A Test of Education. CLuriotic News. At the University of Chicago there is an instructor, P. J. Mil ler by name, who holds that a diploma should require of a man more of an education than the mere learning, that can be mas tered from text books. He thinks no man who does not possess the marks essential to good charac acter should receive a certificate Of graduation from that institu tion of learning. He has ar ranged a simple catechism de vice to make a test or the char acter of every student who pre sents himself for graduation at the University of Chicago in or der to safeguard against the dis tribution of diplomas among men who are not worthy of them. The caudidate for a degree is confronted with these simple questions and they must be an swered satisfactoaily or else he is denied the coveted honor: Do you see anything to love in a little child t Have you sympathy with all good causes Can yen look straight in the eye of an honest man or pure pure woman ? Will a lonely dog follow you ? Do you believe in lending a helping hand to weaker men ? Do you believe 5n taking ad vantage of the law when you can do so ? Can you be high-minded and happy in drudgery ? Uan you sea as much beauty in washing dishes and hoeing corn as in playing golf and the piano? Do you know the value of time and money ? Aro you good friends with yourself ? Do you ee anything in Mfe be sides dollars and cents, Can vou see sunshine in a mud pile? Can you see beyond the stars ? All the questions must be an swered in the affirmative, except the one about taking advantage of the law, or the student will not be regarded as posessiog a complete education. Tho Columbia State is struck by this new departure in educa tional requirements that Prof. Mi'ler has hit upon, and makes this comment upon it: "certainly trie list or queries will commend itself tr discern mg persons For instance it is plain as can be that the person's education has been neglected whom a lonely dog will not fol low. All dogs have an infallible scent for educated men and will absolutely refuse to follow any other. Be not deceived when you observe a lonely dog follow ing an old darkey whose literary achio cements are restricted to makinsr his 'mark' on a paper. The old fellow is undoubtedly an eduo ited man, though you may haw never suspected it. The dosr knows. ' V1! the other questions, too, ar .rood. There is no tuistak h . ,he failure in the education o n person who does not wash with the same rapture v hi which one 'tears off' rag j: . j. So it is with the person who can't see the sunshine in the mudpile or who can't see beyond the stars, though in the latter cao th a professor seems to over look the fact that as some of the stars ai e closer to us than others almost any person blessed with good eyesight, though ever so uneducated, can see beyond some of the stars. But that is a mere stickling at technicalities. "There is only one point upon which we which we wish to raise an object ion to the professor's catechism theory and to us it seems rather vital. How shall we know whether the person who is being questioned is lying or not ? It is possible that some rascally fellow would not tell the exact trutn in his answers. If Prof. V ' " will now get up soi!!!''!,.,. which will enable one to tell when a man is lying, to tie used in connection with his cu: echisna, there will be no chance of any one going wrong in sizing up the quality of another's cdu cation." . If You Had a Hundred. . One man asked another; "If you had a hundred sheep, would you give fifty of them for God's work?" "Yes, I would." ; "Would you do the same if you had a hundred cows?" "Yes, I would." ': "Would you do the same if you bad a hundred horses?" "Yes, I would." "If you had two pigs, would you give one of them to Cod's cause?" "No, I wouldn't; and you have no right to ask me when you know I have two pigs." It is a great deal easier to say you would give fifty horses to the Lord when you haven't any, than to say you'll give one pig when it is half your present pos sessions. Yet it is the giving of one's property that counts more than the prospective giving out r f one's abundance It is easy to be willing to give what we have not got. Probably if that man had owned ahundred heep. he would have said: "If I had a thousand, I would give half of them; but I cannot spare any of the hundred." Liberality does not always grow in prcpor- ion to prosperity. C M I li j i I r. V MM or Swamp Lands in Demand. Charlotte News. Raleigh, Aug. 5!). At a meet ing of State Board of Education to-day the sale of three thousand acres of swamp lands of Eric Norden, of Wilmington, was au thorized. The lands are in Bladen county, several other options on large tracts will be closed soon. The Colonel's Waterloo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met nis Waterloo, from Liver and Kidney trouble. In a recent let ter, he says: "I was nearry dead, of these complaints, and although I tried my family doctors, he did me no good; so I got a 5oc bottle of your Eltctric Bitters, which cured me. I consider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave you the kowledge to maKe tnem." bold, and u&r anteed to cure, Dyspepsia Bili ousness and Kidney Disease, by all druggist, at 50c a bottle. When a young man worships a girl and she worships, herself, it is truly a case or two souls with but a single thought. WAS AVERY SICK BOY lll'T CI'KKD HY CIIAMltCKLAlN S COLIC CHOLERA AND D1AKKH0KA KENEDY. "V hen my bey wan two years old he nun u very severe attack of bowel com plaint, but by the me of ChaiiilH-rlain's Colic, Cholera Hnd Diarrhoea Remedy we uruugni mm out an right, says Matron Hickoi, of Midland, Mich This remedy can be depended upon in the most severe cases Even cholera infan tum is cured by it. Follow the plain pnnuMi (iirec'ions ami a cure is certain For sale by Clyde Webb. If you tell a woman that a 50 cent article is worth $1.50 she will cheerfully give up 9s cents for it. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and vhich has been, in use for over 30 years, has home the signature of ' and has been made under his pcr- - sonal supervision since its infancy. ary, MUCW. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It, assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomaeli and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of We have arranged vith one of the best Auctioneers In the laod, tn mndar efflclent service, oujing, -mu, . cil;uttUK1ng. This of. lice needs PROPERTY and PROPOSITIONS at business limits Let , hel vou to help yourself and the country. Remember this is no selfish or Individ. ualshon but the public's office where wienw w awnmm piace their prop. ertv and propositions for you and others to make your selections from. Re. member clients receive benefits before there are any profits coming lo Uj) therefore call or send and get your share of the good things goin . W(J establishing local Agents at various places of the most reliable men we cn have recommended so as to be able to give correct data in regard to holding, in different localities. All propositions to bo referred to this office for al before considered finally closed. This is done to avoid disputes and con fusion that might otherwise arise. At Camden we have W. tt. Hough; at Gaff. ney W H. Gooding; at Blacksburg W. J. Moorehead; at Salleys W. M. Smoak; at Hickory T. M. Whisonant; our traveling agent; at Marion, N C. D. Hudgins- at Shelby J. A. Anthony; at Gastonia L. F. Groves; at Lincolnton H-irry E. Read; at Rutherfordton Robt. 3. Eaves. Our business is only in its infamv.'" Some folks are slow about catching on to a good thing, but this U w fault of our office and the public is to be commended for being cautious, from the fact there are a great many humbugs wearing pants over the land, as well as a frock now and then, lou umu jum w, - juu u u.-iuvr un- til you are satisfied your money is safe. We transfer through banks. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. eNTU COMMNV, TT HUMMV TMIT. NEW VOU CITY. XXX00OO0OO0OOOO0COOO oooooooo TILL AT IT, Blanton and Wilkins Still, Leaders the Hardware business. in Our sales are increasing all the time. 'i have had no dull summer months to induce us to offer you special bar gains. But we have the bargains for you just the same, in fact all our goods are marked so low that its a bargain. That accounts for the very large increase in our sales, for which we are truly grateful and wish to thank the public for their very liberal patronage Make our store HEADQUARTERS durirg Home Coining Week and we will entertain you by selling you goods cheaper than you can buy them else where. Give us a call. THE LEADING HARDWARE DEALERS, Yours for Hardware, Land Is The Safest Iratat Id The World, therefore buy land and buy it quick. See how the clouds are rising. A blind man should see there is going to be a heavy shower of prosperity and mon..-y in our long neglected ami abused land of Paradise. Then we hope to sol- more honor and" confidence restored. Our citizens are getting bo they don't care much what they do or say, just so they imagine they see a dollar cuning their way. Such a state of affairs will never produce conSden se or happiness. Tell the truth, act honorable and frown on all those who act otherw lse. And !ei Uj see if we can't do something for the welfare of our country and fellowman. Vou , need not be afraid of this office. We can do you harm but we are striving to Moclients and the country great good. Numbers compliment and commend lour efforts and methods. It is a sorry Individual who will not chip in and help ' push business for the mutual good of the country, let him be Lawyer, IV tor, Preacher. Farmer, Hanker, Mechanic, i racier, mine or Lioarer. 1 ou don't neod to see us to do business. We read, write, cipher, wire, and occasionally make signs. Any language you use suits us. just so you say something, Iveause we know how to call for interpreters. But remmSor we don't claim to be mind readers, therefore place your want and offerings on our list pioriy described with reasonable limits. The long list of property we have to o!K-r you to select from would surprise you. Plenty of it at money making prices. You can buy it and leave it to be re-sold, if you desire. The present owners desire to realize for reason- best known to them. We need your friendship and assistance, are glad to receipt for information and pay for same, if it results ia transactions. J. EDGAR POAG, Broker, ROCK HILL, S.C. "Cuts the Earth to Suit Your Taste." Blanton & wilkins, A New Store, I havt! opeiuM up a new grocery store in Shelby one door below my old stand and just above the wholesale store of the A. Blanton Grocery Com puny. My pui pt.se is to earrv, and I have them now. a complete line of heavy and fancy grorerii' Always Successful. j When indigestion becomes chronic it is dangerous Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ' will enre indigestion and all troubles re ', suiting tlieretruiii. thus preventing Ca tarrh of the stomach. Dr. Newbrough of Leafrne, W Va., says: "To those suf ferinjr from indigestion or sour stomach I would Bay there is no better remedy than Kfxlol Dyspepsia Cure. I have pre scribed it for a number of niv patients j with good success.'' Kodol Dyspesbi ' Cure digests what yon out and "makes the stomach sweet. Sold by nil Drug gists A bachelor may be an object of public derision, but a married man usually frets bis at home. A (J J .irantned Cure tor Piles. Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protrud ing Piles. Druggists refund money if PaZO OINMKNT fails to cure any I case, iiu matter of how lung standing. in ti to i t days. First application gives j ease ami rest ;io(- your druggist hasn't it send 5uc in stamps and it will be I'orwarde ihs .. t paid by Paris Medi O , S Mo. Lur's MCA WANTED l FLOUR A SPECIALTY. HESTriUCES FAID FOR CUT AND UNCUT MICA. My -ld custoiii.-i-s ;md every person wai value receiwd f,ir their money will receive a --HH';ind satisfaetinnat niv store. Wr!- GOOD MICA BOUGHT L Til Bring1 Mica to the Doc Putnam Double Shoal 3. n. t K BLOCK. mine near Double Shoals Mining Go,, DOUBLE SHOALS, N, C, iNDFLLINGER, lVct'i a Ked ( iov..p Seed. e and i!'v lot of Criniso Don t alia Ml'lf .y HI Pain from a Burn Prorrotly Relieved by Chamberlain' Pain Balm- A little child of Michael Strauss, of Vernon, Conn., was recently m great pain from a burn on the hand, and as cold applications only increased the in flammation, Mr Strauss came to Mr James X. Nichols, a local merchant, foi wnnethinir to stop the pain. Mr. Nich- ols says: "I advised him to use Chain berlain'a Pain Balm, and the first ap plication drew out the in flam ma lion and jtave immediate relief I have uwl this liniment myseli and recommend ii very often for cute, barns, strains and lauae back, and have never known it to disappoint," For sale by Clyde Webb A man's actions are seldom as good-as the sample submitted. Bj, t, Von Hava Wways Bought A grocer who sands his suf,rar has more grit than pnnciplo. Best For Children. Mothers, be careful of tho health of hour children Look out for coughs, colds, croup, anil whooping cough Slop tnem in nine one .Minute Lough Cure is the Iwst remedy Harmless and pleas ant, Contains no opiates. .Sold by all uruggisM Fortunate is the man who is a hero to his wife. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, treat all cus safe business Are you lacking in strength and vig or? Are yon weak? Are you in pain? Do you feel all run down! The blessing of health and strength come to all who use boUister s Rocky Mouutain Tea 35 cents. 11. E. Kendall. Even the brunette insists upon having fair treatmennt. Rheumatism, gout, backache, acid poison, are results of kidney trouble. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea goes directly to the seat of the disease and cures when al1 else fails 8.r) cents. II. E KcffiM With amino resources this Hank is prepared to tomers with the utmost liberality consistent with methods. Small depositors receive the same courteous consideration as those having larger accounts. Your account, whether a borrower or a depositor, respectful v solicited. y THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SHELBY, B. BLANTON, A. C. MILLER, 0. E. FORD, H. F. SCHENCK, J. D. LINEBEROER, CHAS. C. BLANTON, GEO. BLANTON. DIRECTORS. 1 ore 1 1 SEE M E. tie M.v toek of Druo-.s, . . 1 1 i-s always Hint, Oil Mild Toilet (',,mlte. Call and see me. Ai- PAUL WEBB. Prescription Druggist, Phone 21. Institute lor Young r0nT.Vnv;.nVPEACE lory oi I Music. Tha I RAIIIOH for Your College Courses HUh Stindtri Catalogue TREE To Cure a CoM ; iauvftJSromo Qui Take rSevenlffilion boxes told .in past 1 2 in rnontt. nffieTablets. Curt Crip To This wo Dys on every signature, box. 25c

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