'i? -r . ! Ebc Cleveland. Star. 3Cr Stat fubllsblno Company, Inc CLYDIS R. HOET, PKEsiicm-. . WiaxtsDAT jurs 28, ilea The announcement has been definitely and authoritatively made by President Samuel Spen ee, of the Soathern Railroad, that the connecting link of ro'id from Marion, N. C, to Johnson City, Tenn., will be constructed at an early date, a company hat ing been chartered for that pur pose. Work will Degin at once. This will mean much for Shelby, It will give us what we bo much need, viz: Better railroad facil ities, and the full advantages of , a trunk line. Judge Boyd, of the Federal Court, seems disposed to enforce the internal revenue lavs. Last week D. L. Arey, a wealthy Sal isbury liquor dealer, was given choice of two sentences, viz: Either to serve a term of two years imprisonment and pay a fine of $5,000 and costs, or pay a fine of $22,000 taxes defrauded from the government, and the costs, and a term of three months. Arey chos,e the last named sentence. The election of Prof. W. L. Poteat to the presidency of Wake Forest College to succeed Dr. Chas. K. Taylor, who has re signed on account of feeble health, will give a new impetus to the work of the College. Prof. Poteat is a very able man. Wake Fores College now has a splen did endowment fund, amounting to $300,000, which U well invested. Texas has alreidy marketed her first bale of new cotto for 1005, It was sold at Galveston Monday at auction and brought 30 cents a pound a pretty good price for the novelty of buying the first bale. Cotton has reached nine cents. It begins to sound good again. A Paarfui pat. It is a fearful fate to have to endure toe terrible torture of Piles. "lean truthfully say," writes Harry Uolson, of Mason ville. Ia.. "that for blind, bleed Ing, itching and protruding Piles Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best cure made." Also best for cuts, burns and inju-ies 25c at all druggist. Mrs. John Sullivan and Miss Nora Beam, of Shelby, visited in Marion Sunday. Tired out, worn out woman cannot Bleep, eat or work ; seems aa if she would fly to pieces. Ilollister'a Rocky Moun tain Tea makes strong nerves and rich Mood. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. H. E. Kendall Dance music is the solj-stir ring kind, Rcsolutlans of Respect. Whrp.ns. It has repassed our Heavenly Father in his all wise previdence to remove by aeatn from elass No. 2, Kadesh Kn: fin. School, Saturday, June 10, l'JOo, ; Aiiss Dessie Gantt, one whom we all loved, be it rescl ved: ;':' V 1. That we bow In humble sub mission to Him who does all things well, and pray that this dispensation ol liis providence mav lead us to a truer, more hon w ------ j est purpose in life, and more courageous effort m bringing others to a persoLal Imqwledge of the truth as it is in Christ. 2. That we tender our sym pathy and love to the bereaved father and mother and four brothers, and pray that this great sorrow may work out for them a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 3. That a copy of these resolu tions be tent the bereaved fam ily, codv sent The Star for nub- lieation, and a copy spread on the minutes of our rfuaday School. Class No. 2 Whereas, It has pleased God to remove Irom our midst, in t ie prime and iov of life, our be loved friend aad member of our Golden Links, Miss Dessie Gantt. and. - Whereas. She was a faith fu member of our little band, deen ly concerned for our erood and keenly interested in all phases of our lire and all the orgamza tions of our church whieh made toward the development of a pure ana nappy Christian life and. Whereas. Her own life was a noble example to us, in its strength of character, in its purity, in its energetic devotion to numanity, and in its simplici iy or unristian experience, there fore be it resolved: 1. That the entire membership of the Kadesh Golden Linus mourn her death, not as one whose career is ended, but as one wno nas been called by the in finite, eternal Father, to other suheres where those labors hp. gun on earth may have their full completion. 2. That we return thanks to Almiehtv God for her lifo and her example, which has been an inspiration to many. o. 1 hat we extend our most, heartfelt sympathy to tbe fam ily in their bereavment. Asna cially to the brothers' whom she was so loath to leave. 4. That copies of these resolu tions be sent to the immediate members of the familv and a copy placed on our record. Ullian Dixon. ) LucyBaber. VCon. McGhee. j These resolutions wer hfart,i- ly indorsed bv tha Kadsh day School, of which Miss Da- sie Gantt was a faithful member. The Warm Days of Jiiff 7, . . , 1 11 "!T" . . . . , , 'rW -riiiL,- u Book on California, 66 pages, 78 illustrations. Describe Califernia and the route there. Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Line. This is til A rnnfn nf TV f Itto-1,,,,,1 , " " V W VfBl IfkilU tlon, Chicago, 6.05 p. m. daily. Arrives can rranciHcn t.hn thini iim, i h. dinner. California book sent for 6 cents PCStaee F. A. M llnr nril Pn gm Agent, Chicago, or W. S. Howell, ooi cruauway, a. I. Mr. Will Sulli van. Eorrmpplw rt Shelby, and family will move Irom Marion to Rock Hill next week. y':' Saffgest vacation or rest. Rest has bjen dettaed as a change of work or reiirea'ioa. Now, you will require some preparation, soaetbiig yon kavn't just got. Let us help you out. See us for sujgestlods rtgardirrg jour needs. Its mir business to pay attention to these details. The vacation we would advise you tov take is at our store and get some of the bargains that we are offer ing. You may feel tired and worn out, but if yon can buy a bargain yes will forget all about your feelings, so here is a few of our prices: A few $1.00 shirts going now for 50c. 75c shirts for 403. shirts for 25c, Percals 1 yard wide for Gc. A. F. C. Gingham for 6c. 50c straw hats at 25c. 1 yard wide lawn at 5c. Big lot of fans going at whola sale prices. Only a small lot of the above goods at cul prices. Come early if you aut some of these birgains. i MfiMIIRRY A SilTTI I win win 1 1 w UU I I LLk ' . OABl'OniA. Brith M Vi Hite Aiwa Bought PAINT AND OIL: nfih If Vou'r house needs nninfimr come and see me before you buy juui j-aini,o uiiu oiis. i nave m stock tro (rood br: paint. Kin lochs Paist x-aint one gallon or paint and one gallon of oil makes two gallons of paint icauj lui UU. -"outside writ!1' KURFEES PAINT is a ready mixed paint and eviiry gallon ia guaran teed. I have wagon, buggy and carriage paints rtady for ubo in cans. Floor stains and varnish, keep Terracotta well tubing. :' E; M. B Carinas lonazite Company, MINERS AND PURCHASERS OF ALL GRADES Monazite Bearing Concentraies Mineral Interests Purchased in Desirable Properties, Contracts, awarded on Liberal tm sible miners to operate mines controlled by us We will sample for miners nnrl atit,,,,,. nnnn OF, CHARGE, Ten Dound samnls nf nrT giving the Monazite contents of same, and return the tailings with the refined sample. L. A. GETTYS, Mg'r. SlielToy, IT. C. I'-Box127' Phone No. 10. OUR LOW CASH PRICES." And nice fresh goods are what we are depending unon w our trade brisk during the summer men'r J ffi -0n to eeP fact that, we n tha w J ZZ. l&a:tlS- ..f bese g and t& and we are ryinff hard to riv TraoVt t 2,f ffiarkfitabl P'oduce We are continually getting in roiling. . Something Fresh, REMEMBER That if you wane Stoves, Ranges FurnitnrQ or anything yOU Ded about your holt far? l?? headquarters. ' uuuse or farm that we are Don't forget our Douirlass flarrtr n., ti ivespectfully, j- Cleve Coil m II L Pnwfip ' : w u ui STOKES XO. l, 2 and 3 Lawndale; Cleveland Mills and CW We have a great quantity of heavy smooth top Mason's Glass Fruit Jars, and also extra Porcelain lined Jar Gaps and Jar Rubbers. Fruit pre serving powders, all at prices extreme ly moderate. Crockery Glassware, We have the greatest line of al' kinds Crockery that are to be found in all this country. Being large dealers in this line we are always in a position to secure lower prices than those buy. ing in less quantities. We have relia ble goods, either plain or decorated, and if there are new styles or patterns to be had we have them. W(f can sell you your table Ware or anything that comes in this lino, for a great deal less than you can buy elsewhere. Our line of glassware far surpasses what others show and our prices are safe and say. ing. Too, we have a nice line table cutlery of both steel and silver. TURNING PLOWS. We have a full line Oliver, Chat tanooga and Imperial Chilled turning plows and a full line of rpmiirs Tihc, Harrows, Harrow Teeth, and anything else in farming tools. PRODUCE. is in demand now, most everything in produce is bringing high prices. The Season for selling onions is on now. Bring them along, prices good. barney Bros Fallston, fi C. 09 xss