I ) The Messenger and Intelligencer fVc? Two f HlV.JT LOCALS Miss Sarah Wall.' of Walltown, is visiting friends in Ashc ille. Mr. J. W. SedVrry, of Mt. Gilead, spr.t Monday here. Mr. W. A. M-rion. of Alex.in.1ria, Imi, is visiting his uncle, Mr. W. M. Morton. Mr. Charlie Fitter, cf Laurinbuif, srtent d:.y here with Mr. i nd Mrs. J. S. Webh. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fire.-, children wni last wetk ! Mr. and Mr?. W. H. Jam -Mr. Erastirs 1 Frr.lcy .Tenn.. is visiiir.cr the :. John X. Krctts. of.L.lc?u: Mr. R. C, Ki-i r! of ray nn .iv with f K"'ov:,k. lily ef Mr. le tow n.d.lp. TV-vllJ' -sr. S. C, has hri :i viti'ie the f: T. R. Bowman, of Liksvi! ; township! Mr. J T. Teal has moved to town, and is occupying the hou-e he bo....t seme time ago on Gi(e:i M. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Brasington and small daughter spent the week-end in Charleston. S. C. V Knott of Lilesville township, spent the Christmas hoh- days in Wilmington and Burgav wnn old school friends. j Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Lowe have mov-' ed into the home they recently pur. chased from Mr. G. R. Parker, on Rose Hill. Miss Mary Neal Brasington, of Charlotte, and Mrs. Ernest Brasing I ton, of Waycross, Ga., spent Tuesday ' here on their way to waycross lcom ; Charlotte. Miss Cera Lee, of Burnsville town ship, is fast recovering from an oper ation for appendicitis which she un derwent in the Anson Sanatorium some time ago. Messrs. J. E. Myer! and C. J. Hun ley returned last Friday from Tampa, Fla., where they attended a meeting of insurance men. They were given th& trip in consideration of having sold more than $100,000 insurance for the Jife insurance company they repre sent. Maggie Powell, colored, who cooks for Mrs. R. E. Little, is very much dis turbed on account of the disappear- anc of her 12-years-old son. Archie, who was last seen at Morven about I two weeks ago. Any one having any knowledge of the present where abouts of Archie, is requested to noti fy his mother, care of Mrs. Little. The boy is light ginger cake color, with high pitched voice, and stammers. It is thought he . possibly has gone to Laneys, S. C. JbShfo 64 years' Record of Honest Dealing. No commtaxlona to pay. V'rito ttx'ay Jorfrca shipping teas & top price 1 1st Ite Smik'i Urgent ti o'&ii it, kiit est WMi ssu toy oor DURABLE PRACTICAL ft Pays You NOW is the time to make your choice between the low cost of kerosene and the high cost of feed; the scarcity of labor and the independence of labor ; a slow sweating team plowing one acre a day and a fast moving tractor plowing 8 to 1 0 acres a day ; minimum and maximum farm produc tion; farming at a profit and farming at a large profit. BE A PROGRESSIVE FARMER ; Equip yourself With a FORDSON TRACTOR and approved farm implements. ' Place your order NOW, there will be a big shortage in the Spring. ; ATTENTION, MR. FARMER. Don't forget our FORDSON TRACTOR SCHOOL to be held at our garage on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan uary 2 1st and 22 nd. You are cordially invited to attend. Mr. Burroughs of , the Ford Motor Company will be with us Blalock L Mr. Charlie Lowe, of Rock Hill, S. C. spent the week-end here with home folks. The M. & I. reported some time ago th;it the town commissioners had decided that, effective Feb. 1st, all rigs must be put out of, town. Several d;iys ago a petition that hogs be al lowed to stay was circulated and was hugely signed. It was presented tu thi commissioners, and they decided t hut any one may keep pigs if he will keep the pen in a sanitary condition. Otherviso he' will not l e allowed to k.vp ;hi-m. A hog is no dirtier than n.'.y other ar.in-al, according to those who want to raise porkers, and p.'riis ran e-i--i!y he kept clean with a little trouble. . Laat week Stokes McRae, eol- i c nh ciMV'ii 'IV! TTlf'MI. :i 1:1 V ' t i 'n" apparel from Me.rshall Sturdivant, and an O'.l nearer lrum ..me amnra ; Country Club. Last Thursday he was : srred by Chief of Police Clark, and I iust. before they readied the jail j iStokes broke aw?" from Mr. Clark and ran, crossing ine aepoi rouu unu gu imr toward Mrs. R. E. Little's resi- i deneo. Mr. Clark was no match for , Stokes in a race, and he fired at him several times, but na not nil mm large searching party was soon out af ter Stokes, and he was found in a short time, hiding in Mrs. Little's barn. He is now in jail. Quick Cure for Croup. Watch for the first symptom, hoarseness and give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at once. It is prompt and effectual. 'Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Dr;ys "LAX-FOS .WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared SyrupTonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified before W K. Boggan, Clerk of the Superior Court of Anson County, North Caro. lina, as Executor of the last will and testament of Elzira J. Dunn, late of Anson eount.v. this is to nnt.ifv nil npr SOns having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 31st day of December, 1920 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will . please make immediate pavment to me. This, the'31st day of Decembr. 1910 B. J. DfJNN, Executor of the last will and testa ment of Elzira J. Dunn, deceased. Robinson, Caudle & Pruette, Atty.'s. 1-8-Ctc. RE-SALE OF LAND BY EXECUTOR Under and by virtue of the Last Will and Testament of S. G. Wall, Sr., de ceased, and an Order of the Superior day of January, 1920, directing the un- j dersigned to re-sell the tract of land hereinafter described, and in pursu- i i"" ' , ' V in consequence of said Last Will and3' OTre W-&Vred cak- and pmo T Fordsoe Tractor I - Allen Auto Co Testament and Order, I, the under signed, will on the 26th day of Jan uary, 1920, at 12 o'clock, M ' at the Court House dpor in Wadesboro, N. C., expose to re-sale at public acution to the highest bidder for cash, that cer tain tract of land lying and being in Lilesville Township, County of Anson, State of North Carolina, located abjut two miles southeast from the Town of Pee Dee, on the Pee Dec River and known as the 1'iggs' Place, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning rt a pest o.;k in the edge cf an old field and run.-? N. 2-1 1-2 chs. to a stike, one post oak and nir.e ptrs.; then N. 34 1-2 W. 1.13 chs. to a pine stump in the old Rid:,e Path; then N. 2 1-4 E. 21.20 chs. to a stake en the north side of said Path; then N. 88 E 30 iks. to a dead pine by said Path; then N. 25 1-2 E. 25.20 chs. to a rock near the Robinson Spring, two small pines ptrs.; then N. 42 1-4 E. 41 chs. to a rock, on? hickory ptr.; then N. 23 1-2 W. 2.70 chs. to a stake by a hickory ptr.; then S. 31 1-2 E. 14 chs. to a mul berry t'-ce on the bank of the Pes Dec River; then down said River the vari ous courses 98.35 chs. to a stake on its bank, one walnut tree ptr.; then N. 77 1-2 W. 45.90 chs. to a rock near a spring, one gum, line and dead white oak ptrs.; then, S. 29 3-4 W. 37.50 chs. to a stake, one blackgum and pint ptrs; then N. 56 1-2 W. 27 chs. to the beginning, containing four hundred and and ninety-four and one-half (494 1-2) acres, more ar less. This being the "First tract" of land describ ed in deed of L. D. Robinson, Commis sioner, to S. G. Wall, dated October 13th, 1900, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Anson Coun ty in Deed Book 34, page 31G, from which deed the above description is taken and to which doci reference is hereby made for a fuller description of said tract of land. The bidding will begin at $5280.75. Said re-sale will be made subject to an increased bid of five per cent (5 per cent) within ten days from date of same. This the 8th day of January, 1920. H. J. WALL, Executor of the Last-Will and Tes tament of S. G. Wall. Sr., deceased. Brock & Henry Attorneys. l-15-2tc RE-SALE OF LAND The Superior Courts for Anson county in a special proceeding enti tled, Nettie P. Kelley and her husband against E. T. Seago Et Al, having re ceived an increased bid upon the here inafter described lands and ordered a Re-Sale of the same, the undersigned will on Monday the 26th day of Jan uary 1920 at 12 M., at the Courthouse Door in Wadesboro, offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the follow ing tract of land in Lilesville Town ship, Anson County, to-wit: BEGIN NING at a double blackgum and runs S. 84 E. to a stake, dogwood, sassafras and mountain oak ptrs.; at the head of a hollow; then N.' 10 E. 4 chs. and 50 hnks to aJaic P?Plar! Vandeford s "rner. " th TSv du f aU EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL Now ptrs; Benjamin Sanders comer;' then N. 47 1-2 W. 39 chs. and 25: links to a stake by a large black gum ptr; then N. 3 W. 12 chs. to the Ridge Road; then up the various courses of said Road 23 chs. and 35 links to the cor ner of the dividing lino of the 284 ucrei tract, a large post oak ptr. then S. 22 E. 41 chs. and 18 links, one ptr; then S. 55 E. 8 chs. to a rock on bank of the Fall Branch just below the old mill dam, two gum ptrs.; then S. 14 W. 12 chs. to ihe beginning in.Drs. Lindsey's line containing 149 acres more or less. Said metes and bounds are t'iken from deed of Wm. Co?: to Patrick H. .F. n:vo dated Feb. 10th. 1873 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Anson County in Deed Book 18 pa?'3 479 et seq; whi h deed in mado a part hereof for a fuller description of said tract of land. 'SAVING AND EX CEPTING front said .iet;s and bound'; however these two tracts or parcels of land described and defined as follows; to-wit: FIRST TRACT Bernning at a stake in the middle of the Ride-e Road pine ptrs;S. 54 1-2 W. from the cen tre of J. C. Poplin's chimney and runs with said ror.d S. 50 W. 3.10 chs. to a stake in said road, pine and hic kory ptrs; then S. 40 E. 3.16 1-2 chs. to a stake pina and oak ptrs; then N. 50 E. 3.16 chs. to a pine knot stake; two oaks and persimmon ptrs; then N. 40 W. 3.16 1-2 chs. to the baginning, containing one acre mere or less. This being the same ,ract of land conveyed by P. H. Seng? rrr.d .wife Elizabeth Seago to R. T. Morten and W. R. Price trustees bv deed dated Septem ber 2nd. 1915 t,nd recorded in thi of fice of the Register of Deeds for Anson County in Deed Book 52 page 318 which deed is nade a nart hereof for a fuller description of said tract of land. SECOND TRACT Beginning at a stake in the middle of the road that 1( u'a fmm tbn RirVi mad tn tha lnt-. I Capt. Chas Lindsey's farm and near a corner of the late P. H. Seago and D. A. Seago lands and runs with said line of P. H. Seago S. 55 E. 8.00 chs. to a stake near the branch; thence S. 14 W. " 12.00 chs. to a stake; then S. 84 E 15.00 chs. to a stake; thence N. 10 EjP.ersons indebted to said estate will 4.50 chs. to p stab and old poplar ! P'e,a.se"la mediate payment. tree: thence N. 17 E. to a. stake in the middle of said road abovn mentioned; thence with said road to the beginning containing about thirtv-eight acres more or less. This being the same tract of land allotted by commission ers to M. E. Seago widow of P. H. Scocro. deceased as her dower in the lands of P. II. Seago, deceased th re port of commissioners making said al lotment of dower being recorded in the office of the Renrister of Deeds for An son County in Deed Book 56 page 431, and made of said tract of land. Bidding to copnee at the sum of Two Hundred and Ninety Dollars ($290) sale subject to confirmation by the Court, this t'.:e Gth, day in Jan uary 1920. JAMESA.LOCKIIART. v B. VANCE HENRY, l-15-2tc. jommissioners. State of North Carolina, ' - " Anson County. J" '"'"frr-the- Superior Couvtr . , Etta Mable Stanback vs - ' Crockett Stanback NOTICE The defendant above-named will take notice that an action as above en titled hns been commenced in- the Su perior Court of Anson County, North Carolina, to dissolve the bonds of mat rimony now existing between the plaintiff and the defendant; the said defendant will further take notice that he is rewired to be and appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Anson County. North Carolina, at the cour house in Wadesboro, North Car olina, on Friday, the 30th day of Jan uary, 1920, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff which will be filed in, the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county on or before said date, and let the said defendant take notice that if he fails to answer or demur to said complaint within the' time required by law, the rdaintiff will take judgment against him for the relief demanded in her complaint. ' Done at office in Wadesboro, North Carolina, this the 7th day of January, 1920. W. K. BOGGAN. Clerk of the Superior Court of An son County. North Carolina.. -McLendon & Covington, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. - l-8-4tc SALE OF PERSONAL PROP ERTY BY ADMINISTRATOR. Under and by virtue of the author ity vested in me by law, I, the under signed Administrator, will on the 30th day of January. 1920, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. at tho residence of the late T. J. Lindsey, in' Lilewille township. Anson countv. North Caro'ina, offer for sale at public auction the following de scribed personal 'property belonging to the estate of the. said T. J. Lindsey, deceased to wit: One buggy and harness, One wagon and harness, All corn, about 100 bushels, Al oats, hay, fodder, etc., All farming tools. All household and kitchen furniture. The terms of said sale are cash. This 7th day of January, 1920. R. L. LINDESY, Administrator of the estate of T. J Lindsey, deceased. l-3-4tc. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned, administrator of the estate of DeWitt H. Morton, de ceased, will, ON TUESDAY, JAN UARY 27th 1920, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M., offer for sale at public austion to the highest bidder for cash, at the home of the. late DeWitt H. , Morton; the following personal property: ' One Ford Automobile; 1 Mow . , ing Machine; 1 Overland Automo bile, 4 Mules; Lot of Cotton Seed; Lot of Fodder; Lot of Hay, Lot of Corn, Lot of Farming Tools; Lot of . Wheat and Oats; Lot of Shop Tools; One Buggy and Harness. 1 Disc Harrow, 1 Rake; 1 Reaper. Also some other personal property, belonging to said estate. , This the 3rd day of January, 1920. - MORAN D. McLENDON, Adminis trator of the estate, of DeWitt H. Mor ton, deceased. l-8-3tc. ; McLendon & Covington Attorneys NOTICE. Resolved that in the judgment of the Board of Directors cf the Wadesboro Building & Loan Association, that it is advisable and most for "the benefit of said Company that same shall forth with be dissolved, and to that end it is ordered that a meeting of the Stock holders be held in the office of the Wadesboro Building & Loan Associa tion on Thursday, the 29th day of Jan uary, 1920, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. to take action upon thi;; resolu tion; rnd that the Secretary forthwith give notice of said meting and the adoption of this resolution within ton days from this date, by publishing said resolution and notice of its adop tion in the Messenger nnd Intelligen cer, a weekly news paper pub'.bhed in Wadesboro, N. C. for at least four weeks, once a week successively, and by mailing a written or printed copy of same, to each and every stockholder of this Company in the United States. In witness whereof we hereunto set our hands and affixed the Corporate Seal of said Company, this the 26th day of December 1919. W. II. LILES, President, F. M. HIGI1TOWER, J. F. ALLEN, F. E. COVINGTON, T. C. COXE, Directors. ATTEST PAUL J. KIKER, rl-l-4tc , Secretary. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of DeWitt H. Morton, de- ceased, late of Anson County, North r i : i l a. iij n Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of January, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All MORAN D. McLENDON, Administrator of DeWitt H. Mor- ton, deceased l-l-6tc. McLendon & Covington, Attorneys. SALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me by an order or decree of the Superior Couit of Anson County, North Coro lina, made by the Clerk thereof, in a certain special proceeding therein pending, entitled Henry A. Yatson and others, Ex Parte, the undersigned commissioner will, n MONDAY, JANUARY 19TH, .1920, AT THE HOUR OF 12 O'CLOCK M. AT THE COURT HOUSE DOOR IN WADES BORO, NORTH CAROLINA, offer for sale at public. auction to the high est bidder for cash, the following de scribed tracts or parcels of land, ly ing and being in White . Store town ship, Anson county,, North, Carolina, adjoinirK'-the- landa'elO :'T. Leonard, Albert Leonard, Mike Watson and others, and bounded as follows, to wit: ' "v ' FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at a reck' by. a red oak on the south side of a road, and runs S. 00 E. 03.48 chs. to a stake by a willow on the tnnk of Dead Fall creek; then S. 85 W. 36.37 chs. to a stake; then N. 27 1-2 W. 40 ch.3. to the beginning, containing seventy (70) acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the first line of the above described tract and runs N. 53 1-2 E. 37 chs, 'to Boies creek; then down said creek 2.80 chs. to a stake; Leonard's corner; then S. 53 1-2 W. 36 chs, to a stake; thn N. 60 W. 2.82 chs, to the beginning, containing nine and three-fourths (9 3-4) racres; more or less. THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the line of the first tract and runs N. 57 1-2 E. 31 chs. to a stake in Boles creek; then down said creek, the various courses thereof, 11.63 chs to a stake, Leonard's corner; then S. 48 W. 31.75 chs. to a stake in said first line; then N. 60 W. 15 chs. to the be ginning, containing thirty-eight (38) acres, more or less. FOURTH TRACT: BEGINNING at a ,stake in the first line of the first tract and runs N. 46 E. 26.70 chs to a stake; then S. 19 1-3 E. 5.70 chs to a stake; then S. 40 W. 22.40 chs. to a rock in said first line; then N. 60 W. 7.71 chs. to the beginning, containing sixteen and one-fourth (16 t-4) acres, more or less. FIFTH TRACT: Lying and being in Chesterfield county, state of South Carolina, on the waters of Thompson and Dead Fall creeks, containing twenty-six and three-fourths (26 3-4) acres, more or less. Being the west ern er.d of a tract of land formerly belonging to the estate of Levin Wat son. For a full description of said tract of land reference to plat made by John H. Lowry on the 16th of Oct., 1870, of the said estate lands, and al so a plat made by J. A. Craig in March, 1908, for Eli B. Watson, is hereby made. - - This sale is made subject to confir mation by the Court. , Thi3 the 19th day of December, 1919. H. H. McLENDON, 12-24-4tc Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having this day qualified before W. K. Boggan, Clerk of the Superior Court of Anson County, as administra tors on the estate of Samuel Gate wood, deceased, Jate of Anson County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said decedent to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of November, , 1920, or this notice will be plead in bar ot their. rfo very. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the undersigned. This, the 26th day of Nov., 1919. D. E. GATEWOOD, T. A. GATE WOOD and NANNIE L. GATE WOOD, Administrators of Samuel Gatewood. deceased. 12-ll-6tc. Robinson, Caudle & Pruette, Arty's. Old papers fr sale Apply at The IT. & 1. Office. NOTICE OF STRAY MULE. On Dec. 8th, 1919 William McRae, col., of Gulledge township Anson county N. C, took up at his hon e, one sorrell bay horse mule, with gray on back of shoulders, about 15 years old,, weighing about 500 pounds. No other marks or brands on said mule. The owner of the above described mule is notified to appear and claim said mule in accordance with the law, Sec 2334 of the revisal of 1905, or the said mule will be sold under the provisions of Sec. 2835 of the revisal of 1905. This Dec, 22nd 1919. B. H. CROWDER, Register of Deeds for Anson County. t2-25-4tc. State of North Carolina.Anson county in the Superior Court. Eva Walter vs John Walter. NOTICE.. The Defendant, above-named will tr.ke notice that an action as above on titled has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Anson County, No'rtli Carolina, to dissolve the bonds cf mat rimony now existing between the Plaintiff and the Defendant; the said Defendant will further take notice that he is required to be and appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of An son County, North Carolina, on Fri day; January 23rd 1920, and answer or demur to the Complaint - of the plaintiff which will be filed in the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County on or before said date; and let the said Defendant take notice that if he fails to answer or demur to said complaint within the time re quired by law, the Plaintiff will tak& judgment against him for the relief demanded in her complaint. Done at office in Wadesboro, North Carolina, this the 20th day of Decem ber, 1919. .,- W. K. BOGGAN, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Anson County; North Carolina. 1 l-l-4tc. McLENDON & COVINGTON, At torneys for the Plaintiff. SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. On Thursday, the 22nd of January. 1920, at the residence of the late Nan nie B. Misenheimer, deceased; at 11 A. M., I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing articles of personal property belonging to her estate, to-wit: Two fattening hogs weighing about 25fr pounds each, one heifer, a Chevrolet touring car, and other personal prop erty belonging to said estate. , This December 31, 1919. l-l-3tc. W. P. DUNLAP Executor of the Last Will and Testa ment of Nannie B. Misenheimer, deceased. SALE OF LANDS Bv virtue of n deerpo nf iho Si mop. ior Courts of. Anson county, made in a. special proceeding entitled, J. A Leak, Et Al, vs R. E. Little Et Al. The undersicned will n Tbnrstotr the 22nd day in January 1920, at 12- o ciock tu, on the premises expose for sale for cash at public auction the fol lowing described tx,nrt. of bind. Rituntp- in the town of Wadesboro, Anson county, worth Carolina: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Wade and Wnshinirtnn St.rppt.s find vnnnirxr vwitli Vade Street 75 feet to' Dr. J. H. Ben nett's corner, thence with his line 150 feet to H. W. Little's line; thence with his line 75 feet to Washington St.? thence With Washington St., 150 feet- 10 tne Deginnmg, it being known as the Old Bank of New Hanover Lot. This lot will ba cut into lots of ennven.' ient size, plots of it will be seen at the- oinces ot the undersigned and at the sale. Sale subject to confirmation by the court. This, December 17th, 1919. JAMES A. LOCKHART, FRED J. COXE, 12-24-4tc. . ' Commissioners, EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Having this day qualified as Execu tor of the Last Will and Testament of Nannie B. Misenheimer, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said testator, that they are required to present the same to the undersigned for payment on or before the 31st day of December, 1920, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are required to make im mediate payment. This the 31st day of December, 1919.. W. P. DUNLAP, Executor of the Last Will and Tes tament of Nannie B. Misenheimer, de ceased. l-l-6tc. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICR I have qualified as Administrator of the estate of the late W. S. Clarke. All persons holding claims against his es tate will present them to me on or be fore the 4th day in December 1920, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 29th day in No rember, 1919. S.M.CLARKE.. Administrator of the late W. S Clarke. J. A. Lockhart Atty. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, County of Anson. The undersigned, having been ap pointed and duly qualrfied as adminis trator of thp pstnt.p of T .T T deceased, all persons having claims V 1 ' against said estate are hereby noti- 'V.; fied to exhibit the same before him on or before the 16th day of December. 1920, or this notice will be pleaded in i bar of their recovery. All persons in- debted to said estate will please make" I immediate payment. This 16th day of December, 1919. R. L. LINDSEY, ' Administrator of the estate of T. J- Lindsey, deceased. . . C,; Brock & Henry, Attorneys. 12-18 6tc' , . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. j Having this day qualified as Exfepju- j tors of the last will and ,testamen&f ' Stanly Edwards, deceased, this h) i , notify all persona holding claims , ( against the estate of said deeedet to present the same to the . ttndersigHed' on or before the 4tk day ef Decemter, 1920, or this notice will be plead in? ; I bar of their recovery. All' persons In- ) debted to said estate will be rfecjoirei ' to make prompt settlement. WALTER C. EDWARDS. J. L. ED WARDS, and C. B. EDWARDS, Jx- ecutors of the last will and testa ment of Stanly Edwards, dece. 'nwn, CaudTe & Iuette, Atty 1b. ; IMX-Cte - - - J

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