J, Charlotte Chronicle. trr runn cnomou ma, :o i A vary Maniac el alaaeay. tsa cam raws pr rn chbohiou M M)r rwi fl ja aw mm tea. a n. oft wairl OuouciJ. Charlotte. M. 0. TO July 14, 1891. Till IBCKLClBVtQ MCLARATIOjf. TBI CBBoaioU mentioned In Sunday anraiafaadHio that aa Intelligent ta Charlotte doubted tit 1 of the Mcsklenburg Drc- Dr. J. B. Alexander in ihi moaning Gfeumricu take that gentle man to teak forekpreacinga doubt as to the 'genufnenee of as Important i 9 Wa hop tba gentleman referred to will elaborately set forth bla position, sot to destroy ths genuineness of the Mecklenburg Declaration, but to help tba troth. It there waa a Declaration the (act ahould be lm preset d upoa the world. Fw people bellevs there waa an oh an wwi Bancroft did oot L Ueve It and ha latajatlcatod the matter long and pa fcttatly. Notwithstanding thai high dbwndU, notwithstanding that the Wat antherUs la American history disca-ed-11 ft, there aaay hare boa a Mecklea bmrg Declaratioe. If there waa it ia duo the present reparation of tha State to epar n reasonable afforti to ertab Uan tha faot tad Internal it os tha mind of tha AmerScsa people. If thara waa no DaolaratioB tha people of Mecklen burg and North Carolina ahould no longer ba tha vie tin-a of a hiatorioal da lnaioa and fancy. If It ispoceibl todo tha trath Bhonld be eetabliehed. Cer tainly tha intelligent people of Char Ma are not afraid to dfceaaa it with dignity and without ranoor. It haa bawa dlaovaaed wlhont aatiaf aetory Te niae, and it mar or may not be again. Th matter ia toe eld for prejudioe and too important to let it remain covered in tha mantis of unchallenged doubt. Tm CiutoHicLa would like to we it eatehlfahed beyond doubt. Whether there wee a Declaration or not the Ree oluUonj (and thay are genuine) make the awn of Mecklenburg immortal JonrnaJIam to pahUah theotrntradledbae and create tha eonf aaion now la ezlet- enee ae to the true condition of Mr. Blaiae a health. - - MiaS IBIHI COIT. Maa Iran Colt went btfor the Board f Kwamlaattoa "t Tate CoOege aid , Freahmaa olata, but aha waa not per mitted to enter aa a etudent. She waa informed that had aha been bora a maa it would be proper for bar to entertain aach an ambition a entering Yale TJoi Taraity. Bare fa aa iotelleetaal young woman deprived of prirUegee that her intellect and tatte entitle her to enjoy and which deprivation may cut her off front the fall meaeare of bee power and ueefulneM. It ia aii that there b but one oceadon when the average man would rather be a woman, aad that ie when war etaree him in the face and he cannot deeert. But the time ought to be at band when Miaa Irene Colt atood aa fair a chance to cultivate her braia aa Mr. Ira Cots. the great eaiaaoa toaida of waleb work wm beta- aarried oa aad awept away wna aa tae pum Ta loee ia tboaght to be aad will aeeeaauate another before farther work 7B,aoo, ef tateft 8atay Belaei ueirealtef f ta Ckriatiaa Ckareh T Jtrtk Gar Uaa ami Virrlila,at Balelgh,l.f On account of the above orcaaioa the Biehaaond and Danville, B. B. will tell low rate ticket to Baleigh, M. C, aad return July ).h toM;h, United retara ing July t8th,18l. A Startling Discovery Bstta mi tkt. If en's Oxlbrdr. Meo'a Oxfofdr. Hwa Patent Leather Ozforda, itgni aae areery, atnre 1 Price gS.00, SS.M and .50. Men a fli.cft doagoia Oxford. NothJagateawnlwenr ao weU. J net tar ta iaf for light warn. rTice 91.10, 2, V GO and 91.69. W i often made by a maa a to hie phyal cat condition, when euddeoly aome diaeaae that ia lurking in hia ayatem ahowa Itaelf and uroatratae hint neon a bed of 'oaa Thta U prtically I Gilreath & Co. often Ilea dormant until a audden I LllrCUt CI K, change of climate foroee it to the lur faoe. If, therefore, you contemplate a viait to the have every thing la low for aaatmea wear. Call and ae or eend for ample Taic, queation of the hour now if, did John Wanaamaker owa the Keystone bank atock and ie he a Dr. Jekyll aa well aa Mr. Hyde ? U ha both a rascal and a gentlemen '( Tme Preeident took his first bath this aummer on f iturday, the newt pipers asy, John Wanaamaker a'w needa one. Tile Atlanta Oonetilution announces that the headquarteraof th West Point Terminal Company will be moved from W( hipgton to Atlanta and many prom laeut railroad men will wake that city thb.r home. A gentleman who saw the referenoe in Hunday'i Chbonicli to Oot. Holt's views on the tariff, writes that the Gov ernor believe in "a tartu for revenue, the good old Henry Clay dootrine." That la what a freo tiader would call protection. k DAMBL C0E TO JDP8MEST. Oia ef the Dtsceadail of the Veeklea- TBR TIEMISAL II. .When the nomenclature of the Amer ican girl ia examined it is found that , more than half of than retain their hahy namee with them through life. The name end in la, such 1 1 Bessie, Jeaal. Anaie3alli,&e. Buohtcnlnala are very endearing and, It may be.prop- er la the borne circle, but they are very undignified aad unbecoming in the world. Their ue imply a familiarlt with young women, that Elizabeth, Jtae, Atina and Sarah do not permit Bl ahould never take the place of Elisabeth in school, in the drwiog roma and in the hi vh ways of society, beoauae a baby nma ia unbecoming the eelf poaeoeaioa of the woman- rurmie reiuon trie tioara or hluoa tloalalfew Toik city hts gone on rec ord1 at follows: JTae ae of aloknamea or pet namee bp teaohara aad in the record of this Beard and ia thoee of the trustees," eare ihi report. "U undidlfled and impeeper. It ia aeoessary In all prc oaadiaga to follow th namee as record ed ia aba trust sea' oertinoates of ap pointment aad on the teaohers, licensee. ia therefore reoommended that the . city superin toad ant summon to bla offloe " or correspond with ail teaohers In the , aervio wbeae namee as recorded appear . to be other than their actual namra, and aeeertatn from snob teaohers their , aotaal names and amend tbeir licenses aoaotdlBgty. That he report to the .?. HwJteee of the several wards the : changes necessary, who shall thereupon by reaoiutioa make the correspond ing ehaaajea in the ward reeorde, aad there afteeea ' tae pay rolls and in all oocn naaseatlone te ihi Board or any of its .' CJmUrt as ur ofBoers. No appint- meal baenaiMr made of a teacher under othartnaai hit 0 her proper nam aaall be !. .., "Wacom roe nd tai example to other cheat , board, and teach era. Every ; womaa and maa bcrrJafo this world i ana&aMnaoaaaadigniod given ' a am. , It nakat a man' flesh quiver Wfth diagrut to hear hU fellows wearing each nana as Charlie, Willi, Ollie, Toman. . Taa Hew York Sua pronoun cat it in aa bad taste a taking a kiss In bona ear. It I gross familiarity aad ffemlaacy that people of good breed btgshenki not tolerate. bsrr XeaSay There Was a Orclaratioi. Ta the Kflllor of Th C .1 RoirrrT.B. In your irnue of the 13th Inst, you take ocom'ou to aay, that ia regard to the letter from Ohio tutting al ut the monument to the signers of the Reeolu. tlona of the 81st of May 1773, one of the most Intelligent and prominent men of Charlotte told The Ohroiticlk there was no Mecklenburg Declaration, ways he can prove that it ia a myth. (1) Two reasons given: first the alleged declara tion waa the work of a few men of ed ucation and prudence, who would not have dared make suoh a declaration in the face of King Oeorge. (8) That the Resolutions are genuine and oreditable. The imilarity between the alleged Declaration and the instrument of Ur. Mr. Jefferson a year later c.jodi-mnfc its genuinees. (8.) Some fellow got held or Mr. Jefferson's and wrot" the Me: k lenburg Declaration from it? Prominence and intelligence it ap pears can change the logio of facts, rub out and annihilate the mint momentous act of (he revolution. The Rtiuiioi:s i f tlif 8lt admHlod to be uauuiQe and highly .v.mjimuled as brnre and patri c'.ic. WhyV becaiiiio JcfTrann had no thing at slake in liasoluiioos for lecal KJvtruiuent. These Uwoiutions boar oa vbtir Im- the uaniltaable evid no 1 tat there wnj a Declaration prtouediug tuem, or ere in themselves altogether sonaeleaa. Ua said few educated and prudent men would not date to make a declaration in the face of King Ueorgs, and these men had ample opportunity to copy Jeff arson 'a document and claim it for their own. This is the most out rageoue aasault upon the character of the signers of the Declaration we have ever beard- Waa tha Resolutions a myth? ia hu man testimony worth nothina, or ia all history lieV Is it false that the battle of Alamance waa fought in Nort h Car olina in 1758? or that Patrick Henry icav utterance to me worae give me liberty or give me death," all in the (sue of King OeorgeV We oily prepare to hear that D.. Ephraimjllrevard was a myth because no monumental shaft, oovered with tnos of mot than a oonturv'a growth points out hia last resting p.ace. That Capt. Jack never carried the declaration to Philadelphia, but a aeries of resolutions for local government iu the vicinity of Charlotte the very quinte enca of ab surdity. Truly a Daniel cm ojme to judgment. Everv man who atirr.ed that Ixtniuul dnoeuneat bore testimony to the iinl of are,l the gcauiness of the 4elsra.ion Ur. Brevard testified that hs ducanted the matter in toe Continental Cungreos n miiaaeipnia with (tan. Jharls Lee, wra. r raBKiin, Tom Blue Ridge Mountains or any change to a high latitude, you should first go to Cleveland Springs, toe waters 01 wuon eaectuauy eradi cate all malaria from the system and by its wonderful tonic affects builds up the physical condition ao rapidly that a few days' stay revives the energies to such a degree, that a person feels re newed and prepared for the full enjoy ment of a trip to the "Land of the Sky. N Those also who suffer from any diet ass that causes them to feel that their If ervous System Is Gradually Sinking or giving away will find that these water possess properties that will re invigorate and build them up. Ia feet for any of the many diseases that afflict suffering humauuy they have proven by thorough teat to be a Panacea, aad aa auch are recommended by the lead ing physicians of North Carolina. For Analysia, Testimonials, tc., Address J. B. WILKINSON, Proprietor Cleveland Bpcini Apr iu emos Bneirjy, WHERE THE WATURS DIVIDE. Bear In mind that the elegant new OBEEN PAKE HOTEL, AT Blowing Rock, N. Q, Will be ready for guests on July 1st., and don't make any arrangement for P'-d fling the summer until you write for Illustrated Guide Book and terms. MaguiliC:nt Scenery, Bracing Atmoa p'i re, Ueauciful Drives. Maoy place J c; interest, inciuaing tne Lelebratfd Blowing Rock Grandfather Mountain, WsUuga Fal!s. Valle Orunn), Uloi Uerul'. o. Hotel brand neh'.ihornughly (qulpi'd.modei.n couvt'nu-nci mrn com Tort, elect 1 k bl s, hot and cold buhs, Ac. Addiew Oil KEN PARK HOTEL CO., Blowing Rock,N,C. lia A SIX DAYS SALE. These goods are offered ev ery day at most tempting prices but we desire to call special at tention to the goods and prices that we wiD offer on each day beginning Monday, the 1 3th inst We will show each day a separate line ofgoodsatsuch discounted prices that wilt make things lively. So if you can bn interested come early each day. MONDAY. A choice selection ef Cane Matting, and Knotting ham Laoe Cartainc. TUESDAY. A charming lie ef Embroidered Robes, of solid, black. Mack and white chintz. , Also silk grenadine ia choice pattern. WEDNESDAY. Oar white good will opened up with a charm aad attraction, that oar people seldom sea. THURSDAY. An elegaat line of lad ie regular mad shirt, and shirt waists ia various shade and color. FBIOAY. A beautiful kl of cotton, and all wool challiee, wash surah aa nongee. 8ATUBDAY. Chiffon lace, embro mull handker chief a, linen tuindkerohiefa.ootton hand kerchief e; all kind of ladles' neck war aad a choice line of fan. T. L. ALEXANDER, SON CO. Advertising in a live neatly printed weQ set paper always dr larfomw llMatl S : iStotkSWs Ota. JOHN FARTfOl, JEWELER. -Having had- 15 Ykars Experience y JttWELRV BUSINESS J Ctnts itatistiai ; gojcs, t.' "DOPTJLAB X OPULAB MISTAKp MUSTAKiJ - mruumnnnnntm and having thoroughly studied a we wauu 01 uc WhOe we justly enjoy the repaattloa of carrying on a "first claas" businese, embracing all the "first olaas" goeda ta our line, it is a mistaken idea that we ar not prepared to meet the want of the working people or poor people who possibly find it expedient or necessary to buy a cheap article for a little mon ey. TRUE, we do keep a high grade of good, always have and intend to do ao aa long aa wa de bnainesa. Our trad demanda U. But this fact doe not prevent our being able also to handle a line of good at price to suit r , . . . -r . . . . . .. . n ' - -- . v-t - IMRLOTiE PEOPLH snntitsmtiimisiiset t I feel confident that I can please all who desire anything in my line. I now have on hand a large, well selected stock of the Latest Fads in jewelry and sil verware. Give me a call. JOHN FARRIOR, inspector of the Watches for A. L. &CCR.R. Cos. J UST RECFIVED. UST RECEIVED. b.. r . -v not always "hraaby goods." We are now prepared to meet the want ef the working men aad boy ia Work Pant at remarkably low prices, having bought a large lot fiom the Charlotte Clothing Manufacturing Co., embracing all grades and iea, ! which we offer from 6O0. up. Also aa endless quantity of striped and checked gingham SUMMER COATS 8UMMEB COATS at 85c la fact this is the season for general reductions in all departments. a id we have made them. It ia to your interest to call and ace our stock before looking elsewhere. Respectfully, PHARR & LONG, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS. 42 SOUTH TRY ON ST. Buist New Crop Buist New Crop Turnip Seed Turnip Seed Send for quotations. JORDAN & SCOTT, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Ho. 10 North Tryon St. Naw York Omoi, M W. Broadway. BoeTOH Omoi, 88 High Street. ostioi or THB WDOLKSALK ilOCBM Of s. wiraowsa rilARLOTTE, N. 0. Oh Yes, Oh Yes, OH VES, Hear i. n m my Motto of -r. p. p Co BATTERY PARK HOTEL, ABBEVILLE, N. O. Open throughout the year. Elevation t ,600 feet ; average summer tern pernors, 14 deg.; magnificent mountain scenery, llrdraulio elevator; electric righto and bells; muic hail, tennis oourf, ladies' billiard parlor and bowling alley. Beau tlful drive and first clan livery. No mosquitoes. Kor deecriptiv printed matter apply to. J. B. STEELE, JHMiin. Manager. WHEBE THE SNOWBIRDS REST. The Eseeola Inn, at Llnvllle, Is open j cor tne seaeon. Kzcunion rates to Leooir. Dally stage from that point over tne xouanineeee road, to Llnvill. A fine trip, grand scenery and an excel lent hoUl. A drills JAMES T. SKILE5, July8 2-8t. Manager. IF YOU THOUGHT there was a town in Western North Carolina that was to Increase its population in 3 years from 200 to 500 per cent, IF YOU BELIEVED that this town was to be developed by capitalists as a health resort and as an industrial city, and that it had two Railroads two more projected a Splendid Back Country surrounded by fertile farms vast hardwood forests abundant mineral ! AND IF YOU KNEW that this place was to have its undoubted advantages of climate and its undeveloped resources of timber and mineral wealth thoroughly and widely advanced WOULDN'T YOU INVEST a little money there in Real Estate? And wouldn't you think your investment would be a paying one. The answer of the most suoceeeful business men 'r America to the inquiry as to the Hecn-t of their success would be "Strictly Business." What does that imply? PiHBr, PUSH, by crowding aa much work as possible in one day. SrooMD, PLUCK to catch os to a good thing when you see It. and TfiiBD, PATlfcNCE to harvest what you nave sown, ana at tne ngat time. To apply these P. P. P. 1 will at an early data give you the opportunity by baring one of my oorp of 8 saleemen call on you. BOOTS AND SHOES lower thaa ever and the line to be shown excels any of former aeaaons. both aa to style, duality and price. SOUTHEBN MADE JEANS. I have brought into requisition my experience of thirtyeix years aa a merchant,' and Caeh Mfaeieat to take bp the entir prod notion of several wooloa mills in Tennessee, and the further lant con tract with Woolen Mllle ia North Car. olina. Georgia and Kentucky, eaabla me to claim the largest stock of Jean today In the Carolina or Georgia, and in prioea will favorably compete with oy bouse, be It North or South, East or Wart. Very reeotf ully, B. WITTKOW8KY. - lUill'S C0XDITI0N. wa fait to ate any good reason wby eWwepnpe aaen ahould ni'ereprveect the , condition of Mr. Blaine's health and ...Whphi satiautUfriaads ahould attamU .: aaaaaaal his real oeaditioa from the ' world. A able aad as commanding as - fcfgalna ia, his death would act shock heaaaa aeaer af Aanerican untitatioo. Tawe pieety of men to tar hi , ahte.' The Ha of enouessijn a crowd- -r It may bs that he dor not want the , IroaM of giving the country loforma ttoaaatnais h'th. but the grkt pop Mt latareat to the maa ught tettafn ly ae iimpiamti for that. mtaanditlea la not aaiareprreeated ay Oeenoorajlo Jonraala for aartamn Baitabeva all ether BrpuhU tfee Deaaaoratle haait Tht ' hraadth and eataotiay of aae maa ia a dtnired by the entire oooafy. Tee nita faela .aatoiall graW al to' aim . I tarwWtairnt la a. aaeeagaieat haforaa bin f lt74 aad taj , fert but efssn" Balft fKKdifahl q Amerloaa Pain. IJafferaon'a eosom rrtead) aad otbvr prouiineiit aaen. in oaaiacierlaue modesty of North Carolina haa prevented her from bringing much to tha front that would hav added greatly to her reaowa. Thar ia eae pent only on which thai question of sack magaitud appear so hinge; namely, th sigaers of that dec laration, whom we have always consid ered of the highest moral standing, as well aa spotless patriot, matt have been truthful reporters of historical facta, or the moat damaabU liar, thief and deceivers that ever disgraced a oouotry striving for liberty. A. B. Davtdsoa, of this city, aad Maa Babeooa MoOoy, of Long Creek, both bring, will ify that they have of tea eeard rrom tha Up cf Maj. John Da Vid-nand John MoKnita Alexander. two of the signer, that th genuineness c sfecsicneurg ieciaratioa could act he call d in question Maey of uur pwp c would be glad o lunw who the intelligent acd promioeel aisu ia. . J. B ALaxi!fOEK. July IS 91. J. A. DUPHAM CO., WHOLESALE OBOCEBS, Charlotte, N. 0.; We haves large and well ael act ed stock of groceries which we offer to the wholesale trade only, and respectfully aak aa examination of our good and prioea before buying eleewher. Beepeotfally, J. A. DUKHAM CXX The tireat Caiatai Overtgraed. w nan: Joaraa..) a cuawaotot ea th aew i aght house off Hatter Kv nboat Complete! th foundatioa. which gore down eevaetv feet. lis rctoa h prob ably the artaUit engineering feat in Birathouse ouiUuctkm the world kit ever known in iayiog tbfoaadatioa which was the moat duBcwlt part af the aadarUkiag, baiUera bar aeea very fortacat in aaviag httle beavey weath er. The light stands eat at aea alee mUaeaad wiU eoM atwwt half aaiUkw dollar aetmninteta it, LsTtt-Xew reaakea th city thai tht norm Wrdneaday aghj rwtaTBed OtoV over First aiioaol hUtok or saa iwi.il nm. timtw 4 la. 0. O. MoMAJtAWAT, Pnraicun asfa acasaasi. Calls ten al Jordan's Dra More er IOB a. Try yramatty .rl or a if at Pa -ir RUTHBRFOEDTON, N. C. IS SUCH A PLACE AND The Gleghom Land andM'fgCo. have i ooo ACRES in and adjoining the corporate limits of Rutherford ton, including business pioperty and improved resi dence prcperty. 1 0,000 acres fanning and timber land., and a valuable Mineral Spring Proptrry in the o nter of the town ol Ruther fortfton. Gleghorn Stock is a safe, and will prove, a most profitable investment Address B. J. .JUSTICE, Treas, Rutherfordton, N. C. RBAUB, the SIGN TTVX Pamter. I Tryoa Be, oppaaita Backet DEUURA- Ne. 18 K. hUy Illy. Loans securely placed on Real Esfate at 8 per cc t DB. ANNIE L. ALKXANDEB, Prastlee Uairta t Weaasa aaa (Mtdraa. OateeMaarai tUUm,lf p. ia. . (. rryoa atraLuuxnTX. a. n BUMMER SPECIALnES. Men 's Beersueker Coats and Vesta. correct value $1.00; all eiae at 75c. Mohair and Alpaca Coais and Goata and Veeta, at Si 60, 00 and $8 50. Urapete Coats and Vesta, fs 00 ta 8.W Wuit Puff 1 ceom Bhirta, all sixea. 1 00. rtitk Puff Bc m Bhirta, SB. Planed B' m Bhirta, ft.OOand Sl.SS. HfgRftee bh-.rts, Iiunrtried OoUara r.rt Cuffa ud full Negligee, a doaea differ em I ir.da of mateiials, and aa many different prices, 50o. to $4.50 each. 1 he OleLra.e.1 "Sunley" Bilk Saab. $8 00. Black S.Ik Baahe. S1.00. $1 SO, and S1.70 H.Ik and Leati.rr Helta. 60 cento to 1100 New Lot Bummer Neckwear. Flowing Ende Tecks, Begatta Bow, 4 in Hands, and Ring Soarfa, all wortb SO cent. Take your pk k for SSc KOGEkS & CO. F' sue. & w. ntxan; ' AlTOBNTTI twBm-, - oauKmir(ai KKxra. iOKa dh TTLLXTT, OR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. WiNstows SOOTHING SYRUP lahaa kaa uaa for eaiMrs whtl laetaia. I It asotto ih sail, onaata ewaaaTaX 4 atysaU rla, earaa wlad oolM, rHnilaiM tka I atanaeb a aowala ; Osii-aw-t7rr - : -.. "T -w '