I wit XX NO SO SHELBY, N. C FRIDAY, APRIL 14 1911. $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Cpic P.IVC in FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH tiLL HELP BUY A $2,500 PIPE I . i.j ihrhnrrh Members Raise loviceuMit v..--- quai Amount-Subscriptions Being Made Rapidly finishing ;u((,es Are Being Added to the lurch. has just been made public Mr. Andrew Carnegie bas ontedto give $1,250 to the Baptist cburch of this pl&Cd equal amount will be raised be eongrefcaiion. Several emen have guaranteed that amount will he subscribed ly and steps will be taken idiately toward the pur esf a $2,500 ppe orgaa to nstailedin the new churca llicg which is receiving the bing touches and which cost h neighborhood of $40 000. committee in charge of the iructiou of the church has in communication with Mr. egie for some time but only insly got a reply to their ic es. Afier Mr, Carnegie d it- red thai the cause was a lb) on?, application blauk.s forwarded to thecommittee e were filled out and return- The request was considen d rabiy ty the gentleman in sre of the (locations cf this and news has just ben re d that Mr. Carnegie will kte the $1,250. His generous is deeply appreciated by tho cb and subscriptions to mako the other $1,250 are being 3 liberally. Rsv. C. A. Jn is pastor. mshiig touches arc L-eirg d to the church and it is d that it will brf ready for May 15. Recently the art Swindon arrived and liry indeed handsome designs expert decorator has bem fcged to decorate tho icterior s. The carpet and seais Lave red and as soon as the walls finished they will be put i. Elabcralededicationsir- swill ba arrausod la.er. HR. KELLER DEAD Mnent Young Han Died At s Hountain Odd Fellows fer Services. Ir. William Keller, a promin- jonn? man cf Kings Moun ted at his home there tbis i'i as a result of cancer of the He wis single and 28 vears ge. Mr. Keller was one of nost prominent vouns- men that city, being an active rch worker and all round i hearted gentleman, He a member of the Odd Pull HOTS Fife No. 1 fift ftnr1 TlcA M nA K- Kendall and Mr. W. J. !7 went down from Shelhv tn idact the funeral. Mr. Kenda'l ;i,g charge of the ceremony sjici supervisor of the Old s. As an evidence of tha "& man's popularity, a great a attended the funeral which s conducted by the pastor cf I oaptist church of which he P member. &"9aqement fa announcement of unusual ';eSt tO Shelbv HPnnlo tnnlr pinCharlotte this week when Uarles KlnrmAi w in. faced the enpnnmenf. nt n,. pter, Miss Bertha to Mr. Williams Kendrick, the TK W take place there 6venlno An.iiio' - Jrick.ia originally from lD7 and is a prominent busl- r""" Charlotte, being a HOW THE UNLORD TREATS HIS RENTERS ANSWER TOCHARQE AGAINST TENANT SYSTEM. Don't Throw a Tenant Off Your Land to Become a Hired Hand. Because Your Land Goes Down I Is Because You Are Oppressive in Rents and Constantly Change Your Renters. (J. D. Morris, Fallston.) It has been urged by many writers that the present tenant system is unprofitable, and have also advised the land owners to make the tenant a hired hand, or in other words not rent him any land, thus forcing; him to become a hired laborer. Now do you think this is reasonable and just ? Because there are some very incompetent and un worthy men who butcher up a man's land, shall you oppress every man who has no land of his own, who must look to the farm for his living ? You will be free in your arguments of free moral agency, to let every tub stand on its own bottom, then let the incompetent work under the master's direction as a hired la borer until he is competent of directing a little farm of his own. So in like manner let him who has done well, who ha3 proved himself competent, not be submerged in the water because the other fellow could not swim, but errant unto him the rights and privileges of a good citizen i and farmer, because they justly i belong to him as an individual, I and will stimulate him to higher j aspiration on the farm and will j be an incentive to raise the; standard of those less fortunate. Now sir, you complain that the renter has been an idle dooless ; and even careless and no count, ' good for nothing fellow because the land you rented to him has , gone down. He has not made j terraces, put in possibly 'a half j or a mile of tile to drain that swamp, the old rail fence has ; rotted, and gone down and he has not, made any rails to repair, it, and the house has gone down j some, and all this been going on f before your own eyes for years, i years and years, and you have not complained until now. You j have been long .suffering andj have borne-it just as long as you could stand it, haven't you ? But unlike the patient Job you J must complain. Let's stop a mo- j ment and try to locate .the , trouble. Why did you allow the . Devil to ran riot on your land so long ? Yow saw the place sev-1 eral times a year. You were J prompt to call for your rent and you got it. Will this help you to ' solve the problem ? You remember six years ago, 'Tim Pinigan" came to rent and you sounded your conscience to tVin hnttnm. nnd said vou could j have the place for one thousand ' pounds of lint cotton, and added j "Tim," lam really anxious to get you on that farm, been hoping since I heard of you to 1 get you on that place and will 1 give you a good chance. "Tim" ' comes, is a good tenant, makes ' a good crop, pays your rent, has ' a bit left for himself. About this 1 time "Ike Snickleson" comes 'along and says, I'll give you J twelve hundred pounds lint cot cotton for that place where "Tim's" on. Bells begin to ring in your ears, you put conscience in a new made casket and bury him and say, yes, you can have ' the dace next year. You run "Tim" off. put "Ike" on. Thus for a pittance more rent, year 1 after year, put one off and put SAIN SHOOTS SAIN Plato Sain is Shot by Luther Sain at Carpenter's Knob A Shot Gun Used Debating Society at St. Peter's Church - Other Items From No. 10. April 4. Thj farmers of this sec' ion fra very buy row pre paring for a big crop and corn planting wl'l Foon be in order of h" day. The fruit is nearly all killrd bu', the cu'look for the berry cr p, our old stand by, i9 good and th re- is no fear ct a famine Plato Sain, son of Joseph Sain, was shot and seriously in jured bv Luther Sain late Sun day evennc at thelaUer's home near Carpenter's Knob. Full particulars cannot be learned but all parties were drinking beavi ly. Prom particulars learned it seems that Plato Sain and Wins InwMauney were pass'ntr and Luther Siin ordered them off his premises anr for some reason emptied the contouts of h:s shot gun into Plao Sam's back and pida. Hois in a serious condi tion, soma fi'itv or more shot having 'ak'n t fleet. The younsr men of the coTmun i'y hive organized a debating society at St. Peter's school hnus-i. Much interest has been rnnnifestcd and larre crowds an1 a'tr-ndirg every debate. Mr. J. C Mull, the efficient beeper of the county home visit el in our midst Saturday and Sunday. Mr.. J. L. S'uHh of Shelby vis ited his old home last week. Rev. W. M. Gj'.d tilled his re tru'ar monthly appointment at Cn or.fpr's Grove Sunday. The ondav Sivool will be organized s;-coud Sun. 'ay. Mr. L Z Huffman, our ncrriy el-c'f.d squire, wishes to an ii' urc? to the younsr people that h" is ready and waiting to per f -rm :hat ma riage ceremony. Easter Service. Mr. J. T. Porter asks us to announce that there will be preaching at Buffalo Baptist church at Stubbs on Easter Sun dav, April 16, at 11 o'clock by Rev. T. G. Porter. His subject is on the suffering and death of the Son of God. Everybody is invited to hear this fine sermon Easter Sunday. another on, till as we have stated before, the farm is in such a di lapidated condition the poorest negro refuses to rent it. Mr. Land owner you and your land both are left in the condi tion you justly deserve. You have exacted usury off of the poor tenants, and run a good one off for a sorry one, and run oil a sorry one for one worse, and ex acted such rents that you made sorry tenants of them all. Now, in your delirium you cry down the present system of renting. Sir, it is not so much the system of renting as it is the system of exacting. You have made bad renters of them, then you say they are un worthy, hire them out, let them be hired laborers. Better colon ize them, hadn't you ? They failed and you are as much to blame for their failure as they are. The fruit of the land, the products of the field, are the re sults of the laborer. Be reasona ble with the tenants, so when TOM JOHNSON DEAD rormer Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio and Twice Congressman Passes Away at The Age of 57. Tom L. Johnson, twice Con gressman from the 21st Ohio dis trict and four time's myor of Cleveland, champion of three cent s' real railway fiireand pro minent advocate of the single tax -h "Ories of the late Henry Giorgp, died Tuesday night , at the age cf 57. Johnson once re ferred to himself in a public ad dress as a ' stormy petrel" and this metaphor ap .ly described him and indicated the course of his career. He was one of those men who had an humble begin ning, starting in the Lou'sville street railway office at the age of 15 All through his life he was in a storm Center of politics and finance and it was thus he enjoy ed himself best. He entered in to the stee) manufacturing busi ness and later became miyor of Cleveland on a platform promis ing three oent car fare. He fail edto secure the reduciion in fare but two moaths after ha retired, his successor established the fare as a result of his efforts. He was nominated for gover nor of Ohio by the Democrats but was unsuccessful. DRAWING I OR WEBB Citizens Anxious to Entertain Con gressman Webb Who Will SpeaK at Gastonia on Memorial Day. Washington Dippatch April 11: in a letter which Represent tive Webb received to day from tha chairman of the committee which hv charge of the cere monies in connec'ioa with the Confederate M'jmonal Day ex erchses at Gsonia. Mr. Webb was reminded of a promise to de liver an address at Gastonia on May 10. Mr. Webb promised the committee the cariy party of December ihat he would ba glad to make thesptecb, not knowing that there would ba an extra sas--ion of Ccngnss. However, Mr. Weob will be on haud to deliver ihe princ'pal address. "You are so papular down here." tha lefcicr read, "ttiat we will have to draw straws to see who s ia!l hva the pleasure of entenainiag you while rou are in our towr." fOIND IN WOODS Deranqed Neqro Kills His Mule Be cause it Won't Work Then Strayed Awy. Concealed under the bark of a trew in the remote sections of the words, Sam Palmar, an aged col ored man was taken in.o custody Tufif dy on the plantation of Mr. Charlie Cabincss five miles from town. Pilmer is thought to be mentally unbalanced. A tele phone message from his homo at Mcoresboro says that ho became enrgjd Monday while trying to drive a kicking mula. He took ih? mulo back to his homo tied it to a tree in the yard and killed it with an axe. After thi3 he wandered away aud was not found un'il when he was seen in the woods. Sheriff Wilkins is making application to get him admitted to the hospital for the insane at Greenville. Drainage Meet There will be a meeting of the landowners who are interested in tho drainacre of Buffalo and your rent is paid if he has been' jtg tributaries in the court house faithful to duty he has a bit to ! qat,,rdav mornincr at 11 o'clock. tide him over the hard winter .This is an important meeting as months. Don't expect him to the committee appointed at the fill UJ xxrita'a onrrtTl" xinfVi nuVo' . , x 11 5 mi ma ix v a t, mi i uv.n.o , ast meetine 10 mvesturaie me aa and tie some to his shirt tail to keep them on mother earth through March, and then expect them to roll in a big rent next fall again. ' visability of forming a drainage district along Buffalo will report at this meeting. Everybody In terested la invited and urged to be present. CONDENSED NEWS OF THE GAROLINAS NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA fliEWi 11 mi Happenings In The Two Slates Boiled Down In Brief Paragraphs Tor Easy Readers of The Star The Most Im portant Things of the ffetX Saraed Up. The First Presbyterian church of Charlotte has called Rev. Dr. J. A. Vance, of Chicago, to the pastorate. Dr. Vance is a native of Tennessee. R. M. Jarvis, formerly a de puty sheriff in Buncombu county, died suddenly Friday, morning while eating breakfast at his home in Asheville. Gov. Kitchin has off .-red $100 reward for the unknown murder er of alia Gaddy, colored, whose dead body was found in a trunk at Hamlet March 19th. Earl Hoover, the 13-year-old son of Briles Hoover, living? miles from Asheboro was ac cidently shot last Thursday af ternoon by his brother, Hal Hoover, dyiug in about an hour. Chas. Murphy, who killed John Simmons in Yancy county last December, was convicted of first degree murder in 'Yancy county Suponor Court last week and sentenced to die Juno 30. Mr. William Howell, known as; "War Bill" Howell because he had served in tho Mexican and I ulian wars, died In Wayne coun ty a few dys ago at the alleged authenticated age of 105. He was active in farm work up to a recent illness. Hickory Democrat: J. W, Ben- fijld, who has a wife and two children living here, has been arrested at Lemon City, Fla., pending trial on the charge of bigamy. It is learnel here that he was married there some tr-ie ago to a young woman of good famtly Miss Maud Lewis. Elections have bean ordered in Craven and Robeson counties on the question of establishing farm life schco's. As the counties in which these schools are establish ed must give $25,000 for build'.rgs and $2,500 annually for mainten ance It is necessary to vote a special tax for this purpose. En route to her home in Union, S. O. to make arrangements for the burial of her husband, at whose bedside she had remained until death casa at7 o'clock Mon day, Mrs. M. Y. Dunlop died suddenly as the train was near Ing the destination. Both hus band and wife passed within two hours. The commission form of govern ment was defeated at Winston Salem Monday by a majority of 106, the total vote- being cast 1.003. ' ' Store Entered The dry goods store of Wray Nix Company was entered by a burglar sometime Sunday Dight by breaking a glass in the base ment window. About 1 15 was taken from the cakh drawer and an unknown quantity of clathing from the counter. Mr. Nix had left some money and statements rolled in the cash drawer. Mr. Wray put other mousy in the safe and not knowing what the roll was. left in the drawer. When Mr. Nix looked for his roll and statements to finish col lecting, he missed the money. ; A pair of pants was dragged near the window where the thief went out. There is no clue. W read that opinions are di vided on thoh&rem skirt. Yes, bifurcated, GENERAL NEWS OF WORLDBOILED DOWN IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS CONDENSED FOR BUSY READERS General News of the Entire Country Boiled Down in Briet Paragraphs For Busy Readers -Most Important Events ef the Entire Country Sum ' marked From Great Daily Papers And Served Fresh to Star Readers. A hail and wind storm in the entreme southwest section of Texas, last week, destroyed much property and among the damage it is reported that 300 goats were killed by hail in one locality. Considerable damage is report ed from Livonia, Ga., as a result of a hail and wind storm which swept that section Sunday. Craig Lippincott, head of the publishing house of J. B. Lippin cott Company, and prominent in the financial and social life of . Philadelphia, committed suicide last week by shooting himself. The Georgia prison commission has recommended to Governor , Brown that he grant an uncon ditional pardon to Thomas Edgar Stripling, the former police chief of Danville, Va., who killed a man in that State 14 years ago and escaped while being taken to the penitentiary. His fate now rests with the Governor, Thirteen women will hold im portant municipal offices in Colo rado as the result of last Tues day's . elections. . Pueblo, the State's second largest city, elect ed a woman auditor and Leal ville, Telluride, Idaho Springs, Greely and Montrose elected women treasurers, as d!d the small towns of Fair Play and Rideway. There are four women members of the Colorado legis lature and one of the commission ers of the county of Denver is a woman. At Fort Worth, Texas, last week, Mrs. T. M. Brooks was ac quitted of the murder of Mrs. Mary Binford January 16 last, acquittal being en the ground of insanity. Mrs. Brooks who is the wife of a well knorn local attorney, during the . rush hours . of shopping went to a large de partment store, where Mrs. Bin ford was employed, and deliber ately shot the woman to death, firing a number of bullets into hervictim's body while the latter struggled to get away. The kill ing was coldblooded murder. Throe negrees were lynched at Ellaville, Ga., early Saturday morning.They were in jail await ing a preliminary hearing on the charge of murdering a white man. At Lawrenceville, Ga,, Friday night a negro charged with criminally assaulting a white woman was taken from jail and lynched. Kendall's Opening The formal opening of Mr. Henry E. Kendall's handsome new soda fountain to the public was a delightful affair. Tho store was decor ated, with ferns and flowers, the clerks, Messrs. Carl Carpen ter and Ben Roberts were dress ed in immaculate white coats, four young ladies, Misses Mar garet McMurry, May Kendall, Mabel Quinn and Bertie Lee Sut tie served and a colored orches tra furnished music. Several hundred guests were served the well-known Brannon-Hahn cream made in Charlotte while souven irs in the form ol pretty pin trays were given to the ladies. The occasion was delightful in every waj and presages a big patron age of the new fountain this season.