DIAMOND HILL COMMIXITY FAIR November 8th. 1924. Best cucumber pickle—Mrs W. R. Ferree, Mrs M. A. Tucker. Best sliced green tomato pickle—Viola Kiker, Best beet pickle—Mrs. M A. Tucker. Best peach pickle—Mrs. R McLester, Mrs. Ray Kiker Best Dixie relish—Mrs. S. L. Thomas, Wilma McCollum. Best ketchup—Mrs. L. W. Medlin. Best spiced apples—Mrs. Ray Kiker, Mrs. J. P. Thomas. Best fie preserves—\ iola Kiker, Mrs.' L. M' Medlin. . j Best pear preserves—Mrs. Ray Ki- j ker. Mrs. W. F. Ferree. ? Best peach preserves—Mrs. W. R. Ferree, Mrs. L. MT. Medlin. Best watermelon rind preserves—Mrs., W, R. Ferree. Best damson preserves—Mrs. J. M. Sikes, Mrs. M. A. Tucker. Best grapes—Mrs. L. W. Medlin. Best grape marmalade—Mrs. W. J. Sikes. Best peaches—Mrs. Ray Kiker, Mrs. J.M. Sikes. Best pear and pineapple—\ iola Ki ker. Mrs. J. P. Thomas. Best apples—Mrs. Ray Kiker, Mrs. J. M. Sikes. Best apple butter—Miss Viola Kiker, Mrs. M. A. Tucker. Best blackberries—Mrs. W. R. Ferree, Mrs. M. A. Tucker. Best beans—Mrs. Ray Kiker. Best soup mixture—Miss M ilma Mc Collum. Best tomatoes—Mrs. J. M. Sikes, Mrs. L. W. Medlin. Best kraut—Mrs. M. A. Tucker. Best tomato conserve—Mrs. Ray Ki ker. Best grape juice, best variety—Vmia Kiker. Mrs. M. A. Turner, Mrs. J. M. Sikes. 5 Best honey—Mrs. J. W. Kiker. Best honey in comb—Mrs. L. W. Med iin. Best apple jelly—Mrs. Ray Kiker, Mrs. Roe McLester. ^ Best giape jelly—Mrs. Ray Kiker. Best eggs—Mrs. J. M. Sikes, Miss Viola Kiker. Culinary. Best corn bread—Viola Kiker, Mrs. M. A. Tucker. Best biscuit—Mrs. M. A. Tucker, Miss Viola Kiker. Flowers. Best roses—Viola Kiker. Best collection of chrysanthemums— Mrs. W. J. Sikes. Best specimen chrysanthemums — Miss Viola Kiker, Mrs. L. W. Med lin. Honeysuckle basket—Mrs. M. A. Turner. Best reed tray—Ethel McCollum. Best broom—Mrs. W. F. Kiker. Best straw—Evelyn Thomas. Sewing. Best handmade garment—Ethel Mc Collum. Best machine made garment—Mrs. S. L. Thomas. Best apron—Wilma McCollum. Best house dress—Mrs. S. L, Thomas. Best child's dress—Mrs. S. L. Thomas. Best embroidered garment—Emma Sikes. Best crocheted piece.—Dovie Kiker. Best luncheon set—Miss Wilma Mc Collum. Best pillow cases—Mrs. J. P. Thomas. Best bureau cover—Miss Wilma Mc Collum. Best towel—Miss Viola Kiker. Best display tatting—Miss Viola Best tufted bed spread—Mrs. W. R. Ferree. Best rug—Lora and Inez Kiker. Best sofa pillow—Wilma McCollum. Best centerpiece—Viola Kiker. Children's Department. Dollar Day Specials at W. M. Thompson's 30 5c packages Washing Powder, for -- -- 1 Set Plates, Extra Select Blue Bird Decoration - 1 Set Plates, Old Glory Gold Decorations 1 Piece any Kind Aluminum WaM 3 pounds Pure Ground Cofiee -- -- -- -- -- - 3 Pairs Men's Unc Silk Hose -- -- -- -- — - 2 Pairs Ladies Fine Silk Hose --- 6 Plugs any 20c Tobacco $1.25 Covered Steak Dishes $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 W. M. THOMPSON Beat bed quilt squares—Lacy Mae Thomas. Best dress—CaHie Mae Kiker, Evelyn Thomas. Best handkerchief—Lucy Mae Thom as, Leo Thomas. Best doll sweater and hat—Excise Medlin. Best apron—Eloise MedHn. Best cotton seed—S. L. Thomas, Jr. Be§t oats—S. L. Thomas, Jr. Best collard—Boyce McLester. Best straw Hewers—Louise Cox. Best roses—Hazel Ross. Best Chrysanthemums — Virginia Ross. Best hickory nuts—Leo Thomas, Bruce Sikes. Best collection—Ruth Kiker. Best biscuit—Hazel Tucker. Best cakes—Hazel Tucker. Best jelly—Ruby Kiker, Callie Mae Kiker. Best grapes—Bruce Sikes. Best Rg^ preserves—Louise Ross. Best peach pickle—Virginia Ross. Best pop corn—S. L. Thomas, Jr. Best pumpkin—S. L. Thomas, Jr. Best ten ears corn—W. R. Ferree, S. L. Thomas, Jr. Farm Crops. Best corn—J. W. Kiker, W. F. Kiker. Best corn—yellow—J. W. Kiker, Best stalk of corn—J. W.tKiker. Best wheat—J. W. Kiker, J. M. Best peas—L. W. Medlin, Mrs.'Mel vina Baker. Best lespedSka seed—L. W. Medlin. Best sweet potatoes—Frank Kiker, L. W. Medlin. Best spring Irish potatoes—Mrs. J. A. Sikes, Mrs. A. 0. Joines. Best fail Irish potatoes—L. W. Med Hn. i Best pumpkin—J. W. Kiker, Vernon Kiker. Best turnips—M^s. M. E. Kiker, Mrs. W. R. Ferree. Best lettuce—Mrs. J. W. Kiker. Best mustard—J. W. Kiker. Best coiiard—Mrs. Ray Kiker, Miss Viola Kiker. , . Best stock beet—Mrs. Meivina Baker. Best staik of pepper—Mrs. Meivina Baker. Best beii pepper—Mrs. S. L. Thomas. Best apples—Myrtle Nance, Mrs. John Sikes. Best okra—Mrs. J. M. Sikes. Best green onions—J. W. Kiker. Best squirrel—S. L. Thomas. Best puppy—-- -- Kiker. Best sheep—J. A. Thomas. Best bull—J. M. Sikes. Best heifer—J. M. Sikes, J. M. Sikes. Best cow—S. L. Thomas, S. L. Thomas. Best pair of mules—S. L. Thomas. Best calf—J. W. Kiker. Best mare—J. W. Kiker. Best bam—H. H. Tarlton ,Mrs. M. A. Tucker-. Best bacon—M. A. Tucker. Best string beans—Mrs. John Sikes. Best roasting ears—Mrs. John Sikes. Best onions—Mrs. W. J. Sikes. Best peas—Ruby Nance, Mrs. J. W. Kiker. Best sorghum—J. A. Harrington, J. M. Sikes. Best sunflower—J. A. Harrington. Poultry Department. Best pen of orpingtons — Hazel Tucker. Best pair of Orpingtons^ young— Haze! Tucker. Best pair of oid orpingtdms—Hazel Tucker, Mrs. W. J. Ferr^e. Best wyandottes-—Viola Kiker, Evel yn Thomas. Best reds—Mrs. J. M. Sikes. Best pen barred rocks—Edna Tarlton. Best pair barred rocks—Wilma Mc Collum, Mrs. R. McLester. Low Visibilty. Simpkins considered himself a hu morist. He sent a selection of his original jokes to the editor of a newspaper and confidently awaited a remittance. His excitement ran high when he received a letter, ob viously from the newspaper office. He opened it with feverish haste. There was no check, however, just a small note, as follows: "Dear sir: Your jokes received. Some we have seen before; some we have not seen yet."—Vancouver Province. STANDARDS CONSTANTLY CHANGING. "These are extraordinary times." Did you ever hear that? The fact is that we do not hear much else. Some even say "the world is on fire." We sometimes think that this world inspection is being overdone. Any how, it is not new. A favorite coup let of forty years, and more, ago was, "We are living we are dweiling in a grand and awfui time." Is not every age an extraordinary time— "a grand and awful time" to the peo ple of that particular generation? Each age has its problems. Ours, just now, are the problems that fol low the social and financial demora lization of all wars, and in this in stance, a world war with its univer sal disturbance of world conditions and world standards. And in their effort-'to adjust matters people re- „ sort to all sorts of social, political and religious vagaries. But all these "get rich quick" schemes are sure to end in failure and those who have been ensnared thereby will be count ed foolish birds to have been caught in such nets.—Christian Advocate. The M. & 1. doea good Job Printing Bring us your next order. Subscribe for the M. & I. Here's Cottars For You < THIS IS THE DAY YOU'VE BEEN ' LOOKING FOR, AND HERE'S THE , PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GETS ^ TWO DOLLARS WORTH. ; Now is the time to trade and be quick be- ] ! fore the best Bargains are gone. 32 inch Dress Ginghams, all pretty patterns, 6 yards f^r-- ----$!.00 4 pairs Silk Stockings for-- --$1.00 Girl's and Boy's heavy Ribbed Stockings, 4 pairs for -. - -- - - - -- -- -- $1-00 Men's Four-in-Hand Silk Ties, 3 for - $1.00 Men's Dress Shirts, made from good quality Percales, 1 for_$1.00 Men's Pure Silk Sox, 3 pairs for_$ 1.00 We will give 1 5 per cent off on Ladies Dresses and Coats, and Men's Suits and Coats. THE FASHION STORE One Door Above First National Bank. TRADE EXTENSION SALES t !)!! I Wednesday Nov. 19th } Wadesboro Merchants ap f j predate the liberal patro ^ nage of the numbers of peo ple coming in from all sec tions of the country during WADESBORO TRADE EXTENSK3N SALES They desire to give to you every possible advantage and opportunity with all who will seek to benefit by this Great SALES EVENT Through the medium of this g Special DOLLAR DAY SALE You are offered unusual val ues for your Dollar, and by carefully checking up on your needs you will no doubt And many items which are priced specially for Dollar Day that will be a great inducement for you to buy and save money. NEXT WEDNESDAY, NOV. THE 19TH Of all the many opportunities offered you to Save Money during WADESBORO TRADE EXTENSION SALES on Merchandise offered by Wadesboro Merchants, this DOLLAR DAY SALE WiH mean something of more than usual interest. If you have never attended one of these Dollar Day Sales it is hard for you to realize how mg you! savings will be.- We can say, however, that if you need merchandise in any hne now is the time and Wadesboro is the place to buy it. Wednesday Nov. 19th Drive to Wadesboro, come Early, Bring the Whole Family, tell your friends about the special TRADE EXTENSION S A L E S DOLLAR DAY. Every home needs many of the items specially priced for this Dollar Day Sale and there will be plenty to go round. Look Carefully through all the advertisements carrying specials FOR DOLLAR DAY. Clip the adds or jot it down for reference. Buy Liberally and Save Money ciY These DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS. SAVE A DOLL A R DOLLAR DAY