Om Mm iiitaMir Killed, Aitbrwr tally Waaaset, a Thirl la Now Ii Paagr. Baeelal to Tub 1 - fcuwourroit. N.C.. July 11 -apimary tragedy occurred om mite from Ltaoolnton yesterday. Bum Mota wm k Iliad instantly. Bo Michael wm wasnvJed la the wm sod leg mJ Char ley Mots wm wounded ererely. The titrable originated nine three week ego, when Mlai Magai Motr a handsome young woman rf Lincoln oa, wm dellred of child. The unfor . tueate Infant happily died. Mies Mole had been for sometime a singer In the meeting of Erangel''sl Fife, and the uncharitable at ones charged the preacher with the paternttf ' of sheohtld. Thia was Insinuated pub licly, bat the character of the Eranre lit wan saved by the declaration of tbe ' young womae, while tying on her tick r bad, that the preacher waa Innocent. and that a roun man named Bob Michael waa the entity one. Michael ocenple a ornod position In LUNMlnton nr)ler arid ia tbe eon of a wealthy and Influential man of the noanty. a prominent member of I ha Presbyterian ohnrch . It In aaid that the father nf Miaa Mots ant word to Rob Michael a few dsn a kyi that he mint marrr Miaa Met. Thi he ref used to do. and It la further tated that In thl rf fatal l him th endorsement nf hi father. It I further aid that ha bitterly d'nted the pater Birr of Mlrs Mrrfs's child. However that mar be. it ao herrosned that 1M Michael ni Ram Mots, the latter a onuafn of the unfortunate flrl and a ton of Oal'b Mot a. reeferday atartad out In a hurey for a trip to the oonntrr Ther had arone a mi'e from town. they were fired upon suddenly hy three men who were concealed in the waode m they arfroncned. Theae men proved lo N Charley. John and Oald well Mo1, brother of the unfortunate Magaie Moc, a countrr belle and the weet ringer of Mr. Fife' evangellstio meeting. The men were around with ahrt arun loaded with buck ah it. and Ham Mos their eonain. fell deal, ahot through the heart. Michael wm wounded In the arm and fro, hut through a strange fatality ercpel deadly wounda. He drew a revolver, which. It I aaid, he hai been carrying ainee the demand waa made upon him to marry Mini Mote, and anewered the Are nf the Mole brother. HI ahot Id flic tod a wound upon Charley Mali. He waa ahot in the breaat and from hi condition it ia thought he will die. The Mela bora. It la aaid, claim that their oouain, Ham Mota, wm a victim of shot from Michael' pistol and not from their auna. Tola atory. however. it not believed by thcltlnof I.inonln. ton. Sentiment in Llnonlnton l very moca In favor of Michael and opposed to ine hoi orotner. Seven (hot were fired in the melee. Tha brother were arreated and the trial W "0 in progress. AittBi? A. count aeelai loTaCBoicLa. Ijitcourroir N. o. Julv 11 ai Sober If. Michael and B. 0, Moll were returning la a buggy from the LUhla Spring this afternoon at about 1 o'clock and whan they ware about half a mil from town tbev were fired upon. 8. Mots wm (truck by seven burkahot. and Instantly killed. Four of the ahot took rffeot In hi right arm and th other three la hi right aide, probably entering bis heart. Michael returned the fire and severely wounded Chtrlle Mota. Of the aasaulting parties. Charlie Mot it spitting blood, and the extent of his Injuriea ia not known. Michael was shot in the arm and leg, but Ii not thought to be riangeroualy wounded, Ohaa. Mots, John Motz and Caldwell Mota, three brotbera, and Drat cousins of 8. O. Mota. remained by the corpae and were taken into cuttody. 8 O, Mots wncn ahot. Ml out of the bugtrr end Michael made haste to town The deceased waa a young man uf most excellent character ai d nry popular. Hi death a'bd th whole altair ha Cart a gloom ovr this community. Trouble haa been feared for several week. A sister of the three Mots brothers said that Michael was the father of her child, born about three week o. It la aaid that a demand wa made tbat Michael make reparation by marriage, which he refused to do. This I tbe same rase with which Evangelist Fife's name wm connected Mr. Fife waa exonerated from the charge, wbloh wm never at all bvlieved by th Llnoolnton people. The coroner's jury declared the Mota brothers guilty of making the Mault,and John and Caldwell Mots are now ia jail awaiting a preliminary trial Monday. Chsa Motz is too severely wounded lo be placed in jn. All the parties counrcted nith ibis affair are highly connected and the Interest among the people is late use and niversal. Htrtck Bis Wife a Deadly Blow. 'Bqnla Kirkpatrick, of Rharon town, oblp, came in yesterday with a negro Darned Mlla Hunter in c letiKiy. Hun tc nti laetHaoday struck hi wife oer the bead itn a sling iu, fracturing the skull and rendering her uncoo aciow ever since. Her condition yn terday wm very eerkm.. and ft is thought she will die Hunter is m j iM. Deatkaflr. Klalej. Mr. Eoberl Kinley. of Paw Creek, wboee extreme illness wm noted ia Thi CHaoaicu several day tinea, died yesterday of consumption, age 30 year. Tne finer al service wiil be ooadw-ted at Paw eresc today. Killed hy aa Eleetrie far. A floe dog o' Frank Jour' wm run crt and kill- d by a car n N Try a treat yeaterJav afumoon. Tt i tb flntaoeldan) fjiich ha byep fltf by TH MAHSEC Tlere Art Vur Her Wk Ttar AtteitlM. Will Clafa Ml Nannie Leak, of Pineville. r tnrrwl home veatnrdar. aftrr a vult to MJm Ada Potts. R. E. Blakey ha gone to Petersburg, va. Mra. O, M. Query, His Pauline Query and MlasMafrgte Taylor left yesterday nvwniag for Oreawrtl V Eipnng. Mieae Maggi" "d Annie Graham Rhawwent o Paw Orek yesterday evening to via it Mr. Lloyd Wrlston- Col. J. T. Anthony I home from Vir ginia. Mr. R. .1. Brevard baa returned from Wrightsvtlle. Miaa Mav Carr. of Trinity, leexpeoted here In a few day to visit M1m Jenie Hall. Mr. and Mra. W. 0. Wilkfosou left evenins for Hickory to remain a week or ao. Mr. J. n. Wcddiogton la visiting In Winston. Mr. and Mr. Jo Thomas went to Lin coln county yesterday. A. M. Young left last evening for Sal isbury. James Malona. L. W. Sanders and ton Haray, went to Cleveland Springs yes terday afternoon. lira. R. n. Jordan 1 home frona Vir ginia. Mr. R. L. Jono loft last evening for Wayneavllle. Mrs F.. I.' hu returned from Ores wall's Hpring. A. W. Alexander, of Mallard Creek, wm In the oity yesterday. Ml Mattie Hiser ha returned to Baltimore. Mis Rallle Robertson, of Petersburg, Va.. has arrived hore to spend the sum mer with hor sister, Mrs. A. (- Mcwan- oaway. Miaa Bertha Velson, 't Columbia. who hna been visiting Miss Gertrude i Williamson, left yesterday. Mrs Lucy Gales, of Atlanta, is st Capt. Jack Allison V. Mrs. 1. N. Newton, formerly of this oity, is hero on a visit. Miss Mamie Crum has returned to Conoord. and from there to Philadel phia. Mrs. J. M. Stewart. Stewart, of Mon roe. Is at Jos. McLaughlin s. Mis Leila Davidson and Mi's Fannie Moore returned from Lincoln county yesterday. Mir Tate returned to Greensbo ro last evening. Mrs. Latta Johnson and son returned yesterday evening from Rock Hill Superintendent Whlsnant of the (1 0. A N., Is In the city today. Prof. C, L. Reed hm retured from Morebead. J. II. Arriogton went to Fkatenvll!e yesterday evening to attend the bodside of hi aunt, Mra. Walton. W. II Houie cumo In from tbe South last evening. Mis Mary Clarkson hu returned from South Carolina. SHORT EWSY DOTS, Whlrh the Reptrter Hrd Yesterday Roaid and About the City. Oirard Wittkowsky will entertain his fiicndu tomorrow night at Ins home on Weet Trade street, from Ii to 12 Th.' wails of the Myrton Iloao factory arc rising rapidly. Little Miss mma Fan la la quite sick. Hor mother, Mrs. Hick Taylor, oamo in from Hickory drove jostorday, The bflauty of Charlotte ' new public betiding Is constant ourn cf aami- ration to trngr ning in and out of tb oity, II i si Ada Pottt leave today for Ploevllle to open her school there to morrow. R. A. Drier, of Steele Creek, was here yesterday on hi return from at tendance on the meeting of Cabarrus Alllaooe. Mr. drier was a delegate from the County allionoe. The people cf Maxton are ralslog funds for a One school building to oast between three and Ave thousand dol lars The summer travel on the C. C Is very hcavv this seas n, and pronsises to steadily increnro. Thi is a healthy, if not a prosperous season Urn: rts from various parts of the surrounding country, are t thn rff 't that there is vory little sickness prevailing. The croiis in Mallard CVerk lire r- por -d in had condition, eeixcmllv the otu) rrt). J D. (K'ldbnrg. .if New York sou of D. (kildberg of ibis ciiy, will arnvo here today on a visit to b,s parents. This la Mr. Goldberg's first vibu iu two year. The Charlotte Light Infaatry, colored, will have a street parade Thursday af tert.oon and wind up with a big feetivil that night. The boa id of assessors of Charlotte township 8nlshed the work of assessing property yesterday. Twooty five more oertiflcates for di rect tax money were given out yester day by Mr. Morrow. Raleigh New and Observer says Rob ert Burwell, who recently graduated with honors at Cornell University and who hu been spending week or two In the oity leave thia morning for Bai timnr. ne Fife meeting at Mt. Airy opens today. Cy Long leaves Wednesday for Mt. Airy to locate. Mra. Lona will remain here at her mother a, Mrs. Cuthburtson, for a month or so. Uuihaiu Sun: Misses Sallie YstM and LiUie Lockheit hav--gone to Rox horo to attend the District Suiiday -c noui v Junvenucn. D-. Jos. Orahaui returned from States vi'le esterday, where he had been ca'l ed to . e Ura. Walton, lie baa been oonri urd to the house s'nee he returned. Ltttlu Mis Annie Wilson gave a party Friday ntght, which wm tn joyed by a lot of little folk At the meeting of the Queen City Guards Frtdry night a constaotion and by laws ww ;ut.tdd. Scairttg the Wa fr WUmb. It wa rvporwi yesterday that U a Ugro John Wilson wm hiding iu tbe wood near Phifsr's old pond Accord ingljr tbe sheriff and tea or twelve fl;cw ctsrt.d in ircmediauly to tcorr ti.- rftLij-i, Thoir south Wat u:ui 1 eWai, and they rttrad witbmj j TBE tmim PHTMfJIAIS' 8DFN.T COMPAKT. A New C iyaky Iicarptrated Tetterday Three Able Bislaess lea literestei Tha Wilson Phystc'sni Supply Com panv Is the name of a new crepny Innorporsiod yefrday. The Incorpor' pointers are W. M Wilson, Robert Htokes and AX Hergtcla of New York The articles of Incorporation state that the capital clock Is 83 000, to be increa cd to an amount not exceeding 830 000, The new cr mpany will commence business In a si:ort while. Church Notices Commonim ervices will be held lathe Second Presbyterian churob this morn ing. Usual night service Rev. Dr. Miller will occupy hi pulpit today for the last time in several months. Services as usual today- Rev. W. C. Maxwell will preach at Graham street Presbyterian church tc day. The Brat tun Prtimrty Sold. Dr. H. M. Wilder yesterday purrhss ed from R H. Jordon the Ilrat'on property on corner of Tryon ad 8rd street. The price paid wm $3,500. Charlotte Will WelramelbiN Return Sam Pegram. of Knoxville, Tenn. formerlv a resident of this citv. is here on a visit. Mrs. Pegram in visiting in Gsstonia, sfter which, she will join her husband here. Mr. 1'egram Is contem plating returning to Charlotte to live. and is here now with that move in view, The Eirampmeat Commeaer s this 'Week Tha encampment commence this week. It will be formally opened 8t urdsy morning. The Hornet Nest Ri flemen will leave here Thursday night at H:U0 for Wrihtville and be joined at Maxton hv the Maxton Rifles. These will b i the 1 1 ret onmpanies to report at camp. IVnpxrtr Id Steel Cretk Changes hands Price Neelv. of Steel Creek, hu sold his place to W. B. Sheat for the sua of 82.810. Mr Neoly will'moTe to Waynes vilie to lire Rev Mr. Orr t Be As Evairslist. It is understood that Rev. W. W. Orr. 'ho has been pastor of the church at Huntersville for several years and con ducted a flourishing school in oonneo tion with his work, will leave soon for Alabama, to engage in evangslistlo wcrk. Death f Mrs. Speck Mrs. Hprvk, mother of Joh" Speck of this city, died I riday at Newberry, N ('. Mr. Speck renched home just a few hours bofore his molhur died. Men Vtlio II art a Tow. An unknnu'ii eachnnge tells in o few cliar-cut. Income pnrsirraphs of the men win hurt n town." 'i he f aiu thono ho i. ever piiKh their hnwineas. Who dis'.riist public npintd mon Who run down their town to strang ers. Who oppose everything that does not originate with them vv ho wear long faces when strangers speak of locating in a twr, who refuse to Biirgcrtbe townd the building of churches and roLools. Who fin J fnult with all eoUrvrise wah whi 'i lln v are n'ii ' onri'cud Who c ! of I'vorv p ilp'o enlerpiite thftt 1 no lik'l.- to ho of pecuniary bint-fit to themselvi'S. Who never subronbe, advrrtlse in or in nriy wrty patron s ' tlitir homo paper, n I nrn always u-aJy to And fault With evory thlna i' mhiiIm. More I'olttTrd AiiliiDU. The Bunerlutndot of Eiuoitlon yodtnrjay exammrtl eiht ruorn oolored applicant for posltlnct to teach In th county rctiooU. Fifteen in all hay been examined in two days. Tbe Ptiarmar-enilral Association. Tbe State Pharmaceutical Associa tion is In version at Mori head. W. H. Wcarn, of this oity, is in attendance. The I'soal Frstlral Row. During the progress of a colored fes tival in "Log Town" Friday night, Tom Rirris and Jno. Rankin became involved lo a dlffl-ultv. Rtnkln drew n suck on Harris, and a- he did to Har ris drew bi revolver and fired at Bin kin, inflicting a flesh wound iu the side Harris wan bound over to court hy Roiire Maxwell in sum of ?50, and i.Imi ilrird Mil for carrying conceal ed opont K-iLkin wm bound over u thu sum of S3 Ksor I'aiidid ites Krreivril to I lie Older r ur (-:.didates wrrn received In tho Ilea dictioe Order, at St. M-iry 's tion Mtery yesterday, by Bishop Elaid. Off For Karope. n Chsrlca M. Sled man and wifo n saili o for Europe several days since on Uic Umbris. He faid Dear fr UU Meat. The case of Jack Harris and Walter Spring, oolored, for stealing meat from a car at the K. dc u depot, wm tried yesterday. Springs waa dtami -aed for lack of evidence, but Harris wm sent 'up" lo default of S300 b:cd. HOW TO MAKE I T. A rliU SAVINO AND HOW TO MAKE IT. BlMn.V BE YOl ft OWN AOKNT AND CANVAS8EH AND THE THINCI IB DON We are selling the best MIS 00 Sewing Machine ever made In the world with $ Drawers Drop I-af and to.ei. on I. ia lui uU, at ti 00. or for Hsh, 8U 00 N i you xe hr bring yutir own aaent and Canvus. er you can nave neai l i third in the cost of a fMst-cl .es 8 wu g Machiao Wagon Agent tnJ anvaa ers can I ffer kuch inducemt ut. N .y verily. Tnei is it not the para of sosnd buineee prio iples and good ovmiioii eeuoe to call on the Old Htcbioe Veter- a Vul. Itradsha. who bae bteo in the Machine Business 24 years, who will fulfill the ab ive to the letter. We have bad 50 or more of our Ma chines running by power in tbe Cloth ing rectories of our city (or th last 4 or t year at a high rate of speed. Our Machines are used exc'usivelr by the leadlcg Dressmaker, Mra. P. Query, of our city. Ux.d &aoood Hand Maohiae thor oughly repaired for aaie very cheap. Repairing Sewing Machine a peclalty, CsFRimeuih-T ;fce plsce, r5 ROUTii-XiiV ON SIKEBr. C . C '. Column. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS GRANDMOTHER'S SUGGESTIONS ABOUT NEW THINGS FOR THE PARK- READ EVEBT LIE OF THIS The People Want t Bare a Hand I BeantifTiig aid Maklig laterentlng Charlolte'i Sirbarbaa Resort. The following letter addressed to the Charlotte Consolidated Construction Company, and from one of Charlotte' deareat old ladle is worthy rf the at tention, we are confident that it wil( receive: "Oentlemen: I have upon several occasions visited your delightful Park and take great pleasure iu congratula ting you upon tbe outcome of your ef forts in that direction. Indeed you have made a grand success of your entire en terprise, far in excess of the mostaan gulne expectations of you friends. You have done nobly for your fellow citi sen, and when I apeak I do so as the voice of many mother in this commu nity who owe yon a debt of gratitude for the retreat you have given us for our dear little ones. You have placed right at our door, nearly, and through the excellent railway the mean to reach a resoi t where a pure and bracing atmosphere may be had for tbe weakly babe who is or may be tbe victim of the oppressive heat of tho reason. Do we owe ou a debt of gratitude? All wilt admit it. I have been thinking how we, as a people, could discharge It. llow we can show yon our high appre ciation r i me oeoents you nave bestow ed up jd us. I have at last, I hone, in deed I think, solved the problem. Now I make this appeal to every man, wo man and child in Charlotte. Let us contribute from even a penny to dollar II we can anord It, to errct one or more pretty sto e structures around the spring and dedicate one to each of the director, and to gi t up a csological garden, even though It be oa a email scale. This latter wM prove interest lug to children, a well n instructive. Atlanta aomo time ago t io work and through her pbiidr- u bought an elei.hant, which today l ope of the great attractions iu her pus. Why oannot Charlotte boys and girls, eldud bv their parents, gut up sou t'ig suit able. They can if they will a ... I bupe f hey wuj ao it. A U8A0MUTHKH," TBI rouQ oi on tub bucjict Bafarria to the above lstesr Lha Cttarlotta OoBWlidatM Coutruotloa ComDanr. retDootf ally reoil. tbat IB' asmuoh a It wrrHpoadaot, ba shown thaltba contributions suggested win be of a publio benefit, the company ba no awttaaoy in tuDmitung, aa a reoip lent, to thi exhibition of publio grati tude. Tbat an organisation may be had for tha purpose, wa must oall upon our young friend, boy ana gin, ana en ut them in tne rurtnersooe or tne en terprise. We want every BOT AMD OIBX in Charlotte to call at this office and re ceive the proper authority to collect money for thi purpose To tbe one who make the largest col lection, a luitable medal will be given, and to those next following a proper recognition will be made. Now we want all to go to work with a will, and out do Atlanta and every other south ern town of enteipriie. Charlotte al ways manage to do tbo right thing on occasions of competition and for the "springs" and tho "aoo" we want her to go far ahead. Now boys and girls oall at the oom- ?anys office over tbe Western Union elegraph Office and enlist at once. $50 00 REWARD. A reward of Fifty dollar will be paid ft information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or person oaugbt, or known to have placed, explo al ves or other obstruction on th track, or otberwiae guilty of any other at tempt to damage any property, of thia company. E D LATTA, President, Charlotte Eieotrio Railway Co A CHANCE FOB THE LADIES. Tbe haadaom pavilion about to ba erected at tha Para on tho property of the Charlotte Consolidated Construction Company, will ba furnished ia keeping with th beauty of It surroundings. But it w ill need interior dcooralkHia, drapery fiw the window and the ad niteia looatkm of chair, tables, t4c, to give She place the air of the pr e etme of ladiee and their handiwork. Now with tbe view of getting the idea of many ladies on tha ubjeet we will give SaO in gold to tbo most acceptable design of arrangements, with a state ment accompanying, (bowing the neo eaear purchase so be made to carry out the plana conveyed. Seal your eom ananioatiODa and address them to PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE OaaauYTT OoatmuDARD Ooa. Co.. owuwt. . a Seal (Estate Sot Bait. FOR SALE. FOR HAUL Beautiful Residence Property Oa Ninth Street also other Property Call on BREM & CO., Real Estate Brokers, Charlotte, N. C RESIDENCE and BUILDING PROPERTY. EIGHT ROOM two-story dwelling on North B street, near 7th, lot 99x99, two vacant lota adjoining 491x99. Price $1,500 for the whole. VACANT LOTS on North Graham, near 9th, fine shade and desirable lo cation. Price and terms at office. SIX BOOM COTTAGE on N. Poplar between 7th and 8th; desirable neigh borhood and conveniont to business. Price 81,860. n t -w t" t i x J 1 1 : DiJh. nouiu twu-Btury uwviiiuk. oor- U nmm ..J Q. .1 in. 0(1 w 1 Of3 desirable purchMe for 81, 00. VACANT LOTS on East 7th, W,st Gold, North Pine and West 13th. W. 8. ALEXANDER, 19 East Trade 8t. NEW BOOKS. "On the Stage and Cff TaiM by Jerome K Jerome "What s lired in the Hone. ' Man of Iceland" last by Victor Hugo. Base Ball supplies cheap. Artist Goods Bicycles at $33. 35 and l8o ROSS & ADAMS, 93 So. Tryon St Charlotte, N. C, J. A. DURHAM & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Charlotte, If, 0.; We have a large and well select ed (took of groceries wbloh wa offer to the wholesale trad only, and respectfully Mk an examination of our goods and price before buying elsewhere. Respectfully, J. A. DURHAM ft CO. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, Mecklenburg Cotjntt, N. C. SEPT. 10TH, 1891, TO JUNE 0TH, 1892 J. B. Shearer, D D, LL. D , Presi dent, aud professor of Biblical lu struotion and Moral Philoi'M hy. W J Martin, LL D , Vice Preaideut, and Professor cf Chemistry. W D VIN8OH, A. M .Professor of Math- ematica. W 8 Oravbs, A. M ,Profeor of Lstin and Freticb W. S ( urbkll, Ph. D., Profesuor cl English. H. L Smitu, Ph. D, Professor of Natural Philosophy. R. Bakdiko, Ph D , Professor of Oreek and O rman Languages . W L. LlROLS, Tutor of Mathematics. For Catalogues and other Information addree Ihb PbmidkjsT July 8-tf ROANOKE COLLE3E, Salem, V. 89th veer. Healthful Climate. Lihoioe of Courses; Commercial Depart ment; Library 1? 000 Volumes: Work ing Laboratory: good morals; Expense fer t month $164 to $804; (board, fee, c) Young men from many State. Inii T-r . Mea o and J ao N drth Carolina well rvprmeuled. Illustrated Oateloirue and illusttaled bowk about Salem frw. Add eea JUUUS O. DKEHEB, Pneddent. Jlle.ft.d. In PEACE Institute, for young lad lea, Raleigh, N. Adranrao; tnnrooga; weii eqarp red; aclect S3 cfflien axd teactter. SO new ptaa tVed for eatalxgue. J Art. Illit'i ll'l'l. A.or Jalt 9-U ti nf Va . riatetnm- VRBAK WILLS. Late of WHI Broa., Aahevflla. ARCHITECT, Charlotte, If. O, P. O. Bos 107. CTPlaM aad peeifloaUooe prepared for all kind of publie aad prrate CuUd Oga. OorrereoBdeaCf IWOite. Orp Oooba, Vatitnu, Ctr, 8 LET THEM tfO For the week beginning Mon day, July 6th. A AAA varcs handsome white Z,UUU satin plaid. Embroider ed India linen, worth 20c., will be sold at yc n n yards of similar goods worth 1 6c. will go at 9c The quantity is large, but they will go fast at such prices, so don't delay. H. BARUCH. 8ra oalnff . T HE LATEST THING OUT ASSORTED SEA FOOD Shrimp, numM Tttwaav and Ovataia ia alaaa in oeienraiea 100a rix tn--im ntA tvirolnl Tfami. wiuhIdm Baa oon and Sugar Cured Bhouldor. rreth Janay Butter oa lea. A frah lot of Una Teat and Coffee, l resn Darawga unipai Rummer Cream Chill. Don't forget Ioa Cream Bala. Bethune & White, Phone 81. SI E. Trade St. POUND 1AKK. FRUI1' 'A KB, CITRON rfJUHU UAJUS, DUCHESS LADY FINGERS. nick UN or SMALL CAKES. HOf rtOLLS efry erening. J KASNACHT, ity Baker. DtLICIUUS Vh utie Holla. Vienne Rread, Graham JitcmI, K)e Breed wither without eed. HiiKbr liuti, CrullcrN. Ku.e caki a c( alt kllida. rrt-bh rv.ry niuiDli at PUATHER'8. ltou Ton Bak.ry, No. K18 E Trade St. WHAT WE NEED. Here are u.e vtiy thmg you are talking about at borne. Tney are the "wbat-we need" itqutaltle for tbe dining room tbe cupboard aad tbe kitchen. Leonard Dry Air Rf rhrerator. Proven to be the beat. Gate City Water Fitter., lkaper thai doctor' bill. Water Cooler Fly Fan Cream Freraeta. Oil Store. Wire Pish Corer Fl Trap- H n I ,..r Hl liut J us. Ete , Etc , Kto. Cs. i kKAi) a n China and (ilaas SEE THOSE BOX FOR 8 CENTS, worth 10 cent. At M. F. PEGRAM, Jr. The) Babsrdaahar,

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