Cbc Clcvclnat) Star. . &2 Stat publishing Company Inc. CLYDH3 R. HOEY. President. WEDNESDAY FEB 10, 1904. EG3NS LOCKED IN THE KOUSE. Our Beam's Mills correspond ent is correct in saying that the penitentiary is now self -sustain ing and that it has a comfortable surplus about $65,000. Recent ly it offered to loan the State Treasurer $5o,000 to meet ap propriations, but the fund was not needed, the financial affairs of (the State being in such fine condition. As to why omi peo ple want to misrepresent these things that is a very old in quiry and it takes us back to the time of Ananias why did he od his wife want to misrepre sent the facts afcout that little in cident with which they were connected? It's all very strange. We confess that we don't under stand the reason why!, The end is at hand in the mat ter of negotiation between Russia and Japan, and all matters per taining to peace have been de clared off, and Japan has seized two Russian vessels and war was practically declared. The sym pathies of this country, in fact oi me oest civilizations of the earth, go ont to Japai and we want to see her come out victor in the struggle with' Russia. The AsheviUe Register prints the Republican plan of organi zation in every issue. This a good idea. The Radicals have w acojj iuu piaa standing m order to let the public know what it is otherwise it would be impossible to find out. No one would ver suspicion that the Radicals had any plans for their organization if they judged by the way the thing is run m this State. Mr. Williams, nt Miao ?erson coutftn.0uQO atted the idea.tb issippi, wuiuijists -vjusuwd me Ken tucky juries were "corrupt and rotten." In some respects, he said, the speech of Mr. Crum packer was a disgrace to Ameri can civilization. It was ridicu. lous to suppose that all purity reigned in Indiana, and that just across the river all was corruption. Upon the death of the county --- . - - . i . treasurer!- - -v Y. EditorT 0f jnhn A. Nnflll was armnin by the county commissioners 'fill out the unexpired term. This is a good appointment. It goes without saying that there is no danger of an editor abscond ing with the cash he's so ac customed to having it there's no temptation in it! The Republican State Conven tion will be held in Greensboro oi May 18th. The Republican committee met last week and en dorsed Roosevelt for re nomina tion. The bosses always do everything in advance of the convention anyway. The rank and file have no chance with the Radicals. Kentucky Demanded of Indiana the Re turn or i-ormer Governor W. S. Taylor for Trial for the Assas sination of Km. Goebel. Washington. Fth. aTn; ana and Kentucky locked horns aouseio aay. me debate wujuii lnvowea nearly every inemoer or both State delega tions, was fast and furious from start to finish. Kentucky de manded of Indiana the return of W. S. Taylor, that he might ba inea xor the assassination o William GoebaL Th was made by Mr. Jamas, of Ken lucBy. and the dftfpnsA aaa ia by Mr. Crumpacker, of Indiana, Partisan feehne rose to on oy. treme tension, and as vVMV OIUQ scored Doth aon ansa and ve i X - V JO ion resulted The debate was based on thedio- Mr. James fired hoth dAae the House by declaring at the outset that ino 'iKough Rider President" WAS ridicu Inn a in kis maon , uj joag vu congress favoring internationa wi,1Wjiiiv;u irwiiues, wnen one State could not tret from another iugitives from iusfci T7a hA . - w . j nutA 08 said. int,rv'iiporl o K,u mov u Will WU1CQ me H'edaral ortvornm.f - o v . uujau indae extradition comnnicnrv in . . I w-J " wnere persons bad been in uivu ior enme. For four years he said, Governor Durbin. of In diana. haA m .rantr.A m i who had been regularly indicted in Kentucky for the murder of uoeDei, "and yet I notice that wnen Durbm comes to town,' continued Mr. James, be is wiuea ana ainpd iw thfc i.a j v..w iau iJon yuixote upon extradition. who absolutely eonfides to Dur bin the right to eive th waiting and anxious world the news that uanna can run for PrfsiHonf f he wants to. And whn ma Qn read that, we again declare the king can do no wrong." Mr. Crumpacker. of Indiana arose to make a reply to Mr. James, and brought a storm of questions from the Democratic side. The Governor of Indiana Bead ed no defense, began Mr. Crum packer, especially to anvnno an quainted with the Kentucky elec tion of 1899. He declared Tay lor had been fclected Governor; that the Kentucky juries had been "packed" and that history wouia justify the action of Indi FALLSTON NEWS. Coming and Goings of Popular Fallston People-Good Sermon-Other Items. Sperial to The Star. Fallson, Feb.- 8.--Rv W.' O. Rudasill, principal of Bel wood Institute preached a 'very able and instructive sermon in the Methfidist church here on last Sunday. AH the Sunday ouuoois 01 our town a n a. flourishing condition, and am under the best of management We are glad to note that Faiic. ton School is still making fine progress, vve snou!d not expect anytning snort or a good school unaer sucn able management. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H nil cor the parents of our talented young fiijsiv.-iau, visutu, rawston last week, and were guests of Tir and Mrs. E. A. Houser. Mr. C. S. Young will soon ho. gin theerection of a nice resi dence here. Mr. H. M. Smith, of Beam's Mills, has tho tract. There has been some excite ment over cottoa in this com- munity, but it seems that the "storm" is over now. Master Bernard Parlor w been sick with Lagrinnn tnrso. eral days, but is better, we are glad to say. Also Mrs. Rebecca aus, basnadan attack of La- grippe, but is better now. What has become of Bro. Clegg and the Bassett case? We think it would be Wftll fnr him tn VJ drop the case and let it go "the way or an tne earth." This writer is thi ously of coming out for Ruti. of Deeds. Wonder if my chances woum not be good now. We are all for Roht. TV R. burn, Esq. for the up this way. 1,1 Burn. There wil. 1 in hennr of Di , John R. Dove. ; ! ! night, given unde. ' of the Baptist You Union. Tho Teawih enjoyable and largely ai1 " Tea Mrs. 'ay n-, ,- -I V Mr. Fred Turner, a nonular young man or jno. 3 township, nas acceptea a position at Mr. T B. Washburn's store. Mr. J. B. Watson, a pupu'ar graduate pharmacist of Raleigh. has accepted a position in th drug store oi Julius A Suttle & uo. . or tnis place, Mrs. E. S. Glasgo, of No. 2 townsnip, is improving we are fiiaa 10 note, and ner many M ... . 1 ... inenas irust tnat sne will soon fully regain her health. mr. Ljesiie MCljinnis is now editor and pub'isherolthe King's Mountain Herald. He is a eood newspaper man and will make me neraid a good paper. ierlylisers LUr to Belmont Cotton Mill. SHELBY. N. C. Dear Sirs: If it took TO 'allnna paint your house last time with some body else s paint, and takes 8 voe, we save vou 8 or 10: for n.iinti costs two or three tim na nua - - - ' u uauvu an paint. Mr. EzraRathiiipll Willi always used 11 gallons of mixed paint for his house; Devoe took 6. But that isn't all: t.hnt'n nnlv fiaf ... . ' v.. ..j uioi WDL, now long will it wear? J ne paint, that goes furthest in cover ing, wears best too. All paint, true paint, and fnll-meA- Bure, are on one side: part paint, false paint, and short-measure are on the other. What can you expect? xours truly, F. W. Devoe THE FAMOUS LITTLE FILLS. For quick relief from Biliousness. Sick Headache, Torpid Liver. Jaun dice Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DeWltt'i Little Early Risers are un equalled. , They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that It Is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. PRIPAftEft ONLY T . C. D.Witt fc Co., Cklesja Shelby Market Resort W. B, ana. For sale by McBraver Doxi x t o. Corrected weekly by Palmer. Hens, Eggs Fruit Peas Beans Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Beeswax Corn Oats 23 and 30c. 20c per doz. 4 and "5c per lb. 80c and $1.00 per bu. $25perbn. 40 and 50c per bu. 90c per bu ,i, 20c per lb. IJMEI 'TT ' ' low " ' " . pes : T P. onen necessary to secure great bar gains. Wc engineered a little deal while in the markets, that brings to us some exceedingly great values in shoes. About 600 pairs in the lot, bought from a reliable shoe house, who were going out of business and for a whole lot less than it cost to make the shoes much less get any profit on them, and to makt quick sales and keep them moving we turn them over to you at These Special Prices 10 and Use pei lu. 70c per bu 50c per bu The New York World Alma nac for 1904 is one of the finest publications of its class ever is sued, and is valuable because of the wealth of information it con tains. Siigle copy, postage pre paid, 35 cents. NEW HOUSE NOTES. Personal Notes of Interest-Comings and Coings. Special to The Star. New House, Feb. 8. We see the farmers of this section mov ing their cotton through the snow aad in, when it reaches 16cts. fte hope the peopl of Cleveland arjd Rutherford coun ties will not be so aroused over the high priced cotton, as to neg lect the cultivation of such crops as afford us the necessaries of life. Mr. J. B. Waters sold his plan tation near Casar last week. Miss Veshtie Walker returned home from Shelbv last Saturday. where she bad been spending several months with her sister, Mrs. F. L. Hoyle. The road overseer of this sec tion have beeix putting in very good time for the last few days. We expect to have better roads in the future. - Miss 011i JJaynes, cf !Namto, is visiting ner sister, Mrs. C. R. Whitaker, of this place. Congressman Webb and the Monument. King's Ml. Herald. The constituents of Hon. E. Y. Webb will be pleased to know that he is making a grand effort to purchase some land and build a suitable monument at Kings Mountain battle ground. Mr. Webb is hopeful of obtaining $ino,000 for this purpose. From press reports sent out we see that he has the promise of sereral of our most influen tial members to aid him in his undertaking. There is every reason to believe that Mr. Webb will get the matter in proper shape at this session and at the slaort session next winter he will push his bill through. A hundred thousand dollars spent at this battle ground would mean something not only for this section, but for our young con gressman as well. The public will keep an anxious watch on this monumeital matter and will rejoice at its realization. Mr. J. H. Austell, a vener able citizen of Earl, is in Green ville, S. C, being treated for caccer. He is improving rapidly we are glad to note. Dr. W. C. Black performed a most success ful operation. We are glad 1o know that Mr. Fitzhugh B Hamrick, who is ill with fever in Eagle, W. Va., is much imDroved: Mr. F D. Hamrick, who has been with him for several days, returned home Monday. I,- An Early Riser. A Stronir. hpaltliv artiva mnoHfnfimi 0, J I wva.w depends largely on the condition of the liver. The famous little rm known iu De Witt's Little Early Kiserg not only cleanse the system but they strengthen the action of the liver and fAhnili? k tissues supporting that organ. Little uny msers are easy to act, they never gripe and yet they are absolutely cer tain to nrodnre reunite that: ata sarinf. - . w . . .i IWKS tory in all cases. Sold by H. E. Ken dall. - WE WANT YOUR TRADE IN J9049 Or at least a liberal share of it and we will do all in our power to make it to your interest to spend your money with us. EMBROIDERY SALE, Just Received 5000 Yards Embroidery Mill Ends, 5 and 0 yd lengths. Goods that nsimllv sell at H and 10c yd, l'or a tlyer, we put these pfoods on sale at 5 and lie yd. Conic early before the best values are one. We also put on sale line Men's knit over shirts, goods that sell everywhere for 50c, we make the price, to close;, Line Men's Undershirts, fleece line goods cheap at 50c, we likewise cut these to close at Line Men's still' bosom shirts in nnmbm- of colors, goods that we have sold at Si. 00. To close duick we make; it Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! We are specially strong in Shoes, having t wo or three of the best lines we have ever handled. 'c say we are strong in Shoes because we are handling such well known factory lines as Olms. A. KatoiTs Ervin Drew's and E. M. Ilovt,1. rt' nm -.,,,7 cheap shoes we have the best that is offered foribe price, it )ou want line snoes we have the best that skilled labor can tret out. When von wm.t- pair of shoes we ask you, to inspect our different lines. We do at all times carry a large stock of to bacco put up in 10 lb caddies. We put specially close prices on box lots. It will pay you to get our prices on tobacco. As the years rrn livnnrimuin. increases and we are absolutely certain we are in P position to serve you better now than at any time in the past, as we pay spot cash for everything we buy. We wish to thank one and all for their lib- erai pauyiiage in tne years gone by also state that we will sell tor cash or on timn mi,1 if pleasure to do business with you. D. C. WEBB'S SONS, 1.25 1.00 $1.25 o38 Men's 81.50 Heavy Satin calf top sole for MenVSathrtSarf cap toe, a good one Men's 1.50 home made Women's Kangaroo Lace special 1.00 Women's Pebble grain lace .75c w omen s Heavy Everyday 75c Also have a new lot Hamilton Brown shoes in the latest patterns and in tluMlift rent leathers. A full line II. C. G'xlman Shoes for women and children, and even other shoe you can think of that is necessary in a down- to-date shoe store. Such splendid val ues as you can get here now cannot he obtained elsewhere. If you are inter ested in shoes of any description it' will be a stroke of good luck for you to call and examine our stock. 5 VERY TfiULY, TO-M N. C. v Bros,