Ths Mc:::cncr and InlcIIizencer Two 9 KILLS WIFE AND HANGS SELF. REGISTER SIGMAN WINS SUIT. Charles E. Davis, wealthy farmer of pear Wake forest, and Sam P. Shad rick, tenant on Davis" farm, both kill ed their wives early Monday moraine and Davis then huntr himself in the Raleigh jail early Wednesday mora ine, Davis was filled , with . mean moonshine liquor when arrested and when brought to jail remained in a drunken stupor for more than twelve hours. He is said to have drunk a Tllon find a half between Friday and Monday morning. Shadrick. who .was lecently discharged frojn the insane asylum, was gibbering like a manir.e when arrested. After Davis hunt: himself in jail, Shadrick said he would like to do the same thing, "but lidnt have the nerve." Davis is estimated to have been worth at least $100,000 and lived in the finest home in his township. He came home drunk and frightened his pon and daughter, then shot his "wife three times, she dying that day. The children jumped from a second story window, the daughter breaking an an kle, and ran to secure help. Davis was found holding the baby in the bed beside his wife. Shadrick blew part of his wifes head off with a shotgun and when offi ers arrived he was sitting beside the body gibbering like a maniac. He had of naDer around the part of the head blown off and had placed it in the'stove. When arrested he laid he had found a man in the house, but this is declared to have been purely hallucination, as Mrs. Shadrick was a woman above suspic ion. . Davis was a victim of influenza in 1919 and it is said that the after af-fe-t. coupled with excessive use of whiskey had probably deranged his mind. INMATES OF FORSYTH COUNTY HOME MARRIED. Winston-Salem, Dec. 3. It devel rned today that a couple of inmates of the county home slipped away Mon- ' v, came to rae register of deeds of fice, secured license and later that day were married, the pastor of the Methodist church on Forsyth circuit " It is reported that he was jtnisled iy the couple, who claimed that jy lived in me cuy. ine Dnae is . ral vears the senior of the groom. After their return to the home, the couple revealed the story of the nup t: 'ts and, now the keeper declares that others are endeavoring to slip off and oil the same stunt. Disposition of 've pwly wedded couple will be re ferred to the county commissioners. Autosuggestion. I , "What does autosuggestion mean?" asked Pringle. That's when your wife begins to figure out how much you would save in carfare, and all that, if you had .vonr own machine," replied Teggard, -tIio had been worked just that way. Milwaukee Catholic Citizen. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Pays firojglau refand money If PAZO OINTMENT faCk to cure itcnlng, nana, Bleeding or r ramming rues. Instantly relieves rinfrtnn DiRnatrh. Judce Rav dismissed the suit for $200 penalty brought against Regis ta f lWrt. V E. SiornAn. hv C. E Lemmons, of Forsyth county, without allowing the case to go to tne iury in Superior Court yesterday. Urn mnns was claiming the penalty be- Koiiu ho nllpcfpd that Retrister Sigman issued a license for the marriage of hia Hnno-Vitpp when she was under the Wnl ace of eiehtteo. When the fluim tuna nrpapnt.pd heforp Recorder Mover, Mr. Sigman put on no evidence hut took appeal to the Sunerior Court when he was adjudged liable to payment of the penalty. A(to tVio ' pvirloftpp haA Vippn Dre srnted by the defendant official . and Attornev Kaper had made, his speecn 4 tVio iuru .Tiir"rn Rav arnnned the l U J',l f-, - , "J ' ' - - case by ruling that Mr.- Surm in had nrcveu'that he had complied with the iw nni had made oroner mvesuga- l,'ir KfnrA laaiiino- trip 1ifpnap The laws of the State provide that anyone bringing complaint against a register "of deeds for issuing a H ppnu fnr a nprsuin under jio-p without consent of parents mav recover $200 penalty irom sucn omcer. in i"a case, however, it was shown that the girl m question, 'the woulu-be nus- konrl anA a .uritnpaa AanaraA crip WAS eighteen years old. The girl made the atntpmpnt imHpr nnth. hut later went on the stand before Recorder Moyer and testified she had sworn talseiy. Perjury charges were brought against her and she was heavily nnea. WILSON TO WRITE BOOKS. Althrt it Vina hppn trpnerallv under stood that President Wilson after he leaves the White House March -, would devote- his time to writing this fact became known this - week with a degree of finality. It also be came known he will make his home in Washington but thus far he, has not obtained a residence. Joseph P. Tumulty, the president's secretary, also plans to remain in Washington after March 4 and in tends to write some books about the President, with whom he has been associated the past 10 years. Mr. T'imultv 1 as been offered a place in the customs court of appeals but has not yet reached a decision to accept the appointment - Read j ustment In Prices 73 C GETTING BACK TO OLD PRICES-WE ARE GOING TO OFFER OUR EN TIRE STOCK OF GOODS AT MUCH LESS THAN COST FROM NOW UN TIL DECEMBER 24, ' Mens $40.00 and $45.00 Suits, now $22.50 $35.00 Suits, now,. .. .. ..'$17.50 $20.00 Suits , now $1 1.50 - . All Ladies' Misses' and Children's Coats and Cpat Suits at Same Big Reductions. ; All Wool Shirts less than cost, $2.45, $3.20, . and $4.75. j - . Good 35c and 40c Apron Ginghams back to . 15, 18 and 20 cents. . .. , All Underwear at Big Reduction. $1.50 Un derwear, now ' 9oc Wanted WHITE FARMERS To settle in Burke County, Geor gia. Special inducements offered. For further information, write Burke County Chamber Of Commerce All Sweaters and knit Goods Cheap. BI CUT IN ALL SHOES $15.00 Shoes, now;.. .1 . .. .. $9.50 $12.50 Shoes, now ... . ..$7.75 $ 1 0.00 Shoes, now .". . . $7.00 All other Shoes at a big reduction. 50c Outing, now.. . .. 25c Laches' and Children's Hose, now back to 10, 15, 19 and 35c. ' H I I INI MIlUM.!.. ! I. , I 9 ., ,.,.111. , Men's Overalls back to old prices, $1 .35, . $1.65, $2.00, and $2:50. . ' One lot of good 35c Flannelette, now 1 1 9c Good quality,50c Ginghams, now . ,25c One lot 35c Ginghams at 1 ' J 5c 60c and 75c Ginghams and Devonshire, now only . . 39c and 45c WE ARE JUST QUOTING A FEW PRICES TO SHOW YOU WHAT WE ARE DO INGWE ARE MAKING THE SAME BIG REDUCTIONS IN ALL LINES OF OUR GOODS. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE, MAKE GOOD USE OF IT. REMEMBER THESE PRICES ARE IN EFFECT FROM ; NOW UNTIL DECEMBER THE 24TH. Ratliff & Hardison H MORVEN, N C. v 'fl'- itonmg rues, ano you can set T .tTnnnA . II 1 ' t1-. Iift ttAIWtSUUttU UA. ULJUBilllllll"liMlliWWin Hill ll ll I IU..l.TII.!.P-lTOmiIWWRWllWN(imiim.-Iii, J With Every $5.00 Dry JC ' 1 B UM 1L 1 la tiJVo JLW With Every $5.00 Dry Goods Purchase we will sell 10 to 25 pounds Gran ulated Sugar at 10c per lb. Closing Friday Dec 24 LAST1NQ 12 DAYS th 7 Cakes Export Soap for 25e Good Coffee at 1 7 c $ 1 .00 Brooms for 50c I Father- George Seaisland Sheet" ing aj: 15c 35c Riverside Plaids t at 19c 35c Hickory Shirting at 20c 45c Bleaching at j.. 25c 40c Outing at r 20c 35c Outing at 1 7c 50c Dress Gingham at 20c 35c Dress Gingham at 1 5c 30c Apron Gingham at 1 7c 25c Apron Gingham at 1 1 c 25c Calico, fast colors at 1 5c Lot 36 in Percal,. worth 35c at 1 5 lot Brooms worth $ 1 .00 at 50c HANES UNDERWEAR $3.00 Men's Unionsuits at $ 1 .49 $1.50 Men's Shirts and drawers - for only 98c $3.00 Ladies' Unionsuits $1.98 $2.50 Ladies' Unionsuits $1.49 1.50 ladies' shirts & drawers 98c All $ 1 6.50 Boy' Suits at $ 11 .48 All $8.00 Boys' Suits at $ 6.48 All $7.50 Boys' Suits atv$ 5.48 Ladies' Seamless High Gride Hoseat 12c 40c children' hose all sizes 1 7c 1 Lot Men's 20c Sox at . 1 1 c 1 Lot Men's 25c Grey Sox at 1 5c 1 lot Men's 25c Sox at 18'c . SHIRTS $5.00 Men's all wool shirts $3.98 $3.50 Men s all wool fhirts $2.48 $2.00 Men's Blue work shirts at only-,.. $1.39 $1.50 Men's Blue work shirts at only 98c OVERALLS Carhartt 'Overalls all sizes $2.00 Carhartt Jackets, all sizes $2.00 Four Yarder Overalls at $1.69 $9.00 all wool Blankets at $6.98 $5.00 wool mix Blankets $3.98 $3.50 wool mix Blankets $2.69 SHOES A 20 per cent Discount on all our Men's, Women's and Chil dren's Shoes. . ; $ 1 5.50 Iron Beds, all colors for only $11.98 1. lot good heavy springs at $3,48 $16.-50 Trunks at ' $ 12.98 $U. 50 Trunks at .1 $8.78 $10.00Trunsat $7.58 $8.00 Trunks at , ..'$6.48 $2.00 Suit Cases at J. . $1.39 i - ' - Special ;$ 1.00 Brooms for 50c SALE STARTS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10th - - Sale Closes Friday Dec. 24th, Christmas Eve 12 DAYS ONLY 12 ' - " t-3 mnitli Morrow O ANSONYILLE, N. C. Co