V I -If ' t r - O'. V 4 PAPER Of THE PEOPLE. FOR THE PEOPL E, AND TO BE PAID FOR St .THE PEOPLE. V-wflWfl-aw-waw-w-w-wSBBB-n Mark Twain's Cousin, kill C. Clemens, , the no-constitu- nal lawyer, bears so a rc- of Tcpeka, who striking Icmblance to lark Twain, Samuel B. lemens) that le is frequent Ltalrrn for the foul Mark, C-Clemens. - a man of deep intellect and .. : II : VluC cxpcncin-v. he m vwa? . fcdered one of the foremost twyers in this country. In a re cent letter to the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Air. Clemens says: I "Personal experience and obser- wiwn have t horoughly satisfied me that. Dr. Mile;' Nervine contains true merit. anJ is excellent tor what it is recom-jendtd." klr.Nnrmaii Waltrip, Sup. Pres. Bank ers' Fr-:trnl Society, Chicago, says: Dr. Miles' re in v. Pain Pills !ud.!e for headache and all ' l i . cc pain, l r.au ia a gre suacrrr ma e teiiijc' '.e u nt 1 I k-arned of the efficacy d Vr. M.ic ram 1'ills. Now I always csrrv tl.cin prevent recurrinp at uA ) tai. u r a pill when the synp- tsnis lifst appear. Sold by alt Price. 25c. Druggists, per Box. Or. Miles Meo cat Co., Elkhart, !nd- Att ye and connsellora at Law, f Shxut.N.O. e; orompt and careful attention to all jaj iesi entrusted to them. ftMeial attention riven to the Collection of M:s, Real Estate Lltigatloa - Partitloa of hodiamong heirs, Advising Executors and idmbistrators, Settlement or Estates, exami- utiaeof Titles, drawing Deeds, Wills and other instruments, and the - raasmetic a of ierai business of all kinds. kottgaies foreclosed, and loans negotiated without expense to lender. Practice in all the State sad federal Courts. usice irontinr ana west of the eonrt koD:. ccstatrs. orer a. Blanton A Ca'm. bank (formerlv the law office of J. W. Gldney.) j. j wiss ' a,T.WIII. 1 a I EBB A WEBB, W AU'yt&Counullortat Uw, i SHBLBT N.C Prompt attention riven to all business in- iraitta to tneir care. One of the firm always In the omee Special attention rlyen o filing petitions for partition of land, windinrnp estates, advising aamuiiitrators ana jcxecntors.ana selling lands for partition amonr heirs. Ac sc. oracuce la all State and Federal Courts. noaia oe pieaseo toatiena to your onsiness ray-umcein ixye ouuainr fronting ana Joutiiof Court House. feb-6m. jShelby. ISTo OoVWednessday July 23 1903. birth to two male calve- last week. : New hitchinz votin hvn han put around on the back lota tor the wuuuaoMuoa ot the public. -ivir. u axter Htroup. a capable oung teacher, begunhii tchool at nkwunvBi sciiool house,; near New iaonaay of last week. aiT- om 4a:nn. a popular young man of the Beayer Dam teation, 11 the efficient "and polite vtmsm. si jj i. vvebb bon'i itore. Mr. J. W. EonnAf. mnnnaam fal melon -raiser, brought u. a fine watermelon Friday. - He hat had wuu , m marcec lor some ume. i - . . . , : V r . . air. uiame Dellmeer. the jouDg ton 6t our townsman Mr. w-m W m r. sr. xeiiineer. now tha nniiio R OBZHT U RTBCSN Attorrtwy at Law, 8HBLBT H. C. i-.:eprompt attention to all business en crusted to him. DaVOSce in oomaoaerclel; Hotel bnlldlnr. J. ANTHONY. Attorney at Law, aHlLIT, N. O. "Office east room upstairi In Miller Block .r,TD K.HOXT. I I A ttnm, at T w SBKLBT, N.C. "Careful attention rlyen to all business entr .atea to nis care. Will practice State (and bniidijig. Federal Courts. Office In both In Stab and accommodating clerk at M. P. utmiDgers grocery store. Miss F anme Barnett, the ex pert stenographer at R. Li Ryburn's taw omee, wno has been quit sick for sereral weeks, is able to resume ner amies again we are triad to npte.1 ; .. . . -Mr. J.D. Bansing, of near Shel. "j uma uw miaiorinne to lose a nxe cow last Saturday a week ago. She fell in a ditch flat cf her hank. while tied out, and "smothered to death before she was found. Mr. J. Frank Dedmon, who resides near Shelby, had the mis. fortune to lose a $5.00 coat one day last week. The coat was hanging on ma porcn ana it is supposed that a tramp took advantage of the op portunity to prepare for winter. Mr. W. F. Gold, of Pearl, has sold his place near Double Shoals, known as the Peter Heafner place, to "Mr. Cicero Seism, of Double Shoals. The purchase price was $1,000 and the tract contains 56 acres. The papers were transfer red last we 3k. Death of nr. Isaac Sparlita. Mr. Isaac Spurlin, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Cleveland county, died Thursday evening at 7 o'clock at his home near Pearl, after a long illness. Mr. Spurlin had been in bad health for several years, aud since last September he had been confined to his room. Mr. Spurlin was 90 years old last December, and he leaves a devoted wife and one son. Mr. J. J. Spurlin, of Beam's Mills, besides a host of relatives and friends For many years Jie har been a consistent and faithful member of Zion Baptist church and bis long life has been devotod to the service of his Lord, and it is r:ch and fragrant with many sweet Christian graces. He died in the full triumph of Christian's faith and is now rest iog peacefully in that better world The body was tenderly laid to rest in Zion church graveyard Friday afternoon, Rev. A. C. Irvin con ducting the funeral services. Ono JDollar per Year "BBSSSAIfi. at as Ail t.u WARE, Surgeon Dentist. Shelby, H. C, jds of dental work done. Prices satis factory. Gold crowns and bridre work and itvirit children's teeth a specialty. -omceoTer Kendall m Blanton Drug itore J. 'Phone 87. It. OSBORNE, Dentist. KhAlbv. If . Office rear 01 Methodist chore h. C. "I W.HARRIS. I T I Photoguphr. CaroleenVN . C, Ga a'J next door to Postomee. Gash Business. On and after An east 1. 1902. will Mo a strictly cash business. am determined, however, to- take who Engineer Killed Raleigh cor. Charlotte Observer. Early Tuesday morning Engi neer James R. Watson, of the Sea board Air Line, wnose borne was here, Was instantly killed, and in a ratner siniar manner. A car loaded with lumber broke loose from the yards here and ran about thre' miles north. Engiueer Wat son was going north with a passen ger train and ran into the car. One of the pieces ol lumber passed through the cab and broke Engi neer Watson's neck. The timber then lodged on the tender. Th front, of the engine was badly wrecked. Engineer Watson was about 45 years of age and leaves a wife and several children, ms wife very recently urged him to . a J 1 give up ranroaa won. ana as nromissd to do so soon. There " A 1 - vm a rumor regarding toe aooi tenoe I have arranged to have COUPON BOOKS. care, of the e.od customers Java traded with me all along; and dent, that several cars broke loose and that the yard master tuougnt he had found all of them, but that the one which killed VI atson went further than any of the others. Education and Sufrrasre Many of the States are adding - . i a iL. .-. an educational ciauae iu iu quirements of suffrage, and hence it becomes imperatively obligatory nn th State to irive the children aniDle oDDortunity and encourage ment to prepare them selves for tho demands of citizensnip. uiner risA fffft Slate nlaces itself in the attitude of requiring cortain con ditionstrom the citizens and at thn aama time denrivlne them of tha means of meeting those re omrements. 'It is not in hign . - iL. schools and colleges, isy tuu Montgomery (Ala ) Advertiser, that tha children are tanent to read and write, but in the humble aud unobtrusive common schools nf tha conntrv. and these should ba made &s free and effective as the State is able to do Aud, will give cash purchasers 5 pwlen: Jlscount. This will be bis avini and it will be the best 'stem i Look-keeDing possible w i(?opt, domg away entirely with mistakes and credit accounts. I illjhave better good and cheap er prices than ever before. Let 11 others who want good treat nent come and see me. W. B. Palmer. BOM 44. SHELBY. H. C. Cape Mills And Evaporators. i noc Eva L l the rplKrafaoH r?Kyf - a va ue m and Bine Grass Cane Mills. poraiorj and hiimoo WoA Dftf Irmk. l- . .wiv ior any better you won't .mY amI mv prices are reason- ! I alPO sell trnif Sea,nly caQ,t -fford to- do fiittoat one and wasle your fine ,U1. 1 alftn huwa l a " ' H1C UUIl CLJUip "op in veetern North Boi All kinds Rhr. mfttsl V8 in 6tor.fr Vaiiw - w amiar w A- t .A. uiji i nm a v i. . i t m - RnKo. ' IieeL iron. eic. PWNQ AND GUTTERING "A -SPECIALTY.- M. WILKINS. .t Sam Jonas' Latest. - ; Atlanta Journal j Watterson's onslaught upon Cleveland reminds me of the old woman who went to her pastor for counsel and said to him "I want to know what to do. My old man fussus and fusses aud fusses at me all the j time and : l have come to you my pastor to know what I must do." . The good nreacher renlied. "My dear sister, tin. o home and heap coals of fire up- on his head." -My uou t Aimign- ty,'? she said, I have tried hot water and' that done no good.'! -. Men who do the most work don't Mrs. J. p. Nelson and childaen lett last week for Savannah, Ga to visit her son, Hiram, at tha place. Mrs. W. F. Mitchell and chil dren have returned from a nleasan visit s relatives in Sooth Carolina y Mrs Tom Cline, of Lincolnlon im viainug - relatives in and near this place. . ' : ; , Mr. R, M. Gold and litt'e daugh- ter JMina, good people from New Uouie, rwere -pleasant callers at Thk BiaR efiioe last week. S : Miss Pucie Williams, daughter oi our townsman end county oom missioner J. F. Williams, has been visiting friends and relatives at Fallston and Lattimore;for the past two weeks. - returning home last Wednesday. '. .:&. Mrl Alvm intnam visited Patterson Springs last week. Mrs. J. E. Thacker and children, oi JMorfoir.ya arrived last Thurs day to spend several' weeks with her xather.iRev. Thos. Dixon, of this place, A Mr. Dixon will accom pany her borne next month and make Msthome at Dixbndale, Va J. L-'Webb, J. A. Anthony, M. n. uamriox, Kobt. U. By burn and Clyde R. Hoey attended the Dam ocrauo mate convention in LGreensbozo last week. J J. MoMnrry was in 'Charlotte on bnsmess Ust Thursday. Mrs j-j. MOMurry visited relatives in Waco last week, and returned Thursday. Mrs. Simmons, of Wake Forest College, arrived last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. Y. Webb, of this place. Prof. Joe S. Wray returned last week, after several weekB absence at the University-Summer School and the Gaston County Teachers' Institute. Mrs. L. R. Flack and children left last week for the mountains to spend several weeks. J. M. Wilson, Esq , a prominent citizen of Double Shoals, gave us a call Friday. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, of Charlotte, is spending a mot th at Cleveland Springs. G. A. Price, J. C. Paxtou and Thomas Paxton gave us pleasant calls last week. They are all good citizens. Mrs. Horace Thompson returned Wednesday from a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. R. E. Porter, at Blacks burg, S. C. Mrs. J. B. Palmer and two daughters, Zennie and Ethel, also Oeland and Pearl Toms, all of Rutherford were visiting our towns man, W. B. Palmar last week. Mrs, J. C. Cannon and two chil dren, Fred aud Roxana, of Mt. Holly. Mrs. M. N. Kellv and bod, Charlie, of Liucolntsn aud Miss Amanda Conner, of Shelby, were pleasant callers at The Star office last week. They aro visiting the family of Mr. L. P. Conner at this place. W. A. Davie, of Belwood, one of upper Cleveland's beBt citizens, was a welcome renewal Thursday. Mrs. A. W. McMurry and chil dren have gone to Kirkaville, Ky., to spend Boveral weeks at her old home there. The Star had many welcome callers last week, but none more welcome than the following good citizens who honored as witb a' visit, and who were not mentioned in our last paper : J. U. Parker, D. O. Alexander, A. W. Stroup, W, C. Lee, Rev. P. D. Bridges, J. C. Mult J. A. Mull, J. C. Pruett, R. B. Mc Kee, S. A. Smith, W. A. Cogdell, D. C. Dodd, C. P. Wellmoo, S Bridges, T. W. Martin, M. R. Col lins, A. T. Mull, A . L Wells, J. P. Moss, S. Young, T. W. Gladden, J. Z. Falls, W. D. Peeler, 8. J. Wea yer, F. L Deviney, M. P. Harrel son and two sons, Boyd and Asbury, Albert Whisnant, Barrett Whisnant W. T. Powell, A. U. Hutchins and daughter, and J. R. Francis. I Patterson Springs News.- Correspondedce Stab. ; Mr." James Battle and wife, oi King's Mountain visited friends and relatives at this place:, on last Sunday. i On last Saturday the young boys played a game of ball with the married men of this section and the score stood 85 to 11 in favor of the married men and some of our young ball players feel rather bine over it. n,-;' ::! :;V-'r-'-;: : 'Mr, James Dover, W young man of this place is qnitJll with fever at present, but we trust -he will- b out again soon. ; ! v - .Mr. H. G Logan, a good rail roader, was visiting friends at this place last week. lessrs John Magness and Pink Reviere of Shelby visited at this place Sunday. Mr. B. D. Kendall Jr., and wife. of Shelby, visited here last oun- day. " Mr. Will Mallard and Walt Mo- Swam, two sports, visited Shelby last Sunday. Miss Daisy Roberts and Miss Lula Neal spent last Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wil son near Buffalo. Mr. John Clark and wife, of Grover spent last Sunday with Mr. R. J. Neal and family. Mr. Daro Byers visited Earls and Stice last Sunday. Much tucceas to The Star and its many readers. Bad Boy. July 14th. 1902. State Convention,. Mr. En: As Bad Boy seems to be giving his attention to more important matters just now I will send you a few notes from Patter- son SpriDgs. Tho gentle showers have come to gladden the farmers heart. CropB are looking fine i'i this sec tion, and most farmers are .done work and will greatly enjoy a few weeks leiBure after a summer's hard work. There will be a lawn -party given at Mr. J. A. Harmon's of this plane next Saturday night. A nice lme is expected. Mr. K. J. Neal will impr ye the appearace of his residence with a coat of paint in the near future. Mr. Reuben Ross will apply the brush. During an electric storm last Wednesday eyening the lightning seemed to want to use Mr. R J. Neal's phone. The occupants of the house offered no pro test, but all eemed to have special business in the milk pit, while the lightning proceeded in its own way to send maesages to all on the line, badly damaging Mr. Neal's phone, be sides shivering the weather-boarding on the house, and knocking off some plastering in the hall. It used Mr. I. S. Randall's in much the same manner next evening. The primary at this place Sat urday evening was well at;ended, many who had heretofore voted with the Republicans came out and voted in the primary. Success to The Star and its many readers. Little Johnnie. July 14th, 1902. Darter News. :Will you allow me r words in your val- Suooess or Failure? King's Business College Journal. One of the commonest mistakes and one of the costliest is think ing that success is due to some genius, some magic something or jther which we do not possess. Success is generally doe to holding on, and raiiure ic.ieiiiug go. a uu decide to learn a language, study music, take a course of reading, train yourself physically. Will it bo success or failure? It depends upon how much pluck and persev erance that word "decide"- con tains. The decision that nothing can overrule, the grip that nothing can detach, will brmg success. Re member the Chinese prcvero. "With time and patience, the murl- berry leaf becomes satin." JaerrvTtil Be-Uaien ssf riiaie. The alumni, students, ex-stud- ents and friends of Lenoi- College will hold a' re-union and picnic at nhnrrwille on Saturday. July 26 The opening address will be made by Rev. K. M. Uline, Voairmau. Other addresses will be made by Attorney D."L. Russell, Hickory, B, D. Wessinger.: Philadelphia, Rev. W. F. UJine, rxes.. a. u. j?rii and others. Everybody vooma ith well filled baskets I Lt us spend a pleasant day together in he interest -ot our uoiiegB ju education 1 -; '. - The first greal aim of technical edncation should be to fit the .stu dent for a particular industry. In the earlier years of the child's ed ucation manual training is .more important than reading, writing or arithmetic Col. Francis W.- Par Mr. Editor space for a fe uable paper, We are having good seasons and crops are looking fine, mcst of the farmers are through laying by. The health of the community is good. There was a re union at Grand father McSwaiu's on July 11th. It has been our custom to meet once a year with these good old people for some time. He is 78 years old and his companion is 33 years old. They have 8 children 4 sons and 4 daughter L. A. McSwam, C. H. McSwam. W. B. M 38 wain, ai Mesdames W. L Padgett, J. D. MaSwain, D. C. Hamrick, W. T. D. Green were all present. The Almighty in his wisdom has not seen fit to break this family union. There was but one visitor there from a distance. Rey. A. P. Hoi lifield, of Bostio was also present with us. He read several passages rof Scripture from which he select ed hit text and preached an able m . sermon, alter wnicn omner was served. 160 people gathered about the table and feasted on the good things. The grandchildren formed a line followed by the grown chil dren. He haB one brother who was present, and his wife also has a brother, Wilson Padgett, who was pro:ent. All of this union that are old enough to join the church are members of Beaver Dam Baptist church. B. H, Blanton. SENATOR SIMMONS CALLS THE BOUT , ' TO ORDER AND MAKES A STIR- : - RING SPEECH CLARK, CAN - -NEB AND WALKER," . NAMED. ; ; Greensbcro,N. C. July 16. One glance at the personnel of this con vention would convince the most obstinate, that the Democratic par ty is composed of the best people in the State, and that the State's best interests are safe in the hands of this party. . State Chairman Simmons called the body to order promptly at twolve o'olock, Rev. P. R. Law, led in prayer. -The roll call showed every county . represented except Mitchell. . . ... , . -:-.;r:,. Maj.. Stedman- welobmed: the convention on behalf of- Greens boro.' Elect rio fans, ice water and lemonade keep tho delegates com fortable, though the hall is packed, from stage to door. Msj. Sted- man's reference to Pxitchard i ap proaching defeat was ' applauded wildly. -. - ; 8enator Simmons' reference to the overthrow of fusion rule and the abolition of negro office hold ing was heartily applauded, ne said : "We don't want another negro campaign in North Carolina. If the republicans will accept the amendment we will pot have it." Senator Simmons says that un til the Republican party - accepts the amendment as a final solution of the negro question it will be. the duty of white people tc stand to gether for self-proteotion. He re viewed the Democratic adminis tration in the State and affairs foi the past three years and referred to the industrial progress during this time. The Democratic party will treat with fairness every in terest in the State. His reference to the duty of the party to give eyery boy and girl a ohanoe to get an edncation and see that' no old soldier should suffer or want, was loudly applauded. He discussed comprehensively the national isues. as brought for ward by the acts of the last Re publican congress. Mr. Simmons made a comprehensive and power ful speech and was liberally ap plauded. At its conclusion the band struck up "Dixie ' and the applause was deafening Hon. A M. Scales, temporary chairman, addressed the conven tion. At the conclusion of his ad dress the committees were appoin ted on credentials, permanent or ganization, platform, rule's and State Executive Committees. The convention then took a recess for dinner till three-thirty. The Convention re-assembled at three-thirty. Committee on cred entials reported not a single con test. The committee on perman ent organization named W. D. Tur ner, of Iredell, permanent chair man. The committee on order of business reported that nominations would be made in the following order- Chief Justice, associate, justice east, associate justice west, corporation commissioner, Supt. of Publio Instruction. Nominating speeches were limited to ten mm utes. Chief Justice Clark was placed rm rt : in nomination oy congressman Claude Kitchin in a superb speech. The following were nominated for the offices named below : For Chief Justice of the Su preme Court, Walter Clark, of Wake For Associate Justice of the Su preme Court from the East, Henry Groves Connor, of Wilson. For AssooiateJJustice of the-Supreme Court from the West, Piatt D. Walker, of Mecklenburg. For Corporation Commissioner, Eugene C. Beddingfield, of Wake. For Superintendent o fnbao nstruction. James Y. Joyner, of Guilford. The nomination of ' Superior Court Jadges and Solicitors were ratiSed and confirmed. lei B. Aycock and other officials for their faithtnl execution ot the party'" promises in so far as the same has been possible thus early : in their terms o office. - We likewise extend oar appreciation aud endorsement to United States Sen ator F. M. Simmons and to oar Demo erstic Representatives in Congress, ana eongrasolate tnem and toe peo ple of the State for their faithful and official services to the State in councils of the nation. ! - ; , ; t.. We affirm onr allegiance- to the De moors tin oartv and its principle, at enunciated in its national platform. We denounce the policy of imperial ism as inaugurated by the Republican national administration and declare it to be obnoxious to oar form of gov ernment and fracght witb danger to the very existence of the republic. We deaounce as oppressive and illegal those combinations of capital Known as trnsta and monopolies tnat stifle competition, throttle individual effort and destroy the generous spirit of. rivalry that should exist In the eommerical world. ' ' We denounce- -the deceptive and sorry coarse of the Republican party in Congress In farthering the exist ence of trusts by its refusal to enact legislation restraining them and to enforee in stood faith the existine laws against, them, that party being in the full control of . all branches of the government. ; i we denounce the present iniquitous, unjust and-trutt creating protective tariff, imposed upon the people by the Republican party, and demand its im mediate revision, to the end that-all unjust burdens shall be removed and especially anon the necessaries of life. Its provisions enable the 'trusts to extort from the people unreasonable profits and to sell their product to consumers at home at greater ; prices man are charged lor the same to the foreign consumer. We demand. therefore that all such trust made goods be placed on the free - list. We favor the establishment of the Appalachian Park and nrga that our Senators and Representatives in Con gress use their best efforts to secure its establishment. - . - We again appeal to the people with a confidence that it is only from the Democratic party . that there can be expected an honest, capable and effi cient administration of the govern ment of the-State, and point with pride to its past history in the admin istration of the affairs of State, and challenge a comparision with the iniquities of fusion and Republican rale. We promise the people of the State a continuance . of . that honest, safe, conservative and economical government which has always characterized Democratic rule . and pledge our best efforts for the advance ment of the material orosneritv and happiness of the whole people. lit fV ' uH'yvm V".1 ''tul 1 - A CORSET TO FIT BOTH FIG URE W PURSE! RoyoJ Worcester ISonTon STRAIGHT FRONT i ASK DEALER TO OKD O JUST WHAT YO' ASK. KOk OT 11 K K.- ROYAL WORCESTER CORSEUO., VOBCtSTlB, ASS. S SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. We mertion a few goods which we will give specially low prices on: Albatres Pink, White Blue and Green tor Waists. A Good Old Lincoln Story. Philadelphia Tunes. A story of Abraham Lincoln would have to be older than the one below to lose its eharacterie savor. v la the summer of 1857 Mr Lincoln was sitting in his office, when he was visited by one of his neighbors, an ex cellent farmer, bat one inclined to in crease the size of his crops even after harvesting. He had given on this par ticular morning a skilfully padded ac- cuuut ui tun uay uo usu put in. '?Fve been cutting hay, too," remark ed Mr. Lincoln, "Why, Abe, are you farming?" "Yes." "What you raise?" "Just hay." "Good croo this year?", "Excellent.'' "How many tons?" "wen. l don't Enow just how many tons, Simpson, but my men stacked all they could outdoors, and then stored the rest in the barn.' where it is hot all the year round fScott's Emulsion sells better than any where else in the world. So don't stop taking it in summer, or you will lose ' 'what you have gained. send tor a tree sample. SCOTT & BOWMH. Chemist. 409415 Pearl Street, New York. soc and ii.oo; all drarrists. 5 to 10 cents 5 to 10 cents to 15 cents. 10 to 15 cents Gingham thejest quality ,Jfrom , Organdies white and colored from Open work Dimity, white and colored, from White Lawn, 40 inches wide from Percian Lawn from 8 25 to cents Ladies Under vests from 5 cents to 25 cents - Men's Underwear from - 25 cents to 50 cents Men's Summer Shirts, white and colored. Straw Hats and Low cot Shoes. Summer Corsets from 25 cents to $1.00. Wo - will aU j ways mace best prices we can. N i x Br'o t h e r s N o t i c e T O COOKS! ho or f O )r R 8UCU All houselreep?r their own cooking their personal attention this waim weather should have one of the THE PLATFORM. The voune man who knows how to lay off corn and potato rows, and naTe given to capital lull security to regulate the distance 01 me same so as to get the greatest crop, is worth a cow pen full of kid gloved fellows who Wad the fash ion in dress. Setting a plow jus' right and adjusting the gears so that the harness, will not injure the horses, are worth a thousand fold mora to the country than to know how to pose an the parlor.- Yes, a w"hide to t girl wbcan bake a loaf of bread gggj .g H. A. London reported foreommittee the following platform: We congratulate the people of North Carolina upon the adoption 01 tne suf frage amendment to oar State constitu tion and upon the benefits that have resulted therefrom and pledge the Demoeiatie party to raithruliy m am tain it by every legitimate means and we demand that the Republican party shall declare its purpose either to i accept orTeject it, and until it is accepted as a finality by all parties ora dAAlarn it the dutv of - the white people to. stand together for its JUST THE THING YOlX NEED; The Democratic party, representing the intelligence, the virtue and the manhood of tne people of the S tate, re calls with pleasure the entire absence of scandals during its adminis tration of public ' affairs and the gratifying advancement that has been made amongst as in all Industrial lines. We have foster3d agriculture and- promoted manufacturing and ana have protected the rights of labor. We pledge the party to a lair ana just system of taxation and we demand that all aubiecta of taxation shall bear the last and equal proportion of the burdens of government. We renew oar pledges for the exten sion and improvement of the publio school system of the State, so that it may keep pace with the needs and conditions of our - people and point with pride to the great impetus ana great, wora uunu me vaara ana can attention w mnA nnnlr : the meat and potatoes I rh fMt that this, for the first time m s a nFfh a. whole aamin-1 the htstorv of the State, every school 1"V fhnsa aolt headed iilly-head- district has. been able ; to maintain a ary of those solt neaaao Y", public free school for four monthsas ed angels who sit in the 'PHh equlrea by tne 1 constitution. We and let "moh" do the work in, the believe that the permanent prosperity kitchen Exchange. - ,' ? " of the people, ot this .State depends Kitcnen. a""uBB' largely upon the construction - and L-riia ninffrAiiinnsl convention of maintenance of good roads and we 7fiT5i.trirtt nnrninated W. W. pledge the party to the hearty sup the fifth distnot nominated w . w . v measares to that end. K-itfihin Wednesday dt acoiama- tiou to succeed himself. we neariiy commeuu suu cuuutsq ha riminfttrat.fon or tiovernor unar cool, clean, convenient and Quick. Will bake, boil or do any kind of cooking at a great saving oi labor heat and time. One gallon of oil will run 18 hours and has no odor. Oall and let us explain the ad vantages. Also a full line of up -to date lurrjitaro in any and all goods. See me b3fore xbuyingl Orlando Elani, Phone 42. SHELBY N. C. R.F. D. B0 X E S - We have a fall line of the Rural Tree Delivjry Mail Boxes, and can ' supply you with whatever kind you need. The chesppat box Is $1.50 the cheapest the government allows to be used. ; Call and see'as. We can . furnish you : the boxes and save cost and troubIeto you. FARMERS HARDWARE CO. WXATHEBS & E0RP. - : i Headache. Eye-ache Blurring: of the Print Often times show the need of glasses. They are some of the indications of de fective vision and should be attended to at onae. You'll be surprised at the comfort a pair of classes will afford if your sight is in any way defective. Old As-e and Poor Eresight are as ill matched pair. Old people are often trying to those about them. The lot of tho aged is one 01 loneliness.- -wnen the days of activity are past the wait for the future is a weary one. Reading would le a comfort for many. In number of cacs old people can be ac commodated to read a moderate amount each - day although the strength of vision of former-days ean- not be restored. Each case requires a personal examination to accurately prescribe the right sort of glasses. Call any day. Scientific examination free. and proper glasses properly adjusted is what you are guaranteed. HY D. WILSON. OBADUATE OPTICIAN. ImproYed Flooring Llill. Expert Miller. & I havo just re modelled my flour mill and installed new ma chinery, and I now have one of the best equipped and most op to date mills to be " found in' the South. I will grind lor the tenth and give a! 1 the screenings to the owner, My miller, Mr. W. R. Hartnees, has had long experience and - is one of the best millers to be found anywhere. People who have had wheat ground at a mill run by him always go back again; for he always gives satisfaction. He will not grind smutty or musty wheat, and hence always : makes good flour. We guarantee 37 to 38 pounds to the bushel of good wheat, and 14 to 15 pounds of. bran to the bushel We solicit your business. b. B L An TO II- The Place. The place to get doors, sash, blinds, door and win dow casing, door and window frames, door steps, window guides, mantle ; mouldings, , brackets, balusters, column?, flooring ceiling, riding, weatlv erboarding, shingle laths wainscoting caps and any thing you may want in " I he building line Is at ThompsoE tS Co's Door and Sash Factory. ; 5 Fine Brick for Sate. We have a fine lot of. brick for sale. We can fill orders promptly and will ship anywhere on, short notice. Prices reasonable and the best brick on the market. Order from us. s KF.NDRICK BROS., - - --J - Cherryyille, N., 0. We will also sell you Paint, Oil, Glass, Putty, Wood Stains, Varnishes, Door locks and Latches. We want your, trade in our line and muht have it, we can't get along without if. We will say right here now that this is the proper time for" any one to build or repair their build ings Some' say times are hard; that may be so, but the ' man with r the' money ; can build now with less money, than when times are better, and these are the fellows we are looking for. If you need or will want any lumber in the near future given cs your orders now and not wait till the weather gets better and every one will want some thrug at the same time, ii you do, mark it, Tou will pay more, i We are in a position now to make contracts for tbe future at prices that we will not be able -to make eixty days from now. If you want anything in our line come in -when you are in Shelby and we ill talk the matter over and come in and see us when in town, we like to have our friends and the -public visit OUR PLACE, "We will do more than we premise,'; his is our motto. GO Bhclbv; 11, 0 -, r v. t always do it best.

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