mm A" PAPER OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND TO BE PAID FOR BY TUE PEOPLE. VOL. XIII. NO. 45 . SHELBY, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1904. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR A PRETTY MARRIAGE. PATTERSON SPRINGS NEWS. I of Mr. B. 0. H K'E Ola Whisnant W . ii. Virtlir oat, Cirimony. Always 0S service, Hamrick were estate of an inter- always solemn this marriage i0 Hamrick and Miss Ola Whis- Popular Happenings in and Around this f' in Hnlv Mstrlmnnv Thrivind I ltff Villarf Unll-U " 1 J ! .. . ; i .. ""J "uv imuyi . rPttv marriage ceremony to thi star, y snletnnized in the Shelby Fatterso x Springs, Nov 21. 0 s.! . u..v, lotf. nioht and Mr. Oscar Wil Iff11 . d f- Tl n I snpnt. Sunday voth hc navnnte XJ V f"w vmummit t Ibii till) uuiivuia here. The fascinating Miss Mattie Lee Mallard vjsited friends in Ferry last week. Our public, school hp.o'an hpra ..-- o- I I o ihasized effectively the beauty last Monday under the efficient iLimDlicity in the narnage management or Jfror. m. Li. I . .1 i. U mffT M TCP IT ionipmn plighting of the Gibson, one of our accomplished Jlh between a worthy and po- young ladies, is his assistant, tlar young man and a lovely They will have a splendid school fnicultivatod young lady. term. Tbe church was simply, yet The Baptist church here has toiut'fuUy decorated. White been treated to a coat of paint, . thfl nulnit and and the good people of this sec tary appointment was perfect, tion will observe Thanksgiving he rin" ceremony was useu ociviobs iuuisuuj. d during the ceremony the Mr. T. H Lowery has com undies burned around the altar, pleted a batdsome new barn on t ushers were Messrs. Bate his premises, which adds great- Linton. Jap SUtCie, jonn u ij w uu uwumui imiubuh, burg,' spent Sun Jay very pleas antly with friends here. Mr. Noah Glidden, an indus trious young farmer of this coun ty, has purchased a fine planta tion at Waco, and has moved there to make his future home. Mr. I. C. Cdinp will open his school to day at the Ellis .school bouse. Wedding balls will soon be ringing. Look out! Mr. J. M. Roberts hasso'd his enure stock of goods to Mr. E O. Roberts & C mpanv. Mr Double Shoal Notes. Items of Interest From a Thrifty Little Town-Other Happenings. Special to Thi Stab. Double Shoals, Nov. 21. The farmers 'have finished gath ering their crops, and are now sowing their wheat. We were all pleased with me appointment of Solicitor James L. Webb, as Judge of the 12th Judicial District. Governor Ay cock cou!d not have made a bet ter appointment. Miss Laura Williams, wno nas been dangerously ill with typhoid :ever, is improving, we are giaa to note, and trust she will soon be well again. Mr. W. S. Snangler has just returned from a trip to Morgan ton and Lenoir, and reports a fine time. Mr. E. A. Morgan has been sick for several days, but trust he will soon be well and out again Kix and Tom usirriage, auu 'iess were followed by trie mtv flower girl, Miss Mane peberger, anQ cunning ring L&rer,, William Aucirews. iext Wip MUs Eva Stacv.of Gaffney, la, the m iid of honor, hand- t Cmdk at.t-.irpd in'vellow mouse line de soi re, trimmed in gui, W carrying white carnations. 'ae bride entered on tne arm ui la brother, Dr. A. Miller Whis- iint. while tbe room was ac- kpauied by his best man, Mr. Wir Hamrick. nis oroiiiei. fjjbriip was legantly gowned iinpany. Paul Roberts is cieruing for E Q. Roberts & Co. Miss Julia Mullinax. of Gro ver. visited her grandmother here last week. The charming Miss Bess Glad den visited friends in Blacks burg and Gaffney this week. Judge Webb's First Court. News A ObserTr. Windsor, Nov. 18. Judge tirst hitA ; hertv S11K. COloniai ress, trimmed in beads and puff- and carried a prayer dook. romnnv was eraceinuy 'm impressively performed by k M. E. Parish, of the Bapt- church, and Mrs. f. u. 1 1 i Ienes9a played me euuiug irch with all the skill, ana leverness of tne arnsi wuicu hs has proven hersei' to De. knv,,-ip.K was fillbd to over- uuv vm-. - l . .... wincr with interested inenas James L. webb held bis f"""0 1 ..... M cnoptamrs. court nere tms weeir. uur ubu oifvv.- . i , , fnv. h.wiQ nuriv wh.iil iimuc-1 nm irp tprv mui-.ii iiieaseii mini 1UC UUUU' vj . . K. ---.i A, JiitPiv to the nome oi uib him and laei tnat uoveraor A.y 'groom's father, Ex-Sheriff M. N. cock has done the State a great in.i . .v.rotVi pvenins' wasBrvi in his anoointment. He amnion, " "'J' r, , I -r r - - spQt most deiigu"u11ji auu "-inas aispaicnwi uusmcos cmh Scious refreshments were served and with fairness. We look for No public reception was Riven him to wia reputation oi tne bwtQK tothe fact that & dean bench as he did as isoncinr. uur recently occurred m the ramny. local paper, tn Windsor ijeaRer, The happy couple aro amuug nas tms to say oi juuge euu. the State a great service in ap-1 pointing Hon. James L. Webb to succeed Hon. W. A. Hoke on the K.nnVi .Turio-A Wphh is a snlen- GIcbh's MalorltY 50,841. aa lookinc man. commanding, m. xt jtr nhoaruer cives a dignified without reserve, impar- deUiled statement of the vote for tial, fair-minded just and it .jus- governor, showing tbennmperitnous. tie is wu ...u u u ot votes cast in each county, ana nrsi cours. itisofricilali except from one was doing the wort :o his Me county, and tbe vote frm that Twelve years as solicitor have J u . , . .i I ... u: 11 tUr trainmen nAPfl county was reported, oui n m give-i inm " - not be accurate. This statement ed for his high office. olthe vote giTesGoTernor uienn Fntertained. 1 mainrittr rf F.1H41. and WC win... .-- - - have several euesses so close to tuc Chicora Club was most do Mr. T. W. Morgan, one of our popular and bright young men, who is in school at Rutherford College, spent several days here ast week, tie is getting aiong nicely at school. Educational Rally. School opened at Trinity Tues day and Monday the people of that community met in the school house in an educational rally. Great interest was mani fested. Messrs. Mull and uoid made speeches. Every m in, woman and child there, seemed nlivH to the blesngs of an edu cation The good people of that section deserve great credit for what they have done. By private subscription they have bnilt a neat, corxioruoie two roomed school house and insist upoa having the best teachers available and keeping all the children in school. LATTIMORE R.F. D. NOTES A Splendid School Under Able Manage ment of the Misses Beam Other Notes. Special to Thb Stak. R. F. D. Lattimore, Nov, 22 The farmers have been very busy preparing their land and sowing wheat and oats. The fihool at New Housa nn. der the able and efficient manage- A. 1 A 11 mem oi Misses uercpa and ivioi lie Beam, of Rutherford county, has been nrocressiner nicelv. They have a large enrollment. Mr. and Mrs. Weslev Wallace of Caroleen, Mrs Arbeth Smart and her children, and Mrs. Su san Holliield and son, Play, of Bostic, have been visiting friends and relatives here for several days. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grigg, of New House on Nov. 18t,h, a son. The new school house near Mr. L. A. Pad2ett'3. will soon be completed, and school will be gin at once. The health of this section is 6mu- Shelbv's most popular young people and the tak is iwy toextend its heartiest couKitu- litions. that number that we shall have lightfully ente-tained last Friday to awa.t the official count before afternoon by Mrs. J. 1. Gard- Death of a Little Child. The six months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spangler. who hves a few miles north of Shelby, died last Friday, Nov. iMt.h of cholera morbus. The little hnrir was tenderly laid to ret in Koss Urove cnurcn grave Saturdav beside thi grave of its little brother who nrprwted it to the grave a week ago. The Star sympathizes deeply wittfthe fond parents in thev have sustain ed in the death of their two little children. Located in Shelby. Thomas J Gold, Esq., a newly lipfii-sed attorney-at law, hai lo- Shelbv for the practice Vila nrnfAssion. He can be vi r . ,T , , fonnd in Ryburn & Hoey s law offices. Mr. Gold is a son or r W. F Gold, of Pearl, and i-in(r man nf Sne nromise an . orionrtifl onninmetit. and we com mend him most unreservedly u0 mill nlsn do some special loca l " " ... work on The Star, and win prove quite an acquisition to our staff. London-Beam. The following handsomely en graved invitations have been re ceived here: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Calvin Beam welcome our presence at the marriage of their daughter Ethyl Pearle to Mr. Jonathan Plato London on tho evauing ot Wed'day, thirtieth of Hov at seven o'clock St. John's Lutheran Church Cherryville, North Carolina The groom is a highly esteem ed young man, very oopular, and is a son of Mr. J. jn. lxm don, while the bride to be is a vouns ladv of many charms, and graces, and numbers her friends bv the score. The Star ex tends its heartiest congratula tions. Willis News." Sptcia to Tin 8ta Willis. Nov 21. The farm ers of this section are finishing up their roads. Mr. A. E. Elmore has moved s saw mill to Mr. J. J. Kistlers. on account of timber. Mr. Lsm Elmore killed a fine awarding the gold watch, as the nen This was the Thanks- result, mio-ht, h changed a littl divine meeting and the program nnnt. in that one aa follows: "A paper on 'he origin of Thanksgiving uy Emml Frick: "A Thanks giving Poem" by Mrs. Harrison; b? the official count in that one county, and the wrong person get the watch. The State uoaru of Elections will meet in Raleigh IftTk. J TmKar ICt,. lO .u' annnnnce I t-irinc-mnsip. hr MesdamebJ. iass lue vuio uu w i juuniuo, -j TT i ftn AKnUl mainritv. Wfl Will T . Riitt.lfl Aid L. f. nuuaim ui crnpsserl a tViia enlpndid Drogram was nd award the watch just as soon exquisitely rendered, delicious c.v. ...I. : a Thorp ..-.,,i nc wr served, lne nv.gnn..c K.n oni narlor were tasteiuny , I I - nrt mJ 11.11 II ifc lllia. xv Wreck on the Suboard Wednesday. afr':l,i,0,ffle The popular QQfsaiilliuu.uu. 1 1 f P m, r..ii t j nuknna cars 1 1 voc wnn fresh laurels lor iiHj nutucriuru uiu""" ausw " 7: , fal. iTi. 1 j m :v.. tioiri I . i rrrvinfta an dlvei- me wesi oouuu ireigu perseu auu .v. , onthp SAT., in charge of Ln of rare enjoyment for tne ., I . .. I ... wpt. W. D. Broadway, was par- members or tne ciuo. "ally wrecked one mile east 01 Lattimore Wednesday at 12.30 p. Two or three coal cars left the trarl .ml wore comrletely broken un and t.n coal scattered Honor Roll. TIia fnllnwinsr are the new subscribers and renewals to Thi Star since our last issue: S J White Polkville. J C Ponder R. F. D. No 2. R M Lemmons, Shelby. J J Palmer, Bead. O D Copeland, Lawndale. B L Eng'and, Alula. Dr. J. F. Beam, R. F. D. No. 1. Frank McMurry, Lawndale. 8 E Towery, Toluca. J V Powell. Chesterfield A O Lovelace, R. F. D No. 4 A B Suttle, 8helby. Rev C J Woodson, Shelby. Mrs. F E Blanton, R. F. D No. 3, Gaffney, S. 0. M D Turner. Grover. W W Washburn. R F D No. 4. D S Jones, Lattimore. T P Camp. R. F. D. No 2, Grover. E E Cabaniss Depew. Hugh Borders, Patterson Springs Mrs. M E Sweozey, Fallston. W Mtlold, Fair Dealing. Ky. J O Gold, R. F. D. No. 4. W I) Wesson, Lawndale, C P Vaughn, R. F. D. No. B. A P Ivester, Cleveland Mills. Z Williams. Beam's Mills. W. M. Warlick Willis Miss arrie Austell, Grover. Stice News. pedal to The Str, Stice, Nov. 22.-Mrs. S. W. Hughes, who has been visiting relatives in Asnevuie, win re turn home this week. , Miss Eva Turner, an accom plished young lady of Sharon, spent Sunday with her friend. Miss Myrtle Borders. u Mr. Hudson Blanton, a popu lar young man of Sharon, was a guest of Mr. S. W. Hughes Sun day. A. P. Austell, Esq., who has b9en ill at the home of his son, Mr, C. L. Austell, in Shelby, with pneumonia, is much im proved and was able 10 return home Saturday. Prof. Grimn, Principal 01 Sharon High school, and Mr Olive Moore, of Boiling Springs, were delightful visitors nere Sunday. Miss Birdie Abernathy and little sister, of Shelby, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Abernathy Sunday. Misses Ida and Mollie Dwis, charming young ladies, visited the Misses Hamrick, near Shel by, Sunday. Mr. Durward Hughes and sis tor Miss Bertha, will spend Thanksgiving very pleasantly with friends at Hol'is. Editor Flees With Babe. Statesville, Nov. 19. Mr. J.C. Linney, one of the editors of the Mascot here, nas not yei been found, though it has been pretty definitely established that he has left the State, carrying ihfi habv with him. It is said that during all the rain and snow Sunday he was driving arjout the country with the baby. The team he engaged here last Sat urday left bim in Salisbury 1 uis day. Mr. Julius C. Martin, of Asheville, a brother 01 Mrs. ijii down vesterday and , ----- - , - h w tafce Mrs. jjinney uaca with him. Every effort will be made to find the child and restore it to its mother. Sentenced To Die. Newi A Observer. r i'inirTnn Mnr. 19 C E. hog .Saturday which was six feet H white, was to-day con- and several inches in lengtn. -iptAd nf a criminal ass ult on Tke new school buildmg will tV, nf Mrs. Marr lDHn. I VUV soon be completed. a Waiy respected eighteen We are all sorry that farter r.old giri 0f Abpo!e, and was KOm.PTir.Htl UV il UUCC ifwiv. vr and Davis was defeated, but hur rah for North Caro hna. Bob Glenn and Bob Ryburn! Carry McSwain. hane January 18. ! 1, The verdict is generally ap. proved. The assault was com rritted June duin. The counsel for C. E. Haynes have given notic that an appeal will b taken to ujreme vouri. Buih ef 1 Little Child. Death of a Good Man. friends. Mr. Louis D. Duval, of Caro aan thA well known and versa tile superintendent of Henrietta Mills, died at nis uuiuc iaou Thursday night. Be was 58 ..o-c r,f ntro and lad ot?en 111 v t-Ai n v . ' v.oait.h fur sometime. The a mediate cause 01 ma uC-u lie was promt- nent in church and state and one of the most pracucai auu ,f..i rr,; mpn in tne ouum His life was insured for f oUUU m the Penn Mutual. A Business Change. . . . . 1 1A ivt- c a Mf.Murrv us ouiu ivi 1 . u. a . - " - Mr. John Curry, of Lattimore, nd Miss Sallie May Mcbwain, nf Patterson Springs, daughter nf Mr. L. C. McSwain. will be Vinlv wedlock Thurs day morning at 10:30 o'clock in The little eight weeks old child Patforcnn Rnrines BaDtist Lf Mr and Mrs. W. Y. McMur- church, Rev. D. G. Washburn ry, 0f King's Mountain, died at fnrmino th r.ftrfimonv. Tke t.hoir hnmp. on Friday. Nov. 11th, nnnular eroom ad his charming and its l'ttle body was tenderly u-,Aa Vnitrifl hest wishes of uid tn rest at Zoar church on Ul luc " l ' " I ' -" , Ttiu Rtar unci all of their many RaturdaT. Nov. lath, ihe otak I . - . 4 V. , The Patterson Springs Bap ... 1 ' 1 A J t t church will oe oeoicaiea hnrsilav Thankseiving day Pov. J. V. Devennr will preacd fho denization sermon and nis UUU QPnnrea will he heard with and Droflt. Rev. D. G Waqhhurn s the aoie and popu ar oastor and he will te piesent at the dedication address. Beam's Mill Wedding. Special to Thi 9tr. . f,, r c- Mnv. 21. On BEAM & miuuo, -. . mnrnine' at'J OCIOCtt every direction. Capt. Broad- ' ' pre8Siey Costner. the prpu y was cut about tbe bead and ,ar v0unr SOn of Mr. Thos. Cost fce, but not so injured as to to the by medial - alter Prevent his usual duties. No "c. mnranP the accompltsnea one else was hurt When the 'hter of Mr. A. D. HamncK, . vujuu ua5:uj;ci I and in tHO Ul ' , at the uu , n-.. m TiiYnn. m tllS thA presence Ceno nf mi-.nir tha nausen- Ine . .',i"ciTinpr. nerform- gf .mail and baggage were the ceremory that eB; nsfeired to a boxcar and e WaWish for this happy PlledintnRt.horfnrilnat3:30. OQB- overv happiness l hour and a half late." T life's iourney be strewn - - u Ui"J " - v, croptest ner- out his interest in the irm of fl t WnoV,Knrn it Co tO Mr. 11. 1 Washburn, who will continue to manage the farm and the outside work connected iueiY.m. 1UCJ previously sold oui uie.r r. uslcc nt. Lattimore. Mr 11 u 1 1 1 -v 1 1 1 r - - j t.o MnMurrV nave ujucu anu mi a. . . . to oneu.y au- the present. "Family Re-Union Saturday. There will be a re union of the r!nrifftm i valine James - . on Goode noiue.c, Mooresboro, on Saturday, 26th, and a large ,imiht,less attena VI V ' Church Dedicated Thursday. extends its sympathy to the be reaved parents in their great grief. Pointed Paragraphs. Chlcigo News, A man never has to go half way in order to meet trouble. During the honeymoon a wo man wears morning gowns; later on ahe wears old wrappers. The bachelor may be an oojeci of public derison, but the mar ried man gets his at home. In Adam's day woman was mere y a side issue, out at tne present writing she poses as the whole show. If a young man marries a poor girl he can settle down, and if he marries a rich one he can settle up. Simmons-Cabaniss. Mr. D. B Simmons, the popu ar voung son of Mr. G. H. Sim mons, of Pearl, and Miss May me Cabaniss, the lovely young daughter of Mr. E. E Cabaniss, of De Pew, will be most happily married to-day (Wednesday; at the home of the bride's fathers, Rev. A C Irvin officiating. THE Star offers its congratulations to the happy young couple, and wishes for them a long nie ann much happiness. Keeps it Up With tke Vigor ef a Man of Thirty. Orange County Obierrer. In August, 1849, Mr. John Laws, our present register of deeds, recorded his first deed, and he is still doing business at the same old stand. So he has already been in office more than fifty-five years. The old gentle nan begins to electioneer lor tne next term as soon as the votes for register "f deeds are counted, and he is at it again. Transferred to Bennettsville. Mr Claude C. Falls, who has been superintendent of the oil . j-F 1 1 1 M ... r. n mill at uoncord, ns ueu wauo tn,A tn Rflnnettevi le. ts. U fr. TT. E. Kenda l has a large and varied assortment 0 Christmas goods. See his ad. Mr. Jno. S. Owen's is putt ing a new coat of paint, in his barber shop which adds greatly to its appearance. Mi- T V.. Wfthh will mnvft in and make an a few days to Capt. W. P. Love's house, and Mr j. vj nyaer win occupy tne nouse Mr. weoo vacates. Prof. J. A. Anthony made a fine address at Oak Grove school house in No. 5 township Monday. The school has opened auspici We Make It. Chaw It, Smeke It, and Dip It. Wlastoo sentinel. North Carolina is now produc ing about seventy million pounds of manufactured tobacco annual- lv. of counting the stems taken out, working up about eight mil lion pounds ot leal, we may safely say that North Carolina is manufacturing at least one-nan of the State's crop of tobacco. w ? I . . .... and is superintendent or the uus'j w large oil mill at that place, ownea Rev. Geo. V. Herman, tne and conducted by the Southern new Methodist pastor, has been Cotton Oil Co. He will visit his nere this week, shading hands old home at Fallston witnm tne wjth the people and getting ac next few weeks. quainted. He will probably re- turn Saturday and preach Sun- Th Hnnt Trial This Week. Mav. and bring his family next Bw - J 1 mu- f Mr A M Unnt Week. . , nf Tno School will open at Zoar ,:n taUA in Rutherfordton hext Monday. On Saturday v ' . . . I . . near Nov. crowd will Mr. Goode t,vdav or to-mofrow. Mr. Hunt - - 0 . . . .1 ... is a prominent citizen 01 mis county and his friends all trust that he may oe promptly acquit ted. The charge against him is manslaughter. nisrht there will be an education al rallv at the school and ad dresses by Prof. J. A. Anthony and others The school wil be taught by Rev. J. C. Gilles pie and Miss Jossie Spake. House and Cotton Burned. Keith Tesseneer, of Camp Call suffered a severe loss last week in the burning of his house, household goods and two bales of cotton, it is not known bow the fire originated. Mr. Tesse neer deserves a great deal ot help and sympathy in this his great loss. Melton Peeler. Mr. W. C. Melton and Miss Cora Peelerof Lawndale, were most happily married last week, W. H. Hull, Esq., officiating. The Star extends its congratu lationstothe happy young cou pie, and wish them much Happi ness. Mr. A. McSwain has moved back to Shelby r'rom Stubbs. We welcome him back to Shelby . '1 si 1,-1 Ml a i ; s U 1 f I BrHaghroJShtlby 'st Tuesd ay. fume.

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