. : .' - : ! H'. ' "4 . :.. "I t I 1 . :.'J 1 '-&; r If t i f ' M it v h t i i r r, v 41 -it $ : 'I Y h a 1( . 1 ..,. r ' ') u I'1 c ri o e i i i His Savings. ' . Chicago Newt. "I'm going to quit saving," announced . tho bill : clerk. "There's nothing in it. I've just about made up ray mind to squan der iny $15 per week on fine rai ment and riotous living.," "I dislike to hear a naturally thrifty man like you talk in that way," said the cashier, gravely, " You want to bear in mind that the sun of prosperity does not ever shine and that youth passes away. Lay up a decent provi sion for your old age and a rainy day, at .least." "What's the use ?" questioned the bill clerk. ' 'Where will I lay it up ? It's no cinch that the mau behind the magazine gun won't stick me up on the street corner before I get home with it, and if I put it in the bank I may get de prived of it with equal abruptness.-' "Go west to Lonesomehurst, buy acre property, and grow up with tho suburb," suggested the cashier. "I think I see myself," said tho bill clerk. '-Where would J be when they began to pave the boulevard and put in a sewer system ? Not lor little Willie. I'd sooner go east and try to as tonish Wall street." "Have you any Ike insurance 'i asked the cashier. "That's a worse gamble yjt." said the bill clerk. "Insurance is a gamble from start to finish. You talk about graft in the man agement of insuranco companies as if it was something surprising If you don't most everybody else does. What is there surprising about it ? Did you ever know the house to be satisfied with a fair percentage of its rake off ? They say they play a fair game at Monte Carlo and don't grab more than 70 or 80 per cent, of the money that's played, but they've got to show me." "How do you make cut insur ance is a gambled" askbd the cashier. "That's easy," replLd the bill clerk. The ring gives you odds of $1, 000 to $15 that you won't croak after they've got a doctor to give 'em a tip that makes it ? radically a lead-pipe cinch, bu've got to die to wake a win. If you're lucky you may catch a case of Lake Michigan typhoid and be the center of attraction and recipient within forty-eight hours after you've paid your pre mium, but usually you am t lucky. You boil your water and go on paying your bet every six months until you're eighty or ninety years old, and all your friends and relatives have pass ed on before you. Ain't that right V" "You know I never argue with you," said the cashier. "There's no telling about gov ernment bonds," pursued the bill clerk. "I've heard people say that our government isn't going to last twenty years at the rate we, re going to the dogs. The trusts won't do a thing but repudiate." "Have you got much saved now ?" inquired the cashier. "Quite a bunch," replied the bill clerk "but banks are too shaky. I'm going down tomor row to draw out the whole $8 50 and buy me an outing suit." Strike Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes (he hidden rocks of Con sumption, Pneumonia, etc., you don't get help from Dr. King's Discovery for Consumption. J. W. McKinuon, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes; 'i had been very ill with Pneumonia, uuder the care of two doctors, but was gett'mg no better when I began to take Dr. King's New Discovery. The first dose gave relief and one bottle cured me." Sure cure for sore tlrroat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteen at all drug stoiv, price 0c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Soirl Dolr Accoru r t ,-xhlcao. the Ohio State Journal, there is "something do ing" in Chicago. The Journal says that a Chicago newspaper publishes the following interest ing catalogue of events transpir leg in the city by the lake:; ... A death every fifteen minutes. A birth every eight minute and twenty-seven seconds. A murder every seventy hours. A suicide every eighteen hours. A serious accident, neessita-, ting nurse's or physician's Care, every four minutes, A fatal accident every five hours. A case of assault and battery every twenty-six minutes. A burglary every three hours. A hold-up every six hours. A disturbance of tho peace, to attract attention, every six se conds. . A larceny every twenty min utes. An arrest every seven minutes and thirty seconds A fire every hour. An arrest for drunkeness ev ery fifteen minutes. A marriage every twenty min utes. A case for the coroner every threahours. A new building completed tv ery one hour and fifteen minutes. A railroad passenger train ar rives every fifty-six seconds. Sixty passengers, suburbaud and through trains, arrive every second at rail way stations. Seventeen thousand gallons of water a minute pass through the 1,900 miles of city water mains. P has been well remarked, it is not said that after keeping God's commandments, but in keeping them there is great re ward. God has linked these two together, and no man can separ ate them obedience and peace Robertson There is nothing makes a wo man more indignant than to think the street car conductor has forgotten her and then have him come and demand her nickel Women are bettor speakers than men it quantity instead of quality is desired. A Laxative cough bvrui). "A c ld r cdujfh nearly jilwavs pro duces !-i tiMt l t u u tho water nil runs to the eves, iwi.-ic aiiil thniiit instead of Jiassiii out of the system through the liver uml kidney For the want, of moisture the ltowe's heroine ,iy and haril " Kenedy's Laxa'ive Honey and Tar is the original Laxative Couh Syr 11). It meets and corrects the ahove conditions, by, acting as a pleasant eu thartie on the . lmwels exj,els all colds from the system and cures all coughs, crouj), whooping cough, LHGrippe, lmm rhitis etc. For utile by all l)nijiist. wihmiiiiic .non""!' . Statisics show startling mor tality, from appendicifis and per itonitis, To prevent and cure these awful diseases the is just one reliable remedy, Dr. King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery, of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago, says: "They have no equal for Constipation and Biliousness." 125c at all druggist. i ' m l i i i ; i i i i m n . i .jirMM i T 1 i i i i j y m THE IDEAL WIFE Shapes the Destiny of Men The I nfluence of a Healthy Woman Cannot Be Overestimated. Seven-eiphths ; of the ' ..-- aMfjtflJM men in this world marry a woman because she is beautiful iu their eyes because she has the quali ties which inspire admira tion, respect and love. There is a beauty in health which is more at tractive to men than mere regularity of feature. The influence of women glorious in the possession of perfect physical health upon men and upon the civilization of the world could never be measured, liecause of them men have attained the very heights of ambition ; because of them even thrones have been established and de Btroyed. What a disappointment, then, to see the fair young wife's beauty fading away before a year passes over her head! A sickly, half-dead-and-alivo woman, especially when she is the mother of a family, is a damper to all joyous ness in the home, and a drag upon her husband. The cost of a wife's con stant illness is a seriotis drain upon the funds of a household, and too often all the doc toring does no good. If a woman finds her energies are flagging, and that everything tires her, dark shadows appear under her eyes, ber sleep is disturbed by horrible dreams ; if sho has backache, head aches, bearing-down pains, nervous ness, whites, irregularities, or despon dency, she should take means to build her system up at once by a tonic with specific powers, such as Lydia E. I'ink hain's Vegetable Compound. This great remedy for women has done more in the way of restoring health to the women of America than all other medicines put together. It is the safeguard of woman's health. Following we publish, by request, a letter from a young wife. ' Mrs. Bessie Ainsley of 611 South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash., writes: Dear Mrs. rinkham: " Ever since my child was bom I have suf fered, aa I hope few women ever have, with inflammation, female weakness, bearing-down pains, backache and wretched headaches. It affected my stomach so that I could not en joy my meals, and half my time T?as spent m lied. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail. -iminr"" "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable fomiound made me a well woman, and I feel so tfrate ful that I am glad to write and tell vou of my marvelous recovery. It brought me health, uew life and vitality." What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every woman who is in poor health and ailing. Its benefits begin when it s use begins. It gives strength and vigor from the start, and surely makes sick women well and robust. Remember Lydia E. rinkham's Vege table Compound holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of woman's ills. This fact is attested to by the thousands of letters from grate ful women which are on tile in the l'inkham laboratory. Merit alone can produce such results. Women should remember that a cure for all female diseases actually exists, and that cure is Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound. Take no substi tute. If you have symptoms you don't understand write to Mrs. l'inkham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice it is free and alwavs helpful. As a man's other property de creases his stock of dogs increases. Chamberlian's (Jouuh Remedy Acts on Nature's Wln. The most successful medicines are those that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. Take it when yon have a cold and it will allay the cough, relieve the lungs, aid expec toration, open the secretions and aid na ture in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified co its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. Trice, 52 cents. Large size, 50 cents. For wile by Clyde Webb. EffilM.'.ffUETJIWWWmgi.VT-.M linazte Bought. A man has no views. thinks to right his neighbor hold wrong Num,-ous and Worthless. Everything is iu the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. De Witt & Co.. of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to make salve from Witch II izel that is a specific for piles, for blind, bleeding, itching and protrud ing piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases DeWitt's Halve has no equal, This has given rise to numer ous worthless counterfeits. Ask for De Witt's the genuine. Sold "by all Drug gists Almost anybody would rather have a steady job than steady work. ('food advice to women. If you want a beautiful complexion, clear skin, bright eyes, red lips, good health, take Uollister s Rocky Mountain Tea. There is nothing like it. 35 cents. Tea or tablets. H. E. Kendall, We p;iy tho .full value- of. the inon:i.i;o au-.l bay in li rough. It may pny you to give us a trial. Contracts made for the purchase uf sand. I' MONAZITE MINES LEASED OR BOUGHT, A few desirable brat-eho.-, in Uurke county, N. C which we'own will be leased to experienced and responsible miners to worn to sund out for us by the pound; also a num ber of good branches in Creenville county. S. C. We have a few openings ns foremen for first class, hon est miners of large experience: also for a limited number of good troughmeii and gravei raisers. Our N. C. plan of paying premiums fcr a iarre output enables jrond men lo earn high wages and scares if pjor hands. It doesn't require !. genius to make trouble or create a disturb ance. To Cure Cola In One Day Take LAXAIVE BUOMO QUININE tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. (trove's sign ature is on each box. '.Tie. It is hard to get what you want when you don't know what you want. CASTOniA. Beam the i Kind Ycj Have Alwavs Bought 8inatnre cf ' Jtjcecittori y of ice. Call any Saturday (and ONLY OX SATl'KDA V.Si at our oftice opposite Lattimoie's Stable in Shelby, or inquire of John li. McClurd. our N. C. mining superintendent at Wade McClurd's (K. F. D. No. 1 , Cleveland Mills. N. c., or of Oeorge A. Scoville, our S. C. Manager iK. I'. ). n, (i, ("Jreanvil'e, S. C. ) Geo. L. English, Hex A womiti over fails to n.o'ice the failings of o;her women. No Unc teuiant Effects. If you ever took DeW'itt Little Early Kiser's for biliousness or constipation you know what pill pleasure is These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the s stem nfailnlc without pro ducing unpleasant eir'n-K Sold by nil ll.ivlm: tint day jimlilit'il m cxtcinnr of ti s'ntiMif I he lme T. 1. KnlKnf OlevdHnit ciuinty, North Carolina, notice 14 her-!Tfciveh t ) ml ecroii" ljavini( einlms HKHinM tlie stud crime in i.rrte'iu them to us. for purulent, on or l.i-foiv t Jm llihilny nfjulr. l'.. or tHU iiotioc will I", ,i'Hli'a In tin r of their recov ery. All perens JnilelrU'd to iit estate in liereljy notified to make Immndtate n'ftle iiieiit tli the iiudersijjiied. Thin July lull. l'.'.V ANSIE I. VAt.l.S. Ol.At'iiKC. r'AI.L, Kxecutern uf SHELBY, N. C. Operating in behalf of tne National I,iht and Tii.inuu Company. Kybiirn lloey. A Uonicyt. Cures Coldj Prevent Pnoumonla ,' etops tfe cough andheaisjg. GREAT SALE OF Odds Aed Ends Wc have a few odds and ends left 1'ioni our stock of summer goods, and to make room for the enormous stock of fall goods that will arrive in a few weeks, we mark them down the second time to prices that will move, walk and talk. HALF PRICES. A few straw hats left in several of the best shapes. Its big interest lo buy now for next summer. ;:;.oi Hals SI. ;"(.) 2.oi " 1.00 Lou - .50 .?: - .:is ..'lit " .25 0 AT Men and ladies low cut slines at cost, in patent, leat her and tans, several styles in toes and heels. A little broken in size, bn1 great in value. Mens'patent leather bal and ! 'leechers S;.5 now S-J.T5. Tans were 1.00 now :;,( ii i. Tans :;.5 now 'J.75. Tan 25 now 2.05. Black Kids 125 now 1.U5. black kids 1.75 now .25. Ladies viei kid patent tip s:;.iu now 2,25. Viei kid patent tip 2.25 now I Tan Blucher :00 now 2.25. Tan blucher 2.5ii now 2.U0. Ladies white oxfords reduced to ''0 '.)( (oeai values in lawns, dimities, voilles, crepes, :uid on all good dress .Hoods we will run 10 cent values at 5e. 12 -2 and 1 " 'dues at 7 7-2c, 25e Nalih at 1,1 and I-'ii cents. heniciiiber the jdace. ( '"me earh' and stav late. C. i. WEBB. 'K, COS T.