am VOu XL NO. 96 hos- CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNltfG, JULY 16, 1891 PRICE FIVE CEZ - i. - V. t iDVIfiTUUIKTS. Granft ptal Sals K. It. An4rws. S0II4 8Tvarwar John Karrlor. U Ton Dnnk-Bethuns White. Reliable uoodi-JnnUn Co. Why Yon Sooa.d Bay T. L. flelfl A Co. Vslvst Hkm powder Burwell A Oann. tt MUkoryHafeiy BIoyole.T. T.Ullmsr Pocneaslvs Groosry. MeiaaAiB Brady era tin. MUM'S NWVlBS. Hn. Jo Person's Rsmady. PKOPLE'8 CULUMH. WANTKn To rent or bo a good ssoond h..d H'sly BlcyoU. Apply to W:" Chronicle office. WANTEi-K icrntic eanvasstrs, gentle men ana ladles. salary 1 i to Sj rer day. Cat' at No. KB. etreet, or address with fcUmpa, R D. Kob'nscn, L. a 118. RIDING Pony For Ha'o-Elnnt and ay. Has all tne Kalt. Mouud and kind. Nloafor Ladlea and Children. No ue fur ar. A bargalu. Qatca. J. R. HOLLAND HPHtUAL NI1T10KS. NOTICE ! All persons in the City of Charlotte who keep board ing house either publlo or private, reetaurant or siting houae, and alt proprietors of barber shops, are required by City Or dinance to par a special tax and obtain license; and they are hereby notified to call at City Hall and pay the tax and get the necessary license before the lit day of August next. Those who fail to obtain the required license by the above date, will be summoned bafore the Mayor, without further notice, for vio lation of the atooYo ordinance. By or der of the Mayor. W. B. Gooding, Colleo'.or. NOTICE! Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the ilerk of the Superior Court for Meck lenburg County, N. C, on the 8th day of August, 1801, to amend the article, of incorporation of the Charlotte 8 ish, Door and Blind Manufacturing Compa ny, by conferring opon said Company the privilege of inoreasing its capital etock of $50,000 and making raid stor k payable in weekly installments at 50 cents per share. J. H. WEDDINGTON, Pres. W.T. MOODY, 8eo'y. Jul 7-1 a. w. 4t- Uradycrotine never fails to cure Headache. Fresh Cheese ! Fresh Cheese .' 1 At The Progressive Grocery. fUnxga, (toilet artirUa. We ell none but the most reli able goods, to when you buy of us you may know you are get ting nothing but the best in our line. JORDAN ft CO., Druggists. a irPLaa at bdhwill a duct's or . MILES'! HBRVIHB. f'PRBS si.bbpi.bmii km. hbkvods pbobtra- TIOR, KBKVODI SVSFKrSIA. DUULKK8H. BI.DB8. ' It is with flowers as with moral qualities, the bright are ' ometimes poisonous, but the rocrp nd herbs gathered from the foirrts to make Johnston's Nolnndine contain only . healing properties for impure blood I have used Vr. Person's Remedy. It rtleivod my suffer ing greatly and I can say it is t ie besf tonic and blood puri fier I have ever tried. Bettie Alexander, Concord. N. C. fQfit's (flothmo, anb ntniljingf MENS' FURNISHISOS. WHY OCH TRAD1 18 INCBRA9INO. A "BLACK KTK" TO BIOH PBICIS. Today we are doing the largest Furnish ing busim of tho city, and for thesole and simple reason that we have taught the bur era of meronndise that paying fancy figures is neither wise nor neoes sary. Yon can oome into this house or you can send any member of your fam ily and save on your own apparel never lea than 25 per cent, and from that to 100 per cent, according to where you have been In tbe habit of doing your trading. Tbe following figures prove what we bavs to say : mens' uhdebweab. Fine India gusae shirts, all sizes, com-parisn- price elsewhere 40c - per gar ment S-Vs. Mens' well made jeans drawers, good quality. Comparison price: elsewhere 89c, per pair 25 Mens' snpvior summer weight Bal briggaa shirts s-d drawee Compari son price : elsewhere 7 jo, our price 55. Mess half hoe tieiw' teatnless cot ton half boe. gr.y a-d brown tnliturt Cioip truoti prio-: e sc h.-r 13d, eur io. Mens' blank c toa hlf hce, nood qtalay. Cmuiiar soa prke ouib OLTINa SH1BTB. We have an wv:nmuation of Oulieg BSlrta. Old lots, hi okas ais-s They Mr that sold far from $1 60 down to ?m aaol, wdl otoe thrm out at 50a. We a'o offer an elegant sltfc auipe out ing shirt, well oiaUf, pnrfirt iu at,ie and lotah. Oomparwoe prfo: l here $1 50, oar prior ft 00 Boy's hand'ouusckteviotoating Black sattaen anj facey wpe, well made, beat Btyl at tic, iOa. 7Jc, and tl 00 - Faaey Soarrs at la and 25c Best quality. Orenaoine Wmdsors, black navy.' garnet, white iky, pink and Taenia, fall lengtbe and breadth, the Btmot ' eamsaer eearf. Ckmparisott price: elsewhere 40o each. 19a. Closing eut ear entire stoek of smm and bey's straw katt a hU price. J C w; KAUFMAN ft CO. ' r i 1 if iHert. tma fyr.kl J JDrtj oob, ftx. WHY YOU SHOULD BUY YOUR CARPETS NOW. T. L SEIGLE & CO. Always looking ahead ! That's the way of a shrewd, good bus iness man. That's tbe way a good housekeeper should do Buv your oir pet now. Do you ask why? For the simple reason that you can buy H now daring dull season at lass price, b das we have the new Fall styles and if you were to wait until December thure wouldn't ba a thing newer than the ones we have just received. We c in afford to make them uo now for less than during the rush of the busy sea son. Buy now. Wo will store them for you and put them down when you are ready. You know our carpet de partment is at the bead of the list now. New shelving baa been put in and thou sods of dollars has been invested In the choicest carpets produced in Amerioa. We have anything you want. We are slaughtering China mattings now and you can get a bargain. Vi e havo rut the price on the wholo line and some of the very choicest designs are j et here We send samples of orpeH by express to any part in the south. Write to us and' we osn save you money Wo are selling carpns for less than eonie things sell for in New York. We moan to do the carpet business. All interested hould consult us 88 we can save you money. T. L. SEIGLE A CO. VELVET SKIN PO iVDER We have pepared. eepecial.y for nur sery and toilet rurpoww, a powder known hs Velvet Skin P.wder, which we feel sure will meet with uaiveistl favor. VELVET PKIN POWDER. Is delicately perfumed wi;h violets, and will be found in this i e p ct a very agn eablo adjunct t' Velv. t Skin Soap, VFLVET PKIN POWDER. Does not cake or b n me hard w hen moistened with tho prcpu.-.aioii, as do those toilet powders having etrch as a basis. It is very soothing end healing to all irritated and inU-uned surfaces, uch as excoriated or eife nipples. scilds, burns, hires, rash s, cbaipel bauds, and prtrkly heat. l or sale by BUH ELL & DUNS, Wholesale & RVitail Drugguists. tOitrhes, OJlotk, Jetorlin, Ste, VENU8 0F MILO. 1 1 ( ur South Window is shown an imported French Br on see of the celebrated Venus (.( Milo, now in the Louvre, the noblest extant representation of Aphro dite. Nothing like it ever be fore seen in a store in Charlotte. This work of art PRICE $50.00. BOYNE A BADGER, Art Jewelers. Smmlntt, (Draatif and piano. Grand Special Sale Grand Special Sale I will make a grand special sale of Pictures PtcMres Pictures PICTURES for the next few days. I have them in every style and pr e?, from the ordi nary CHROMO. wjrih 15c. to tbe handsomt st genuine Hand Paintings Hand Paintings Hand Paintings Hand Paintings Hand Paintings Hand Paintings Also a good selection of Oleg raphe Olographs Olographs Olegraphs OleKiapbs Olegrapha that are beauties, and a number of the handsomest Steel Engravings Bteel Engravings Steel Engravings 8 (eel Engravings t Bttel Engravings Bttet Enfcravms If you want anything in this line I know I can please you without faiL All I ask to .that you call at my Mammoth Furniture Store and take a look. That will insure a a tie. Aak to see -Love1 Captive" or "La Foataine" or UI( EVt Lai." . They are beautUnJ, : It irnvsiM'- rntlE ' akkories" beat the world 1 Their beautiful outline and easy motion catches everyone. The strangte and laeting qualities are not doubted, while tot lightness they take the record, bearing are the best.for down hill oast ing co other make will pssn thxmi'how friction a not there. T. T cjii.KKO. WeaikT Fereesst. Washinotos. D. C, JC1.T15. - Fore eait for North Carolina: Generally fa r;s:g'i!y warmer. Bonthernly wtnd Local Weatier,Kpr'. Weather Burkac Optici, 1 Cdablottk, N. C, July 15 1891. J a e 8 a ml30 It 78BSW 9 CO clear 8 p m 9 97 !7!5i W I 4100 fair JolvlS 1R90. July 15, 1891. 78 79 80 8 00 J. N. Rykcb, Observer. 8am 71 8 put 14 ttax 92 Min 71 Preo 00 A DISriWCISHK'D 8CKIDE. Judge Warder, of Cluttusegs, 8kols Miaitelf Tkrsigh ike Brsii. CnaTiiANoraA, Tsnn.. July 15. The suicideof Judge J. A. Waidrrlsst night, has created a sensation throughout the Hcate. bince the death of his son-ln law, tbe result of a family quarrel in which the sou in law, Simpson Fayette was shot and killed, Judge Warder's daugh ter wounded, and he himself seriously hurt, he has been at.aoked with melan cholia and his mind has been a very ii.iettltd condition. Since his release from confinement on account of his wi un 1 , he has been residing on Lookout Mountain with his wife and mother. Yeaterdiy upon advice of his mother, ho wo-.t to the city in order to be reliev ed of tha monotony of rural life. By 8 in-) unknown means he secured a pis til in Chattanooga. Lut night at mid night after sb iog his prayers in the pretnro of his mother end bidding her an !To v. ionate good bye, be placed the rev 'Ivor tn bis temrla and fired, the ball entering his brain, and causing death in about two honrs. Warder, before in. unfortunate tradgedy, in which he kill ed Fayette, his son in law, was one of the prominent politic:ans in the State. At one time be was mentioned as ibe Republican nominee for Governor II rvnd far a time on the supreme bene of the State. He was city attorney up to lant night, when bis resignation wa- accepted by tbe city council. TI1E CO! DnBIA CANAL. It lith ; xisjeet of CoBvenatlsi la CsluMkU. Hp to, io Tub chronicle.) Columbia, pa u., July id. There is not much in Mlumbia to write about today except the Columbia ctnal, for that la the only thing the p -ople are ta'Eiog about. Ibb C hroniclb mentioned yeatwdav the presence in the city of Oeorge Wal lace, of Boston, who wanted to bur the canal, and stated that bo oame too late and that an option had already been itiven. He persevered and sub kitted a proKiBition to the trustees of tbe Canal uo1 to the City Council. Ucsclved, That the City Council re- vers their acrion in reference to op i,on pi von the Granite Company and the Laud and Investment Company on the sal4 of the Columbia canal and that the board of canal trustreea be request ed to entertain bids fjr the same Tnls opens the whole matter again The trustees of the canal are to hold a special meeting to 'ay, and the Boston gentlomao will submit a forrml nrov osltion. Ii u very probable ttat the canal win be sold aga:n. Toeir proposition ' is to leave tho city pjwer sumoiert for the water woi is, to aeeume tbe canal bouds and U pty the city $50, COO la cash rhu cutract proposed does not bind the puicfcmerb to make any epecifio im provemeiits, but the $50,000 cash mon ey win l e u.o much (jr our canal au tboritk. The sale will very probably beeffe-ted. ou.unib.a'a Society for Prevention of Cruelvj 1 1 Auiaials secured a conviction rn their tint case, prosecuted yerter day. A negro hackmau was prostcuted for cruelty treating hu horse. w Jite a number o( changes have bt n made in the peison-1 of the Sjuihurn Express Company 's foice here. UL.v.rnor Tillman has respited David Jacobs and Mary Johnson, of Cherter- nald, uatil Aug. Hlh. They were un dor s utence to die July 19.h. Tkey Kifeeted a Wterl. Bpedbl to TnBCEucxicLa.) Reidsville, N. C.. July 15 -The Madiion team crossed bate with the Reidsville boys today, expecting a "Wa terloo." The Reidsville bovs took gin. ger in theirs and decided to have the victory or quit weilding ash. They downed Madison at the start and kept them down throughout tbe game. tteidfviii r-atted tne bail ail over te Held Kcoie 83 to 4, favor Reidsville. Tiir-e 1 hour and flifty minutes, um pire Loyd, attendance 850. Katieaal Rdur itiesal atiit. Tohosto. Ont , July If - Tbs annnal convention of the National Education al Association of tbe United States for merly opened this afternoon in tbe presence of about A.000 pereoias. Rev. (. N. Grant, principal of Q jeen's Uni-. versity. Kingston, welcomed the dele gates on behalf of Canada, taking tbe Ute Sir John McDonald's place. O.her Canadians also delivered weleoming ad dresses. 8hort responses were made by Hon. W. B Grrett, of Teanesae; Bon. W. Ts Harris, District of Colambia, GommiseioBer of Elvoatioa for United fttates; Prof. W. H. Batholamsw. of Kentucky, for Southern Central Suree, Btate Superinteedont Joan E. Msesey, of Virginia, for the Southeast: Boa. Solomon Pa'jner, of Alabama, for the Oolf States1: Hon. Joseph H. Shinn, of Arkansas, President of t3 Sostbern OHlOD MUCHAIS A PHlFt)R END -USING FREE SIL VFR AM) WIMOCRATiC PRIN CtPi.KS. CAMPBELL IS RENOMINATED. 1 Platfeaa Whlck Declares for Revet as Oily ai4 CoBdemas tke McKialy Tariff Bill. Clcvzland, Ohio, July 15 One of the largest and at the same time most inharmonious conventions e rer aasem -bled in the history of the Ohio Deoioo racy met here this morning 7 he ro nomination of Oov, Campbell had b et conceded bv his opponents fciooe I mi evenln?,but'they sturdily determined to refuse after formal results should tie assured, the time honored courtesy of a unanimous nomination The vast music ball in which the con vention was held was pick id to its ut most long before the hour of m-tDtiug arrived. Decorations co'.ait:d largely of American colors which draped the pillars, galleries and boxes Promptly t 10.80 o'clock Chairman Norton, ' f the State Central Committer, called th. convention to order, and Rjv Cham hers of Cleveland, invoked a bjirix. The Thurman quartettcrlub, of CI. mi bus. sang "The Welcome Meotir.u "at ter whioh Chairman Norton opound the convention with a stirriim addriMi aoil introduced Allen W. Thurman as t- rn porarv ohalrmao, who made a rii siug speech. Kx-ciongressman FraLk Leblond, or Meroer county, was selected as parmn nent chairman of the convntion lie was enthusiastically rec -ivid. Chair- nsan Leblond's speech was bii if and to the point, tie denounced Ibn iiit-t Re publican Congress for its bad legislation acd its attempt to pa the ii-.iquito.iF forco bill acd thereby perptuaie in IMiweraparty which for a d.-cadehis twen representative of monopolies aad snemiosof the people. (Appiause ) dm ral Armstrong, of Clevelarid, muvod bat the convention adept a v.cioruuis rooster as a device to doeigule ths Jdmocratio tickrt. the r coot ballot re form law requiring thi st-iec'lon of ni devi.o ' ft' publicans," said Arm tiong, "ill tecon'si tt.Ht aa our Di bol ar.d evf ry man who vols ib Df.o.'t ratio ii, kt ran rut b i nihrl, i..iler : hr- roonter "' (Laughter and tppls'isc.) The stiggeitioa struck the oii-.-t ntion favornblv nnil ArmatningV m-tiim was a l'pt'd b; a. cUmalion lii :t c .utoit :u tbe convention aros a or liio repirt ot the conuuittne on oredai tus oq t"ie ti h ward of Ciuciu. oati. the llimilton couatr delegttioo protesting against the report of the oomrcittce and supporting tho minority report. Cleveland, July 15. The report i1 the credential committee was over whelmingly adopUd. Chairman Fin. lay of the resolution committee sub mitted a msj rity report on platform The majority platform commend Campbell s administration, favors tariff for tbe sole purpose or revenue sum cient to econr'ni.oally administer tbe overnment, acci pts ice issue involved in the McKinley act, favors an income tax. demands free and unlimited ooin- age cf silver and gold and congratu lates the people on too Uii tat i.i tn," force bill and exprestes sympathy with Russian Jews. The minority report declares aghinst free silver and the iu oome tax plans. The policy ot the so called protection, championed by the Republican party in the interest of the favored classes against the masse. We favor a graded income tax. we denounce tne demon it z it ion of tilver in 1878 by the party tht n iu power ai aa iLquitous altera tion of tbe money standard io favor of creditors and against debtors, taxpayer and producers, and which br shutting off one of the sources of su ply of pn mary money operates continually to increase the value of gold, dep:r. prices, hamper industry, and rtiipaiax enterprise; and we demand tbe rein statement of a conslituiijnal stand, id of both gold and silver, with the equal right of each to free and unlimited ooinaxe. We denounce the Repub In an billion dollar CouKress, hich by ex travaant expenditures exhausted the surplus io tl,e National Treasury left there by the Democratic administra tion and created a il fl ic which sub stltutod deff otic rue for free discussion iu tbe House cf R-p eattatives; snd we congratulate the p pie upon the defeat of thi- odious Fon u Milt il. manded by a R.'publ can P e-i l, ut bi d championed by the K. publican party for tbe purpose of perpetuating I's i ule by perverting tbe constitutional powers of govern ment, destroying free elections and placing tbe ballot box in the hands of unscrupulous partUans in order, as dliredby Speaker Re.'d, to register vo ers, supervise ebciiois, cout.t tie ballot and declare the result- We are opposed to the enactment cf all laws which unnecessarily interfere with the habits and customs of any of onr peo ple, which are not offensive to the Jiviliasd world and we believe that th" personal tthl f in 'i 1 luals ah mid le i.ui.ui only whe.i it is e --nual i the mauttuaoce of pcacj, gcod order aid th welfare o! the ojoim unity. W favor tbe passage of soch laws by the General Arat n blj is will f .ve us s ijittni for tl.c ovtrninajt of cur mu mcipttiti e, uniform throughout tbe State as the oonatitution requires in which executive and legislative, power shall be a-paratfj, tbe former to be lodged in the Mayor and the latter in the council both to bs elected by tha pe pie; thereby rialiiing the principle of home rule, safe from thadacgers and evils of special legislation Wa favor closer commercial rtatatlona with our Caoadtan neighbors tni the removal of embarrassing restrictions wnica only vex ear people without yielding sub sUntial revenue to the (JcTernment. We favor liberal and just pea dons to deserriiiK and disabled soldiers, and aailove wto foubt torthemunAainaaoe ot the O jvernnieet and like p nsions to their winowa and orphan. Tne persecution of Jewish persons by the E u n Q avernrBCtit Ittft'T desotTfs B4 fCCti'M GUI BB4U41)ftd fvosors corneo ion with the enlightened Gov ernmtntiof Europe (Tspts-d to nniU- witv should take the proper steps tn ailntktfcine wrongs lr tiictea on mis ionsr snfferinv ami ornresmed neonle Following Is the minority report: We the undersigned members or tne corn mit'en on rolii'ioii recommend the adoption of tWe follnwlns rsoliit'ons as a ub!t'it for th p'i the piar form ou free coinage and nnlimite coinage of vilver We believe in honest money ooinsge of gold and si I rer clrou latleg medium omvertible into suob money without Iom and we oppose all legislation whioh trds t drive eith-r go'd or ailver ontof circulation, and w b-Ilevwin maintaining the coinage of both metals on a party. We also rec ommend that tbe re-olutinns declaring for a graduated tux on inoomes bastrick en from the platform. The mlnnritv repirt was rt-jeoted b 899i nnvs o 800i yeas and the platfo'ir a reported bf the msj wily of the Ci ra -nltte was thou adopti d by acclama tion; 1 he nomination of a Oivernor was the next thing in order and ex con gn-ssman John F Follett, of Clnclnmt 1. placed in nomination Lawrence T Noal, of Rom c mnty. 8 D. Dodir. of ilevnlanr'. nominated Virg'1 f. KUne. of ("iir.ih-ga ciuntv. There wa one wi'd. o-ithusiii"o, drtfening cheer of ann au'e when General Michnel Rynn. of Cincinnati, aroee to nominate Camp bell Hits were flung in the air. hand kerchief waved and umbrellas swung- iu ti i e to the wild ao Uim of enthusiasm vhirh s "cnt over the convention. After Jolin A. Richie, of Lucas county, had sec .r.d. d I'amplvirs nomination, and V R. It illin. of Pickawiy county, fec- nnriel Neal'a nomiuution. the roll w finallv ordered to be called. From the very h-ifinninu Campbell easily led all his competitors. Ounpijell wai r.ouinftled by a larM msj irity, and bis nomination was made udanimous by the convention. Cleveland. O do. July 15 The fol lowing is the p" In full: Tho Democracy of Ui:i.-, ia convention an seiubld, h reby r?solred that, we mist hfRUitv endorse the honesty and ecjuo my of the adir.iniKtrationof Gov James g. Caitii b -Ii and commend the (JJ'.li Kf n-ril atsmbly for its business quali Hcatifice, eouotiiy and reform, and es pecially for having provided for a .-crt Fallot bv wheh every voter in O'lio can ct hisballot in secret as he band bv t.ii vr.te counted a cnet ird wo invite attention to tbe fact thatiun R iriblican party, though by noctitc " profeiwiog to favor a free ballot end ir o un', yei oppoiedj and v,.te1 neninst a bill lor providing f,ir a wcret ba'lnt, thu demonstrating lis pr ifni m to be I isincere and for po litical i ff a on y. snd we cordially in dorse and approve the act of tfce legls lature ratriilaiing the compensation o( couuty nffljers by p-oviding for a fixed salary. We are opposed to all class legislation and believe in a tariff levied for the sole t urDose of producing revenue sufflolent ti defray th- legitimate expenses of the government economically aaministersa. We accept the Issue tendered to ut oy the Republican party on the subject of tariff as repres-nted by the so called McKinley tariff set, confident that a verdict of the people of Ohij will be recorded against the iniquitiou" pol icy. 8TATE NEWS. Wbat w Tsie in Kaleigb As Kteir sloti frB Taylorsvllie. Tbe Buf cf st. fill Pmiteiitlsry. SpoHnl to Thk i iu:onici.B.J RiLF.nn. N. C, July 15 -The Diicc tors of tbe Penitentiary are in sesoinii here today. The health of the inmates is reported unusually good for the sea son. and the financial outlook of the prison as bright as could be expected. Tbare are many applications lor re freehments in and nar the exposition grounds, and tbe rental will sum up a considerable rmount. Work on the temporary hotel building i progressing and when finished it will a(T ml acrom modstious for several hundred. Tb plan emraofs about eixt j rooms. It. II. Bittle. President of the It deign met- ry Association, is earnestly urning tbe erection of a chspol at )ik,i do niHt-jry for tho accommoa tion of f unerall processions, etc. It 1j a ojo-t laudable purpose, and, it U hoped vill soon be sen mplibed. Rsv. N. H. D Wilson today cuinmenc ed bis duties as asdocia'e editor of the RaleU'h Chris t is n Advocate, lie is ex pected to remaiu during the summer moi.t.s. as Rev F L Held, the editor in t hi f, will be abdr.'it most of the season. Nothing further hae developed today in the matter of tne shortage in the accounts of J. R wan Rogers, late Re publican Sheriff of Wake. Ud to 11 o'clock this morning two hundred and twenty certificates had been opened by the clerk of the Superior Cours to direct tax claimants. A large number of colored exour- sionlsts, from Fayetteville. are in the city toJay There were eight couches literal. y packei, containing altogether about twelve hundred persons. Tbey are eojiyiog ti e sights of the c.ty In an orderly manner l FIIP.0 HOTEL ARRIVAL?. t-'oKTU Calousa: HSJetikins A P Rnceti. J 8 Bunov. J 8 Powers. Geo P VVe.s:.. A J Yoii, Waiter C Muipby, J K H4r. -ll.L U Scruggs. W J Dall. Pride Jo in. H L M r. ies. H 8 Bernhardt. J A Hrown. W K Ar lriy, R C Bill, Dick li.irso BirilHt 8iipp. Vihoimi: J W Love 1 1. E T Moirls, John 11 tV'bite, J M Origg, J M Fraley, R.i V.e'.'. Jonss KoTeN: J V Weston. E Howard. LtciNVATi: M G Campbell. New York: Harry Da wtoa, H M Win ley. J C D'eugr n Paltimobc: J H Lindsn, O E Whlto. llim : Gen E Jordan. Georgia: E P Roaborougn, H Piedro. Chicago: A C Thompson. Wobcesteb, N T: FP Koowles and wife SotTH Cabouba: E M Wilson, F H WelU PiiiLADELfHia: Wjn Cox. District Ctarsrtnca Tha TUatriAt oatJ erenca of the Ckarlotta pwttrgt. wlU meet a Utto pJtT M pitch AbGbt if irtfVaftf Mi dlW t THE ALLIANCE JUBILANT, A GENERAL MELTING AT ATLAHTA AND A BOLD SPEECH. WEAVER OF KM DECLARE HIISEIF- BeTkliks tksTIxs Has (fmTm lt etat Is Take AMioa AgtUttTiMtl ail Soasssllef. v A th vTA Oa., July 15 Atlanta was, ( , . ths central point of a great Alliance r,-,f " rally iclay.thOUMinda of psoata aetaaT . . present at the Piedmont Exposition ; rounds. The audlenoe was notioably an agricultural one. hundreds of fa'- , v'' ' m rs ooming many mils mai thousanl 'rom this and surrounding oounties la hear diAtiogulshed speakers. Mayor Hemphill welcomed the multitude (O Atlanta in an address whioh was en. , , thudast'callv received. Col. E. V. LH inirs-oue. President of the Georgia Alliance and Congressman from this -i ditrit. preeid-d. Th flmt speaker iGen J B. Weaver, of Iowa. Hs .iw'urM in the besinning that the AllU v m ni v mnt was preater inan e R imbtican narty. or Democratic party. or Pe'.ple' pirtv hi'ciu It was the pe;,ple He asunrted mas ine pnois n-wi trusts of America were skinnlnsr B ; publioanLand Democrats alike. There was no politics in trusts: was wnn thum as it was with the Dutchman. Hs , ' was asked what hi polities were. and his reDlv was "Fiftv cents a bushel f ir corn and 5 cents a glass for lager Wf. Mv noli ties is businM. He said it wss high time for farmers tn make ' tb dr politics their bnsine'. "I sun a follower of them as or jeusrsoa," con tinued tha speaker: "I worship at his shrine politically. When he said E er- -i nal vigilsnce was the price or iineriT, he did not mean the vlsilanee of the politician, but tho vigilance of ths peo- ' pie " Wearer b oujbt forth the wildest ..; ,'f applause from his hearers by declaring . that tfaero are now thirty cirht millions more people here than there were twentv five vears asro. but strange to say ther is five hundred aod two mil- ' lion dolliiis less of mroey. He laughed at tbe farmers for saying that times - were ddll and asking vaoh other what ' made th"rt du'l. Ue told them to feel in thnlr no.keis and they could bb- r v swer that queet'on for themselves. I rel,' said the ueierai, 'mat ne time f has cone when e d.m't cai" a banbl" r-" "ir fl r for nv t'fty. fArtolauael We kmw whawo want and w'regolrg fc to hi. v.-1 . If tho old partus, et in our . w M i in riirht sauar over them won't bo as much of them left as ihre vbs of the R publican party In Kinsat last fall." Contluutng Weaver exclaimed: tell yon, my fiienda, ths Industrial people of this country oannOt s fiord to los another pratiden 1 . tial election. Wild spplausej wa must meet the capitalists of this OOUB' try in the open field and wa must nonouer tUem. If we are kept for another five years under their laws now in operation, we shall be the veriest slaves to a lot of plutocrats," He ad , vooated the free coinage of sliver ana cnnc'iiilod; wit" a'raternai message irum . No"1!' "i Atlianofmeu to their South j eru brethren. TltOUBLK WITH SAILORS. DeoDty Halted States Marskalf mrmsrivrs ibis I'lnicaiuM SANPi .rio Cel.. July 15 There was riot here laat evening srrowinc - . . .... itifli..i,i out of the attempt of deputy U. 8. Mar- shals tn arrest eleven sailors from the ar hii Charleston who had overstay- ed theu nhore lesve. The sailors were carousing in a saloon whsn deputy ar'h&lii Brad love, weoo. wnson ana flretber arrested one of their num ber The other sailors Immediately :loied in and attempted to prevent tne ,HUr. 1 mm rt.mnvlflff the by the deputies and a free ,'.ht n-iued. it l.tosea ior a time as u lie Hi -rs would be killed, but a patrol a--..; arrived with reinforcements, i d nrr. fited the sailor who was taken to iail. When the pitrol left, the crowd .. .i u..bnk .1 thjk fiffirumi with nick handles, gaa pipe, and other weapons. Ti.n , ftt iom eot awav and nicked no the woundd, Robert Brown, a Sailor on the Charleston. Ue died in a lew min utes f rom the effects of a blow on the head with a club said to have been in flicted; by deputy Wilson. Another Charleston sailor, Paddy Bams, is dy ing with a fraoturea exuii. uepunes Brad love and Urether were oeaiy ornif ed abiut the head, and a number of other persons injured. There is great excitement and threats of lynching all deputies concerned ia the trouble were rreeiy maae. ine sympa , k. n9 Mimmnnttv HAfflN to he With ik. ..ur It la ulrl the ofneers were too f (TImous. and for sake of the reward arretted men whose snort leave naa not expire!. Warrants are out for the dep uties arrest. ALLIANCE. A HM ib the bst-irtAstry 8clef Ib Coirtntisi. Ciiickk). July 14 A special from Topeka, Kansas, says: Indications are that ths Alliance win spin on ana ouo Treasury scheme The action of the Convention is generaL Topeka eonver sation and views of the Alliance leaders are very diverse. rresraeni xouoatn, of this State, is lukewarm on the Sab Treasury plan and is in sympathy with the Missouri Alliance. rrwHni w. o. Hall in his fight on Dr. McLore ana ur. lr IHn WAllnr r1 ehj. AIHaiv Advr- cate, declares that the Tsxas Oonven- tion dm uut represent tne AJUaaes in that Htate ihc pitsideot has revoked the com ra ai n of the lectures who signed 'the cill for a Convention. Dr. McLalliB d.e'ans that ths Kansas Alliance is practically a mit on the Sub-Treasury plan, while others of the Alliance lead ers say that only one of the State lectur ers is making a fight for tt Fraaee Seeiree Uaaaiity. Paris, July 15. The Kortrpamtt of Tfinos has fjoms to an PB4(rtn4J ' I.

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