THE ALABAMA MINE CA5ASTR0PHE. A Cleveland Boy in Alabama Vividly le scribes this Terrible Disaster. To tlie Editor of Tug Stab: The terrible catastrophe at the Virginia coal mines of. the Ala bama Steel , and Wire Company has added another bla-cVchapter to the history of mining in the United States. The exact num ber of the slain may never be known, but it is not less than 115 and may be 160. Every man in th", ill-fated m'nd paa up his life when the awful, explosion occurred, or died for want of air before the rescuing parties could dig through the thousands of tons of earth which shut out the men from the world. The ex plosion had so completely wreck ed the mine that the rescuers were ooliged to make their way through a solid mass of debris. The first report said that there were 150 men in the mine. The company officials denied this and said that their books showed on ly 116 workman in ihe p'.t at the time of the explosion. The great explosion occurred at 4 o clock Monday, evening Feb. 20th and by Tuesday night only 13 bodies had been recovered, though there were at that time 50 corpses in sight. Immediately there gath ered about the mouth of the mine a terror-stricken crowd. The women and the children were in much grief. When the women were forced to go outside the lines they seemed to think that an effort was made to force them to abandon their loved ones in the pit. They shrieked and fought with the rescuoiug party, which firmly, though gently, tried to drive them back to the surface. All night long the crowd stood about the .mind The women acted as if they were crazy and the children taking the example of their mothers, added to confusion of the scene with their shrill wails. A platform was erected outside the mine for the reception of the bodies When the women saw the work on this commenced they became seized with the idea that the offi cials were prepareing to burn the bodies that were taken, out. Men were sent among the crowd of mourners to assure them. When the first bodies were taken from the the mine there was a rush of the waiting crowd, and the rescures were almost knock ed down. The blankets cover ing .the dead were torn off and every women struggled to see if the bodies were those of her Joyed ones. Every new load of dead that were taken out from the pit caused the sbreiking and the wailing to break out afresh. For three days these scenes went pn continually, day and night There are ports of the mine that may never be opened again. The bodies that have been rescued are frightfully mangled and dis figured. One victim showed signs of life when found, but he died after being taken to the sur face. One hundred families have been deprived of their support and there were 3U0 orphans made in the twinkling of an eye It is known that there are stil! eight more bodies in the mine, if not more. The carcasses of 13 mules are Still in the ill fated mine. Men who have been in the mines since the explosion say that the wreck age to props and other work usuaily carried on in the mines, looks as if a cyclone had struck the place. The list of recovered bodies taken from Virginia coal iriines number one hundred. In one enlry in the mine consider able trouble was experienced in carrying bodies to the main slope wb r the tram cars were stand-1 ing. Only two of the carasses of the 13 mules were carried out of the mines, the train cars bo ing so small. It was necessary to carry 15 bodies of miners over the body of a mule to get them to the main slope. The carcass of the mule had swollen up and the rescueiug party had to pass through a most terrific ador. This was the hardest kind of work but the willing rescuers paid but little attention there'o ' The cause of the explosion wa- a dry shot followed after blacii damp and gaa. Members of the rescuing p irty say they found a great number of the men lying on their laces, their coats being drawn up around their - eyes and mouths. In some in staifw the meu ' had their faces kurifd in t licir coat sleeves. A umber of bodies were found at least i500 feet unu even further than that. After the explosion, the men realizing their awful jierd cament had attempted to reach a place where they could get frosh air. In cases where tkey remained flat on the ground, thi ir luces covered, seeking v ry p .s-ihle inch uf air.-.death inioing horrors in the world have happened where every soul in the mine at the time was lost. Even steamship horrors have had their survivors. accidents have happened in which numbers it people were filled, but always there has been one or two who were left to tc-'.l the tail. In the Virginia, coal mine accident there is no one to. give a description of the awful coti&trophe. The coal mine is in a few miles of Birmingham. Success to The Star.. Floyd Costnku Pell City, Ala., Feb. 25, 1905. The Editor's Apology. Our Home. An excited military looking man entered the editorial san ctum of a Missouri paper the other day and exclaimed: "That not ice cf my death is false' sir. I will horse whip you within an inch of your lile, sir, if you don't apologize in yournext issue." An editor who is up to his business always know how to get up ap propriate apologies when they are demanded. Thateditorknew hisbusiness, and the next day his paper contained the following apology: "We regret extremely to announce that the paragraph which started that Major Blazer is dead is without foundation." Are You Encaged? Engaged people should re member, that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their digestions in good condition with Electric Bit ters. S. A. Brown, of Bennetts ville, S. C, says: "For years my wife suffered intensely from dys pepsia, complicated with a tor pid liver, until she lost her strength aud vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former self Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helped her at once, and finally made her entirely well. She is now strong and healthy." All druggists, sell and guaran tee them, at 50c a bottle. Unless a woman is capable of earning at least $1 a day she has no business itarrying a man to reform him Deaf ness (Jannof ba Cured by local appllcatloos, as they cannot ruach ti diaaoatiu portion of tae ear. There is out; one way 10 cura l)cn(ue. aud thai is by con atltutional remedies. IWfuess Is c sd by an Inflamed condition of the miicou lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tulie gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and whin It ia eutimly cloned Deafnesi la the result, and unlets the laflaiu matlon caa he taken out and this tube restor ed to its narmal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; uineeite out ( ten are caused by catarrh, which ii nothing but an In flamed condition o( the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any cae of Deafnets (caused by ciuarrh ) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENKY A CO., Toledo, O. resold by drngsfat, 7."c. Hal 's Family HI la are the best. Women seldom go on a strike because they cau'i hit the nail on the head. Dnersot Pneumonia. A cold at this time i' neirlerteil ia lia ble to cause iinpnmonia which is so of ten fatal, and even when the patient haw recovered the lungs are weakened, mak ing them peculiarly susceptible to the development of eonmimption Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal Mid streng lien the lungs and rreyent pneumonia. H, B Kendall. Nothing makes a girl so weary as to have a voung man ask her for a kiss. Pleasant ana Harmless. Don't drug the stomach to cure a cough. One Minute Tough Cure cuts the mucus, draws the inflammation out of i he throat, lungs and bronchial tubes keals. soothes and cures A quick cure for Croup and Whooping couph. Sold by all druggist. Lots of men who pay as thty go are in no hurry a making a start,. If taken thia month, keeps you well all luinuier. It inakui the little ones eat, sleep and grow. A spring tonic for the whole family. Hollister's Reeky Monntain Tea. iJ5 cent, Tea or Tab led. H. . Kknpat.l. Man is so vinreasonabl that the time he wants to shovel snow is in the summer. If you rannot eat, sleep or work, foel mean, crosa and tigiy, tk Holliiter'i Hocky Mountain Tea this month. A tonic for the sick. There is no remedy equal to it, 35 cen's, Tea or Tablets. 11. E. KlSDALI, Woman often worry themselves old trying to look young. Haw or Inflamed Lungs. Yield quickly to the wonderful cur ative and healing qualities of Foley Honey and Tar. It prevents pneumonia and consumption a hard cold set tlttd.on the lungs. 11 K KfC.VDAiL. The high-salaried office is kept busy trying to 'dodge the man. It will bring rich, red blood, firm floih and uiuscle. That' what llullisters Kocky Mountain Tea will do. Taken thi mouth, keeps vim well all summer. rWcent. Tea or Tablets. II. E. Kkn- DAI.L,, Vaniiy is egotism wrong side ouV, a gnppe iWh vield ouu klv to Mm yonderful citrstiTe qualities of Foler'i The Taking Cold Habit The old cold goes ; a new one quickly comes. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. AyerTs Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about it. "I had a terrible cold, and nothing ralteved me. I tried Ayer't Cherry Pectoral and It promptly broke up my cold, stopped my cough, and eased every part of my body, it did wonderful work (or me." Ma. J. V. LVTZ, Toledo, Ohio. . O. ArT Co.. LowelL o manuflwturtrs of SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VI00K. iers Keep the bowels regular with Ayor's Pills, just one pin eacn nigm. The Stevens Putney Shoe Co., Inc. MANCHESTER AND RICHMOND VIRGINIA. Owners of the celebrated brands of Battle Axe, High Art, Westover, and other popular brands of shoes. More Battle Axe Shoes sold than any other brand in the world. If you want the best ask ycui dealer to show them to you. Hi. W. PORTER, Representative Western N. C. SHELHY. N. C. service by Publication. Lonla K. Conley K. M. L'onley. The defendant above named will take notiee that an action entltli d a abuvi hat been com menced In the Superior Uiurtof Cleveland county by LoulaK. Conleyto dissolve absolute ly the In nds of matrimony existing between her and him ; and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that lie Is required to appear at the next term of the uperior conitoinald county on t lie third Monday after the first Monday iu March. l' the court home of said county iu Shelby, N. C, aud answer of demur to the complaint In ald action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relle.r daaiauded in said complaint, said comnlaint helne ou file in this oftl je This 14 dav of KVh. 19(14, n.J. nOYLE, C.8. ('. IS rcOf TON GOING UPT j Is It Going to Snow Any More ? rj Are the questions agitating every one. Ve can't tell you, but one thing we do know, and that is Nix Bros, have every NEW STYLISH kind of goods offered on the market. New Mercerized Waist Goods in every pattern from 12 to 23 cents. The prettiest thing for Spring and Summer. The daintiest new collars and ties for Ladies and Children. If you want to look Pretty and Stylish get one. New ginghams for shirts, waists, and children's dresses, only ten cents. Now hold your breath, our line of Laces and Em broideries all the now designs they aro sianply beautiful. If you don't believe it call and see. Job Lot of laces from 2 to G yards in bunch only ten cents. Don't you want a pretty now Hand Bag? Well this is the place to get them. Going fast, give ns a call. All Li nen Handerchiefs only five cents. Shoe; fancy and plain hose. Also plain and lace, low hose, very stylish. If you want to bo up to dite you had better get some. Umbrellas! all kinds born in BaHinmiv m b of-advico, if you want everything Call aud see NIX BRO When Youl'GGil Groceries, Call on me, I carry a complete line of heavy and fancy grocer ies such as cotton seed bulls and meal, shorts, ; bran, flour, meal sugar, coffee, etc. Highest price paid for country produce. I Also keep Shingles and Lumber for Sale. 1 1 Gils. Sale of Laml. Hy virtue of the power contained In a cer tain deed of rooititaee made by J, W. Wort man. of Cleveland comity, N, (J., to the Henkel Live .Stock Company, a corporation with Ha principal office In the city oi Siataville. H. O.. which said morgan wan executed on thu Hrd day of June. I9U4. to secure the payment of the sum of two hundred aud seventy "nine dollar, and due and payable In installment be I li ning on the ISth day of July, 1904, aud default having bcPH made iu the payment of some of the Installments aa they have matured, the timlemKued v ill -oil at public auction to the hlKhent bidder (or cat h, at the court house door in Shelby, on the 4th day of April, 1905. between the hours of 1? aud 2 o'clock the fol lowing deacribed real estate lytnir and beipe iu Uleveland county, state aforesaid, in No ll township, adjoining the lands of Sidney Wort man ana others and bounded at follows: Be kiuniiiK at a stone, Sidney Wortraau'a S. E. corner and runs northward poles to a maple ou the side of the mountuiu; then eastward - poles to a black jack : toen south, ward- - poles to and parallell with the pre ceding Hue poles to a mulberry; then south westward poles toapine; then to the heRlntitiiK corner containing 172 acre's, and liting lot No. In the division of the lands of John Wortmau, and more particularly bv the division and allotment madeof said lands among his heirs at law, which is hereby refer red to and made a part of this description. This Keb. 28. mii. THK riENKEL LIVE STOCK CO. Mortisgee. M. H. Youut, Attorney. Try Snttie's Headache Tablets. A positive cure for Headache and NeutiiltciH Perfectly safe. No cure; i uo pay. Price (six doses) 10 ceuts. Pre- pared by JqIids A, Sattle & Co. j DRUGGISTS iippem Umbrellas! raised anywhere.. Now one word up ij due the best f ,r th,5 money )i 'tl People Who ressin Should see our stock before buying. Wo have a full line of "Peck Clothing." Every body likes 'em because they're brimful of .style-taste,. 'nicely patterned and built for strenuous wear. We have them in patterns and fabrics that are wholly new and beauti ful. Serges, Che veots, Scotch and English Worsteds, at temptingly low prices. . - ' Mm? Srrttww,. N V. ll' it r n i J while yet look in1 aiwavs piek-aml-span. Have yo'.tr boy call fit our store and learn 'about the Prize story contest. Shoes I Our new line of ladies and mens spring slices are in, we invite you to see them. The most stylish and up-to-date patterns ever shown in Shelby. Prices below their equals. XDZEBIESS O-OOXDS. All of the latest patterns and weaves of dress goods, both foreign and domestic. Bet ter see them before you purchase. BILKS JSH.KSJ All kinds of silks in the different, colors. Special price on wash silks. The widest China silks at 45 c. yard. SI1IKTS. JuK received 75 dozen o the famous International Shirts It will pay the stylish dresser to inspect our stock. Vou will save money. and get the latest styles by buy ing your Dry Goods from us. Dry Goods, Notions, Hats and Shoes. Situated in MlLLlili BLOCK. Hi irij) Trousered Cyclones a re what some boys are called. Can't keep still. Ever plunging, bending wnnggling. It's no m.itter. The Mrs. Jane 11 op Kins' brand of Boy proof clothes balks wear .md mocks a tear. For school, for play, for dress, for every oc casion and circum sUme they're clothes to depend upon. They give growing little bod ies ease and freedom Shoes Phone 165. .C i-A m J. . ji Style Was most horrible. Very fewj "jt as good ' n iixiiuy r.aa I r. here i uotiiii,g E. Kk.iua" L

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