CAPTIVATING StMAS:- ATTRACTIONS N. SEASONABLE f 1 .QIFfrVOOOO Charming Playthings for Little CMurlSo Besida (be Do It. wa hT maDj other sata of charming play thiot for liil girl. DOIiXi'S FURNTTUHE-Miuy alluriua; kinds MM INTy TZE3-A-SETS Just the thing for ih litil gins "play tea-Dartia." And much els vs can't tak apaoi to tell of, B sura too do cot bay a inigle prsteat tor t"o cnilirsu b fore you aee ur wooderlu! Christmas linee. Our Christmas Cornucopia of De sirable Gifts For Men and Women. Here ia the aoaotieat aort of a liat of ome of oar aplendid gift goods for men and women. We eaunot mention one tnth part of 'all we have on view, but w think wo oau mention enough .to convince yen that ycu cannot afford to do year Chrittmaa chooaicg elawhere. In all that artielea mentioned below at,d in all otht ('hriatmaa good a a w)l we are giving simply marrelleoa linee. We aucceeded in aeenring at a fraction of thair Taloe, the entire eampl hneaof hol iday goods of two Terr lrg fancy good a honaea; and it ia from theae two linaa that the tnajoritv of oar Chmtmee bonanzas have come, tboogh we have alio bought liberally elsewhere, wherever t pportun ltj offered to secure fine thioga at low prices. It is impossible f i ui fto quote pries to any extent hre aa miny of th goods com- in ao many different gradea, but we earnatlr assure you that such Tuti ful, aety nd eminently desirable Christinas giftc wer- never before efferfd in thia atate at aocb enormously low price. Here's A List of Good Things. One of the greatest of oar Cbmtmas features our 1'ilb of Fan cy Toilet Beta (Bruah, Comb and Mirror, put ur i" handaome casps) which are certainly the moat richlv beautiful of ai.v w hav ever yet ahown. They are made ot 8olid Ebonv, with rich .Sailing Silver Mountings, and no finer gi't ccnM rosib!v be cho.pii for any Jad Ws hare these seta at only 1 50, 2 00, 2 00. 2 50. 3 00. 5.00 and 7.50. thanks to the btg underprico purobase above ipok-n of. Each a t is worth at leaa' fifty per cent more. We alio show separate Mirror?, combs, brushes, piu troys, puff boxes, manicure sets, colognes, perfumes, fancv loiiet soaps, aud all aorta of other dainty and useful articles for a lady's dressing table at wonderfully tempting prices You'll be utteily s'onnded at hw much prettiness can be bought for a litile mmy PHOTO AIBUM8 -A magnificent huo the bt you baye ever aeen prices phenomenal in lowneaa. IfcZCTXSIO-A-Xj ISLJElttCJET ATSTDI3E Suob things as AccordianaHarmonicai, and a? V aorta of novel iia in music mak ing sncb, for instance, as Musical Iuk Standa and the like you'll find this line a wonderfully attractive one. lEEIXA-XiT-iIOl PICTURES-For all Icvera or the trnly artiatio-and bewitching, nothing in the whole Christmas display will prove more fascinating. These pictures are simply su perbly, lovely. They include both landscape and figure p'cs (hu-.- dreds of different ones to choose from)"inThVjnastb'autifui nuts and colors lmeeinaole. Everv'nicture in the lot ia atrue work of art and periesa for gift purposes. Then here's a condensed hat of aome other eood sifts on view her. Another Column of GifTHints. Wa him tn iutrmi m number of t-xtra fine thioga in China Glassware and the like, that we think will appeal irresi.tably to Christmas shoppers. Nothing makea a pleas auter or more surely ap preciatrd gift for ang houeewife lhau tom tasty piec ! decorative a are that she can use on har dining table or itick up iu ber parlor. And nerer before in our Chriatmaa merchandising have we been able to ahow so supremely large and handsomo a stock of this things as await you here at this present moment. CHINA TA TT.T, PIECES of innumerable soits fancy plates, fancy cups and aaocers, salad dishes, roup tureens, hh plates, butter dishes, cream pitchers, syrup jogs, etc, etc, in most beau til nl and charming decorations, at the most wonderful low prices "7"AVEl a. strnerb line, graceful shapss. novel, nobby and truly tasty decorations many to chooae from and each one a true bargain from lOcts to 'Z oU per pair. TABLE GLASSWARE A fine display of everything you cau think ot or wish for celery dishes, fruit dishes, berry bowls, salad dishes, Tinegar cruets, etc , etc. Prices way below value. Here's another condensed summary. "Useful Gifts are the Best Gifts." OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ m MTKVtm mm. i eat m a w t m m II Tt At .w - - ar11 Ik 71 m I ML.! I J Jl It I m LWM. oooooooooooooooooo . - 1 C . j n 13 n pr eeeden ted SaleSo Here's an old and a very true saymg. Perhaps three quarters of the people in this section would be better aud more heartily pleaded over a gift of "something nice to wear" than Over anthiog else that could be given them. And. no matter how great are the attractions ae offer on special Chriatmaa goods, there is still stronger reason why your purchase should be made at one or the other of the Henrietta Mills Stores if you propose buying "practical things to wear aa your Christmas gifts. We don't need to repeat here now all that we'ye been telling you week after week about thase two mammoth and won derful stocks and the marvellously low prioaa marked on every ar ticle contained therein. But we do wan't to aty to you that this Chriatmas bargain jubilee of ours extends all over both the stores; that are iust as ereat Christmas attractions in Clothing and Shoes and Dry Goods as thers) are m Toys or Fanoy Goods or any other Ohriitm.. .neeialties. We exoect to sell hundreds and hnndrefa of fir,;. ..f ninfhM and Overcoats and Shoes, and Ladiei Jacket aud all sorts of other useful wearables to make some one happy Christmas ,r YfilT hA av thoncht cf buvine practical wear able, usable Christmas gifts, we want you to come straight to one or the other ot our stores ana you uu uuk isfactor Christmas shopping of your life we shall neyer expect anoth er pennyworth of your trade: iWe have only to add m :bts conuece tion that anything you buy which doss not suit the recipient wnen ft. or she aees it on Xmas morning, will be willingly aud oheertallr ex changed for something that DOBS both suit and fit. It n an integral part of our policy to give perfect protection to our patron, f , CHRISTMASis almost her. The time for Christ mas choosing is at hand. All over the civilized world, merrv nrna.rfl.f.inna aro tr .ino" nn for thiscTeat- jsst day of all the year ;evergreen and holly and mistle I toe are being prepared for the Christmas day decora tions; uhristmas trees are being" cut and hauled to the market; the childrnV most capacious stockings are being carefully mended to ornament the chimney corner on Christmas Eve; and most important of all, the Christmas gifts are boing made and planned and bought the Henrietta Mills Stores propose to take a big hand in the merry game of Christmas giving this year. We have bought the largest and most wonder ful lines of speciat Christmas gift goods that were ever seen in the state. Both of these two great stores are filled from end to end with eligible candidates for Christmas purposes; with all sorts of beautiful, fasci nating; soul delighting gifts for old and young, rich and poor, man and woman, boy and girl. The mar ket has been ransacked for its very brightest and best Christmas delights. There is hardly any kind of good or' handsome gift that can delight anyone, from the babe in the cradle to th gray haired grandsire, that is not shown in ample and glorious variety. No words can rightly painfcthe picture. You must coma and see; and wonder delight edly about through all this wondrous fairyland of Christmas richness; to get any ade quate conception of the grand scale of our Xmas preparations. No person in all this section can afford to buy their Christmas gifts anywhere save at one or the other of these two great stores. Nowhere else is there one tenth part of the fineness and rich ness and variety; and. beyond all that, our Christmas prices are just the same as our prices all the rest of the year simply unmatchable at any other stores in this section. We don't make Holiday time an excuse for extra profits. We don't seek to sell fancy articles at fancy prices. . We buy our Christmas wares in the same enormous quantities that we buy everything else and we sell every single among them, from the littlest to the largest, at the most marvellously little prices. If you want to stretch out your christmas money to its very utmost; if you want to have it buy twice as much; if you want to make your selectionf from the largest and most wonderful christmas ttocks in this whole section; come to the Henrietta Mills Stores two vast, magnificent palaces of christmas beauty and economy. The Tempting Trophies of Toy Land, Toy land is open; and 'the Henrietta Mills Stores form its chosen headquarters. Bring the children to see our wonderful toy ahow. We'll guarantee mat tney win go perfectly wild with delight over it. The whole world has ben drawn upon it mak ing it complete. Here are not only the best creations of America's greatest toy mak ers; but all sorts of curious and novel Toys from French, Swiss and Austrian work shops There are toys that that the tiniest toddlers will crow over in lusty appeecia tions, and toys that even the yery biggest boys and girls will find pleasureable and fascinating. Toy soldiers, animals, fur niture, locomotives, hose carts, fire engines, toy trolley cars, stoves, clowns, comedians, pistols, pianos, v. liy, there's no end to the list of the wonderful toys we show. And the parents who knows what children like will find his only trouble in deciding just what to choose out of so great a multitude of riches. All sorts of prices, from 5c up to $1.50; and every price much less than regular value. JN MYRIADS OF GAMES AND PLAYTHINGS -ar r 1 "1 1? 11. 11 A. A. -11 A 1 A ' -m m - w e snow myriaas oi inings inai are noi exactly toys ana yei range unaer tne same head, namely, "good gifts for youngsters." For instance, we have a full line of air rifles no boy on earth would failto be pleased with one; Tool chests thedelight of every boy who has the least spark of mechanical liking; tops a splendid line; drums, miniature savings banks; games of many sorts; and many other things which we cannot take space to mention. Older people will many of them be interested m our gomes. J. -L JL J I LITTLE PEERLESSES OF DOLLDOM Did you think that in this immense Christmas gathering we had forgotten what it is that little girls love the best of all. Not a bit of it, Our stock of Dolls is one of the most marvellous features of this whole Christmas show. We dare sa v that von n fi vr j before saw so many dolls gathered together in one company as you'll find at our stores now. mere are aons oi every Kina you can possiDiy tnin& ot : big dolls and little dolls; brunettes and blondes; dolls that talk and dolls that don't, dolls that move their eyes as natural as nie; aons tnat iook so me liKe tnat you fell like pinching their cheeks to see if they are real; in short, dolls of every sort, class and kind that the - most ardent aoii lover coma aesire. Ana we oeneve mere isn't a single doll in the whole collection but is so pretty and attractive that every little mother who receives nrm of t.h Christmas will take 'the new dolly" right straight to her delighted, mother! v lif.f.l hearts You may buy a doll here at as much or as little as vou nlease. Wa h a Vtk- f Th am at f rom 5c to $2.00 each; and every single one is a handsomer and -bettor mnA rfrn could be bou ght elsewhere at an equal price. Last Saturday was the first day of our Special Sale Week and our trade was un precedentedly large at both stores, notwith standing the inclement leather. Por in stance, our store at Henrietta sold $114045 worth of goods and our store at Caroleen sold 8800.00, and every purchaser was thoroughly satisfied because he got good values and appreciates the fact that the Henrietta Mills Stores do the best for their customers alwavs. v 9 The sale is on in full blast this week and already we have had to replenish some lines advertised lor our special sale. For instance we have just received by express 100 dozen hosiery to meet the increasing demand for the rare bargains we are offer- ing in this line. Owing to the inclement weather we have decided to continue this Special Sale until and including Wednesday, Dec. 24th, instead of stopping on Saturday, Dec. 20 th. This is done in order that people who live some distance away may have an opportun ity to share in these unrivalled bargains, and that bad weather and muddy roads will not operate to deprive them of the matchless offerings to be found here. Some customers were in our store Monday who came 16 miles. The extension of this sale until next Wednesday night, Dec. 24th, will be good news to the many wha contemplate securing some of the un usual bargains we are offering. Remember the Special sale is on every day until next Wednesday night. Don't forget this and come right away-we have bargains for all. We desire to thank our friendsand cus tomers for the patronage given us. YOURS SINCERELY, W. M. ALLISON, Manager. H E N R IE T T A. MI LL 5 TORES,

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