Getting the Good out of Life, fhii'Rgo Breeders' Gazette ' , "One of the most fixed and un alterab'e faces df life," said the Professor to his c ass in psycho logy, "is-the essential imperma aency of sensation." Put that aa plain farmer language, what does it mean ? Sensation is feel- ".. jug, that includes p eaMire. pain, love, hat?, joy, xisry. Imp-r aaanency mean that athiogdoes Dot eudure. A first mosquito bite is an annoying thing; men In mosquito countries allow . the , eager insects to fill themselves irith blood, undisturbed; they do not feel them any more. The child loses its ball or . breaks its doll and life is desolne to it, but 3be child laughs at retl calami ties in later years. Farming is only an incident in life; it is not. Jife itself Men farm to live Pity the man hose aim is so low th it lu lives to farm ! The work-horse does that and gets small joy out, of it. There is so much to farm life bi sides the growing of corn and the fat!ening of beeves and swine. Dwellers in cities como to the couu.ry and are intoxica tod wkh the joy of the land. To them the fields tell stories of . jest and peace, the woods whis per of paradise, the brooks tell stories of sins washed away, the cool evening when only the birds call confidently to iacii other bring a message of forgiveness and hope and the dewy morn ings bring fresh a-surance aud ntw born desin.s It is a won der to these half st,rang3rs to country life that men who dwell 'always amid such "scenes should be sordid or discontented or guil ty ot aims. They forget that truth of ,lth j essential ijaperma lency of sensation," that coun try dwellers lose the very best gifts of the country through overmuch familiarity. And what is the remedy ? It is not easy to suggest, yet here is a hint. Once we happened on a camp where farmers were as sembled, their harvests gather d, their com ur gent duties requiring them at home. There was a cluster of a dozen tents pitched in a leafy grove of maples. Each tint shel tered a family and one large open canvass sheltered the sit ting room, the assembly. A short distance away the spring broke out from the mossy bank aid t'noro a placid stream reflect ed the sycamores. These poo pla camp each year a week or so. They have a telephone at the camp so they are witiiin call of home should they be leedi ed. They rest, become acquaint! ed with each other, read, tak morning dips in the cool wateg: Tne whole curreut of their thought is changed and rested. And when they go back to their homes it is to see all things new, to feel once more a thrill of jov m the beauty and goodness of home sctjnes, to see things that they had forgot to see at all. And the cost of this is not more than to live at home. It is trav el and adventure with the misery of baking, cendery railway jour neying left outthough h.-it in dted would make one love his home when he got back to it. Country dwellers get too little out of country life. A saddle horse is cheaply kept. A West ern pony may not have style, buthehasgo. A canter to the village will make the blood cir culate better and the man feel younger. A half day from the grind of farm work now and then will open a new perspec tive and enable the farmer to'sre his way more clearly, besides getting him in touch with the joy of the world. Aid the wo men most of all ueed the new sensation, so that the old ones, most blessed of all, may be again rpnwed. Kutl of Tramo Meaning are these lines from J. H Sim eous. 01 Casey, la. Think wli i might have resulted t-om bis ter rible cough if he ha l n i taken the medicine about which h writes: '-I had a fearful oouyh that disturbed my night's rest. I tried everything, but nothing wuuid relieve it, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, which completely cured me." In stantly relieves and permanently cures ail throat and lung disua sei; prevents grip and pneu monia. At all druggist; guaran teed; 50c and $1.00." Trial bottle free. It's very, careless to kiss your wife as if you thoughtshe wasn't. A Triea nd True Friend. Cii'e junto ffiiiili tiro contmns not iw atom of ny huiiuf ulilrug. and it has len curing t ongha, Lolua, Cionp and WhoojiiiiK Congh to long tha t it has lirovfu i wlf to be a tried and true friend to lie many who use it Suld by all Druggist. " The Democrats Hold Chicago. tveuliig ClironiiJle. Chicago, April 4. A; politica ornado to-day overwhel med one of the most ruggedly unique leaders in the country. Inciden tally, the Reoublican -party met "d.if. -at in a memorable effort to f tpiure the mayoralty of Chic ago. Asa result, the city is of ficially committed to the policy' of ihe quickest possible cessa tion of private franchises for public utilities.. Municipal own ership. is especially threatening street car l'nes, valued nign in t e millions. , . Afer winning successfully four remarkable bi ennial fights of independents against the r?g u ar Republican party organiza tion here, John Maynard Harlan, so i of Associate Jus ice darlan, of the Cntel Stages Supreme C iurt,'"as to day a loser as Re pub1 ican candidate for mayor. Tne defeat is attributed to an ex traordinary whirl of causes, starting with political revenge and taking in a wide sweep, em bracing the mo-.t up-todate so cialism as a facior The victor is Judge Edw.u d P. Dunne, Dem ocrat. A liomt-Made Grubber. I.!oi News. Mr. J. H. Curry is the fastest and most, experv "grubber" we have ever known. Neither Davidson or Forsyth county has his equal. I watched him for five minutes one day this week and I think he took up more bushes and trees, in that time than I had ever seen done in one hour before. His plan is this he has a large log-chain, hooks it around the sapling about four feet from the ground, hitches two mules, jives the word, and the bush comes up. It is a real curiosity to soft him operate the machine Don't Borrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow any thing, but the worst thing you can poisibly borrow, is trouble. Wben sicrf, sore, heavy, weary and worn-out by the pains and poisons of dyspepsia, bilious ne-.s, Bright's disease, and simi lar internal disorders, don't sit down and broo I over your sym ptoras, but fly for relief to Elec tric Bitters. Here you will find sure and permanent forgetful ness of all your troubles, and your body will not be burdened by a load of debt disease. At all drug store. Price 5(c. Guaran teed. A man is seldom abie to see a job when he looks through the bottom of a beer glass A Night AUaCK Liwt nijfht the little daughter of Mrs. Brown, as she gwtwtiy ami peacefully lept in her little bed near the window, was attaclce I by a death-dealing demon known as Croup Whooping cough, and but tor the timely uae of Kennedy's LaiutiTe Honey and Tar, which she al ways keeps hundy, the life of the little one illicit not have been saved Kenne dy's Laxative Honey and Tar is differ ent from all of the old-time cough syr ups and is best for children becaune it acts on the bowels, is harmless, safe and certain. Contains no opiates So d by I a 1 Druggists. j Noth i ii u pleases a little man much as a cbanca t j slim; mud at j a big man. ' Chronic Bronchitis Cured For ten years I had chronic bronchitis so bad that at times I could not speak above a whisper, ' writes Mr. Joseph Coffman, of Montuiorenri, Iud "I tried all remedies available, but with no suc cess. Fortunately my employer sug gested that I try Folev 'g Honey and Tar Its effect wa almost miraculous and I am now cured of the disease On my recommendation many pe ple have used Foley's Honey and Tar and always with satisfaction.'' H. E. Kendall A woman who flirts never tbiuks for a minute that men re it ct ber for it. Inflammatory Rheumatism (jured In Tti'er Cays. Mortou I.. Hill, of Lebauon, Iud., nays : "My wile nad liitUminatory Kllniiirntl.m in every mtHott. and jolut; liur Hiini:riiiK wan terrible and tttr b idy and Urn ware swulleli almust beyond rwiiKiiltioh ; bad In bed lur (K wen In and hud r 1 k C nbyl lain, but reoetvtd iim ht tietlr until "lie t led (lie Mymiu Cure lur iO.iv luatiMn. I gave liiiiii,"li,itf relief and -in-w.i abl" to walk about tutbreeuays I am ii re i. mtYtd her lite." aUc by 1'aul Webb DriiKKlst. It is generally safe to judge a man's brains by tb notion of his tongue. Feel tireil, no appetite, cannot sleep, worr or eat 1 That 8 Spring tiredness and will disappear nt once if you take Molester's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. So cents, Tea or Tablets. II. E. Kendall. Many a woman walks on Imr pride because she bus small feet. A wonderful spring tonic Drives out all winter impurities, gives you strength, health and happiness. That's what Hollister'g iiocky Mountain Tea will do ar) cents Te or Tab eU H E, Kendall A man can m;iUe n lool oi-bim-so f by trying to act smart. OASTOniA. Beantk lln Kiad Yw Haw Atwavs Bought Signatun ""'m "'m " AYegetablePr As similating ttiek .ma ting the Stomachs -a )r.vels of Promotes DigcslionXheet ful ness and Rest.Contains neitlter Opium,Morphine nor Mineral, 'ot Narcotic. JlMpeafOUa-SANUELPITCBFR flmp&ut Seul' Mx.Smn Ctmfttd Aiqnr Winkiyimn flUnR ApcrTccI Remedy forConstipa Tion.Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Feveristv ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Grocer'es ! E3 w " A H t, r.v,j!JVf!,l T 1 sY I m ' J I PU' 3D, b ;yTN7 When you need anything in the grocery line call and see me, I carry a complete stock Heavy and Fancy Groceries suen as Oats, Cotton seed hulls and meal, I shorts, bran, meal and flour. :mrl .vrvrlinnr jou neea to e-it. i buy and sell country pro l duce. I also have Irish Potatoes 5 for planting. Call and see me, my goods are fresh, my prices are right. T.B. WASHBURN - THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. With am pie resources this Bank is prepared to trei-t all ers with the utmost liberality consistent with safe bu: tome meinous i i i Small depositors receive the same courteous consideration as those having larger accounts. solicited1" aCC0UDt' whether a orroer or a depositor, lespectfully THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SHELBY. 71) ill For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature Use For Over Thirty Years P tmi uktuii ommv. mm vena orrr. the i M I n Groceries ! cus- sine&s 18 GflTTOiJ Is It Going to Are the qoestions agitating every one. vVe cao't tell y0Q . one thing we do know, and that is Nix Bros, have'every NEW kind of goods offered on the Goods in every pattern from for Spring and Snmmer, The Ladies and Children. If you want to look Pretty and Stylish get one. New ginghams for only ten cents. Now hold your breach, our line of Laces and 1 broideries all the new designs don't believe it call and see. in bunch only ton cents. ' Don't Well ihis is the place to get All Linen Handerchiefs Shoes, fancy and plain hose. Also If you want to be up to date Umbrellas all kinds, born in Baltimore to be raised any when Nc w m c: of advice, if you want everything up todatethe bestfo. tha mom Call and see NIX I FRESH GARDEN SEED, j, ine Uarden beason is "v. .Tin. u mifD owivo ji wen aeiuuieu seeas ironi ltho best seed houses in the United States. It is my aim to V establish a reputation for handling the i I BEST SEEDS ?jkhat are sure to germinate. I am handling Buists, Ferry's N-jand Crossman Bros, seed in 5c paper and two papers fort $5 centi I also have a large stock of seeds in bulk. X Make out vour list and bring it to me and you will etH only fresh and the best seed. In due time I will have all of the leadin? brands of Po-3 itatoes such as White and Red Bliss or Triumnh Early rhliose, KurbanK. etc. Don't PAUL fix Prescription Druggist. Phone 21, rN IS THE PLACE Farmraiiiw Tool Are in demand and we tiifia to belt and can everythin- yon buv from ns v 1-,,.!' ft,-, rprt improved tools that can SMALL PROFIT We have just gotten some weeders and would lit tor you to see them. We also have cotton pli ers ot the best make. WV. hnr, o Viiltr yators, price .2.50 up to weiuio you uuy. Kemember stoves and busies an going cheap. Yours for business, ' Farmers Hardware Co OP Snow Any More ? market. New Mercerized v 12 J to 25 cents. The prettiest tt daintiest new collars and ties I shirts, waists, and children's dreJ they are simply beautiful. If j. Job Lot of laces from 2 to 6 yjJ you want a prettv new Hand Bi them. Going fast, give us a call. only five cents. Slippers plain and lace, low hose, very styli you had better get some. I Umbrellas! BRO mm A. J now here and I start in thej forget that J WEBB 9? i TO ( j have them and loug! vnn mn-noT mi & be bought and sell thed $3.25 Don't fail to see STYLISH Phono 97. A. P. WEATIIERS. T ho1;: C

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