- ,-rw -, v : I -v -r i - Strain Affected Gen eral Health. Doctor's Doses We ali ened Stomach. Dr.MlIes Nervine Cured Me. Dr. Miles' I Restorative Nerrine brings rest ..4 t sleeD to the tired brain worn out ,riii the ca nd anxieties of the sick room. leti tne Knowing: ... . . , 1 save s been healthy with the ex ception of touch of rheumatism since my irt came ot, up to the time of my husband's Ust illness! some years ago. I assisted in tarsia? mv husband for nearly three months Sua be departed this life and the mental itrtis I think caused my trouble. Aside ben extrerse nervousness my trouble com Btsccd witfi sore throat and neuralgia. My pbnic.an ave me purgative doses which weakened fne very much and my stomach (or a time deemed inactive. Mental strain and the dqjrrr.aat condition of my stomach 1MB told Upon my general health.- I- had lirJe appetite and was soon forced to stay in bed a greater part of the time. Within a week afrerj the time I began taking Dr. M' Kr:trat:ve Nervine and Tonic I was Bp about the houe. I continued their use aenl completely cured. My faith in Db Hilti' Renitdies has been strengthened by experience pi other people, our daughter hav ing sKd Restorative ervine with splendid retain in a case of paralysis and a friend to whom I ust a box of the Anti-Pain Pills re parU that the ha been completely cured of Benralgia b their ue. I know of a namber ef others whom your medicine has helped in a la.-ve degree. I wish you continued success.1 Si.it. Faf nces Cofpman, Dayton. Va. AH dmg.tts sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. M:.s' Remedies. Send for free book ob NerTC-l and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Vesical Co, Elkhart. Ind. j.h. an FRKD D. HAMBIcr. I 1 1a::'v and Counn.llors at Law. V Shelby. N. C .: an 1 careful attention to all i sinrn 4b:. rea . -.'.red tii them. ::. -.:i tiiei tfiths collection of -:: litigation. Partition of lands advising executor and admin i feci'I estate, examination of :j d re-is. wills and other mum- ia.52 he.j t;ilj. draw ? rarw.tinn nf hnilini of ' k:s :t H?rtjir foreclosed. nd loan negotiated v.iioui Tfene to utianl Kedrai Courts. HT'O'tt fronting and wet of the court ka:M.nt)-.r. over B Blanton A Co'a. bank iforzu-iT . :a office of J. W. Gidney.) I.L Will . T. Wl WIE3 A WKBB, Att'ya A Counsellor at Law, Smiut N.C Proiapt attention given to all boalnMa ln- trcited toith:r car. On a! : firm i.wtji in the omee ;.-:. i::tii:o3 tjiven o filing petltlonafor t-r.:;cu 1 . ma. w: na:ng np estate. ad vlalng Vl3;a:ttsa:ort and Executor, and a.lllnz !- '.'- partition amonr heirs, Ae Vc. jnctice St.. ;tate and Federal Court. f aed to attend to your buslne fwOIre in Lot. bulldine f routine and "n:n ijrurt Home. oas4r l. sybces . t i Attorney at Law, shilbt 5 r ifet : ta: i atten tlo" f all aitesu yo: In L-?m ja.rcial Hotel building". ANT ' NY. Attorney at Law, Shlt.K.C. -oti nrtaiTsln Miller Slock LTD E.HOEY, Attorney a Law. Shilbt, IT, c. tty-Cs-ef :! atteition given to all Business atrostei to t:i care. Will practice In both t::A F.ieral Court. Office la Svaa ni.a;Ej J, -T;e. an and Surr.on, Waco, W. C. I ..- ft- 1 the nractlce of medicine and 3'a: my reid.nc when not pro- ail ca.ls aniwereu day or en Yon Want to Bny GRIOCERIES Mai Kiwh Go to Washbnrn's. carry a tall line of eTerr- thing Ih'-lf is patah' fir man fr Will not take up space to pries bat will compare ith anvbodv. Our goods Five price an f fresh and ure and we are Itnrtprs tor all kind of coun- Ir '""TTlH r pSooe and we will treat 'fu lent. I. B. W&SHBURN. Money Loan. either to borrow estate security will m?n on WI" 4 well to see me. i Attorney at-law. Shelby, N. C. veland Stab Office. -For Sale, 0Qi f jaw miii outfit ineiQd0g boiler and uni ?K order will t, ...u m time for KOod Seeoritv. Vnr fnrthar Qlars apply to H. 1. WA8HBUBN-. Lattimore, N, G. and Tor SaM MoodlanH .-7 a, ninety-aye acres fane. Kf wn' 800411 ork Elrer, su'"1 Hickory. 1 For sale ninety-flre Ioiph Oaipmtib, BUelby, V. O. OUT 15c W, f eaurch. 'ePectful!y .oL Ot ICBr IMtaA.. . PAPER gF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND. TO BE PAID E0 It B .. T. H. Butler. & nrnmtnani .la if n of Gastonia, wai a Shelby visitor last week. , y rrLJ? Simpson left last ture hoSe. UC TWl k; ; Prominent maa or 'aiiston, was an ever welcome Stae caller Thurs ttll?, we5ld to hear; that his wife, who has been quite ill, ismprovirjrerjjrapidly.; J f. D. Withro w, the enter prismc merchant of Hollis was an ever welcome Shelby visitor Thursday. , c- E. Ledley of Baltimore, was here on business last week The charming Miss Ola Whis nant has returned delightful visit to Rutherfordton and Forest City. vongn ssman E. Y. Webb has returned from Wash i net rm Raleigh. 0, T. Dunlap, formerly of Shelby but now of Charlotte. here greeting his old friends and acquaintances last week. o. C. Hendnck. of Pallston. one of Stamey Bros, polite and accommodating clerks, ' after speeding his vacation at Besse mer City and Gastonia. was a most welcome Star caller and renewal Friday, enroute to his home at Fallston. Mrs. C. (J Griger. of Bessemer City was a pleasant Star caller and renewal Fridav. B. C. Houier aod Flovd J. Mauney are on the road for the J. 8. Martin fe Co , wh jletale house this weak. L. M. Conner visited relatitss at Charlotte last week. Mrs L. M. McKtoaey of tipeuoer visited friends iu 8hlby last week. J. B. Wilkinson, formerly of this place but bow of Atlanta, was pleasant visitor in Shelby Monday. W. F. Wortman aud M. W Qngg. of Shelby were among our many new subscribers aud renew all Wednesday W. C. liVlton, wife and b.by, of Union, 8. C . visited his father. Mr. J. P. Nelson, last week. J. M. McCnrrv. of Shelby and J. A. Baker, of Vaoo, were among our many new subscribers Wed nesday N. B. McBrayer, of Rutherford eounty, visited his son, James C McBraye of this place, last week. A. J. Dedmon, of Shelby and J. Y. Elliott, ot Beam'e Mills, were two of onr many Star callers and renewals last wek. Mrs. H. M Doll, who has been visitinf her father, Mr D F.Dixon has returned to her home at Lawn dale. Mrs. Vf. B. Miller, ana daugh ter. Miss Madeline Miller, were re gistered at the Buford last Wed nesday. Charlotte Observer. Prof R. L Howell of Grovr High School, wat i:i town Satur day. Prof. Howell baa 80 students and a goal flourishing sonool. Miss Edna Ballard of Iron Station, is assisting bim. Gastcnia Gsi ette. Vest Beam, and lister, Miss Jossie, left last week for Landrum, 8. C, on a visit. John Green, a prominent busi ness man of Boiling Springs, was in the city Wednesday. Gaffney Ledger. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Lambert who have been spending some Li pale girls on Scott's Vion. . ti ) u t need to give all ntors why Scott's '.s,)r. ictorc3 the strength lksli and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste. Young women in their teens " are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in paleness, weakness and nervous ness, . by regular treatment with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to 'the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer. " 1 ; ; V'e v.-1'l ft U4 to fend ' a $ampli t y itsffw" ; i Te ' th: t ti i'S I'ictur in f bb-1 t Utiie ol mi I. ' ... ' SCOTT &! EOWNE, ready! Apply toDR.. H SlcBR AYEE Feed Ern tli Em. i : : . -" ...... . ..' ,- ' ' 1 " 1 ' time at the College Hotel, gone to Greensboro. f Mrs. Joseph Carpenter was a de- ugutxui otab oaller last Tuesday, burg last week. ike Levy, a popular traveling man trqin Baltimore, was in the city Thursday. L- U. Camobel I and W. W. Gaffney, of Gaffney C.tv, were here Friday They wer hero prepar- tus; to opeu meir monazite mm near here. r T 1TTL . vf. d. nniw, a prominent young oapianst trom New York, was a guest at the Shelby Hotel Friday Lewis Straus, the well known sooe man of Richmond, w m the city last week greeting his many f Hands, S. A.sSmith has returaed from Paoolet, S C, where he was sailed by telegram that bis son, Polics man Blake Smith had beem sht His sou is getting along nicely and will soon be out. Rev. W. F. AshburD. formerly of thie county but now of Libirty, waa at Charlotte last wexk having his throat treated by Dr A M. Whisnaut, and i visiting his brotber-m law. Dr. IIun at Caiar. He wat a welcome caller and new subaoribr at Thk. 8tab office Fri dav. Miss Met Wat sou losroi Satur day for Durham where she will accept a lucrative position as stvamgragber. Urs Flids aud sou leaves this wek for Greeutboro where ihey will join Mr. Fields. Robert 8. Lincerly, one of the moat popular and oldest traveling men on the road, was here Friday, John 9 Wattrs. th popular re presentative of the Standard Oil Co., was hare last week. W. W. Green, of RaUigh. was here Thursday introducing the new headaobe resaedy Fe No Pep-Zoue. E. R. Gray, of Spartanburg, wai in the city last week. H. E Levry, of Kuoxville. Tenu., was iu the city Friday giviDg out aamples of Walla Walla Gum A. M. Lattimore of Holly Bush, was in the city Thursday. A N Albas, of Baltimore, was a goest at the Shelby Hotel Thurs day, W. H. 8ulhvan, of Marion, vis ited friends in Shelby and Blackr. W. T5 Witherspoon, of Cher ryville, representing the Giser Threshing Machine Co., of Waynesboro, Pa , was a pleasant Star caller and new subscriber last Friday. T. W. Hajinck, our popular jeweler, made a flying trip to Spartanburg last week. Sam Trent, of Earls, was a wel come sneiDy visitor last waez . Littl Rock Letter. Corraspondenca Stab. Wa will do our best to give the nople of Cleveland county some newt from Little Rock, Ark. The city i located on th Ar kansas river. There are 40,000 in habitants. There is a free bridge, three railroad bridges that con nect the towu together, aud large steam boats pass up and down the river. There are five large oil mills, Southern cotton oil mill, being th- isrgest. It consumes lo car loads of seed psr day. Among the other establishments are five ice factor ies, one brewry, 72 saloons and two railroad shops. This is a fine farming country producing fruits of all kinds, grains and cotton grow large, produciag one aud one-half bales to the acre. It averages trom 3 to 5 fett high. You get 80 per hundred for pick ing it. We have all kinds of people nere, vis: jews, ueuuies, uugrowa, Dutchmen, French, Chinameu, In dian, Irish Dagoes and mixed races, and still mixing. It ii adistanoe of lbO miles from Little Rock to Memp&is, Ttnn., aud most of the land is bottrm and prairie. A common laboring man gets from f 1 Zb to $6 00 per day. Stock runs at large ana live y months of the year on the range. There is lots of game such as deer, turkey, geese, dusks, and quails. Mr. Henderson says he killed seven deer in iwo weeas, iu thirteen miUs of Little Rock. Mr. T. F. Horton saw a cat-fish that was caught in the river here that weighed 95 fis We are expecting to visit Mot gprirjg's in a few weeks and will try to give the people of Cleveland another letter. With our best wishes for Thk Stas and the good peoeleof Cleve land. A. A. Habton, F. L Devinky. jasmsias)Knlricfc. On New Yar'i Day, Mi. L. A. Cabaniss, th handsome young son of Mr. W. A. Cabaniss, a substan tial farmer of Pearl, was married tO .! aw" cinatiug young daugnter of Mr.' Ab Kei drick. of Cherry ville. Rev. I D. T. Putnam officiating in his nan all v trraceful manner. The Htab extends its congratulation to the fortunate groom upen winning for his bride the hand aud heart of suoh a charming young lady. stanoe, a lask of energy, ambition and loss of appetite shows itself .-. rstr.si !. we know it will be fellowed by The Trustees of the Shlby cr- serious complaints if not checked, euit have sold the circu.it parsonage Often ? Liver and Kidney trouble to Congressman E, Y. Webb, and follow quickly. In any event Eleo bought a lot from Mr. Webb be- trio Bitterr will restore you to tween Mr. J. 8. Martin aud J. H. health. It strengthens, builds up Quinnr, Esq residences." They and invigorates rundown systems, contemplate building a parsonage Only 60. Satisfaction guaranteed on it in the near future. r by all druggists. , I - - l !!"aaaaMMM,MMMM,i,M,. ' Retirement ot Mr. Reagan. INCIDENTS 07 A LONG AND NOT ABLE PUBLIC CAREER HIS HOODOO OF SENATOBI AL " . SEATS. Washington Dispatch to New York Evening roib The newspapers announce that John H. Reagan, Postmaster General of the late Confederate States of America and only sur viving member of its cabinet; sponsor for, and would-be au tbor of the inter State commerce law, and an almost incessant of fice holder for sixty-three years, is about to retire to private life. If Mr. Reagan were fifty-four years old instead of eighty-four, he would now be in the thick of the anti-trust fight, far his great bugbear is, and always has been monopoly in trade. He is re membered nere, However, as an interesting man, when he could be dragged by main force away from his fad of making over the commercial fabric It was one of his sore points that people would continually refer to the civil war in his hearings as a struggle over slavery. "It was not the slave question at all that brougnt on the con flict," he would declare, "but in duttri&l jealousy. When Jeffer son made the Louisiana purchase the New Eugland States objected strenuously, on the ground that the addition of this Territory would give the agricultural in terests of the country prepon derance over the manufacturing interests ; they even threatened to secede. Similar demonstra tions occured when Missouri and Texas were admitted as 8tates. Before the crisis which brought on the civil war, various Federal administrations had been severe ly criticized when they had pur sued policies disapproved by any of the States, but nowhere ex cept in New England had seces sion been seriously considered, Indeed, till the Southern States proposed to withdraw from the Union, no one appears to have questioned the right of a State to do so, whatever may have been thought of the expediency of secession." In the Senate Reagan's favor ite occupation was sitting side- wise in a chair and playing cat's cradle with a piece of string. He would busy his hands thus for hours together while listening to a debate, but proved his atten- tiveness by frsqaent queries and other interpolations. The seat he occupied in this way was al most never his own. Just why he should prefer that of some one else it would have been hard to say; it was probably due more to his generally restless habit than to anything else. But he would pick out a particular one that seemed to be habitually empty, and tako up his position in it day after day, regardless of whether it was better or worse situated than the one belonging to him by right. This led to a curious -'noodoo superstition. There was a succession of deaths among the Senators on the Dem ocratic s'de of the chamber dur ing oue rather short period, and somebody noted the fact that while these men were ill Reagan had taken a f aney to their chairs and sat in them a good deal. Oue day Zebulon Vance was stricken down by some temporary ail ment and ordered to bed by his doctor. But nothing would in duce him to go till he had writ ten a note to Senator Pasco, the Democratic "whip," asking to have his pairs promptly attend ed to, and ending with this pray er: "For merev's sake, don't let old Reagan get my chair." Clayton Wilson has moved from 8helby to Stubbs. St. Valentines dav is almost here 14th of February. Jno. S. Owen moved to the Walter Green house Friday. J. R. Lucas has mvved from li rover to onelby and occupies the O. F. Martin house. Miss Eunice Young has ao cepted a position as stenographer with the law firm of Webb & Webb J. E. Wib has bought the beef market from Claude R. B tan ton, and will move' his store and beef market in the store recently vacated by L. J. rope. 4 men witn tnree Dears were in town last wsek attracting the attention of the grown men as well as to the delight of the smaller boy. Quite a novel scene was enacted when two of the men who had not seen the other two for some time embraced each other much to the amuse ment of the crowd. A VYKT VATt T. flTVP . Would be the power of foresee iag events. This would destroy hop A knowledge ef the future would unmake happiness. There are, of course, some things about the future we do know. If, for ic- Pearls of Thought New York Times. He that will not be counselled cannot be helped. A good role often falls under the weight of its own exceptions, As every thread of gold is val uable, so is every minute of time. Be grateful for your blessings, and it will make your trials looir small. From a false point of view even truth itself will always seem false. Gold can buy nearly every thing in this world, except that which a man wants most hap- jpiness, . To secure a contented spirit, measure your desires by your fortunes, and not your fortunes by your desires. We can offer up much in the large, but to make sacrifices in little things is what we are sel dom equal to. Is it because we expect too much or because we don't et what we are entitled to, that makes us dissatisfied? Me tnat xancies nimseii very enlightened, because he sees the deficiencies of others, may be very ignorant, because he has not studied his own. The only people who can real ly help us when we are in great trouble are those who have suf fered more than we are suffer ing, and those who love us bet ter than we do ourselves. Uur love ior one another may be strong and true in the sunny days, but it never reaches its holiest and fullest expression until pain has touched our hearts and called out the hidden treas ures of affliction. The people who talk about not caring for worldly advan tage, money, and social advance ment, are. in nine cases out of ten those who really want to get on just as much as their neigh bors, but they don't know how to do it. Many Die in a Collision. Charlotte Observer. New Yobk, Jan. 27. One of the most appalling railroad wrecks that has occurred in the vicinity of New York for many years the estimated loss of life ranging from 12 to 30 persons, took plaoe to night at Graceland on the Central Railway of New Jersey near West- field, N. J.. when th Royal Blue Line express ploughed at top speed into the rear of a local tram Im mediately after tnecrash three of the shattered cars of the local train took fir and it was impossible to rescue many of the wounded who were pinned fast in the wreok Many bodies are believed to have 1 been consumed. Oa board the flyer all the passengers, altnough badly shaken up, eicapsdxiniDiur- ed except for trifling bruises. The heavy ensiue of the Royal Blue tore its way into the rear oar and at the same time rove the forward end of that-nwfVinto the rear end of the car ahead,, which in turn, was driven into the third car and this in turn was driven iu to the fourth car from the rear. The fourth car was only partly wrecked but the last three were torn to pieces. The engine of the Royal Blue left the rails aud turn ed over on her side, the engineer and fireman, sticking to their posts and going down in :he wreck. They are now in the hospital at Plainfield and the engineer is not believed to have a chance of living more than a few hours. Boy Fsualiv Injured in Lion Case. Charlotte Observer. Atlanta, Jan. 27. A special to The Constitution, Charleston, b C: says Raymond Bowman, aged 12, is lying at a hospital here from wounds received in lion's cage. He was admitted by Mi6s Hall, the trainer, agaUst the protest of attendants. The larc est of the four beasts lumped over the woman and seized Bow man in the left thigh. He was badly mangled. The smell of blood excited the lion's mates and they all joined in the attack, Several men armed witn pi ten forks went to the boy s rescue and he was dragged out after a desperate struggle. tsirtateaiv IMatner, Mr. Geo. D. Harrill oelebrated his 3Srd birthday on Jan. 27th by inviting a few of his friends to dine with him at his mother's at the Loray ootton mills, f Gastenia We are scrry te note that his brother. Charlie Harrill, is quite siok at this writing. One Pbesbnt. - fleer Brwaeel ntscteeit. A negro. Sam Wilson, who lives east of Shelby, went orasy last Fri day wandered up and down Buffalo creek, and was drowned. He was found dead on Tuesday night, by a searching psrty, on the lands of W.J. Roberts, Esq. AOes Davnemt. Mr. Walter Hord, of Waco went bird hunting Jan. 22, at Mr. W. A. Cabaniss at Pearl. He hunted for one day and killed 44 birds and two rabbits. Who can beat that for one dayf- : An engine and. oab ran off of the track on the main line of the Southern railroad at Marion last week. A negro was caught under the engine and killed. No one else was. injured. ;- ' Brain Leaks. When faith leaves fear enters in." . The praying Christian is never in doubt. xsy tne ladder ox nope men climb to higher things. A written word may be erased, a spoken word neyer. A weak faith is a poor founda tion lor a nigh hope. ' The loudest prayer usuallv reaches the shortest distance. A lot of people are so consci entious that they never let their left hand know that their right hand does nothing. A smile in the home is worth two at the offlce. Some men become lost by un der taking a short cut to duty.' No man's heart is big enough to harbor both love and greed. People who mind their i own business find it an ever increas mg duty. When fencing evil out of the heart be careful not to fence the good in. Attacking error with a feather is as unsatisfactory as eatin bean sourt with a fork. Quite a lot of people are only rude when thev think they are blunt and straightforward. A widow's tear in the scales will outweigh any donation wrung from the people's needs. The world iuderes us by what we accomplish; God judges us by what we strive earnestly to do. A whole lot of people love to sing ' 'Rock of ages cleft for me" if they can enjoy a softly cush ioned pew while doing it. If soma men would out more principle into politics they would not talk so much about the small interest they have in it, A Wnole Team for 92. SO. Oastonla News. At the sale of the late Thomas Wilson Saturday a large unmber of farm implements were sold. Among the articles sold was a mule, wagon and harness, all forming a complete one-horse team, which was taken from a tenant. The entire outfit fell under the hammer at $2.80 to Tom Robinson. Mr. Robinson had engaged to make Dock Mor ton a present of the mule. A gentleman, who passed through town Saturday afternoon says he thinks the team brought its full value. If a man has the right brand of religion his wife doesn't have to osrry up the coal. Good Tasting Medicine Cod liver oil is in universal re pute as the best body builder in wasting diseases, and the best reconstructor in recovery from severe sickness known to medicine. Nevertheless, three-fourths of the people are really made sick by the taste and smell of cod liver oil. Half of them can't take it. Their stomachs either reject it, or are so upset by it that the dose does more harm than good. Vinol is the only preparation of cod Hver oil which contains no grease or bad taste yet does con tain all the virtue of cod liver oil, and is deliciously palatable. It also contains organic iron. Iron gives quality to theTlood. ' Almost every ailing person needs it. The combination of these two elements with table wine is both scientific and accomplished right here in we are doing effective. It has wonderful things town. We think a service to ever)' run-down, ailing, coughing, ner vous, debiltated person in calling attention to Vinol. We sell it on its merits money back if it does not help you. You run no risk Old people revive under its influ ence. Nursing mothers and over worked people get new vitality. H. E. Kendall, sureeisx TOMATO SOP Is one of the most enjoyable dishes you can put upon the table these cold davs. Did you ever notice now fresh and com ort able vnn feel after eniovinz a dish . of good tomato soup for dinner? IT'S HEALTHY TOO. , We have the very beat grade of canned tomatoes that the market affords, and we guarantee every can. wnen you wans some to mato so up try ours and you will agree with us, that ours is the best quality. Ihey are packed in two sizes: the 3 pound cans are worth 15cta or 2 for 25cta. Tbe 2 pound cans are lOcts or 3 for 25 cts. O. C, BOSTIC CO. :GB0CEE&! Y T H E. p E 0 P L E j m I Royal A QUESTION OF SPEX. Do your eves tire easily? If sr. you need elaacet.. Does the tvpe became blurred io reading? If so. ?on need glasses. Do yon sufLer fron frontal headache? If to glasses will help you. D you know if you have perfect eyesight. if not we can inform you. It will cost you nothing. H. D. WILSON 6RADUATEOPTIC1AN A RESOLUTION ! Resolved Shelby and by the people of surrouudiug coun- try: v That we will trade more at W. B. PALMER'S Store this New Year of 1903 than ever be.'ore, because we find after careful investigation, that we can t belter gr-cer les fct a lower price lhan else where. We also fiod tht his service is always prompt and atisfaciory, Another thins is you can always fiod what you want at hia store. Finally, he always treats vou libt nd you feel lik you hav invented your tnon-y well when yoa have rnveeted yo ir money well. HBSCBBBaaBsasBBiMaeHeHaeHaeiMaeBBKi W. B. PALMER, MENTIS We- use a lare and well ee ' Lace and Embossed irgeilier with our s-c;-mic ones for chi! nice vaiiety of the leclrd 1 1 t Vain-';! . nrt rut nt ol dreu, ard late novelties in Fancy Box Goods, embracing ail the new styles and patterns of this year's make, run - nine in nrice from one Cent to $1.50 each. Th most complete line of valentines in town. SHELBY RACKET. TO THE PEOPLE OP SHELBY AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. Bavins; bought the groceries of 0. B Battle A Co. I will continue the busi ness at the same stand. Fresh goods in daily, everything? in fannv find heavv groceries. Tour or der will be appreciated, and we aamra nromnt attention. Goods will de- livsred anywhere in the city. Small profits, qaiek sales and cour teous treatment. D. Sflmmej Weathers, PRONE NO. 7. E eHieMtms'Si"su . . fiLLt .a i K- ia 1 Willi IIMI. kMMbatB H.1MM M l V ir an tmwm lu. 1 4 t.hinnii SM k Um Mill ftm. i ili aMX, k k. av 1 1:1 C is OrLe$Dolia,x Per Teai ..... ...... .. bssJb 11IBSBWWSSSJSSB nerr" -g. ((f) 'i' $ 0ml i- - FashionablcModeb, Perfect Fit, Newest Colors, AH Lengths, Superb Finish. forsBpocksftoofcs, astrl forsvsry flgwa. iVorceste on Ton Corsets STRAIGHT FRONT " Ask your dealer to how styles. Accept ao substitute. ROYAL WORCESTER nnOQCT On Worcester, UUilULI UUi) MASS. Thedfard's "fclack-Draugfct has saved doctors bills for more than sixty years. For the common fam ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard colds, bowel com plaints, chills and fever, bilious ness, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and reg elates the liver, assists digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys. purifies the blood, and purges the bowels of foul accumulations. It 1 r cures hver complaint, indigestion, 1 sour stomach, dizziness, chills, 7 rheumatic pains, sideache, back I ache, kidney troubles, constipation, I diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard f colds and headache. .Every drug gist has Thedford's Black-Draught in 25 cent packages and in mam moth size tor fl.UO. JMever accept a substitute. Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. I believe Thedford's Black-Drsught Is the best medicine on earth. It is good for any and everything. I have a family of twelve children, and for four years I have kept them on foot ana neaitny with no Goctor but tSIacK Draught A. J. GREEN, Illcwara. La. REY. C. J.i LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Shklby, W. o. Combined Assets of Companies lep resented over $ 6 5 ,00 0.000. If you want to insure your life, or your property of any kind, don't fail to see me before closing a contract with any othar agent. I-know I can save yoa money and "money saved is mon ey made." For terms or information as to rates aairesa or can uu mo O- jr. -wooDSOisr, PHONE 105 SHELBY, N.U. Publication of Summon. LIZZIK WKIKS, Plaintiff 1 .V. WBK8. Defendant. v xotice to non-Res. S To 8 V. Weeks: Ton are hereby nouneaipa thenlalntin in tag io , r instituted In the Superier Court ol Cleveland counTstate ol North Carolina, a suit aitainss for the nuruoae of obtaining a compute the plaintiff in tne aoove ..flt1.f1 .ptinn h . . divorce lrom vou.and you are mjtnei .noe" to appear before hi Honor. Judge Shawj . at T. rrz.... i thm Biinerinr court of said MdSuJ. Tthi rsfd Monday after the lit Monday in March, liKB, and answer the IPJZSSlVZ ol the Plaintiff or the relief thereof will bacrantea. ia unvuu.j . J . IX J . . REPAIR SHOP- T have opened a repair shop at the same old stand and am now prepared to do all kinds of repair-work on short notice, wood work a specialty. All work guar anteed. Giv. me a call. A. W. ESKRIDGE. JLand for Sale. I have 235 acres of land 3 miles from Henrietta eotton mill, on Foyls creek known as the white house farm 70 acres in cultivation, 30 acres good creek bottom 2 tenant houses. Well timbered price $1795.00 easy terms. tim. .P JAMES C. McBRAYEB. Shelby,. O Before You Buy. J. T. Gardner has jaet placsd an or der for 300 3 bushel seeks seed Irish Potatoes with theE. L. Cleveland Seed Co., of Houlton, Aristook county, Maine. Merchants ot this section will save money acd get better, stock by buying from him. - -" " . Important meeting. There will be a meeting of the Farm ers Mutual Fre Insurance at the Court bouse in Shelby, at 11 o'clock A. M. Monday Feb. 9th. A very important meeting. Come J Xo J. HOI LE, Sec. Treas. Freih Loof . Bread received at my atore daily. W. B. PALMER. tn a most healing ealve I n it1 : I THE GREAT i 1 it

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